In The Matter of Magnus, Mabee & Reynard, Inc., in The Matter of Hurdman & Cranstoun, Percy C. Magnus, 311 F.2d 12, 2d Cir. (1962)

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311 F.

2d 12

In the Matter of MAGNUS, MABEE & REYNARD, INC.,

In the Matter of HURDMAN & CRANSTOUN, Percy C.
Magnus, Appellant.
No. 172.
Docket 27813.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued October 25, 1962.
Decided December 6, 1962.

Corcoran, Kostelanetz, Gladstone & Lowell, New York City (Boris

Kostelanetz, Jules Ritholz, Jon H. Hammer, New York City, of counsel),
for appellants.
Morton L. Ginsberg, Asst. U. S. Atty., for Southern Dist. of New York,
New York City (Vincent L. Broderick, U. S. Atty. for Southern Dist. of
New York, and David R. Hyde, Asst. U. S. Atty., on the brief) for
Before LUMBARD, Chief Judge, and SWAN and MOORE, Circuit
LEONARD P. MOORE, Circuit Judge.

This is an appeal from an order denying the quashing of Internal Revenue

Service summonses issued on June 19, 1961, under Section 7602 of the 1954
Internal Revenue Code, directed to Magnus, Mabee & Reynard, Inc. (the
corporation) and to Hurdman & Cranstoun (the accountants), requiring them to
produce certain records relating to Percy C. Magnus and Margaret A. Magnus
(the taxpayers) whose tax liabilities are under investigation. This is the second
time these summonses have been before this court on a motion to quash. The
first attack on the summonses was made by the taxpayers who moved to quash
the summonses on June 29, 1961. Their application was denied by Judge
Dimock on July 14, 1961, and reargument was denied (D.C., 196 F.Supp. 127).

The taxpayers appealed. The decision below was affirmed in an opinion by this
Court on February 13, 1962. (2 Cir., 299 F.2d 335). Petitions for rehearing and
rehearing in banc were denied. A stay was granted on April 4, 1962, by Mr.
Justice Harlan pending application for a writ of certiorari. On April 10, 1962,
ten months after the summonses were originally issued, an indictment was filed
charging Percy Magnus with tax evasion and failure to file returns. Thereafter,
certiorari was denied by the Supreme Court on June 11, 1962 (370 U.S. 918, 82
S.Ct. 1556, 8 L.Ed.2d 499). The corporation then sought on July 17, 1962, to
stay enforcement and quash the summons directed to it, and the taxpayer Percy
C. Magnus sought similar relief against the summons directed to the
accountants. Both applications were denied in an opinion by Judge Dimock on
September 19, 1962, and it is this ruling that is the subject of this appeal.

The appellant corporation is not the taxpayer. The records specified in the
summons are the corporation's, not the taxpayer's. From a procedural
viewpoint, the petition to quash the summons directed to the corporation was
made only by the corporation. The accountants to whom the other summons
was directed made no motion to quash. The petition, in effect on behalf of the
accountants, was made by the taxpayer himself. The appeals are taken by the
corporation as to the summons directed to it and by Percy C. Magnus as to the
summons directed to the accountants.

The background facts reveal that the taxpayer Percy C. Magnus who owns 80%
of the stock of the corporation did not file income tax returns for the years 1948
through 1957 or pay any income taxes during this period. After investigation
had been commenced, Percy C. and Margaret A. Magnus, his wife, filed
delinquent returns for these years which disclosed a gross income for these
years in excess of $1,280,000. The primary source of this income was derived
from the corporation; the accountants, using the corporation's books, prepared
the delinquent returns. Through the issuance of the summons, the revenue
agents sought to obtain access to the corporation's books to ascertain what
taxes, if any, should have been reported by the taxpayers for the years in
question and to relevant papers, records or documents used by the accountants
in preparing the returns. The summonses were issued some ten months before
the indictment was returned. They were issued by a Special Agent just
beginning his investigation of the taxpayers' returns, at a time when no final
conclusion had, or even could have, been made as to whether criminal action
was indicated. However, due to delays resulting from appellant's efforts to
prevent compliance, the government was forced to secure an indictment against
the taxpayers before the summonses could be enforced in order to prevent the
statute of limitations on criminal prosecutions from running. The question
before us is whether the right to enforcement under those circumstances is

thereby nullified and the government forced to resort solely to Rule 17 of the
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Section 7602 authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate to issue a
summons for the examination of books, papers and other documents and

"For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of any return, making a return
where none has been made, determining the liability of any person for any
internal revenue tax or the liability at law or in equity of any transferee or
fiduciary of any person in respect of any internal revenue tax, or collecting any
such liability, * * *."

The taxpayer, Percy C. Magnus, claims that, since he has been indicted, albeit
some ten months subsequent to the issuance of the summonses, the
investigative power of the government must be limited exclusively to the
discovery and inspection provisions of Rule 17 of the Federal Rules of Criminal
Procedure and that once an indictment has been returned, service or
enforcement of such summonses is absolutely foreclosed. For this proposition
appellant relies heavily on United States v. O'Connor, 118 F.Supp. 248
(D.Mass.1953) and Application of Myers, 202 F.Supp. 212 (E.D.Pa.1962).
O'Connor involved a summons directed to an accountant of the taxpayer under
investigation. A Special Agent had completed his investigation, turned his
report over to higher authorities and an indictment had already been returned
when the Special Agent issued a summons against the accountant. The Special
Agent there admitted that the summons was for the purpose of criminal
prosecution and that he had no matter involving the taxpayer presently pending
before him when the summons was issued. In denying a government petition to
enforce the summons, Judge Wyzanski was of the view that the pre-trial
discovery powers of the government in criminal cases was severely limited and
that the primary body for the compulsory disclosure of documents before trial
is the Grand Jury. He further stated that:

"To encourage the use of administrative subpoenas as a device for compulsory

disclosure of testimony to be used in presentments of criminal cases would
diminish one of the fundamental guarantees of liberty. Moreover, it would
sanction the perversion of a statutory power. The power under 3614 [now
Section 7602] was granted for one purpose, and is now sought to be used in a
direction entirely uncontemplated by the lawgivers." (118 F.Supp. 248, 251).

The Myers case, which involved a summons issued several days before the

criminal prosecution was set for trial, is of a similar effect.


Under the Federal Rules, discovery by the government is quite limited. Rule
16,1 the general discovery provision, applies only to defendants. Rule 17(c)2
was not intended to provide an additional means of discovery, but rather was
meant to establish a liberal policy for the production, inspection and use of
materials at the trial. Bowman Dairy Co. v. United States, 341 U.S. 214, 220221, 71 S.Ct. 675, 95 L.Ed. 879 (1951).


As the Ninth Circuit in Boren v. Tucker, 239 F.2d 767 (1956) made clear,
where there is a possibility of tax fraud, the taxpayer is faced with either a 50%
penalty or a criminal prosecution or both. In investigating whether a fraudulent
return changes the taxpayer's liability, the Internal Revenue Service must weigh
the possibility of criminal prosecution.


The mere securing of an indictment does not conclude the task of the
examining revenue agents. The Secretary or his delegate is charged with the
responsibility of "making a return where none has been made" and verifying
such returns as have been filed. The necessity of determining the correct tax
liability and whether a 50% penalty for fraud should be imposed does not cease
when an indictment is obtained because regardless of the outcome of any
criminal trial, the tax and the penalty may still be payable (Helvering v.
Mitchell, 303 U.S. 391, 58 S.Ct. 630, 82 L.Ed. 917). If a taxpayer were
permitted to challenge every summons issued to a third person who might have
books, records or information relating to the ascertainment of tax liability, the
government's search for data to establish the truth or falsity of returns or the
proper tax if no returns were filed would be completely blocked. 3 Adequate
protection against violation of taxpayers' constitutional rights is afforded by
safeguarding their own records against illegal search and seizure and by
enforcement of the law against self-incrimination. However, to hold that
information cannot be obtained under Section 7602 merely because it may be
used in criminal proceedings would virtually write that Section out of the
statute. Nor is there any conflict here between Rule 17 and Section 7602. They
are not mutually exclusive. Each was designed to serve its own purpose. If the
question of abuse of legal process arises, as the court may have believed to have
been present in the O'Connor case, the courts can deal with such situations.
Certainly such facts are not present here.


To prevent enforcement of such summonses because compliance was resisted

for such a lengthy period that the government was forced to return an
indictment to prevent the criminal statute of limitations from running would
encourage litigants to resist such summonses wholly for the purpose of delay.

Without questioning the reasons for appellants' tactical efforts in this case, the
fact remains that to quash the summonses under these facts would lead to that
result. The appellants here failed to file any returns until September, 1959, for
the years 1947 through 1957, subsequent to the commencement of an
examination into their affairs by the Internal Revenue Service. The summonses
as originally issued came well within the purposes designated in the statute, and
we deem the time of issuance to be the significant date on which to base a
determination of the validity of a Section 7602 summons.

The government argues that the corporation has standing only to raise
objections directly affecting it and that the taxpayer, Percy C. Magnus, has no
standing to quash summonses served upon third parties when the summonses
do not require the production of the taxpayer's property. Here the corporation
would have standing to object to the enforcement of a summons issued for a
purpose outside of the scope of 7602, to enforcement which would constitute
an unreasonable search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment and to such
vagueness in description of papers and documents as would prevent
compliance. In addition, third parties "have the protection always accorded to
them by the courts which limit burdensome subpoenas, restrict them to relevant
material and refuse to permit unwarranted searches and seizures." Application
of Magnus, 299 F.2d 335, 337 (2 Cir., 1961), cert. denied 370 U.S. 918, 82 S.
Ct. 1556, 8 L.Ed.2d 499 (1962). However, the facts do not support objection on
any of these grounds.


The taxpayer has standing to object only if the use of the summons is an
impermissible ruse to obtain the taxpayer's books and records or other material
or information in violation of the taxpayer's constitutional rights. Again,
however, no facts have been adduced by the taxpayer to show any such
purpose. To the contrary, as previously mentioned, the summonses were issued
some ten months before the indictment.


One additional problem is presented for disposition on this appeal. The

summons issued against the corporation is extremely broad. It calls for the
production at the office of the Internal Revenue Agent of the following books
and records for the years 1947 to 1957: (1) General Ledger; (2) General
Journal; (3) Cash Receipts Book; (4) Cash Disbursements Book; (5) Bank
Statements and Cancelled Checks; (6) Stock Certificate Book; (7) Minute


However, we cannot be certain of the exact direction of the agent's search at

the present time. The judge below, in anticipating this problem, indicated that if
satisfactory arrangements could not be made by the parties, "an application for

directions can be made to the court." We think this is the best way to deal with
this situation. A considerable degree of discretion should be vested in the
district courts to work out the appropriate limitations on which records are
subject to investigation and the best location of such an inspection for all
concerned. It may well be that the examinations can be conducted at the offices
of the corporation and the accountants. If the parties are unable to agree, the
district judge is empowered to find that solution leading to the most efficient
examination of such records consonant with the least possible interference with
the everyday conduct of the corporation's business.



Rule 16 provides that:

"Upon motion of a defendant at any time after the filing of the indictment or
information, the court may order the attorney for the government to permit the
defendant to inspect and copy or photograph designated books, papers,
documents or tangible objects, obtained from or belonging to the defendant or
obtained from others by seizure or by process, upon a showing that the items
sought may be material to the preparation of his defense and that the request is
reasonable * * *."

Rule 17(c) provides that:

"A subpoena may also command the person to whom it is directed to produce
the books, papers, documents or other objects designated therein. The court on
motion made promptly may quash or modify the subpoena if compliance would
be unreasonable or oppressive. The court may direct that books, papers,
documents or objects designated in the subpoena be produced before the court
at a time prior to the trial or prior to the time when they are to be offered in
evidence and may upon their production permit the books, papers, documents
or objects or portions thereof to be inspected by the parties and their attorneys."

"A taxpayer may refuse to file any return whatever and take his chances; in that
case he can stand upon his constitutional privileges against producing any
evidence against himself. But, when he files a return, he subjects his affairs to
the scrutiny of the Treasury, which cannot otherwise check his statements. That
repeated scrutiny may become very irksome nearly everybody knows from
experience; but no constitutional difficulties arise, none at least unless the abuse

is far more crying than here." (Bolich v. Rubel, 2 Cir., 1933, 67 F.2d 894 at p.

LUMBARD, Chief Judge (concurring).


I concur with my brothers in affirming the ruling below and in their resolution
of the substantive issues presented on this appeal. Because I am troubled by the
growing practice of attempting to impede tax investigations by a series of
oppositions to the government's subpoenas, I deem it advisable to state my
views regarding the standing of these appellants to raise the objections which
they assert.


The corporation objects to enforcement of the summons served on it on the

following grounds:


"1. Enforcement of the summons is sought for a purpose outside the scope of
the statute authorizing the use of the summons;


"2. Enforcement of the summonses [sic] would permit pretrial discovery in

violation of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure;


"3. Inspection of the corporation books would violate the provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code regulating such inspections;


"4. The description of the documents in the summons lacks reasonable certainty
and the documents described are not material and relevant to the inquiry."


Brief for Appellants, pp. 3-4. The taxpayer objects to enforcement of the
summons served on the accountants only on the first two grounds stated. Since
each appellant has standing to assert only those objections which affect rights
personal to it or him, I would hold that the corporation has standing to raise
grounds (1), (3), and (4), above, and that the taxpayer has standing to raise only
ground (2).


It is, of course, appropriate for a party served with a summons of the Internal
Revenue Service pursuant to 7602 of the Internal Revenue Code to object to
its enforcement on the ground that the Service has exceeded its statutory
authority; the Service has only that power which the statute confers. See Foster
v. United States, 265 F.2d 183, 187 (2 Cir.), cert. denied, 360 U.S. 912, 79
S.Ct. 1297, 3 L.Ed.2d 1261 (1959); Hubner v. Tucker, 245 F.2d 35, 39 (9 Cir.

1957). Since the first objection asserts that the summons served on the
corporation exceeds the authority conferred by 7602, and the third asserts that
the summons disregards the limitation on that authority expressed in 7605(b)
of the Code, the corporation has standing to raise both of those objections. It is
also proper for the corporation to raise the fourth objection, which pertains to
claimed rights of the corporation itself. As we said at an earlier stage of this
protracted litigation, third parties who become involved in tax investigations of
another "have the protection always accorded to them by the courts which limit
burdensome subpoenas, restrict them to relevant material and refuse to permit
unwarranted searches and seizures." Application of Magnus, 299 F.2d 335, 337
(2 Cir.), cert. denied, 370 U.S. 918, 82 S.Ct. 1556, 8 L.Ed.2d 499 (1962).1

The second ground for objection raises essentially the same issues as the first,
inasmuch as it asserts in effect that the purpose for which enforcement is
sought lies without the statutory authorization. But the right on which it focuses
is the right of the taxpayer to be free of pre-trial discovery by the government
beyond that allowed by Rule 17 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
The corporation has no stake in the conduct of the criminal prosecution against
the taxpayer, and lacks standing to protest against a violation of his rights.
Compare cases in which the taxpayer has been denied standing to assert the
rights of a third person. Eg., Application of Magnus, supra; Foster v. United
States, supra.


The taxpayer has no standing to object to enforcement of the summons served

on the accountants on the first ground above. We have already held that a
taxpayer may not assert the constitutional rights of another sought to be
examined in connection with the former's tax liability. Foster, supra, 265 F.2d
at 187-188. That ruling is applicable here, where the taxpayer claims that a
third-party summons is unauthorized by statute. He does, however, have the
immediate, personal interest necessary for standing to raise the objection that
enforcement of the summons against the accountants will constitute improper
pre-trial discovery in the criminal action now pending against him. Compare
my concurring opinion in Foster, supra, at 189.


Ordinarily, a summons "is personal to the person to whom it is directed and

strangers have no standing either to substitute themselves for the person to
whom it is directed, or to quash it." Albachten v. Corbett, 156 F.Supp. 863, 864
(S.D.Cal.1957). And, as in this case with respect to the summons served on the
corporation, the person summoned can, if he chooses, make an indicted
taxpayer's objection for him in the form of the first objection above. This was
the procedure used in Application of Myers, 202 F.Supp. 212 (E.D.Pa.1962),
and United States v. O'Connor, 118 F.Supp. 248 (D.Mass.1953). But if the

person summoned chooses not to contest enforcement, a taxpayer's rights in a

pending criminal action might go unprotected unless he is permitted to assert
them in the enforcement proceedings. The rules of standing are not so rigid that
a court whose authority is sought in aid of a summons must keep its doors
closed to the taxpayer in such a situation. Neither the taxpayer nor the
government would be well served by postponing until trial a hearing of the
claim that pretrial discovery violated the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure;
at that stage it might be very difficult to unravel properly obtained evidence
from that which, directly or indirectly, was obtained by allegedly unauthorized
means. At least in cases like the present, where the objection is not otherwise
raised, a taxpayer who has already been indicted should be permitted to object
to enforcement of a third-party summons on the ground that enforcement would
permit the government to make unauthorized pre-trial discovery in the criminal
proceeding pending against him. The question whether, in a case where the
third person asserts the objection, the taxpayer must be permitted to intervene
or can be kept out or confined to presenting his views as amicus curiae is not
raised by this appeal.2

Since in my view one or the other of the appellants has standing to raise each of
the objections set out above, it is appropriate for me to record my concurrence
on the merits.


Cases in which the taxpayer was not permitted to object on such grounds to the
enforcement of a summons served on a third person, e. g., Foster v. United
States, supra, are inapposite

In United States v. O'Connor, supra, the third person did raise the objection.
Judge Wyzanski denied the taxpayer the right to intervene but allowed him to
present his views by counsel as amicus curiae

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