Imperial Chemical Industries Limited v. National Distillers and Chemical Corporation, 354 F.2d 459, 2d Cir. (1965)

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354 F.

2d 459
19 A.L.R.3d 492, 148 U.S.P.Q. 107


CORPORATION, Defendant-Appellee.
No. 136, Docket 29830.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued Nov. 18, 1965.
Decided Dec. 29, 1965.

John R. Schoemer, Jr., New York City (Philip D. Pakula, Richard J.

Barnes, and Townley, Updike, Carter & Rodgers, New York City, on the
brief), for plaintiff-appellant.
Edward J. Ross, New York City (Stephen R. Lang, and Breed, Abbott &
Morgan, New York City, on the brief), for defendant-appellee.
Before WATERMAN, SMITH and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
ANDERSON, Circuit Judge:

This action for a preliminary injunction against the disclosure of trade secrets is
before this court for the second time. The basis for the first appeal was the
District Court's denial of the plaintiff-appellant's motion for a preliminary
injunction. On the appeal from that decision this court remanded for further
proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion.1 Thereafter the District Court
held hearings on May 27 and June 16, 1965 and again denied ICI's motion for a
preliminary injunction on the grounds: (1) the ICI did not have a protectable
trade secret, (2) that there was no showing of irreparable injury and the remedy
at law would be adequate if it succeeded at the trial in showing that it did suffer
damage, (3) that the agreements between ICI and National, and the legal action
taken by ICI, raise substantial antitrust questions, and (4) that the disclosures
made by National to Toyo subsequent to the handing down by this court of its

decision on the first appeal render the application for injunctive relief moot.

Dispositive of this appeal is our opinion that the District Court's finding and
conclusion that ICI failed to prove that it would suffer irreparable injury if
National were not restrained from permitting Toyo to retain the disclosures
already made to it and from making further disclosures to Toyo, cannot be held
to be a clear abuse of discretion.

The trial judge repeatedly asked the appellant if it had evidence of irreparable
harm to offer, but little or no such evidence was produced. The appellant
appears to have relied upon a kind of claimed presumption, flowing from a
showing of its wonership of a trade scret, as sufficient for the purpose. While
the existence of a trade secret and the wrongful use of it by the licensee is
evidence basic to proof of irreparable harm, it is by no means conclusive on
that issue and does not operate as a matter of law to foreclose the trial judge
from the exercise of discretion on the application for a preliminary injunction.

Thus, in Foundry Services, Inc. v. Beneflux Corporation, 206 F.2d 214, 216 (2d
Cir. 1953), the court found no error in the trial court's finding that a trade secret
existed, but nevertheless dissolved a preliminary injunction on the ground that
the plaintiff-appellee had failed to show that it would suffer irreparable harm if
the injunction was not granted. Preliminary relief has also been denied where
the harm to the defendant strongly outweighed any benefit that the plaintiffappellant would have derived from the granting of such relief. Schreyer v.
Casco Products Corp., 190 F.2d 921 (2d Cir. 1951), cert. denied, 342 U.S. 913,
72 S.Ct. 360, 96 L.Ed. 683 (1952).

A preliminary injunction an extraordinary equitable remedy and it will be

granted only upon a showing by the applicant that it will probably succeed on
the trial and that it will suffer irreparable injury if the defendant is not
restrained from certain activity pending the trial. Societe Comptoir De
L'Industrie etc. v. Alexander's Department Stores, Inc., 299 F.2d 33, 35, 1
A.L.R.2d 752 (2d Cir. 1962).

The court below was vested with discretion in deciding whether to grant or
deny ICI's application and its denial will not be disturbed on appeal unless it
amounted to a clear abuse of the trial court's discretion. United States v. W. T.
Grant Co., 345 U.S. 629, 633, 73 S.Ct. 894, 97 L.Ed. 1303 (1953); United
States v. Corrick, 298 U.S. 435, 437-438, 56 S.Ct. 829, 80 L.Ed. 1263 (1936);
Carroll v. American Federation of Musicians, 295 F.2d 484, 488 (2d Cir. 1961).
We do not find such an abuse of discretion in the present case.

It is unnecessary to discuss the other grounds relied upon by the court below in
denying temporary injunctive relief. The appellant, however, contends that, in
view of the fact that the trial judge's exercise of discretion rested in part upon
his conclusion that the appellant had no trade secret, this matter should again be
remanded for reconsideration because the issue of whether or not the appellant
actually owned a trade secret had been resolved by this court, and Judge
MacMahon of the trial court thereafter exceeded the mandate from this court by
entertaining and making a new finding and conclusion on that issue.

The original findings included the statement that there was '* * * no unified
description anywhere in the literature of the process, design or operation of
ICI's Mark I stirred autoclave reactor. Although the components of such reactor
are available in the literature, development of the know-how as a totality
successfully and safely to operate a commercial process using such a reactor
based upon information in the public domain would have required vast
research, at great expense in money and time, plus considerable trial and error
over an extended period of time.' There was also a finding that the operation of
the stirrer by an electrical motor contained within the vessel was secret and not
a matter of public knowledge. At the later proceedings held pursuant to the
mandate of this court, Judge MacMahon made a completely contrary finding
and said, '* * * after reconsideration of the entire record on the earlier hearing,
that the design, construction, process and operation of ICI's Mark I autoclave
reactor, i.e., the way in which all of the features are interrelated, the know-how
by which it was done, the method of making it work, the interrelationship of
the parts and their combination, is neither secret, novel, nor unique, and that the
whole concept is a matter of public knowledge.' He went on to say that his
earlier finding had been in error.

At the hearings of May 27th and June 16, 1965, following the first appeal, no
significant evidence was added to what had been produced at the original
hearing; and it is surprising that an error of such dimensions should have been
made, involving as it did, the central issue of the very existence of a trade
secret. The trial judge suggests that he was misled by counsel for both parties.
Nevertheless, it was within the power of the trial court to find that it had been
wrong the first time and reverse itself on the facts. It was the intention of this
court in remanding the case to leave the trial court with a free hand. We pointed
out in our opinion on the first appeal that the trial court had misinterpreted the
contract between the parties and, in the light of a correct construction of the
agreement, an inconsistency existed between the trial court's holding and the
facts which it had found. We did not rule as a matter of law that the facts found
were the only facts which the evidence would support. On remand the lower
court could, on reconsideration, have found the same facts and changed its

holding, or it could have found different facts which were consistent with its
original holding. It is the latter which occurred and there was nothing in the of
the mandate from this court to prevent it.

'Following an interlocutory appeal, decision and remand of the case by the

appellate court, the trial court is, of course, bound to give full effect to the
mandate of the appellate court. But the trial court is free to decide any matter
left open by the appellate court's mandate. And after remand it may correct an
error existing but not raised on interlocutory appeal. * * *'


6 moore, Federal Practice P54.08 (2) (2d ed. 1965). The mandate, of course, is
to be read together with the opinion rendered in the case. See, e.g., In re
Sanford Fork & Tool Co., 160 U.S. 247, at 256, 16 S.Ct. 291, 40 L.Ed. 414
(1895); Federal Trade Commission v. Standard Educ. Society, 148 F.2d 931, at
932 (2d Cir. 1945) (and cases cited therein). But, while a lower court is
generally, if not always, bound by what was necessarily disposed of by any
appellate court,


'* * * the rule is that a judgement of reversal is not necessarily an adjudication

of the appellate court of any other than the questions in terms discussed and


Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Hill, 193 U.S. 551, at 553-554, 24 S.Ct. 538, 539, 48
L.Ed. 788 (1904).


The specific question with which we must deal is whether without receiving
any new evidence which substantially differed from that which he had heard on
the first hearing Judge MacMahon could properly 'reconsider' his findings and
reverse them. We think that, in the facts of this case, where the trial judge had
by his own admission committed error, he could, without receiving any new
evidence, correct that error when the matter was remanded to him for further
consideration on just that point. It is not necessary for us to decide whether he
would have such a power if we had specifically dealt with that matter on
appeal. But in the absence of such circumstances we think it clear that the
District Court was free to correct its error. See, Western States Machine Co. v.
S. S. Hepworth Co., 152 F.2d 79, at 81 (2d Cir. 1945); William Goldman
Theatres, Inc. v. Loew's, Inc., 69 F.Supp. 103, at 104 (E.D.Pa.1946), aff'd 164
F.2d 1021 (3d Cir. 1948) (per curiam), cert. denied 334 U.S. 811, 68 S.Ct.
1016, 92 L.Ed. 1742 (1948). Nor can we say that the 'reconsidered' findings
were clearly erroneous, though it may well be that upon trial on the merits it
will be found that there was in fact a secret.


As it is necessary to remand this case again it should be understood that the

findings of fact made upon the motion for preliminary injunction are not
controlling, and the parties will be free to retry the issues at the hearing on the
permanent injunction which will follow. See, Hamilton Watch Co. v. Benrus
6. Moore, Federal Practice P54.08(2)


In our opinion on the first appeal we found error in the trial court's conclusion
that ICI had waived any right to require National to follow the flexible
procedure provided in the contract for releasing National from the secrecy
limitations of the agreements when through the agency of others a part of the
secret information became public knowledge. We concluded, on the record as it
then stood, that there had been no such waiver. This did not become an issue on
the second hearing and no evidence was presented concerning it, but we now
mention it because in subsequent proceedings it bears upon the matter of the
burden of proof. Thus far, the battle has been principally waged around the
appellant's quest for equitable relief. The burden of proving the propriety and
necessity of that kind of remedial action rests upon the appellants. The
underlying issue, however, is breach of contract. The evidence in the present
record conclusively shows, and it is thus far undisputed, that National failed to
follow the procedure or mechanics required by the contract for its release from
its secrecy obligation as to any part of the information furnished to it by ICI
which subsequently became 'a matter of public knowledge.' If National had
followed the prescribed procedure and ICI had refused the request for release,
National, to pursue its claim further, would have had to prove in the court in
which it sought relief that its request to ICI had been unreasonably withheld.
The burden of proving that it had been thus unreasonably withheld would have
rested upon National, and, absent additional and persuasive evidence to support
a finding of waiver in the trial which is to follow, it cannot by ignoring the
prescribed and agreed upon procedure of the contract, cast that burden upon
ICI. Therefore, on the issue of whether or not National breached the contract by
making unauthorized disclosures in violation of the license agreements, if no
waiver by ICI is found, National has the burden of proving that information
furnished under the agreements had become a matter of public knowledge.


The District Court's denial of a preliminary injunction is affirmed and the cause
is remanded for trial.

Imperial Chem. Indus. Ltd. v. National Distillers & Chem. Corp., 342 F.2d 737
(2d Cir. 1965)

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