Freitag v. The Strand of Atlantic City, Inc., 205 F.2d 778, 3rd Cir. (1953)

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205 F.

2d 778
53-2 USTC P 9628

No. 10729.

United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit.

Argued Feb. 3, 1953.
Decided June 30, 1953.

Kenneth Dobson Miller, Washington, D.C. (William L. Taub, New York

City, on the brief), for appellant.
Alexander Feinberg, Asst. U.S. Atty. for New Jersey, Camden, N.J.
(Grover C. Richman, Jr., U.S. Atty., Newark, N.J., on the brief), for
Before BIGGS, Chief Judge, and GOODRICH and HASTIE, Circuit
HASTIE, Circuit Judge.

This is an appeal by William L. Taub, counterclaimant, from a judgment

entered by the District Court for the District of New Jersey awarding to the
United States, intervenor, a fund under the jurisdiction of the court as a result of
settlement of the initial phase of this litigation.

Prior to 1945, Abraham Freitag, originally designated as plaintiff in this suit,

was the owner of a stock certificate and note evidencing his interest in The
Strand of Atlantic City, Inc., the original corporate defendant here. The note
was payable 'to Abraham Freitag only'. The stock certificate had endorsed on it
the statement, 'The shares represented by this certificate are transferable only
pursuant to the terms of a written agreement dated June 20, 1944'. This stock
certificate and note came into the physical possession of the Collector of
Internal Revenue for the First Collection District of New York as a result of tax

liens filed against Freitag in April, 1945, to secure indebtedness greatly in

excess of any possible value the documents might represent.

In the spring of 1950 there were negotiations for the release of these documents
in the course of which it was represented to the Internal Revenue Bureau that
unless suit were brought promptly the government's security interest would
become worthless by the running of the Statute of Limitations as to the note,
and by laches as to any wrong which might have been done to shareholders by
those who managed the affairs of the corporation. An agreement was reached
pursuant to which the Collector gave up possession of the documents so that
suit could be brought on them, received $2500, and agreed to accept as full
consideration for discharge of the lien that sum plus 25% of any recovery that
might be had on the claims represented. A Certificate of Discharge of the lien
was issued incorporating the terms of the agreement. The record shows Taub as
the moving party in these negotiations, but it is disputed whether the Bureau
was advised that any one other than Freitag had an interest in the stock and

Subsequently this suit was brought in the name of Abraham Freitag, a citizen of
New York, in the District Court for the District of New Jersey against The
Strand of Atlantic City, Inc., a New Jersey corporation, and Emanuel and
Evelyn Solomon, citizens of New Jersey. The complaint alleged that Freitag
was a stockholder and creditor of defendant corporation and that the individual
defendants had used their positions as officers and directors of the corporation
to impair his rights as a stockholder and to endanger his and others' rights as
creditors. The complaint sought immediate appointment of a receiver to protect
all whose interests might appear. The United States intervened, alleging by
virtue of the terms of the Certificate of Discharge a 25% interest in any

Before appointment of a receiver or hearing on the merits of the complaint, a

settlement was reached under which the stock certificate and note in Freitag's
name were surrendered to the Solomons and the corporation, and they in turn
paid $75,000 to the Camden Trust Co., as escrow agent, to hold until an
agreement could be reached among all who might be interested in the fund or
until the District Court should order disposition of it. Pursuant to stipulation of
the parties, the District Court entered an order on October 30, 1950, dismissing
the suit as to defendant corporation and defendants Solomon but preserving the
rights of all others as to each other.

The United States then amended its petition in intervention and claimed, in
addition to the 25% previously claimed, the balance of the fund in partial

satisfaction of a criminal fine of $100,000 which had been levied against

Freitag pursuant to a judgment entered in the District Court for the Southern
District of New York on May 31, 1945 and more recently filed in the District
Court for the District of New Jersey for the purpose of making its lien effective
there. Taub answered the government's petition, admitting the government's
right to 25% of the fund, but denying its right to the balance.1 He alleged that
Freitage was not the owner of the property, which the fund represented, on
October 20, 1950, the date on which the criminal judgment was filed in the
District Court for the District of New Jersey, because the stock certificate and
note had been assigned by Freitag to him on November 30, 1949. On the basis
of this assignment Taub claimed the balance of the fund above the 25%
admittedly due the government. In answer to Taub's claim, the government
alleged that the assignment from Freitage to Taub was 'collusive, fraudulent,
and without true consideration'.

After trial the District Court rendered an oral opinion in which it found that the
Certificate of Discharge was obtained by fraud and was therefore null and void,
so that the tax lien still existed as to the stock and note and therefore as to the
fund which they had produced. The court found further that the assignment
from Feitage to Taub had been in fraud of creditors and was void, and that the
filing of the criminal judgment in the District of New Jersey created a valid lien
against Freitag's property and, hence, against the fund. Upon these grounds the
court ordered the entire fund paid into court by the escrow agent, to be held for
a period subject to claims for fees and costs, and then to be paid over to the
United States. From this judgment, Taub has appealed.

If the first ground for the District Court's decision is sustained the case is at an
end, for the original tax lien, if still in effect, will exhaust the fund. The stock
certificate and note and the claim they represented were released from this lien
by a Certificate of Discharge of Property from Federal Tax Lien, issued under
Section 3674(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 3674(b), and signed
by the Collector of Internal Revenue for the First Collection District of New
York, on April 25, 1950. Section 3675 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C.
3675, provides that 'A certificate of release or of partial discharge issued
under this subchapter shall be held conclusive that the lien upon the property
covered by the certificate is extinguished.' This court has held that this
peremptory and sweeping statutory language can be avoided only by a showing
of actual fraud in the procurement of the discharge. In re Brown, 1943, 138
F.2d 22; In re Bowen, 1945, 151 F.2d 690. The decisive question, therefore, is
whether a finding of such fraud can be sustained on the present record.

We note at the outset that neither in pleading nor otherwise has the government

at any time founded a formal claim to the entire fund on the theory that the
discharge is voidable. However, the government, in its brief here, urges that
under Ruel 15(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 28 U.S.C., we should
treat this issue as having been raised in the court below. Rule 15(b) provides in

'When issues not raised by the pleadings are tried by express or implied consent
of the parties, they shall be treated in all respects as if they had been raised in
the pleadings. Such amendment of the pleadings as may be necessary to cause
them to conform to the evidence and to raise these issues may be made upon
motion of any party at any time, even after judgment; but failure so to amend
does not affect the result of the trial of these issues.'


Before we can sustain the finding of the District Court, we must therefore find
that in substance there has been a trial of the issue and that this procedure has
been authorized by express or implied consent of the parties. Nowhere in the
record does there appear any expression by Taub or his counsel acquiescing to
the trial of the issue. And we find it difficult to determine on the record
whether the parties even regarded this issue as a matter then being litigated.


Cases in which it has been held that an issue was tried by implied consent
proceed in the main on one or more of the following bases: both parties
introduced evidence on the issue, or evidence was introduced by one party and
no objection was raised by the other, or the 'issue' not raised by the pleadings
was in reality only an unanticipated line of proof which served to establish a
duly pleaded ultimate fact.2 Here, the government offered no evidence of fraud
in the procurement of the Certificate of Discharge. The only witness who
testified in any way in regard to the circumstances of the release was Taub. On
cross-examination and questioning by the court, he testified that he had
participated in the negotiations leading to the issuance of the Certificate, and
admitted that he had not informed the government officials in writing prior to
the actual issuance of the Certificate that he was the assignee of Freitag's
interest. He also testified that he had orally informed a Mr. Titman of the
Internal Revenue Bureau, who was the principal negotiator on behalf of the
government, that he had received an assignment of Freitag's interest. There was
offered in evidence a document, signed by Abraham Freitag, drafted as a power
of attorney in usual form, except for reference within the instrument to 'this
assignment' and a statement that the power of attorney is granted 'for the sole
use and benefit of William L. Taub and at his own cost and expense', to
prosecute and settle any claims based on the stock certificate and note. Taub
testified that this instrument was prepared at the request of Titman and
submitted to the Collector in New York at the time the Certificate of Discharge

was issued.3 The trial court obviously considered Taub to be an extremely

unreliable witness. And to that court the granting of the Certificate of Discharge
on the terms allowed here may have seemed such a dubious exercise of
discretion as to suggest strongly either misrepresentation or connivance. But
suspicion is not proof. The doubts which may have been raised in the judge's
mind by his own examination and counsel's cross-examination of Taub,
together with the court's conviction that Taub's self-serving explanations were
untrustworthy would not, without more, establish fraud or even inform the
parties that an unpleaded issue of fraud was not being tried. It is not clear to us
that the parties ever addressed themselves to that issue, particularly in view of
the unequivocal statutory provision that the Certificate is 'conclusive' of the
extinguishment of the lien. Certainly, that was no such clear framing of the
issue and plain proof as is desirable on so grave a matter and necessary to
dislodge the Certificate from the commanding position in which the statute has
placed it.

But in view of the strong impression of concealed wrongdoing created in the

mind of the trial judge and expressed orally after actually hearing the witnesses,
we think that this issue of actual fraud should be pleaded and tried fully, if the
government wishes to press it. Accordingly, the findings and judgment as to
this issue will be vacated, and the cause remanded to the District Court so as to
permit the government to amend its pleadings to raise properly the issue of
invalidity of the Certificate of Discharge by reason of its having been obtained
by fraud and to support that claim by proof if it can and will.


But even if the Certificate of Discharge stands, there remains the separate
question of the validity of the earlier assignment from Freitag to Taub. The
government pleaded that this assignment was 'collusive, fraudulent, and
without true consideration'. At the trial, Taub introduced into evidence an
agreement to assign, dated at New York on November 30, 1949 and signed by
Freitage and Taub; an assignment signed by Freitag and witnessed at the same
place and on the same date, and the power of attorney referred to above, signed
by Freitag and sworn to before a notary public on April 19, 1950 in New York.
Introduction of these documents established prima facie Taub's asserted right
and status as assignee.4


The burden of proof was then on the government to controvert this showing or
to establish that the transaction was in fraud of creditors. The government did
not attempt to deny the execution of the documents. Nor did it produce any
witnesses or data to support its claim that the assignment was in fraud of
creditors. Instead, it sought to establish this fact by cross-examination of Taub's
witnesses and by argument that inferences favorable to its position could be

drawn from all that Taub submitted.


Section 7 of the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act as in force both in New

York and in New Jersey 5 provides:'Every conveyance made and every
obligation incurred with actual intent, as distinguished from intent presumed in
law, to hinder, delay, or defraud either present or future creditors is fraudulent
as to both present and future creditors.'


Suspicion of actual fraud may have been raised by unfavorable impression of

what Taub said and tendered but we have found in the record no substantial
basis for an affirmative finding of fraudulent intent. In the absence of such
proof we think particularly apt the observations of the Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit in Feist v. Druckerman, 1934, 70 F.2d 333, 334:


'In view of the false statement of (the insolvent) as to * * * a vital matter * * *

and in view also of the transfer of property to his wife and son * * * , all within
six months of the filing of the petition in bankruptcy, there is some reason to
hold that an inference of 'actual intent' to defraud creditors 'as distinguished
from intent presumed in law,' should be drawn and that accordingly the
conveyance should be set aside under the provisions of section 276 of the New
York Debtor and Creditor Law (Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act, Sec. 7).
We are, however, inclined to think that the testimony when taken alone was not
sufficient to prove actual fraud, and that a cause of action under section 276 of
the New York Debtor and Creditor Law must fail. * * *


'It seems to us reasonably clear that, if there is not evidence sufficient in itself to
show actual intent to defraud, a conveyance cannot be set aside under section


But Section 4 of the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act provides another

possible way of establishing the government's position:


'Every conveyance made and every obligation incurred by a person who is or

will be thereby rendered insolvent is fraudulent as to creditors without regard to
his actual intent if the conveyance is made or the obligation is incurred without
a fair consideration.'


It seems clear that Freitag was insolvent at the time of the assignment.
Therefore, the only question is whether the conveyance was made 'without a
fair consideration.' Section 3 of the Act defines 'fair consideration' as follows:


'Fair consideration is given for property or obligation: a. When in exchange for

such property or obligation, as a fair equivalent therefor, and in good faith,
property is conveyed or an antecedent debt is satisfied * * * .'


In the District Court and in argument here some point was made that the
assignment itself recited as consideration the payment of $1 from Taub to
Freitag. But clearly this was not meant to be and was not in fact the sole
consideration for the assignment.6 The inclusion of the traditional nominal
consideration may add nothing to the legal effect of the agreement, but it
certainly does not detract. The agreement recites that it is in consideration of
'one dollar in hand paid' and in consideration of 'mutual promises, covenants,
and agreements herein made and to be kept.' After this recitation the agreement
is divided into six paragraphs. Paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 are promises on the part
of Freitag to transfer his rights in and claims against The Strand to Taub and to
take whatever further steps are necessary to assure good title, and a statement
of Taub's right to any recovery against The Strand. Paragraph 3 is an
undertaking by Taub to 'use his best efforts to and (sic) adjust and make
possible an adjustment of the income tax lien and tax liability of' Freitag.
Paragraph 4 is an undertaking by Taub to assert all claims against The Strand
and to secure their adjustment. Paragraph 6 is an undertaking by Taub to
advance all fees and expenses necessary in connection with the adjustment of
the income tax liability of Freitag and in connection with prosecution of the
claims against The Strand.


Were the promises of Taub fair consideration for the assignment by Freitag?
An executory promise may be very valuable. It may be 'property' and 'fair
consideration' within the meaning of the Act.7 Moreover, the bona fides of the
exchange must be determined in the light of the value of the property conveyed
as well as the promise for which it was exchanged. Stokes Coal Co. v.
Garguilo, 1938, 255 App.Div. 281, 7 N.Y.S.2d 414. We turn then to a
comparison of the value of what Freitag conveyed with the value of Taub's


Freitag was hopelessly insolvent at the time of the assignment; apparently he

had no funds with which to prosecute whatever claims he might have against
The Strand; delay for too long might make them completely worthless. In
addition there seems to have been substantial doubt how much the claims were
worth on the merits, and how much of any judgment obtained would prove
collectible. But even with our regard to all that, the documents upon which the
claims depended, the stock certificate and note, were in the hands of the
Collector of Internal Revenue, subject to a lien for a sum greatly in excess of

any recovery which could reasonably be expected. The value of the equity
interest in the hands of Freitag, or anyone else, was zero, so long as the tax lien
continued in full effect. Freitag had no interest in the claims, as a practical
matter, except insofar as their proceeds might reduce the claim of the
government against him.

What more then than he obtained could Freitag have exacted as the price of his
claims? Surely an obligation by Taub to 'adjust' rather than merely to 'use his
best efforts to adjust' Freitag's tax difficulties would have been beyond the
power of a private individual to undertake. Taub's promise to use his best
efforts to secure adjustment of Freitag's tax liabilities, and his undertaking to
expend his own funds in so doing cannot be said to be unfair consideration for
the equity in claims whose speculative value could not be realized without first
obtaining release from a lien which greatly exceeded their total possible worth.8
The fact that it was necessary for Taub to pay $2500 in cash out of his own
funds to the Bureau to get release of the documents emphasizes the
substantiality of his undertakings and of his efforts to discharge them.


The vice in a 'fraudulent conveyance' is that it permits a debtor to deplete his

estate to the detriment of creditors. The assignment from Freitag to Taub did not
deplete Freitag's estate in any practical sense. Freitag's theoretical equity was
worthless in his hands. The Bureau was in a position to exact as much as the
documents were worth and more before giving them up. It did exact $2500 and
the contingent promise of more. Perhaps the Collector did not put the price of
release high enough, in terms of cash or in terms of contingent interest in
possible future recovery, but that is beside the point. The Collector's action
affords no basis for imputting 'unfairness' retroactively in the earlier transaction
between Freitag and Taub. Indeed, it is the government's theory that the
Collector did not even know that Taub had bought Freitag's claim.


The finding and the decision of the court below that the assignment from
Freitag to Taub was invalid as in fraud of creditors are not supported by the
record and must be reversed. In this posture of the case the questions raised and
argued concerning the lien of the criminal judgment against Freitag become
irrelevant. For the attempt to make that judgment a lien in New Jersey came
after the assignment to Taub.


The cause will be remanded to the District Court with directions to that court to
allow a reasonable time to the government to amend its pleadings to allege that
the Certificate of Discharge was obtained by fraud, if it shall be so advised. If
the government does not plead and prove this, judgment shall be entered in
favor of the United States for 25% of the fund, and judgment in favor of Taub

for the balance, subject to any and all costs, fees and allowances.

Taub also says he is entitled to get back the $2500 originally paid but the
Certificate of Discharge clearly entitles the government to receive and retain
both that sum and 25% of any subsequent recovery

See, e.g., Swanson Mfg. Co. v. Feinberg-Henry Mfg. Co., 2 Cir., 1945, 147
F.2d 500; Pasquel v. Owen, 8 Cir., 1950, 186 F.2d 263; El Paso Electric Co. v.
Surrency, 10 Cir., 1948, 169 F.2d 444

There was colloquy among counsel and the court at various times concerning
Mr. Titman's availability as a witness. Counsel for Taub indicated that they
would like to have him but were unable to secure the necessary administrative
clearances to enable him to appear. If Titman would testify to fact tending to
establish fraud it would be expected that the government would exercise all
diligence to obtain his testimony as part of its case. But apparently the
government did not attempt to have him appear

The government makes a point that both the note and the stock certificate were
'unassignable' by their own terms. But we are not inquiring whether the
corporation might have refused to accept Taub as successor to Freitag's interest.
Whatever may have been the rights as between the corporation and the other
stockholders on the one hand, and the purported assignor and/or the purported
assignee on the other, we do not think that the terms of the instruments in any
way affected the rights inter se of assignor and assignee or of those standing in
the shoes of either. Cf. Restatement, Contracts, 176 (1932). And that is all
that matters here

No choice of law problem in connection with the validity of the assignment

appears to have been raised or considered below. The assignment covered stock
and a note evidencing the holder's interest in a New Jersey corporation.
Apparently the assignment took place in New York. No third state seems to be
concerned in any substantial way. In both New York and New Jersey, rules and
principles dispositive of the challenge to this assignment are codified in
identical language in the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act. N.Y.
McKinney's Consol. Laws, c. 12 Debtor and Creditor Law, 270-281 and 25
N.J.Stat.Ann. 25:2-7 to 19. No conflicting interpretations of statutory language
are involved. Accordingly, it is not necessary now to decide whether it is New
York or New Jersey law which determines any aspect of the effectiveness of the
attempted substitution of Taub for Freitag as the beneficial owner of stock and

Thus cases which hold that a nominal consideration is not a fair consideration
within the meaning of section 3 of the Act do not dispose of the issue here. Cf.,
e.g., Berndt v. Berndt, N.Y.Sup.Ct. 1948, 192 Misc. 57, 79 N.Y.S.2d 143

Schlecht v. Schlecht, 1926, 168 Minn. 168, 209 N.W. 883; cf. Osgood v.
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1944, 93 N.H. 160, 37 A.2d 12, 154
A.L.R. 724; see Hollander v. Gautier, 1933, 114 N.J.Eq. 485, 487, 168 A. 860,
861. But cf. Village of West Milwaukee v. Bergstrom Mfg. Co., 1943, 242
Wis. 137, 7 N.W.2d 587

That hindsight reveals that Taub was successful in obtaining release from that
lien and a favorable settlement of the claims cannot affect the valuation of the
equity in those claims at the time of their conveyance. Cf. Halsey v. Winant,
1932, 258 N.Y. 512, 180 N.E. 253; Schlecht v. Schlecht, 1926, 168 Minn. 168,
209 N.W. 883

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