Fish Tales: A Green Light On Red Snapper?

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Gulf Restoration Network

December 2006
Volume 9, Issue 4

A Green Light on Red Snapper?
Recent federal action on red snapper reduction of the size limit for the
management gives the GRN some commercial sector; eliminating charter Inside this issue:
optimism that one of the Gulf’s hallmark boat captains and crews from taking
fish may finally be on the road to bag limits; rules for the shrimp fishery GOLIATH GROUPER: A 2
recovery. Despite scientific evidence that to reduce bycatch; and reef fish gear
the stock is severely depleted, the Gulf limitations to reduce bycatch. GROUPS, COUNCIL 3
of Mexico Fishery Management Council TELL PUBLIC TALES
(Gulf Council) decided in Auguest to NOAA-Fisheries decision to step in SANCTUARY OF THE 3
delay further action on red snapper until and implement regulations on red SEASON: FLORIDA
2007. In response, the National Marine snapper means the Council will not KEYS
Fisheries Service (NOAA-Fisheries) has vote on the outcome. Given the
finally taken some control of the matter. Council’s historic unwillingness to
On October 13, 2006 NOAA-Fisheries (Continued on page 4)
draft environmental impact
statement (DEIS) became available
for public review. It discusses
various management alternatives
for red snapper — many of which
are now planned to be put into
place by NOAA-Fisheries

Image: NOAA Photobank

rulemaking process, outside the

Briefly, the contents of the DEIS

include: a significant reduction in
total catch allowed each year;

Red Snapper

Globe’s Commercial Fish Stocks May Collapse By 2048, Study Says

A new study by a team of international While the study is an analysis of trends non-governmental institutions, un-
scientists has pointed to dire conse- at a surface level, and may miss finer covered increasing rates of natural
quences for global fish populations if points of fisheries management at the resource collapse tied closely to
current overfishing, pollution, and cli- regional level, its conclusions should decreasing rates of biodiversity
mate change trends continue. The study, serve as a very loud wakeup call for throughout global ecosystems.
published recently in the journal Science, fisheries managers around the world.
predicts the global collapse of all cur- The analysis, performed by 12 research- The paper points to rapid loss of
rently fished stocks by the year 2048. ers from 12 different academic and (Continued on page 2)


Ever since the fishery for Goliath grouper was com- often sends them swimming to check out visitors to
pletely closed in federal waters of the Gulf and South their area. Goliath groupers’ primary diet consists of
Atlantic in 1990 and also in Florida state waters soon crabs or lobsters, but they may also take bait offered on
after, there have been protests from some fishermen. a fishing hook.

Over the past 16 years, assertions that Goliath grouper Goliaths’ curiosity, predictability, and “opportunistic”
are eating anything and everything in their paths have feeding habits make them easy prey. Their slow growth
increased, as their population numbers seemingly rise. and late maturity make replenishing a depleted popula-
Some anglers claim this contributes to why there are so tion challenging.
few reef fish. With 16 years of protection in the Gulf,
the Goliath population should be increasing, but open- Claims from anglers in southwest Florida that Goliaths
ing a fishery for Goliath remains questionable. are eating baby sea turtles, and decimating all manner of
reef fish species are now reaching Council members. At
Goliath grouper are a long lived (they have an age span its August meeting, the Council requested information
of 30-50 years), slow grow- from NOAA-Fisheries
ing, and late maturing scientists about what take,
(reaching reproductive age if any the Goliath popula-
around 5-6 years) species. tion could sustain.
Adult Goliath grouper can
be found near offshore reefs, NOAA-Fisheries is col-
deep holes near shore, and in lecting existing informa-
rivers; younger fish favor the tion and will report back
shallower waters of man- to the Council. The
groves. These are fish that Council would then dis-

Source: NOAA
tend to remain in the same cuss what actions would
spot year after year. Such be appropriate with re-
behavior allows them to be- spect to Goliath, given
come familiar to divers, and existing science on their
the species’ natural boldness Measuring Goliath grouper. status.

Study Notes Role of Marine Biodiversity in Fisheries Collapse — cont. from page 1
marine populations dependent upon highest catch levels. path. The paper ends with the ominous
estuaries, coral reefs, and coastal and warning that “business as usual would
oceanic fish communities. Addition- Not all news was gloom and doom foreshadow serious threats to global
ally, the research showed that native though, as the paper’s analysis of the food security, coastal water quality, and
species diversity has rapidly declined effects of marine reserves and fisheries ecosystem stability, affecting current
since the commencement of large closures showed an overall increase in and future generations.”
scale industrial fishing. On the flip biodiversity of 23% and a fourfold
side of that, regions and ecosystems increase in catch per unit effort in ar- Though the study release deservedly
with higher biodiversity were shown eas at the edge of the reserves when grabbed headlines around the globe,
to be more stable, and more able to management measures are enacted. this research is only the most recent in a
foster the rebuilding of collapsed string of findings by commissions and
stocks. The paper concludes by recommend- panels urging these sensible steps to-
ing sustainable fisheries management, wards a sustainable sea-future. With
The researchers found that globally, pollution control, maintenance of es- red snapper, red grouper, gag grouper
the rate of fisheries collapse has been sential habitats, and the creation of greater amberjack and other Gulf fish
increasing over time, to the point that marine reserves as a way of putting stocks depleted and/or overexploited,
29% of currently fished species have conservation of marine biodiversity the Gulf region should pay the study
dropped to less than 10% of their and fisheries stocks on a sustainable close heed. Will our leaders finally
wake up to these realities and act?
Volume 9, Issue 4 Page 3


In 1990, Congress passed the Florida Keys National Marine protection of marine life and to protect and preserve all
Sanctuary and Protection Act to provide protection of the habitats and species. These reserves are intended to protect
marine ecosystems surrounding the Florida Keys. These areas that represent the full range of diversity of resources
areas provide important and unique natural resources, and habitats found throughout the Sanctuary. A great
including seagrasses, mangroves, and extensive coral reefs. example of an ecological reserve in the Sanctuary is the
Past management in the Florida Keys focused on protecting Tortugas Ecological Reserve on the western most tip of the
small portions of the coral reef ecosystem in a piecemeal Sanctuary.
fashion, and have failed to take a wider approach to
protecting the marine environment of the Florida Keys. As The Tortugas Ecological Reserve is made up of two sections
a result, the coral reefs have been in steady decline. (north and south). Tortugas North includes 91 square
nautical miles of federal and state waters to the west and
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary provides north of Dry Tortugas National Park. Tortugas South
coordinated protection, management, and conservation of encompasses 60 square nautical miles southwest of Dry
the nationally significant resources Tortugas National Park. The Reserve is
of the Florida Keys for current and managed to prohibit: taking, disturbing
future generations. or injuring any organism; fishing;
touching coral; and anchoring or mooring
Marine zoning is used in the Keys by vessels more than 100 feet in length.
Sanctuary to coordinate the
protection of the biological diversity Vessels may enter Tortugas North
of the marine environment and without an access permit only if they
consists of areas such as national travel without stopping and with fishing
wildlife refuges, state parks, wildlife gear stowed. Visitors wishing to stop in
management areas, ecological Tortugas North or tie up to mooring
reserves, sanctuary preservation buoys must obtain a permit by calling the
areas, and special-use areas to Key West or Marathon offices of the
provide protection of Sanctuary Sanctuary. Diving and snorkeling are
Photo: NOAA photobank

resources. permitted. The Sanctuary has installed

twelve mooring buoys in Tortugas North.
Ecological reserves are designed to Anchoring is prohibited. Tortugas South
encompass large, contiguous doesn’t allow any stopping, diving,
habitats. They are intended to snorkeling or fishing.
provide natural spawning, nursery,
and permanent residence areas for Source and for more information:
the replenishment and genetic Florida Keys Sanctuary Inhabitants


In an effort to engage more people the Council, the Council process, fish and shrimp commercial fishing
in Gulf of Mexico fish management, and fishery management in the Gulf vessels must have an electronic unit to
the Gulf Council staff organized of Mexico. Participants then had help monitor fishing locations. In
public forums, outside their regular time to ask questions or discuss is- Naples, many recreational fishermen
meetings and hearings, for people to sues important to them and their participated and their primary topic
learn about and participate in our area. was about the local goliath grouper
fishery management process. The population (for more information see
forums were open discussion events The forums were held in Key West, “Goliath Grouper, a Big Issue” pg. 2).
held throughout Florida in October Naples, and Madeira Beach. Each
2006. venue saw different issues raised. In Oddly, in Madeira Beach, a legendary
Key West, many commercial fisher- Gulf fishing hot spot, there were only
Council staff coordinated the fo- men attended and they had concerns a few participants. Discussions in-
rums in which they briefly explained with a new requirement that all reef (Continued on page 4)
Gulf Restoration Network
This publication is the product of the GRN working
338 Baronne St. Suite 200
New Orleans, LA 70112
on the following issues of concern: overfishing,
essential fish habitat, full implementation of the
Cynthia Sarthou, Executive Director Sustainable Fisheries Act, and public education on
Aaron Viles, Campaign Director the importance of sustainable fisheries
Marianne Cufone, Consultant on Fisheries Issues management.
Briana Kerstein, Director of Org. Development
Editor: Aaron Viles The GRN would like to thank the Regional Marine
Conservation Project, the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn
Phone: (504) 525-1528 Foundation, and the Curtis and Edith Munson
Fax: (504) 525-0833
Email: [email protected]
Foundation for making this work possible.

Get Your Fish On—cont. from pg 3 Red Snapper Salvation? — cont. from pg 1
cluded concerns about bycatch reduction, better data make hard decisions when it comes to red snapper, this is a
collection, and a more open process. long awaited and important step forward for NOAA-
Attendees were pleased that the Council made the
effort to meet constituents outside of regular Coun- Complications to this approach do arise when interim
cil meetings and required hearings. Some com- measures expire — they can only be in effect for 180 days,
mented that Council members should attend such and extended for another 180 days. If a long term plan is
events in the future, so people can speak directly not in place by the time the second 180 days expire,
with decision makers. regulations will return to what was in effect prior to the
interim rule: we’d go back to a red snapper total annual
These first events were intended to test whether catch of 9.12 million pounds and assorted other regulations
such forums would be planned in the future that have proved less helpful than originally expected.
throughout the Gulf. Given the level of participation
and positive feedback, it is likely that more forums NOAA-Fisheries could completely take control of the
will be scheduled in the other Gulf States soon — entire red snapper process by developing a Secretarial Plan,
hope to see you at one! again outside the Council process, to avoid any further
Council stalling or inaction. This would go into effect
GRN and Friends Reach Out To...You! sometime during the 360 days the interim rule is in place to
Never content to wait for the Gulf Council to act, avoid a lapse in important regulations.
the GRN and our partners the Ocean Conservancy
and the Sierra Club have organized a series of public NOAA-Fisheries hopes to have regulations in place for
workshops around the Gulf from Corpus Christi to next year’s fishing season, beginning in Jan 2007.
Tampa, with stops in Galveston, Houston, New Or-
leans, Mobile, Pensacola, and Panama City.
Make sure to visit our website to get red snapper updates
Similar to the Council’s forums, the Gulf groups and to support sustainable management of this critical Gulf
sought to inform the general public about the fisher- fish! Log on at
ies management process. Unlike the Council’s ef-
forts, our aim was to engage people in the process in
order to seek sustainable fisheries management solu- the scientific assessments show, red snapper populations are
tions. Each event offered attendees an opportunity fine, and if they’re not fine, they are only impacted by illegal
to write a letter to their legislator and the Secretary commercial fishing, never recreational fishing.
of Commerce demanding an end to red snapper over
exploitation in order to rebuild the depleted fishery. While that perspective was in attendance at both workshops, it
was far less heated than the rhetoric on the webboard indi-
In an interesting wrinkle, our Galveston and Hous- cated, and it was a minority view voiced by only a handful of
ton events were targeted by a subset of users of a attendees. The vast majority of the conservation-minded pub-
certain Texas recreational fishing webboard as op- lic has consistently urged fish managers to follow the science
portunities to make their case that, no matter what and rebuild Gulf stocks.

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