Fish Tales: American Fisheries Society Identifies Gulf Species at Risk of Extinction

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Gulf Restoration Network

December 2000

Volume 3, Issue 4

American Fisheries Society Identifies Gulf Species At Risk of Extinction
The American Fisheries Soci- The AFS article conducts a were identified. Where a spe-
ety (AFS), the oldest and comprehensive review of fish cies is specific to a certain Inside this issue:
largest professional society species that live in ocean and state, I have done my best to
representing fisheries scien- coastal environments in note it. In addition, an (*)
tists, recently produced an North America to determine represents management of Red Snapper Rebuild- 2
ing Plan Set for Coun-
article on marine species at which species may be at risk this species by either the Gulf
cil Action
risk of extinction in North of extinction based on a num- Council or NMFS.
America. This article pres- ber of criteria. These criteria, Sharks and Rays Red Grouper, Amber- 3
ents some alarming findings or categories of risk, include Whale Shark* jack identified as over-
on the status of fish species how rare the species is, the Sand Tiger Shark* fished
in the Gulf, including some range in which it occurs, spe- White Shark*
species managed by the Gulf cialized habitat requirements, Dusky Shark*
of Mexico Fishery Manage- and finally a decline in the Smalltooth sawfish
ment Council (Gulf Council) population.
and the National Marine Sturgeon
Special points of interest:
Fis heries Service (NMFS). Based on these criteria, the Gulf sturgeon (LA -FL)
following species in the Gulf (Continued on page 4) • Permits for shrimp vessels
again considered by the
Council to help gather bet-
ter data
Shrimp Permits Decision On Hold Until January
• Council to recommend a
A decision by the Gulf of ary. A final decision is then 11 proposed a licensing sys- rebuilding plan for red snap-
Mexico Fishery Management scheduled at the January tem for the shrimp fishery per
Council (Gulf Council) to im- offering a choice of either a
plement a permit system in permit or registration system • Red Grouper officially de-
the shrimp fishery through to acquire the necessary clared “overfished”; amber-
Shrimp Amendment 11 has data from the fishery. The jack identified as overfished
been put on hold until Janu- difference espoused in
ary 2001. The reason for the Amendment 11 between • Three of five “hot spots” for
delay is to clarify Amend- these two systems is that marine fisheries at risk of
ment 11 to allow the public a permits can be revoked if extinction are in the Gulf of
better opportunity to com- regulations are violated Mexico
ment on this important issue. Gulf Council meeting in while a registration cannot.
After these revisions are Galveston, TX. The Gulf Council was ad- • Ten out of the fifteen man-
made, public hearings will vised that, by law, a registra- aged grouper species in the
again be held throughout the As originally presented by tion system has the same Gulf recognized as “at risk
Gulf of Mexico in early Janu- the Gulf Council, Amendment (Continued on page 2) of extinction” by the AFS
Page 2

Red Snapper Rebuilding Plan

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management While the GRN applauds the Gulf Coun- not being met, reductions in the unin-
Council (Gulf Council) is set to take a cil’s efforts in putting together a compre- tended catch, or bycatch, of red snapper
historic step in the red snapper manage- hensive rebuilding plan, complete with will need to be reduced in the nets of
ment saga by proposing an action plan interim goals to adequately monitor prog- shrimp trawls. The NMFS currently esti-
to return red snapper to a healthy level. ress, we are concerned that the Gulf mates that the use of bycatch reduction
At stake is the most important, and con- Council will delay short term corrective devices or BRDs is approximately forty
troversial reef fish fishery in the Gulf of action thereby compromising long term percent effective in reducing the catch of
Mexico. At its January meeting in rebuilding goals. It appears from early juvenile red snapper in shrimp trawl nets.
Galveston, TX, the Gulf Council will re- indications, that the Gulf Council will This reduction rate may need to be raised
veal how it expects to return red snapper vote for the “status quo” of the inflated if conservation gains are not being made.
to a healthy level by the year 2031. 9.12 million pound catch level for the first
five years. This decision would first run The GRN is asking our members and
In proposing a rebuilding plan the Gulf afoul of recommendations of the Gulf friends to refer to the attached “Getting
Council will review stock restoration sce- Council’s reef fish stock assessment Involved” insert provided which has all
narios to determine which course of ac- panel, an advisory panel of scientists, the information you need to have your
tion they intend to take. All of the pro- and may violate a recent court decision voice heard on this matter.
posed rebuilding plans break the thirty regarding summer flounder on the east
one year time frame into five year inter- coast. Second, it will most likely require
vals with decision points at the end of the Gulf Council to “pay” with more re-
every five years. This, in theory, will strictive measures later for buying time
allow the Gulf Council and the National with the status quo for now. The politi-
Marine Fisheries Service to track the pro- cal will to make this decision in the future
gress of the rebuilding plans at five year is still very much in question.
intervals and provide information on
what additional steps are needed for the Interestingly, the red snapper rebuilding
following five years. plan also has major implications for the Red Snapper. From the SAFMC web site.
shrimp fishery. If rebuilding goals are

Shrimp Permits….

(Continued from page 1) vessels operating in the federal waters of Therefore, better data on the amount of
enforcement implications as a permit. the Gulf of Mexico. This uncertainty has red snapper caught incidentally in shrimp
Based on this information, the GRN significant repercussions on many as- trawls will provide mangers with a better
asked that the Gulf Council seriously pects of fishery management and re- estimate as to the status of red snapper
consider delaying action to ensure that source protection in the Gulf of Mexico. and what reductions in bycatch, if any,
the public is afforded a fair public com- An accurate number generated through a are needed in the shrimp fishery (see the
ment opportunity. The GRN feels that permit system is crucial to fisheries man- Red Snapper story above on how this
this will make the Council decision agement in the Gulf as it will provide information will help management).
stronger in the long term. managers with information used to deter-
mine shrimp fishing effort, catch, by- If you were unable to attend a public
The rationale behind a licensing system catch, and other important parameters hearing or submit comments, this delay
for the shrimp fishery is simple: better needed to properly manage shrimp and creates another important opportunity to
data on fishing effort and enforcement other species. do so. Please see the “Getting Involved”
against bad actors in the fishery. The insert for public hearing times, dates and
NMFS currently estimates, utilizing cur- For example, scientists believe the recov- locations as well as information for send-
rent information sources, that there are ery of red snapper in the Gulf is tied to ing written comments.
between 3,000 and 7,000 shrimp fishery reducing bycatch in the shrimp fishery.
Volume 3, Issue 4 Page 3

Red Grouper, Amberjack Recognized as “Overfished”

Red Grouper officially recognized as high of nine million pounds to about

“overfished” four and one-half million pounds.

Red grouper, the most economically im- The GRN is urging the Gulf Council
portant grouper species in the Gulf of to begin work aimed to address the
Mexico was officially designated by the red grouper fishery in conjunction
National Marine Fisheries Service with other groupers in the Gulf by
(NMFS) as “overfished” on November utilizing a comprehensive, ecosystem Greater Amberjack. Courtesy of the South Atlantic
24, 2000. Red Grouper becomes the sixth based approach to management. An Fishery
overfished species in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem based approach recognizes
joining red snapper, red drum, king mack- not only the catch of red grouper but
erel, Nassau grouper, and Jewfish. Other also its habitat, prey species it depends Greater amberjack, a large “jack” species
Gulf species are expected to be identified on, and other species that are caught in in the Gulf of Mexico, is managed under
in the near future, as the 2000 Report to conjunction with this fishery. the Gulf Council’s reef fish fishery man-
Congress on the Status of our Nations agement plan. The “jack” family includes
Fisheries, an annual report produced by This approach is important for two pri- other well known species such as Florida
the NMFS, is due out shortly. mary reasons. First, red grouper are a pompano, crevalle, and blue runner
part of a multi-species fishery, meaning (hardtail). Greater amberjack are known
The official designation as “overfished” that other species of fish such as grouper to reach weights in excess of 140 pounds.
is significant as it triggers a requirement and tilefish are also caught in the act of They are found throughout the entire
of the Sustainable Fisheries Act that the fishing for red grouper. In addition, fis h- Gulf of Mexico, normally associated with
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management ermen who must reduce their catch of red structures such as rocky reefs or wrecks.
Council (Gulf Council) , within one year, grouper under a rebuilding plan may tar-
get other species in the area to make up Greater amberjack are currently protected
the difference. This is of major concern by size limits, a bag limit of one fish per
when one considers the recent report of person in the recreational fis hery, and a
the American Fisheries Society which three month seasonal closure in the com-
found that ten of the fifteen managed mercial fishery.
grouper species in the Gulf of Mexico are
at risk of extinction. The Gulf Council will review the effects
of current regulations and determine
Accordingly, we will be asking the Gulf what additional steps are necessary to
Council to move ahead with Amendment improve the health of this fishery at its
Red Grouper. Courtesy of the South Atlantic Fish-
ery Management Council 18 to the Reef Fish Fishery Management upcoming meeting in Galveston, TX. For
Plan which will comprehensively address further information contact the Gulf
make recommendations to NMFS on the entire grouper fishery. To help sup- Council at (888) 833-1844.
what actions to take to return red grou- port this course of action, please refer to
per to a healthy level. the “Getting Involved” insert for simple
ways of influencing the Gulf Council’s
The first step in the Gulf Council process decision on this very important matter.
has recently been completed. The Reef
Fish Stock Assessment Panel (RFSAP), Greater Amberjack identified as
an advisory panel composed of scien- “overfished”
tists who provide advice to the Gulf
Council, concurred with the decision of Greater amberjack was preliminarily iden-
the NMFS that red grouper is overfished tified as “overfished” by the RFSAP after
earlier this month in Miami. It also deter- reviewing available NMFS data. The
mined that red grouper can be rebuilt findings of the RFSAP will now be pre-
within ten years if reductions in the num- sented to the Gulf Council for their re-
ber of fish caught is cut from a current view at the Council meeting in January.
Gulf Restoration Network This publication is the product of the GRN working on the following
839 St. Charles Ave., Suite 309 issues of concern: overfishing, essential fish habitat, full implementa-
New Orleans , LA 70130 tion of the Sustainable Fisheries Act, and public education on the i m-
portance of sustainable fisheries management.
Cynthia Sarthou, Executive Director
Chris Dorsett, Director for Fisheries The GRN would like to thank Pew Charitable Trusts, Rockefeller
Cynthia Goldberg, Director of LA/MS Grassroots
Brothers, Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation, the Surdna Founda-
tion, and the Trull Foundation for making our work possible.
Editor: Chris Dorsett

Phone: (504) 525-1528

Fax: (504) 525-0833
Email: : [email protected]

“Working to Protect and Preserve the

Gulf of Mexico”

Gulf Species at Risk of Extinction…

Shad Snowy grouper* the Puget Sound and adjacent Canadian
Alabama Shad (MS-FL) Nassau grouper* waters, the northern coast of the Gulf of
Blue hamlet (FL) Mexico, and the Gulf of California. As
Mosquitofish Black grouper* you can see, three of the five hot spots
Mangrove gambusia (FL) Yellowmouth grouper* are in the Gulf of Mexico.
Killifish Scamp* This AFS list serves as a wake up call to
Saltmarsh topminnow all residents in the Gu lf, and across the
Croakers nation as to the situation our marine fis h-
Silversides Blue Croaker (FL) eries face. With the compilation of this
Key Silverside (FL) list and identification of the three
Blennies “hotspots” identified in the Gulf of Mex-
Pipefish and Seahorses Key Blenny (FL) ico region, we hope that everyone will
Fringed pipefish commit themselves to the fight for sus-
Longsnout seahorse (FL) Sleepers tainable fisheries. As the asterisk indi-
Dwarf seahorse Bigmouth Sleeper cates, most of the grouper and shark spe-
Opossum pipefish cies identified by the AFS are under ac-
Texas pipefish (TX, LA) Gobies tive government management! Clearly, in
Blackfin goby (TX) light of the groundbreaking legal require-
Snook Spottail goby (FL) ments of the Sustainable Fisheries Act,
Fat Snook (FL) Orangespotted goby (FL) our region can do better than the current
Tarpon Snook (FL) state we find ourselves in.
Groupers Gulf surgeonfish (FL) Over the next year, the Gulf Council will
Marbled grouper be considering major changes to grouper
Speckled hind* The article also identified geographic “hot management in the Gulf. We urge all of
Yellowedge grouper* spots” where several species are at risk. our members and friends to stay in-
Jewfish* These include three spots in Florida (Indian volved in this process to ensure that our
Warsaw grouper* River, Florida Bay and the Florida Keys), fisheries are managed properly.

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