Tutorial 2-Equilibrium 1
Tutorial 2-Equilibrium 1
Tutorial 2: Equilibrium - I
1. Draw the Free Body Diagram (FBD) of all members (including the
pulley) assuming all contacts to be frictionless.
3. The 100 kg wheel rests on a rough surface and bears against the
frictionless roller A when the couple M is applied. If M=60 Nm and the
wheel does not slip, compute the reaction on the roller A.
8. Two identical smooth tubes A and B, each of weight W, are suspended at their
ends by cords of equal length. A third tube C of weight WC = 0.8W is placed
between A and B. Determine the greatest weight of C that can be supported
without upsetting equilibrium.
Ans: WC =0.8 W
9. A vertical load P is applied at the end B of rod BC. The spring constant
of the spring is K and the spring is unextended when = 0.
(a) Neglecting the weight of the rod, express the angle
corresponding to the equilibrium position in terms of P, K and l.
(b) Determine the value of corresponding to the equilibrium
if P = 2Kl.
11. The hook wrench is used to turn shafts and collars. If a moment
of 80 Nm is required to turn the 200 mm diameter collar about
its center O, determine the contact force R on the smooth
surface at A. . The engagement of the pin at B may be
considered to occur at the periphery of the collar.