Final Ps - Static.01 Equli

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New Problem Sheet No.


1. Determine the tension in cables CA and CB.

Ans. TCA = 2870 N, TCB = 3520 N.

2. The uniform bar has a mass per unit length of 60

kg/m. Determine the reactions at the supports.
Ans. Ay = 3060 N, By = 2060 N.

3. A man pushes the 40 kg machine with mass

centre at G up an incline at a steady speed.
Determine the required force magnitude P and
the normal reaction forces at A and B. Neglect
the small effects of friction.
Ans. P = 112.1 N, NB = 219 N, NA = 207 N.

4. The uniform bar AB has a mass of 50 kg and

supports the 200-kg load at A. Calculate the
tension in the supporting cable and the magnitude
FB of the force supported by the pin at B.
Ans. T = 7650 N, FB = 5660 N
5. A uniform ring of mass m and radius r carries an
eccentric mass m0 at a radius b and is in an
equilibrium position on the incline, which makes
an angle  with the horizontal. If the contacting
surfaces are rough enough to prevent slipping,
write the expression for the angle  which defines
the equilibrium position.
r  m 
Ans.  sin 1  1   sin  
b  m0  

6. The two planks are connected by a large spike. If

a force P = 120 N is required on the handle of
each crowbar to loosen the spike, calculate the
corresponding tension T in the spike. Also find
the value of b which will eliminate any tendency
to bend the spike. State any assumptions which
you make.
Ans. T = 1560 N, b = 53.8 mm

7. A former student of mechanics wishes to weigh

himself but has access only to a scale A with
capacity limited to 400 N and a small 80-N
spring dynamometer B. With the rig shown he
discovers that when he exerts a pull on the rope
so that B registers 76 N, the scale A reads 268 N.
What are his correct weight and mass m?
Ans. W= 648 N, m= 66.1 kG

8. The exercise machine consists of a lightweight

cart which is mounted on small rollers so that it is
free to move along the inclined ramp. Two cables
are attached to the cart – one for each hand. If the
hands are together so that the cables are parallel
and if each cable lies essentially in a vertical
plane, determine the force P which each hand
must exert on its cable in order to maintain an
equilibrium position. The mass of the person is
70 kg, the ramp angle is 150 and the angle  is
180. In addition, calculate the force R which the
ramp exerts on the cart.
Ans. P = 45.5 N, R = 691 N
9. The rear-wheel-drive car has a mass of 1400 kg
with mass center at G. First calculate the normal
forces under the front and rear wheel pairs when
the car is at normal test. Then repeat your
calculations for the case shown where the front
bumper is tested by causing the car to push, via
its rear wheels, against the fixed barrier with a
2500-N force. Neglect friction at the bumper-
barrier interface, but not at the tire-ground
Ans. Normally, NA = 6310 N, NB = 7430 N
Under test, NA = 6720 N, NB = 7010 N

10. The 5-m uniform steel beam has a mass of 600

kg and is to be lifted from the ring at B with the
two chains, AB of length 3 ,m, and CB of length
4 m. Determine the tension in chain AB when the
beam is clear of the platform.
Ans. T = 3.53 kN

11. A 50-kg acrobat pedals her unicycle across the

taut but slightly elastic cable. If the deflection at
the center of the 18-m span is 75 mm, determine
the tension in the cable. Neglect the effects of the
weights of the cable and unicycle.
Ans. T = 29.4 kN

12. The uniform 30-kg bar with end rollers is

supported by the horizontal and vertical surfaces
and by the wire AC. Calculate the tension T in
the wire and the reactions against the rollers at A
and at B.
Ans. 73.6 N, B = 196.2 N, T = 295 N

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