Rebound Hammer-RH (Schmidt) Test

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Rebound HammerRH (Schmidt) Test

In 1948, a Swiss Engineer, Ernst Schmidt from Zurich developed a test hammer for measuring the
hardness of concrete by the rebound principle. Since then the Rebound Hammer (RH) test has
gained recognition at construction site & precast Industry.
The Schmidt Rebound Hammer is principally a surface hardness tester with little apparent
theoretical relationship between the strength of concrete and the Rebound number of the hammer.
However, within limits, empirical correlations have been established between strength properties &
rebound number. This correlation between the concrete strength and rebound number is required
to be established at site/field laboratories before it is used for strength estimation of concrete.
Sometimes it is referred as fieldcalibration of rebound hammer. Lab calibration are based on Brinell
Hardness & Rebound Nos. are checked on std. calibrated Anvil for the purpose. Proper site
calibrations eliminate the lab calibration, which is for the checking of hammer performance.
Rebound Number and Compressive Strength
There is a general correlation between compressive strength of concrete and the hammer rebound
number. Coefficients of variation for compressive strength for a wide variety of specimens
averaged 25%. The large deviations in strength can be narrowed down considerably by proper
calibration of the hammer, which allows for various variables discussed earlier. By consensus, the
accuracy of estimation of compressive strength of test specimens cast, cured, and tested under
laboratory conditions by a properly calibrated hammer lies between 15 and 20%. However, the
probable accuracy of prediction of concrete strength in a structure is 25%.
Limitations and Usefulness
The limitations of the Schmidt hammer are many; these should be recognized and allowances be
made when using the hammer. It cannot be overstressed that this instrument must not be
regarded as a substitute for standard compression tests but as a method for determining the
uniformity of concrete in the structures and comparing one concrete by the Schmidt hammer
within an accuracy of 15 to 20% may be possible only for specimens cast, cured, and tested
under identical conditions as those from which the calibration curves are established. The
prediction of strength of structural concrete by using calibration charts based on the laboratory
test is not recommended.

Rebound Hammer Testing (Schmidt hammer)

The strength of concrete is generally governed by the strength of the cement paste. Measurements of the strength of
the paste can therefore provide a reasonable assessment of the strength of the concrete.This strength can be
determined by inference from the elasticity of the concrete. A practical assessment of elasticity can be made on site by
measuring the rebound of a sprung hammer.

The surface of the concrete is cleaned to remove laitance and shutter board marks.
A series of twelve readings are taken with a 'Schmidt' hammer in a diamond pattern at the test point.
The hammer is pressed against the surface, loading the sprung mass, and releasing this at the end of the stroke.
The percentage rebound is measured by a latched rider on the side of the hammer.
Care is taken to avoid obvious anomalies such as blowholes or exposed aggregate.

The conversion of rebound number to compressive strength can be achieved by preparation of a calibration chart for
the concrete concerned. If this is not possible a crude assessment can be made from the manufacturers' data.

Attention must be paid to BS 1881 Pt.. 202 which states 'The use of universal calibrations, such as those produced
by the manufacturers of rebound hammers, can lead to serious errors and should be avoided'.
To produce a calibration graph the structure should be tested and locations selected for coring to represent the
greatest possible range of rebound numbers.
Cores should be removed from the rebound test location and their compressive strengths determined. Sufficient cores
should be taken to enable a correlation to be determined. The greater the number of cores the greater will be the
resulting accuracy.
The calibration chart may then be used to convert rebound numbers to cube strength. It is unlikely that 95%
confidence limits on the estimation of the in-situ concrete strength by rebound hammer will be better
than25% under ideal conditions.
In the absence of such calibration, the interpretation of the rebound number is based upon data in the manufacturers
For a horizontal impact on a vertical surface the probable cube strength of the concrete can be estimated as:
fc = 0.0126 (R + 29.8) - 21.1 N/mm2
where R is the mean rebound number after discarding the highest and lowest values.
In practice the test is very dependent upon the surface condition and moisture content of the concrete as well as the
ratio of aggregate to cement paste. Under laboratory conditions, testing carefully cast cubes, it is possible to predict
the strength with some accuracy. The manufacturers own estimate of error gives 95% confidence bound as 70% at
low strength and 11% at very high strengths. In the useful range of 20 N/mm2the error range for 95% confidence is
quoted as 30% to 18% respectively.
The manufacturers quoted figures are for concrete in the range 7 to 56 days old. Acknowledgement is made of the
hardening of the surface layer with age, primarily due to carbonation. The rebound hammer tests a localised area of
concrete to a depth of perhaps 20 or 30mm. In the region the influence of the carbonation can be significant. Removal
of the carbonated concrete changes the test from being quick, simple and non-destructive to slow laborious and
cosmetically damaging. For these reasons the carbonation layer is rarely removed.
Moisture content can modify the modulus of elasticity by up to 25% (ref. 2 pp. 363). Poor surface condition will tend
to lower the rebound number.
Caution must be exercised when assessing a structure using results from rebound hammers. Where the moisture
content, surface condition and carbonation are likely to be consistent then it will have a benefit in its ability to detect
weaker areas of concrete. In external texture and near surface moisture contents the potential errors can exceed 50%
rendering the results less useful.

Operating Instructions - Concrete Test Hammer, Proceq 1989
Properties of Concrete. A. M. Neville 3rd Edition 1981
BS 1881 pt. 202:1986. Recommendations for Surface Hardness Testing by Rebound Hammer

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