Dynamic Acceptance Tests For Machine Tools: S. A. Tobias
Dynamic Acceptance Tests For Machine Tools: S. A. Tobias
Dynamic Acceptance Tests For Machine Tools: S. A. Tobias
Summary—It is proposed that the dynamic quality of machine tools, in particular of radial drilling
machines, be measured by the coefficient of merit. This coefficient is a product of the static stiffness between
tool and workpiece, in the direction of the cutting thrust, and a non-dimensional ratio determined from the
harmonic response locus of the machine structure.
The determination of the coefficient of merit in the case of radial drilling machines is discussed in details
and its relationship with the stability chart of the drilling process is elucidated. It is shown that the coeffi-
cient of merit is proportional to the maximum drill diameter which is stable at all speeds and that its increase
signifies a contraction of the speed ranges over which the machine chatters.
A CusrOMER buying a machine tool which is up to standard as far as the presently used
acceptance tests are concerned has a guarantee that the machine has been properly manu-
factured. What guarantee does he have that this machine has been designed properly in
the first place ? None whatsoever!
The acceptance tests due to G. Schlesinger [1] deal solely with the machine alignment
and accuracy under test conditions. They do not give a picture as to how the machine will
behave under working conditions, that is, whether surface finish and machining accuracy
will in actual fact come up to expectation. Nor do these tests give any indication whether
the whole nominal horsepower capacity of the machine will be available for metal
removal, or whether only part of it can be utilized for this purpose, the remainder being
used for setting the machine into self-induced vibration, that is, for producing chatter
patterns on the machined surface and cutting down tool life.
It might perhaps be assumed that the currently used acceptance tests, even if inadequate
as far as the working performance of the machine is concerned, at least give a complete
picture of the behaviour of the machine under test conditions. This, however, is not so.
There is, for instance, no standard as to the allowable forced vibration between spindle and
workpiece in a particular type of machine, an omission which is not altogether surprising.
The tests used in 1961 were originally drawn up in 1927 and have survived with only
minor modifications. Vibration measurements which to-day are carried out as a matter of
routine, were thirty years ago beyond the boldest dream of the machine tool engineer.
For a comparative assessment of machine tools of the same type but of differing
design, stability charts describing their chatter behaviour can be used. A typical stability
chart is shown in Fig. 1. It refers to a vertical milling machine on which a face milling
operation is carried out. It was experimentally determined by setting up a certain depth of
cut on the machine and machining with a series of speeds covering a wide range. If at a
certain depth of cut, and speed, chatter is encountered then the appropriate point in the
chart is marked with a dot (or a half filled circle or a circle, depending on the chatter
amplitudes). As can
— -
be seen, at a small depth of cut (below 0 -045 in.), the cutting process was chatter-free at all
speeds. Above this minimum depth of cut, chatter arose in certain speed bands which
were separated from each other by stable (chatter-free) speeds. The unstable speeds form Que criterios
a number of lobes in the chart which overlap at large values of the depth of cut, indicating utilizan para
that under these conditions all speeds are unstable. At the lower values of the depth of decir que es
inestable en
cut, these lobes touch a hyperbolic line, the stability band envelope, denoted by hz in the los puntos
figure. Cutting conditions lying below this line are stable. marcados?
Assume now that a comparative assessment of two vertical milling machines has to be
made and that the stability chart of each of these is given by Fig. 2(a) and (b),
respectively. In actual fact, both figures have been determined by calculation, Fig. 2(a)
being the cal- culated version of Fig. l and Fig. 2(b) having been determined with the view
of investigating
Dynamic Acceptance Tests for Machine Tools 269
the effect of a certain design alteration of the machine in question on its stability chart,
i.e. its chatter behaviour. It is quite clear that the machine with the stability chart of Fig.
2(b) is superior to that which yields Fig. 2(a). This impression is by no means misleading.
Fig. 2(b) corresponds to a machine which is in all respect identical with that which pro-
duced Fig. 2(a), except for a hypothetical design modification which increased by twenty-
FIG. 2. Stability charts of face milling process determined by calculation. Fig. 2(a) is
the calculated version of Fig. 1. Fig. 2(b) shows effect of a design modification which
increased stiffness by 25 per cent. After Tobias [2].
per cent the dynamic stiffness of the mode becoming unstable, this being assumed to be
brought about without increasing the vibrating mass of the machine. A change of material
On the basis of the example shown in Fig. 2, it will be agreed that the usage of stability
charts as a graphical means for presenting the comparative dynamic quality of machines,
does recommend itself by a number of attractive features. They present the essential in-
formation in an easily understood way, which is closely related to the actual utilization of
270 S. A. ToaIAS
the machines. The charts can be determined by experiment and they can also be found by
calculation. In the latter case, they afford a means with which the designer is able to estimate
the practical effect of design alterations. However, this type of dynamic test has also a
number of disadvantages which make it unsuitable for general application. It is quite
obvious that the reasonably accurate determination of these stability charts is by no means
an easy matter. A large number of cutting tests have to be performed for this purpose and How do we
the cutting conditions must be carefully standardized. The large number of cutting tests make the cut-
are time consuming and make a standardization of the conditions di&cult. A change of ting test to
workpiece or relatively small changes of tool geometry might introduce errors of con- detect the
siderable magnitude.* Owing to the wide variation of the machining properties of materials
of the same nominal specification, the repeatability of these tests would not be very reliable
either. To this must be added also that most machines do not have a sufficient number of
speeds to make the reasonably accurate determination of the stability charts possible.
From the enumeration of these difficulties, it is clear that they arise by virtue of the
fact that the stability charts embody not only the essential dynamic characteristics of the
machine, but also certain aspects of the cutting condition, that is, certain properties of the
workpiece material, tool geometry, coolants etc. As far as a dynamic acceptance test is
concerned, the essential dynamic characteristics of the machine which determine (with the
cutting conditions) its chatter behaviour, are quite sufficient. At the same time, however
one is reluctant to drop the idea of using stability charts as a graphical representation of
dynamic performance, simply because they give a clear picture of the practical
implications involved and are experimentally testable. This dilemma is resolved by
considering those features of the stability chart which can be regarded as containing the
practically important information, and the relation of these with the dynamic
characteristics of the machine in question.
From the practical point of view, the stability band envelope (the hz line in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2) and the right-hand boundary of the highest unstable band are of greatest
importance. This is due to the fact that cutting conditions lying below the envelope and at
speeds above the right-hand boundary of that band are unconditionally stable.
The position of the stability band envelope in the chart is determined by its horizontal
asymptote, which cuts the ordinate axis at hz in Fig. 2. hzp is the maximum value of the
depth of cut which is stable at all speeds. As a matter of fact, it can be seen from Fig. 2
that a depth of cut slightly larger than h+p is still stable and that consequently h,n errs on
the safe side.
The value of h,n is determined partly by the dynamic behaviour of the structure and
partly by the cutting conditions. It is equal to a product consisting of a term found from
forced vibration tests, the static stiffness â between tool and work piece and a proportion-
ality factor derived from cutting tests. Provided that the same cutting conditions are con-
sidered, and machines of the same type (but differing design) are compared, the propo-
tionality factor will also be the same. It follows that under these conditions the hzp values
give an indication of the relative dynamic and static quality of the machines and for these
• A typical example of the type of errors which can thus be introduced will be discussed in connection
with Fig. 3.
Dynamic Acceptance Tests for Machine Tools 271
reasons, they could be used, in certain cases, as the first approximation of a measure of
their dynamic performance.
Consider again Fig. 2. It will be remembered that Fig. 2(b) is derived from Fig. 2(a) by
increasing by 25 per cent the stiffness of the mode which tended to become unstable.
Other- wise the two machines were identical and the cutting conditions were also the same.
It can be seen that the hzp value of Fig. 2(b) is 25 per cent above that of Fig. 2(a). Clearly,
in a case when it is already certain that two or more machines have essentially similar
stability charts, the hey values corresponding to each machine, corresponding to a
standardized cutting condition, represent a perfectly sufficient measure of their dynamic
It is easy to think of cases in which the h,n value is an insufficient criterion of dynamic
performance. This is in general the case when for some reasons the maximum depth of
cut which is vibration-free at all speeds is considerably greater than hop. The conditions
are the same when it has not been established that the dynamic behaviour of the machines
to be compared shows sufficient similarity. In both cases, at least the stability band
envelope and the upper boundary of the highest unstable speed band is required, or the
stability chart in its complete or condensed form. The condensed form of the stability chart
can be obtained in the case of certain machining processes (for instance drilling), for which
it contains more information concerning the chatter behaviour of the machine than is of
practical interest. An example for this will be given in the following section.
The question which comes to mind is: How do these suggestions work out in practice?
To answer this question, work in progress, concerned with radial drilling machines, will
be discussed.
A stability chart of a drilling operation,* carried out on a radial drilling machine, is
shown in Fig. 3(a). The chart represents chatter behaviour of the machine under following
1. The radial arm was in the middle position and the drilling saddle at the free end of
the arm.
2. The drilling operation consisted of drilling up holes which had been pre-drilled to
the chisel edge width.
3. Mild steel was used as workpiece material.
4. With the exception of one diameter, geometrically similar drills were used, ground
with care on the same machine.
Conditions (1) and (2) were chosen to ensure that the machine will chatter in several
speed bands, so as to test the theoretical method used under highly unfavourable
conditions. These were caused by the large 8exibility of the structure in the position chosen
and by the absence of the stabilizing effect of the chisel edge.
Speeds at which a certain drill diameter produced chatter are marked with circles in
the chart. Only a limited number of drill speeds were available since the machine used was
of the standard type. Nevertheless, these were enough to allow the drawing of the Cambiar la
boundaries of the unstable speed bands. An exception to this statement were results geometria de
obtained with a drill of ,g in. diameter. This drill was of a different make from the others la fresa
(with a slightly different geometry), and its chatter behaviour showed some inconsistency. cambia los
Porque lo
Speeds at which hacen y que
• Figures. 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 have been taken from the unpublished Thesis of I. Onue entitled “Prediction encientran?
of the Chatter Behaviour of a Radial Drilling Machine.”
272 S. A. TOBIAS
O | 60 8@, 100 120 i
O TOO 0 0 0 too
" '* '“ “" ”'° DRI’LL SPEED REY/ NIN**
Fio. 3. Stability charts of drilling process. Fig. 3(a) chart determined by experiment. Fig. 3(b)
chart determined by calculation. After Onur (3].
Dynamic Acceptance Tests for Machine Tools 273
this drill chattered are marked with question marks. One of these, that which was obtained
at 1140 rev/min, lies outside the drawn boundary of the unstable band. This is considered
to be a “freak result”, due to lack of standardization of the test procedure. It was included
so as to show the care that has to be taken in these tests as far as the experimental conditions
are concerned. Owing to this freak result, the boundaries of the highest and next lobe are
considered to be unreliable below a drill diameter of about d —— in., and for this reason
this area is drawn in dotted lines.
Figure 3(a) gives a complete picture of the chatter behaviour of the machine under the
conditions stated. However, it actually contains more information than is required in
practice. This is due to the fact that, assuming the workpiece material to remain unaltered,
to each particular drill diameter there belongs only one optimum drilling speed. The
relationship between drill diameter and rotational speed for mild steel, as specihed by the
manufacturers of the machine tested, is represented by the thick hyperbolic line, denoted
“diameter—speed function”. This line is chain dotted where it intersects the two highest
unstable lobes, indicating that the corresponding drill diameters and speeds are unstable.
The remainder of the curve is dotted. The speeds on the boundary of stability are given in
the figure.
Noting now those speed ranges, and the corresponding drill diameters, which lead to
unstable drilling conditions and plotting them on a linear scale, leads to the condensed
version of the stability chart, a simple graph giving a clear picture of the chatter behaviour
of the machine. Such a chart is shown in Fig. 4. A similar graph can be obtained for all
other positions of the arm and the saddle but in practice only a limited number of these
DptLL SPEED 0 IOO 200 300 .000 500 ROO ID 60D 900 10OD 100 *!°M
FiG. 4. Condensed version of stability chart showing unstable drill speeds along the
diameter—speed function of Fig. 3(a).
will be required for giving a complete picture of the chatter behaviour of the machine.
As a matter of fact, when comparing two or more machines from the chatter point of
view, it will probably be quite sufficient to do this with only three condensed stability
charts of the type shown in Fig. 4, these corresponding to the configuration when the arm
is in the central position of its total range of travel and the saddle is nearest to the
column, in
For the practical engineers, the condensed stability chart of Fig. 4 is probably the ideal
dynamic test certificate which gives him all the information he requires to decide the capa-
bilities of a machine or the relative merits of one design over another. However, when it
comes to using these graphs for selecting from competitive machines the one which is the
best from the dynamic point of view, difficulties are likely to arise. As already stated,
unless these charts are all determined under closely controlled identical experimental
conditions, it may well be that the scatter caused by different drill geometries and
workpiece materials may make a comparison impossible. For this reason a dynamic
criterion is sought which depends solely on the dynamic characteristics of the machine
structure and from which, if
274 S. A. Toairs
necessary, the information contained in Fig. 4 could be derived by calculations, to give the
practical engineer an indication of the type of chatter behaviour he can expect in the
Such a dynamic criterion is in fact, already available, at least for machines which
from the dynamic point of view behave in as simple a fashion as radial drilling machines.
For the appreciation of this dynamic criterion, and its relation to the chatter behaviour of
the machine, some knowledge of chatter theory, and in particular, of the graphical method
for chatter analysis developed by Gurney and Tobias [4] is prerequisite.
The method due to Gurney and Tobias is based on the harmonic response locus of the
machine tool structure. This is obtained by setting the machine into forced vibration by a
harmonic force imitating the dynamic action of the cutting force and by measuring the
amplitude and phase of the ensuing vibration. The experimental set-up used in the case of
radial drilling machines is shown in Fig. S. The vibration generator, which is driven by an
oscillator and power amplifier, acts in the direction of the drill thrust, the exciting force
Fic. 5. Experimental set-up for the measurement of the harmonic response locus of a
radial drilling machine.
being measured by a dynamometer. In the figure the relative vibration amplitudes are
determined with the capacitative method. The method of measurement used is, of course,
immaterial, provided that both the dynamometer and the relative vibration pick-up work
on the same principle so as to avoid spurious phase errors. Otherwise these errors must
be eliminated by correcting the results appropriately. The result of the amplitude measure-
ments is usually given in the form of a resonance curve, which for radial drilling machines
is generally of the type shown in Fig. 6(a).
Figure. 6(b) shows the corresponding phase measurements. The harmonic response
locus is obtained by plotting the resonance curve and the phase curve in polar co-
ordinates, as represented in Fig. 6(c).
The harmonic response locus describes completely the dynamic (and static) behaviour
of the machine with respect to a force acting in the direction of the cutting thrust. Its form
constitutes a complete test certificate of the dynamic (and static) characteristics of the
machine, as relevant from the chatter point of view, which can be used for comparing the
Dynamic Acceptance Tests for Machine Tools 275
dynamic quality of machines of the same type but of differing design. From it, with the aid
of the method due to Gurney and Tobias, the chatter behaviour of these machines is easily
determined, as will be seen presently.
FiG. 6. The relationship between the resonance and phase curves and the harmonic response
locus. Fig. 6(a) resonance curve, Fig. 6(b) phase curve, Fig. 6(c) harmonic responses locus
combining amplitude and phase variation in polar co-ordinate form. After Gurney and
Tobias (4J.
276 S. A. ToaiAS
P’ 0 P
FIG. 7. Explanatory diagram showing the determination of the coefficient of merit from the
normalized harmonic response locus. OP — OP’ -- amplitude of exciting force.
phase angles larger than 90“, that is, which lies to the left of the vertical axis in the figure.
Let fi be that point on the locus which is furthest from the vertical axis, then the machine
for which the distance of R from the vertical axis is greatest is the worst and for which it
is smallest is the best design.
This somewhat vague measure of the dynamic quality of the machines can be put into
more precise terms in the following way: Let OP’ —— OP and find the bisector of OP’
denoted by line AB in Fig. 7. The intersection of AB with the radius vector OR is denoted
by fi’. The dynamic quality of the machine is now measured by the product.
-— Coefficient of Merit*
OR’ -
The greater the value of the coefficient of merit the better the chatter performance of the
machine under the conditions investigated. One such factor can be allocated to each posi-
• Readers familiar with the theory of re-generative chatter will have recognized that the coefficient of
merit is equal to zki „,;u where r represents the number of cutting edges of the tool {z —— 2 for drilling) and
kin in is the minimum value of the chip thickness variation coefficient for which chatter arises. kiz;q is closely
related to the Grenz—Tiefenkoeffizient r z used by Tlusty and Polacek [5] in their work. Concerning the
relation between ki i and r, see Andrew and Tobias [6).
Dynamic Acceptance Tests for Machine Tools 277
tion of the radial arm and saddle. As already mentioned it can be expected that in practice
only a limited number of positions of these machine components have to be considered, for
instance, in all probability only three. At the utmoR, the top and the bottom positions of
the arm might also be included, a total of nine values of the coefficient merit being
T H E P H Y S I C A L S1G N I F I C A N C E O F T H E C O E F F 1 C I E N T O F M E R I T*
Practical engineers are likely to be sceptical that only three or at the utmost nine values
of a coefficient be sufficient for forming a measure of the chatter performance of radial
drilling machines. They will be quite justified to insist of knowing, (1) what the coefficient
of merit actually measures, (2) whether the measured quantity is of practical importance,
and (3) that it measures this feature of the machine consistently and reliably.
The physical significance of coefficient of merit is most easily explained by referring to
the stability chart of a machining process, for instance, Fig. 2. In that figure, the horizontal
asymptote of the stability band envelope hz is denoted by hey and it represents that depth
of cut (of the face milling process to which the chart refers) which is stable to all speeds.
It can be shown that the coefficient of merit is proportional to h,n p, the factor of propor-
tionality being dependent on the tool design (geometry number of blades, number of blades
in contact, etc.) and the workpiece characteristics (hardness and general machinability,
etc.) and the cutting conditions (cutting speed, feed, coolants, etc.).
Analogous conditions arise in the case of drilling machine, the only difference being
that the stability chart the unstable bands lie above the dz curve, this being asymptotic
to the dzg line which represents the maximum drill diameter which remains stable at all
speeds. dzp is found from:
OR’ coefficient of merit
For the determination of the stability chart the harmonic response locus of the machine
is found, this being presented in Fig. 8. Applying the method due to Gurney and Tobias [2]
to the locus yields the stability chart of the drilling process, presented in Fig. 3(b). The
chart shows the practical significance of dzg, that is, that it is slightly smaller than the
maximum drill diameter which is stable at all speeds. From the theoretical point of view, it
is the asymptote of the stability band envelope, denoted by dz.
FiG. 8. Experimentally determined harmonic response locus of radial drilling machine used
in tests, corresponding to the arm and saddle positions shown in Fig. S. After Onur [3].
Comparing Fig. 3(a) with Fig. 3(b) shows that the correspondence between the theore-
tical and experimental results is not altogether satisfactory. The discrepancies are largely
due to the shape of the dz curve which determines the ordinate position of the lower un-
stable speed bands. The reasons for the unsatisfactory correlation between the theoretical
and the experimental stability charts will be discussed later. Research is already in
progress which has the general aim of improving the correlation, although in the present
case no such improvement of the method is required, since the theoretical stability charts
yield the practically significant results with surprising accuracy.
DRILL SPEED 0 10 200 300 S 00 5% 6fXI 700 800 9% 10% 1100 RF'M
This will be seen by considering that the discrepancies exist very largely in a region of
the stability chart which corresponds to drilling conditions never arising in practice. As
already mentioned, the relationship between the drill diameter and drill speed is given by
the diameter—speed function and in the vicinity of this line the correlation is perfectly
satisfactory, as will be seen from the condensed stability charts of Fig. 9. This figure shows
the experimentally determined unstable speed bands and corresponding drill diameter,
derived from Fig. 3(a), and already shown in Fig. 4 in addition to the theoretical prediction
according to Fig. 3(b). As can be seen, the deviation between the experimental and the
theoretical results is better than 5 per cent. A greater accuracy can hardly be expected.
It is obvious that if the coefficient of merit is increased then the unstable speed bands
in Fig. 9 contract and the chatter behaviour of the machine improves. This becomes clear
by considering that an increase of the coefficient results in an increase of dzp. Owing to
this all unstable speed bands shift upwards in Fig. 3(b) and since the diameter—speed
func- tion remains unaffected, the speed ranges over which it intersects the shaded
(unstable) regions contracts.
The shape of the stability band envelope, the he curve in Fig. 2 and the dz curve in
Fig. 3, is dependent on the, so-called, penetration rate effect, which represents the
resistance encountered of the tool during a dynamic penetration of the workpiece material.
The coefficient through which this effect enters the theory of regenerative chatter is a
dynamic coefficient which cannot be determined by the customary static cutting thrust
measurements. Such experiments yield only approximate values of the penetration rate
coefficient and it is quite clear from the lack of correlation between the theoretical and the
experimental stability charts that the degree of approximation was insufficient. Special
dynamic experiments are already in progress which ought to yield more accurate values
and it is expected that with these a greater similarity of the two types of charts will be
The penetration rate effect is of importance also from the point of view of the general
interpretation of the coefficient of merit. In some cases, for instance when drilling into
solid material, this coefficient is very large (owing to the presence of the chisel edge) and
in that case the stability band envelope, lies far above the d,n line in the speed range which
is of practical significance. It follows that the maximum drill diameter which is stable at
all (practical) speeds is very much larger than dz , and with this the simple interpretation
of the coefficient of merit given in this paper is lost. However, this introduces only slight
complications since once d,n is known and the appropriate penetration rate coefficient is
found, the d,n curve is easily calculated with the aid of a simple formula [2].
Complications are likely to arise also in cases when more than one mode of vibration
of the machine tool structure may become unstable. The stability chart of such a system
consists essentially of the superposition of simple charts of the type shown in the paper [4].
These charts will contain two or perhaps more stability band envelopes and corresponding
to the horizontal asyrnpote of each of these a coefficient of merit. It is to be expected that
the smallest of these will be representative of the chatter behaviour of the machine.
Finally, it ought to be pointed out that although in the example discussed in the paper
the unstable drill speeds (and diameters) were predicted with sufficient accuracy and other
similarly satisfactory tests could be quoted, cases were observed when the prediction was
far off the mark. These deviations are attributed partly to the technique so far used for the
determination of the harmonic response loci and partly to the mystery which is still sur-
280 S. A. TOBIAS
rounding the dynamic coefficients of the cutting process. The experimental technique used
for the investigation of the vibration of machine tool structure is, however, constantly
improved and research relating to the dynamic cutting coefficients is also being actively
(1] G. ScHLESINGER, Testing Machine Toolc. The Machinery Publishing Co., London (1945).
[2] S. A. TOBms, Prot. Instn. mech. Engrs, 173, 474 (1959).
[3] I. ONUR, Prediction of the Thriller Behaviour of a Radial Drilling Machine. Unpublished Thesis, Dept.
of Mech. Eng., University of Birmingham (1961).
[4] J. P. GUR«Ev and S. A. Tones, Trans. Amer. Soc. mech. Engrs, 84 B, 103 (1962)
[5] J. Trusrv and M. POLACEK, Drittes Forschungs und Konstruktionskolloquim lMerkzeugmaschinen,
p. 131, IH. FoKoMa, Vogel Verlag, Coburg (1957).
[61 C. ANnREw and S. A. Toaies, Int. J. Each. Tool Des. Res., 1, 325 (1961).