United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

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583 F.

2d 1259

C. Thomas CLAGETT, Jr., trustee, and Ira S. Siegler,

trustee, and the Riggs National Bank of Washington, D. C. (a
National Banking Association organized and operating under
the National Banking Laws of the United States of America),
trustee, and John Lawson Senior, Jr., Appellants,
Richard H. HUTCHISON, Jr., and Steven Sobechko, and
Sobechko, and Joseph E. Shamy, and Mike Brown and
Daniel J. Rizk, Appellees.
No. 77-1420.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fourth Circuit.
Argued March 6, 1978.
Decided Sept. 14, 1978.

Francis D. Murnaghan, Jr., Baltimore, Md. (Benjamin Rosenberg and

John W. Scheflen, Baltimore, Md., on brief), for appellants.
Lawrence S. Greenwald, Baltimore, Md. (Edward E. Obstler, Perry M.
Gould, Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Hollander, Baltimore,
Md., Charles H. Burton, Thomas E. Patton, Kurrus & Ash, Washington,
D. C., on brief), for appellees.
Before BRYAN, Senior Circuit Judge, and BUTZNER and HALL, Circuit
K. K. HALL, Circuit Judge:

This appeal arises out of a civil action commenced by C. Thomas Clagett, Jr.,
and others who were minority shareholders of the Laurel Harness Racing
Association, Inc. (Laurel). Jurisdiction was predicated upon diversity of
citizenship. The plaintiffs sought recovery of monetary damages from Richard
H. Hutchison, Jr. (Hutchison), once the majority controlling common

stockholder of Laurel, and the subsequent purchasers of all or a portion of

Hutchison's controlling common stock.

In relevant part, plaintiffs alleged that through certain stock transfers, the
various defendants had breached two of the fiduciary duties they owed to the
plaintiffs as minority shareholders.

First. Plaintiffs charged that, under Maryland law, defendant Hutchison, in the
sale of his controlling common stock to defendants, Steven Sobechko, James
Sobechko and Joseph Shamy, an attorney, had a duty to investigate the ability
of that group to manage Laurel and to make inquiry into their characters and
financial stability. (Count I). The same duty was alleged to exist between the
Sobechkos and Shamy in the subsequent transfer of a portion of their stock to
defendant Mike Brown. (Count II). And finally, the same duty was alleged to
exist between the Sobechkos, Shamy and Brown in their transfer of the
controlling common stock to defendant Daniel J. Rizk. (Count III).1

Second. Plaintiff charged that, under Maryland law, Hutchison, as the majority
controlling common shareholder of Laurel, owed a fiduciary duty to the
minority shareholders, including plaintiffs, to afford to them an equal
opportunity to sell their shares on the same terms and conditions which were
offered to him. (Count I). In Count II as against Hutchison's purchasers the
same duty was alleged, and the Sobechkos and Shamy were charged with
aiding and abetting Hutchison's violation of the "equal opportunity" rule.

All six defendants moved to dismiss, arguing that the Complaint failed to state
a claim upon which relief could be granted under Maryland law. F.R.C.P.
12(b). The district court held, on the facts of this case, that neither of plaintiffs'
theories of recovery stated a claim upon which relief could be granted, and the
suit was dismissed. Plaintiffs appeal, and we affirm.


There is no dispute as to the facts. Laurel, a Maryland corporation, owned a

harness racing track and operated harness race meets, pursuant to a license
granted to it by the Maryland Racing Commission at Laurel, Maryland. 2 During
the relevant time period of this suit, from October 8, 1974, through March 25,
1976, there were 125,000 shares of the common stock of Laurel issued and then
outstanding which stock was held by approximately 300 stockholders. The
common stock of Laurel was thinly traded on the public market. While

defendant Hutchison was president of Laurel, he executed an agreement to sell

his common stock to defendants Steven Sobechko, James Sobechko and Joseph
Shamy for $43.75 per share. At that time he owned a majority of Laurel's
common stock or approximately 67,662 shares. According to the Complaint,
the then-prevailing market price for a share of Laurel common stock fluctuated
between $7.50 and $10.00 per share. On that same date, Hutchison allegedly
caused the trio purchasing his stock to similarly extend the $43.75 per share
offer to certain designated minority shareholders. The plaintiffs were not
included in the designated group to receive the beneficence of Hutchison.

The actual stock transfer from Hutchison to the Sobechkos and Shamy occurred
on May 12, 1975. The plaintiffs discovered the pending stock transfer just
before it occurred through a news article on April 27, 1975.

Next, between May 12, 1975, and November 5, 1975, while Laurel was under
the control of the Sobechkos and Shamy, some unspecified portion of their
common stock was transferred to defendant Mike Brown. The foursome
continued in control of Laurel.

Finally, on March 25, 1976, the Sobechkos, Shamy and Brown transferred their
stock and the controlling majority of Laurel to defendant Daniel J. Rizk. This
was the final stock transfer involved in this litigation.


Summarily, the plaintiffs sought recovery of monetary damages for the loss in
value of their common stock in Laurel due to the alleged breaches of the duty to
investigate and the breach of the equal opportunity rule.


Plaintiffs contend that a majority shareholder who sells the controlling interest
in a corporation owes a fiduciary duty to the minority shareholders to
investigate the character, integrity, financial stability and managerial ability of
the prospective purchasers where such a seller is in a position to foresee the
likelihood that the purchasers will defraud, loot or mismanage the company.
And, on appeal, plaintiffs point to four factual circumstances which they argue
were of sufficient gravity to place a duty upon Hutchison to investigate the
purchasers of his stock.


First, a significant premium was paid to Hutchison for the price of his stock.

Second, the actual closing on the Hutchison-Sobechko-Shamy transaction was

scheduled to take place at some time from six to twelve months following the
execution of the stock purchase agreement. Third, the contract precluded any
change in the financial condition of Laurel pending closing on the transaction
between Hutchison and the Sobechkos and Shamy. Fourth, Hutchison arranged
for certain designated minority shareholders, not including the plaintiffs, to
have their shares purchased by the Sobechkos and Shamy. Plaintiffs have cited
no Maryland state court decision squarely on point, but rely upon our decision
in Swinney v. Keebler Company, 480 F.2d 573 (4th Cir. 1973). They argue that
the four "suspicious circumstances" set forth above were sufficient to indicate a
likelihood of fraud would exist if the transfer was completed from Hutchison to
the Sobechkos and Shamy.

The defendants counter by arguing that under Maryland law, minority

shareholders have no individual right to recover from former majority
stockholders for any alleged breach or breaches of the duty to investigate. They
argue that, in reality, the suit is one to recover for mismanagement of Laurel,
and such a recovery can be obtained only by a direct suit by the corporation
itself, or by having the interests of the corporation advanced in a stockholders'
derivative action.3


Alternatively, defendants argue that even if there is a duty to investigate under

Maryland law, under the facts in this case, the four suspicious circumstances
set forth above were neither suspicious nor sufficient to place Hutchison on
notice of the likelihood of fraud by the Sobechkos and Shamy.


We adhere to our decision in Swinney, supra, and although we likewise have

been unable to locate any Maryland state court decision directly on point, we
believe the district court reached a correct result through its application of
Swinney and its legal estimate of what the Maryland state courts would do if
presented with this case. This suit was properly dismissed.


Under ordinary circumstances, a director or an officer of a corporation has the

same right as any other stockholder to buy or to sell his stock. See Llewellyn v.
Queen City Dairy, Inc., 187 Md. 49, 58-9, 48 A.2d 322 (1946); Swinney v.
Keebler Co., 480 F.2d at 577. However, if, as this court noted in Swinney :

17. . the sellers of control are in a position to foresee the likelihood of fraud on the
corporation, . . . or on the remaining stockholders, at the hands of the transferee,
their fiduciary duty imposes a positive duty to investigate the motives and reputation
of the would-be purchaser (or purchasers); and unless such a reasonable
investigation shows that to a reasonable man no fraud is intended or likely to result,

the sellers must refrain from the transfer of control."


480 F.2d at 578; McDaniel v. Painter, 418 F.2d 545, 547-8 (10th Cir. 1969).


Applying Swinney to the four circumstances set forth by plaintiffs which are
alleged to be "suspicious", we hold that upon this record, they are insufficient
to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.


First. While the price paid for Hutchison's shares was indeed a premium price,
it was nevertheless a premium paid for the element of control of the
corporation. McDaniel v. Painter, 418 F.2d at 548. The premium payment is
further justifiable since Laurel was a commercial business subject to further
development as an on-going business. Thus, the premium price paid to
Hutchison cannot be said to be so unreasonable as to place him on notice of the
likelihood of fraud on the corporation or the remaining stockholders. Swinney
v. Keebler Co., 480 F.2d at 578-79; Insuranshares Corp. of Delaware v.
Northern Fiscal Corp., 35 F.Supp. 22, 26 (E.D.Pa.1940). Finally, as a matter of
logic, it seems farfetched to pay a 400% Premium for stock simply in order to
acquire control of a corporation in order to loot it. Certainly a cheaper corporate
enterprise could be acquired for such malevolent purposes.


Second. It is true that the written agreement between Hutchison, the Sobechkos
and Shamy provided that closing on the agreement was scheduled for some
time from six to twelve months following the execution of the agreement.
Third. It is also true that the agreement precluded any change in the financial
condition of Laurel pending closing on that transaction. We hold that these two
factors, whether taken alone or in conjunction with the premium price paid to
Hutchison, are not sufficiently suspicious in this case to invoke Swinney 's duty
to investigate. This argument was not entertained by the court below, and we
would not ordinarily pass on it. However, it is clear to us that postponing the
closing to attempt to obtain financing through a pledge of personal assets for a
personal loan,4 together with a contractual guarantee from the seller to the
buyers to preserve the financial condition of Laurel pending closing, constituted
prudent business practice rather than "suspicious" circumstances. The
agreement essentially preserved the Status quo Of Laurel while allowing the
purchasers to shop for financing favorable to them.


Fourth. It is true that Hutchison arranged for the purchase of some, but not all,
of the outstanding minority shares of Laurel, and that the plaintiffs were not
included in this group who were given the option to sell at the higher price
received by Hutchison. From this, plaintiffs argue that Hutchison had some

reason to believe that the future plans of the Sobechkos and Shamy were not in
the best interests of Laurel and its minority stockholders. Defendants counter
by noting that selling one's own stock and including others in such a sale, is a
private act, sanctioned in law, and not alone "suspicious." We agree. Llewllyn
v. Queen City Dairy, Inc., 187 Md. at 60, 48 A.2d 322; Cf. Ace Development
Co., Inc. v. Harrison, 196 Md. 357, 365-6, 76 A.2d 566 (1950).

Thus, we believe that no duty to investigate should, upon the record now before
us, have been placed upon Hutchison in his transfer of control to the Sobechkos
and to Shamy, and Count I of the Complaint was properly dismissed. We
further hold that the remaining counts of the Complaint were properly
dismissed by the district court.


Count II alleged the transfer of "a portion" of stock from the Sobechkos and
Shamy to Brown. (Complaint, Count II, paragraph 38). No allegation of a
transfer of "control" was set forth in this count of the Complaint, and no duty to
investigate arose absent a transfer of control. Swinney v. Keebler Co., 480 F.2d
at 578.


Count III alleged the transfer of control from the Sobechkos, Shamy and Brown
to Rizk through sale of their stock to Rizk. However, as the district court held,
there were no allegations of suspicious circumstances to place a duty to
investigate upon the trio of the Sobechkos, Shamy and Brown in their sale of
control to Rizk. Accordingly, dismissal here was proper also.


Finally, Count IV dealt only with allegations of mismanagement on the part of

defendant Rizk. As above-noted, the mismanagement claims have been
abandoned, and in any event, no transfer of control was alleged from Rizk to
any transferee, nor was a breach of the duty to investigate alleged. Accordingly,
dismissal of Count IV was also correct.


The plaintiffs further argue that Hutchison, as the seller of the controlling
shares of Laurel, owed a fiduciary duty to the minority shareholders of Laurel,
including the plaintiffs, to afford them an equal opportunity to sell their
minority shares or a Pro rata part of their shares to the purchaser of the
controlling stock on the same or substantially the same terms and conditions
which were offered to Hutchison. If the offer to purchase the minority shares is
extended, then the minority shareholders have the option to sell their shares or a

Pro rata portion of them at that price, or to continue their investment in the
corporation, despite the transfer. Further, it is argued that such a rule would bar
the controlling shareholder from securing an advantageous business
arrangement for himself while abandoning the minority shareholders to the
mercy of the new purchasers who would not control the corporation.

Plaintiffs cite no Maryland law precisely on point, but instead argue that the
equal opportunity rule should properly follow from the Maryland law which
prohibits a controlling stockholder from using his control for some ulterior
purpose adverse to the interests of the corporation and its stockholders. See, e.
g., Cooperative Milk Service, Inc. v. Hepner, 198 Md. 104, 81 A.2d 219
(1951); Baker v. Standard Lime and Stone Co., 203 Md. 270, 283, 100 A.2d
822, 829 (1953) (dictum).


Plaintiffs rely upon three decisions from other jurisdictions in support of the
equal opportunity rule: Jones v. H. F. Ahmanson & Co., 1 Cal.3d 93, 81
Cal.Rptr. 592, 460 P.2d 464 (1969); and Donahue v. Rodd Electrotype Co. of
New England, Inc., 367 Mass. 578, 328 N.E.2d 505 (1975); Perlman v.
Feldman, 219 F.2d 173 (2nd Cir. 1955), Cert. denied, 349 U.S. 952, 75 S.Ct.
880, 99 L.Ed. 1277 (1955). See also, Andrews, Stockholder's Right to Equal
Opportunity in the Sale of Shares, 78 Har.L.Rev. 505, 515 (1965).


Defendants counter that the rule of equal opportunity, while nice theoretically,
is simply not the law. Neither the Maryland cases cited, nor the Jones, Donahue
or Perlman cases, Supra, support such a holding. See also Jararas, Equal
Opportunity in the Sale of Controlling Shares: A Reply to Professor Andrews,
32 U.Chi.L.Rev. 240 (1965).


The district court distinguished Jones, Donahue and Perlman and held that the
Maryland courts would not adopt the equal opportunity rule. We agree.


First, the equal opportunity rule has been rather soundly rejected. McDaniel v.
Painter, 418 F.2d at 548 and n.13. Second, the rule, if applied, would likely
result in the stifling of many financial transactions due either to a purchaser's
inability to purchase the additional shares, or from a lack of inclination to
purchase those shares. See Andrews, 78 Har.L.Rev. at 517; Jararas, 32
U.Chi.L.Rev. at 425-6; Letts, Sale of Control Stock and the Rights of Minority
Shareholders, The Business Lawyer, January, 1971, at 631.5



At oral argument, plaintiffs' counsel pointed to additional facts not in the

record, which indicated that various of the purchasers of Hutchison's stock
Could have engaged in conduct that would, if proven, constitute serious
misconduct, perhaps even conduct which was criminal in nature. These facts
are not before us. Accordingly, we confine our result in this case to the facts
now before us, and leave the plaintiffs open to pursue any remedies which may
yet be available to them. Cf. Standard Oil Co. of California v. United States,
429 U.S. 17, 97 S.Ct. 31, 50 L.Ed.2d 21 (1976).
The judgment is


BUTZNER, Circuit Judge, dissenting:


The dismissal of the minority shareholders' complaint for failure to state a

claim upon which relief can be granted departs from sound precedent governing
both the procedural and substantive aspects of this action. The complaint was
dismissed pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6) on the bare pleadings without
consideration of any evidence presented by either affidavit or discovery. Under
these circumstances the allegations must be accepted as true and construed
favorably to the complainant. A motion to dismiss must be denied "unless it
appears beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of
his claim which would entitle him to relief." Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, 4546, 78 S.Ct. 99, 102, 2 L.Ed.2d 80 (1957). "The issue is not whether a plaintiff
will ultimately prevail but whether the claimant is entitled to offer evidence to
support the claims." Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 236, 94 S.Ct. 1683,
1686, 40 L.Ed.2d 90 (1974). Since the motion to dismiss did not satisfy these
exacting standards, it should have been denied. I base this conclusion on the
following principles of substantive law.


* Contrary to the appellees' contention, the district court quite properly

recognized that when the harm done to minority shareholders is distinct from
the harm done to the corporation, the minority are not relegated to bringing a
derivative action on behalf of the corporation. The allegation of discriminatory
treatment charged a harm peculiar to the minority shareholders. It permeates all
their claims and distinguishes this case from those involving only corporate
injury on which the appellees rely. See Jones v. H. F. Ahmanson & Co., 1
Cal.3d 592, 81 Cal.Rptr. 592, 597-99, 460 P.2d 464, 469-71 (1969); 13
Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporations 5913 (1970).


The district court also correctly recognized that majority stockholders have a
fiduciary obligation to the minority when they transfer control of a corporation
to outsiders. Their fiduciary status places them under a duty not to proceed with
the transfer if the circumstances surrounding the transaction would awaken the
suspicions of a prudent businessman. Then, the majority stockholders must
make a reasonably adequate investigation and refrain from the transfer unless
they can reasonably conclude that no fraud is intended or likely to result. See
Swinney v. Keebler Co., 480 F.2d 573, 578 (4th Cir. 1973); 13 Fletcher,
Cyclopedia of Corporations 5805 (1970).


If my analysis of this case is correct, the district court erred by holding that the
complaint alleged no suspicious circumstances that would obligate the majority
stockholder to make the investigation that the rule requires. The district court
reached this conclusion by erroneously construing the allegations against,
rather than in favor of, the complainants in violation of the familiar principles
reiterated in Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 236, 94 S.Ct. 1683, 40 L.Ed.2d
90 (1974) and Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, 45-46, 78 S.Ct. 99, 2 L.Ed.2d 80


In Insuranshares Corp. of Delaware v. Northern Fiscal Corp., 35 F.Supp. 22

(E.D.Pa.1940), the leading case dealing with the fiduciary obligations of
majority stockholders upon transfer of control of a corporation, the court
pointed out that a suspicious circumstance was the inflated price or premium
paid for control. The district court distinguished Insuranshares on the ground
that it involved an investment corporation while the instant case concerns the
sale of a race track. It then construed the allegation concerning the 400 percent
premium over market value paid by the purchasers of the stock against the
complainants by concluding that the allegedly excessive payment was simply
"a price paid for the element of control."


No allegation of the complaint supports the court's assumption about the value
placed on control. The court's conclusion might ultimately be sustained by the
evidence, but I find no warrant for presently holding without any proof
whatsoever that this is the only inference that can be drawn from the payment
of such an excessive premium. To the contrary, it might well reflect the real
value of the stock, especially if assets carried at cost have increased in value. A
reasonably astute businessman should at least investigate the likelihood that the
purchasers were willing to pay such a large premium so they could convert
corporate assets to their own use, as they allegedly did here. Moreover, the
conclusion that the premium simply reflected the price of control is dispelled
by the allegation that the majority stockholder insisted that the purchasers

acquire the stock of certain favored minority stockholders. Other stockholders,

including the appellants, were not even told of the proposed transaction. The
use of such leverage to favor one group of minority stockholders over another
justifies the inference, at least at this stage of the proceedings, that the majority
accurately foresaw that disaster was likely to befall the corporation. These
allegations, in my view, provide a sufficient basis for the minority stockholders'
claim that the majority breached its fiduciary duty by transferring control
without taking the precaution of investigating the purchasers. For this reason
alone I would vacate the order of dismissal.

Another aspect of the case warrants vacating the order of dismissal and
remanding for disclosure of all the facts about the transfer of control. The
minority stockholders do not complain simply that they were denied an equal
opportunity to sell on the same terms as the majority. Their complaint also
alleges that the majority breached its fiduciary duty by causing the purchasers
to offer a premium price to certain minority stockholders who were selected by
the majority, but not to other minority stockholders. The minority's reliance on
state law rather than the federal securities acts does not defeat their claim that
the majority had a duty to refrain from discriminating among minority
stockholders. Their possible lack of standing to assert a federal cause of action
because they neither bought nor sold stock in reliance on the transfer of control
has no bearing on this state-based claim.


It is generally recognized that holders of the same class of stock are to be

treated equally by the corporation and its management. Hagerstown Furniture
Company v. Baker, 155 Md. 549, 142 A. 885 (1928). Persons in control of a
corporation are similarly obligated not to use the power of control to
discriminate among different holders of the same class of stock. I have found
no case in Maryland or in any other jurisdiction holding that persons in control
of a corporation have an unqualified right to discriminate or to abet
discrimination among different holders of the same class of corporate stock.


The only case that appears to have dealt with this situation is Ferraioli v.
Cantor, 281 F.Supp. 354 (S.D.N.Y.1968). There the court said:

44 view of plaintiff's claim that the defendants offered to some stockholders the
opportunity to sell their General Baking stock to Goldfield at a premium and did not
make the same offer to others, including the plaintiff, defendants are not entitled to
summary judgment dismissing plaintiff's complaint. 281 F.Supp. at 356.


Ferraioli has been criticized as an example of the application of the equal

opportunity theory, but apart from that, observant commentators have noted the
issue that it raises when the minority stockholders are treated unequally. See 6
L.Loss, Securities Regulations 3615 (1969); Kaplan, Fiduciary Responsibility
in the Management of the Corporation, 31 The Business Lawyer 883, 908-09
(1975); Schiff, Sale of Control, 32 The Business Lawyer 507, 514-15 (1977);
Schwartz, The Sale of Control and the 1934 Act: New Directions for Federal
Corporation Law, 15 New York Law Forum 674, 694 (1969).


I believe that the minority stockholders' allegation that the majority used its
leverage to favor some minority stockholders over others states a claim that is
sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b). A thorough
exposition of the facts may, of course, disclose that the majority and the
preferred minority were in fact a unit such as the members of the corporation's
management and their families or business associates who acquired the stock as
a joint venture. See 2 L.Loss, Securities Regulations 779 (1961); Kaplan,
Fiduciary Responsibility in the Management of the Corporation, 31 The
Business Lawyer 883, 909 (1975). At this stage of the proceedings, however,
the record does not suggest such a unitary relationship. It therefore seems to me
that the disadvantaged shareholders should be allowed to present proof that the
majority breached its duty to all minority stockholders by unjustifiably
preferring one group over another.


A third reason for vacating the order of dismissal is based on the corporation's
unique status as a racetrack licensee. Insuranshares suggests that the nature of
the corporation's business is a factor to be considered in assessing the majority
stockholder's duty to investigate the persons who wish to acquire control. 35
F.Supp. at 26. I think that this factor is particularly relevant to this case. The
complaint alleges that the corporation operated a racetrack pursuant to a license
granted by the Maryland Racing Commission. This license, of course, was one
of the most valuable assets of the corporation, for without it no races could be


The importance that Maryland places upon the integrity and competency of
persons controlling a licensee is indicated by the requirement that the names of
its stockholders be disclosed and by the authority of the commission to suspend
or revoke a license "for any cause whatsoever which the Commission may, in
its discretion, deem sufficient." 7A Md. Code Ann. Art. 78B 10 and 13(c)(1)
(1975 Repl.Vol. and 1977 Supp.). Since the competency and integrity of new
owners will have an important bearing on the future of the corporation, it seems

to me that majority stockholders who sell control of a race track have a

fiduciary obligation to make a sufficient investigation to assure the minority
that the license will not be placed in jeopardy by the new owners. The majority
are bound to know that if the new management is corrupt or incompetent, the
commission can suspend or revoke the track's license. See Southern Maryland
Agricultural Assoc. v. Magruder, 198 Md. 274, 81 A.2d 592 (1951).

In short, the peculiar nature of this corporation's business is another reason for
concluding that reasonably prudent business practices required an investigation
of the purchasers.


No Maryland case addresses the fiduciary obligations of majority shareholders

who sell their interest in a corporation licensed to conduct a race track, and
quite understandably, the appellants did not press this point in argument.
Nevertheless, the allegations of the complaint are sufficient to raise it.
Moreover, I am confident that if the question were presented in a state forum,
the Court of Appeals would consider the importance of having Maryland race
tracks controlled by honest, competent persons to be one of the factors bearing
on the scope of the fiduciary obligation of majority shareholders.


Consequently, for the three reasons which I have mentioned, or any one of
them, I think the complaint should not have been dismissed for failure to state a
claim. I respectfully dissent.

Count IV alleged mismanagement against defendant Rizk. However, the

plaintiffs abandoned the claims of mismanagement which were set forth in
various parts of the four counts of the Complaint below. No mismanagement
claims are urged in this appeal

Annotated Code of Maryland, Art. 78 B

As noted previously, the mismanagement claims have been abandoned. We are

not presented with claims which would derivatively benefit Laurel, but are
presented with personal claims of the plaintiffs for their individual damages

The facts presented in this case differ markedly from those presented in
Insuranshares, supra. There, the assets of the corporation were pledged for a
personal loan rather than pledging personal assets for a personal loan. 35
F.Supp. at 25. Other much more "suspicious" circumstances also were present
in Insuranshares

We note that a corollary issue to the equal opportunity question is implicitly

raised in this case: whether a majority stockholder can use his leverage to favor
some of the minority stockholders, by obtaining extension of a favorable sale
offer for them, or whether he has a fiduciary duty to treat all minority
stockholders equally. The only case in which this issue has been decided is
Ferraioli v. Cantor, 281 F.Supp. 354 (S.D.N.Y.1968), where the court, in
denying defendants' motion for summary judgment in action by minority
stockholders for alleged fraud by controlling stockholder and others, held that
allegation that opportunity to sell stock at advantageous terms was offered to
some, but not all, of minority stockholders, may constitute a cause of action
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 10(b), 15 U.S.C. 78j(b), and
Rule 10b-5, 17 C.F.R. 240.10b-5. 281 F.Supp. at 356-58. No authority was
cited for this holding. The court expressly declined to reach the issue of the
equal opportunity rule, Id. at 357, but decisions following Ferraioli have treated
the case primarily as a statement of that rule and have rejected it as unsound. E.
g., Christophides v. Porco, 289 F.Supp. 403 (S.D.N.Y.1968); Haberman v.
Murchison, 331 F.Supp. 180 (S.D.N.Y.1971), Aff'd, 468 F.2d 1305 (2d Cir.
1972). It should also be noted that, in these latter cases, plaintiffs were held to
have no standing to state a claim for damages under 15 U.S.C.A. 78j(b) or
Rule 10b-5, whose protection extends only to individuals who have Purchased
or Sold stock in reliance upon or because of some fraud or deceit. Christophides
v. Porco, 289 F.Supp. at 406, 408; Haberman v. Murchison, 468 F.2d at 1313
Without addressing the soundness of the rule espoused in Ferraioli v. Cantor,
supra, we find that plaintiffs in the instant case would have no standing to raise
this issue under Md.Corp. & Ass'ns Code Ann. 11-301 (1975), formerly
Md.Ann.Code art. 32A, 13 (1971), which contains language virtually
identical to that in Rule 10b-5. It is clear that the statute affords protection to an
injured buyer of securities, although arguably not to an injured seller. Brune,
"Rule 10b-5 and the General Law as to Deceit in Securities Transactions in
Maryland," 33 Md.L.R. 129, 138-41 (1975); Goodman v. Poland, 395 F.Supp.
660, 680-82 (D.Md.1975). Plaintiffs fall into neither category. In similar vein,
we find no support in existing case law for importation of a Ferraioli -inspired
common law cause of action where plaintiffs have neither purchased nor sold
their stock in reliance upon alleged misconduct. See Llewellyn v. Queen City
Dairy, Inc., supra (action in deceit will lie for a defrauded seller); Shulton, Inc.
v. Rubin, 239 Md. 669, 212 A.2d 476 (1965) (action for recission will lie for a
defrauded buyer).

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