Battle For Regulatory Supremacy Ambiguity in The Definition Between SEBI and CCI

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CIRC Working Paper


Battle for Regulatory Supremacy: Ambiguity in the Definition of

Control between SEBI and CCI

Cyril Shroff
Nisha Kaur Uberoi

JUNE 2014

CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition

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Suggested Citation:
Shroff, Cyril & Uberoi, Nisha Kaur. 2014. Battle for Regulatory Supremacy: Ambiguity in the
Definition of Control between SEBI and CCI, CIRC Working Paper No. 09. New Delhi: CUTS Institute
for Regulation & Competition.

Authors Bio:
Mr. Cyril Shroff is the Managing Partner of Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co.,
Mumbai region.
Email: [email protected]
Nisha Kaur Uberoi is a Partner and Head of the Competition Law Practice, Amarchand & Mangaldas
& Suresh A. Shroff & Co., Mumbai region.
Email: [email protected]
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Bharat Budholia, Senior Associate, Surya
Kiran Banerjee and Jayati Handa, Associates in the Mumbai Competition Law Practice. The views
expressed in the paper are personal.

Published By:
CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition
R 75, First Floor
Greater Kailash I
New Delhi 110048
[email protected]
+91 11 26463021/22/23

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Any reproduction in full or part must indicate the title of the paper, name of the publisher as the
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Authors & CIRC, 2014

The Indian regulatory regime is a complex system with multiple regulators
actively implementing parallel regulatory practices. The re are regulatory bodies
established in various sectors ranging from the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (SEBI), the Competition Commission of India (CCI), the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC),etc. The overlapping jurisdictions
of these regulators carries the risk of transactions being needlessly stalled due
to the multiple (and in some cases, contradictory) regulatory requirements that
need to be met to get a transaction approved. In light of the above, it is critical
that the various parallel regulatory approval processes are aligned to ensure
that the merger and acquisition ( M&A) activity is not hindered due to lack of
co-ordination between the various regulators or cumbersome procedural
formalities. This working paper analyses the potential areas of overlap between
the CCI and SEBI in reviewing transactions which require merger control
approval as well as trigger open offer obligations.

In the multi-regulator regime of India, coordination between regulators is essential to

ensure certainty and clarity in the law, to
provide a degree of comfort to corporates and
market players in relation to the outcome of
transactions and extent of liability for their
day-to-day business conduct. The requirement
for co-ordination stems from the overlap in
the governing legislations of such regulators
and differing trigger points prescribed in the
legislation. To ensure that such lack of coordination between multiple regulators does
not result in unnecessary delay, it is
imperative to harmonize parallel regulatory
approval processes.

With respect to M&A, there are multiple

overlaps between the governing legislations of
the SEBI and the CCI, i.e. the SEBI Act, 1992
and the accompanying SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2011 (Takeover Code) on the
one hand and the Competition Act, 2002

(Act) and the accompanying Competition

Commission of India (Procedure in regard to
the transaction of business relating to
amended) (Combination Regulations) on
the other. Under these two legal regimes,
there are parallel triggers for the requirement
to make an open offer, as well as the
requirement to file a merger notification with
the CCI. While there is now consistency in
terms of triggers, the incongruence in terms of
timelines, differing definitions and concepts,
etc. is discussed below in the context of
acquisitions of shares and acquisitions of
control over a listed company.

Treatment of Share Acquisitions

Under the Takeover Code, a mandatory open
offer inter alia gets triggered on the
acquisition of shares or voting rights entitling
the acquirer (along with persons acting in
concert with it) to 25% or more of the voting

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rights in the target company. Similarly, under

the Combination Regulations, any acquisitions
of shares or voting rights entitling the acquirer
to less than 25% of shares or voting rights in
the target enterprise, directly or indirectly,
solely as an investment and not resulting in
the acquisition of control is exempt from the
requirement to file a merger notification with
the CCI. Thus, in relation to share acquisitions,
only acquisitions of above 25% in any target
company would trigger the merger control
regime, subject to the jurisdictional thresholds
prescribed under Section 5 of the Act being

It is interesting to note that when the

Combination Regulations were first notified,
the threshold for share acquisitions was 15%,
even though the new Takeover Code had
already been brought into force, prescribing a
25% initial threshold for open offers. This for a
while resulted in a situation where the merger
control requirement was triggered, even when
there was no open offer requirement. This
incongruity was partially resolved by way of
the first amendments to the Combination
Regulations, which were given effect to in
February 2012 (First Amendment), where
the merger control threshold was brought in
line with the Takeover Code threshold.
However, the Takeover Code exempts options
from the computation of this 25% threshold
until they are exercised, while the Act still
computes options within this 25% threshold
still resulting in an anomaly between the two

Further, the Combination Regulations also did

not initially provide for an exemption for
creeping acquisitions, i.e. acquisitions of
shares of up to 5% in a financial year (which

was entitled to an exemption from the

requirement to make an open offer under the
Takeover Regulations). Only acquisitions of
shares by an acquirer which already holds
more than 50% of the shares in any company
were exempt (as long as the target company
was not jointly controlled by enterprises that
are not part of the same group). As a result,
the acquisition of even a single share over 15%
(subsequently amended to 25%) up to 50% of
the shares in a target company required a
merger filing, subject to the jurisdictional
thresholds being crossed under the Act.
Understandably, this position was criticized as
it was detrimental to promoters and investors
alike as it resulted in unnecessary drawing out
of transaction timelines, apart from being
illogical from a competition law standpoint
any transaction, including an acquisition of
shares or voting rights that does not result in a
change of control (and consequently, a change
in market structure), ought not to be
scrutinized by the CCI. In addition, making a
merger filing and awaiting CCI approval for
creeping acquisitions normally executed on
the stock exchange instantaneously could also
result in share price fluctuations making the
acquisition itself unnecessarily expensive.

Responding to industry feedback, the

exemptions under Schedule I were amended
again in April 2013 (Second Amendment) to
be brought in line with the Takeover Code
position, to ensure that the investors do not
suffer due to the disparity in the two
regulations. The current position under the
Combination Regulations is that any gross
acquisition of additional shares of less than
5% of the shares or voting rights of the target
enterprise in a financial year by the acquirer
or group which already holds 25% or more but
less than 50% of the voting rights in the target

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enterprise, is exempt from filing a merger

notification under the Act. Further,
acquisitions of shares or voting rights where
the acquirer already holds 50% shares in the
target enterprise, are also exempt. Unlike the
Takeover Code, the Act does not prescribe the
mode of computation of gross acquisition
which leaves open the scope of further
divergence between the Takeover Code and
the Act.

Treatment of Acquisitions of
Other than share acquisitions, the Takeover
Code and the merger control regime are also
simultaneously triggered in cases where there
is an acquisition of control. However, the
precise scope and threshold for the definition
of control under the Takeover Code and
under the Act is the subject of closely
scrutinized litigation and review by both
regulators and is determined on a case-bycase basis.

The threshold for control under the Act is

much lower than under other regulatory
regimes. Under the Act, control has been
defined in a circular manner to include
controlling the affairs or management of one
or more enterprises or group, either jointly or
singly. The definition of control under other
legislations/regulatory regimes: for instance,
the RBIs revised definition of control with
respect to foreign direct investment (FDI)
rules states that Control shall include the
right to appoint a majority of the directors or
to control the management or policy
decisions including by virtue of their
shareholding or management rights or

agreements. (emphasis supplied). Similarly,

the Takeover Code definition provides that
Control includes the right to appoint a
majority of directors, or to control the
management or policy decisions exercisable
by a person or persons acting individually or in
concert, directly or indirectly, including by
virtue of their shareholding or management
rights or shareholders agreements or voting
agreements or in any other manner.
(emphasis supplied)
The definition of
control under the Takeover Code and new
Companies Act is similar but not in pari
materia with the definition of control under
the Act. Further, it is interesting to note that
unlike the Takeover Code, acquisition of
control delinked from the level of
shareholding or acquisition of shares does not
trigger the mandatory tender offer obligations
in certain other jurisdictions such as United
Kingdom and South Africa.

The interpretation of the concept of control

based on case law varies from the
interpretation under other legislations. The
concept of negative control under the
Takeover Code was tested in the SEBI v.
Subhkam Ventures(I) Pvt. Ltd.1 In this case,
MSK Project (India) Limited (MSK) made a
preferential allotment of equity shares to
Subhkam Ventures (I) Private Limited
(Subhkam) which constituted 17.90% of the
shareholding in MSK. Subhkam made a public
announcement for an open offer to acquire
shares of MSK from its shareholders. The SEBI
required the draft letter of offer to be revised
to reflect that the open offer was being made
under Regulation 10 (acquisition of shares,
now Regulation 3) as well as Regulation 12
(acquisition of control, now Regulation 4) of
the then Takeover Code. Regulation 12


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provides that irrespective of whether or not

there has been any acquisition of shares or
voting rights in a company, no acquirer shall
acquire control over the target company,
unless such person makes a public
announcement to acquire shares and acquires
such shares in accordance with the
regulations. The point of law that was being
disputed in this case was therefore whether
the right to nominate a director on the board
of the company, the right to be present to
constitute quorum and the affirmative voting
rights all of which is essentially negative
control rights constituted control for the
purposes of the Regulations. SEBI held that
the acquisition should be treated as an
acquisition of control. On appeal, the
Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) held that
control is a proactive and not a reactive
power. The power by which an acquirer can
only prevent a company from doing what the
latter intends to do, i.e. negative control is by
itself not control. SEBI appealed the SATs
decision to the Supreme Court. However,
given that SEBI and Subhkam resolved the
matter by way of an out-of-court settlement,
the Supreme Court passed an order disposing
of the appeal and did not rule on the issue. As
such, the precedent value of the SEBI and SAT
rulings in the Subhkam case is uncertain and
there is no real clarity in terms of the SEBI
definition of control.2
The CCI, on the other hand, has clarified that
under the Act, negative control amounts to
control for the purposes of the Act. In MSM
India/SPE Holdings/SPE Mauritius3, the CCI
has effectively concluded that the right to
block special resolutions (by way of a more
than 26% equity stake) amounts to negative

The Supreme Courts order clearly states that the

impugned order passed by SAT will not be treated
as a precedent.

control, which is control for the purposes of

the Act. Further, in Century Tokyo Leasing
Corporation/Tata Capital Financial Services
Limited, the CCI held that affirmative rights
relating to the following items would be
considered control for the purposes of the
(i) annual budget;
(ii) annual business plan;
(iii) exit and entry into lines of business;
(iv) appointment of management and
determination of their remuneration;
(v) strategic business decisions
materiality threshold specified).


Most recently, in Etihad/Jet4, the CCI held that

the Parties entered into a composite
combination constituting the IA, SHA and the
CCA, with the common objective of enhancing
their airline business through joint initiatives.
The effect of these agreements including the
governance structure envisaged in the CCA
establishes Etihads joint control over Jet,
more particularly over the assets and
operations of Jet. (emphasis supplied)

The CCIs observations in the Etihad/Jet order

potentially lower its threshold for the
acquisition of control under the Act. The CCIs
ruling is particularly surprising, given that in
this case, Etihad was acquiring a 24% stake
and did not have any veto rights or quorum
rights. Further, Etihad only had the right to
appoint 2 out of a board of 12 directors with
no casting vote. Furthermore, the Foreign
Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) had
already cleared the transaction and had taken


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the view that Etihad was not acquiring

effective control of Jet, in compliance with
FDI requirements.5 Interestingly, after the
CCIs observation on control, SEBI reinvestigated the Etihad/Jet case in order to
determine if the requirement to make an
open offer had been triggered by the
transaction. In this regard, SEBI passed an
order6, holding that Etihad has not acquired
control over Jet under Regulation 2(1)(e) read
with Regulation 4 of the Takeover Code. While
coming to this conclusion, SEBI inter alia
observed that the definition of control under
Section 5 of the Act, is different from that in
Regulation 2(1)(e) of the Takeover Code, in
meaning, scope, and purpose. SEBI further
observed that one regulatory agency may be
guided by the findings of other regulatory
agency on a particular issue only if the two
laws are pari materia in their substance and
are being applied on the same set of facts and
While the SEBI order has brought some clarity
in relation to the application and meaning of
the term control under the Act and Takeover
Code, having multiple definitions of control
under different legislations has detrimental
consequences for the parties to a transaction.
This can affect deal certainty, as each
regulator may be influenced by the others
definition of control and either initiate or reopen investigations, as was the case in the
Etihad/Jet transaction. Further, in complex
transactions, involving more than one
regulator, each regulator may be reluctant to

be the first to take a view, which in turn,

results in prolonging transaction timelines.

Mismatch of Timelines
A big concern is the potential mismatch
between the timelines for an open offer and
the review of a merger notification for a listed
company. While both these processes run in
parallel, there have been instances where an
acquirer has had to pay interest under the
Takeover Code on account of the CCI review
process taking longer than the open offer
process (typically 60-90 days). The CCI is
required to provide its prima facie view within
30 days (excluding clock stops) of receipt of a
merger notification (Phase I review). If the
CCI is of the view that the proposed
transaction could raise competition concerns,
it can conduct an in-depth review of a further
180 days (excluding clock stops) (Phase II
The proposed combination cannot be given
effect to until the CCI approves the merger
notification under the Act. However, under
the Takeover Code, the acquirer is required to
pay the shareholders who have tendered
shares within 15 days from closure of the
open offer process or pay interest until such
payment is made (even if such delay is on
account of other pending regulatory
approvals). Unlike the UK City Code on
Takeovers and Mergers, there is no process
for suspension of the Takeover Code while the
CCI is reviewing the merger notification.

The parties had modified the transaction

documents numerous times in line at the behest of
FIPB, specifically to ensure that the documents
were in compliance with FDI regulations.

Further, it should be noted that the

Combination Regulations provide for a
standard carve-out from the exemptions set
out above, i.e. the acquisition of control, by

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way of additional rights in the target company

by the acquirer. Thus, even where an acquirer
is acquiring less than 25%, falls under the
creeping acquisition limit or is acquiring
additional shares above 50%, any acquisition
of joint or sole control, or change from joint
to sole control would require the filing of a
merger notification, the rationale being that
any change in control would result in a change
in the business operations of the target
enterprise and accordingly, a change in
market structure.

Mismatch of Remedies

competition law to the CCI in the course of

their review. The Bill also provides for the
converse, i.e. an obligation on the CCI to
mandatorily refer matters relating to other
regulatory regimes to such other regulator.
This provision, if brought into force, clearly
draws the line between the responsibilities
and jurisdictions in Indias multi-regulator
regime. However, pending harmonization of
some of the inconsistencies identified above,
even a mandatory reference will not result in
an effective and efficient resolution. The need
of the hour is likely the constitution of the
joint task force to identify inconsistencies
between the Act and the Takeover Code.

The Act allows the CCI to propose

commitments for problematic combinations.
Such commitments may be behavioural or
structural and need to be addressed within a
specific timeframe. Structural commitments
could include divestment of assets (whether
by the acquirer or target). Under the Takeover
Code, an acquirer is required to declare its
intention to alienate any material assets of
the company in the open offer documents. As
this declaration is prior to the stage at which
the CCI may propose commitments, an
acquirer is effectively precluded from making
commitments to the CCI unless it obtains a
special resolution of its shareholders
permitting it to do so.

At present, there seems to be a lack of
between CCI and other regulators in India.
However, this position is partially sought to be
(Amendment) Bill, 2012 (Bill), which
includes a proposal that other regulators are
required to mandatorily refer issues of

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About CIRC
CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC) was established in 2008 by
CUTS International ( With the mission to be a Centre
of Excellence on Regulatory and Competition Issues, CIRC primarily focuses on
economic regulation in infrastructure sectors, and competition policy and law
with an objective of reaching out to the target audience in India and other
developing countries in Asia and Africa. Its crucial role in research and capacity
building in the area of competition policy and law and regulatory reforms has
created an intellectual knowledge base. This rich experience of working on
regulatory issues and competition policy and law has resulted in many national
and international publications which has enriched a more informed discourse on
public policies and greatly benefited different stakeholders in the society. Since
its inception, CIRC has been undertaking several trainings, seminars and public
lectures on competition policy and law in India and abroad. It also organises
international symposia on the political economy of competition and regulation in
the developing world and India.
CIRC offers practical focus on educational and training programmes on economic
regulation, and competition policy and law. The Institute aims to facilitate
research to enhance understanding and explore inter-disciplinary linkages
among the identified subjects. Increasing demand of long and short-term courses
offered by CIRC is appreciated by many national and international organisations.
The Institute has also made cerebral contribution in the work of the High Level
Committee on National Competition Policy.

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