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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences (SJDS)

ISSN 2394-496X (Online)

ISSN 2394-4951 (Print)

Sch. J. Dent. Sci., 2016; 3(4):124-125

Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher
(An International Publisher for Academic and Scientific Resources)

Case Report
Linea Alba Buccalis a Normal Anatomic Variation of Oral Cavity, Not an Oral
Cancer, Awareness among Patients and Professionals: A Case Report
Dr. Sanjay Kumar, MDS1, Dr. Tanoj Kumar, MDS2, Dr. Vibha Rani, MD3
Associate Professor, Dept. of Dentistry, IGIMS, Patna-800014, Bihar, India
Professor, Dept. of Dentistry, NMCH, Patna, Bihar, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiology, PMCH, Patna, Bihar, India
*Corresponding author
Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Linea Alba is a common anatomic variation of the oral cavity. It is present at the level of occlusal line on the
both side of the buccal mucosa. It is benign hardening of the mucosa inside of the mouth due to excess keratin
deposition. A male patient 22 yrs. old came to the Dept. of Dentistry with complains of elevated white patches on the
buccal mucosa of oral cavity. Patients was under treatment elsewhere for the same for many months in general medicine
and then cancer Dept. etc. patient was frightened and cancer- phobic.
Keywords: Linea Albabuccalis, white raised patch, normal anatomic variation and awareness
Linea Alba is a common anatomic variation of
the oral cavity [1]. It is present at the level of occlusal
line on the both side of the buccal mucosa. It is benign
hardening of the mucosa inside of the mouth due to
excess keratin deposition. It is more frequently seen in
adults than in children [2]. Adults experience linea Alba
more frequently than children. Moreover, cheek biting
is far more prevalent in women than in men. So women
are more likely to develop the condition from biting
behaviors. Thirteen percent of young men in a limited
study had the condition, and so it's likely that the
percentage of women who have linea Alba is much
higher than that percentage.

A male patient 22 yrs. old came to the Dept. of
Dentistry with complains of elevated white patches on
the buccal mucosa of oral cavity. Patients was under
treatment elsewhere for the same for many months in
general medicine and then cancer Dept. etc. patient was
frightened and cancer- phobic. On examination it
reveals it was nothing but normal linea Albabuccalis
with no sign and symptoms and ulceration. All the
medicines and investigation viz, biopsy etc. was
requested to drop. The patients were given preventive
advice. There are many cases reported in the opd, above
one case is mentioned to highlight the poor awareness
among patients and Professionals.

Fig-1: White line along the line of occlusion


Sanjay Kumar et al., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-3, Iss-4 (Apr, 2016), pp-124-125

Fig-2: white line along the buccal mucosa

This case only highlights the failure to
diagnose the case. This is common presentation of
patients where most of the time doctor confuses with
some kind of pathology which is not so. My aim is to
presents this case report to increase the awareness
among specialists and patients. In case of confusion the
treating cases must be sent to oral physician for final
diagnosis. Patients presents with painless elevation on
the buccal mucosa .Main reason for the patient reports
to the opd is the fear of cancer. Patients with linea Alba
experience no symptoms except for the appearance of a
raised white line along the inside of the cheeks. When
the oral mucosa is repeatedly aggravated, it develops a
layer of keratin, which is what appears as a white line.
Chewing on the insides of the cheeks can cause linea
Alba, but has other possible reasons. They are frictions
of the dentures, orthodontic appliances, uneven teeth
and aggressive oral hygiene each can lead to the
After diagnosing linea Alba, a dentist or oral
pathologist will likely advise the patient to remove the
irritant or irritants that cause the condition [1, 2].
Examples include the cessation of habits, such as cheek
biting and aggressive oral hygiene, or adjustment of
orthodontic elements, including uneven teeth, dentures
and other appliances. The patient might even seek
counseling to help manage habits that cause or
exacerbate linea Alba. The dentist or oral pathologist
probably will schedule a follow-up appointment to
determine whether or not the condition improved.
1. Ambika L, Vaishali Kr , Shivayogi H, Sudha P;
Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions and variations
in Indian public school children . Braz. J oral Sci.,
2011; 10(4):288-293.
2. Denny C, Ahmed J, Ongole R, Shenoy N, Binnal
A; Bilaterally occurring mucosal alterations of the
oral cavity-a review. International Journal of


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