Optic Analysis

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The OPTIC Method of Visual Analysis

O = Overview:

Describe what you see in the blink of an eye. What is happening in

the picture? Summarize the action of the visual without analyzing its meaning yet.
This is equivalent to the paraphrase part of TP-CASTT poetry analysis.

P = Parts of the picture:

Break the picture down into sections. Describe the

placement of objects on the canvas. Name everything that you see. Describe color,
lighting, and movement in the picture.

T = Title/Text:

Write down the title of the piece and any other text. What does the
title (and/or text) tell you about the picture? How much does it add to what you
understand or do not understand about the picture? Explain your answers.

I = Interrelationships: Analyze the relationships in the picture. How do objects

or people or colors relate to each other in the picture? What clues to the message or
argument are these relationships giving you? What seems to be the most important
relationship in the picture? How does the title or the text support your understanding of
the visual elements?

C = Conclusion:

Draw a conclusion to the meaning or message of the picture

based on what you have viewed and discussed as a group. Essentially, what is the
message the artist is trying to convey?

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