Dacian Fortresses (Romania) No 906: Identification

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around the capital, Sarmizegetusa Regia, with outstanding

Criterion iii

Dacian Fortresses (Romania)

The group of Dacian fortresses in the Mountain region of

Oraie is the best example of the coherent architectural
programme of a political and religious power, capable of
breaking up ancient tribal structures and unifying its ethnos
around the concept of a state, which was unique for its time.
Criterion iv

No 906

The Dacian fortresses of the Oraie Mountains are an

example that is nowhere else preserved testifying to an
original settlement concept based on site planning with
objectives that are precise, traditional, and specific to this
Criterion v



The Dacian fortresses of the Oraie


The Dacian ensemble of the Oraie Mountains is an

exceptional landmark in the collective imagination related to
the Roman and later Latin history of the Romanian people.
For Romanians the past described in the scenes depicted on
Trajan's Column is the symbol of their European history.
Criterion vi

1 Sarmizegetusa: Grditea de Munte

Village, Ortioara de Sus Commune,
Hunedoara Department
2 Costeti-Cetatuie: Costeti Village,
Orastioara de Sus Commune, Hunedoara

Category of property

3 Costeti -Blidaru: Costeti Village,

Ortioara Commune, Hunedoara

In terms of the categories of cultural property set out in

Article 1 of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, this is a
group of sites.

4 Luncani-Piatra Roie: Luncani Village,

Bosorod Commune, Hunedoara

History and Description

5 Bnia: Bnia Village, Bnia

Commune, Petrosane Municipality,
Hunedoara Department

The civilization of the Getes (Getae) and Dacians can be
distinguished in the Thracian world long before Herodotus
first referred to them in the 7th century BC. The Getes
inhabited the Danube plain and the Dacians the central and
western part of the region between the Carpathians and the
Danube. Their close cultural and linguistic links are
emphasized by several ancient authors.

6 Cplna: Cplna Village, Sasciori

Commune, Alba Department
State Party



29 June 1998

Theirs was a typical Iron Age culture, practising agriculture,

stock-raising, fishing, and metal-working, as well as trade
with the Greco-Roman world, shown by finds of luxury
goods and coinage. When Greek colonies such as Histria,
Tomis, Odessos, etc were established along the northern
shores of the Black Sea in the 7th century BC, the GetoDacian rulers established close links with them and extended
their protection. This cultural interchange had a profound
effect on societies in the region. The other major cultural
influence, adopted by the warrior aristocracy, came from the
Scythians who inhabited the regions to the north and east.

Justification by State Party

The defensive system of the Dacian fortresses of the Oraie
Mountains represent a masterpiece of human creative genius
by virtue of the uniqueness and exemplary nature of the
phenomenon beyond the Greco-Roman world, the concept of
the fortified mountain, the planned structure of the group, the
architectural vision on the scale of a vast territory, and the
ingenious use of the natural environment. The entire site of
Grditea de Munte- Sarmizegetusa, and in particular the
sacred area, is one of the most impressive human
achievements for the remarkable suggestion of the place of
the gods that is sacred and impenetrable and by the
proportions and the spiritual area that is set aside.
Criterion i

During their expansion that began in the 4th century Celtic

peoples settled in modern Transylvania and established a
hegemony over the region because of their superior
weaponry. However, their influence waned from the mid 3rd
century BC onwards. A new Geto-Dacian form of territorial
organization appeared in the early 2nd century BC, at the
same time as important technological developments (wheelmade pottery, iron ploughshares, use of stone for building).
It was based on the dava, the central place of a tribal
territory; these contained many sacred sites (temenoi) and
other forms of cult centre.

The defensive system of the Dacian fortresses of the Oraie

Mountains bears unique and exceptional witness to the now
disappeared Geto-Dacian civilization, one of the last peoples
to be incorporated into the Roman world. The texture and the
planned structures of the group, the special technical
solutions adopted for each element, and the perfect
integration into the natural environment endow the sites

The process whereby the earlier fragmented tribal structure

became centralized is not understood, but there is abundant


There are three components of this site, the capital of Dacia,

which covers an area of 17.83ha: the fortress, the sacred area,
and the civilian quarter.

evidence that the Geto-Dacian civilization flourished from

the 1st century BC onwards, thanks to the intelligence and
pragmatism of its rulers and of its priests. A Hellenistic form
of kingdom was evolved by Burebita (82-44 BC), supported
by a warrior aristocracy and with its heart in the Oraie
Mountains around the sacred mountain Kogaionon where
the sacred city was built, Sarmizegetusa Regia. It became
master of the entire Black Sea coast, absorbing the Greek

The Grditea plateau was terraced to accommodate the

settlement. It is dominated by the fortress, which was the
centre of secular and spiritual government. An area of little
more than 1ha was enclosed by a substantial wall built in
stone and timber using the technique of the murus dacicus.
Little remains of the internal divisions, which were
demolished when Sarmizegetusa was captured by the

After the death of Burebita his kingdom was divided up into

smaller territories, but Sarmizegetusa retained its primacy; it
became in effect the first (and only) true town in Dacia. The
Dacian rulers became increasingly involved in the internal
politics of the Roman Empire, and suffered accordingly from
punitive expeditions. The lower Danube frontier (limes) was
constantly the scene of cross-border raids and minor
campaigns. This entered a new phase in AD 86, which
marked the beginning of a series of Roman-Dacian wars.

The sacred area is situated to the east of the fortress. Access

is by means of a paved path on the west and a monumental
stone stairway on the east. The remains of a number of round
or rectangular shrines survive in the centre of the area. The
former, built of volcanic andesite with wooden columns, had
central sacrificial hearths. The latter were built in andesite or
limestone and had stone or wooden columns.

In the spring of 101 the Roman Emperor Trajan, having

secured his Rhine frontier, took the offensive against the
Dacians. Decebalus unified the Dacian kingdoms and
concentrated his forces in the Oraie Mountains, where he
submitted to Trajan. An uneasy distribution of territory
ensued, broken in 105 when Decebalus seized the Roman
governor Longinus. This time he could not hold the Dacians
together against the powerful Roman army. His capital and
his fortresses were overwhelmed and Decebalus himself
committed suicide to avoid capture. This campaign is
graphically depicted in the reliefs running round Trajan's
Column in Rome.

The civilian settlement spread over more than a hundred

artificial terraces, only a handful of which have so far been
excavated. The houses were both round and circular in plan,
built in stone and wood. A number of craft workshops (metal
working, pottery, glass, coining, etc) have been found. A
Roman bath-house was found along one of the access roads
to the settlement, which had three sources of water which
supplied cisterns and water channels.
Included in this nominated property is the nearby Dacian
settlement site of Fetele Albe, which was associated with the
main site. It is a terraced site where excavations have
revealed a number of stone-built habitations and sanctuaries.
The ceramic and metal material found during the excavations
was of high quality, some of it imported from the Roman
Empire, testifying to the advanced cultural and economic
level achieved by Dacia in the 1st centuries BC and AD.

Dacia became a Roman Imperial province, and its fortresses

were slighted. New Roman towns were created, but none of
them on the site of the Dacian settlements, with the exception
of Sarmizegetusa, which was given the resounding Roman
name Colonia Ulpia Traiana Augusta Dacica
Sarmizegetusa. Dacia was to remain part of the Roman
Empire until 274, when the Emperor Aurelian abandoned it
in the face of irresistible pressure from the Goths.

A small ellipsoidal plateau on a hill overlooking the left bank

of the river Apa Oraului was terraced to form a strong
fortress. Its fortifications were laid out in three concentric
bands, erected in successive stages of the fortress's life. The
ramparts are constructed of stone, wood, and rammed earth,
a different technique being used for each enceinte.

The system developed by the Dacians to defend their capital,
Sarmizegetusa Regia, was composed of three distinct
fortified elements. All of them were strategically placed, to
control important military and/or communication arteries,
such as mountain passes and river or land trade routes.

The strongly defended entrance was on the south. A number

of towers survive: some of these were bastions, the others
used as dwellings. Religious architecture is represented by
four rectangular sanctuaries on limestone plinths with
wooden columns. Two cisterns have also been discovered.

The oldest is represented by fortified sites on dominant

physical features (peaks or promontories). The defences
consisted of palisaded banks and ditches, in a style to be
found elsewhere in antiquity (eg the Celtic oppida). Most of
them were important economic and commercial centres, with
flourishing settlements both within and outside.

Costeti -Blidaru

Blidaru is the strongest and most spectacular of the fortresses

erected to defend the capital at Sarmizegetusa. It is rectilinear
in plan and is located on the levelled summit of a small hill.

The second group is that of fortresses. These were military

complexes, invariably on hilltop sites and occupied only by
garrisons. They sometimes had small extra-mural civil
settlements. Many had a serious drawback, in that they
lacked sources of water and so could not withstand a
protracted siege.

There are two enclosures, covering 0.5ha. The first, on the

highest point, is trapezoidal. The walls (in murus dacicus
style) have corner bastions, through one of which access is
gained to the interior, where there are the remains of a square
building that would have housed the garrison.

The final category is that of linear defences, which blocked

access from certain routes and linked two or more fortresses.

Costeti -Cetuie

A second enclosure was added later, extending the fortress to

the entire summit of the hill. It is also rectangular in plan,
and the walls were reinforced by a series of buttresses; on
two of the walls these were subsequently converted into a




series of casemates, with upper storeys, probably used for


The sites nominated for inscription are all the property of the
State. Properties in the buffer zones are partly State-owned
and partly private.

Luncani Piatra Roie

This fortress consists of two fortified enclosures on the

eastern slope of a rocky massif, covering 1.2ha. The earlier
and smaller of the two has, which is rectangular in plan, has
corner bastions, with a fifth covering the less steep approach
from the east. In the interior there is an apsidal timberframed barrack block with two rooms. To the north and
outside the defences there were two buildings on the site of
an earlier sanctuary.

Overall responsibility for protected monuments is vested in

the Ministry of Culture, which operates through its
Directorate of Historic Monuments. This is advised by the
National Commission on Historic Monuments on research
survey and inventory, evaluation, restoration, conservation,
and other aspects of its work.
The Directorate has inspectors with regional responsibilities,
and at Department level there are professionally staffed
National Cultural Heritage Offices.

The second enceinte dates from the late 1st century AD. Its
defences were constructed of crushed stone and rammed
earth and enclose a much larger area. There are two large
semi-circular bastions at the corners and three others outside
the enceinte.

The National Land Use Plan (PATN) recognizes the

importance of the Dacian fortresses of the Oraie
Mountains. A plan specific to the region was approved in
1997-98. It provides for the investigation and presentation of
the archaeological sites, preparation and implementation of
measures to ensure their protection in socio-economic
planning, re-evaluation of the legal status of the protection
zones, continued scientific research, the development of
regional tourism policies, greater involvement of lower-tier
administrations and local populations, and better access and


This fortress was constructed on a steep conical hill in the Jiu

valley. The only side on which the summit was accessible
was on the north, and this was defended by a strong stone
wall in murus dacicus style. The fortress itself was entered
through a gate leading to a monumental limestone stairway
with andesite balustrades.
The plateau above has three terraces at different levels. The
second of these, in the centre of the plateau, was the site of
the timber-framed military barrack. The third is trapezoidal
in plan and bounded by a strong stone wall.

There are currently management plans in force for each of

the properties that make up the nomination. These relate to
investigation, conservation, and presentation, and also take
account of potential modifications to ownership and/or landuse in the buffer zones.


Each of the sites has an inner and an outer protection zone,

as prescribed in the heritage legislation. These conform
adequately with the buffer zones required in the Operational
Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage

The Cplna fortress was constructed at the summit of a

steep hill which was terraced and surrounded by ramparts
following the natural contours. There is an imposing square
structure built using the murus dacicus technique, which was
occupied by the garrison; it was originally equipped with an
upper storey. This is flanked by several smaller structures.
Excavations have revealed traces of several timber-framed
barrack buildings within the enceinte.

The sites are all relatively remote and difficult of access.

Only at Sarmizegetusa, Cetuie, and Blidaru are there
permanent guardians on site; they are responsible for general
maintenance work.

The defensive wall originates from the military building. It

served also as the revetment for the terraces. The enceinte
was entered by a fortified gateway on the south-east, close to
the military building. There was originally another entrance
in the north-east, but this was blocked between the
construction of the fortress and the Roman conquest in AD

Conservation and Authenticity

Conservation history
There has been considerable conservation work preceded by
limited archaeological excavation at Sarmizegetusa in recent
years. In addition to consolidation and limited anastylosis on
walls, new floors have been inserted in one of the large
sanctuaries, drainage has been introduced, badly degraded
architectural elements have been replaced by copies in
modern materials, and wooden uprights have been inserted
in the large limestone sanctuary in the postholes discovered
during excavations.

Management and Protection

Legal status
The properties nominated for inscription form part of the
Prehistoric and Historic Reserve of the Oraie Mountains,
established under the provisions of the basic heritage
protection Law No 41/1994, as extended and supplemented
by subsequent laws and decrees. This requires any
interventions on protected sites and monuments to be
submitted to the competent authorities for approval. There
are two levels of protection zone around each property. No
construction is allowed in the inner zones, and there is
control over work in the outer zones.

Cplna has been the object of systematic scientific

excavation, in 1965-67 and 1982-83; the results were
published in a monograph in 1989. This formed the basis for
a restoration programme initiated in 1998.
Campaigns at Bnia in 1960-61 and at Luncani in 1950-52
were not followed up with restoration work, and as a result
there was some damage from earth slippage. Excavation


projects in advance of restoration have recently begun at

both sites.

and socio-economic level, and this is symbolized by this

group of fortresses.

There were extensive conservation and restoration

programmes at Blidaru in 1981-85 and at Cetuie in 198186, involving consolidation of walls and insertion of
drainage in lower-lying parts of the site, but much remains to
be done at Blidaru to prevent further degradation.

Criterion iv The hill-fort and its evolved successor, the

oppidum, were characteristic of the Late Iron Age in
Europe, and the Dacian fortresses are outstanding
examples of this type of defended site.


ICOMOS, September 1999

The fortresses were destroyed by the Romans in AD 106 and

the sites were never reoccupied. As a result the authenticity
of the remains is total. There has been a certain amount of
modern intervention, in the form of the replacement of
architectural elements that had deteriorated and the insertion
of modern wooden uprights to indicate where ancient
columns had decayed. However, the overall authenticity of
the ensemble of sites is very high.

Action by ICOMOS
An ICOMOS expert mission visited all the properties that
comprise this nomination in September 1999.
The Geto-Dacian civilization that developed outside the
Greco-Roman world in the later 1st millennium BC achieved
a remarkably high cultural and economic level that made its
eventual conquest by the Romans inevitable at the beginning
of the 2nd century AD. The strength and structure of this
civilization is admirably illustrated by this series of
fortresses, and in particular by the capital proto-city,
Comparative analysis
The only comparable Late Iron Age civilizations are those of
the Celtic peoples of Central Europe and Gaul. However,
none of these exhibits so well planned and executed a
defensive ensemble as that of the Dacian fortresses that are
the subject of this nomination.

Brief description
The Dacian fortresses are a remarkable group of Iron Age
defensive works created in the 1st centuries BC and AD as
protection against Roman conquest. The extensive and well
preserved remains on spectacular natural sites present a
dramatic picture of a vigorous and innovative Iron Age

That this group of properties be inscribed on the World
Heritage List on the basis of criteria ii, iii, and iv:
Criterion ii The Dacian fortresses represent the fusion of
techniques and concepts of military architecture from
inside and outside the classical world to create a unique
Criterion iii The Geto-Dacian kingdoms of the late 1st
millennium BC attained an exceptionally high cultural


confrent aux sites situs autour de la capitale

Sarmizegetusa Regia une valeur exceptionnelle.
Critre iii
Lensemble des citadelles daces de la zone
montagneuse dOrastie reprsente le plus bel exemple
dun programme architectural cohrent dun pouvoir
politique et religieux, capable de briser les anciennes
structures tribales et dunifier son ethnos autour du
concept dEtat, fait unique en son temps. Critre iv

Forteresses daces (Roumanie)

No 906

Les citadelles daces des monts dOrastie sont un

exemple nullement prserv ailleurs qui tmoigne
dune conception originale de lhabitat bas sur un
site model avec des objectifs prcis, traditionnels et
spcifiques cette civilisation.
Critre v

Bien propos

Forteresses daces des monts dOrastie


Sarmizegetusa : village de Gradistea

de Munte, commune dOrastioara
de Sus, dpartement de Hunedoara
Costesti-Cetatuie :
Costesti, commune dOrastioara de
Sus, dpartement de Hunedoara
Costesti-Blidaru :
Costesti, commune dOrastioara,
dpartement de Hunedoara
Luncani-Piatra Rosie : village de
Luncani, commune de Bosorod,
dpartement de Hunedoara
Banita :
commune de Banita, municipalit
de Petrosana,
dpartement de
Capalna : village de Capalna,
commune de Sasciori, dpartement

tat partie



29 juin 1998

Lensemble dace des monts dOrastie est un repre

exceptionnel dans limaginaire collectif li lhistoire
romaine, puis latine du peuple roumain. Pour les
roumains, les scnes historiques reprsentes sur la
colonne Trajane est le symbole de leur histoire
Critre vi
Catgorie de bien
En termes de catgories de biens culturels, telles
quelles sont dfinies larticle premier de la
Convention du Patrimoine mondial de 1972, il sagit
dun ensemble de sites.
Histoire et description
La civilisation des Gtes (Getae) et des Daces apparat
dans le monde thrace bien avant quHrodote ne les
mentionne pour la premire fois, au VIIe sicle avant J.C. Les Gtes habitaient la plaine du Danube, et les
Daces la partie centrale et occidentale de la rgion
stendant entre les Carpates et le Danube. Plusieurs
auteurs anciens soulignent leurs troites relations
culturelles et linguistiques.

Justification manant de lEtat partie

Le systme dfensif des citadelles daces des monts
dOrastie reprsente un chef duvre du gnie crateur
de lhomme, par lunicit et lexemplarit du
phnomne dvelopp en dehors du monde grcoromain, par le concept de montagne fortifie, par la
structure planifie de lensemble, la vision architecturale
lchelle dun vaste territoire, lemploi ingnieux du
milieu naturel. Le site de Gradistea de MunteSarmizegetusa, dans son intgralit mais surtout la zone
sacre reprsente une des plus impressionnantes
russites humaines par la suggestion remarquable de
lespace sacr et impntrable des Dieux, par la
proportion et la spiritualit qui sen dgage.
Critre i

Leur culture tait typique de lge du Fer : ils

pratiquaient lagriculture, llevage, la pche et le travail
du mtal, ainsi que le commerce avec le monde grcoromain, comme en attestent les produits de luxe et les
monnaies retrouvs. Lorsque des colonies grecques
comme Istros, Tomis, Odessos, etc. stablirent le long
des ctes septentrionales de la mer Noire au VIIe sicle
avant J.-C., les dirigeants gto-daces instaurrent avec
elles des liens troits, et leur offrirent leur protection.
Cet change culturel eut un profond impact sur les
socits de la rgion. Quant aux autres influences
culturelles majeures, adoptes par laristocratie
guerrire, elles venaient des Scythes, qui habitaient les
rgions situes au nord et lest.

Le systme dfensif des forteresses daces des monts

dOrastie apporte un tmoignage unique et
exceptionnel sur la civilisation aujourdhui disparue
des Gto-Daces, un des derniers peuples avoir t
intgr au monde romain ; la texture et la structure
raisonne de lensemble, les solutions particulires
propres lexcution technique de chaque lment de
lensemble, la parfaite intgration au milieu naturel

Pendant leur expansion, qui commena au IVe sicle, les

peuples celtes stablirent dans ce qui est aujourdhui la
Transylvanie, et tablirent une hgmonie sur la rgion,
grce la supriorit de leurs armes. Cependant, partir
du milieu du IIIe sicle avant J.-C., leur influence
commena stioler. Une nouvelle forme gto-dace


Le plus ancien est reprsent par les sites fortifis

perchs sur des hauteurs (pics ou promontoires). Ces
ouvrages consistaient en remparts palissades et en
fosss, dun style rpandu dans lAntiquit (les oppida
celtes, par exemple). La plupart taient dimportants
centres conomiques et commerciaux, o les habitants
sinstallaient la fois lintrieur et lextrieur.

dorganisation territoriale fit son apparition au dbut du

sicle avant J.-C., paralllement dimportantes
avances technologiques (poterie au tour, socs de fer,
construction en pierre). Celle-ci sorganisait autour de la
dava, centre dun territoire tribal, qui accueillait de
nombreux sites sacrs (temenoi) et autres lieux de culte.

On ignore par quel processus la structure tribale et

fragmente antrieure devint une structure centralise,
mais il existe de nombreuses preuves attestant que la
civilisation gto-dace spanouit partir du Ier sicle
avant J.-C., grce lintelligence et au pragmatisme de
ses souverains et de ses prtres. Burebista (82-44 avant
J.-C.) instaura un royaume de type hellnique, soutenu
par une aristocratie guerrire, dont le cur se trouvait
dans les monts dOrastie, autour de la montagne sacre
Kogaionon, o fut construite la cit sacre,
Sarmizegetusa Regia. Ce royaume devint le matre de
toute la cte de la mer Noire, absorbant les colonies

Le deuxime groupe est constitu de forteresses,

complexes militaires invariablement tablis sur des
collines et exclusivement occups par des garnisons.
Cependant, elles comptaient parfois une population
civile trs rduite, installe extra-muros. Mais elles
prsentaient souvent une grave lacune : en effet, elles
manquaient de sources deau et ne pouvaient donc
soutenir un sige prolong.
Enfin, la dernire catgorie est celle des ouvrages de
dfense linaires, qui bloquaient laccs depuis certaines
routes et reliaient plusieurs forteresses.

Aprs la mort de Burebista, son royaume fut morcel en

territoires plus petits, mais Sarmizegetusa conserva sa
place prpondrante ; elle devint de fait la premire (et
la seule) vritable ville de Dacie. Les souverains daces
simpliqurent de plus en plus dans la politique interne
de lempire romain, et subirent en consquence des
expditions punitives. La frontire infrieure du Danube
(limes) tait le thtre constant dincursions
transfrontalires et de campagnes mineures. Une
nouvelle phase commena en 86 aprs J.C., avec le
dbut dune srie de guerres entre Romains et Daces.


Ce site, capitale de la Dacie, couvrant 17,83 ha, runit

trois composantes : la forteresse, la zone sacre et le
quartier civil.
Des terrassements du plateau de Gradistea permirent
daccueillir cette installation. Le site est domin par la
forteresse, centre du gouvernement sculier et spirituel.
Une zone d peine plus dun hectare tait entoure
dun imposant mur de pierre et de bois, construit selon
la technique dite murus dacicus. Rares sont les vestiges
des divisions internes, dmolies quand Sarmizegetusa
tomba aux mains des Romains.

Au printemps de lan 101, lempereur romain Trajan,

ayant scuris la frontire du Rhin, entama une
offensive contre les Daces. Cest alors que Dcbale
unifia les royaumes daces et concentra ses forces dans
les monts dOrastie, o il finit par se rendre Trajan.
Sensuivit une division houleuse du territoire, laquelle
Dcbale mit un terme en 105 en capturant le
gouverneur romain Longinus. Cette fois cependant, il ne
put maintenir lunion des Daces contre la puissante
arme romaine. Son trsor et ses forteresses furent
conquis, et Dcbale se suicida pour ne pas tre fait
prisonnier. Cette campagne est illustre par les reliefs
ornant la colonne Trajane Rome.

La zone sacre est situe lest de la forteresse. Laccs

se fait au moyen dun chemin pav louest, et dun
escalier monumental de pierre lest. Au centre
subsistent un certain nombre de sanctuaires circulaires
ou rectangulaires. Les premiers, construits en blocs
dandsite volcanique avec des piliers de bois,
prsentaient en leur centre des foyers sacrificiels. Quant
aux seconds, ils taient faits dandsite ou de calcaire, et
taient dots de colonnes de pierre ou de bois.
Le quartier civil stendait sur plus dune centaine de
terrasses artificielles, dont une poigne seulement ont
dj t fouilles. Les maisons de plan circulaire taient
faites de pierre et de bois. Un certain nombre dateliers
(travail du mtal, poterie, verre, frappage des monnaies,
etc.) ont t dcouverts. Des thermes romains ont
galement t mis jour le long de lune des routes
daccs ce quartier ; Ils disposaient de trois sources,
qui alimentaient des citernes et des canaux.

La Dacie devint une province impriale romaine, et ses

forteresses furent dlaisses. De nouvelles cits
romaines furent cres, mais aucune ne le fut sur les
sites daces, lexception de Sarmizegetusa, qui reut le
nom ronflant de Colonia Ulpia Traiana Augusta
Dacica Sarmizegetusa. La Dacie devait rester partie
intgrante de lempire romain jusquen 274, poque
laquelle lempereur Aurlien labandonna sous
lirrsistible pression des Goths.

Le bien propos pour inscription comprend galement

le site dace voisin de Fetele Albe, associ au site
principal. Il sagit dun site en terrasse, o des fouilles
ont rvl des habitations et des sanctuaires en pierre.
Les matriaux cramiques et mtalliques dcouverts
pendant les fouilles taient de grande qualit, certains
imports de lempire Romain, attestant du niveau
culturel et conomique avanc des Daces aux Iers sicles
avant et aprs J.-C.

Le systme labor par les Daces pour dfendre leur
capitale, Sarmizegetusa Regia, se composait de trois
lments fortifis distincts. Tous taient placs un
point stratgique, afin de contrler dimportantes artres
militaires et/ou de communications : passages
montagneux, rivires ou routes commerciales.



monumental de calcaire, flanqu de balustrades


Ce petit plateau ellipsodal, sur une colline surplombant

la rive gauche de la rivire Apa Orasului, a t terrass
pour former une puissante forteresse. Ses fortifications
ont t poses en trois remparts concentriques, rigs
lors dtapes successives de la vie de la forteresse. Les
remparts sont faits de pierre, de bois et de remblais de
terre, chaque enceinte faisant appel une technique

Le plateau qui se trouve au-dessus possde trois

terrasses de niveaux diffrents. Sur la deuxime, au
centre du plateau, slevait un baraquement militaire
charpente de bois. Quant la troisime, elle est de plan
trapzodal, et dlimite par un imposant mur de pierre.

La forteresse de Capalna a t construite au sommet

dune colline escarpe, qui a t terrasse et entoure de
remparts suivant ses contours naturels. Une imposante
structure carre fut construite selon la technique murus
dacicus, laquelle tait occupe par la garnison ; elle tait
dote lorigine dun tage suprieur. Elle est flanque
de plusieurs structures plus petites. En outre, des
fouilles ont rvl les traces de plusieurs baraquements
charpente de bois dans lenceinte.

Lentre, trs protge, se trouvait au sud. Un certain

nombre de tours subsistent : certaines dentre elles
taient des bastions, les autres tant utilises comme des
habitations. Larchitecture religieuse est reprsente par
quatre sanctuaires rectangulaires, rigs sur des socles
de calcaire, avec des colonnes de bois. Deux citernes
ont galement t dcouvertes.



La muraille fortifie part du btiment militaire, et servait

galement de soutnement aux terrasses. On entrait dans
lenceinte par une porte fortifie au sud-est, proche du
btiment militaire. lorigine, une autre entre se
trouvait au nord-est, mais elle fut condamne entre la
construction de la forteresse et la conqute romaine en
106 aprs J.-C.

Blidaru est la plus puissante et la plus spectaculaire des

forteresses riges pour dfendre la capitale de
Sarmizegetusa. De plan rectiligne, elle est situe au
sommet nivel dune petite colline.
Il y a deux enceintes, couvrant 0,5 ha La premire, la
plus haute, est trapzodale. Les murs (de style murus
dacicus) sont dots de bastions dangle, lun dentre eux
permettant daccder lintrieur, o se trouvent les
vestiges dun btiment carr, qui devait abriter la

Gestion et protection
Statut juridique

Une seconde enceinte fut ajoute plus tard, la forteresse

stendant dsormais sur tout le sommet de la colline.
De plan rectangulaire elle aussi, elle est dote de murs
qui ont t renforcs par une srie de contreforts ; sur
deux des murailles, ceux-ci ont par la suite t
transforms en une srie de casemates, avec des tages
suprieurs probablement utiliss comme entrepts.

Les biens proposs pour inscription font partie de la

Rserve prhistorique et historique des monts dOrastie,
cre en vertu de la loi fondamentale sur la Protection
du patrimoine n 41/1994, telle qutendue et complte
par des lois et dcrets ultrieurs. Celle-ci exige que
toutes les interventions sur des sites et des monuments
protgs soient soumises lagrment des autorits
comptentes. Il existe deux niveaux de protection autour
de chaque bien. Aucune construction nest autorise
dans les zones intrieures, et un contrle est exerc sur
les travaux dans les zones extrieures.

Luncani Piatra Rosie

Cette forteresse consiste en deux enceintes fortifies

situes sur le versant oriental dun massif rocheux,
couvrant 1,2 ha La plus ancienne et la plus petite des
deux, de plan rectangulaire, possde des bastions
dangle, un cinquime couvrant lapproche moins
abrupte de lest. lintrieur, on trouve un btiment
absidal charpente de bois, avec deux pices. Au nord,
et lextrieur des enceintes, se dressent deux difices,
sur le site dun sanctuaire antrieur.

Les sites proposs pour inscription sont tous la proprit
de ltat. Les biens situs dans les zones tampon
appartiennent en partie ltat et en partie des

La seconde enceinte date de la fin du Ier sicle aprs J.-C.

Ses fortifications ont t construites en pierre concasse
et en terre battue, et encerclent une zone bien plus vaste.
Il y a deux grands bastions semi-circulaires aux angles,
et trois autres en dehors de lenceinte.

La responsabilit globale des monuments protgs

incombe au ministre de la Culture, qui opre par
lintermdiaire de sa direction des Monuments
historiques, sur les conseils de la Commission nationale
des monuments historiques en matire de recherche et
dinventaire, dvaluation, de restauration, de
conservation et dautres aspects de son travail.


La direction des Monuments historiques compte des

inspecteurs aux responsabilits rgionales ; au niveau
dpartemental, les Offices du patrimoine culturel
national emploient des professionnels.

Cette forteresse a t construite sur une colline conique

et escarpe, dans la valle de Jiu. Le sommet ntait
accessible que par le nord, et tait dfendu par un fort
mur de pierre, de style murus dacicus. On entre dans la
forteresse elle-mme par une porte menant un escalier


site, mais il reste beaucoup faire Blidaru pour

empcher de plus amples dgradations.

Le plan national doccupation des sols (PATN)

reconnat limportance des forteresses daces des monts
dOrastie. Un plan propre la rgion a dailleurs t
approuv en 1997-1998, et stipule linvestigation et la
prsentation des sites archologiques, la prparation et
la mise en uvre de mesures destines assurer leur
protection dans la planification socio-conomique, la
rvaluation du statut juridique des zones de protection,
des recherches scientifiques permanentes, le
dveloppement de politiques touristiques rgionales,
limplication accrue des petites administrations et des
populations locales, un meilleur accs et une meilleure

Les forteresses ont t dtruites par les Romains en 106
aprs J.-C., et les sites nont jamais t occups
nouveau. Par consquent, lauthenticit des vestiges est
totale. Quelques interventions modernes ont eu lieu,
sous la forme du remplacement des lments
architecturaux qui avaient t dtriors, et de
linsertion de montants de bois modernes pour indiquer
lemplacement danciennes colonnes aujourdhui
disparues. Toutefois, lauthenticit globale de
lensemble des sites est trs leve.

Il existe actuellement des plans de gestion pour chacun

des biens qui composent la proposition dinscription.
Ceux-ci sont lis linvestigation, la conservation et
la prsentation, et tiennent galement compte des
modifications potentielles de la proprit et/ou de
loccupation des sols dans les zones tampon.

Action de lICOMOS
Une mission dexpertise de lICOMOS a visit tous les
biens qui composent cette proposition dinscription en
septembre 1999.

Chacun des sites compte une zone de protection

intrieure et extrieure, selon les prescriptions de la
lgislation sur le patrimoine. Celles-ci sont conformes
aux zones tampons quexigent les Orientations devant
guider la mise en uvre de la Convention du
patrimoine mondial.

La civilisation gto-dace qui sest dveloppe en dehors
du monde grco-romain la fin du Ier millnaire avant
J.-C. a atteint un remarquable niveau culturel et
conomique, qui a rendu sa conqute finale par les
Romains, au dbut du IIe sicle aprs J.-C, invitable. La
force et la structure de cette civilisation sont
admirablement illustres par cette srie de forteresses, et
en particulier par la proto-cit qui en tait la capitale,

Les sites sont tous relativement isols et difficiles

daccs. Seuls Sarmizegetusa, Cetatuie et Blidaru
comptent des gardiens permanents sur place,
responsables du travail gnral de maintenance.
Conservation et authenticit
Historique de la conservation

Analyse comparative
Des travaux de conservation considrables, prcds par
des fouilles archologiques limites, ont eu lieu
Sarmizegetusa ces dernires annes. En sus de la
consolidation et dune anastylose limite sur les murs,
de nouveaux sols ont t insrs dans lun des grands
sanctuaires, un drainage a t introduit, des lments
architecturaux trs dtriors ont t remplacs par des
copies faites de matriaux modernes, et des montants de
bois ont t insrs dans le grand sanctuaire de calcaire
dans les trous cet effet dcouverts pendant les fouilles.

Les seules civilisations comparables de la fin de lge

du Fer sont celles des peuples celtes dEurope centrale
et de Gaule. Toutefois, aucune dentre elles navait
planifi ni excut un ensemble dfensif tel que les
forteresses daces qui font lobjet de la prsente
proposition dinscription.
Brve description

Capalna a fait lobjet de fouilles scientifiques

systmatiques, en 1965-1967 et en 1982-1983 ; les
rsultats ont t publis dans une monographie en 1989,
et ont constitu la base dun programme de restauration
lanc en 1998.

Les forteresses daces sont un groupe remarquable

duvres fortifies de lge du Fer cres aux Iers sicles
avant et aprs J.-C. afin de protger les habitants de la
conqute romaine. Ces vestiges imposants et bien
prservs sur des sites naturels spectaculaires prsentent
une image remarquable dune civilisation de lge du
Fer vigoureuse et novatrice.

Les campagnes de Banita en 1960-1961 et de Luncani

en 1950-1952 nont pas t suivies de travaux de
restauration ; en consquence, des glissements de terrain
ont caus quelques dgts. Des projets de fouilles
pralables la restauration ont rcemment commenc
sur les deux sites.

Que ce groupe de biens soit inscrit sur la Liste du
patrimoine mondial sur la base des critres ii, iii et iv :

De vastes programmes de conservation et de

restauration ont eu lieu Blidaru 1981-1985 et
Cetatuie 1981-1986, avec la consolidation des murs et
linsertion de drainage dans les parties infrieures du

Critre ii Les forteresses daces reprsentent la

fusion des techniques et des concepts darchitecture


militaire issus du monde classique et dailleurs,

fusion qui donna naissance un style unique.
Critre iii Les royaumes gto-daces de la fin du
I millnaire avant J.-C. ont atteint un niveau
culturel et socio-conomique extrmement lev,
que symbolise ce groupe de forteresses.
Critre iv Le fort de colline et son successeur
volu, loppidum, taient caractristiques de la fin
de lge du Fer en Europe, et les forteresses daces
sont de remarquables exemples de ce type de site

ICOMOS, septembre 1999


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