Opening A Restaurant: Questions 21 - 27

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Part 4
Questions 21 27
Read the article about a man who opened a restaurant, and then answer the questions.
For questions 21 27, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.

welve months ago Robin Parker left his job at an
T insurance company. He now runs a restaurant which is
doing very well since it opened four months ago.
Opening a restaurant was a big change for Robin. He loves
travelling and all his favourite television programmes are
about cooking. One day, he read in a newspaper about a
doctor who left her job and moved to Italy to start a restaurant.
He thought, I can do that! His wife wasnt very happy about
the idea, and neither was his father. But his brother, a bank
manager, gave him lots of good ideas.
Robin lived in Oxford and had a job in London. He thought both places would be difficult to open a
restaurant in, so he chose Manchester because he knew the city from his years at university. He found
an empty building in a beautiful old street. It was old and needed a lot of repairs, but all the other
buildings were expensive and he didnt have much money.
Robin loves his new work. Its difficult being the boss, but he has found an excellent chef. He says he
enjoys talking to customers and some of them have become his good friends. He gets up at 6am and
often goes to bed after midnight. Its a long day but he only starts to feel really tired when he takes time
off at the weekends.
Robins restaurant is doing so well that he could take a long holiday. But hes busy with his new idea to
open a supermarket selling food from around the world. Hes already found a building near his

0 Robins restaurant opened
A four months ago. B eight months ago. C twelve months ago. A

21 Robin decided to open a restaurant after he

A visited Italy. B saw a TV programme. C read a newspaper story.

22 Who helped Robin open his restaurant?

A his wife B his brother C his father

23 Where is Robins restaurant?

A in Oxford B in London C in Manchester

24 Robin chose the building his restaurant is in because

A it was old. B it was cheap. C it was beautiful.

25 Robin likes
A meeting his customers. B being a good boss. C trying the chefs dishes.

26 Robin feels most tired

A in the mornings. B at weekends. C in the evenings.

27 Next, Robin wants to

A take a long holiday. B open a second restaurant. C start another business.
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Part 5
Questions 28 35
Read the article about the Amazon River.
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
For questions 28 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.


0 the second longest river in
The Amazon ....
the world today. It carries more water than
.... 29 the
other river.The Amazon starts ....
centre of Peru and travels across Brazil ....
31 the river
about four thousand kilometres. ....
gets to the end of its long journey, it opens into
32 point, it is eighty
the Atlantic Ocean. At ....
kilometres wide. Brazil, with a third of the
worlds rainforest, has fifty-five thousand kinds of
33 found in
flowering plant. Half of these are ....
34 is possible that
the Brazilian Amazon. ....
many of these plants could become important
medicines. This is perhaps why many people today
.... to help protect this special area of the world.

0 A is B was C be A

28 A all B each C any

29 A in B on C to

30 A during B up C for

31 A What B When C How

32 A this B a C their

33 A nearly B only C once

34 A There B One C It

35 A want B wants C wanting

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Part 6
Questions 36 40
Read the descriptions of things you might need on holiday.
What is the word for each one?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.
For questions 36 40, write the words on your answer sheet.

0 You need to buy this before you travel by plane. ticket

36 When you arrive in another country, you have to p_______

show this.

37 You pack your clothes in this. s_______

38 This place has a reception where you can get the h____
key to your bedroom.

39 Youll need this to take photos with. c_____

40 If you go camping, you will stay in this. t___

Part 7
Questions 41 50
Complete this postcard.
Write ONE word for each space.
For questions 41 50, write the words on your answer sheet.

Dear Josh,
Happy New Year! We (EXAMPLE .... are ) spending New Year in the mountains. We
41 . My grandmother has ....
arrived two days .... 42 lovely house here. We are going to
43 for one week. ....
stay with .... 44 snowed yesterday, but today is sunny ....
45 warm.
46 the top of a mountain. It ....
Yesterday we climbed up .... 47 us three hours to get
48 in summer. Tonight ....
there. I love it here in winter more .... 49 is going to be a big
50 the village.
party in the centre ....
See you soon,

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Part 7: Open cloze (1 mark for each correct answer)
This tests your ability to complete a short note or letter with the correct grammar or vocabulary.
In Part 7, you
read a short note or letter (or a short note and the reply)
fill 10 gaps with one word
must spell the words correctly

read all of the note or letter so you understand the general meaning/situation
read the whole sentence when you decide what word to write
look at the words before and after each gap
You can do this before or after you do Part 7 on page 77.
Language task
This helps you think about what clues to look for in the text.
Exercise 1
Read the sentences from the letter and answer the questions below.
Dear Josh,
We 0
. spending New Year in the mountains.
1 spending is part of a continuous verb form. We also use an auxiliary verb to make a continuous form.
What auxiliary do we need? (Remember: this is a postcard and the writer is talking about her holiday
We arrived two days 41
. .
2 What tense is arrived? What time word do we often use with this tense?
My grandmother has 42 lovely
. house here.
3 House is a countable noun. What do we often write in front of a countable singular noun?
43 for one week.
We are going to stay with .
4 What kind of word usually comes after to stay with .? In the sentence before, who is the subject?
44 snowed
. 45 warm.
yesterday, but today is sunny .
5 Snowed is a past simple verb. We need a subject before a verb. What subject/one word do we use for
the weather?
6 When 2 adjectives have different meanings we can use but to join them.
EXAMPLE: The day was cold but sunny or The meal was expensive but not very tasty. What word do
we use to join two adjectives that have a similar meaning?
46 the top of a mountain.
Yesterday we climbed .
7 The verb climb needs a preposition. What is it? (We often use the same preposition with the verbs go,
travel, walk and send when someone or something moves from one place to another place)
47 us three hours to get there.
It .
8 You need to use a verb. Which verb do we use to talk about how long an action is? (in this sentence,
the action is three hours) What time (past/present/future) is the sentence talking about?
48 in summer.
I love it here in winter more .
9 We often use more when we compare two things. What word/conjunction usually comes after more in
a comparing sentence?

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49 is going to be a big party in the centre .

Tonight . 50 the village.
10 What word do we often use to introduce a new idea/subject which is followed by the verb to be?
11 What word comes after in the centre .. in the middle.. at the top .. etc?
Exercise 2
Choose the correct pronoun in each sentence.
1 Maria: Can I borrow you/your/yours dictionary, Hari?
Hari: Sorry, I left me/my/mine at home. Why dont you ask Elena if you can borrow she/her/hers?
2 Natalia: Its/Theres a concert in the park tomorrow.
Sergei: I know, but its/theres so cold now!
Natalia: But it/there is free!
Sergei: Free? It/There will be long queues as well!
Write the correct pronoun in each gap.

someone anything no-one something everyone everything

3 Michiko: Who is coming to your party?

Aya: .. I know!
Michiko: Shall I bring .. to drink?
Aya: No, I dont need ... I already bought .. we need.
Michiko: Can I bring .. with me? Shes a friend of mine.
Aya: OK, but I must give you some directions. .. knows where the party is yet!
Verb forms
Read the dialogues. Choose the correct verb form. Use the words in italics to help you.
1 a How often do you play/are you playing tennis?
b Usually, I play/Im playing twice a week.
2 Where do you live?
Well, at the moment I live/Im living with my parents, but I want to find my own apartment soon.
3 a I am going/went to Tokyo last week, on a business trip.
b Really? Where are you staying/did you stay?
4 a Are you phoning/Have you phoned Mr Kitano yet?
b Yes, I spoke/have spoken to him 10 minutes ago.
c He comes/is coming to London next week.
5 Did you see the accident?
Yes. I waited/was waiting for the bus when the truck crashed into the shop.
6 Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Yes, I visit/Im going to visit some friends.
7 You look tired. Yes. I think I go/Ill go to bed early tonight.
8 Whats the problem?
I cant use my new microwave. The instructions are writing/are written in German.

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Choose the correct modal verb(s) for each sentence.

shall need to may have to need should

could must would should can could

1 ....................../....................../...................... you please send me some information about your courses? (a request)
2 Thank you for the invitation. What time ....................../...................... I arrive at your house? (asking for a
3 San Francisco is wonderful! We ...................... go to Los Angeles as well, but we arent sure yet.
4 If you dont like your job, you ....................../...................... look for a new one. (advice)
5 I cant meet you today. My boss said I ....................../....................../...................... finish my report today.
6 If you...................... somewhere to stay, you are welcome to stay with us.
Join the sentences together.
I passed my driving test and I dont have any money to buy a car!
but my English exam!
because I had a lot of driving lessons.
You could come to the caf with us when you could go with Jane.
or have a coffee there.
and you finish work.

Please visit me and my family if my mother really wants to meet you!

because you come to Seoul.
but dont come in May.
Im planning to go to New Zealand when my cousins live.
where Australia next year.
or I graduate this year.
We use a
to introduce an idea/object/noun for the first time
We use the
when we talk about an object/noun for the second time/again etc.
when the speaker/writer believes the listener/reader knows which object/noun he is talking about
with superlative forms (example: the biggest/the most expensive)
with times of day (example: in the morning/in the afternoon etc.)
with positions + locations (example: in the centre/in the east of )
Write an article (a/the) in each gap.
Dear Ella
This is just (1) ..... quick note to tell you that I cannot go to (2) ..... cinema on Saturday afternoon. I have to
meet my brother at (3) ..... airport. I havent seen him for (4) ..... long time! Im taking him to
(5) ..... local restaurant in (6) ..... evening. They make (7) ..... best pizza! Would you like to come
with us?
Love Jo
Dear Jo
Thanks for (8) ..... note. I remember your brother hes (9) ..... youngest in the family, isnt he? Id love
to come to (10) ..... restaurant. Is it (11) ..... one which is at (12) ..... end of your road? Please give
me (13) ..... call and tell me what time you are going.
Love Ella
Macmillan, Max Hueber Verlag , Ismaning, KET Testbuilder, 3-19-052883-7

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