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The Theaetetus, which probably dates from about 369 BC, is arguably Plato's greatest
work on epistemology. (Arguably, it is his greatest work on anything.) Plato (c.427347
BC) has much to say about the nature of knowledge elsewhere. But only
the Theaetetus offers a set-piece discussion of the question What is knowledge?
Like many other Platonic dialogues, the Theaetetus is dominated by question-andanswer exchanges, with Socrates as main questioner. His two respondents are
Theaetetus, a brilliant young mathematician, and Theaetetus' tutor Theodorus, who is
rather less young (and rather less brilliant).
Also like other Platonic dialogues, the main discussion of the Theaetetus is set within a
framing conversation (142a-143c) between Eucleides and Terpsion (cp. Phaedo 59c).
This frame may be meant as a dedication of the work to the memory of the man
Theaetetus. Sedley 2004 (68) has argued that it is meant to set some distance between
Plato's authorial voice and the various other voices (including Socrates') that are heard
in the dialogue. Alternatively, or also, it may be intended, like Symposium 1723, to
prompt questions about the reliability of knowledge based on testimony. (Cp. the lawcourt passage (Theaetetus 201a-c), and Socrates' dream (Theaetetus 201c-202c).)
The Theaetetus most important similarity to other Platonic dialogues is that it
is aporeticit is a dialogue that ends in an impasse. The Theaetetus reviews three
definitions of knowledge in turn; plus, in a preliminary discussion, one would-be
definition which, it is said, does not really count. Each of these proposals is rejected,
and no alternative is explicitly offered. Thus we complete the dialogue without
discovering what knowledge is. We discover only three things that knowledge
isnot (Theaetetus 210c; cp. 183a5, 187a1).
This matters, given the place that the Theaetetus is normally assigned in the chronology
of Plato's writings. Most scholars agree that Plato's first writings were the Socratic
dialogues (as they are often called), which ask questions of the What is? form and
typically fail to find answers: What is courage? (Laches), What is self-control?
(Charmides), What is justice? (Alcibiades I;Republic 1), What is holiness?
(Euthyphro), What is friendship? (Lysis), What is virtue? (Meno), What is
nobility? (Hippias Major). After some transitional works (Protagoras, Gorgias,
Cratylus, Euthydemus) comes a series of dialogues in which Plato writes to a less
tightly-defined format, not always focusing on a What is? question, nor using the
question-and-answer interrogative method that he himself depicts as strictly Socratic:
the Phaedo, the Phaedrus, theSymposium, and the Republic. In these dialogues Plato
shows a much greater willingness to put positive and ambitious metaphysical views in

Socrates' mouth, and to make Socrates the spokesman for what we call Plato's theory
of Forms.
After these, it is normally supposed that Plato's next two works were
the Parmenides and theTheaetetus, probably in that order. If so, and if we take as
seriously as Plato seems to the important criticisms of the theory of Forms that are
made in the Parmenides, then the significance of theTheaetetus's return to the aporetic
method looks obvious. Apparently Plato has abandoned the certainties of his middleperiod works, such as the theory of Forms, and returned to the almost-sceptical manner
of the early dialogues. In the Theaetetus, the Forms that so dominated theRepublic's
discussions of epistemology are hardly mentioned at all. A good understanding of the
dialogue must make sense of this fact.

2. Summary of the Dialogue

At the gates of the city of Megara in 369 BC, Eucleides and Terpsion hear a slave read
out Eucleides' memoir of a philosophical discussion that took place in 399 BC, shortly
before Socrates' trial and execution (142a-143c). In this, the young Theaetetus is
introduced to Socrates by his mathematics tutor, Theodorus. Socrates questions
Theaetetus about the nature of expertise, and this leads him to pose the key question of
the dialogue: What is knowledge? (143d-145e). Theaetetus' first response (D0) is to
give examples of knowledge such as geometry, astronomy, harmony, arithmetic (146ac). Socrates objects that, for any x, examples of x are neither necessary nor sufficient for
a definition of x (146d-147e). Theaetetus admits this, and contrasts the ease with which
he and his classmates define mathematical terms with his inability to define of
knowledge (147c-148e). Socrates offers to explain Theaetetus' bewilderment about the
question What is knowledge? by comparing himself with a midwife: Theaetetus, he
suggests, is in discomfort because he is in intellectual labour (148e-151d).
Thus prompted, Theaetetus states his first acceptable definition, which is the proposal
(D1) that Knowledge is perception (151d-e). Socrates does not respond to this
directly. Instead he claims that D1 entails two other theories (Protagoras' and
Heracleitus'), which he expounds (151e-160e) and then criticises (160e-183c). Socrates
eventually presents no fewer than eleven arguments, not all of which seem seriously
intended, against the Protagorean and Heracleitean views. If any of these arguments hit
its target, then by modus tollens D1 is also false. A more direct argument against D1 is
eventually given at 1847.
In 187b48, Theaetetus proposes a second definition of knowledge: (D2) Knowledge
is true belief. D2 provokes Socrates to ask: how can there be any such thing
as false belief? There follows a five-phase discussion which attempts to come up with
an account of false belief. All five of these attempts fail, and that appears to be the end
of the topic of false belief. Finally, at 200d-201c, Socrates returns to D2 itself. He

dismisses D2 just by arguing that accidental true beliefs cannot be called knowledge,
giving Athenian jurymen as an example of accidental true belief.
Theaetetus tries a third time. His final proposal (D3) defines knowledge as true belief
with an account (logos) (201c-d). The ensuing discussion attempts to spell out what it
might be like for D3 to be true, then makes three attempts to spell out what a logos is.
In 201d-202d, the famous passage known as The Dream of Socrates, a two-part
ontology of elements and complexes is proposed. Parallel to this ontology runs a theory
of explanation that claims that to explain, to offer a logos, is to analyse complexes into
their elements, i.e., those parts which cannot be further analysed. Crucially, the Dream
Theory says that knowledge of O is true belief about O plus an account of O's
composition. If O is not composite, O cannot be known, but only perceived (202b6).
When Socrates argues against the Dream Theory (202d8206b11), it is this entailment
that he focuses on.
Socrates then turns to consider, and reject, three attempts to spell out what a logos is
to give an account of account. The first attempt takes logos just to mean speech or
statement (206c-e). The second account (206e4208b12) of logos of O takes it as
enumeration of the elements ofO. The third and last proposal (208c1210a9) is that to
give the logos of O is to cite the smeion ordiaphora of O, the sign or diagnostic
feature wherein O differs from everything else.
All three attempts to give an account of account fail. The day's discussion, and the
dialogue, end in aporia. Socrates leaves to face his enemies in the courtroom.

3. Overall Interpretations of
the Theaetetus
The Theaetetus is a principal field of battle for one of the main disputes between Plato's
interpreters. This is the dispute between Unitarians and Revisionists.
Unitarians argue that Plato's works display a unity of doctrine and a continuity of
purpose throughout. Unitarians include Aristotle, Proclus, and all the ancient and
mediaeval commentators; Bishop Berkeley; and in the modern era, Schleiermacher, Ast,
Shorey, Dis, Ross, Cornford, and Cherniss.
Revisionists retort that Plato's works are full of revisions, retractations, and changes of
direction. Eminent Revisionists include Lutoslawski, Ryle, Robinson, Runciman, Owen,
McDowell, Bostock, and many recent commentators.
Unitarianism is historically the dominant interpretive tradition. Revisionism, it appears,
was not invented until the text-critical methods, such as stylometry, that were developed
in early nineteenth-century German biblical studies were transferred to Plato.

In the twentieth century, a different brand of Revisionism has dominated Englishspeaking Platonic studies. This owes its impetus to a desire to read Plato as charitably
as possible, and a belief that a charitable reading of Plato's works will minimise their
dependence on the theory of Forms. (Corollary: Unitarians are likelier than Revisionists
to be sympathetic to the theory of Forms.)
Unitarianism could be the thesis that all of Plato's work is, really, Socratic in method
and inspiration, and that Plato should be credited with no view that is not endorsed in
the early dialogues. (In some recent writers, Unitarianism is this thesis: see Penner and
Rowe (2005).) But this is not the most usual form of Unitarianism, which is more likely
to read back the concerns of the Phaedo and the Republic into the Socratic dialogues,
than to read forward the studied agnosticism of the early works into these more
ambitious later dialogues. Likewise, Revisionismcould be evidenced by the obvious
changes of outlook that occur, e.g., between the Charmides and the Phaedo, or again
between the Protagoras and the Gorgias. But the main focus of the
Revisionist/Unitarian debate has never been on these dialogues. The contrasts between
theCharmides and the Phaedo, and the Protagoras and the Gorgias, tell us little about
the question whether Plato ever abandoned the theory of Forms. And that has usually
been the key dispute between Revisionists and Unitarians.
Hence the debate has typically focused on the contrast between the the Middle Period
dialogues and the Late dialogues. Revisionists say that the Middle Period dialogues
enounce positive doctrines, above all the theory of Forms, which the Late dialogues
criticise, reject, or simply bypass. The main place where Revisionists (e.g., Ryle 1939)
suppose that Plato criticises the theory of Forms is in the Parmenides (though some
Revisionists find criticism of the theory of Forms in theTheaetetus and Sophist as well).
The main places where Revisionists look to see Plato managing without the theory of
Forms are the Theaetetus and Sophist.
Ryle's Revisionism was soon supported by other Oxford Plato scholars such as
Robinson 1950 and Runciman 1962 (28). Revisionism was also defended by G.E.L.
Owen. More recently, McDowell 1976, Bostock 1988, and Burnyeat 1990 are three
classic books on the Theaetetus of a decidedly Revisionist tendency. (McDowell shows
a particularly marked reluctance to bring in the theory of Forms anywhere where he is
not absolutely compelled to.)
Revisionists are committed by their overall stance to a number of more particular
views. They are more or less bound to say that the late Plato takes
the Parmenides' critique of the theory of Forms to be cogent, or at least impressive; that
the Sophists theory of the five greatest kinds (Sophist254b-258e) is not a
development of the theory of Forms; and that the Timaeus was written before
the Parmenides, because of the Timaeus' apparent defence of theses from the theory of
Forms. Their line on the Theaetetus will be that its argument does not support the

theory of Forms; that theTheaetetus is interesting precisely because it shows us how

good at epistemology Plato is once hefrees himself from his obsession with the Forms.
Some of these Revisionist claims look easier for Unitarians to dispute than others. For
example, Plato does not think that the arguments of Parmenides 130b-135c
actually disprove the theory of Forms. Rather, it is obviously Plato's view that
Parmenides' arguments against the Forms can be refuted. See Parmenides 135a-d,
where Plato explicitly saysusing Parmenides as his mouthpiecethat these
arguments will be refuted by anyone of adequate philosophical training. (Whether
anyone of adequate philosophical training is available is, of course, another question.)
Another problem for the Revisionist concerns Owen 1965's proposal, adopted by
Bostock 1988, to redate the Timaeus to the Middle Period, thus escaping the conclusion
that Plato still accepted the theory of Forms at the end of his philosophical career. The
trouble with this is that it is not only theTimaeus that the Revisionist needs to redate. In
quite a number of apparently Late dialogues, Plato seems sympathetic to the theory of
Forms: see e.g., Philebus 61e and Laws 965c.
On the other hand, the Revisionist claim that the Theaetetus shows Plato doing more or
less completely without the theory of Forms is very plausible. There are no explicit
mentions of the Forms at all in the Theaetetus, except possibly (and even this much is
disputed) in what many take to be the philosophical backwater of the Digression. The
main argument of the dialogue seems to get along without even implicit appeal to the
theory of Forms. In the Theaetetus, Revisionism seems to be on its strongest ground of
The usual Unitarian answer is that this silence is studied. In the Theaetetus, Unitarians
suggest, Plato is showing what knowledge is not. His argument is designed to show that
certain sorts of alternatives to Plato's own account of knowledge must fail. Plato
demonstrates this failure by the maieutic method of developing those
accounts until they fail. Thus the Theaetetus shows the impossibility of a successful
account of knowledge that does not invoke the Forms.
The fault-line between Unitarians and Revisionists is the deepest fissure separating
interpreters of the Theaetetus. It is not the only distinction among overall interpretations
of the dialogue. It has also been suggested, both in the ancient and the modern eras, that
the Theaetetus is a sceptical work; that the Theaetetus is a genuinely aporetic work; and
that the Theaetetus is a disjointed work. However, there is no space to review these
possibilities here. It is time to look more closely at the detail of the arguments that Plato
gives in the distinct sections of the dialogue.

4. The Introduction to the Dialogue:


We should not miss the three philosophical theses that are explicitly advanced in the
Introduction. They are offered without argument by Socrates, and agreed to without
argument by Theaetetus, at 145d7145e5:
1. The wise are wise sophiai (= by/ because of/ in respect of/ as a result of
2. To learn is to become wiser about the topic you are learning about (145d89).
3. Wisdom (sophia) and knowledge (epistm) are the same thing (145e5).
All three theses might seem contentious today. (1) seems to allude to Phaedo 100e's
notorious thesis about the role of the Form of F-ness in any x's being F
that x is F by the Form of F-ness. (2) looks contentious because it implies (3); and (3)
brings me to a second question about 142a-145e (which is also an important question
about the whole dialogue): What is the meaning of the Greek word that I am translating
as knowledge, epistm?
Much has been written about Plato's words for knowledge. One important question
raised by Runciman 1962 is the question whether Plato was aware of the commonplace
modern distinction between knowing that, knowing how, and knowing what (or whom).
Nothing is more natural for modern philosophers than to contrast knowledge of objects
(knowledge by acquaintance or objectual knowledge; French connatre) with
knowledge of how to do things (technique knowledge), and with knowledge of
propositions or facts (propositional knowledge; French savoir). Runciman doubts that
Plato is aware of this threefold distinction (1962, 17): At the time of writing
the Theaetetus Plato had made no clear distinction [between] knowing that, knowing
how, and knowing by acquaintance.
Against this, Plato's word for knowing how is surely tekhn, from which we get the
English word technique. Plato obviously thinks tekhn incidental to a serious
discussion of epistm. This is part of the point of the argument against definition by
examples that begins at 146d (cp. 177c-179b).
As for the difference between knowing that and knowledge by acquaintance:
the Theaetetus does mix passages that discuss the one sort of knowledge with passages
that discuss the other. This does not imply that Plato was unaware of the difference.
Perhaps he wants to discuss theories of knowledge that find deep conceptual
connections between the two sorts of knowledge.
A grammatical point is relevant here. The objectual I know Socrates in classical
Greek is oida (orgignsk) ton Skratn; the propositional I know Socrates is
wise is oida (or gignsk) ton Skratn sophon einai, literally I know Socrates to
be wise. The to be (einai) is idiomatically dispensable; dispensing with it, we

get oida ton Skratn sophon, literally I know (the) wiseSocrates. Thus Greek idiom
can readily treat the object of propositional knowledge, which in English would most
naturally be a that-clause, as a thing considered as having a quality. We might almost
say that Greek treats what is known in propositional knowledge as just one special case
of what is known in objectual knowledge. This suggests that the ancient Greeks
naturally saw propositional and objectual knowledge as more closely related than we do
(though not necessarily as indistinguishable). If so, Plato may have felt able to offer a
single treatment for the two kinds of knowledge without thereby confusing them. The
point will be relevant to the whole of theTheaetetus.

5. Definition by Examples: 146a-151d

At 145d Socrates states the one little question that puzzles him: What is
knowledge? Theaetetus' first response (D0) is to offer examples of knowledge (146c).
Socrates rejects this response, arguing that, for any x, examples of x are neither
necessary nor sufficient for a definition of x. They are not necessary, because they are
irrelevant (146e). They are not sufficient, because they presuppose the understanding
that a definition is meant to provide (147a-b). Moreover (147c), a definition could be
briefly stated, whereas talking about examples is an interminable diversion
(aperanton hodon).
Does Socrates produce good arguments against definition by examples? Many
philosophers think not (McDowell 1976 (115), Geach 1966, Santas 1972, Burnyeat
1977). They often argue this by appealing to the authority of Wittgenstein, who
famously complains (The Blue and Brown Books, 20) that When Socrates asks the
question, What is knowledge?, he does not regard it even as apreliminary answer to
enumerate cases of knowledge. For arguments against this modern consensus, see
Chappell 2005 (3637).
Some commentators have taken Socrates' critique of definition by examples to be an
implicit critique of the Republic's procedure of distinguishing knowledge, belief, and
ignorance by distinguishing their objects. The suggestion was first made by Ryle 1990
(23), who points out that Socrates makes it clear that what he wants discussed is not a
list of things that people know, but an elucidation of the concept of knowledge. Ryle
suggests that Attention to this simple point might have saved Cornford from saying
that the implicit conclusion of the dialogue is that true knowledge has for its objects
things of a different order. Ryle thinks it silly to suggest that knowledge can be
defined merely by specifying its objects.
However, 145e-147c cannot be read as a critique of the Republic's procedure of
distinguishing knowledge from belief by their objects. 145e-147c is not against defining
knowledge by examples of objects of knowledge; it is against defining knowledge by

examples of kinds of knowledge. (See e.g., 146e7, We weren't wanting to make a list
of kinds of knowledge.) This is a different matter.
Why, anyway, would the Platonist of the Republic think that examples of the objects of
knowledge are enough for a definition of knowledge? He is surely the last person to
think that. The person whowill think this is the empiricist, who thinks that we acquire
all our concepts by exposure to examples of their application: Locke, Essay II.1,
Aristotle, Posterior Analytics 100a49. For the Platonist, definition by examples is
never even possible; for the empiricist, definition by examples is the natural method in
every case. This suggests that empiricism is a principal target of the argument of
the Theaetetus. More about this in sections 68.
Theaetetus is puzzled by his own inability to answer Socrates' request for a definition of
knowledge, and contrasts it with the ease with which he can provide mathematical
definitions. He gives an example of a mathematical definition; scholars are divided
about the aptness of the parallel between this, and what would be needed for a
definition of knowledge. Socrates' response, when Theaetetus still protests his inability
to define knowledge, is to compare himself to a midwife in a long and intricate analogy.
Many ancient Platonists read the midwife analogy, and more recently Cornford 1935
has read it, as alluding to the theory of recollection. But it is better not to import
metaphysical assumptions into the text without good reason, and it is hard to see what
the reason would be beyond a determination to insist that Plato always maintained the
theory of recollection. With or without this speculation, the midwife passage does tell
us something important about how the Theaetetus is going to proceed. In line with the
classification that the ancient editors set at the front of the dialogue, it is going to
bepeirastikos, an experimental dialogue. It will try out a number of suggestions about
the nature of knowledge. As in the aporetic dialogues, there is no guarantee that any of
these suggestions will be successful (and every chance that none of them will be).
So read, the midwife passage can also tell us something important about the limitations
of theTheaetetus' inquiry. The limitations of the inquiry are the limitations of the main
inquirers, and neither (the historical) Socrates nor Theaetetus was a card-carrying
adherent of Plato's theory of Forms. Perhaps the dialogue brings us only as far as the
threshold of the theory of Forms precisely because, on Socratic principles, one can get
no further. To get beyond where the Theaetetus leaves off, you have to be a Platonist.
(For book-length developments of this reading of the Theaetetus, see Sedley 2004 and
Chappell 2005.)

6. First Definition (D1): Knowledge is

Perception: 151e-187a

Between Stephanus pages 151 and 187, and leaving aside the Digression, 172177
(section 6d), 31 pages of close and complex argument state, discuss, and eventually
refute the first of Theaetetus' three serious attempts at a definition of knowledge (D1):
Knowledge is perception.
As before, there are two main alternative readings of 151187: the Unitarian and the
Revisionist. On the Unitarian reading, Plato's purpose is to salvage as much as possible
of the theories of Protagoras and Heracleitus (each respectfully described as ou
phaulon: 151e8, 152d2). Plato's strategy is to show that these theories have their own
distinctive area of application, the perceptible or sensible world, within which they are
true. However, the sensible world is not the whole world, and so these theories are not
the whole truth. We get absurdities if we try to take them as unrestrictedly true. To
avoid these absurdities it is necessary to posit the intelligible world (the world of the
Forms) alongside the sensible world (the world of perception). When this is done,
Platonism subsumes the theories of Protagoras and Heracleitus as partial truths. On this
reading, the strategy of the discussion of D1 is to transcend Protagoras and Heracleitus:
to explain their views by showing how they are, not the truth, but parts of a larger truth.
In the process the discussion reveals logical pressures that may push us towards the
two-worlds Platonism that many readers, e.g., Ross and Cornford, find in
the Republic and Timaeus.
On the Revisionist reading, Plato's purpose is to refute the theories of Protagoras and
Heracleitus. He thinks that the absurdities those theories give rise to, come not from
trying to take the theories asunrestrictedly true, but from trying to take them as true at
all, even of the sensible world. Anyone who tries to take seriously the thesis that
knowledge is perception has to adopt theories of knowledge and perception like
Protagoras' and Heracleitus'. But their theories are untenable. Bymodus tollens this
shows that D1 itself is untenable. On this reading, the strategy of the discussion of D1 is
to move us towards the view that sensible phenomena have to fall under the same
general metaphysical theory as intelligible phenomena.
This outline of the two main alternatives for 151187 shows how strategic and tactical
issues of Plato interpretation interlock. For instance, the outline shows how important it
is for an overall understanding of the Theaetetus to have a view on the following
questions of detail (more about them later):
1. At 156a-157c, is Socrates just reporting, or also endorsing, a Heracleitean flux
theory of perception?
2. What is the date of the Timaeus, which seems (2829, 45b46c, 49e) to present a
very similar theory of perception to that found in Theaetetus 1567?

3. What does Plato take to be the logical relations between the three positions
under discussion in 151184 (D1, Protagoras' theory, and Heracleitus' theory)?
The closer he takes them to be, the more support that seems to give to the
Revisionist view that the whole of 151187 is one gigantic modus tollens. The
more separate they are, the better for those versions of Unitarianism that suggest
that Plato wants to pick and choose among the positions offered in 151187.
So much for the overall structure of 151187; now for the parts.

6.1 The Definition of Knowledge as

Perception: 151d-e
At 151d7-e3 Theaetetus proposes D1: Knowledge is nothing other than perception
(aisthsis). This proposal is immediately equated by Socrates with Protagoras's thesis
that man is the measure of all things (Hm for homomensura), which in turn entails the
thesis that things are to any human just as they appear to that human (PS for
phenomenal subjectivism). Socrates then adds that, in its turn, PS entails Heracleitus'
view that All is flux, that there are no stably existing objects with stably
enduring qualities.
The first of these deft exchanges struck the Anonymous Commentator as disingenuous:
Plato himself knew that Protagoras' opinion about knowledge was not the same as
Theaetetus' (Anon, ad loc.). Certainly it is easy to see counter-examples to the alleged
entailment. Take, for instance, the thesis that knowledge is awareness (which is often
the right way to translate aisthsis). Or take the thesis that to know is to perceive things
as God, or the Ideal Observer, perceives them, and that we fail to know (or to perceive)
just insofar as our opinions are other than God's or the Ideal Observer's. These theses
are both versions of D1. Neither entails Hm, the claim that man is the measure of all
things; nor the Protagoreanism that lies behind that slogan.
So how, if at all, does D1 entail all the things that Socrates apparently makes it entail in
151184? And does Plato think it has all these entailments? Evidently the answer to that
depends on how we understand D1. In particular, it depends on the meaning of the
word aisthsis, perception, in D1. If the slogan Knowledge is perception equates
knowledge with what ordinary speakers of classical Greek would have meant
by aisthsis, then D1 does not entail Protagoras' and Heracleitus' views. In the ordinary
sense of aisthsis, there are (as just pointed out) too many other possible ways of
spelling out D1 for the move from D1 to Hm to be logically obligatory. But if the
slogan Knowledge is perception equates knowledge with what Protagoras and
Heracleitus meant byaisthsis, D1 does entail Protagoras' and Heracleitus' views. Of
course it does; for then D1 simply says that knowledge is just what Protagoras and
Heracleitus say knowledge is.

6.2 The Cold Wind Argument; and the

Theory of Flux: 152a-160e
At 152b1152c8 Socrates begins his presentation of Protagoras' view that things are to
any human just as they appear to that human by taking the example of a wind which
affects two people differently. Such cases, he says, support Protagoras' analysis: that
the wind is cold to the one who feels cold, but not cold to the one who does not feel
Some scholars (Cornford 1935, 334; Waterlow 1977) think that the point of the
argument is thatboth the wind in itself is cold and the wind in itself is not cold (but
warm) are true: Warm and cold are two properties which can co-exist in the same
physical object. I perceive the one, you perceive the other. The trouble with this
suggestion is that much of the detail of the Protagorean/Heracleitean position in 151
184 seems to be generated by Protagoras' desire to avoidcontradiction. If Cornford
thinks that Protagoras is not concerned to avoid contradicting himself, then he has a
huge task of reinterpretation ahead of him.
Rather, perhaps, the point of the argument is this: Neither The wind in itself is cold
nor The wind in itself is warm is true. If we had grounds for affirming either, we
would have equally good grounds for affirming both; but the conjunction The wind in
itself is cold and the wind in itself is warm is a contradiction. This contradiction, says
Protagoras, obliges us to give up all talk about the wind in itself, and switch to
relativised talk about the wind as it seems to me or to you, etc. (The same contradiction
pushes the Plato of the Republic in the opposite direction: it leads him to place no
further trust in any relativised talk, precisely because such talk cannot get us beyond
such contradictions.)
So we have moved from D1, to Hm, to PS. At 152c8152e1 Socrates adds that, in its
turn, PS entails Heracleitus' view that All is flux, that there are no stably
existing objects with stably enduring qualities. The reason given for this is the same
thought as the one at the centre of the cold-wind argument: that everything to which any
predicate can be applied, according to one perception, can also have the negation of that
predicate applied to it, according to an opposite perception with equally good
After a passage (152e1153d5) in which Socrates presents what seem to be deliberately
bad arguments, eight of them, for Heracleitus' flux thesis, Socrates notes three shocking
theses which the flux theory implies:
1. Qualities have no independent existence in time and space (153d6-e1).
2. Qualities do not exist except in perceptions of them (153e3154a8).

3. (The dice paradox:) changes in a thing's qualities are not so much changes in that
thing as in perceptions of that thing (154a9155c6).
These shocking implications, Socrates says, give the phenomenal subjectivist his reason
to reject the entire object/quality metaphysics, and to replace it with a metaphysics of
In 155c-157c the flux theory is used to develop a Protagorean/Heracleitean account of
perception, to replace accounts based on the object/property ontology of common sense.
Socrates notes the subversive implications of the theory of flux for the meaningfulness
and truth-aptness of most of our language as it stands. (He returns to this point at 183ab.) The ontology of the flux theory distinguishes kinds of process (kinsis), i.e., of
flux, in two ways: as fast or slow, and as active or passive. Hence there are four such
processes. On these the flux theory's account of perception rests.
A rather similar theory of perception is given by Plato in Timaeus 45b-46c, 67c-68d.
This fact has much exercised scholars, since it relates closely to the question whether
Plato himself accepts the flux theory of perception (cp. Theaetetus 157c5). The question
is important because it connects with the question of whether the Revisionist or
Unitarian reading of 151187 is right. (For more on this issue, see Cornford 1935 (49
50); Crombie 1963, II (2122); Burnyeat 1990 (1718); McDowell 1973 (139140),
Chappell 2005 (7478).)
At 157c-160c Socrates states a first objection to the flux theory. This asks how the flux
theorist is to distinguish false (deceptive) appearances such as dreams from the true
(undeceptive) appearances of the waking world. The flux theorist's answer is that such
appearances should not be described as true and false appearances to the same
person. Rather they should be described as different appearances to different people.
According to the flux theorist, we have the same person if and only if we have the same
combination of a perception and a perceiving (159c-d). So there is no need to call any
appearances false. Thus we preserve the claim that all appearances are truea claim
which must be true if knowledge is perception in the sense that Socrates has taken that
160b-d summarises the whole of 151-160. Socrates shows how the exploration of
Theaetetus' identification of knowledge with perception has led us to develop a whole
battery of views: in particular, a Protagorean doctrine of the incorrigibility of
perception, and a Heracleitean account of what perception is. Thus perception has one
of the two marks of knowledge, infallibility (Cornford 1935, 58); and, if we can
accept Protagoras' identification of what appears to me with what is, ignoring the
addition for me and the distinction between being and becoming, the case will be

6.3 The Refutation of the Thesis that

Knowledge is Perception: 160e5186e12
160e marks the transition from the statement and exposition of the definition of
knowledge as perception (D1), to the criticism and eventual refutation of that definition.
Scholars have divided about the overall purpose of 160e-186e. Mostly they have
divided along the lines described in section 3, taking either a Revisionist or a Unitarian
view of Part One of theTheaetetus.
Revisionists say that the target of the critique of 160e-186e is everything that has been
said in support and development of D1 ever since 151. Unitarians argue that Plato's
criticism of D1 in 160e-186e is more selective. Obviously his aim is to refute D1, the
equation of knowledge with perception. But that does not oblige him to reject the
account of perception that has been offered in support of D1. And Plato does not reject
this account: he accepts it.
Thus the Unitarian Cornford argues that Plato is not rejecting the Heracleitean flux
theory of perception. He is rejecting only D1's claim that knowledge is that sort of
perception. It remains possible that perception is just as Heracleitus describes it.
Likewise, Cornford suggests, the Protagorean doctrine that man is the measure of all
things is true provided it is taken to mean only all things that we perceive.
If some form of Unitarianism is correct, an examination of 160186 should show that
Plato's strategy in the critique of D1 highlights two distinctions:
1. A distinction between the claim that the objects of perception are in flux, and the
claim thateverything is in flux.
2. A distinction between bare sensory awareness, and judgement on the basis of
such awareness.
One vital passage for distinction (1) is 181b-183b. If Unitarianism is right, this passage
should be an attack on the Heracleitean thesis that everything is in flux, but not an
attack on the Heracleitean thesis that the objects of perception are in flux. According to
Unitarians, the thesis that the objects of perception are in flux is a Platonic thesis too.
Readers should ask themselves whether this is the right way to read 181b 183b.
Distinction (2) seems to be explicitly stated at 179c. There also seems to be clear
evidence of distinction (2) in the final argument against D1, at 184187. Distinction (2)
is also at work, apparently, in the discussion of some of the nine objections addressed to
the Protagorean theory. Some of these objections can plausibly be read as points about
the unattractive consequences of failing to distinguish the Protagorean claim that bare
sense-awareness is incorrigible (as the Unitarian Plato agrees) from the further

Protagorean claim that judgements about sense-awareness are incorrigible (which the
Unitarian Plato denies).
The criticism of D1 breaks down into twelve separate arguments, interrupted by the
Digression (172c-177c: translated and discussed separately in section 6d). There is no
space here to comment in detail on every one of these arguments, some of which, as
noted above, have often been thought frivolous or comically intended (cp. 152e1
153d5). Some brief notes on the earlier objections will show what the serious point of
each might be.
The first objection to Protagoras (160e-161d) observes that if all perceptions are true,
then there is no reason to think that animal perceptions are inferior to human ones: a
situation which Socrates finds absurd.
If this objection is really concerned with perceptions strictly so called, then it obviously
fails. Protagoras just accepts this supposedly absurd consequence; and apparently he is
right to do so. If we consider animals and humans just as perceivers, there is no
automatic reason to prefer human perceptions. Many animal perceptions are superior to
human perceptions (dogs' hearing, hawks' eyesight, dolphins' echolocatory ability, most
mammals' sense of smell, etc.), and the Greeks knew it, cf. Homer's commonplace
remarks about far-sighted eagles, or indeed Aristotle, in theEudemian Ethics, 1231a5
6. The objection works much better rephrased as an objection aboutjudgements
about perceptions, rather than about perceptions strictly so called. Humans are no more
and no less perceivers than pigs, baboons, or tadpoles. But they are different in their
powers of judgement about perceptions.
This distinction between arguments against a Protagorean view about perception and a
Protagorean view about judgement about perception is relevant to the second objection
too (161d-162a). This objection (cp. Cratylus 386c) makes the point that Protagoras'
theory implies that no one is wiser than anyone else. Notably, the argument does not
attack the idea that perception is infallible. Rather, it attacks the idea that the opinion or
judgement that anyone forms on the basis of perception is infallible (161d3). (This is an
important piece of support for Unitarianism: cp. distinction (2) above.)
A third objection to Protagoras' thesis is very quickly stated in Socrates' two rhetorical
questions at 162c26. Since Protagoras' thesis implies that all perceptions are true, it not
only has the allegedly absurd consequence that animals' perceptions are not inferior to
humans. It also has the consequence that humans' perceptions are not inferior to the
gods'. This consequence too is now said to be absurd.
As with the first two objections, so here. If we consider divinities and humans just as
perceivers, there is no automatic reason to prefer divine perceptions, and hence no
absurdity. Plato may well want us to infer that the Greek gods are not different just in

respect of being perceivers from humans. But they are different in their powers of
judgement about perceptions.
The next four arguments (163a-168c) present counter-examples to the alleged
equivalence of knowledge and perception. The fourth observes that, if perception =
knowledge, then anyone who perceives an utterance in a given language should have
knowledge of that utterance, i.e., understand itwhich plainly doesn't happen. The fifth
raises a similar problem about memory and perception: remembering things
is knowing them, but not perceiving them. The sixth (the covered eye) objection
contrasts not perceiving an object (in one sensory modality) with not knowing it. If
perception = knowledge, seeing an object with one eye and not seeing it with the other
would appear to be a case of the contradictory state of both knowing it and not knowing
it. The seventh points out that one can perceive dimly or faintly, clearly or unclearly, but
that these adverbial distinctions do not apply to ways of knowingas they must if
knowing is perceiving.
In 165e4168c5, Socrates sketches Protagoras's response to these seven objections.
Protagoras makes two main points. First, he can meet some of the objections by
distinguishing types and occasions of perception. Second, teaching as he understands it
is not a matter of getting the pupil to have true rather than false beliefs. Since there are
no false beliefs, the change that a teacher can effect is not a change from false belief to
true belief or knowledge. Rather, Protagoras' model of teaching is a therapeutic model.
What a good teacher does, according to him, is use arguments (or discourses: logoi) as a
good doctor uses drugs, to replace the state of the soul in which bad things are and
appear with one in which good things are and appear. While all beliefs are true, not
all beliefs are beneficial.
A difficulty for Protagoras' position here is that, if all beliefs are true, then all beliefs
about which beliefs are beneficial must be true. But surely, some beliefs about which
beliefs are beneficial contradict other beliefs about which beliefs are beneficial;
especially if some people are better than others at bringing about beneficial beliefs. (For
example, no doubt Plato's and Protagoras' beliefs conflict at this point.) This means that
Protagoras' view entails a contradiction of the same sort as the next objectionthe
famous peritropseems to be meant to bring out.
The peritrop (table-turning) objection (171a-b) is this. Suppose I believe, as
Protagoras does, that All beliefs are true, but also admit that There is a belief that
Not all beliefs are true. If all beliefs are true, the belief that Not all beliefs are true
must be true too. But if that belief is true, then by disquotation, not all beliefs are true.
So I refute myself by contradicting myself; and the same holds for Protagoras.
The validity of the objection has been much disputed. Burnyeat, Denyer and Sedley all
offer reconstructions of the objection that make it come out valid. McDowell and

Bostock suggest that although the objection does not prove what it is meant to prove
(self-contradiction), it does prove a different point (about self-defeat) which is equally
worth making.
Socrates' ninth objection presents Protagoras' theory with a dilemma. If the theory is
completely general in its application, then it must say that not only what counts
as justice in cities, but also what benefits cities, is a relative matter. As Protagoras has
already admitted (167a3), it is implausible to say that benefit is a relative notion. But
the alternative, which Protagoras apparently prefers, is a conceptual divorce between
the notions of justice and benefit, which restrict the application of Protagoras' theory to
the notion of justice. Socrates obviously finds this conceptual divorce unattractive,
though he does not, directly, say why. Instead, he offers us the Digression.

6.4 The Digression: 172c1177b7

An obvious question: what is the Digression for? One answer (defended in Chappell
2004, ad loc.) would be that it is a critique of the society that produces the conceptual
divorce between justice and benefit that has just emerged. Socrates draws an extended
parallel between two types of character, the philosophical man and the man of rhetoric,
to show that it is better to be the philosophical type.
The Digression is philosophically quite pointless, according to Ryle 1966: 158. Less
dismissively, McDowell 1976: 174 suggests that the Digression serves a purpose
which, in a modern book, might be served by footnotes or an appendix. Similarly,
Cornford 1935 (83) suggests that Plato aims to give the reader some references for antirelativist arguments that he presents elsewhere: To argue explicitly against it would
perhaps take him too far from the original topic of perception. Instead, he inserts [the
Digression], which contains allusions to such arguments in other works of his.
Perhaps the Digression paints a picture of what it is like to live in accordance with the
two different accounts of knowledge, the Protagorean and the Platonist, that Plato is
comparing. Thus the Digression shows us what is ethically at stake in the often abstruse
debates found elsewhere in theTheaetetus. Its point is that we can't make a decision
about what account of knowledge to accept without making all sorts of other decisions,
not only about the technical, logical and metaphysical matters that are to the fore in the
rest of the Theaetetus, but also about questions of deep ethical significance. So, for
instance, it can hardly be an accident that, at 176c2, the difference between justice and
injustice is said to be a difference between knowledge (gnsis) and ignorance (agnoia).
Another common question about the Digression is: does it introduce or mention the
Platonic Forms? Certainly the Digression uses phrases that are indisputably part of the
Middle-Period language for the Forms. If Plato uses the language of the theory of
Forms in a passage which is admitted on all sides to allude to the themes of

the Republic, it strains credulity to imagine that Plato is not intentionally referring to the
Forms in that passage.
On the other hand, as the Revisionist will point out, the Theaetetus does not seem
to do much with the Forms that are thus allegedly introduced. But perhaps it would
undermine the Unitarian reading of the Theaetetus if the Forms were present in the
Digression in the role of paradigm objects of knowledge. For the Unitarian reading, at
least on the version that strikes me as most plausible, says that the aim of
the Theaetetus is to show that, in the end, we cannot construct a theory of knowledge
without the Forms--a claim which is to be proved by trying and failing, three times, to
do so. So if the Forms were there in the Digression, perhaps that would be a case of
giving the game away.

6.5 Last Objection to Protagoras: 177c6

After the Digression Socrates returns to criticising Protagoras' relativism. His last
objection is that there is no coherent way of applying Protagoras' relativism to
judgements about the future.
How might Protagoras counter this objection? Protagoras has already suggested that the
past may now be no more than whatever I now remember it to have been (166b).
Perhaps he can also suggest that the future is now no more than I now believe it will be.
No prediction is ever proved wrong, just as no memory is ever inaccurate. All that
happens is it seems to one self at one time that something will be true (or has been true),
and seems to another self at another time that something different is true.
But these appeals to distinctions between Protagorean selvesfuture or pastdo not
help. Suppose we grant to Protagoras that, when I make a claim about how the future
will be, this claim concerns how things will be for my future self. It is just irrelevant to
add that my future self and I are different beings. Claims about the future still have a
form that makes them refutable by someone's future experience. If I predict on Monday
that on Tuesday my head will hurt, that claim is falsified either if I have no headache on
Tuesday, or if, on Tuesday, there is someone who is by convention picked out as my
continuant whose head does not hurt.
Similarly with the past. Suppose I know on Tuesday that on Monday I predicted that on
Tuesday my head would hurt. It is no help against the present objection for me to
reflect, on Tuesday, that I am a different person now from who I was then. My Mondayself can only have meant either that hishead would hurt on Tuesday, which was a false
belief on his part if he no longer exists on Tuesday; or else that the Tuesday-self would
have a sore head. But if the Tuesday-self has no sore head, then my Monday-self made

a false prediction, and so must have had a false belief. Either way, the relativist does not
escape the objection.
Moreover, this defence of Protagoras does not evade the following dilemma. Either
what I mean by claiming (to take an example of Bostock's) that The wine will taste
raw to me in five years' time is literally that. Or else what I mean is just It seems to
me that the wine will taste raw to me in five years' time.
Suppose I mean the former assertion. If the wine turns out not to taste raw five years
hence, Protagoras has no defence from the conclusion that I made a false prediction
about how things would seem to me in five years. Or suppose I meant the latter
assertion. Then I did not make aprediction, strictly speaking, at all; merely a remark
about what presently seems to me. Either way, Protagoras loses.

6.6 Last Objection to Heracleitus: 179c1

Socrates argues that if Heracleitus' doctrine of flux is true, then no assertion whatever
can properly be made. Therefore (a) Heracleitus' theory of flux no more helps to prove
that knowledge isperception than that knowledge is not perception, and (b)
Heracleiteans cannot coherently say anything at all, not even to state their own doctrine.
There are two variants of the argument. On the first of these variants, evident in 181c2e10, Socrates distinguishes just two kinds of flux or process, namely qualitative
alteration and spatial motion, and insists that the Heracleiteans are committed to saying
that both are continual. On the second variant, evident perhaps at 182a1, 182e45,
Socrates distinguishes indefinitely many kinds of flux or process, not just qualitative
alteration and motion through space, and insists that the Heracleiteans are committed to
saying that every kind of flux is continual.
Now the view that everything is always changing in every way might seem a rather
foolish view to take about everyday objects. But, as 182a2-b8 shows, the present
argument is not about everyday objects anyway. Plato does not apply his distinction
between kinds of change to every sort of object whatever, including everyday objects.
He applies it specifically to the objects (if that is the word) of Heracleitean metaphysics.
These items are supposed by the Heracleitean to be the reality underlying all talk of
everyday objects. It is at the level of these Heracleitean perceivings and perceivers that
Plato's argument against Heracleitus is pitched. And it is not obviously silly to suppose
that Heracleitean perceivings and perceivers are constantly changing in every way.
The argument that Socrates presents on the Heracleiteans' behalf infers from
Everything is always changing in every way that No description of anything is
excluded. How does this follow? McDowell 1976: 1812 finds the missing link in the

impossibility of identifications. We cannot (says McDowell) identify a moving sample

of whiteness, or of seeing, any longer once it has changed into some other colour, or
But this only excludes reidentifications: presumably I can identify the moving
whiteness or the moving seeing until it changes, even if this only gives me an instant in
which to identify it. This point renders McDowell's version, as it stands, an invalid
argument. If it is on his account possible to identify the moving whiteness until it
changes, then it is on his account possible to identify the moving whiteness. But if that
is possible, then his argument contradicts itself: for it goes on to deny this possibility.
Some other accounts of the argument also commit this fallacy. Compare Sayre's account
(1969: 94): If no statement, either affirmative or negative, can remain true for longer
than the time taken in its utterance, then no statement can be treated as either true or
false, and the cause of communicating with one's fellow beings must be given up as
Sayre's argument aims at the conclusion No statement can be treated as either true or
false. But Sayre goes via the premiss Any statement remains true no longer than the
time taken in its utterance. If there are statements which are true, even if they are not
true for very long, it is not clear why these statements cannot be treated as true, at least
in principle (and in practice too, given creatures with the right sensory equipment and
sense of time).
McDowell's and Sayre's versions of the argument also face the following objection. It is
obvious how, given flux, a present-tense claim like Item X is present can quickly
cease to be true, because e.g., Item Y is present comes to replace it. But it isn't
obvious why flux should exclude the possibility of past-tense statements like
Item X flowed into item Y between t1 and t2, or of tenseless statements like Item X is
present at t1, item Y is present at t2. As Bostock 1988: 1056 points out, So long as we
do have a language with stable meanings, and the ability to make temporal distinctions,
there is no difficulty at all about describing an ever-changing world.
So long as: to make the argument workable, we may suggest that its point is that
the meanings of words are exempt from flux. If meanings are not in flux, and if we have
access to those meanings, nothing stops us from identifying the whiteness at least until
it flows away. But if meanings are in flux too, we will have the result that the argument
against Heracleitus actually produces at 183a5: anything at all will count equally well
as identifying or not identifying the whiteness. Unless we recognise some class of
knowable entities exempt from the Heracleitean flux and so capable of standing as the
fixed meanings of words, no definition of knowledge can be any more true than its
contradictory. Plato is determined to make us feel the need of his Forms without
mentioning them (Cornford 1935, 99).

6.7 The Final Refutation of D1: 183c4

Socrates completes his refutation of the thesis that knowledge is perception by bringing
a twelfth and final objection, directed against D1 itself rather than its Protagorean or
Heracleitean interpretations. This objection says that the mind makes use of a range of
concepts which it could not have acquired, and which do not operate, through the
senses: e.g., existence, sameness, difference. So there is a part of thought, and
hence of knowledge, which has nothing to do with perception. Therefore knowledge is
not perception.
Unitarians and Revisionists will read this last argument against D1 in line with their
general orientations. Unitarians will suggest that Socrates' range of concepts common to
the senses is a list of Forms. They will point to the similarities between the image of the
senses as soldiers in a wooden horse that Socrates offers at 184d1 ff., and the picture of
a Heracleitean self, existing only in its awareness of particular perceptions, that he drew
at 156160.
Revisionists will retort that there are important differences between the Heracleitean
self and the wooden-horse self, differences that show that Heracleiteanism is no longer
in force in 184187. They will insist that the view of perception in play in 184187 is
Plato's own non-Heracleitean view of perception. Thus Burnyeat 1990: 55-56 argues
that, since Heracleiteanism has been refuted by 184, the organs and subjects dealt with
[in the Wooden Horse passage] are the ordinary stable kind which continue in being
from one moment to the next. On the other hand, notice that Plato's equivalent for
Burnyeat's organs and subjects is the single word aisthseis (184d2). On its own, the
word can mean either senses or sensings; but it seems significant that it was the
word Plato used at 156b1 for one of the two sorts of Heracleitean offspring. Plato
speaks of the aisthseisconcealed as if within a Wooden Horse as pollai
tines (184d1), indefinitely many. But while there are indefinitely many
Heracleitean sensings, there are not, of course, indefinitely many senses. Indeed even
the claim that we have many senses (pollai), rather than several (enioi, tines), does not
sound quite right, either in English or in Greek. This is perhaps why most translators,
assuming thataisthseis means senses, put a number of senses for pollai tines
aisthseis. Perhaps this is a mistake, and what aisthseis means here is Heracleitean
sensings. If so, this explains how theaisthseis inside any given Wooden Horse can
be pollai tines.
If the aisthseis in the Wooden Horse are Heracleitean sensings, not ordinary, unHeracleiteansenses, this supports the Unitarian idea that 184187 is contrasting
Heracleitean perceiving of particulars with Platonic knowing of the Forms (or knowing
of particulars via, and in terms of, the Forms).

Another piece of evidence pointing in the same direction is the similarity between
Plato's list of the common notions at Theaetetus 186a and closely contemporary lists
that he gives of the Forms, such as the list of Forms (likeness, multitude, rest and their
opposites) given at Parmenides 129d, with ethical additions at Parmenides 130b. There
are also the megista gen (greatest kinds) ofSophist 254b-258e
(being, sameness, otherness, rest and change); though whether these gen are Forms is

7. Second Definition (D2): Knowledge

is True Judgement: 187b-201c
151187 has considered and rejected the proposal that knowledge is perception.
Sometimes in 151187 perception seems to mean immediate sensory awareness; at
other times it seems to mean judgements made about immediate sensory awareness.
The proposal that Knowledge is immediate sensory awareness is rejected as
incoherent: Knowledge is not to be found in our bodily experiences, but in our
reasonings about those experiences (186d2). The proposal that Knowledge is
judgement about immediate sensory awareness raises the question how judgements, or
beliefs, can emerge from immediate sensory awareness. Answering this question is the
main aim in 187201.
Empiricists claim that sensation, which in itself has no cognitive content, is the source
of all beliefs, which essentially have cognitive contentwhich are by their very nature
candidates for truth or falsity. So unless we can explain how beliefs can be true or false,
we cannot explain how there can be beliefs at all. Hence Plato's interest in the question
of false belief. What Plato wants to show in 187201 is that there is no way for the
empiricist to construct contentful belief from contentless sensory awareness alone. The
corollary is, of course, that we need something else besides sensory awareness to
explain belief. In modern terms, we need irreducible semantic properties. In Plato's
terms, we need the Forms.
In pursuit of this strategy of argument in 187201, Plato rejects in turn five possible
empiricist explanations of how there can be false belief. In the First Puzzle (188a-c) he
proposes a basic difficulty for any empiricist. Then he argues that no move available to
the empiricist circumvents this basic difficulty, however much complexity it may
introduce (the other four Puzzles: 188d-201b). The Fifth Puzzle collapses back into the
Third Puzzle, and the Third Puzzle collapses back into the First. The proposal that gives
us the Fourth Puzzle is disproved by the counter-examples that make the Fifth Puzzle
necessary. As for the Second Puzzle, Plato deploys this to show how empiricism has the
disabling drawback that it turns an outrageous sophistical argument into a valid disproof
of the possibility of at least some sorts of false belief.

Thus 187201 continues the critique of perception-based accounts of knowledge that

151187 began. Contrary to what somefor instance Cornfordhave thought, it is no
digression from the main path of the Theaetetus. On the contrary, the discussion of false
belief is the most obvious way forward.
As Plato stresses throughout the dialogue, it is Theaetetus who is caught in this problem
about false belief. It is not Socrates, nor Plato. There is clear evidence at Philebus 38c
ff. that false belief (at least of some sorts) was no problem at all to Plato himself (at
least at some points in his career). Plato's question is not How on earth can there be
false judgement? Rather it is What sort of background assumptions about knowledge
must Theaetetus be making, given that he is puzzled by the question how there can be
false judgement?
Is it only false judgements of identity that are at issue in 187201, or is it any false
judgement? One interpretation of 187201 says that it is only about false judgements of
misidentification. Call this view misidentificationism. The main alternative
interpretation of 187201 says that it is about any and every false judgement. Call this
view anti-misidentificationism. The present discussion assumes the truth of antimisidentificationism; see Chappell 2005: 154-157 for the arguments.
I turn to the detail of the five proposals about how to explain false belief that occupy
Stephanus pages 187 to 200 of the dialogue.

7.1 The Puzzle of Misidentification: 187e5

The first proposal about how to explain the possibility of false belief is the proposal that
false belief occurs when someone misidentifies one thing as another. To believe or
judge falsely is to judge, for some two objects O1 and O2, that O1 is O2.
How can such confusions even occur? Plato presents a dilemma that seems to show that
they can't. The objects of the judgement, O1 and O2, must either be known or unknown
to the judger x. Suppose one of the objects, say O1, is unknown to x. In that
case, O1 cannot figure in x's thoughts at all, since x can only form judgements using
objects that he knows. So if O1 is not an object known to x, x cannot
make any judgement about O1. A fortiori, then, x can make no false judgement
aboutO1 either.
If, on the other hand, both O1 and O2 are known to x, then x can perhaps
make some judgements about O1 and O2; but not the false judgement that O1 is O2.
If x knows O1 and O2, x must know that O1 is O1 and O2 is O2, and that it would be a
confusion to identify them. So apparently false belief is impossible if the judger does
not know both O1 and O2; but also impossible if he does know both O1 and O2.

I cannot mistake X for Y unless I am able to formulate thoughts about X and Y. But I
will not be able to formulate thoughts about X and Y unless I
am acquainted with X and Y. Being acquainted with Xand Y means knowing X and Y;
and anyone who knows X and Y will not mistake them for each other.
Why think this a genuine puzzle? There seem to be plenty of everyday cases where
knowing some thing in no way prevents us from sometimes mistaking that thing for
something else. One example in the dialogue itself is at 191b (cp. 144c5). It is perfectly
possible for someone who knows Socrates to see Theaetetus in the distance, and
wrongly think that Theaetetus is Socrates. The First Puzzle does not even get off the
ground, unless we can see why our knowledge of X and Y should guarantee us against
mistakes about X and Y. Who is the puzzle of 188a-c supposed to be a puzzlefor?
Some authors, such as Bostock, Crombie, McDowell, and White, think that Plato
himself is puzzled by this puzzle. Thus Crombie 1963: 111 thinks that Plato advances
the claim that any knowledge at all of an object O is sufficient for infallibility
about O because he fails to see the difference between being acquainted with X and
being familiar with X. But to confuse knowing everything about Xwith knowing
enough about X to use the name X is really a very simple mistake. Plato would not be
much of a philosopher if he made this mistake.
If (as is suggested in e.g. Chappell 2004, ad loc.) 187201 is an indirect demonstration
that false belief cannot be explained by empiricism (whether this means a developed
philosophical theory, or the instinctive empiricism of some people's common sense),
then it is likely that the First Puzzle states the basic difficulty for empiricism, to which
the other four Puzzles look for alternative solutions. The nature of this basic difficulty is
not fully, or indeed at all, explained by the First Puzzle. We have to read on and watch
the development of the argument of 187201 to see exactly what the problem is that
gives the First Puzzle its bite.

7.2 Second Puzzle About False Belief:

Believing What is Not: 188c10189b9
The second proposal says that false judgement is believing or judging ta m onta,
things that are not or what is not. Socrates observes that if what is not is
understood as it often was by Greek thinkers, as meaning nothing, then this proposal
leads us straight into the sophistical absurdity that false beliefs are the same thing as
beliefs about nothing (i.e., contentless beliefs). But there can be no beliefs about
nothing; and there are false beliefs; so false belief isn't the same thing as believing what
is not.
Some think the Second Puzzle a mere sophistry. Bostock 1988: 165 distinguishes two
versions of the sophistry: On one version, to believe falsely is to believe what is not

just by itself; on the other version, it is to believe what is not about one of the things
which are. The argument of the first version, according to Bostock, is just that there
is no such thing as what is not (the case); it is a mere nonentity. But just as you cannot
perceive a nonentity, so equally you cannot believe one either. Bostock proposes the
following solution to this problem: We may find it natural to reply to this argument by
distinguishing propositions [from] facts, situations, states of affairs, and so on. Then
we shall say that the things that are believed are propositions, not facts so a false
belief is not directed at a non-existent.
This raises the question whether a consistent empiricist can admit the existence of
propositions. At least one great modern empiricist, Quine 1953: 1567, thinks not. Plato
agrees: he regards a commitment to the existence of propositions as evidence
of Platonism, acceptance of the claim that abstract objects (and plenty of them)
genuinely exist. So an explanation of false judgement that invoked entities called
propositions would be unavailable to the sort of empiricist that Plato has in his sights.
Bostock's second version of the puzzle makes it an even more transparent sophistry,
turning on a simple confusion between the is of predication and the is of existence.
As pointed out above, we can reasonably ask whether Plato made this distinction, or
made it as we make it.
If the structure of the Second Puzzle is really as Bostock suggests, then the Second
Puzzle is just the old sophistry about believing what is not (cp. Parmenides DK 29B8,
Euthydemus 283e ff., Cratylus429d, Republic 477a, Sophist 263e ff.). Moreover, on this
interpretation of the Second Puzzle, Plato is committed, in his own person and with full
generality, to accepting (at least provisionally) a very bad argument for the conclusion
that there can be no false belief. It would be nice if an interpretation of the Second
Puzzle were available that saw it differently: e.g., as accepted by him only in a context
where special reasons make the Second Puzzle very plausible in that context.
One such interpretation is defended e.g., by Burnyeat 1990: 78, who suggests that the
Second Puzzle can only work if we accept the scandalous analogy between judging
what is not and seeing or touching what is not there to be seen or touched: A model
on which judgements relate to the world in the same sort of unstructured way as
perceiving or (we may add) naming, will tie anyone in knots when it comes to the
question What is a false judgement the judgement/ name of?. The only available
answer, when the judgement is taken as an unstructured whole, appears to be: Nothing.
Notice that it is the empiricist who will most naturally tend to rely on this analogy. It is
the empiricist who finds it natural to assimilate judgement and knowledge to
perception, so far as he can. So we may suggest that the Second Puzzle is a mere
sophistry for any decent account of false judgement, but a good argument against the
empiricist account of false judgement that Plato is attacking. The moral of the Second

Puzzle is that empiricism validates the old sophistry because it treats believing or
judging as too closely analogous to seeing: 188e47. For empiricism judgement, and
thought in general, consists in awareness of the ideas that are present to our minds,
exactly asthey are present to our minds. It cannot consist in awareness of those ideas as
they are not; because (according to empiricism) we are immediately and incorrigibly
aware of our own ideas, it can only consist in awareness of those ideas as they are. Nor
can judgement consist in awareness of ideas that are not present to our minds, for
(according to empiricism) what is not present to our minds cannot be a part of our
thoughts. Still less can judgement consist in awareness of ideas that do not exist at all.
The old sophists took false belief as judging what is not; they then fallaciously slid
from judging what is not, to judging nothing, to not judging at all, and hence
concluded that no judgement that was ever actually made was a false judgement. The
empiricism that Plato attacks not only repeats this logical slide; it makes it look almost
reasonable. The point of the Second Puzzle is to draw out this scandalous consequence.

7.3 Third Puzzle About False

Belief: Allodoxia: 189b10190e4
Literally translated, the third proposal about how to explain the possibility of false
belief says that false belief occurs when someone exchanges (antallaxamenos) in his
understanding one of the things that are with another of the things that are, and says is
Perhaps the best way to read this very unclear statement is as meaning that the
distinctive addition in the third proposal is the notion of inadvertency. The point of
Socrates' argument is that this addition does not help us to obtain an adequate account
of false belief because thought (dianoia) has to be understood as an inner process, with
objects that we are always fully and explicitly conscious of. If we are fully and
explicitly conscious of all the objects of our thoughts, and if the objects of our thoughts
are as simple as empiricism takes them to be, there is simply no room for inadvertency.
But without inadvertency, the third proposal simply collapses back into the first
proposal, which has already been refuted.
The empiricist conception of knowledge that Theaetetus unwittingly brings forth, and
which Socrates is scrutinising, takes the objects of thought to be simple mental images
which are either straightforwardly available to be thought about, or straightforwardly
absent. The First Puzzle showed that there is a general problem for the empiricist about
explaining how such images can be confused with each other, or indeed semantically
conjoined in any way at all. The Second Puzzle showed that, because the empiricist
lacks clear alternatives other than that someone should have a mental image or lack it,
he is wide open to the sophistical argument which identifies believing withhaving a

mental image, and then identifies believing what is with having a mental image, too
and so proves the impossibility of false belief. The Third Puzzle restricts itself (at
least up to 190d7) to someone who has the requisite mental images, and adds the
suggestion that he manages to confuse them by a piece of inadvertency. Socrates'
rejoinder is that nothing has been done to showhow there can be inadvertent confusions
of things that are as simple and unstructured, and as simply grasped or not grasped, as
the empiricist takes mental images to be. Just as speech is explicit outerdialogue, so
thought is explicit inner dialogue. What the empiricist needs to do to show the
possibility of such a confusion is to explain how, on his principles, either speech or
thought can fail to be fully explicit and fully in touch with its objects, if it is in
touch with them at all.
In the discussion of the Fourth and Fifth Puzzles, Socrates and Theaetetus together
work out the detail of two empiricist attempts to explain just this. It then becomes
clearer why Plato does not think that the empiricist can explain the difference between
fully explicit and not-fully-explicit speech or thought. Plato thinks that, to explain this,
we have to abandon altogether the empiricist conception of thought as the concatenation
(somehow) of semantically inert simple mental images. Instead, we have to understand
thought as the syntactic concatenation of the genuine semantic entities, the Forms.
Mistakes in thought will then be comprehensible as mistakes either about the logical
interrelations of the Forms, or about the correct application of the Forms to the sensory

7.4 Fourth Puzzle About False Belief: the

Wax Tablet: 190e5196c5
The Wax Tablet passage offers us a more explicit account of the nature of thought, and
its relationship with perception. The story now on offer says explicitly that perception
relates to thought roughly as Humean impressions relate to Humean ideas (191d;
compare Hume, First Enquiry II). The objects of perception, as before, are a succession
of constantly-changing immediate awarenesses. The objects of thought, it is now added,
are those objects of perception to which we have chosen to give a measure of stability
by imprinting them on the wax tablets in our minds. (The image of memory as writing
in the mind had currency in Greek thought well before Plato's time: see e.g.
Aeschylus, Eumenides 275.)
This new spelling-out of the empiricist account of thought seems to offer new resources
for explaining the possibility of false belief. The new explanation can say that false
belief occurs when there is a mismatch, not between two objects of thought, nor
between two objects of perception, but between one object of each type.

This proposal faces a simple and decisive objection. No one disputes that there are false
beliefs thatcannot be explained as mismatches of thought and perception: e.g., false
beliefs about arithmetic. The Wax Tablet does not explain how such false beliefs
happen; indeed it entails that they can'thappen. Such mistakes are confusions of two
objects of thought, and the Wax Tablet model does not dispute the earlier finding that
there can be no such confusions. So the Wax Tablet model fails.
There is of course plenty more that Plato could have said in criticism of the Wax Tablet
model. Most obviously, he could have pointed out the absurdity of identifying any
number with any individual's thought of that number (195e9 ff.); especially when the
numerical thought in question is no more than an ossified perception. In the present
passage Plato is content to refute the Wax Tablet by the simplest and shortest argument
available: so he does not make this point. But perhaps the point is meant to occur to the
reader; for the same absurdity reappears in an even more glaring form in the Aviary

7.5 Fifth Puzzle About False Belief: the

Aviary: 196d1200d4
If we had a solution to the very basic problem about how the empiricist can get any
content at all out of sensation, then the fourth proposal might show how the empiricist
could explain false belief involving perception. The fifth and last proposal about how to
explain the possibility of false belief attempts to remedy the fourth proposal's incapacity
which Plato says refutes it, 196c57to deal with cases of false belief involving no
perception, such as false arithmetical beliefs.
It attempts this by deploying a distinction between knowledge that someone
merely has (latent knowledge) and knowledge that he is actually using (active
knowledge). (Perhaps Plato is now exploring the intermediate stages between knowing
and not knowing mentioned at 188a23.) The suggestion is that false belief occurs
when someone wants to use some item of latent knowledge in his active thought, but
makes a wrong selection from among the items that he knows latently.
If this proposal worked it would cover false arithmetical belief. But the proposal does
not work, because it is regressive. If there is a problem about the very possibility of
confusing two things, it is no answer to this problem to suppose that for each thing there
is a corresponding item of knowledge, and that what happens when two things are
confused is really that the two corresponding items of knowledge are confused (200a-b).
The Aviary rightly tries to explain false belief by complicating our picture of belief. But
it complicates in the wrong way and the wrong place. It is no help to complicate the
story by throwing in further objects of the same sort as the objects that created the
difficulty about false belief in the first place. What is needed is a different sort of object

for thought: a kind of object that can be thought of under different aspects (say, as the
sum of 5 and 7, or as the integer 12). There are no such aspects to the items of
knowledge that the Aviary deals in. As with the conception of the objects of thought
and knowledge that we found in the Wax Tablet, it is this lack of aspects that dooms the
Aviary's conception of the objects of knowledge too. Like the Wax Tablet, the Aviary
founders on its own inability to accommodate the point that thought cannot consist
merely in the presentation of a series of inert objects of thought. Whether these
objects of thought are mental images drawn from perception or something else, the
thinking is not so much in the objects of thought as in what is done with those objects
We may illustrate this by asking: When the dunce who supposes that 5 + 7 = 11 decides
to activate some item of knowledge to be the answer to What is the sum of 5 and
7?, which item of knowledge does he thus decide to activate? At first only two answers
seem possible: either he decides to activate 12, or he decides to activate 11. If he
decides to activate 12, then we cannot explain the fact that what he actually does is
activate 11, except by saying that he mistakes the item of knowledge which is 11 for the
item of knowledge which is 12. But this mistake is the very mistake ruled out as
impossible right at the beginning of the inquiry into false belief (188a-c). Alternatively,
if he decides to activate 11, then we have to ask why he decides to do this. The most
plausible answer to that question is: Because he believes falsely that 5 + 7 = 11. But
as noted above, if he has already formed this false belief, within the account that is
supposed to explain false belief, then a regress looms.
In fact, the correct answer to the question Which item of knowledge does the dunce
decide to activate? is neither 12 nor 11. It is that number which is the sum of 5
and 7. But this answer does not save the Aviary theorist from the dilemma just pointed
out; for it is not available to him. To be able to give this answer, the Aviary theorist
would have to be able to distinguish that number which is the sum of 5 and 7 from
12. But since 12 is that number which is the sum of 5 and 7, this distinction
cannot be made by anyone who takes the objects of thought to be simple in the way that
the Aviary theorist seems to.
At 199e1 ff. Theaetetus suggests an amendment to the Aviary. This is that we might
have items ofignorance in our heads as well as items of knowledge. As Socrates
remarks, these ignorance-birds can be confused with knowledge-birds in just the same
way as knowledge-birds can be confused with each other. So the addition does not help.

7.6 The Final Refutation of D2: 200d5


At 200d-201c Socrates argues more directly against D2. He offers a counter-example to

the thesis that knowledge is true belief. A skilled lawyer can bring jurymen into a state
of true belief without bringing them into a state of knowledge; so knowledge and true
belief are different states.
McDowell 1976: 2278 suggests that this swift argument contradicts the most
characteristic expositions of the Theory of Forms, which indicate that the title
knowledge should be reserved for a relation between the mind and the Forms
untainted by any reliance on perception. By contrast Plato here tells us, quite
unambiguously, that the jury are persuaded into a state of true belief about things
which only someone who sees them can know (201b8). This implies that there can be
knowledge which is entirely reliant on perception. (One way out of this is to deny that
Plato ever thought that knowledge is only of the Forms, as opposed to thinking that
knowledge isparadigmatically of the Forms. For this more tolerant Platonist view about
perception see e.g.Philebus 58d-62d, and Timaeus 27d ff.)
The jury argument seems to be a counter-example not only to D2 but also to D3, the
thesis that knowledge is true belief with an account (provided we allow that the jury
have an account).
A third problem about the jury argument is that Plato seems to offer two incompatible
explanations of why the jury don't know: first that they have only a limited time to hear
the arguments (201b3, 172e1); and second that their judgement is second-hand (201b9).

8. Third Definition (D3): Knowledge is

True Judgement With an Account:
Theaetetus' third proposal about how to knowledge is (D3) that it is true belief with an
account (meta logou alth doxan).
D3 apparently does nothing at all to solve the main problems that D2 faced. Besides the
jurymen counter-example just noted, 187-201showed that we could not define
knowledge as true belief unless we had an account of false belief. This problem has not
just evaporated in 201210. It will remain as long as we propose to define knowledge as
true belief plus anything. Significantly, this does not seem to bother Platoas we might
expect if Plato is not even trying to offer an acceptable definition of knowledge, but is
rather undermining unacceptable definitions.
One crucial question about Theaetetus 201210 is the question whether the argument is
concerned with objectual or propositional knowledge. This is a basic and central
division among interpretations of the whole passage 201210, but it is hard to discuss it
properly without getting into the detail of the Dream Theory: see section 8a.

A second question, which arises often elsewhere in the Theaetetus, is whether the
argument's appearance of aporia reflects genuine uncertainty on Plato's part, or is rather
a kind of literary device. Is Plato thinking aloud, trying to clarify his own view about
the nature of knowledge, as Revisionists suspect? Or is he using an aporetic argument
only to smoke out his opponents, as Unitarians think?
The evidence favours the latter reading. There are a significant number of other
passages where something very like Theaetetus' claim (D3) that knowledge is true
belief with an account is not only discussed, but actually defended: for
instance, Meno 98a2, Phaedo 76b56, Phaedo 97d-99d2,Symposium 202a5-9, Republic
534b3-7, and Timaeus 51e5. So it appears that, in the Theaetetus, Plato cannot be
genuinely puzzled about what knowledge can be. Nor can he genuinely doubt his own
former confidence in one version of D3. If he does have a genuine doubt or puzzle of
this sort, it is simply incredible that he should say what he does say in 201210 without
also expressing it.
What Plato does in 201210 is: present a picture (Socrates' Dream) of how things may
be if D3 is true (201c-202c); raise objections to the Dream theory which are said
(206b12) to be decisive (202c-206c); and present and reject three further suggestions
about the meaning of logos, and so three more versions of D3 (206c-210a). But none of
these four interpretations of D3 is Plato's own earlier version of D3, which says that
knowledge = true belief with an account of the reason why the true belief is true. If
what Plato wants to tell us in Theaetetus 201210 is that he no longer
acceptsany version of D3, not even his own version, then it is extraordinary that he does
not even mention his own version, concentrating instead on versions of D3 so different
from Plato's version as to be obviously irrelevant to its refutation.
Unitarians can suggest that Plato's strategy is to refute what he takes to be false versions
of D3 so as to increase the logical pressure on anyone who rejects Plato's version of D3.
In particular, he wants to put pressure on the empiricist theories of knowledge that seem
to be the main target of theTheaetetus. What Plato wants to show is, not only that no
definition of knowledge except his own, D3, is acceptable, but also that no version of
D3 except his own is acceptable.

8.1 The Dream of Socrates: 201d8202d7

Rather as Socrates offered to develop D1 in all sorts of surprising directions, so now he
offers to develop D3 into a sophisticated theory of knowledge. This theory, usually
known as the Dream of Socrates or the Dream Theory, posits two kinds of
existents, complexes and simples, and proposes that an account means an account of
the complexes that analyses them into their simple components. Thus knowledge
of x turns out to mean true belief about x with an account of xthat analyses x into its
simple components.

Taken as a general account of knowledge, the Dream Theory implies that knowledge is
only of complexes, and that there can be no knowledge of simples. Socrates attacks this
A common question about the Dream Theory is whether it is concerned with objectual
or propositional knowledge. Those who take the Dream Theory to be concerned
with propositionalknowledge include Ryle 1990: 2730: from 201 onwards Plato
concentrates on know (connatre): [Socrates' Dream] is a logician's theory, a theory
about the composition of truths and falsehoods. Those who take the Dream Theory to
be concerned with objectual knowledge include White 1976: 177, and Crombie 1963:
II: 4142; also Bostock 1988. A third way of taking the Dream Theory, which may well
be the most promising interpretation, is to take it as a Logical Atomism: as a theory
which founds an account of propositional structure on an account of the concatenation
of simple objects of experience or acquaintance such as sense data.
The Logical-Atomist reading of the Dream Theory undercuts the propositional/
objectual distinction. On this reading, the Dream Theory claims that simple, private
objects of experience are the elements of the proposition; thus, the Dream Theory
is both a theory about the structure of propositions and a theory about simple and
complex objects. It claims in effect that a proposition's structure is that of a complex
object made up out of simple objects, where these simple objects are conceived in the
Russellian manner as objects of inner perception or acquaintance, and the complexes
which they compose are conceived in the phenomenalist manner as (epistemological
and/ or semantic) constructs out of those simple objects.
This supposition makes good sense of the claim that we ourselves are examples of
complexes (201e2: the primary elements (prta stoikheia) of which we and everything
else are composed). If the Dream theorist is a Logical Atomist, he will think that
there is a clear sense in which people, and everything else, are composed out of sense
data. He will also think that descriptions of objects, too, are complexes constructed in
another way out of the immediately available simples of sensation.
For such a theorist, epistemology and semantics alike rest upon the foundation provided
by the simple objects of acquaintance. Both thought and meaning consist in the
construction of complex objects out of those simple objects. Philosophical analysis,
meanwhile, consists in stating how the complexes involved in thought and meaning are
constructed out of simples. This statement involves, amongst other things, dividing
down to and enumerating the (simple) parts of such complexes.
What then is the relation of the Dream Theory to the problems posed for empiricism by
the discussion of D2 in 187201? The fundamental problem for empiricism, as we saw,
is the problem how to get from sensation to content: the problem of how we could start
with bare sense-data, and build up out of them anything that deserved to be

called meaning. Plato thinks that there is a good answer to this, though it is not an
empiricist answer. Sense experience becomes contentful when it is understood and
arranged according to the structures that the Forms give it. So to understand sense
experience is, in the truest sense, to give an account for it.
The empiricist cannot offer this answer to the problem of how to get from sensation to
content without ceasing to be an empiricist. What the empiricist can do is propose that
content arises out of sets of sense experiences. We get to the level of belief and
knowledge only when we start to consider such sets: before that we are at the level only
of perception. Our beliefs, couched in expressions that refer to and quantify over such
sets, will then become knowledge (a) when they are true, and (b) when we understand
the full story of their composition out of such sets.
If this is the point of the Dream Theory, then the best answer to the question Whose is
the Dream Theory? is It belongs to the empiricist whom Plato is attacking.

8.2 Critique of the Dream Theory: 202d8

The Dream Theory says that knowledge of O is true belief about O plus an account
of O's composition. If O is not composite, O cannot be known, but only perceived
Socrates' main strategy in 202d8206c2 is to attack the Dream's claim that complexes
and elements are distinguishable in respect of knowability. To this end he deploys a
dilemma. A complex, say a syllable, is either (a) no more than its elements (its letters),
or (b) something over and above those elements.
202d8203e1 shows that unacceptable consequences follow from alternative (a), that a
complex is no more than its elements. If I am to know a syllable SO, and that syllable is
no more than its elements, then I cannot know the syllable SO without also knowing its
elements S and O. Indeed, it seems that coming to know the parts S and O is both
necessary and sufficient for coming to know the syllable SO. But if that is right, and if
the letter/syllable relation models the element/ complex relation, then if any complex
is knowable, its elements will be knowable too; and if any complex's elements
are unknowable, then the complex will be unknowable too. This result contradicts the
Dream Theory.
203e2205e8 shows that unacceptable consequences follow from alternative (b), that a
complex is something over and above its elements. In that case, to know the syllable is
to know something for which knowledge of the elements is not sufficient. The syllable
turns out to be a single Idea that comes to be out of the fitted-together elements
(204a1-2). But then the syllable does not have the elements as parts: if it did, that would

compromise its singularity. And if the elements are not the parts of the syllable, nothing
else can be. So the syllable has no parts, which makes it as simple as an element. Thus
if the element is unknowable, the syllable must be unknowable too. This result
contradicts the Dream Theory too.
Finally, in 206a1-c2, Plato makes a further, very simple, point against the Dream
Theory. Our own experience of learning letters and syllables shows that it is both more
basic and more important to know elements than complexes, not vice versa as the
Dream Theory implies. The thesis that the complexes are knowable, the elements
unknowable, is false to our experience, in which knowledge of the elements is
primary (Burnyeat 1990:192).

8.3 Three Attempts to Understand Logos:

The refutation of the Dream Theory's attempt to spell out what it might be like for D3 to
be true is followed by three attempts to give an account of what a logos is. The first
attempt to give an account of account takes logos just to mean speech or
statement. This is deemed obviously insufficient (206c1206e3).
A second attempted explanation of logos of O takes it as enumeration of the
elements of O. Thelogos is a statement of the elements of the object of knowledge. You
have knowledge of something when, in addition to your true belief about it, you are
able also to go through the elements of that thing.
Plato's objection to this proposal (208b) is that it leaves open the possibility that
someone could count as having knowledge of the name Theaetetus even if they could
do no more than write out the letters of the name Theaetetus in the right order. Since
such a person can enumerate the elements of the complex, i.e., the letters of the name
(207c8-d1), he has an account. Since he can arrange those letters in their correct order
(208a910), he also has true belief. For all that, insists Plato, he does not have
knowledge of the name Theaetetus.
Why not, we might ask? To see the answer we should bring in what Plato says about
syllables at 207d8208a3. Suppose someone could enumerate the letters of
Theaetetus, and could give their correct order, and yet knew nothing about syllables.
This person wouldn't count as knowing Theaetetus because he would have no
understanding of the principles that get us from ordered letters to names. Those
principles are principles about how letters form syllables, and how syllables form
names. A person who can state only the letters of Theaetetus and their order has no
awareness of these principles.

To put it a modern way, a robot or an automatic typewriter might be able to reproduce

or print the letters of Theaetetus correctly and in order. It might even be able to store
such a correct ordering in its electronic memory. That would not show that such a
machine understood how to spell Theaetetus, any more than the symbol-manipulating
capacities of the man in Searle's Chinese Room show that he understands Chinese.
What is missing is an awareness of bridging or structuring principles, rules
explaining how we get from strings of symbols, via syllables, to representations of
Greek names.
Knowledge of such bridging principles can reasonably be called knowledge of why the
letters of Theaetetus are what they are. So it is plausible to suggest that the moral of
the argument is to point us to the need for an account in the sense of an explanation
Why?, and so to the version of D3 that Plato himself accepts.
The third proposed account of logos says that to give the logos of O is to cite
the smeion ordiaphora of O. In the Wax Tablet passage, smeion meant imprint; in
the present passage, it means the sign or diagnostic feature wherein x differs from
everything else, or everything else of O's own kind. So, presumably, knowledge of (say)
Theaetetus consists in true belief about Theaetetus plus an account of what
differentiates Theaetetus from every other human.
Socrates offers two objections to this proposal. First, if knowledge of Theaetetus
requires a mention of his smeion, so does true belief about Theaetetus. Second,
to possess an account of Theaetetus'smeion must mean either (a) having true belief
about that smeion, or else (b) having knowledge of it. But it has already been pointed
out that any true belief, if it is to qualify as being about Theaetetus at all, must already
be true belief about his smeion. So interpretation (a) has the result that knowledge of
Theaetetus = true belief about Theaetetus' smeion + true belief about
Theaetetus'smeion. As for (b): if we want to know what knowledge is, it is no help to
be told that knowledge of O = something else + knowledge of the smeion of O. We still
need to know what knowledge of the smeion of O is. Nor will it help us to be launched
on a vicious regress: as we will be if we are told that knowledge of the smeion of O =
something else + knowledge of the smeion of thesmeion of O.
This is where the argument ends, and Socrates leaves to meet his accusers.

9. Conclusion
The Theaetetus is an extended attack on certain assumptions and intuitions about
knowledge that the intelligent man-in-the-streetTheaetetus, for instancemight find
initially attractive, and which some philosophers known to PlatoProtagoras and
Heracleitus, for instancehad worked up into complex and sophisticated philosophical
theories. Basic to all these assumptions and intuitions, which here have been grouped

together under the name empiricism, is the idea that knowledge is constructed out of
perception and perception alone.
The first part of the Theaetetus attacks the idea that knowledge could be
simply identified with perception. Perceptions alone have no semantic structure. So if
this thesis was true, it would be impossible to state it.
The second part attacks the suggestion that knowledge can be defined as true belief,
where beliefs are supposed to be semantically-structured concatenations of sensory
impressions. Against this Plato argues that, unless something can be said to
explain how impressions can be concatenated so as to give them semantic structure,
there is no reason to grant that the distinction between true and false applies to such
beliefs any more than it does to perceptions.
Finally, in the third part of the Theaetetus, an attempt is made to meet this challenge,
and present some explanation of how semantic structures can arise out of mere
perceptions or impressions. The proposed explanation is the Dream Theory, a theory
interestingly comparable to Russellian Logical Atomism, which takes both propositions
and objects to be complexes logically constructed out of simple sensory impressions.
On this conception, knowledge will come about when someone is capable not only of
using such logical constructions in thought, but of understanding how they arise from
Socrates' basic objection to this theory is that it still gives no proper explanation
of how this logical construction takes place. Without such an explanation, there is no
good reason to treat the complexes that are thus logically constructed as anything other
than simples in their own right. We need to know how it can be that, merely by
conjoining perceptions in the right way, we manage to achieve a degree of semantic
structure that (for instance) makes it possible to refer to things in the world, such as
Theaetetus. But this is not explained simply by listing all the simple perceptions that are
so conjoined. Norand this is where we reach the third proposal of 208b11210a9is
it explained by fixing on any of those perceptions in particular, and taking it to be the
special mark of Theaetetus whereby reference to Theaetetus is fixed.
The third proposal about how to understand logos faces the difficulty that, if it adds
anything at all to differentiate knowledge of O from true belief about O, then what it
adds is a diagnostic quality ofO. If there is a problem about how to identify O, there is a
problem about how to identify the diagnostic quality too. This launches a vicious
One way of preventing this regress is to argue that the regress is caused by the attempt
to work up a definition of knowledge exclusively out of empiricist materials. Hence
there is no way of avoiding such a vicious regress if you are determined to try to define
knowledge on an exclusively empiricist basis. The right response is to abandon that

attempt. Knowledge is indeed indefinable in empiricist terms. In those terms, it has

no logos. In those terms, therefore, knowledge itself is unknowable.
The official conclusion of the Theaetetus is that we still do not know how to define
knowledge. Even on the most sceptical reading, this is not to say that we have not
learned anything about what knowledge is like. As Theaetetus says (210b6), he has
given birth to far more than he had in him.
And as many interpreters have seen, there may be much more to the ending than that. It
may even be that, in the last two pages of the Theaetetus, we have seen hints of Plato's
own answer to the puzzle. Perhaps understanding has emerged from the last discussion,
as wisdom did from 145d-e, as the key ingredient without which no true beliefs alone
can even begin to look like they might count as knowledge. Perhaps it is only when we,
the readers, understand this pointthat epistemological success in the last resort
depends on having epistemological virtuethat we begin not only to have true beliefs
about what knowledge is, but to understand knowledge.

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