Ziglar Inspiration Groups (ZIG's) : New Group Handbook How To Charter A New ZIG

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Ziglar Inspiration Groups (ZIGs) New Group Handbook How to Charter a New ZIG ___________________ www.zigziglarfoundation.


Why a ZIG Group?

Any activity that requires our precious time must have personal value for us and there must be benefits that justify the investment of effort. ZIG groups (Ziglar Inspirational Groups) have been created to deliver value and benefits for its members. ZIG groups were developed by The Zig Ziglar Foundation for the purpose of creating an innovative environment that will help people live better lives. Its that simple. The Zig Ziglar Foundation is a non-profit organization and its goal is:

Who Was Zig Ziglar?

Zig Ziglar was the greatest motivational speaker in history and during his 40 year career he positively impacted the lives of millions of people. Zig taught down to earth truth principles that empowered people to take control of their lives and become the best they can be. Zig believed that every person was Born To Win, but in order to win you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win! This simple formula requires that we must BE, before we can DO and we must DO before we can have. Zig Ziglar passed away on November 28, 2012 and the Zig Ziglar Foundation was created shortly thereafter for the purpose of extending his legacy to future generations in an unprecedented way. The primary effort of the Foundation is the establishment of a global network of Ziglar Inspiration Groups to help all people learn how to plan, prepare and expect to win! How does a ZIG group function? Each ZIG group is a local, autonomous organization and conducts regular meetings for their members that provide the opportunity for discussion, coaching, mentoring and personal growth. ZIGs are formed within individual businesses, churches and organizations and new members are invited to join by existing members. Members of local ZIG groups have access to all the member resources available at the Ziglar Foundation website for download FREE! That is the benefit of the Ziglar Foundation being a not-for-profit organization. Resources include audio and video materials, workbooks, personal improvement exercises and much more. 2

A dynamic personal development process called The Ziglar Way has been created and members work within the local group to accomplish a simple 10-step process that will lead to a better life. Members who have completed the 10 Steps of The Ziglar Way then help and assist new group members to do the same.

What Types of Groups Can Be Formed While all ZIGs function in the same basic way, different types of groups can be formed to have a very specific purpose and emphasis: Business/Company groups: You can start a ZIG and its membership can consist entirely of people who work for the same company. In addition to The Ziglar Way process the focus on the group can be to support the companies leadership and to serve as a unifying positive influence within a business culture. A ZIG group can be a powerful influence for positive achievement as more and more people join the group. Specific resources are being developed for business groups. Church Groups: You can start a ZIG and its membership can consist entirely of people who either belong to the church or are interested in joining your church. In addition to the Ziglar Way process, members can focus on spiritual growth and discipleship as primary activities. A church ZIG can be an evangelistic and fellowship tool for a church and have a powerful positive influence within their congregations. Specific resources are being developed for Church groups. Public Groups: You can start a ZIG and its membership is available to the general public. They can be in small or large communities and provide a vehicle for people to learn how to live The Ziglar Way. The emphasis of a public ZIG can be on community service in many forms. Specific resources for public groups are being developed

What Are the Personal Benefits of Joining a ZIG? Joining a ZIG and actively participating will transform the life of any person! That is a bold promise, but people who have embraced the life principles taught by Zig Ziglar give testimony of its truth. The transformation a person can expect is specific and simple to describe. The transformation can be described as Living the Ziglar Way. You Live The Ziglar Way When: You have made friends with your past, are focused on the present and optimistic about your future. You have the love of friends and the respect of your enemies. You are filled with faith, hope and love, and live without anger, greed, guilt, envy or thoughts of revenge. You know that failure to stand for what is morally right is the prelude to being the victim of what is criminally wrong. You are mature enough to delay gratification and shift your focus from your "rights" to your "responsibilities." You love the unlovable, give hope to the hopeless, friendship to the friendless, and encouragement to the discouraged. 3

You know that "success" (a win) doesn't make you, and "failure" (a loss) doesn't break you. You recognize, confess, develop and use your God-given physical, mental and spiritual abilities to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind.

Ziglar Inspirational Groups (ZIGs) New Group Chartering Process

Every New ZIG is individually chartered by the Zig Ziglar Foundation. If you are interested in forming a new group the information that follows will help you get started.

Group Commitments
Every ZIG applies for and receives a founding charter from the Ziglar Foundation. Acceptance of that charter requires all ZIG members to agree to and be bound by following principles: The only requirement for membership is a desire to be of service to others. That its primary purpose is to serve others and the local community. To refrain from using the Ziglar name for the purpose of promoting the personal or professional activities of its members. To refrain from adopting or executing any public agendas or programs based on politics. To refrain from endorsing or supporting political candidates in any way. That every group is self-supporting.

Chartering Requirements
To receive a new group charter, the following requirements must be met: 1. Completion of the Charter Application. The charter application can be accessed at the Foundation Website at this URL: http://www.zigziglarfoundation.org/zig-groups/application-form/ 2. Names and contact information of 5 founding members of the group. (one person may not establish a new group. Before a Charter Application can be approved there must be a minimum of 5 people who have committed to participate as members of the group). These initial members are considered co-founders of the local ZIG. 3. Payment of a one-time chartering fee of $200.00. This one-time fee is for the life-time charter of the ZIG. The fee includes the first year membership dues of the founding members and provides for a package of materials each group needs to get started. 4. Selection of a group name 5. Individual Members of ZIGs agree to pay individual annual dues of $20.00. Individual membership provides: a. Eligibility to attend the Annual Education Conference b. Access to the Member section of the Foundation website and all downloadable resources c. Access to The Encourager Magazine (The online publication of the Foundation)

d. Access to the member forum which allows ZIG members world-wide to network with each other. e. Free tickets to Ziglar Foundation Live Inspirational Events. 6. Remember, The first year dues of the 5 group founders are included in the $200 chartering fee.
ZIG groups need structure for their meetings and the following guidelines are presented as suggestions. MEETING FREQUENCY The frequency of your meetings will depend on the size and the preferences of your group. Smaller groups may elect to have weekly meetings. As your group grows the need to have more meetings during any given week may arise. The number of meetings you have each week is solely determined by each individual group. MEETING STRUCTURE AND STYLE There is a suggested process called "The Ziglar Way" that each member of your ZIG is encouraged to undertake. However the pace of each individual will vary and you must remember that you will be adding new members to your group constantly. This will produce a condition whereby the people in your group are in different stages of the overall process. The process is outlined in the 10 steps provided and in the "Ziglar Way" graphic chart. A self paced workbook entitled The Ziglar Way is available by PDF download at the Zig Ziglar foundation website for ZIG members. The workbook consists of 12 lessons with accompanying exercises that can be accomplished individually. Because your group members will be in different stages of The Ziglar Way process it is important that the structure and style of your meetings is designed to be of interest and value to all members attending the meeting. Therefore, when selecting general discussion items or specific topics it is important to remember that not everyone in the group will be on the same page at the same time. Think of your group as a flowing river upon which there are many boats heading downstream. The numbers of boats increase and decrease and the informational needs of the people occupying the boats are constantly changing. Creating a Monthly Meeting Calendar It is suggested that every group create a new meeting calendar every month. Meeting dates are established along with the times for the meetings. The subject matter and type of meeting is also reflected in the calendar. This calendar can be publicized by email or on a bulletin board at the meeting site.

Types of Meetings
General Discussion: A general discussion meeting would be of a type where there is no a predetermined subject for discussion. The meeting topics would be open to suggestion from those attending that particular meeting. Specific Topics: These types of meetings would determine the discussion topic in advance of the meeting and be published on the group calendar. Specific topics can be selected from a wide variety of areas and the resources for these discussions could be from the Ziglar way workbook, or subjects from any Zig Ziglar book. Speaker Meetings: Speaker meetings would involve inviting individuals to address the group as a whole. These speakers would share their experience with The Ziglar Way. Their experience will include what their life was like before they began using Ziglar principles, how they implemented the principles into their life, and what their life is like now.

Meeting Chairperson
A meeting chairperson should be selected for each meeting. The role of the chairperson would be to kick off the meeting, read any announcements necessary, make any necessary introductions and to preside over discussion meetings. Ideally, different people in the group will chair the meetings each week.


New Ziglar groups usually have questions about how to conduct their first meetings. There are questions about what the group should focus upon, and how the group should generally function as it moves forward. Because a new group begins with five people who are co-founders. We suggest that the first course of action for these five members should be to complete the 12 lessons presented in the Ziglar Way Workbook, and the exercises that accompany each lesson. The workbook and the exercises are available in the Member Resources archive. This is important because as a group begins to recruit new members it will be important to have a core group of people who have not only completed the self-help workbook but have also moved through the 10 steps of the Ziglar way. 7

Because a new group should initially have the five co-founders focusing on the workbook and its activities, the initial meetings should probably be discussion meetings that center upon each person's experience working through the exercises and the workbook. Discussion should include helping each other understand the principles taught in each lesson, and discussing the relationship of that lesson with the 10 steps of the Ziglar way. Another document that you might prove helpful in discussions is the Ziglar way graphic chart. This chart is available as a PDF download at the Ziglar website member section.

The Zig Ziglar Foundation

(WE suggest the following be read at the beginning of every ZIG meeting)

Why We Are Here

Most people seek many of the same things in life. They want peace of mind, financial security, good relationships and a sense of purpose in their life. Unfortunately most people have difficulty experiencing all of these qualities because they have no plan in place to produce them. Zig Ziglar said, You were born to win, but first you have to plan to win, prepare to win and only then can you expect to win Planning to win involves laying a solid foundation for your life that will give you the basis for expecting success. Zig Ziglar also said, You have to BE before you can DO and DO before you can HAVE. This simple formula of Be + Do = Have is the key to experiencing the things in life most people want. But this formula represents a process of change that requires time, effort and perseverance. There are no shortcuts to good character and personal integrity, which is what Being is all about. You are what you believe and the things you believe are locked inside your mind. If you believe you cant be successful, you will fail. If you believe that success is based on luck, you will never experience consistent success. But, Zig Ziglar said, You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. This is true because it is what we put into our mind that determines what we believe! The things we believe determine our choices and our choices determine the results in our lives. Believing good things empowers good choices which will produce good results. We come together to share encouragement and to build each other up. There is no greater influence for change than sincere encouragement from other people who have travelled the path we want to follow. By sharing our own stories of success and failure we help others embrace life principles that profoundly shape their lives for the better. We base our relationships on Zig Ziglars famous quote: 8

You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want We believe true success, happiness and peace of mind is found in the principle of helping other people be the best they can be.

Contact Information:
Website: www.zigziglarfoundation.org Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: The Zig Ziglar Foundation PO BOX 31 Alvord, TX 76225

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