Vision MCQ 1

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1. T/F
a) Perimeter is used to examine the central visual field.
b) Dark adaptation takes long time than light adaptation.
c) Rods are responsible for dark vision.
d) Bitemporal hemianopia is resulted by pituitary tumour.
e) Hypermetropia can be corrected using concave lenses.
f) Accommodation occurs only when an individual looks at a
near object.
g) Visual acuity is influenced by the contrast between the
stimulus and the background.
h) When an individual looks at a near object only
accommodation occurs.
i) Visual field is measured by perimeter.
j) Fovea contains 20% of rods.
k) In the rods of the retina cGMP causes sodium channel
l) The near response is brought about by the action of the 3rd
cranial nerve.
m) Scotopic vision is responsible for resolving details and
boundaries of objects.
n) Emmetropic eyes have an abnormal curvature of the cornea.
o) Suppression scotoma in children with strabismus is due to
degeneration of the retina in the affected eyes.

a) F peripheral field . central field by tangent screen

b) T dark adaptation 20 minutes

light adaptation 5 minutes

c) T
d) T lesion of optic chiasma in which fibres from each nasal
hemiretina decussate
e) F long sight(hypermetropia/hyperopia) convex , short
sight(myopia) concave
f) F process by which eye changes optical power to maintain a
clear image on an object as its distance varies
g) T also other stimulus factors , optical factors and retinal
h) F can cause contraction or relaxation
i) T peripheral visual field . central by tangent screen
j) F free of rods
k) F maintains them in open state
l) T optic nerve , optic chiasma , optic tract , lateral geniculate
body , visual cortex , frontal eye field , motor & edinger
westphal nuclei , oculomotor nerves , medial recti + sphincter
pupillae + ciliary muscles
m) F scotopic , mesopic & photopic vision is vision under low ,
intermediate & normal lighting conditions . scotopic vision only
rods functioning . very low visual acuity and no colour
n) F astigmatism . emmetropic eye is optically normal
o) F cortical phenomenon

2. Aqueous humour
a) Is produced by active transport in the cilliary body.
b) Pressure is nearly the same as arterial pressure in the body.

c) Formation requires the activity of carbonic anhydrase.

d) Is absorbed in to veins between cornea and iris.
e) More easily absorbed when pupil is dilated.

a) T by diffusion & active transport from plasma

b) F 10 to 20 mmHg
c) T
d) T Canal of Schlemm
e) F

3. Rods in the retina

a) Are more sensitive to red light than blue light.
b) Are more extensively distributed over the retina compared to
c) Comprise about 20% of foveal receptors.
d) Contains a purple colour pigment.
e) Are rendered insensitive by day light.

a) F strongly absorbs green blue light . appears reddish purple

( visual purple)
b) T
c) F rod free
d) T
e) T

4. When looking at a distant object

a) Ciliary muscles are contracted.
b) Intra ocular pressure is increased.
c) Glaucoma can occur.
d) Curvature of the lens is decreased.
e) If glaucoma occurs can be treated with sympathomimetic

a) F relaxed
b) F lens doesnt bulge out anteriorly
c) F
d) T
e) F beta adrenergic blockers

5. The integrity of the direct pupilary reflex depends on

f) Ipsilateral optic nerve
g) Ipsilateral macula
h) Contra lateral occipital cortex
i) Ipsilateral edingerwestphal nucleus.

f) T
g) F not needed
h) F even ipsilateral cortex isnt needed
i) T

6) T/F
a) Near point of vision reduces during old age
b) Rods are sensitive to colour
c) During accommodation and near vision the lens ligaments
are relaxed
d) Sustained accommodation can partially correct for hyperopia
e) Dark adaptation takes longer time than light adaptation.

a) T nearest point to the eye at which an object can be

brought into clear focus by accommodation
b) F cones for colour vision
c) T ciliary muscles contracted
d) T
e) T

7) T/F
a) Colour vision is maximal at the periphery
b) Rhodopsine is a serpentine G protein coupled receptor
c) Cones are responsible for night vision.
d) Tritanomaly is a common type of colour blindness
e) Dark adaptation is partially due to time taken to build up
rhodopsine stores.

a) F centrally

b) T
c) F rods
d) F - rare
e) T

8) True or False?
a) Damage to the left optic tract is likely to result in right
homonymous hemianopia.
b) Action potentials are produced in bipolar cells in retina.
c) During accommodation of eye the pupil dilates to allow more
light to enter.
d) An increase in intraocular pressure is called presbiopia
e) The lenses obtain its nutrition from fine capillaries that are
on its surface.

a) T left temporal fibres and right nasal fibres affected . loss of

vision in left nasal and right temporal fields .
b) F action potentials only in ganglion cells . local graded
potentials in all other cells
c) F pupil constricts
d) F presbyopia is difficulty in reading and close work during
age 40 45 due to significant loss in accommodation
e) F no blood vessels . obtain nutrition from aqueous humour

9) Which of the following occur as a result of a vestibulocular

reflex in a healthy person moving the head to the right?
a) Abduction of the left eye

b) Adduction of the right eye

c) Convergence of visual axis
d) Stimulation of hair cells in crista ampullaris
e) Constriction of the pupil

a) T eyes move to left

b) T
c) F
d) F detect rotational acceleration . otoliths detect
translational acceleration .
e) F

10) T/F
a) Colour blindness can be corrected by wearing coloured
b) Colour vision is best at the macula.

a) F no treatment . vision can be improved via coloured lenses

b) T

11) When the right optic nerve is cut;

a) Light falling on right retina causes constriction of pupil of left
b) Light falling on left retina causes constriction of pupil of right

c) Light falling on left retina causes constriction of pupils of

both eyes.
d) Accommodation is lost at the left eye.

a) F
b) T
c) T
d) F

12. Transection of the right optic nerve results in

A. Direct light reflex is absent in right eye
B. An absence of conscensual light reflex
C. Faliure of the right pupil to constrict during accommodation
D. Myopia in the right eye
E. Ptosis of the right eyelid

A. T
B. F only absent in left eye
C. F frontal eye field of one side projects to edinger westphal
nuclei of both sides
D. F
E. F lesion of oculomotor nerve

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