Ent Prelims

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ENT Prelims

Matching Type
A. facial canal
B. bony promontory
C. eustachian tube
D. jugular bulb

E. tegmen tympani

B 1. serves as the medial wall of the middle ear space

C 2. anterior boundary of the middle ear
A 3. exits into the stylomastoid foramen
D 4. floor of the middle ear
E 5. superior boundary of the middle ear
A. modiolus
B. cochlear duct
C. fenestra cochlea
D. promontory

E. organ of corti

D 6. bulge in the middle ear produce by the basilar portion of the cochlea
B 7. otherwise known as scala media
A 8. central conical axis of the cochlea
C 9. round window
E 10. end organ of hearing
A. mondinis deafness
C. scheibes deafness

B. michels deafness
D. alexanders deafness

C 11. the bony labyrinth is fully developed but the saccule and the cochlear duct is represented
by mounds of undifferentiated cells
D 12. characterized by aplasia of the cochlear duct
B 13. there is total lack of the development in the inner ear
A 14. under development of the cochlea only having 1 turns instead of 2 turns
A. Purulent labyrinthitis
C. Toxic labyrinthitis

B. Viral labyrinthitis
D. None

E. All

C 15. Can occur following stapedectomy procedures

B 16. Self-limiting treated supportively
D 17. Patient develops receptive aphasia
A 18. Characterized by the invasion of pus cells
A 19. Inflammation in the perilymphatic space giving rise to hearing loss and vertigo
A 20. Common complication is septic meningitis
B 21. Could involve the inner via the bloodstream
C 22. Also known as irritative labyrinthitis
A 23.Characterized by labyrinthitis ossificans
B 24.Seen in mumps and influenza

A. alteration of sound conduction

C. clonic contraction of M.E muscies

B. vascular pathology
D. patent eustachian tube

E. cervico-cranial vibrating phenomena

25. rapid weight loss and use of birth control pills are frequent factors in these patients
B 26. experienced by patient with carotid body tumors
A 27. seen in patients with impacted cerumen
C 28..nervous tension and appears to play a part
E? 29. describe as of a hollow, sea shell type of a sound experience (this should be middle ear
D 30. giving rise to autophony
A. menieres disease
C. vestibular neuronitis

B. acoustic neuroma
D. benign paroxysmal vertigo

C 31. virus attacking the vestibular labyrinth

B 32. cerebello-pontine angle lesion
D 33. causative lesion in the utricle
A 34. endolymphatic hydrops
B 35. diagnosed by clivogram
A 36. triad of hearing loss, vertigo and tinnitus
NOSE: Multiple choice
37. the combined volume of the spaces in the nasal cavity (with about 7-10cc volume each side)
A,5-10cc b,10-15cc c,15-20cc d,20-25cc
38. the antrum of the highmore is found in :
A. maxillary sinus
b. frontal sinus
c. ethmoid sinus
d. sphenoid sinus
39. Sinus that extends into the clinoid process and pterygoid plates
A. maxillary sinus B. frontal sinus
C. ethmoid sinus
D. sphenoid sinus
40. Supplied by pharyngeal branch of the internal maxillary artery
A. maxillary sinus B. frontal sinus
C. ethmoid sinus
D. sphenoid sinus
41. Develops as outpocketing of the middle meatus with a volume of 14 c.c.
A. maxillary sinus B. frontal sinus
C. ethmoid sinus
D. sphenoid sinus
42. Majority of the nasal septum is
A. quadrangular cartilage
B. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
C. crest of palate
D. crest of maxilla

A. Hiatus Semilunaris

B. Ethmoidal Bulla

C. Ethmoturbinals D. Olfactory Vesicle

E. Sense Cells
F. Olfactory Epithelium
F 43. Composed of high cylindrical type of cells with distinct type of basal cells
D 44. A modified dendrites at the distal end of the olfactory sense cell
A 45. Where the ostia of the frontal sinus, maxillary sinus and anterior ethmoid sinus opens
C 46. In lower animals, there carry olfactory epithelium and are well-developed
E 47. Bipolar nerve cells, forming the tract of the CNS
B 48. A vestigial structure arising from the fusion of the ethmoid turbinates
49. Infection in this paranasal sinus often presents as headache localized at the vertex of the
A. frontal
B. ethmoid C. maxillary
D. sphenoid
E. all of these
50.infection in the sinus often gives rise to orbital complications:
A. frontal
b. ethmoid c. maxillary d. sphenoid e. all of these
51.antibiotic treatment for sinusitis is usually given for
A. 3-5 days b. 5-7 days c. 7-10 days d. 10-14 days

e. none

52.nasoantral window is often done surgically to drain the

A. frontal sinus
b. maxillary sinus
c. ethmoid sinus
d. sphenoid sinus
e. all of these
A. maxillary sinus
B. frontal sinus
C. ethmoid sinus
D. sphenoid sinus
B 53. arises from the expansion of the anterior air cells from the ethmoids with a volume of 6-7
cc/ sinus
A 54. where the antrum of highmore is found
D 55. sinus extending into the clinoid process and pterygoid plates
C 56. develops as outpocketings of the middle meatus with a volume of 14cc
A 57. outgrowth of the middle meatus, largest of the paranasal sinuses with a volume of 15cc/
D 58. supplied by a pharyngeal branch of the internal maxillary artery
B 59. arises from the expansion of the anterior air cells from the ethmoid with a volume of 6-7 cc
per sinus
A 60. supplied by the infra-orbital, alveolar and superior labial branches of the internal maxillary
Multiple Choice:
61.congenital stenosis of the nostril is due the failure of resolution of the temporary epithelial
plug of the nostrils in the_____fetal month

A. 5th
b. 6th
d. 8th
62. incomplete closure of the chondrocranium results to :
A. hamartoma
b. cleft lip
c. cleft nose
d. meningoceles
63. The vomeronasal organ of Jacobson starts to appear in the _____week
A. 5th
B. 6th
C. 7th
D. 8th
64.The incisive foramen is the incomplete fusion of the premaxillary with the palatine process in
the ____ week
A. 5th
b. 6th
c. 7th
d. 8th
65.The nostrils are formed by:
A. lateral nasal cartilage
C. septal cartilage

B. major alar cartilage

D. anterior nasal spine

A 21yr old male had an upper respiratory tract infection for the last 6 days, he suddenly
complains of right aural fullness, ear pain, decrease hearing on the same ear. A consult was done
with an otolaryngologist. diagnosis: Acute Otitis Media AD
66.Weber tuning fork test will reveal:
A. increasing and decreasing tone intensity as the external ear canal is occluded
B. no lateralization
D. one heard on the right side
E.the patient AC is longer than the examiners AC
67.True of schwabach evaluation except:
A. compares patient AC vs. that of the examiners AC
B. examiner should have normal hearing acuity
C. the stem of the tuning fork is placed on the mastoid of both patient and examiner
D. a positive result may indicate normal patient
E. none of the above
68. true of the Hughson Westlake technique in Pure Tone Audiometry except:
A.start the evaluation on the normal ear at 1000Hz,2000Hz,4000Hz,8000Hz 500Hz and 250Hz
B. start threshold determination at 0 dB than 10 db increment until tone is appreciated
C. also known as the 5 up 10 down technique
D. do threshold determination with BC and AC testing
E. none of the above
69. Pure tone audiometry was done on a patient with a hearing impairment on the right ear and

a normal left ear. If the stimulus on the right ear reaches 55 dB air conduction testing. How much
will be the appreciated on the non tested ear without masking?
A,0 dB B,10 dB C,20 dB
D,30 dB E,45 dB
70.Otoscopic examination on the affected ear of a patient with Type C tympanogram with reveal
A,bulging eardrum
B,tympanic membrane perforation C,retracted tympanic membrane
D,impacted cerumen
E,none of these
71.true of speech audiometry except:
A,stimulus is bi-syllable words with equal stress on each syllable
B,speech reception threshold is same as the average of pure tone audiometry thresholds at
500Hz,1000Hz and 2000Hz
C,speech discrimination is tested at level higher than the speech reception threshold
D,speech discrimination is also known as the speech intelligibility Test
E,none of the above
72. Conductive hearing loss is manifested in pure tone audiometry:
A. bone conduction is better than air conduction testing both within 0-20 db
B. bone conduction thresholds are the same as the air conduction threshold neither is normal
C. bone conduction threshold is normal and better than air conduction threshold that is abnormal
D. air conduction is better than bone conduction
E. bone conduction thresholds are reduced but still better than air conduction by
73,the following are benefits of pure tone audiometry except:
A,it may give the diagnosis of the ear disease
B,it may give the type of hearing less
C,give an assessment as to the impact of hearing upon learning
D,has an advantage of its ability to diagnose type of hearing impairment which can not be
detected by tuning fork examination
E,none of the above
74,this is a part of an audiometer which allow the examiner to change the intensity of sound:
c,frequency oscillator
e, none of these
75.the lowest sound intensity identified by the patient is his/her
A,masking level
b,interaural attenuation
d,audiometric zero
e,none of these
76.to quantify salivary flow reduction in facial nerve paralysis what salivary duct is being
A,stensens duct
b,whartons duct
c,bartholins ducts
d.rivinus duct
77.motor fibers of the facial nerve innervates the following except


A,contralateral upper face

D,ipsilateral upper face

b,contralateral lower face

e,none of these

c, ipsilateral lower

78.Audiologic evaluation that could help localize and levelize facial nerve problem are the
following except
b,stapedial etiex
c,auditory evoked response audiometry
D,pure tone audiometry e,none of these
79. Tumors that could involve the facial nerve are the following EXCEPT
A. glomus jugulare
B. histiocytosis
C. papillary CA
D. squamous cell CA
E. meningioma
80. Loss of taste sensation and decrease in salivation in facial nerve paralysis in lesion in the:
A. peripheral branch at the level of the stylohyoid foramen
B. geniculate ganglion
C. sphenopalatine ganglion
D. chorda tympani
E. none of the above
81. Gradenigos syndrome is usually associated with:
A. petrositis B. mastoiditis C. labyrinthitis D. Acute otitis media
82. Which nerve innervates the external auditory canal that upon irritation induce coughing?
A. Nerve to the stapedius muscle
B. Auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve
C. Jacobsons nerve branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve
D. Auricular branch of the Vagus nerve or Arnolds nerve
83. Decongestants and Valsalva maneuver are the treatment of choice for this stage of acute
otitis media?
A. Eustachian tube obstruction
B. Suppurative stage
C. Stage of complication
D. stage of resolution
84. In chronic otitis media, sensorineural hearing loss develops with
A. perforated tympanic membrane
B. cholesteatoma formation
C. erosion of the cartilage and the bony structures
D. seepage of the bacterial toxins thru the oval window
A 29 yrs old male had furuncles of the right external auditory canal after cleaning the ear. The
next day he complained of severe ear pain with diffuse edema and hyperemia of the whole
85. the most probable causative organism is:
c,haemophilus influenzae
d,staphylococcus aureus
86.the diagnosis is
A.malignant otitis externa

b. perichondritis
C. erysipelas
d. acute otitis media
87. pus formation is located between the
A. cartilage and skin
b. cartilage and perichondrium
C. perichondrium and skin
d. skin and subcutaneous tissue
88.treatment for this patient is
b,incision and drainage
c,warm compress on affected area
89.postinfection deformity if left untreated will result in
A,meatal stenosis b,microtia c,cauliflower ear d,lop ear
90. This test utilizes a tuning fork that is placed at any midline structures such as the vertex,
nasal bone or incisors.
A. rinne test
B. weber test
C. schwabach test
D. bing test
91. The stage of otitis media where the eardrum ruptures and a mucopurulent drainage comes
out. Fever and pain are now relieved but the hearing loss worsens
A. stage of hyperemia
B. stage of exudation
C. stage of suppuration
D. stage of coalescence
92. A negative rinne test would indicates (BC>AC)
A. normal hearing
B. sensorineural hearing loss
C. conductive hearing
D. mixed hearing loss
93. The schwabach test that results in sensorineural hearing loss will be represented as
A. same B. prolonged C. diminished D. unchanged
94. In weber test, if the tone is heard on the better ear, it means the tested ear of the patient has
A. normal hearing
B. conductive hearing loss
C. sensorineural hearing loss
D. perforated tympanic membrane
95. This is an accumulation of squamous epithelial debris acting like a tumor enlarging and
causing destruction by pressure necrosis or by enzymatic action produced by epithelial cells in its

A. impacted cerumen
B. cholesteatoma
C. retraction pockets
D. squamous epithelioma
96. This part of the temporal bone forms the anterior posterior and floor of the external auditory
canal (Its postero-superior surface is concave, and forms the anterior wall, the floor, and part
of the posterior wall of the bony external acoustic meatus.)
A. squamous bone
B. tympanic bone
C. petrous bone
D. mastoid bone
97. A complication of otitis media with fever of picket fence pattern and chills
A,extradural abscess
b,subdural abscess
C,lateral sinus thrombophlebitis
98. A child will be able to communicate by spoken language when hearing loss is acquired at
a. birth
b. before 2yrs old
c. after 2 yrs old
d. prolingual stage
99. what is the hearing of the patient with impacted cerumen?
A. conductive hearing loss
b. mixed hearing loss
c. sensorineural hearing loss
d. normal
100. the Eustachian tube at rest is normally
a. closed
b. unidirectional
c. open
d. bidirectional

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