Dakshinamurthy Stotram

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Dakshinamurthy Stotram Meaning in English

• OM yo brahmaanam vidadhati poorvam

yo vai vedanshcha prahinoti tasmai |
tam ha devamaatmabuddhi prakasham
mumukshurvai sharanamaham prapadye ||

I seek refuge in Him who is the embodiment of supreme knowledge, who has enlightened
the knowledge of Brahman through the Vedas. Those who have a desire to attain Moksha
(liberation) should take refuge in him.

• Dhyaanam

OM mounavyaakhyaa prakatita parabrahmatatvamyuvaanam

varshishthaante vasadrushiganairaavrutam brahmanishthaih |
aachaaryendram karakalita chinmudramaanandamoortim
svaatmaaraamam muditavadanam dakshinaamurtimeede || 1 ||

I bow to that Dakshinamurti, who is the embodiment of supreme bliss, who silently
manifests knowledge of Brahman, who is youthful, radiant, surrounded by sages who
know the supreme truth of life, who is ever blissful and who has experienced the state of
self-realization, and who blesses everyone with the chinmudra sign and smiling face.

• vatavitapi sameepebhoomibhaage nishannam

sakalamunijanaanaam jnaanadaataaramaaraat |
tribhuvanagurumeesham dakshinaamoortidevam
jananamaranaduhkhacchedadaksham namaami || 2 ||

Salutations to that Dakshinamurthy, who is sitting in a quiet place near the banks of the
river under the Vata tree, who gives knowledge to the sages around him, who is the
teacher of the three worlds, who is the destroyer of sorrows of life.

• chitram vatatarormoole vruddhaah shishyaa gururyuvaa |

gurostu mounam vyaakhyaanam shishyaastucchinnasamshayaah || 3 ||

A beautiful picture where elderly disciples are sitting in front of a young Guru under the
banyan tree. The teacher has been giving knowledge through his silence, and dispelling
doubts of the disciples.

• nidhaye sarvavidyaanaam bhishaje bhavaroginaam |

gurave sarvalokaanaam dakshinaamoortaye namah || 4 ||

Salutations to Dakshinamurthy, who is the repository of all knowledge, the healer of all
worldly diseases, and the guru of all the worlds.

• OM namah pranavaarthaaya shuddhajnaanaikamoortaye |

nirmalaaya prashaantaaya dakshinaamoortaye namah || 5 ||
Salutations to Dakshinamurthy, who is the form of the cosmic sound OM, who is the
embodiment of pure knowledge, and who is pure and peaceful.

• chidghanaaya maheshaaya vatamoolanivaasine |

sacchidaanandaroopaaya dakshinaamoortaye namah || 6 ||

Salutations to Dakshinamurthy, who is the great lord with a solid intelligence, sitting
under the banyan tree, and whose form is that of pure consciousness.

• Ishvaro gururaatmeti moortibhedavibhaagine |

vyomavadvyaaptadehaaya dakshinaamoortaye namah || 7 ||

Salutations to Dakshinamurthy, who manifests in various forms of the supreme lord and
the guru, who cannot be divided in any form, and his body pervades the entire universe.

• angushthatarjani yogamudraa vyaajenayoginaam |

shrutyartham brahmajeevaikyam darshayanyogataa shivah || 8 ||

He is a true yogi sitting in a yoga mudra with a gesture of joining the thumb and index
finger. He is the lord who reveals the meaning of the Vedas and shows the unity of
Brahman and the individual self.

• Stotram

vishvam darpana drushyamaana nagarItulyam nijaantargatam

pashyannaatmani maayayaa bahirivodbhutam yathaa nidrayaa |
yah saakshaatkurute prabodha samaye svaatmaana mevaadvayam
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 1 ||

Just like a city seen within a mirror, he reflects the entire universe within himself but it
only appears as though it is outside. In sleep, we perceive the magical illusion of a dream
as reality, but when we wake up from sleep, we realize the truth. Similarly, this universe
appears different from the self, though in truth it is non-different from the self. During
spiritual awakening, we experience this truth and realize the non-divisive doctrine of
Atman and Paramatman. I offer my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord
Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this truth to the world.

• beejasyaantarivaankuro jagadidam praagnanirvikalpam

punarmaayaa kalpita desha kaalakalanaa vaichitrya chitrIkrutam |
maayaaveeva vijrumbhayaatyapi mahaayogeeva yah svecchayaa
tasmai shree gurumoortaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 2 ||

The conscious and undifferentiated truth of the universe is like the sprout of a seed that
looks different after its growth. The Maya projects this creation in different forms and
diverse aspects of time and space in a peculiar manner. Only a Mahayogi creates and
witnesses the unfolding of the universe by his own will, as if playing with Maya. I offer
my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this
truth to the world.

• yasyaiva sphuranam sadaatmakamasatkalpaarthakam bhaasate

saakshaattattva maseeti vedavachasaa yo bodhayatyaashritaan |
yatsaakshaatkaranaadbhavenna punaraavruttirbhavaambhonidhou
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 3 ||

By his will, this unreal and unknown existence becomes real and gets its meaning. As told
in the Vedas, it causes the realization of the truth to those who take refuge in him. And
this self-realization of ultimate truth puts an end to the cycle of birth and death in the
ocean of worldly existence. I offer my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord
Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this truth to the world.

• naanaachchidra ghatodara sthita mahaadeepa prabhaabhaasvaram

jnaanam yasya tu chakshuraadikarana dvaaraa bahih spandate |
jaanaameeti tameva bhaantamanubhaatyetatsamastam jagat
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 4 ||

Just like the light coming out of a big lamp placed in a pot with many holes, his divine
knowledge comes out of our eyes and other sense organs. It is by his radiance that
everything in the universe shines and manifests. I offer my salutations to that divine form
of the Guru, Lord Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this truth to the world.

• deham praanamapeendriyaanyapi chalaam buddhim cha shoonyam vidhuh

strIbaalaandha jadopamaastvahamiti bhraantaabhrusham vaadinah |
maayaashakti vilaasakalpita mahaa vyaamoha samhaarine
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 5 ||

Those who consider this body, prana (life force), sense organs, unstable intellect, or
nothingness as their true existence, are similar to the ignorant women, children, blind and
stupid. They hold false beliefs but are reluctant to accept the truth. Only He can destroy
this mighty delusion created by the power of Maya. I offer my salutations to that divine
form of the Guru, Lord Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this truth to the world.

• raahugrasta divaakarendu sadrusho maayaa samaachchaadanaat

sanmaatrah karanopa samharanato yo bhootsushuptah pumaan |
praagasvaapsamiti prabodha samaye yah pratyabhijnaayate
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 6 ||

Like how Rahu eclipses Sun and Moon in the sky, the power of maya eclipses the true
nature of self, leading to ignorance and delusion. During deep sleep, all sense organs are
withdrawn leading to emptiness. However, after awakening, we realize that this is the
same entity that was in the state of sleep. Similarly during spiritual awakening, one will
realize the true nature of self. I offer my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord
Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this truth to the world.

• baalyaadishvapi jaagradaadishu tathaa sarvaasvavasthaasvapi

vyaavruttaa svanuvartamaana mahamityantah sphurantam sadaa |
svaatmaanam prakateekaroti bhajataam yo mudrayaa bhadrayaa
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye|| 7 ||

In stages like childhood, youth, and old age, in the state of sleep and in the other three
states, and in whatever harsh conditions, the soul always shines regardless of conditions
and time. God reveals the true nature of the self through his auspicious gesture to those
who surrender to him. I offer my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord
Dakshinamurthy, who reveals this truth to the world.
• vishvam pashyati kaaryakaaranatayaa svasvaamisambandhatah
shishyaachaaryatayaa tathaiva pitruputraadyaatmanaa bhedatah |
svapne jaagrati vaa ya esha purusho maayaaparibhraamitah
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 8 ||

One sees the world as cause and effect, another sees it as the universe and its lord. There
are differences in every relationship like the teacher-disciple, father-son, and creation-
creator. Similarly, one may perceive the self as awake or in a dream state. The true nature
of self is beyond Maya. The person believes in these differences because of illusion. I
offer my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord Dakshinamurthy, who reveals
this truth to the world.

• bhoorambhaansyanalonilombara maharnaatho himaamshuh pumaan

ityaabhaati charaacharaatmakamidam yasyaiva moortyashtakam |
naanyatkinchana vidyate vimrushataam yasmaatparasmaadvibho:
tasmai shree gurumurtaye nama idam shree dakshinaamurtaye || 9 ||

The universe is made up of five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky, and is
controlled by the Sun, Moon, and consciousness. This eight-power form of the Lord,
which embodies all moveable and immovable entities, is manifested by Him alone. Other
than the lord, who is the supreme being, nothing exists. Only the wise one can understand
this truth. I offer my salutations to that divine form of the Guru, Lord Dakshinamurthy,
who reveals this truth to the world.

• sarvaatmatvamiti sphutIkrutamidam yasmaadamushmin stave

tenaasya shravanaattadartha mananaaddhyaanaachcha sankeertanaat |
sarvaatmatvamahaavibhooti sahitam syaadIshvaratvam svatah
siddhyettatpunarashtadhaa parinatam cha aishvaryamavyaahatam || 10 ||

This Dakshinamurthy hymn is the essence of the true understanding of the self. By
listening, meditating, and reflecting upon this hymn, one attains the realization of one’s
own true nature. With this understanding, one attains the status of Ishwara, along with all
the powers and glory. Also, this realization brings about eight types of powers to make a
complete transformation of life.

Dakshinamurthy Stotram Benefits in English

Lord Dakshinamurthy is regarded as the universal teacher who dispels ignorance and leads his
disciples on the path of wisdom. Regular chanting of this hymn is believed to improve
concentration and memory. It also helps in overcoming obstacles and challenges in life.

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