Ush Syllabus

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US History

Syllabus and Classroom Guidelines

Mr. Adkins
[email protected]
Twitter: @MrAdkinsDRHS
Course Objective:
Welcome to US History! This course will cover the adopted curriculum and
standards set by the Nevada State Standards and Common Core State
Standards of literacy. We will be taking measures to analyze historic
documents, think critically, and improve our literacy skills through essays
and a DBQs. The skills and knowledge gained from these units will enlighten
students to the happenings of the previous century and how it has shaped
the country we know today.
Classroom Rules:
Rules and guidelines are extremely important to maintain a productive
learning environment. You are expected to follow the school rules
covered in your handbook and those set by the district. In addition, in
our classroom WE will always:
1. Be prompt- Students will be in class on time. This expectation means
in your seat, ready to start class. If you are coming through the door as
the bell rings, youre late.
2. Be Prepared- You will bring your materials to class every dayno
exceptions! Use your time wisely in between classes so that you are on
time for class. You will need your materials every day, I cannot provide
3. Be Respectful- Respect is a two-way street, you get what you give. In
this class we will treat each other with respect, and will be respected in
return. If discipline problems arise, a progressive discipline plan is used
a. 1st offense- Verbal Warning
b. 2nd offense- Discussion in private
c. 3rd offense- Call home
d. 4th offense- Detention
e. 5th offense- You visit with the dean, and you are relocated out of
this class
4. Be productive- Class time to accomplish school work is hard to come
by. If we have time to do homework in class, take advantage and
accomplish work. If you are wasting time given, I will find work for you
to do.
5. Be positive- It is truly amazing how far a positive attitude can take
you! We all have bad days, but bad attitudes are left outside my

classroom. I am willing to do everything I can to help you, but you have

to do everything you can to help yourself as well!
6. Technology- There will be times that technology will be used in class.
Certain assignments will require research and referencing. If you have
a cell phone, you can use it when told to do so. The rest of the time,
the phone will be put away. It is to be used as a tool, not a distraction
during class.
This course will utilize many forms of assessments. Some of the possibilities
include tests, quizzes, journals, essays, and projects. These assessments will
be mostly conducted in class, but a few may require additional time at home
to complete.
Cheating & Plagiarism:
This course demands a high level of honesty and integrity. Many of the
writing assignments require subject knowledge and critical thinking. Any
cheating of plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment or test and the
students will be referred to the dean. Cheating or plagiarism includes
copying a portion of or all of another students work, loaning work, using
unapproved technology, and claiming another persons work as your own.
All assignments will be posted on Infinite Campus and the class Edmodo site.
This will be a reminder to students and allow parents to be informed on what
the students are doing in class. Assignments and projects will be given well
in advance of their due date. If there are any conflicts or issues with the
assignments, please email me as soon as possible.
The grading criteria will be as follows:
Final exam:


Late Work:
Late work will be accepted on a case by case basis. No late work turned in
after the Unit test will be accepted. Exceptions can be made in advance for
special circumstances. Any work turned in late, but before the Unit test will
only earn 70% credit.
Progress checks/Academic Warnings:

Progress checks will be accomplished as scheduled. Students and parents

can always access infinite campus for a to monitor grades, or schedule a
meeting with me to sit down together for a progress check
Academic warnings are sent along with progress checks for any students who
have a total grade of 72% or below.
Please know that the classroom door is always open to you. Feel free to
contact me via email if you would like to visit or schedule a meeting so that I
can get approval. My contact information is on the weebly site or at the top
of this syllabus. You can also schedule a meeting after school. If you need to
discuss special needs, accommodations, requirements, or anything sensitive,
please schedule a meeting so that we can ensure the appropriate personnel
can be present to alleviate any issues.
I also want to invite all parents to visit my weebly site at:
I also want to utilize Twitter to have an open forum for conversation. There is
a parents link for our groups, if you would like to be a part of this, email me,
and I will help you gain access.
Any further questions, feel free to contact me as needed.
All standards can be found at the following websites:
Nevada State Social Studies Standards:
Common Core State Standards:
If you have any questions or need any clarification about the standards, feel
free to email me. I will do my best to answer any and all questions about
what the standards are enforcing.

I have read Mr. Adkins syllabus and understand the expectations set forth.
Student Signature:


I understand the expectations set for the for my child

Parent Signature:


Contact Information
Parent/Guardian Name(s):

Home Phone:
Alternate Phone:
Best way to contact (Circle One):

Home Phone

Alt. Phone Email

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