American/Arizona History: Course Description, Goals, and Objectives

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American/Arizona History

Cactus Shadows High School

Mr. Shipp History Department
Email: [email protected]
School Phone: 480-123-4567
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday//2:15-3:30 PM
Bell Schedule:
Period 1-

7:20am- 8:15am

Period 2-

8:20am- 9:15am

Period 3-

9:20am- 10:15am

Period 4-

10:20am- 11:15am


11:15am- 12:00pm

Period 5-

12:05pm- 1:00pm

Period 6-

1:05pm- 2:00pm

Course Description, Goals, and Objectives

Over the course of the next year, the students will be immersed in American history beginning
with ancient Native American cultures, ending with the modern day, and including everything in
between. During these lessons, Arizona and its history will be sprinkled about when relevant.
The students will be asked to synthesize and communicate their knowledge in various forms
including posters, brochures, PowerPoint/Google Slide presentations, essays, and Socratic
seminars. This will not be a class where the students get lectured Monday-Thursday with a test
on Friday. The students will be asked to engage in the lessons. I require creativity, effort, and
honesty of my studentseach of which is paramount to success in this course. In return, the
students will leave my classroom with the knowledge and tools be successful not just as students,
but also as young men and women in their time at college, in their careers, and their continued
growth. The students will obtain various skills including, but not limited to: critical thinking,
source analysis, historical perspective, historical empathy, cultural awareness, social
responsibility, and civil responsibility.
The Americans
Danzer, Gerald A. The Americans. Orlando, FL: Holt McDougal, 2012. Print.

Class Procedures
In the following sections are included the less-fun parts of being in
this classroom. Despite this, you are responsible for knowing and
following these procedures, policies, rules, and expectations.
Absences: Students are expected to be in class each day. In the event of an excused absence, the
student can retrieve any missed materials, worksheets, or homework from the absent folder near
the door upon their return to class. In the event of an unexcused absence, the student will not
receive credit for classwork, homework, or presentations due on the day of absence. (Extreme
emergency or illness will be handled on a case-by-case basis)
If the student has an excused absence on the day of a Socratic seminar, they will
receive an alternative assignment to complete as homework when they return.
Tardiness: Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their seats by the time the bell rings.
If the student is in the room but not in their seat when the bell rings they will be marked tardy.
Students with a pass will be excused.
Make-up Work: For excused absences, students may submit make-up work. The burden is on
the students to retrieve their missing work from the absent folder when they return. Students will
receive two days per day of absence to complete and turn in their makeup work.

Grading Policy
Late work: If a student does not have an assignment ready to turn in by the beginning of the
class period on the day it is due, but is turned in by the end of the day, it will receive a 10%
reduction. One day after the due date it increases to 20%. Two days after the due date it increases
to 50%. Late work will not be accepted after two daysif an assignment is due Monday, then it
will not be accepted on Thursday.
Presentations: If a student is absent on the day he/she is scheduled to present (individual or
group) and he/she did not consult with me beforehand, he/she will receive zero credit for the
assignment. Being absent does not excuse you from your responsibilities in this class.
Socratic Seminars
Writing Samples/DBQs
Grading System: 90-100% = A; 80-89% = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D; 59% and below = F
Assignment Preparation: Assignments should be turned in on the due date and be presented
professionally. Papers should be neatnot frayed, not crumpled, not torn, not sloppy. Submitted
work should have a heading in the top-left of the page that includes: name, date, period.
Complete sentences are required for every assignment unless otherwise specified. Proper spelling

and grammar are a must. If using pen, use only blue or black. Illegible handwriting will not be
Plagiarism and Cheating: As I mentioned in the course description, I require creativity, effort,
and honesty. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in any form. Individual assignments
are not group assignments. If plagiarism or cheating is observed, a score of zero will be
immediately assigned for the assignment.
Extra Credit: There will be several opportunities for extra credit. Each extra credit opportunity
will be given a week to complete and submit. If all extra credit assignments are submitted,
students can expect a 3-5% bump in their grade.

Classroom Expectations and Behavior

There will be many assignments, projects, and activities that force the students to get out of their
comfort zone and speak in front of others. Due to this, ground rules must be set for behavior.
Socratic Seminars:
1. One person speaks at a time, avoid interruptions.
2. Appropriate and professional language used at all times.
3. All questions and responses will be treated with respect.
4. If you disagree with something, feel free to courteously and constructively criticize the
ideaNOT the person expressing that idea.
5. Refer to each other by name.
General Classroom Rules:
1. Only one person speaks at a time.
2. Stay in your assigned seat unless otherwise instructed.
3. Appropriate language used at all times.
4. Only the teacher dismisses the class.
5. All questions will be treated with respect.
Technology: Students are allowed to use personal electronics before school, during lunch, and
during passing periods. Students will not be allowed to use their cell phones during class unless
instructed otherwise. If cell phones or other personal electronics are used inappropriately used in
class, I reserve the right to confiscate them without warning.
Behavior: Belligerent or aggressive behavior towards me or another student will not be
tolerated. This will result in immediate and severe consequences including a call home, a
referral, and possible further administrative action.
Consequences: As per district policy, consequences for violations of the above rules and
expectations will result in:
First Offense: Warning/Private conference with the student
Second Offense: Lunch detention
Third Offense: Call home

Fourth Offense: Administrative Referral

* Teacher reserves the right to skip steps based upon the severity of the violation.

Course Calendar
Here follows an outline of the subjects and topics we will be covering quarter by quarter, as
derived from Arizonas Social Studies Standards:
Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Early Civilizations

Revolution and the New Nation cont.

Exploration and Colonization

Westward Expansion

Revolution and the New Nation

Quarter 3

Civil War and Reconstruction

Quarter 4

Emergence of the Modern United States

Postwar United States cont.

Great Depression and World War II

Contemporary United States

Postwar United States

Socratic Seminars
Socratic Seminars are formal discussions based around one or multiple texts. These discussions
are driven by the students and are comprised of open-ended questions. These discussions are
professional and respectful and require an open-mind and critical thinking. Paired with these
seminars are worksheets with chunks of text that the students must write questions about-- We
will discuss this more in class. These seminars will occur once a week as the schedule allows.

Writing Samples
The students will be writing in this class quite often. Writing skills are underdeveloped as a
whole in our education system, so I believe it is not only beneficial, but necessary to help
develop those skills. As such, students will complete one writing assignment each week. These
assignments will include: DBQs, historical voice/perspective essays (e.g., writing a letter to John
Adams as Thomas Jefferson), research essays, and others. These will be graded on effort and
completionnot writing ability. If I see that the student has put in an earnest effort in
completing this written work, they will receive full/almost full points. However, I will provide
detailed feedback on each of these written submissions on how to improve for the next one. I
expect to see marked improvement over the course of the year. The student that improves the
most in each quarter will receive extra credit equaling +2% of their grade.


Participation refers to a students overall participation in class activities and discussions. If the
student is on time to class, does their warm-up, is engaged in the lesson, participates in informal
class discussions, and generally shows me that they are ready for the day they will receive high

There will be unit tests at the end of each unit. These tests will cover any and all information
covered in each unit and will typically range from 30-50 multiple choice questions along with 13 short response questions. Quizzes will be more frequentgenerally around four each month.
These will be smaller than the unit tests and will range from 10-20 multiple choice questions. I
do not believe that tests and quizzes are the most effective way of gauging and measuring student
knowledge and achievement. Thus, they are worth only 20% of your grade whereas Socratic
Seminars and Writing Samples are worth a combined 50%.

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