Tips and Tricks Analysing CRM Ic

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SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks

- Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

Posted by Sigrid Wieshofer Apr 22, 2013
Let me share some of my tricks I use when supporting CRM Interaction Center. Some of it is not specific to
CRM IC but helps me a lot.

Often helpful, when I have to logon to CRM WebUI using a webdispatcher and my external breakpoints do
not stop:
transaction SRDEBUG (note 1004248) to activate external breakpoints across systems

If I have no clear idea where to set a breakpoint, I use Conditional Breakpoints (KBA 1849381). It is quite
activate checkpoint group CRMUIF_CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINTS in transaction SAAB

start the CRM WebUI using CRM_UI_DBG (CRM 7.0), WUI_DBG (CRM 7.0 EHP1 and later) or
transaction START_BSP with

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SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)
BSP Application: CRM_UI_FRAME for CRM 2007, CRM_UI_START for higher releases
External Debugging on
on CRM WebUI use ALT+F2 to define your conditional breakpoints.

and the debugger stops:

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SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

Checking involvement of an enhancement

In general only one enhancement set is assigned to a client (table BSPWD_EHSET_ASGN). If F2 shows a
different enhancement set, I check if there is a customer specific implementation of BADI component_loading
for choosing another enhancement set for certain scenarios.
To get an overview on customer enhancements on a system, checking view cluster BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT
(SM34) helps. Here all enhancement sets are listed and I get an overview of components/view which have
been enhanced.
With regard to enhancement, also user parameter WCF_IGNORE_ENHANCEMT with value "A" helps a lot.
It disables all customer enhancements and allows testing of the system behavior using SAP standard coding
(note 1311966). If the problem is not replicable when setting parameter WCF_IGNORE_ENHANCEMT to
'A', there might be
a bug in the customer specific coding
or a support package or note has been implemented which improved the SAP standard coding but
the corrections are missing in the Z enhancement

Instead of switching off the whole enhancement, it is also possible to disable the enhancement of a certain
view by help of debugging as described by Corrine Guan.
In these cases transaction WCF_CC helps a lot to compare SAP standard and an enhanced component (notes
1570869, 1244321).

when enhancing a component using the component workbench, the runtime repository gets copied to
the Z-component,
when enhancing a view controller, the view layout gets copied to the Z-component, here corrections
might be missing in layout part (html),
when redefining a method in an class not calling the SAP standard coding, corrections might be
missing in the Z-class.

Just to mention some examples:

entries in the runtime repository of the enhanced component might be missing
a page attribute might be missing for an enhanced view: BSP Exception CX_BSP_INV_ATTR_NAME
(KBA 1615938)
in the page layout (html of the view) of the enhanced view, Javascript coding might be missing
(compare it with html of SAP standard view)
the enhanced component is inactive in SICF

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SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

Not replicable with every user, situation, system... - the real

tricky ones
What's really hard to identify is the root cause of not replicable, unwanted system behavior (note 9). Here
sometimes the only chance is to ask the users, to carefully observe the system behavior and collect as much
information as possible, e.g. if there are any differences in
browser versions (check if preconditions for used browser versions given? (Product Availibility Matrix
-> Technical Release Information -> Web Browser Platforms: Scope and additional information)
browser settings
business role, especially replicable with CRM IC and CRM Webclient business role -> customizing of
business role?
users using the same business role -> personalization?
routing to different application servers -> different settings on application servers?
are any specific steps cause different system behavior, e.g. opening another browser session
any Javascript error on the page
Additionally checking if there are any short dumps (ST22), entries in traces (SM21), CRM_ICI_TRACE for CTI,
httpwatch traces might provide additional information.
Some possible root causes:
If the view configuration has been changed and user personalizations for the same view are
available, then the new configuration might not be shown for those users who have personalized
the view. Table BSPC_DL_PERSSTOR tells if there is a personalization for a user. In general, user
personalization can be deleted by switching to "Default" version on UI personalization popup by the
user himself or by the administrator using report BSP_DLC_DELETE_PERSONALIZATION (note
If there is any other difference in system behavior between quality and productive system
after transporting new changes, usage of shared memory in the productive system might be an
explanation. When transporting changes, it might be that the changes are not active in the productive
system immediately. Instead of using the newly transported coding/configuration, the data from
shared memory might be used. The new changes are taken into account if the lifetime of the area
expires or if the area is invalidated manually. SAP KBA 1870987 contains further information.
Examples: genil, configuration and design layer Areas: CL_CRM_GENIL_MODEL_SHM_AREA,
CL_BSP_WD_SHM_AREA (transaction SHMM, note 1281896, 1042618)
Different settings on different elements of the involved system landscape (e.g. for timeout on different
application servers, webdispatcher: KBA 1757252).
Differences in users: usage of old Javascript files on client side: here clearing client cache - deletion
of temporary internet files might help. In case of Internet Explorer go to Control Panel: Internet
Options -> delete tempory internet files
Differences in servers: usage of old Javascript files, cached on client side: here clearing of server
cache might help: transaction SMICM -> Goto -> HTTP Server Cache -> Invalidate -> Global in

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SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

My Magic F2 Helps - Help for the UI runtime analysis

I love the Key F2 - it is not only involved to start conditional breakpoints, but also in other key combinations
(note 1248803)
F2: technical information on a field, on which configuration has been found, the UI object, design
F2+Alt+Ctrl: a system information dialog box containing user and system data and a table of all
installed software components
F2+Alt+Shift: a view hierarchy dialog box for analyzing the current UI configuration .
F2+Alt+Shift+Ctrl: an information dialog box for key combinations supported by the framework
F2+Alt: conditional breakpoints

What is the correct component to search for notes/KBAs?

Also here, my friend F2 help supports me. Using F2 on a field, I am told to which application component is in
charge of the field/button which is similar to check to which application component a package is assigned to.

This can be used as a first starting point for searching notes/KBA. Sometimes it is more complex - especially
if more components are involved (interface), e.g. when integrating UIU views for business transaction in CRM
Interaction Center (KBA 1823428).

Generated by Jive on 2014-10-13+02:00


SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

Did you know that

a new feature allows to display the activity clipboard of the current interaction in the navigation bar,
no then see Tracking Customer Interactions, a New Feature and End is your friend
A new broadcast messenger is available for IC Managers in CRM 7.0 EHP3 -> SAP note 1999941
a new SAP note 1900772 (available for CRM 7.0 EHP2 and higher) allows to use E-Mail header
fields in ERMS rules
SAP Note 1899896 provide background information on security and application sessions and its
timeout parameters which is relevant for CRM IC as here at least two application sessions exist
KBAs, Notes and Other Stuff for CRM IC summarizes some basics for CRM IC
new KBA 1846041 has been released which helps to analyze why an ERMS inbound E-Mail is not
found in the agent inbox
SAP notes 1841635, 1911644, 1877120 improve stability in multi-session scenarios
newly updated note 1013376 summarizes frequently asked questions on transaction launcher
starting with CRM 7.0 you can use local host in CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS to simplify launch
transaction set up (1789802)
user-triggered alerts might reduce network load in NON-CTI scenarios (1822577)
KBA 1836437 explains which technical preequisites for CRM IC Webclient Roles
KBA 1770103 helps to set up business transactions in CRM IC
ERMS push allows combination of inbox mails using handling in ICI (toolbar) and is supported in
multi-session scenario (1610752)
KBA 1757252 provides hints how to identify the root cause in logoff situations
you can replace a global custom controller to adjust system behavior to your business needs using
the runtime framework profile (1822403)
Javascript files are cached due to performance reasons. After implementing notes containing JS
coding, you have to clear browser and server cache, so new JS coding is considered during runtime
Client cache: Control Panel: Internet Options -> delete tempory internet files
Server cache: transaction SMICM -> Goto -> HTTP Server Cache -> Invalidate -> Global in
by rating a KBA you can provide feedback on the quality of the KBA (1850330)?
there is an new tool which allows automated note search which can be started using transaction
ANST_SEARCH_TOOL (1818192). Check
Nicolas Busson's blog SAP Automated Note Search Tool: I'm loving it! how to use it to solve bugs in
CRM 7.0 EHP2.

My Wish List:
If somebody asks me, "what helps to process a message faster?", I would say
an example in a Non-Productive system (background: KBA 1576685) and open service connections if

Generated by Jive on 2014-10-13+02:00


SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

information which system, client, user and business role I have to use.
steps and detailed information how I am able to replicate the unwanted system behavior
description which system behavior is expected
a contact person who can provide background information
Information if it has been tested with customer enhancement switched off and an Non-IC business

What also might help

background information what has already been checked,
any finding from a debugging session, e.g. good break point
17108 Views Tags: support, crm, webui, configuration, analysis, interaction_center, enhancement,
user_inconsistencies, customer_relationship_management, crm_web_ui, shared_memory, personalization,

Ramdas Nair
Oct 10, 2014 12:48 PM
Collaboration of all the good stuff that will help in de-bugging.
Sigrid Wieshofer in response to Mukesh Lakshmanan on page 7
Sep 23, 2014 1:38 PM
Debugging IC events is not covered at the moment by conditional breakpoints. You might set a breakpoint in
For ICI/telephony issues evaluation of ICI trace is a must.

Mukesh Lakshmanan
Sep 22, 2014 4:40 PM
Hi Sigrid Wieshofer,

Bunch of Thanks for the Very useful stuff...

Is there any way to debug a live Computer Telephony Integration <-> SAP CRM scenario??
I mean, how to debug in CRM IC when a user makes call from Telephone to my IC agent?
Thanks in Advance!!!
Warm Regards,
Kavindra Joshi

Generated by Jive on 2014-10-13+02:00


SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

Sep 17, 2014 5:06 AM

Hi ,
Late in reading in this but certainly very helpful .
Deep Bhalla
Aug 21, 2014 6:23 AM
thanks a lot for your time and effort..
Vikas Singh
Jul 13, 2014 3:14 AM
Very useful - thanks for writing.
Anton Russkikh
Mar 27, 2014 1:49 PM
Sigrid, Good work.
Very informative document.
Arjun Pawar
Mar 25, 2014 11:39 AM
Wow..Great blog! Thanks Sigrid Wieshofer for sharing.
Sigrid Wieshofer in response to RICARDO LOBATO on page 8
Jan 12, 2014 5:31 PM
Hi Ricardo,
Can you open a new discussion thread for your question?
Best Regards,
Jan 9, 2014 9:57 PM
HI Sigrid, good day.
Hope you can help me....Im facing an issue...when I have an outbound call at the moment that I hang up the
call the call duration disappears and there is not wrap up timer..this must disappear when we push "END"
button and finish the interaction...this is working fine for inbound calls....I've found that there is a button callled
"Wrap up" but it is not working for me.

Generated by Jive on 2014-10-13+02:00


SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

thanks in advance
Corrine Guan
Sep 27, 2013 3:26 AM
For 'Checking involvement of an enhancement' part:
When a component/view is enhanced, the enhance information is recorded in two tables:
Thus, if we know the issue is caused by enhancement (the issue dosn't happen under standard mode), and
want to locate the place, we can remove the enhancement of some specified suspect component/views in
debugging mode or in some settings:
KBA 1669186 introdcues 3 ways to remove enhancement of a component/view
How to check and identify whether an issue on CRM WebUI is caused by enhancement of some
component or view introduces the sample of debugging mode.

Russ Simon
Sep 18, 2013 4:42 PM
Great Document - very helpful!
Ankita Chhabra
Aug 28, 2013 12:05 PM
Thanks Sigrid. Its quite an informative document.
Naresh Krishnamoorthy
Aug 28, 2013 6:25 AM
Very Informative. Many Thanks.
Best Regards,
Naresh K.
Caique Escaler
Aug 28, 2013 4:23 AM

Generated by Jive on 2014-10-13+02:00


SAP CRM: Interaction Center: Tips and Tricks - Troubleshooting CRM (Interaction Center)

Very good and detailed information!!!

Manoj Kumar
Aug 23, 2013 10:52 PM
Its great stuff ..thanks !!!
Oden Tracy
Jul 21, 2013 3:53 PM
Great post. Thank you.
Abdul Rahim
Jun 13, 2013 4:46 PM
Sigrid Thanks a lot for this post.
I think its going to help a lot in resolving many issues.
Particularly the KBAs are really very helpful.
Great Post !!
Sigrid Wieshofer
Jun 13, 2013 10:18 AM
Blog has been updated with new KBA 1846041 which has been written to help analyzing why an ERMS
inbound E-Mail is not found in the agent inbox.
Lynda Marie OBrien
May 22, 2013 10:41 AM
Great post Sigrid, very informative
Holger Schabbel
May 16, 2013 4:59 PM
Only 4 comments on such a great post...
Well done and Thank You Sigrid!
Nigel James
May 7, 2013 5:10 AM
This is excellent Sigrid. Thanks for putting it together.
John Burton
Apr 30, 2013 11:35 PM
Great stuff!
Andrei Vishnevsky
Apr 29, 2013 8:35 AM
Thank you, Sigrid, for very valuable information!! This document must be "Self-Service How-To guide" in many
cases, I'm sure. In this way we (partners, customers etc.) will resolve most of issues much faster with your
(SAP) help!!

Generated by Jive on 2014-10-13+02:00


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