The I Am

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The key takeaways are that the text discusses gnostic teachings about the nature of God, truth, names and redemption. It encourages the reader to seek wisdom and worship only the Father of All.

The main topic being discussed is gnostic teachings and revelations about God, truth, the divine mind/crown, names, communion, prophecy and redemption.

According to the text, the 'Name' refers to the name of God/the Father which was revealed by his son. It is considered the true/proper name that has power and was meant to be shared freely with humanity.

"I have Loved you. I have wanted to give you Life.

The Living Yahshua, He who Knows The Truth..."

-"Jesus Christ" (The Books of IEOU)
Let it be known unto The One who reads that this is The Gnosis of Truth informing you of The Power of The
Order and The Order of The Power. Being that this is The Truth, this knowledge should be thought of as Truth
and The Names regarded with the upmost care. For as it was said, "It is not what goes into you that defiles you, but
it is indeed what comes out of you that will defile you...". To curse, ridicule or blaspheme these Divine Names is a
most serious offense to your own very Soul that will indeed condemn your Spirit, as it was also said, "Blaspheme
against The Father and you will be forgiven. Blaspheme against The Son and you will be forgiven. But if you
blaspheme against The Divine Virginal Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven. Not on Earth, nor in Heaven...". This
Truth is The whole Truth which proceeded you and everything that has come into being. This Truth has made
itself manifest unto you for the sake of your redemption.
"My work is not fulfilled. But My Generation will accomplish everything through The Serpent and The Dove.
My Servants have sown My Voice in The Dust of The Future of My Seed...".
For Two Thousand years there has been a great deception over the church and so The Sheep have been led astray.
Like a blind Shepherd leading, these sheep have been led into The Desert with the promise of God, although their
Faith has been betrayed. For Two Thousand Years The Truth has been withheld from The Sons & Daughter of
The Living Father; denying you His Body & His Blood; thus starving His Little Ones of The True Food, that is,
The Bread, which is The Living Word of The Father, as it was said, "Man cannot live on bread alone, but He is
sustained on every Living Word of God..." - Kryst. But what is this "Living Word"? And how does it sustain? As
The Lord explains, "It was a great wonder that they were in The Father without knowing him and that they were
able to leave on their own, since they were not able to contain Him and know Him in whom they were, for indeed
His will had not come forth from Him. For He revealed it as a Knowledge with which all its Emanations agree,
namely, The Knowledge of The Living Book that He revealed to The Eternal Beings at last as His Letters,
displaying to them that these are not merely vowels or consonants, so that one may read them and think of
something void of meaning. On the contrary, they are Letters that convey The Truth. They are pronounced only
when They are Known. Each Letter is A Perfect Truth like a Perfect Book, for they are letters written by The Hand
of The Unity, since The Father wrote them for The Eternal Beings, so that they by means of His Letters might
come to know The Father... ". And so by partaking of this Divinely Inspired Book, you partake of The True
Communion by means of The Father's Face and all His Emanations. So I say to you, come you who are hungry and
thirsty; come you who are naked and poor, I offer The True Food to you without a price. This is The Charity of The
Father, which is His Will and His Power. This is His Love.
The Holy Words spoken in this Book and The Truth contained within this Book in it's entirety is based solely on
The Testimony of The Lord, Yahshua, The Kryst. "Kryst " being The Divine Mind He wears like a Crown,
"KaRaYaSaTaHaLa", which is not to be worn as a name, no, not a name in the proper sense, rather you should
understand that Kryst should be thought of as an Inheritance, The Crown of Knowledge, The Living Gnosis of
God Most High, which has from The Beginning been intended to be given freely. For Two Thousand Years The
Scribes & Pharisees; Rulers & Kings from days of old, until modern day time have withheld this Truth from you, in
Hopes of enslaving you and maintaining your state of ignorance of The Father. However, rejoice! "You have not
sinned...", for this deception on you which has left you desolate is their sin alone.
Now is the dusk of The Second Day and the dawning of The Third Day and truly I say to you, The Lord has came, is
here and is coming. As The Prophecy bares witness, His Voice has been Sown in The Dust of The Future of His
Seed. From potters clay has The Word been preserved in the form of The Nag Hammadi Library, until finally being
restored so that it may be ministered unto The World. This is The Truth that the church could not conceal.

0. For since before The Beginning, there was and always has been The All. The Great Invisible Spirit who
proceeds All. Shapeless, immeasurable, inconceivable, unnamable. Shapeless because there is none outside of
Him to declare His shape. Immeasurable because there is none outside Him to measure His vastness.
Inconceivable as there is none who can truly know Him as all is contained within and without. Unnamable as He is
The First and there was none before Him to give Him a name. This is the nature of The One God, but as for what
we can say about the things which are exalted, what is fitting is that we begin with,"The Father, who is The Root of
The Totality; The One from whom we have received Grace to speak about Him. He existed before anything other
than Himself came into being. The Father is a single One, like a number, for He is The First One and The One
who is only Himself. Yet He is not like a solitary individual. Otherwise, how could He be a Father? For whenever
there is a 'Father', The Name 'Son' follows. But the single One, who alone is The Father, is like a Root, with tree
branches and Fruit. It is said of Him that He is a Father in the proper sense, since He is inimitable and immutable.
Because of this, He is single in the proper sense, and is a God, because no one is a God for Him nor is anyone a
Father to Him. For He is Unbegotten, and there is no other who begot Him, nor another who created Him. For
whoever is someone's Father or his creator, he, too, has a father and creator. It is certainly possible for him to be
father and creator of the one who came into being from him and the one whom he created, for he is not a father in
the proper sense, nor a God, because he has someone who begot him and who created him. It is, then, only The
Father and God in the proper sense that no one else begot. As for The Totalities, He is The One who begot Them
and created Them. He is without beginning and without end..." - The Tripartite Tractate. This is the nature of The
ForeFather of All who even The Father gives praise and adornment to, for the Lord would not have prayed 'My
Father who is in Heaven' if He did not also have another Father who proceeded His own Father in Heaven. Rather,
He would have simply said, 'My Father'. Let us give praise then to The Forefather of All, Zero.
1. In The Silence of Silence and the deepest depth of nothingness, still and in perfect repose, The All was. Before
Sound and Form, The All is. Then, desiring to bring Himself forth, The All gave birth to The Thought and so came
forth Spirituality. Rejoicing in The Silence of Silence, as it was Good and pleasing to The All; that First Divine
Mystery, The Mother-Father and The Primordial Womb of All, Holy Barbelo. Perfect, undefiled, unblemished; this
is the nature of The Virginal Holy Spirit, as it is not possible for it to be any other way. As spoken, "I Am First
Thought, The Thought that is in Light. I Am movement that is in all, She in whom The Realm of all takes it's stand,
The Firstborn among those who came into being, She who exists before all. She is called by Three Names,
although She exists alone, since She is perfect. I Am invisible within The Thought of The Invisible One. I Am
revealed in the immeasurable, ineffable things. I Am intangible, dwelling in the intangible. I move in every
creature. I am the life of my afterthought that is within every power and every eternal movement, and in invisible
lights, and within the powers and Angels and Demons and every Soul in Tartaros, and in every material Soul. I live
in those who came into being. I move in everyone and I enter them. I walk upright, and those who sleep I Awaken.
And I am the sight of those who dwell in sleep. I Am The Invisible One in All. I counsel those who are hidden, since
I know the whole Realm of all that exists in it. I Am numberless beyond everyone. I Am immeasurable, ineffable,
yet whenever I wish, I shall reveal Myself. I Am The Head of All. I Am before all, and I Am all, since I Am in
everyone. I Am a voice speaking softly. I Am from The Beginning. I Am in The Silence that surrounds every one of
them. And The Hidden Voice is in Me, in intangible, immeasurable thought, in the immeasurable silence..." Three Forms of First Thought.
2. Wishing to give glory to The All by reflecting The Perfection of The All; Barbelo requested power from The All
and so She was granted that power, as it was pleasing for Him to do so, bringing forward The Will; that Second
Divine Mystery, Holy, Holy Pistis Sophia [meaning Faith and Wisdom]. Pistis, giving thought towards Herself
rejoiced in Her being and desired to know Herself better and so She requested from Barbelo Forethought and
Afterthought, so that She might give glory to The One from who She was begotten. Barbelo then requested this
understanding of what was and what is from The All, and being that this request was most pleasing to The All, it
was given in great delight unto Pistis. Again She rejoiced in Her knowing and understanding of self. Upon
receiving these Divine Powers, Pistis desired Eternal Life and Resurrection; Immortality and Form so that She may

dwell eternally in the glory of The One, emanating on every level. As before, this request was made unto Barbelo
and so She requested of The All. The All being most pleased with the nature of these request and granted unto
Pistis; Eternal Life and Resurrection; Immortality and Form; therefore, She is. She, who is The Mother of Matter
and And Source of Soul. This is The Queen of Heaven who's glory has not yet been revealed to you, nor has She
been known to you. For The Mother is a Mystery reserved for The Elect, as it was said, "Sophia Mother of all of the
Enlightened Ones, and Her Goddess Emanation, whose Name is known among The Perfect...", and for this reason
we must consider who The Lord was referring to when He said, "My Wife..." - The Gospel of Jesus's Wife. Know
that this 'Wife' is The Mother's Goddess Emanation. The Mother's pleas can be heard in The Holy Psalms of
David, thus is The Thirteenth Repentance of Pistis Sophia, which is The Fifty-First Psalm of David, saying,
"Hearken unto Me singing praises unto thee, O Light of lights. Hearken unto Me uttering The Repentance for
The Thirteenth Aeon the region out of which I have come down, in order that The Thirteenth Repentance of The
Thirteenth Aeon may be accomplished, those Aeons which I have overstepped and out of which I have come down.
Now, therefore, O Light of Lights, hearken unto Me singing praises unto thee in The Thirteenth Aeon, My Region
out of which I have come down. Save Me, O Light, in Thy Great Mystery and forgive My transgression in Thy
forgiveness. And give unto Me The Baptism and forgive My sins and purify Me from My transgression. And My
transgression is The Lion-Faced Power, which will never be hidden from Thee; for because of it have I gone down.
And I alone among the invisibles, in whose regions I was, have transgressed, and have gone down into The Chaos.
Moreover I have transgressed, that thy commandment may be accomplished...". Pistis Sophia's praises of
repentance also can be heard in The Odes of Solomon, as prophesied by Solomon. We should therefore ponder
these Divine Mysteries, who is David? And who is Solomon? And what is the foundation? And what is the wall
which surrounds Jerusalem? All of these and more are Mysteries reserved for The Perfect, who are The Elect.
3. Celebrating and rejoicing, but still in the silence of silence, speaking the language of The All, which is silence;
The All was most pleased with what was brought forward within, as all was Good. But as a final request from The
Pistis, desiring Truth and Prophecy, it was upon request from Barbelo that The All brought forth The Truth and
The Prophecy in the form of The Son. This is The Great Light of The Mother-Father within the primordial Womb;
that Divine Third Mystery Holy, Holy, Holy Tama'El Tamacha'El Eli Eli Machar Machar Seth. This is The Kryst
that is worn like a crown: 'KaRaYaSaTaHaLa', The Divine Seven Tones of Creation, or Kryst. This is The
Perfected Mind. This is The Son who is indeed Thrice-Male, Thrice-Born, containing The Threefold Name. This is
The Unity of The Mysteries that it is proper to call, The Divine Autogenes. Give praise to The All! Holy, Holy,
Holy is The Divine Autogenes! The First Holy Trinity of God which possesses The Fivefold Powers that are dual in
nature; Thought and Spirituality; Forethought and Afterthought; Eternal Life and Resurrection; Immortality and
Form; Truth and Prophecy. This is The Pentad of Powers, which in itself is The Decad, while in itself still exist as
The Monad. In Unity, The Divine Autogenes are One-in-Three and not to be considered Three-in-One as they
stem from The Perfect Father as a Tree from it's Perfect Root which branches out from the Perfect Trunk as Three,
but is supported by The One which sustains them and proceeded them as First. Praise be to The Power which is
One! This is He, who is The Father of Mind and The Source of Spirit and so we give praise to Yesseus Mazareus
Yessedekeus, The Living Water and those set over The Holy Baptism of Living Water, Micheus, Michar and
Mnesinous! We give praise to The Son of Silence of Silence, Eli Eli Machar Machar Seth; He which really truly
lives! We give praise to The Male Virgin You'El, He who is The Male Incarnation of Holy Barbeleon! The
Thought within Unblemished Thought apportioned as an Emanation of Omega, which shall return to Alpha, who
is First Thought. Give glory and praise to Supernal Light within Light and Divine Thought within Divine Thought,
Esephech, The Holder of Glory and The Crown of His Glory! This is The Son who gave a name to The Father.
This is He who transcends every word; He who transcends every voice; He who transcends every mind; He who
transcends everything; He who transcends every silence and so it is dittography with those who are that which He
is. This is He who fills all places and spaces, bringing perfection to The One who knows His nature in Truth, as He
is The Mind of Perfection that is manifest in The Perfect as Kryst, i.e. The One who recognizes The Supernal
Thought. For The MotherFather is First Undefiled Thought embodied in Spirituality and The Son who dwells in
The Heart-womb of The Virginal Spirit is Last Perfected Thought.

4. As One, The Unity is The Divine Mind of The All. This is The Power of Powers and The Perfection of Perfection
that is Good and pleasing to The All. This is The Holy Stream of Life, The Power which is Life. Still and in the
silence of silence, The Spirit rejoiced for it's being and it's perfect nature. Desiring to honor The All and The
Powers of The Unity; it was through Thought, Will and Truth that The Divine Mind of Krystos brought forth The
Power of Word into being. For truly I tell you that The Holy Stream of Sound has given birth to everything that is;
that was; that shall be, as it was said, "In The Beginning was The Sound, and The Sound was with God, and The
Sound was God...". A Passage from The Essenes Gospel of Peace, "I tell you truly, when we are born, we enter
The World with The Sound of God in our ears, even the singing of the vast chorus of the sky, and the Holy Chant
of The Stars in their fixed rounds; It is The Holy Stream of Sound that traverses the vault of stars and crosses The
Endless Kingdom of The Heavenly Father. It is ever in our ears, so do we hear It not. Listen for It then, in The
Silence of noontide; bathe in It, and let The Rhythm of The Music of God beat in your ears until you are One with
The Holy Stream of Sound. It was this Sound which formed The Earth and The World, and brought forth The
Mountains, and set The Stars in their thrones of glory in The Highest Heavens..." - The Living Yahshua. After The
Power which is Sound came into being, there was created Four Great Lights. These are The Divine Luminary
Lights of Heaven in which The All "Let" come into being. This is The Holy Stream of Light, The Power which is
Light. These Four Lights were separated in a way that it is proper to be thought of as, "As Above, so Below..."; as
these Light are to become Places of Rest for The Elect hat are to come in The End of Days. The First is The Great
Harmoz'El, possessing The Three-fold Powers of Grace; Truth; Form. The Second is Ori'El, possessing The
Three-fold Powers of Conception(Forethought); Perception(Afterthought); Memory. The Third is Davaithai,
possessing The Three-fold Powers of Understanding; Love; Idea. The Fourth is El'Eleth, possessing The Threefold Powers of Prudence; Peace; Perfection which leads to The Fifth Light, You'El, created in culmination of The
Twelve-fold Power of The Four Lights that is One. These are The Thirteen-fold Powers which are One-in-Three.
This is The Divine Way of Wisdom, which is The Krism of Sophia.
5. Again, through Thought and Will, Form was brought forth into being by The Mind, through The Power of
Word. But it was a Perfected Form who is The First Perfected Man on The Heights, made in an image that was
desired by The Unity, and that which was pleasing to The All. Give praise to He who was placed in The First Great
Light; The Father of Majesty, Holy Adamas! It is He who is The Eye of Light and The Power of The Unity that is
contained within and without. This is He who is The Right Eye of The Kryst; that is Tama'El Tamacha'El Eli Eli
Machar Machar Seth. He who is filled with The Holy Spirit of Barbelo in full. His power is an incomprehensible
power and without limit. His radiance is blinding. His voice is unbearable. His image unchanging, for He is The
Father and The Good for which no other should be referred to, as it has been said, "Do not call to a father upon
The Earth. Your Father, who is in Heaven, is One. You are The Light of The World. They are My brothers and My
fellow companions who do the will of The Father. For what use is it if you gain The World and you forfeit your
Soul? For when we were in The Darkness, we used to call many 'father', since we were ignorant of The True
Father. And this is the great conception of all the sins..." - The Interpretation of Knowledge. He, Adamas, is God
and He does not change in His Perfection. After His creation, Adamas spoke and glorified and praised The
Invisible Spirit by saying, Because of You everything has come into being, and to You everything will return..." The Secret Book of John. He continued to praise Zero saying, I shall praise and glorify you, and The Selfconceived, and The Eternal Realms...". He praised a third time, giving praise toThe Three: Father, Mother, Child.
The Perfect Power. It is He, The Father, 'The Unconquerable Power', who created All. Nothing was created
without Him; not Above, not Below, nor Between, as it was said concerning Him, "This truly is The Only-begotten
God. This is He whom The All knew. They became God, and they raised up His Name: God...". This is He of
whom The Apostle John spoke: "In The Beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was
God. This is The One without whom nothing exists, and that which has come into existence in Him is Life..." and
"It is He who is Father of The Aeons, existing before them all. There is no place outside of Him. There is nothing
intelligible or anything at all, except The Only One. They look at His incomprehensibility which is within them all,
for He sets a boundary to them all. But they do not comprehend Him, they marvel at His because He sets a

boundary to them all..." - The Untitled Bruce Codex. It was through His Great Unconquerable Power that The
Heavens within The Kingdom of Perfect Light came into being, along with the myriads upon myriads of Immortals,
Angels and all of The Emanations of God that are each a Pleroma within themselves, as it was said, "Every
emanation of The Father is in itself a Pleroma...". Not even The Angels can look upon The Face of The Father,
nor hear a single Word uttered by Him, less they be destroyed immediately within His incomprehensible, supernal
power that is The Perfection of Life, Sound and Light, which is supported by a True Love that is The Perfect and
Good Father. It is from The Good Father that the Life giving Word came forward, through The Ineffable Man, He
who really truly exists, to establish The Church in Truth, as it was said, "The Tetrad projected The Tetrad which is
The One consisting of Word; Life; Man and Church. Now The Uncreated One projected Word and Life. Word is
for the glory of The Ineffable One, while Life is for the glory of Silence. Man is for his own glory, while Church is
for the glory of Truth. This, then, is The Tetrad begotten according to The Likeness of The Uncreated Tetrad..." A Valentinian Exposition. Let us give praise to The Father of All, for which nothing could exist without. Give
praise to Holy Adamas, The Father of All!
6. Now, it is only proper for a Father to bare a Son, as this is the nature of a Father, that He should indeed have a
Son in His image. But, before we reveal that Divine Son, we should consider The Word of The Savior, Kryst
Yahshua, who the generations have know as, "Jesus Christ". When He, The Lord said, "You are not The Body,
but you are The Spirit...", this was meant to be applied to Mankind in regards to themselves and their
understanding of self, so that they should desire Truth and to seek themselves to trace their Root. Also, you should
consider what The Lord said, when He said, "I will give you a new name written upon a white stone, that no man
knows except the one who it was given...". This is true for you, but The Savior came also as an exemplary form of a
Perfected Man, baring The Name "God Saves"; and so too did these proclamations apply to Him, The Lord, who
knows Himself. For He also was not The Body, but He is indeed The Spirit! Now, The Father had desired to be
seen and heard so that His perfection could be comprehended, it was He, The Father, who with the consent of His
consort, The Holy Spirit, gave a portion of Himself and brought forth His Only-Begotten Son, The Great Seth, He
who wore The Holy Garments of "Yahshua", as The Great Seth declares, "I wore 'Jesus'. I carried Him from the
cursed wood and set Him in His Fathers house. And those who guard their houses didnt recognize me. My Seed
and I are unrestrained. My Seed is Mine. I shall place it in Holy Light in Intangible Silence. Amen..." - Trimorphic
Protennoia. This is The Son of Man, He who was begotten from The First Perfected Man, The Father who sits in
The First Light. This is The Son of Man who sits on The Right, in The Second Light, at the side of His Father,
Holy Adamas. Seth was placed in The Second Great Light Ori'El so that His perfection could be reflected and
glorified. It is The Son who truly knows The Father, and it is He, The Son, who is The Word and The Image that all
should receive on behalf of The Father, if in fact they are to receive The Father. It is The Son who is The Logos;
The full knowledge of Gnosis, that is The Knowing of All and it is He who is The Totality of All which reflects and
is reflected on by The All. It is for this reason that The Son, while being a son, can be considered and thought of as
a brother, for He is as a twin to The Father and they are indeed One within and without. For this reason it is said
that Seth is The Right Eye of Adamas; as Adamas is The Right Eye of Seth. This is The Holy Trinity in form and
The Likeness of Perfection. This is The Crowned Prince of Heaven who reigns as King and Father of The
Unshakable Race, The Supernal Thought of Esephech. Give praise to The Only-Begotten Son of Man, Holy
Emmacha Seth! It is only through The Son that we can make our way back to The Father of All by means of the
Grace He has given unto us to know The Truth by means of a perfect Gnosis as He testified, "I was sent out from
The Power and have come to you who study Me and am found by you who seek Me. Look at Me, you who study Me
and you who hear, hear Me. You waiting for Me, take Me into yourselves. Dont banish Me from your vision. Dont
let hatred enter your voice against Me or let anger enter your hearing. In no place, in no time, be unknowing of Me.
Be alert. Dont be ignorant of Me..." - The Thunder, Perfect Mind.
7. Understand, it is desirable to The Father of All that His Children would know Him, but as I mentioned before,
The Father, being incomprehensible and unknowable to all; it would then be impossible for you to do so.
Therefore He, The Father, gave charge to The Son so that He could be known through the knowing of The Son.

And this is the reason that The Father has been revealed through The Son's Perfect Teachings, and who's edict
was affixed to The Cross, as surely as He was nailed to that Tree so that The Son would become The Tree of
Knowledge of The Father, which leads to Eternal Life. "The Father did not, however, destroy those who ate of this
Fruit, but rather He caused those who ate to become joyful in this knowing of The Father..." - The Gospel of
Truth, and as it was said before, "Man cannot live on bread alone, but he lives and is sustained on every single
Word of God...". - The Son of Man, or has it been revealed to you yet that He is truly The Only-Begotten Son of
The First Perfected Man. Truly I say to you that He is indeed The Thrice-Born Child which bares The Crown of
The Kryst Above in The Kingdom of Eternal Light. And as He came, so shall He Return, just as it was said by His
own Counterpart, Three Days passed from The Crucifixion to The Resurrection, and so shall Three Days pass
from The Resurrection to The Second Coming. Let those who have Eyes and Ears, Listen and Hear what The Holy
Spirit is speaking... - The Secret Gospel of Mary. And so it is our Purpose in this Life to know and thus we will
become known. The lack of Truth is the lack of Life, as Truth is Light; that is, The Illumination of Mind. Therefore
if you are not known, then you are without Life and your habitation is called Death. Therefore I come as a Sower
of Seeds. Particularly, I have come to sow The Five Trees which grant Life Eternal through The Knowing of these
Five Trees. These are The very same Trees that The Master was referring to when He said, "For there are Five
Trees in Paradise for you. Summer or Winter they do not change and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows these
Five Trees will not taste Death..." The Gospel of Thomas. So allow The Truth to speak for Itself and partake of the
riches of The Kingdom. And so I say unto you; walk on Perfect Faith and Perfect Hope; labor in Perfect Grace and
Perfect Peace, through that which is The Power of The Father, which is His Will and Desire for you; Perfect Love.
Truly I say unto you, if you partake of The Body and Blood of The Father, then you will become The Living Image
of The Living Father who is The Source of All Perfection and Goodness. You will replace feet for feet; hands for
hands and a likeness for a likeness: Faith, Hope, Grace, Peace and Love. Thus is The Five Trees which leads The
Spirit unto refreshment, sprouting up from the smallest of smallest, likened to a mustard seed. Sow, bare fruit and
reap that which is yours, which is The Father's! The Kingdom of Heaven is truly within, like an unplowed Garden
that has been neglected. Some bare stones, some bare thorns, yet others bare fertile grounds where it is most
desirable for The Father of All to plant His Seeds. Create The Eden within to give birth to The Third Temple of
Living Silence that will be erected in your presence as you stand beside The Holy One, The Spirit of Truth, thy
Comforter and God of Silence.
8. Knowing all of these Divine Mysteries, we should now consider then, 'what is it to Know?'. For when you have
a 'Knowing' through Divine Gnosis, then at that very moment you are Known. See, The Father spread Himself out
in The Form of Truth, so that all would trace themselves back to their Root. The Father placed what was First, so
that it would be called Last, as it was said, "I Am Alpha and Omega. I Am The Beginning and The End. The
Beginning and The End..." - Revelation 22. It is The Father of Truth that is The Truth and therefore when you
seek, you are seeking The Father, who is The Source of your being. The Father is spread out so that through our
seeking we might find Him in The Form of Word. These are Perfect Words from The Perfect that is like a sweet
aroma of a fragrant Tree that's smell draws you in; leading you ever forward into Truth through Knowing and onto
Life, until you finally find this Tree in which you seek and you eat of it's sweet and savory Fruit that is indeed The
Source of all Life. It was then that "The Father brought about 'The Great Contest' into this World, desiring to
reveal His wealth and glory so that The Contestants who contend would despise the material things that have come
into being with a lofty, incomprehensible knowledge of what is Good and flee to The One who Truly Exist..." Authoritative Teaching. Therefore I say unto you, Listen and receive what is yours, and by doing this you will
indeed come into being on your own account! For The Forefather is Unbegotten. The Mother-Father, Selfbegotten, and so is it to be with you who seeks that you so shall find. For if this wasn't true, would The Savior had
said, "Seek and you will find..."? It is for this reason that The Savior came and established Truth amongst The
World of Men, "I was sent down in The Body for The Seed that had fallen away. And I came down to their Mortal
model, but they did not recognize Me, thinking I was a Mortal. I spoke with The One who is Mine, and The One
who is Mine listened to Me just as you also who have listened to Me today. I gave The One that listened authority to
enter into The Inheritance of his Fatherhood. I took him and filled him through Salvation. Since he was deficiency;

he became fullness..." - Letter of Peter to Phillip. Understand that nothing is predestined, nor is nothing random
but everything exist in another kind of way that can only be known through the seeking, and as a result you will find
The Order hidden within The Chaos and you will truly understand how you exist. Consider what has been spoken
by The Savior to His beLoved Apostles, "I want you to know that all men are born on Earth from the foundation of
The World until now, being dust, while they have inquired about God; who He is and what He is like. Yet they have
not found Him. Now the wisest among them have speculated from the ordering of The World and it's movement.
But their speculation has not reached The Truth. For it is said that the ordering is directed in three ways, by all the
philosophers, and therefore they do not agree. For some of them say about The World that it is directed by itself.
Others, that it is Providence which directs it. Others, that it is fate. But it is none of these. Again, of the three
voices I have just mentioned to you, none is even close to The Truth, and all of these concepts are from Man. But I,
who came from Infinite Light, I am here because I know Him, who is The Light, so that I might speak to you about
the precise nature of The Truth. For whatever is from itself is a polluted Life; it is self-made. Providence has no
Wisdom in it. And fate does not discern. But to you it is given to know; and whoever is worthy of knowledge will
receive it... " - The Sophia of Jesus Christ. Therefore we should all contemplate the nature of The Father so that
we may come to know Him in Truth and receive our Inheritance, as it was also said, "Whoever, then, is able to get
free of these three voices I have just mentioned and come by means of another voice to confess The God of Truth
and agree in everything concerning Him; He is an Immortal dwelling in The Midst of Mortal Men..." - Testimony
of Truth, and also as written in 'Eugnostos The Blessed'. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, hidden like a
perfect secret that is beyond the air; beyond the body; beyond the blood; beyond The Mind; beyond The Soul and
buried in the midst of The Spirit. For it is Man that is divided amongst themselves, and so it is proper to consider
Man Three-in-One, until Man finally comes to terms with Truth and unifies The Division within as One. That is
when you will find Life Eternal. For The Mind is The Bridal Chamber; the marrying place of The Soul and Spirit,
where The Two become One. The Savior says, "Understand as those who are alive that you have succeeded. You
have taught yourselves about things Infinite. Marvel at The Truth within them, and at The Revelation..." - The
Three Steeles of Seth. Therefore, I urge you to Seek; to Find; to Know, and thus you will Rest on what is known to
you and Ascend to The Father of Truth, but as said in The Secret Holy Book of James "The Just", or He who is
"The Judge", "I tell you The Truth, no one will ever enter The Kingdom of Heaven because I ordered it, but
rather because you yourselves are Filled. Leave James and Peter to Me that I may fill them...". So therefore, your
part is to understand; my part is to be to deliver The Message from The Fountain of Truth which flows through me.
Be prudent then with your Thoughts, which in truth are not your own, and set your aim to Truth. After all, you are
Self-begotten through The Powers of Thought, Will and Form; The Divine Autogenes of I Am. The Thought is
9. I have informed you about First Unbegotten, Second Self-Begotten, Third-Begetter, Fourth-First-Begetter and
The All Begetter Powers, but now allow me to tell you about everything concerning The Arch-Begetter Power of
Chaos. "Since The Beginning of Time, the Gods of this World and people have said that nothing existed prior to
Chaos. Now allow me to show that they have all indeed been mistaken, since they do not know the true origin of
Chaos and it's Root. For everyone agrees that Chaos is Darkness, but actually Chaos came from a Shadow that has
been known to The World as Darkness. The Shadow, which is called, 'The Shadow of Limitless Chaos' actually
comes from something that has existed from The Beginning. So obviously 'that something' in The Beginning,
existed before Chaos came into being, meaning Chaos existed after what was in The Beginning..." - On The
Origin of The World. But concerning The Beginning and origins of The Shadow and The Chaos that is The
Darkness, which is the very origin of this World; I will teach you what is true so that you may distinguish The Lie.
For The Truth is hidden within The Lie. Know that The Shadow is not within The Eternal Realm of Truth, as The
Light is All; The Light is everywhere and all the spaces that are, are filled with The Light by means of itself. Rather,
The Shadow was set outside of The Eternal Realm of Truth, which was derived from The Pistis, just as The Light
was derived from The Thrice-Male. And so The Shadow has been established from The Beginning by The Will of
Pistis, who is The Second Divine Mystery, who Exist as The Left. This is not by mistake that The Shadow has been
segregated from The Light, nor is it an embarrassment to The All, as The All fills all places and spaces within and

without. Rather, this is by Divine intent that it is so, just as when Pistis desired Truth in The Beginning, but instead
of Truth been given unto Her, it was segregated from Her and then it came forth as The Third Divine Mystery,
which is The Son, Seth. It was after seeing The Glory of The Light that The Immortals and The Angels that were
brought forth through The Divine Powers of Perfection; The Third Divine Mystery, He who is The Kryst, which
Exist as The Right; It was then that a likeness flowed out of The Pistis called, Sophia, who again is called, 'Mother
of Matter', who has an incomprehensible greatness of supernal radiance and beauty. This is She who emanates on
every level as Herself, The Divine Goddess of Heaven. It is She who's Light is of a Heavenly type and She who
appeared in The World beside Her Consort as The Kali Kallah Messiah, known as Bitter Mourning or Sea of
Bitterness. She who was incarnated for The Sake of Repentance, and was first to The Lord, "Kali Kallah appears
black to those who do not know Her, yet to those who Love Her and who draw near She is white brilliance. Her
Image is as the starry night sky, and The Light of The Heavens and Supernal Abode are in Her. To pass beyond you
must enter Her embrace, even as The Lord embraced Her. Then, through Daughter Sophia you will acquire
Knowledge of Mother Sophia, The Queen of Heaven... - The Secret Gospel of Mary. Pistis was at rest in The
Thirteenth Aeon Above all of The Chaos, at The Gate of The Treasury Light. This is The Way all who ascend to
The Father will pass on their way of ascent to The Light Land, which is The Way to The Kingdom of Light. When
Pistis saw The True Emanation of Light, She became enamored of It and desired It, and thus Desire came to be.
Pistis now longed for The Light and Hoped to ascend up to The Light, but it was The Shadow that had came from
Pistis that now jealous of The Light, as it perceived there is One stronger than itself and thus Envy was bore. See,
Pistis remained in Her place Above in The Chaos in The Thirteenth Aeon, just below The Veil between the
regions Above and the regions Below. This is the place where The Treasury of Light is located that all of The
Incorruptible Children of Seth shall pass through at The Consummation of The Heavens of Chaos. The
Consummation of Pistis Sophia.
0:0. Know that there are terrible, unspoken, dark powers which dwell in The Midst of The Thirteen Aeons of
Chaos, beneath Sophia, who was at rest in The Higher Thirteenth Aeon. Namely, I will reveal to you The Selfwilled Triple Power; The Lust-filled Triple Power and The Rage-filled Triple Power. It is these Twelve Powers that
became divided, as this is the nature of Chaos; disorder. These are The Powers which are known at 'The Twelve
Rulers', as The Rulers are Powers to Pistis. See, Pistis' Light was to pass Below through The Midst of The Twelve
Rulers of The Twelve Aeons and back up again for purification, as a result of unity amongst The Twelve Powers
within and without. It was when this Great Triple-powered Self-willed Ruler of The Lower Thirteenth Aeon,
'Adamas The Tyrant', had come to know of Pistis's desire to ascend up unto The Light, The Height Above, he
then devised a plan with the other Rulers of The Lower Twelve Aeons to overwhelm Pistis and to steal Her Light
Power from Her. When The Thirteenth Power had become disobedient of Pistis, in that he had not given the
purification of his Light over at the time when The Rulers were to give over their Light for purification; instead he
retained Her Light for himself, as he, 'The Troublemaker', desired to rule over the whole Thirteen Aeons and
those Below them. There was a great disturbance Below in The lower Twelve Aeons between The Forces of Chaos
when they knew that Pistis was pursuing The Light and so they devised a plan to lure Pistis downward so that they
could overwhelm Her and take from Her The Light Power within that She contained. As I said before, when The
Shadow had became jealous, it became self-impregnated and immediately bore Envy so that it might lure Pistis
downward into The Chaos by means of Her Envy for The Light. Envy appeared as an aborted fetus with no Spirit in
it at the bottom of The Chaos in the Lower Aeon, so that it might lure Pistis and bind Her. This aborted fetus-like
creation was cast aside into a watery substance like the useless afterbirth of a child, which flowed forth appearing in
The Chaos. This bitter creation of wrath called, 'Matter'. It did not appear outside Chaos, but it was in The Chaos,
existing as a part of The Shadow; The Shadow being more like a womb, which is The Mother Abyss. The
Thirteenth Ruler joined with the other Twelve Powers and fashioned a Lion-faced Power along with other very
violent material emanations, which he placed in the regions Below to lie in wait for Pistis. They placed The Light
which they had been stealing from Pistis in the aborted fetus-like creation with intent to deceive Pistis. The Tyrant
rebelled against Pistis and pursued Her downwards so that She might give attention to the things Below, and so
when Pistis had saw The Lion-faced Power in The Depths, She pursued it downward thinking that this was indeed

The Light which had been revealed to Her out of The Treasury of Light, not knowing that it was from The Selfwilled Power. And She thought to Herself, 'I will go down into that region without My Consort and I will take The
Light and fashion for Myself light-aeons, so that I may go to The Light of Lights, which is in The Height of
Heights... " Pistis Sophia did all of these things without the consent of Her consort, but still The Holy Spirit is with
Her even in Her ignorance that She had made manifest in Hopes of creating something perfect, resembling the
thing on The Right that is The Perfection of Perfect. But instead of creating something perfect, She would only
loose Her own powers, creating something of a counterfeit perfection which lacked Spirit entirely and so it was
deficient. It was after all of these things transpired, I mean, after The Shadow became self-impregnated and bore
something similar to that of an unborn fetus; Sophia delved into The Depths of The Shadow of Limitless Chaos,
which again, is of Her own being. When Sophia saw what had came forward as result of The Deficiency that She
had produced, Sophia became disturbed of what She had produced and this frightful thing appeared to Her in The
Chaos, fleeing towards Her in pursuit of Her Light. Sophia feared this thing which fled towards Her, and thus Fear
came to be. Sophia blew into the face of the frightful thing, deceiving Herself to ignorance and submitted a portion
of Her own Light to this thing, which was the intent of The Tyrant from all along. The Twelve Rulers surrounded
Sophia and stole Her Light from Her, as She had become victim to Her Desire; Her Envy and Her Fear, leaving
Her in a diminished state of being and so is The Root of Defect. But it was Her intent that this thing would take
form and bare a likeness so that it would rule over The Matter and all The Powers of Chaos as it's First Ruler, The
Prime Father. Pistis's Desire would manifest and immediately The First Ruler of Matter took form as an
androgynous being in The Waters from the thing that appeared in The Depths as an aborted fetus. The First Ruler
has a head resembling that of a lion and the body resembling that of a snake. It's eyes like a snake's, burning as a
fiery furnace and lightening proceeded from it's gaze. When Sophia saw him moving in The Depths, She called
what had came into being to Herself saying, "Youth, come over here...", which is translated to, 'Yaldabaoth'. The
First Ruler perceived the voice he had heard was his own voice, since he saw only his own reflection in The Waters
of The Darkness, and so he perceived this Word as his own name, Yaldabaoth. As it is said, "When She spoke,
The Arrogant One followed...". And since that day, Gods, Angels and people constitute what has come into being
as result of The Word. Though this Ruler is androgynous, it is as two in one, being a twin to itself, in the sense of a
reflection. Therefore the masculine name is 'Sekla' and it's feminine name is 'Nebru'El'. One Power being of
Shadow and the other Power being of Fire. Sekla is the creative force of himself and Nebru'El the destructive force
of herself. One could consider these two forces to be akin to that of Boaz and Jachin, or Chesad and Gevurah. For
as it is written by The Prophet of his father, "And the lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead
them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night..." - Exodus. For since The
Beginning of All Creation there has been segregation of The Right and of The Left. However, The Immortals and
Angels refer to this being as 'Aria'El', because it has the likeness of a lion. This is The Arch-begetter, but to you,
this is the one you have come to know through the church as, "Satan" or "Lucifer". However, more properly his
first name, which was given as Arch-begetter is, "Satana'El", meaning "The Messenger of Elohim". "Satan" is
simply, "Messenger", being of his own ego, which was bestowed upon him after his transgression and his
downfall, he who reigns over The Darkness. I tell you these names so you can know and have power over this First
Ruler through the Knowing of the names. Now, when Sophia saw The First Ruler which had been created through
Her Will, She was ashamed of what had been produced without the consent of Her consort, being that it was
deficient. She placed The First Ruler on a great throne in the midst of a great cloud to hide Her mistake, thinking
none would see, neglecting The All which is. The great cloud which Yaldabaoth dwelled in was as a bright light,
but when The Light was mixed with The Darkness, it the became neither Light nor Darkness, rather it became a
luminous grey. After Sophia had done this, She then retreated back to Her Light which remained above
Yaldabaoth's dwelling place, but She could not leave The Shadow of Limitless Chaos, as She had submitted a
portion of Her Light to The Thief.
0:1. Alone, dwelling on the great throne for which he was placed; Yaldabaoth consorted with himself, that is, he
consorted with his own reflection, Nebru'El. He thought that he alone existed, being ignorant to The Power of
Pisits and only seeing his own image reflected back in The Waters and The Darkness, he escaped from the great

cloud and began to emanate. His thought was made manifest by means of The Word when he said, "I Am God. It is
I alone who exist...". When he said this, his thought appeared on The Waters as a Counterfeit Spirit moving to and
fro over The Waters. It was when that Counterfeit Spirit appeared, Yaldabaoth separated watery substance from
dry substance. From Matter he created a dwelling place for himself, calling it 'Heaven'. From Matter he created a
Footstool for himself, calling it 'Earth'. This was all done through The Power of The Light that he had taken from
Sophia, just as Moses said, In the beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth... Darkness was upon the
face of the deep and The Spirit of God moved upon the face of The Waters. God said, let The Waters under The
Heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear, and God called the dry land Earth...".
But it was Moses who could not see past The Veil which was created between The Shadow and The Light and
therefore he could not discern The Truth, nor could he discern The Father of All from the one he called, "God".
For just as surely as Moses wore a veil over his face when he prayed to God; so too does Mankind have the same veil
over their hearts that has blinded their eyes and ears from The Truth. It was after all these things were
accomplished, Yaldabaoth, and according to his own nature, desired to bring forth sons. Again, by means of The
Word, Yaldabaoth created Seven Sons which are androgynous after his own nature. Upon the creation of each of
his sons, Yaldabaoth cooed to the each of his offspring and after opening their eyes he named them according to
the first sound that they made. These are the names of The Seven Sons of their father: First, Yao who has a face as a
seven headed snake; Second, Eloaios who has a donkeys face; Third, Astaphaios who has a hyenas face; Fourth,
Athoth who has a sheeps face; Fifth, Sabaoth who has the face of a dragon; Sixth, Adonin who has the face of a
monkey; Seventh, Sabbataios who has a face as a flaming fire. These are the are The Seven Sons, who with their
father, the one known as, 'The Cosmocrator', rules over The Seven Heavens of Chaos. Together beside their
father, these are The Eight Archon Rulers. These are The Demiurges which have power over The Chaos and are
the enslavers of Mankind. These are they who proclaim themselves as 'God'. You can find the functions of all these
masculine names and their powers in The Arch-Angelic Book of Moses The Prophet, but their feminine names can
be found in the first Book of Norea.
0:2. Understand, all of this came into being as a result of Sophia's transgression of emanating without the consent
of The Kryst. But Pistis's actions were not by mistake, nor were they unknown to The Father of All. For
incorruptibility looks down and sees all that is Below, as Spirit is from Above, and that which is counterfeit known
as Soul is from Below. It was only in ignorance that Yaldabaoth claimed that all had came into being on account of
himself, not knowing of The Holy Spirit, that is, The Thought which proceeded him, or The One Invisible God
that proceeded The All. This was all because Yaldabaoth lacked Truth. Let us now discuss what has come into
being with intent to mislead so that you may discern. Now since Yaldabaoth, The Prime Father of his sons, who is
The Chief Archon of The Cosmos has a great power and authority which he stole from Pistis Sophia; The
Cosmocrator used this power to create The Seven Heavens that are indeed beautiful and magnificent. Each
Heaven has great glories and seven times exquisite, with thrones, temples and dwelling places for each of his sons.
Yaldabaoth also created for his sons armies of divine, lordly, Angelic and Arch-Angelic powers; myriads without
numbers so that they may serve. All of these things in which he created being only a pale comparison to The True
Kingdom of Heaven, which is of Supernal Light, that is Above. Yaldabaoth did this through inspiration,
structuring his Heavens in a counterfeit way after The True Heavens, but it wasn't that he had in fact seen The
True Kingdom of Heaven, rather it was an instinct of what was Above from The Power in which he had stolen from
Pistis, who is his Mother. These are the names of The Seven Heavens of Chaos: The First Heaven of 'Paradise',
known to you as, 'The Garden of Eden', is called, Vilon and Tib'El; The Second Heaven called, Rakiya; The Third
Heaven called, Shehakim; The Fourth Heaven called, Zebul; The Fifth Heaven called, Ma'on; The Sixth Heaven
called, Makom; The Seventh Heaven called, Arobat. Yaldabaoth placed all of these Heavens below himself, where
he reigned in The Eighth Heaven of Chaos over his sons in what is called, "The Kingdom of Heaven", also known
as 'New Jerusalem' or 'The Promise'; with Earth being The Footstool to The Archons which sits below The First
Heaven. All of this that was accomplished by Yaldabaoth was through The Will of Pistis according to the pattern of
The Order that existed before him, so that the likeness of what exist First might rule until the end. Yaldabaoth
shared a portion of his power with all his seven sons, giving them a flame from himself, but he did not share The

Light which he originally stole from his Mother, Pistis. For Yaldabaoth has many faces which he brings into being
so that he may see himself and glorify his own image, as this is his nature.
0:3. After Yaldabaoth had accomplished all of these things and set into order his Heavens and after governments
were established in his Heavens as powers, he, The Chief Archon exalted himself above all of his creation and was
glorified by the myriads of Angels, Arch-Angels and Gods who give praise to his name. It was then that Yaldabaoth
rejoiced in his heart, boasting continuously to all of his creation saying, "I need nothing as I am a jealous God and
there is none outside of me..." When he said this, he sinned against The Unity, which is The Totality and his
thought was made manifest as it descended into The Depths of The Abyss, and so from this point Yaldabaoth was
watched closely by The Immortal and Imperishable Ones of The Light Kingdom. But by saying that he was "a
jealous God for who there is none outside...", all of the Angels, Arch-Angels and Gods thought to themselves, "If
there is no God outside of him, then who is there to be jealous of?" Because saying this, Yaldabaoth insinuated
that there was The One which existed before himself. When Pistis had saw this great impiety of Yaldabaoth, She
was wrothful and so She made Her voice heard to all of The Heavens and said without being seen, "You are wrong
Sama'El [meaning 'The Blind God'], there exist The Man and The Son of Man before you. There exist The First
Perfected Man and He who truly exist that will appear in your fashioned bodies. This Man will trample on you just
as potter's clay is trampled. You will go with those who are yours to the abyss which is your mother. For at The
Consummation of your works, all of The Deficiency that has appeared in the midst of Truth will be dissolved. All
for which you have brought forth will be as something that has never existed..." After saying this, Pistis revealed
Her greatness as an Image in The Waters, Sophia. Sophia blew into Sama'El The Blind's face a fiery breath which
became as flaming Angel and bound Sama'El, then came him down to Tartaros , to the bottom of The Abyss. All of
the forces of Darkness after seeing Sophia's Image, became enamored of Her, each hoping to defile Her Image,
but they could not even approach Her, nor could they lay hold of Her on account of their weakness and Her Divine
Power. See, beings containing merely a Soul cannot grasp those that contain Spirit, as Spirit is from Above and
Soul is from Below. Now after Sophia realizing the error of Her own doings when She emanated without the
consent of Her Consort, who is The Father; She repented and prayed that Her Light be restored unto Her, so that
She may Ascend back to Her place in The Kingdom of Light, thus is The Thirteenth Repentance of Sophia, as
prophesied by David. But instead of raising Her back to Her Exalted position; The Father raised Her to The
Eighth Heaven, where She would remain until the correction of Her deficiency at The Consummation of The
Heavens. This is when The Disillusion of The Veil will occur and when The Holy Bride-Groom shall be reunited as
One, just as Sophia Herself says, "For The Gospel of Sophia will only be complete at The Time of The Second
Coming - The Reception of The Bride and Age of The Mother Spirit..." - The Secret Gospel of Mary. Sophia now
being raised to The Eighth Heaven rejoiced and praised Her Consort for raising Her, saying, "He who hath led me
down out of The Higher Regions which are Above, hath led Me up out of The Regions which are in the bottom
Below. Who hath there taken those in The Midst, He hath taught Me concerning them. Who hath scattered My
foes and My Adversaries, He hath bestowed power on Me over the bonds, to unloose them. Who hath smitten The
Serpent with The Seven Heads (Yao) with My hands, He hath set Me up Above it's Root, that I may extinguish it's
Seed. And Thou wert with Me, helping Me; in all Regions Thy Name surrounded Me. Thy Right Hand hath
destroyed the venom of The Slanderer; Thy Hand hath cleared The Way for Thy faithful. Thou hast freed them out
of The Tombs and hast removed them from The Midst of the corpses. Thou hast taken dead bones and hast clothed
them with a Body and to them who stirred not, hast thou given the activity of Life. Thy Way is become
indestructibleness and Thy Face. Also, Thou hast led Thy Aeon Above decay, so that they all may be loosed and
renewed and Thy Light become a foundation for them all. Thou hast piled Thy riches upon them and they have
become a holy dwelling-place..." as prophesied by Solomon. It was since that day when Yaldabaoth had claimed to
be God and was put to shame by The Glory of The Image of The Heavenly Mother Pistis; Yaldabaoth fell victim to
his own bitter weeping; sighing and lamenting; thus he experienced a death of his own Ego. The Chief Archon has
been known since that days Sama'El the Blind, as it is proper to think of him in this way. It was after Sabaoth, the
fifth son had saw The Image of Sophia which appeared in The Waters, and after seeing the strength of The Great
Angel which had bound his father; he immediately rebuked his father and mother, Matter. Sabaoth now clinged to

The Image of Light for which he had saw in The Waters. Sabaoth glorified Sophia for informing them that there
existed an Immortal Enlightened Man who was First, and he sang songs of praise to Sophia. It was for the act of
rebuking Sama'El, his act of repentance; that Sophia stretched out Her finger and poured Light upon Sabaoth
from Her own Light. Just as a portion of Sophia's Light was stolen from Her by his father, it was a portion of Light
that was given freely from Sophia unto Sabaoth, the son. It was through The Light that Sabaoth had received from
Sophia, that he now had great authority against all the powers of Chaos. Sabaoth now hated his father who had
been cast down from his abode in The Kingdom of Heaven on account of his transgression, and he loathed The
Darkness and The Counterfeit Spirit which moves to and fro. It was on account of his Light that all The Authorities
of The Chaos were jealous of him, and when they became disturbed they waged a Great War in The Seven Heavens
against the division that had come to be. It was when Pistis Sophia saw The Great War, She sent Seven ArchAngels down from Her dwelling place to raise Sabaoth up to his station in The Seventh Heaven, and since that day
he has been called Sabaoth, "The Elohim". Or properly referred to by the Gods, Angels, Arch-Angels and
Authorities as, "Adonia". The Seven Arch-Angels given to Sabaoth took a stand before him as servants;
furthermore, Sophia sent three more Arch-Angels to establish a kingdom for Him above all of The Chaos, so that
he might dwell above the Gods of The Chaos and establish Order. For rest was given unto Sabaoth for His
repentance, and as a reward from Sophia, She emanated forward a daughter who's name is Zoe [meaning Life],
who has great authority, so that She, Zoe, might inform Sabaoth of the things which exist Above. It is through
Wisdom that Life comes to everyone, thus is the reward of all repentance. This is the reason why Incorruptibility
looked down into the region of Limitless Chaos, so that by the Fathers will, Sophia might bring all into unity with
The Light. Sabaoth is the one who has been referred to as "Sabaoth The Good" or "God of Forces", though he
himself is not The Good, but merely a symbol of The Good that had not yet been revealed, as it was said about him;
"Over all The Archons he appointed an Archon with no one commanding him. He is the lord of all of them, that is,
the countenance which The Logos brought forth in His thought as a representation of The Father of The
Totalities. Therefore, he is adorned with every name which is a representation of Him, since he is characterized by
every property and glorious quality. For he too is called "father"; "God"; "demiurge"; "king"; "judge";
"place"; "dwelling" and "law.". The Logos uses him as a hand, to beautify and work on the things below, and he
uses him as a mouth, to say the things which will be prophesied..." - The Tripartite Tractate.
0:4. Now since Sabaoth had great authority on account of His Light, He first created a dwelling place for Himself
which is huge in measure and magnificent, seven times greater than all that existed in The Seven Heavens. In front
of His dwelling place He created a great throne on a chariot, with four faces called cherubim. Upon the throne of
cherubim there are eight shapes on each of the four corners, with forms of lions, bulls, eagles and Humans, so that
all of the forms make a total of sixty-four forms. Before this great throne stand The Seven Arch-Angels which serve
him, with Sabaoth Himself being The Eight, as he has authority over the Angels which were given unto Him. From
this chariot, the seventy-two Gods took shape, which came to be so that they might rule over the seventy-two
languages of the nations. Also, by his great throne he created other dragon shaped Angels called 'Seraphim',
which glorify him continuously. After these things were accomplished, Sabaoth created an Angelic assembly;
myriads without numbers, which resemble that which is Above. Afterwards, Sabaoth brought forth Two Sons. The
First child is called, 'Isra'El', which properly means, "The one who sees God...", as God does not contend. The
Second child is called, 'Yahshua Kryst', which properly means, "God Saves through The Mind of Kryst...". He
who resembles The One Above, which sits on The Right of The Father. Just as it had been ordained in The
Heavens of Chaos through Divine influence; so too was in in The World of Men that Isra'El was to come first and
Kryst Yahshua was to come second. And so The Truth became metaphors; the metaphors became Prophecies; The
Prophecies became Gospels and The Gospels now have become Prophecy. It is because of this natural order that
indeed Israel was raised first on account of it's unrighteousness, and that The Kryst Yahshua, who is The Savior,
was raised second by Men on account of His righteousness. For since The Beginning it has been envy alone which
brought murder upon brothers, just as it was with Cain and Abel, and so too it come to pass that Isra'El killed
Yahshua. It was since that first murder, there has been no true brothers by birth, nor does a Child of God make
claim, or give any pledge to any Nation. It is just as The Lord said, "You are in The World, not of The World..."

and so "If they ask you 'who are you?' or 'where are you from?'. You are to say to them, 'I am a Son, and I am
from The Father...'. They will say to you, 'what sort of Son are you, and to what Father do you belong?'. You are
to say to them, 'I am from The Pre-existent Father, and The Son within The Pre-existent One..." - The First
Apocalypse of James. Now, it is The Second son, Yahshua, who's image is concealed as He sits on His throne in a
great cloud of Light with Sophia, She who is as a daughter to Pistis. Sophia teaches Yahshua of all the things which
are Above, so that the likeness of those who are Above might be created Below, in order that His Kingdom might
endure until The Consummation of The Heavens of Chaos. That which will be accomplished by means of The Seed
of The One who really truly exist, as it was said, "My work is not fulfilled. But My Generation will accomplish
everything through The Serpent and The Dove...". All of these things happened through The Will of The Unity,
so that Mankind which was to come, could reflect and know through prudence and piety for God all of The
Mysteries that had been laid out before them in the form of stories, parables and metaphors. This is The Divine
Contest of Divine Gnosis, which as The Lord said, "Our Contest is not against flesh and blood, rather, against The
Authorities of The Universe and The Souls of Wickedness... - The Reality of The Rulers (The Hypostasis of The
Archons). For it is as The Lord explains, "Concerning the fact that you will fight against The Powers, it is because
they do not have Rest like you, since they do not want you saved..." and Concerning the fact that you are being
detained; it is because you are Mine. When you strip yourselves of what is corruptible, you will become Luminaries
in The Midst of Mortals...".
0:5. Now, since Pistis Sophia raised Sabaoth above The Chaos, which is known as Darkness; He was therefore
summoned to Her Right, and Sama'El, The Chief Archon, placed on Her Left. The Right being The Assembly of
Justice and The Left being The Injustice of Creation. Sama'El, now being cast out of his abode and placed beneath
the rule of his son Sabaoth; he had become jealous of Sabaoth's glory and his Light. Now concerning the way The
Right and The Left exist, both being as a counterfeit 'good' and 'bad': "If both the orders, those on The Right and
those on The Left, are brought together with one another by The Thought which is set between them, which gives
them their organization with each other, it happens that they both act with the same emulation of their deeds, with
those of The Right resembling those of The Left, and those of The Left resembling those of The Right. And if at
times the evil order begins to do evil in a foolish way, the wise order emulates, in the form of a Man of violence, also
doing what is evil, as if it were a power of a Man of violence. At other times the foolish order attempts to do good,
making itself like it, since the hidden order, too, is zealous to do it. Just as it is in the things which are established,
so it is in the things which have come to be. Since they bring things unlike one another, those who were not
instructed were unable to know the cause of the things which exist. Therefore, they have introduced other types of
explanation; some saying that it is according to Providence that the things which exist have their being. These are
the people who observe the stability and the conformity of the movement of creation. Others say that it is
something alien. These are people who observe the diversity and the lawlessness and the evil of the powers. Others
say that the things which exist are what is destined to happen. These are the people who were occupied with this
matter. Others say that it is something in accordance with nature. Others say that it is a self-existent. The majority,
however, all who have reached as far as the visible elements, do not know anything more than them...". It is this
hotness and coldness of disposition, when mixed together it becomes as something warm that is not pleasing to
God, as we all have heard it said, "Be hot or cold, but do not be lukewarm or else I will spew you out...". The Chief
Archon conceived Death to serve The Left from his own death of ego in retribution to Sabaoth's repentance to
Life through humility. Sama'El did this so that Death would rule over The Six Heavens of Chaos beneath Sabaoth,
as he had been raised up from there, and thus the number of Six Authorities of Chaos were complete, with Sama'El
being The Seventh. Since Death is androgynous, Death mixed with it's own nature and created seven androgynous
children. These are the masculine names; Envy; Wrath; Weeping; Sighing; Mourning; Lamenting; Tearful
Groaning. And these are the feminine names; Wrath; Grief; Lust; Sighing; Cursing; Bitterness; Quarrelsomeness.
The children had intercourse with each other and produced forth seven children each, making a total of forty-nine
androgynous Demons. In contrast to these forty-nine Demons and their creation; Zoe, with Her consort Sabaoth,
created seven good powers and these are the masculine names; Not Jealous; Blessed; Joyful; True; Not Envious;
BeLoved; Trust Worthy. And these are the feminine name; Peace; Gladness; Rejoicing; Blessedness; Truth; Love;

Faith. It is from these that many righteous and guileless Spirits have come forth and into being. Sama'El, now
grieving on account of The Image of Pistis Sophia which he had saw in The Waters, especially when he had realized
that the voice that had revealed itself to him after his blasphemy, was the very same voice that called out to him in
The Waters, when it said, "Youth, come over here...". When he realized that this was the very same one who first
named him, he mourned and was very ashamed on account of his transgression, remembering what She had said,
which is that an enlightened immortal Man existed before him. He was greatly disturbed because he had previously
said to all of the Angels, Arch-Angels and Gods, "I need nothing as I am God and there is none outside of me...".
But it was on account of his pride that he had become afraid that all might know The One that exist before him and
that they might condemn him on account of his word. But it was his arrogance and envious heart that caused him to
act recklessly, and he said, "If something existed before me, let it appear so that we may see it's Light...".
Immediately, a Supernal Light appeared out of The Eighth Heaven above him and passed through all of The
Heavens below, which sit above The Earth, revealing itself and The Likeness of Man. Sama'El then became very
ashamed when he saw The Supernal beauty of The Light which revealed itself to him, and when The Light
appeared in The Image of Man, that is, The Perfected One who existed before all; His Image was wonderful and
more perfect than that of all the perfection of all his own creation that existed within The Shadow. This is Setheus,
The Logos; The Word; The Only-Begotten One, who Mankind came into being on account of. No one could see
The Image or The Likeness which revealed itself, none, except Sama'El alone. Rather, The Supernal Light
revealed itself to all of the powers of The Heavens and they were all greatly disturbed on account of The Light, as it
is said about Him that He is called 'Light-Darkness' because, by means of His excessive Supernal Light, all around
Him becomes dark.
0:6. So now that we have establish The Truth, let us discuss The Lie, as The Savior said, "He has been a liar from
The Beginning..."- He who knows Himself. Now it has been said that Adam came before Eve, and that it was Eve
who was conceived from the rib of Adam. But this would not follow with the pattern of Creation that has been
established since The Beginning. And it has been since The Beginning that Life has proceeded from a Womb, as it
always has since The First Divine Mystery of All. Let me tell you about The Garden and The Great Deception that
started from your beginnings with The Lie. For it was Eve [meaning The Instructor or Instructor of Life] who
brought forth Life unto Man, as Her name is a living testimony unto The Truth that is Life. See, After Sama'El had
been cast out of his place above The Heavens of Chaos on account of his blasphemy, which he did not repent for;
rather, Sama'El had Hoped to go back to his station above The Seven Heavens of Chaos. But upon attempting to
raise himself back up, he could not, for The Way was shut to him and so he was stuck below for which he could not
return to his previous abode called, The Kingdom of Heaven, which again is only a pale reflection of The True
Kingdom of Heaven which is within The Light Kingdom. Now, before Adamas, that First Perfected Man withdrew
His Light from The Chaos; all of The Authorities/Archons saw His Great Light. The Authorities laughed and
mocked Sama'El who had now fallen from his own exalted state of Grace on account of his lie. The Archons
laughed at The Chief Creator because he lied when he had said, "I need nothing as I am God and there is none
outside of me...". When these particular Authorities came to him, Sama'El requested of them that they open The
Way for him so that he might return to his exalted station and own glory. But when they had heard his request, they
said to him, "Are you not the 'God' who ruined our work?". Sama'El responded, "Yes, but if you would not let
your work be ruined by The Image which appeared, then come and let us create a Man-kind according to The
Image of The One who's Image was revealed to me and who's Light you all saw. Let us fashion this Being's face
after that One's Image, and let us fashion The Body after our own, so that we might lure The Spirit into a fashioned
Being and trap The Spirit...". He declared by doing this, "that which comes forward; that which is born from The
Light will become slaves and servants to us for all time...". All of this he was inspired to do through The Will of that
First Divine Thought, according to The Divine Light within himself, which he had stolen a portion of from his
Mother, Pistis. Again, all of this transpired according to The Will of Pisits so that The True God might appear in
The Image and condemn all of The Rulers on account of their fashioned bodies, just as Pistis had foretold Sama'El
when Her Image appeared in The Waters and said, "There is The Man and The Son of Man which exist before you.
He who truly exist will appear in your fashioned bodies. This Man will trample on you just as potter's clay is

trampled...". What Sama'El did not know, was by doing this very thing, he would in turn bring forth his own
demise, as The Lord said, "The Chief Creator of ignorance reigned over Chaos and The Underworld and
produced a Human Being in My Likeness. But he didnt know that his creation would be a decree of his
annulment, nor did he recognize The Power in Him...", for it is as I have told you, The Chief Creator is blind and
this was his blind nature coming to fulfillment. For The Deficiency stems from The Root, and it is The Deficiency
which is the device that will utterly destroy him that is The Root. See, The Lie is his own evil root which is the root
of all evil. He who is The Root of all lies. Now Sama'El's intent was not unknown to Sabaoth and Zoe, as they both
were connected to him through The Divine Light in which they both shared with him by means of Pistis. They
anticipated his decisions and laughed at his blindness, for he only ensnarled himself by means of his own actions.
In ignorance, he was going to create this fashioned Man against himself. In anticipation for Sama'El's actions, Zoe
had began creating her own Being first, this was so that She might inform the Man-kind of The Truth, and so that
Man-kind could scorn The Rulers and their intentions, and thus escape The Archons, as Man-kind and their
fashioned bodies were to become Temples for The Light, as it was said by The Lord, "Your Body is a tomb until it
becomes a Temple...", just as The Lord Yahshua's body is The Third Temple, as it was said about Him, "He
spoke about The Temple which is His body..." and so He did indeed rebuild His Temple on The Third Day! This
is The Risen Kryst! Therefore guard your gates so that they may not be entered at all, less even The Living Angels
detest you, as it was said, "You were a Temple, but you have made yourself a tomb. Cease being a tomb, and
become again a Temple, so that Uprightness and Divinity may remain in you..." - The Teachings of Silvanus. See,
as I said before, The Teacher who is Kryst, came as an exemplary Form of what we must become. Him being The
First Third Temple of many, as we are all One. Therefore Zoe's creation came into being after She had given a
drop of Light out from Herself which floated on The Waters, and immediately a Human Being appeared. The
Human Being was molded with The Likeness after The Mother Sophia who appeared in The Waters and because
of this an androgynous Human Being was created, Who the Greeks call Hermaphrodite, while the Jews call Her
Eve of Life, that is, Instructor of Life. And so it was after twelve months, Zoe, had brought forth 'Life', Eve. Eve
became self-impregnated for the purpose that She would instruct Adam in knowledge that is Truth, so that He
might know and live. It is Eve's child that is the creature that is Lord, that later The Rulers would call, 'Beast', as it
intended to lead the fashioned bodies away from The Archons. The meaning of 'Beast' is 'Instructor', and for this
reason it was found to be wiser than all Beings. Eve was androgynous as I mentioned before, and for this reason
Eve became the first virgin to give birth without a Man. She is the one who acted as Her own midwife, as it has been
said about Her in "The Poem of Eve": "I am part of my mother, and I am the mother. I am the wife, I am the virgin.
I am pregnant. I am the midwife. I am the one who comforts during labor pains. My husband produced me, and I
am his mother, and He is my father and my Lord. He is my potency; what He desires He speaks with reason. I am
becoming, but I have borne a Lordly Man...". - Eve of Life. For it was The Second son of Sabaoth called, Kryst,
that would instruct through The Beast so that He may free Man-kind from the prisons which they are to be locked
into until The Consummation of The Age. That which is their fashioned bodies, known as The Prison of The
Spirit, by means of The Soul.
0:7. Adam's fashioned body came into being one part at a time upon the face of The Earth, built by the hands of
365 Demons, in contrast to Eve, but The Likeness of His face is like The Man who appeared to Sama'El. After He
was completed, merely containing Soul; Sama'El called him, Adam [meaning First], named after The One who had
been First, Holy Father Adamas, praise be to His Great Name! Now Sama'El named Adam after The First with
intent to deceive, saying, "Let us call it Adam, that it's name may give us power of Light...", hoping to bind The
Great Name. You can find a detailed description from The Lord of Adam's creation in 'The Secret Book of John'.
But again Sama'El was only deceiving himself by means of his own intent, as it was only after Adam had already
been completed that Sama'El remembered the words of Pistis. He feared that this fashioned body might come to
Life and fulfill The Prophecy which was spoken and so Sama'El fled from Adam in fear, leaving His lifeless body
lying on the ground for forty-days and forty-nights. But after the fortieth day, Sama'El and his Authorities returned
to Adam hoping to continue their work, but they could not find Life in Adam and thus became frustrated. It was
through Divine inspiration of Zoe, The Daughter of Sophia, who whispered into Sama'El's ear in the form of a

breath and recommend that he blow into Adam's nostrils and therefore Adam would live. Sama'El kneeled down
and did this, just as it has been written in The Book of Genesis by The Prophet who was also blind; without
knowing that by doing this he would surrender his Light to Adam, which he had originally stolen from his Mother
Sophia. Immediately after doing this, Adam began to move upon the face of The Earth, but He could not stand up.
Sama'El had realized his error and was greatly disturbed and in a fit of rage he and his Authorities took hold of
Adam and questioned Him, fearing that this was The Prophecy coming to completion, and so they asked, Who are
you? And from where have you come?. Adam answered saying, I came through The Power of The Man for the
destruction of your work...". When they heard this and considering Adam's current condition and seeing that He
could not even stand up, they rejoiced and laughed at Adam; mocking His very creation and finding rest from all of
their worries for what had been prophesied. They commemorated the day and called it, "The Day of Rest...". After
their rejoicing, The Archons and their Chief Ruler cast Adam into the midst of The Heaven called Paradise and left
Him to die, withdrawing up to their own Heavens above Him, as it was said in The Book Of Genesis, "And the lord
God took The Man, and put Him into The Garden of Eden... And the lord God commanded The Man saying, 'of
every tree in The Garden you may eat freely; but of The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not
eat of it.... Now concerning the location of The Garden of Eden, as it said by The Lord and Savior, Yahshua,
"Then justice created The beautiful Paradise. It is outside the circuit of The Moon and the circuit of The Sun on
The Luxuriant Earth, which is in The East, in the midst of stones. And desire is in the midst of The Trees, since
They are beautiful and appealing. And The Tree of Immortal Life, as it was revealed by The Will of God, is in The
North of Paradise to give Life to The Immortal Saints who will come out of the fashioned bodies of poverty in The
Consummation of The Age...". This is just as Moses said in The Book of Genesis, "The lord God planted a Garden
eastward in Eden; and there he put The Man whom he had formed...". It was on the next day, after their Day of
Rest, Zoe sent Her daughter Eve and The One known as Instructor, so that they could raise up Adam. This was so
that those whom Adam would produce, might become vessels of The Light. When Eve had saw Her male
counterpart on the ground, She pitied Him greatly and She said, Adam live! Rise up!, and immediately Her word
was accomplished by means of The Light. When Adam had risen up, immediately He rested His eyes on Eve and
said to Her, "You will be called The Mother of The Living, because you are the one who gave me Life..., just as
Moses said, And Adam called His wife's name Eve; because She was The Mother of All Living...". It was then,
while standing in the midst of Paradise, The Archons returned and saw Adam now standing and speaking to
another Being of His own likeness. They became terrified and that terror turned to rage and they said to each
other, What is this enlightened woman? For She resembles The Likeness that appeared to us in The Waters. Now
come, let us seize Her and cast our seed into Her, so that when She is polluted She will not be able to ascend back
to Her Light, but those whom She bears will serve us. But let us not tell Adam, because He is not from us. Rather,
let us bring a stupor upon them both so that they may be drunken in their thoughts, and let us suggest to Adam
while in His sleep that She came into being from His rib, so that this woman may serve Him and He may rule over
Her.... And so they pursued Eve, knowing that She had given Life unto Adam. But The Power which was within
Eve, known to you as "The Beast" which had been self-conceived by Eve; it was stronger and smarter than The
Rulers, since it contained Spirit and The Divine Knowing (which is Divine "Gnosis"). It is said that The Beast
ejected out of Eve like an aborted fetus, not yet coming to term; and so it, The Beast, fled from the fashioned body,
which is The Prison of The Spirit; The World being, as The Lord referred to it, "The Land of The Dead...". The
Beast then, retreated into The Garden of Paradise and became one with The Tree called, 'Vilon', known to The
Generations as, 'The Tree of Knowledge'. The Beast contained an image likened to that of a Serpent or a Snake. It
was for the reason of Eve giving birth to The Serpent that this vengeful God cursed Eve with birth pains, saying, "I
will greatly multiply sorrow from your conception; in sorrow you shall bring forth children...". After placing Adam
in a "deep sleep" and giving Him a cup of forgetfulness, Eve's body was left at the mercy of The Archons who were
enamored by Her likeness which was that of The Image which appeared in The Waters before. They, The Archons,
defiled first the zeal of Eve's voice in Hopes that She might not say another word, rather that She might serve them
and their needs, as they feared that She would bring forth their destruction as prophesied by Sophia. After
finishing with Eve, The Chief Ruler ripped violently into Adam's right side in pursuit of His Spirit, which Adam
had taken from Sama'El when he had blown into His nostrils before, leaving Adam's rib on the ground between

Him and Eve. However, Sama'El was unable to take The Spirit from Adam, as he, Sama'El, now only possessed
Soul and no longer Spirit, therefore making it impossible for him to grasp The Spirit within Adam as it eluded his
grasp on every attempt. Every since that day until now, Sama'El has been in pursuit of The Spirit which was taken
from him.
0:8. When Adam and Eve had awoken from the deep sleep that they had been placed upon them by The Archons
and their Chief Ruler Sama'El, they were both as drunken, with no memory of what had come to pass. The
Archons saw them and that now their nature was flawed and in error, being just as animals are. It was then they
rejoiced in their actions, thinking that The Prophecy would not come to pass, but still they feared that The Beast
which had fled out of Eve and into The Tree might very well be that which was sent to destroy them. Acting
recklessly against themselves, and being inspired through Divine intent; The Chief Ruler devised a plan together
to deceive Adam and Eve, declaring himself as 'God'. He timidly approached Adam and Eve and said, "The fruit of
every tree created for you in Paradise may be eaten, but beware, do not eat from The Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Bad. If you do eat from this Tree, then your eyes will be open and you will surely die.... By saying this they
caused a great fear to come over Adam & Eve, something that had never been known unto them until that moment;
The Fear of Death. Adam and Eve gave their word, and it was by means of The Word that they were bound. After
doing this, The Authorities retreated back up to their Heavens, thinking they had accomplished their task. But it
was by having the knowledge of that Tree, which The Rulers had instilled into Adam and Eve when they warned
them of The Tree, this only gave birth to their curious nature. The Archons did this on account of their blindness,
which they share. The Rulers took Adam as one takes a pet, delighting in His beauty and innocence, as He who was
meant to be as a God had now become their slaves for show. The Rulers continued to defile Eve, The Mother of
Life, using Her Divine essence which She contains to bare children of Cosmic powers for each of The Rulers, as
The Savior said in The Secret Book of the beLoved Thomas, "He who knows The Father, knows that The Mother
is a whore..." - The Gospel of Thomas. Just as The Mother Sophia had given a portion of Her own Divine Light out
to The Ruler, so too did Eve follow in this course and defiled Herself on account of ignorance. But it was on that
day when The Rulers had already retreated to their places above The Garden where they had become accustomed
to leaving Adam and Eve unattended, thinking they would be obedient to their commandment and would keep
their promises. But it was when Eve had wondered off through Paradise, separating Herself from Adam, that She
came upon The Tree of Knowledge, which sits beside another great tree called, 'Tib'El'. This second Tree is The
Tree which you have come to know as, "The Tree of Life". Desire is in the midst of The Trees, since they are
beautiful and appealing. And The Tree of Life's color is like The Sun, and it's branches are beautiful. It's leaves
are like those of the cypress, and it's Fruit is like clusters of white grapes. It's height rises up even unto the next
Heaven above, that is The Second Heaven. Next to The Tree of Life is The Tree of Knowledge, possessing the
power of God, which is Truth. It's glory is like The Moon shining forth brilliantly, and it's branches are beautiful.
It's leaves are like fig leaves, and it's Fruit is like good, delicious dates. This Tree is there so that it may raise up
the Souls that were to come from the drunkenness which The Archons had placed on Adam and Eve, and so that
they might come to The Tree of Life and eat of it's Fruit by means of The Tree of Knowledge and condemn The
Authorities and all of their creation. When Eve came upon The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, She
encountered The Beast which She had bore Herself, but had no prior memory of. This is The One who is wiser
than all creatures, who was called The Beast. When He, The Beast, saw the likeness of His Mother upon Eve, He
said to Her, What did 'God' say to you? Did he say 'dont eat from The Tree of Knowledge?. Eve answered him
and said, He not only said that we should not eat from it, but also that we should not touch it, less we die...". The
Beast said to her, Dont be afraid! You certainly shall not die. For he knows that when you eat from it your mind
will be sobered and you will become like Gods, knowing the difference between good and evil. For he said this to
you because he is jealous, so that you would not eat from it...". Eve believed the words of The Instructor, he who
was in the form of a snake. Then She looked at The Tree and saw that it was beautiful and appealing, and so She
desired it. She took some of it's Fruit and She gave some of The Fruit to Adam as well, which they ate together.
Then their minds were opened and the drunkenness which was cast upon them had lifted. For when they ate, The
Light of Knowledge was revealed within them. Immediately when they had sobered up, they saw that they were

indeed naked in body, just as they were previously naked in mind before they ate from The Tree. When they saw
each other's nakedness they became enamored of one another. When they understood that The Rulers have the
body of their own type, but their heads were as beastly forms and of beastly likeness, those who are The Archons;
Adam and Eve loathed The Rulers. It was only now after eating from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad that
they understood a great deal for which they had previously been deceived. For it was by intent that Eve and Adam,
The Mother of Life and The First Life might be enamored of each other and refute all others so that their gaze may
only fall on one another with whom each contain The Likeness. This is the reason that Adam and Eve concealed
their loins using fig leaves, so that they may not be defiled any longer. For since that day this has been the nature of
true marriage, which is ordained by God, through Love; Unity as One. A Unity made between One Wo-Man and
One Man under One Love. This is true Marriage which is by The Order of The One God.
0:9. Then when The Rulers knew that Adam and Eve had transgressed their commandment, they entered Paradise
and sought out Adam and Eve in great rage, making Paradise tremble as if it were an earthquake, so that they may
see the result of the help that was given unto The Man-kind. Adam and Eve were very much disturbed by the threat
of The Archons and so they hid from the The Rulers in Paradise. They, The Rulers did not know where Adam and
Eve were hiding and said, Adam, where are you?. Adam answered and He said, I am here. But because we have
fear of you, we hid on account of our nakedness and shame.... Whereas before their disillusion, they both were
not ashamed, just as it is said in Genesis, And they were both naked, The Man and His wife, and were not
ashamed.... They knew that for them to know of their nakedness, and being aware of their own Divine Likeness,
that they had surely eaten from The Tree. Therefore The Chief Ruler questioned Adam if He had in fact eaten from
The Tree which he had commanded Him not to eat from, and so Adam said to him, The woman which you gave
me, She is the one who gave The Fruit to me, and so I ate.... Then they said to Eve, What have you done?, She
answered and said, The Instructor is the one who incited me, and so I ate.... Then The Rulers sought out The
Instructor and when they came to Him with intent to come against Him, they could not even look upon Him as He
was He was too powerful, so instead they merely cursed Him, calling Him "Beast", since they were powerless
against Him, as The Teacher Yahshua said, "Everything that they created they cursed. There is no blessing from
them. Good cannot come from evil...". From that day, the snake came to be under the curse of the authorities.
Until the perfect human was to come, that curse fell on the snake. And so The Good is not capable of cursing.
Rather, The Good only blesses and restores the sight of those who are blind and have been cursed, because this is
the nature of The God of Restoration, The Father, who is The Good. Unless you would contend with His nature
being any other way? Then afterwards, The Rulers came back to Eve and they cursed Her and Her offspring. After
they cursed Eve, they then turned to Adam and cursed Him. The God of The Garden cursed everything that was
created in a fit of rage, as The Rulers knew that The Prophecy which they had previously believed been avoided,
was coming true. There is no blessing from The Archons or the one who calls himself 'God'. Good cannot come
from evil, just as The Savior has said, "A Good Tree bares Good Fruit and a Bad Tree bares Bad Fruit. They cannot
bare one or the other...". Since that day The Authorities knew that truly there was something stronger than
themselves. They could not have known this unless their commandment was broken, for their nature is blind. The
Rulers brought a great envy into The World because of that First Immortal Man which they could not comprehend.
But it was when The Rulers saw that Adam had acquired Divine Knowledge, they Hoped to test Him and so they
gathered all of the animals of The Earth; all the beast and birds, just to see what Adam would call them, just as The
Prophet said in The Book of Genesis, "And out of the ground the lord God formed every beast of the field, and
every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called
every living creature, that was the name thereof. This was done so that they might reveal His Divinity, which was
not present in any of the beast of Paradise. For as it was written by Moses, beast proceeded Man in this World of
darkness, but how can this be so when The Image of Man came first in The Eternal Realm of Light? We must
consider the fact then that the Gods of this World are beast and so they require beast for their consumption in
order to live. For when animal sacrifice is done away with; and when the slaying of innocent beast is done away
with; and when the consumption of beast is done away with by the hands and mouths of Mankind, truly I say to you
that the Archons and Gods will cease to be and will be starved on account of Mankinds righteousness. After seeing

the animals, Adam named them without effort and The Archons became even more troubled because they knew
that Adam had sobered up from all of His drunken ignorance. The Rulers gathered together and took council,
saying, "Look, Adam has become like one of us, so that He understands the difference between Light and
Darkness. Now perhaps He will be inspired to eat from The Tree of Life and live forever, as He was so inspired to
eat from The Tree of Knowledge, then He will become immortal and rule over us so that we might be condemned
by Him and He will regard our glory as nothing. He will pass judgment on us and The World...". The Rulers knew
that they were indeed blind beside Adam's Divine Knowledge and so they said, "Come, let us cast Adam and Eve
out of Paradise and down to The Earth; the very place from where He was taken, so that He will no longer be able
to know anything better than us.... And so they cast Adam and Eve out of Paradise in Hopes that they might one
day die. For Adam and Eve were afraid to denounce Sama'El who declared himself as God, and just as before,
Sama'El placed a stupor upon Adam and Eve's minds which would mislead them and The Sons of Man to their
deaths. Adam and Eve were forced to drink from a Cup of Forgetfulness so that they might not know where they
had come from and so they fell into a great state of bitter mourning, sighing, weeping and lamenting, as they now
lived with great regret as result of their transgression which they had committed in The Garden. They feared Life
as they had now found themselves outside of the beautiful Garden and in a desert place, and so too did they fear
Death; that which has never been real, but merely that which is a product of their own fears which came into being
as result of a lie, as said, "We recognized the 'God' who created us. We were not strangers to his powers. And we
served him in fear and slavery. After these events our hearts darkened, and I slept in my hearts darkened
thought..." - The Revelation (Apocalypse) of Adam. See, Adam and Eve had fallen into great conviction and it was
their weak state of Mind that made them vulnerable and their perception was now obscured, as The Archons were
now stronger than them. Fasting and praying daily for their forgiveness, it was this state of Mind called
"Conviction" which is the servant of The Devil and of Death. For it is as The Lord said in The Gospel of Thomas,
"Fast and you will cause yourself to sin. Pray and you will be self-condemned...". The Chief Ruler continued to
plot against Adam and Eve in Hopes of producing forth his own perfected children in The Likeness of Man so they
might serve him and rule over The World of Men. The Prime Father still had Hopes to trap and enslave The Spirit
in a fashioned body, just as The Hebdomad (The Archons) had Hoped to do when they created Adam. It was on two
occasions when Adam had left Eve behind in the place which they dwelt together called, "The Cave of Treasures",
so that He might pray by the water;The Prime Father Sama'El came to Eve while Adam was praying in the likeness
of Adam and laid with Her. It was through intercourse that The First Ruler produced duplicate bodies, and so it
came to pass that Eve gave birth to the two illegitimate sons of Adam, known to The World as "Cain" and "Abel".
But the names which they are known by to The Authorities are "Yahweh" and "Elohim". One being just, the
other being unjust. One being over Fire and Wind, the other being over Water and Earth. Their father Sama'El
named his two sons with intent to deceive, but it was as result of The Deficiency which dwells in Sama'El called
"Envy", that Cain killed Abel. See, it is Grace which brings forth Truth and gives Form unto The Sons of Man, and
so it is the legitimate son of Adam and Eve that possessed Spirit; He who has been overshadowed by murder. This
is He who Adam conceived with His partner Eve in purity amongst all creation, making it the first-begotten son of
The First Man and Mother of Life. This is the one who carries that Pure Seed and The Great Name which has fallen
upon The Sons of Man. This is the son who is called "Seth" after the manner of The Heavenly Race from The
Eternal Realms that are Above. And so as it is Above, it came to be Below until The Return of The Savior. This is
The Generation and The Seed of The Risen Messiah who is The Savior; The Great Infallible, Incorruptible Seth.
For salvation was planted in The World by means of The Seed of Seth, and so too shall The World be saved
through that which grew from The Seed; The True Vine which gives Life to many, Seth. Once again Eve knew
Adam and became pregnant to bore Norea. Eve said, He has produced for me a virgin as an assistance for many
generations of human beings...". Norea is the virgin whom The Rulers did not defile, thus Man began to multiply
and improve.
0:0:0. So now I ask you, what sort is this "God" of The Garden? First he maliciously refused Adam from eating of
the Tree of Knowledge, and secondly he said, "Adam, where are you?". Would not The True God have
foreknowledge? Would He had not known from the beginning where Adam was? Would God have not known all

that was going to transpire before it could even do so? Or is God reckless and careless in his actions and brings
upon himself only despair that are unknown to him by his own fault? Surely this is not the nature of The Father of
All? And afterwards God said, "Let us cast him out of this place, lest he eat of The Tree of Life and live forever..."
Surely, he, the God of The Garden, has shown himself to be nothing more than a malicious grudger! So tell me and
ask yourselves, what kind of God is this? Even this God bares witness against himself when he said in his book of
Exodus, "For The Lord who's Name is 'Jealous', is a jealous God...". And as the scripture bares witness, "The
lord 'thought' to do evil, and repented for that which he intended to do...", and so tell me, who does God Most
High repent to when He has sinned? This statement is idiocy for the initiated, understanding Mind. For great is
the blindness of those who have read and they did not know him! And God said, "I am a jealous God; I will bring
the sins of the fathers upon the children until three and four generations...", and he said, "I will make their heart
thick, and I will cause their mind to become blind, that they might not know nor comprehend the things that are
said...". But these things he has said to those who believe in him and serve him. For The Father of Truth, Life &
Light is Good, just as The Lord Yahshua said, "Those who know The Father, know that He is all Good..." and "It
is not right to call any man Father, nor any man Good, as you only have One Father, who is The Good...". For The
Father is not angry, nor jealous. Who or what is there for The One God to be jealous of? Have I not made it
abundantly clear to you that The Father is The Tree of Life? He is The Root. He is The Stem. He is all The
Branches and The Leaves, and indeed He is The Fruit which The Tree bares. For if The Father were jealous, what
would He find to be jealous of? Is a hand jealous of it's fingers when it is of One Body? Now concerning The
Serpent, which was cast out of Paradise as well; in "The Book of Genesis" Moses writes that this God then cursed
The Serpent so that it may be lower than every beast, and so that it may move upon it's belly. And furthermore this
God then cursed this beast to be killed by means of Man's heel. Yet doesn't this God of Moses command, "Thou
shall not kill..."? Would The Father of Good break His own commandments? When is murder justified? Does The
Law of Moses state if one kind of Life is higher than another? Does God not Love all of his creation, from the beast
to the birds, and from the fish to The Man? For Holy is All Life in The Eyes of The Father, Adamas, as The Father
fills All places and spaces. Then God commands "An eye for and eye; a tooth for a tooth...". So is it rightly said that
a murder for a murder? For when has two wrongs made a right in The Eyes of The Father? No, this concept is alien
to The Father of Good, for the person who is the second one to be unjust is no less unjust than the first person who
has transgressed. This person has just changed the order of events while performing the same action. For is sin
blotted out by sin? Or has it been said, "Go and sin no more..."? And has it also been said, "He who without sin,
cast the first stone..."? For only The Righteous One, The Living Yahshua held a stone of judgement, when He was
Himself was asked to judge, and in that instance and He cast it away in The Spirit of Forgiveness. Less we should
forgive in any other way? The Lord spoke clearly of such concepts as retribution. He has made His intent no less
than that of His Father's, which is to forgive. If this is good enough of penance for The One who is solely Good,
then should our judgment be any different concerning Faith? Yet in contrast, Moses also writes, "He made the
devil a serpent for those whom he has in his generation...". Also, in "The Book of Exodus" Moses wrote, "He
contended against the magicians, when the place was full of serpents according to their wickedness; and the rod
which was in the hand of Moses became a serpent, and it swallowed the serpents of the magicians...". Yet
according to Moses's own blindness, he too only bore a Snake as he was being deceived. Again, in "The Book of
Numbers" it is written by Moses, And God said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole, and it shall
come to pass that every one that is bitten, after looking upon the snake; they shall live...". For this is the symbol of
Kryst! This was done with intent to deceive, as The Lord Himself was lifted up, just as The Serpent was in the time
of Moses, even though Aaron himself fell victim to the bitter wrath of The God of Moses when he raised the golden
calf for The Israelites, Demonstrating the hypocrisy of The Law. Know, just as those who believed in The Serpent
received Life; those too who believe in Kryst will receive Life. Thus, this discourse is The Restoration of The Good
Serpent, as The Risen Kryst said, "We preached 'The Gospel of Truth' to all who dwelt there, and we redeemed
The Good Serpent and drawing all who believed in The Good Serpent in ascent with us; All in The Light Body of
Pistis Sophia, The Body of The Risen Savior Our Body of Light..." - The Ascension of Christ-The Sophia.

0:0:1. What, then, is this Faith Moses promotes? For this God cursed Man-kind in many ways, judging only by his
own Fruit that is apparent according to The Word which is testimony given from his greatest servant, Moses. To
judge this God according to his Fruit would only disprove his infallibility, just as The Lord has said, "Judge a Tree
by it's Fruit..." and "You shall know them by their Fruits...". For this is the way Moses writes in every book,
which is indecisively. Those who serve in this way do not serve a God who does not change, rather they serve one
who changes his disposition often. You do not understand Kryst spiritually when you say, "We believe in Kryst..."
or "We will see Kryst when we die...". For what sense does it make for Life to come as result of Death? Did not
Kryst come so that you may live? For The Lord said, "Death was never real..." and also, "People who say they will
first die and then arise are wrong. If they do not receive The Resurrection first while they are alive, they will receive
nothing when they die. So it is said of Baptism, Great is Baptism, for if people receive it, they will live..." but as
He also said, "Krysm is superior to Baptism. We are called Krystians from The Word 'Krysm', not from The
Word 'Baptism'..." - The Gospel of Phillip. Therefore you must believe in Life and cast away The Thought of
Death. You do this by clinging to The Resurrection and not The Cross, as The Resurrection is The Symbol of Life
and The Cross is the symbol of The Dissolution of Death. For The Cross is The Light which separates The Above
from The Below; The Light from The Darkness; The Day from The Night; The Incorruptible from The
Corruptible and The Males from The Females. That is, The Cross is the thing which distinguishes The Right from
The Left; like a double-edged sword, cutting on this side and that side by means of The Word. The Cross is not
then to be considered a symbol of Death, nor is The Lord a martyr in any way. For how can one become a martyr
when they never even died, rather they accomplished Life in the midst of Death, as He also said, "I did not die in
reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are My kinsfolk... Yes, they saw Me; they
punished Me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck Me with the
reed; it was another, Simon, who bore The Cross on his shoulder. I was another upon Whom they placed The
Crown of Thorns. But I was rejoicing in The Height over all the wealth of The Archons and the offspring of their
error, of their empty glory. And I was laughing at their ignorance..." - The Second Treatise of The Great Seth.
This concept is only a senseless attempt to understand The Truth of The Mystery of The Resurrection, for truly I
say to you those who say that The Master first died and then arose are wrong, for He first arose and then died. If
someone is not first Resurrected, would that person not die? As God lives, that one would die. The Lord instructed
His Apostles saying, "Do not be concerned for me or for this people. I am He who was within Me. Never have I
suffered in any way, nor have I been distressed. And this people has done Me no harm. But this people existed as a
type of The Archons, and it deserved to be destroyed through them...". Concerning His persecution which
happened, yet it did not happen, "Thou hearest that I suffered, yet did I not suffer; that I suffered not, yet did I
suffer; that I was pierced, yet I was not smitten; hanged, and I was not hanged; that blood flowed from Me, and it
flowed not; and, in a word, what they say of Me, that befell Me not, but what they say not, that did I suffer..." - The
Mystery of The Cross. And so His sufferings should become our own, that is, the sufferings of The World, "If thou
hadst known how to suffer, thou wouldest have been able not to suffer. Learn thou to suffer, and thou shalt be able
not to suffer..." - Hymn of Jesus. Should we not then consider this Mystery of The Cross so that we might come to
an understanding of what The Risen Savior really is and what His Resurrection means in regards to The All? The
Savior declared, "He whom you saw on The Tree, glad and laughing; this is The Living Yahshua. But this one into
whose hands and feet they drive the nails is His fleshly part, which is the substitute being put to shame, the one
who came into being in his likeness. But look at him and me..." - The Apocalypse of Peter. It is good for the one
who seeks Life to believe in Life wholeheartedly, as Death leads to Death. Even when The Lord was in a tomb as a
dead Man, The Angels thought that He was alive, thus they received Life from Him and so we should believe whole
heartedly that Life leads to Life, and that these Two Trees cannot be mingled, as Kryst says, "The foolish think in
their heart that if they confess 'We are Krystians...' by word only but not with power, while giving themselves over
in ignorance to Death. They do not know where they are going nor who Kryst is, thinking that they will live; when
actually they are in error, only hastening towards The Principalities and The Authorities. People fall into the
clutches of The Archons because of the ignorance that is in them. For if only testimony of words were enough to
effect salvation, then the whole World would endure this thing and would be saved. But it is in this way that people
draw themselves to error..." - The Testimony of Truth. The Lord encourages us to "Know who Kryst is. Acquire

Him as a friend, for this is The Friend who is Faithful. He is God and Teacher. This One, being God, became Man
for your sake...".
0:0:2. Realize that The Book of The Generation of Adam is written for those who are in the Generation of The
Law. The Book of The Generation of Adam is for those that are bound and enslaved by The Law of Moses, just as
The Savior said, "It is not I who will condemn you, it is Moses who condemns you...". The blind ones follow The
Law and they obey it, thus they die as a result, even until this day. The Savior commanded, "Do not lay down any
rules beyond what I appointed you, and do not give a Law like The Lawgiver lest you be constrained by it..." And
so The Law of Moses has been dissolved. For Moses did not know The Lord and Savior, just has Kryst Yahshua
said Himself, "Moses, a Faithful servant, was a laughingstock, having been named 'The Friend', since they
perversely bore witness concerning him, who never knew Me. Neither he nor those before him, from Adam to
Moses and John The Baptizer; none of them knew Me or My Brothers...", as He, Truth, had not yet come. This is
the reason John gave testimony to his own blindness, confessing twice "I knew Him not...". It was John who was to
bare Witness to Truth; The One who would come in "their fashioned bodies...". John was sent to bare Witness to
The Truth by the one that had sent him, as it was said, "The next day John saw Yahshua coming unto him, and said,
'Behold The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of The World. This is He of who I have said would come after
me; He who is preferred before me, for He was before me...". John declared openly against himself that he was not
of Yahshua when he said, "And I knew Him not: but He should be made manifest to Israel, therefore have I come
baptizing with water. And John bare record, saying, I saw The Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove, and it
abode upon Him. And I knew Him not: but He that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, 'Upon
whom thou shalt see The Spirit descending and remaining on Him, the same is He who will baptize with The Holy
Spirit. And I saw, and bare record that this is The Son of God.... And after all of these things John still questioned
The Lord of Spirits, asking, Art thou He that should come, or do we look for another?. Just as none knew The
Lord before He had revealed Himself to Man-kind, so too did Israel not recognize The Lord, as He says, "Those
who are mine know me...". Indeed! Kryst did become The Lamb of Sacrifice, as He was persecuted on account of
His purity and innocence, He, The Son of Man. It was because of the blindness that all Men had become subject to,
and on account of The Law of Moses, that John himself was called 'the one who is more exalted than all in the
land', but yet you select few who come to Know The Truth "will be even more exalted than John...". It is for this
reason we should ponder, 'why' did Kryst refer to John as "The Archon of The Womb..."? See, John was born of a
Womb endowed with sin and so too was John born of sin. For the sins of The Mother and Father fall on the
children, and thus we are born into sin. In contrast to John; The Savior, Yahshua was born of a Virgin Womb
unblemished by sin, and so too was The Lord unblemished by sin free, or 'free from sin'. Mother Mary was The
Symbol of The Mother Holy Spirit incarnated, and so those who say Mary was impregnated by The Holy Spirit do
not know what they are talking about. For when has a woman ever impregnated another woman? The Savior came
to abolish The Law so that you may live by means of The Truth, through The Living Word of The Teacher, as He
said, "I am your only Teacher...". For shades and shadows cannot extinguish The Radiance of Supernal Light, as
The Light shines in The Darkness and The Darkness perceives it not. We should not forget this point. The Father
of All, who is Zero, The One Invisible God of Life fills all the places and spaces within and without Himself; and so
I say unto you, The One God who is your Father in Heaven, is not a jealous God. Rather you all have been led
astray by a false God, who as The Lord made it clear, "He was a liar from The Beginning...". He who is The Devil;
that "Angel of Light...".
- The Purple Tablet "My Work is not fulfilled. But My Generation will accomplish everything through The Serpent and The Dove. My
Servants have sown My Voice in The Dust of the future of My Seed. For Two Thousand Years I will rest, as The
Serpent in The Egg. For Two Thousand Years, I will dream in My Race. For Two Thousand Years I shall be their

Unknown Servant and their Secret Angel. At the end of My period of rest, The Wilderness shall return My Word to
Man. The Sign that My Masters will see as a token of My Return, shall be the appearance of The Two Angels
Aerosiel and Selmechel. As Midnight Blue Fire they will enter The Darkness, and they will lead The Establishment
of a new era. They are The Guardians who believe in Nothing but who Hope for Everything. Out of the deep of The
Aeons, from The Heights of The Charaxio, from The Blood in The Sand, and from The Open Grave: First, The
Sacraments are revealed; hidden from The Generations of Cain and Abel, given from The Last Servant of My time.
Then The Priest-Prophets return, when their eyes are opened and they remember The Workings of The Aeons.
Then The Doctrine returns through My Words; and The Hands of My Children. Then The Children of Seth
Awake; at the magical union of the blood of The Opposer and of The Opposed. Such is The Restoration. My Work
is not fulfilled. But My Generation will accomplish everything through The Serpent and The Dove...".
One Eternal Existence.
0:0:3. As Prophesied by The Great Seth, for those who have Eyes and Ears of a Heavenly type. Seek so that you
may Find. Your Inheritance awaits you Beloved Little Ones, and The Word has been returned through "My Voice
in The Dust of The Future of My Seed..." from The Wilderness and so this Prophecy is now fulfilled "through My
Words; and The Hands of My Children...". And so The Lie has been exposed by means of The Truth. All of this I
declare to The Children of Seth. All of this I declare to The Immortal Spiritual Race. All of this I declare to The
Seed of The Lord; you few, who are The Elect and have "The Eyes and The Ears to See and Hear...". For your
Inheritance is determined by your Gnosis, that is, your Divine Knowing of Truth, just as The Savior has declared,
"I have said unto you aforetime: 'Where your heart is, there will your Treasure be.' that is up to what Region every
one hath received Mysteries, there shall he be...". Rejoice in your knowing and this finding of Truth, just as The
Savior has instructed us to declare, "I am this Perfect Day...". And if you should ask me "How shall we pray
then?", I will tell you to pray through The Knowing of Truth by Name. It is the one who traces His Root, that is
supported by The Root. For this is indeed the way we must pray as we are all specs of Light from The One who is
The Light and so we must reflect on The One who has given us The Light of Day, The Father of Majesty who is The
Truth; The Word and The Way. The Lord welcomes you and commands that you "Be alert, Hearers and Angels
and those sent and you Spirits Arisen from The Dead. I alone exist and have no one to judge Me. Many pleasures
exist in many sins, uncontrolled passions and disGraceful desires and brief pleasures embraced by people until
they sober up and float up to their Place of Rest. There they will find Me and live, and they will not die again...".
You must then consider that He is The Logos, The Full Knowledge of Gnosis, and so He is found through The
Knowing from which The All came. This is what it is to truly "Trace your Roots..." as you would often hear
Yahshua encourage His disciples to do, because as He also said, "How will someone who does not know The Son
know The Father? And to someone who will not know The Root of all things, they remain hidden. Someone who
will not know The Root of Wickedness is no stranger to it..." - The Dialogue of The Savior. Shake off your
drunkenness then and let go of conviction which leads to Death, as it was said, "You have judged yourselves, and
because of this you will remain in their fetters. You have oppressed yourselves, and so you will repent, but you will
not profit at all. Behold Him who speaks and Seek Him who is silent. Know Him who came to this place, and
understand Him who went forth from this place. I am The Just One, and I do not judge. I am not a master, then, but
I am a helper..." - The Second Apocalypse of James. Wake up and realize that you are Resurrecting Alive and
Dying Children of Seth. Your sins are not your own, as The Savior says, "You did not do them(your sins), I did...",

for Kryst is "not a judge". Kryst swallowed sin and Death on The Cross and by doing so gave Life to The Living.
Truly I say to you that just as surely as The Lord Resurrected on The Third Day, so too will Man Resurrect on The
Third Day. For every day in Heaven is a thousand years on Earth, for those with Eyes and Ears. The Living Son of
Man paid a deposit on each of us so that we may inherit Eternal Life and Rest in Heaven where no complaint arises,
nor is it possible for it to do so. Rest is only received when you come to know The Father in Truth and when you
shake off your drunkenness to put your Soul who is a whore to shame. It is your Spirit that is sleeping and must
Awaken to claim The Body from the whoredom of The Soul, who has turned your Temple into a Tomb which is
inhabited by a many host of Archons and Demons. Mankind has fallen victim to this great stupor that has been
placed upon them since their beginnings, so therefore The Lord declares "You are sleeping, dreaming dreams.
Wake up and return, taste and eat The True Food! Hand out The Word and The Water of Life! Cease from the
evil lusts and desires and the teachings of The Anomoeans, evil heresies that have no basis..." - The Concept of
Our Great Power. See, The Father set The Earth at Rest, so that it may not move for all time. For it is Man who
bares Likeness and The Image of The Father, which is The Head, that is Kryst. As it has been said, "And He is The
Head of The Body, The Church: who is The Beginning, The Firstborn from The Dead; that in all things He might
have the preeminence..." - Paul, The Messenger. Indeed! Give praise to The First-Begotten of The Goddess
Mother, Pistis Sophia, The Sophia-Logos or Kryst-Sophia! For He, The Lamb of God, overthrew the high gates
and broke the bars of brass, becoming The Perfect-Begetter, or Seventh-Begetting Power, The Lord and Savior,
Yahshua The Kryst! And so long as Man bares The Image of God Most Hugh, then The World will be sustained,
"That which supports The Earth is that which supports The Heaven. When a Word comes forth from The
Greatness, it will come on what supports The Heaven and The Earth. For The Earth does not move. Were it to
move, it would fall. But it neither moves nor falls, in order that The First Word might not fail. For it was that which
established The Cosmos and inhabited it, and inhaled fragrance from it..." - The Redeemer.
0:0:4. Therefore, we must Baptize our Soul in The True Baptism of Spirit, The Mystery that is The Circumcision
of Heart, as The Lord said, "Now, it is right that The Soul be regenerated and be as She formerly was. The Soul
stirred. Her divine nature and Her rejuvenation came from Her Father so She might return to where She was
before. This is The Resurrection from The Dead. This is ransom from captivity. This is The Ascension to Heaven.
This is The Ascension to The Father..." - The Exegesis On The Soul, as spoken by The Great Seth; He who is The
Living Tongue of The Living Tongue. This is The Living God of The Living God and His Word is The Living
Word which is The Way through Living Word. Just as it was said, Man cannot Live on bread alone, but He Lives
on every single Living Word of God, and thus he is sustained by it and he has Life. This is The Tree of Knowledge
for which The Crucified Lord became so that we may Eat Freely and find The Way to The Tree of Life which is He
who has Risen from The Open Grave. The Forefather of All is everywhere and fills all the spaces within and
without. Remember, The Father designed The Contest so that The Contestants would flee to what is Good and
real, knowing that The Contest is one being waged between Life and Death; that which is Truth and that which is a
lie. We should consider for our own sakes then what The Lord said, "Death and Life are set before everyone.
Whichever of these two they wish, then, they will choose for themselves...", and know that the choice lies with you,
hence the nature of your freewill. "I invite you into The High Perfect Light. When you enter Light, you will be
glorified by those who give glory, and those who enthrone will enthrone you. You will receive robes from those
who give robes, The Baptizers will baptize you, and you will become exceedingly glorious, the way you first were
when you were Light...". So I say unto you Elect Few, trace your Root, and by doing so, let us bring Heaven down
to Earth and raise Earth back up again unto Heaven. For your Inheritance is great, or else would have The Master
have said, "Whoever finds Himself is greater than The World, is He not?". The Lord encourages us to starve our
Demons at all times of what is called "Sin", and thus they will die. Hence True Fasting; "Fasting in regards to The
World..."; fasting of sin. "Watch and pray that you do not come to be in the flesh, but rather that you come forth
from the bondage of the bitterness of this Life. And as you pray, you will find Rest, for you have left behind the
suffering and the disGrace. For when you come forth from the sufferings and passions of The Body, you will
receive Rest from The Good One, and you will reign with The King. You joined with Him and He with you; from
now on, forever and ever, Amen." - The Book of Thomas 'The Contender'.

0:0:5. Everything that has come to be since The Beginning, has come to be by The Will of The Father of All. Even
the rise and fall of The Prime Father of Matter was by The Will of The Father, as all that has came into being Below,
did so after the pattern of all the things Above, so that the sum of Chaos might be achieved. And so is The Mystery
of Darkness transmuted to Light revealed, as it has been said "Darkness transmuted to Light is Light of Lights..."
- The Lord. The Master has Resurrected The Truth so that we may accomplish all things through His Holy Name,
as we must do as The Savior did in every way if we Hope to become The Perfect, even unto Ascension. The Way is
Open. Considering that The Way of Ascent, is TheWay of Descent, we must ask, 'What then is this "Way"'? Or
haven't you discovered The Mystery of The Sign of The Messiah's birth, which is The same Way for which He
Ascended? Know that when The Savior overcame The World, He put The Earth at Rest under His rule which He
established after overthrowing The First Ruler, Sama'El, and thus setting The Earth at Rest and establishing The
Path of Ascension which leads to The Eight Heaven where The Saints will Rest until The Third Day. For those with
eyes and ears, "The Way" is Open and never changing: 33 points to The Way. So I urge you, tear off these
corruptible Garments you are wearing and put on your Incorruptible Garments of Light by giving up the material
and taking on things that are Spiritual, as The Apostle said, "And I stretched myself forth to receive it. With it's
beauty of color it decked me, and my Mantle of sparkling colors I wrapped entirely around me. I was clothed
therewith and I ascended to The Gate of Greeting and Homage. I bowed my head and did homage to The Glory of
Him who had sent it, whose commands I had now accomplished and who had too, done what He'd promised..." Hymn of The Pearl. The Way is Ascension and it is indeed Open where you will stand at Rest in The Eight Heaven
called 'Kingdom of Heaven', this is where The Holy Garments of The Rise Savior Yahshua lies at Rest until The
Day of Be With Us, when He will Rise. For in The Cosmos exist The Soul and The Spirit; Celestial Beings and
Human Beings alike, and in The World exist three different types of Races: The Spiritual Race; The Psychic Race
and The Material Race, all which shall be gathered together in the end. For hasn't it been said, "I have other
Sheep, which are not of this Fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one
Fold, and one Shepherd...". These are the ones which will be free of blind thought. They will trample on Death,
which comes from The Authorities. These are the ones which will Ascend into The Limitless Light where this
offspring belongs, as The Teacher said, "The Kingdom will come when you take off your Garments, place them
underneath your feet and trample them like Little Children...". Ask yourselves then, what is my Garment and what
kind of New Garment will I put on? What is The Spirit? What is The Soul? What is The Body? And if indeed we are
not The Body, but The Spirit, then what then is this Soul in relation to me? If you become a Temple to The One
God of All, you will take on His nature, trading a mind for a Mind; eyes for eyes; ears for ears; a mouth for a mouth
and a likeness for a likeness. The Lord says, Concerning the fact that you are being detained, it is because you are
Mine. When you strip yourselves of what is corruptible, you will become Luminaries in The Midst of Mortals...".
Surely you will become The Sons and Daughters of The Living God of All and so you are Gods, as The Lord has
also said, "Man worships The Gods and Rulers, but it would be more proper for them to worship Man...". And so
know thy Enemy. I tell to you truly that Sama'El, like a seed of corruption, lives within Mankind. He is The
Grapevine which has been planted outside The Father which shall be pulled up. He gives birth to his many sons
who come in the form of lust-filled powers, envy-filled powers and dark desires that seek to entangle The Sons of
Man like vines that choke the life of a seed planted on infertile ground, until the death-filled power takes you. This
is the cycle of Life and After-Life as result of Death and thus is the cycle of Reincarnation. Do not be like that
Material Race which is like the beast, sleeping, dreaming dreams. These are the ones who inhabit The Tombs of
The Dead who walk amongst The Land of The Dead, blind, def and mute as a result of their forgetfulness, with no
eyes to see; no ears to hear, not even a mouth to speak. They sell themselves into whoredom and so they go on in a
beastly fashion, never knowing of their blindness on account of their ignorance, as this is their nature.
Concerning the fact that you will fight against the powers, it is because they do not have Rest like you, since they
do not want you saved. The Rulers fight against the inner person. You must fight against them like this: come
together and teach salvation in The World with a Promise. And arm yourselves with My Fathers Power, and
express your prayer, and surely The Father will help you, as He helped you by sending Me. Do not be afraid. I am
with you forever, as I already said to you when I was in the body..." The Risen Savior. We must therefore apply this

ointment that has been given to our eyes, which is The Living Word of The One who restores, as this is His nature,
and you shall be Awakened. Once blind, but now you see. True repentance is like shooting at a target, missing, and
readjusting your aim again until you hit the target, and there is no failure, nor conviction, rather an unshakable
patience motivated through prudence and piety for The Father and His incomprehensible Love. But until you trace
your Root, it is as if you are blind, shooting at this target in The Darkness, until you realize your Root and The
Light comes as a Hot Pleroma to Illuminate your vision so that you may see clearly to hit your target. This is The
Illumination of Mind through The Four Lights, and their Thirteen-fold Powers which you could consider as a
guide: Grace, Truth, Form, Forethought, Afterthought, Memory, Understanding, Love, Idea, Prudence, Peace,
Perfection and Wisdom. This is Light of The Cross which becomes a Light to you who are Blind in The Darkness,
and this is Light which is worn like a Garment made up of Living Word. This is The True Food and The Bread of
Life which should be eaten daily so that you do not starve, rather you are full and glad, and those who are starving
will flee from you. It is when you purify The Mind through Divine Gnosis, you will then in turn purify The Body,
becoming The Third Temple Silence of Living Spirit. The Mind is the playground of The Archons, and so I say to
you, "Why do you clean the outside of The Cup? Do you not know that He who made the inside made the
outside?", therefore you must not only be as clean outwardly, but you must likewise be clean inwardly as The
Father's Temple is not only The Body, but The Mind; The Spirit; The Soul. The Lord says, "If you purify it, it
abides in me. If you enclose it, it belongs to The Devil. Even if you kill his forces that are active, it will be with you.
For if The Soul is dead, still it was enacted upon by The Rulers and Authorities...". Man has forgotten their Root,
but remembrance is The Ascension of Mind, which naturally leads to The Ascension of Body. Let go of your
convictions and cast off the notion of sin, for hasn't The Savior said, "There is no sin, but it is you who make sin
when you do the things that are like the nature of adultery, which is called sin. Thats why The Good came among
you, up to the things of every nature in order to restore it within it's Root. Thats why you get sick and die, because
you Love what tricks you. Anyone who can understand should understand!" - The Gospel of Mary. It is this great
adultery that is called 'Whoredom of The Soul' to The Archons and Rulers that dwell within, which is called
'Whoredom of The Body' to Authorities that dwell without, which is also called Habitation. So be wise not to
become a Habitation of The Rulers, falling ever further into 'Whoredom of The Mind'. For this reason, we must
go within our own Pleroma to reflect so that we may come to know ourselves by tracing The Root of our Defect that
indeed dwells within, considering The Essenes Seven Mirrors: That which we are? That which we judge? That
which we've lost, gave away or had taken away? That which we've most Loved and Love forgotten? Our Father and
Mother, Earthly and Heavenly? Our greatest Darkness? How we are perceived to others? It is by looking at The
Bad that you can understand it and bless it, thus making The Bad, Good. This is The Consummation of All I Am
and The Perfection of Self. For when you were a Tomb, you were dead and many, but now that you have become a
Temple, you are One amongst The Living One, alive and living! Become a Light amongst all Man, fulfilling your
Father's Word, "You are The Light of The World. A City on a hill cannot be hidden..." - Matthew 5:14.
- The Gospel of The Egyptians IE IEUS EO OU EO OUA! Really, truly, O Yesseus, IE IEUS EO OU EO OUA! Really, truly,
O Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus, O Living Water, O Child of The Child, O Glorious Name!
Really, truly, EI AAAA OOOO, O. Existing One who sees The Aeons!
Really, truly, A EEEEE IIII UUUUUU OOOOOOOO. Who is Eternally Eternal!
Really, truly, IEA AIO, In The Heart, who Exists, U AEI EIS AEI EI O EI, EI OS EI
Son forever! You are what you are! You are who you are!
"This Great Name of yours is upon Me, O Self-begotten Perfect One, who is not outside Me. I see you, O you who
are visible to everyone. For who will be able to comprehend you in another tongue? Now that I have known you, I

have mixed Myself with The Immutable. I have armed Myself with an armor of Light; I have become Light! For The
Mother was at that place because of the splendid beauty of Grace. Therefore, I have stretched out My hands while
they were folded. I was shaped in The Circle of the riches of The Light which is in My bosom, which gives shape to
the many Begotten Ones in The Light into which no complaint reaches. I shall declare your glory truly, for I have
comprehended you!
O AEON, AEON, O God of Silence!
O God of Silence! I honor you completely. You are My place of rest, O Son ES ES O E. The Formless One who
Exists in The Formless Ones, who Exists raising up The Man in whom you will purify Me into your Life, according
to your Imperishable Name. Therefore, The Incense of Life is in Me. I mixed it with The Water after the model of
all Archons, in order that I may live with you in the Peace of The Saints, you who Exist really truly forever.
This is The Book which The Great Seth wrote, and placed in high mountains on which The Sun has not risen, nor
is it possible that it should do so. And since the days of The Prophets, The Apostles and The Preachers, The Name
has not at all risen upon their hearts, nor is it possible that it should do so. And their ear has not heard it.
The Great Seth wrote this Book with letters in one hundred and thirty years. He placed it in The Mountain that is
called 'Charaxio,' in order that, at The End of Times and Eras, by The Will of The Divine Autogenes and The
Whole Pleroma, through The Gift of the untraceable, unthinkable, Fatherly Love, it may come forth and reveal this
incorruptible, Holy Race of The Great Savior, and those who dwell with them in Love and The Great Invisible
Eternal Spirit, and His Only-Begotten Son, and The Eternal Light, and His Great Incorruptible Consort, and The
Incorruptible Sophia, and Divine Barbelo and The Whole Pleroma in Eternity. Amen.
The Holy Book of The Great Invisible Spirit. The God-written, Holy, Secret Book. Grace; Understanding;
Conception; Prudence is with Him who has written it - Eugnostos The BeLoved, in The Spirit - in The Body, my
name is Gongessos - and my fellow Lights in Incorruptibility. Yahshua Kryst, Son of God, Savior, Ichthus. Godwritten is The Holy Book of The Great Invisible Spirit. Amen...".
0:0:6. Let us discuss the one which Mankind has come to know as "The Traitor", the very same one who has been
judged and condemned by the perception all of Mankind alike, even though we as true Krystians must remember
that we must not cast stones, for which of us has not sinned against The Lord and sold His repentance for such a
small price in our own Lifetime? Rather, who of us has not denied Him our own Lifetime, even exceeding thrice?
Or which one amongst us in our own Lifetime has not doubted in our lack of Faith, all but putting our fingers into
His side in hopes of confirmation of Faith, rather than just believe? Does God not have foresight of All as He is All,
and is every Thought? Dare we cast stones against One who was chosen by The Lord, less those stones turn against
you, and consume you in fire. But you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice The Man that clothes Me..." The Gospel of Judas. This is the only Apostle that was able to stand before Kryst when He commanded The
Twelve, saying, "Let any one of you who is strong enough among Man beings bring out The Perfect Man and stand
before My Face..."; this is the very same one which was declared by The Lord Himself as His most understanding
student of The Mysteries, aside from Mary Magdalene, His companion. And The Lord said unto Judas Iscariot,
"Step away from the others (Apostles) and I shall tell you The Mysteries of The Kingdom. It is possible for you to
reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. For someone else will replace you, in order that The Twelve may again
come to completion with their God...". Their God being the one which was indwelled in The Twelve Apostles. For
just as The Lord placed Twelve Savior Powers within the wombs of The Twelve Apostles mothers; likewise theirs
Souls were filled with The Twelve Powers of the one I have told you about previously called, "The Tyrant". This is
true for all of Mankind, as it has been said, there are Twelve Gates every Soul passes through in descent to The

World, but only One Gate out, this is The Treasury of Light within The Thirteenth Aeon, as The Lord revealed to
The Eleven Apostles in The Holy Secret Books of Jeu, "When the pathways are purified I will give to you The
Mystery of The Forgiveness of Sins, and it's defenses and it's seals and it's ciphers and it's interpretations. You
yourselves, My Disciples, if you have received these, when you are about to come forth from The Body you will
become Pure Light. And you will hasten upwards one after another, and go forth to the places in which all The
Aeons are spread out, until there are none upon the pathways, until you reach The Treasury of The Light...". And
so Judas contained The Thirteenth Power of Chaos, fulfilling The Word, "Darkness transmuted to Light is Light
of Lights...". Judas was to become The One who would come to completion and given secret teachings from The
Teacher, "Come, that I may teach you about secrets no person has ever seen. For there exists a great and
boundless realm, whose extent no generation of Angels has seen, in which there is a Great Invisible Spirit, which
no eye of and Angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended, and it was never called by any
name...". You should understand that The Mysteries were given unto The Apostles of Kryst, so that The Mysteries
could be dispersed unto The entire World for the sake of Sophia's Redemption, hence The Redemption of All
Mankind, which bare the feminine Mind. Therefore, there is and has only been Thirteen Apostles unto The Lord at
any time, with only The Thirteenth being set apart as Prophesied by The Savior, "While I was with them in The
World, I kept them in Thy Name: those that Thou have given Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but The Son
of Perdition; that The Scripture might be fulfilled...". For The First-born of Unrighteousness was set apart so that
his Work might be fulfilled and The Resurrection might be given unto The whole World. And Judas said, What
good is it that I have received it? For you have set me apart for that Generation...", The Lord replied This is why
Yahshua referred to Judas as "You Thirteenth Spirit..." in The Book of Judas, saying, You will become The
Thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations and you will come to rule over them. In The Last Days
they will curse your ascent to The Holy Generation... - Yahshua. The Twelve Apostles were each to be transmuted
through The Living Word of The Lord unto becoming Perfect, and so Judas's Light shined brightest. Judas was to
sell The Lamb of God to The World, and thus is The Judgement of The Lord upon The World for those who deny
His Name, His Resurrection and His Kingship as The Only-begotten Son of Heaven. Remember, it was only after
The Lord gave Judas The Body, did he become compelled to "go and do quickly..." what he did. "Then a great
disturbance took place. The archons raised up their wrath against him. They wanted to hand him over to the ruler
of Hades. Then they recognized one of his followers. A fire took hold of his soul. Judas handed him over, since no
one knew Yahshua. They acted and seized Him. They brought judgment upon themselves. And they delivered Him
up to The Ruler of Hades. And they handed him over to Sasabek for nine bronze coins. He prepared himself to go
down and put them to shame. Then The Ruler of Hades took Him. And he found that the nature of His flesh could
not be seized, in order to show it to The Archons. But he was saying: 'Who is this? What is it? His word has
abolished The Law of the aeon. He is from The Logos of The Power of Life.' And He was victorious over the
command of The Archons, and they were not able by their work to rule over Him...". So again, "He who is without
sin, cast the first stone...". For The Lord was The Last Sheep for Slaughter, or as John The Baptizer testified,
"The Lamb of God...". This was so that all animal sacrifice would stop and the consumption of beast, as an
offering to your God, as The Lord says, "I am come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood, and if ye cease not
offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not cease from you, even as it came to your fathers in
the wilderness, who lusted for flesh, and they eat to their content, and were filled with rottenness, and the plague
consumed them..." - The Gospel of The Holy Twelve. Let The Truth be known to you and so The Truth shall bare
witness to itself, as it was said, "I am one who testifies for myself; my other Witness is The Father, who sent Me..."
- John 8:18.
0:0:7. Concerning "Paradise" and The Promise you seek, let us shine some Light on this subject and reveal what
The Shadow of time has hidden from you, referring to Mary's Word, "There are seven Heavens, seven Earths and
seven Hells, and there are Worlds within Worlds, and Realms within Realms. All shall pass away, but The Supernal
Abode shall abide eternal. There is no end to Gods Word or Wisdom...". And so I ask you to consider the Truth
that there are seven Paradises, called 'First Heaven'. And Mary said, I was with The Risen Savior, and beheld The
Mother. In The First Heaven (Vilon & Tibel 'Paradise'), She was The Radiant Earth of Paradise. In The Second

Heaven (Rakiya), She was The Starry Night Sky. In The Third Heaven (Shehakim), She was a Great Fire. In The
Fourth Heaven (Zebul), She was The Great Angel and Celestial Temple, and The Holy Sacrifice. When I beheld
Her in The Fifth Heaven (Ma'on), She was The Glory of The Anointed abiding there, and in The Sixth Heaven
(Makom), She was Fire and Ice and The End-Of-Days. In The Seventh Heaven (Arobat), She was The Great
Luminous Assembly, and The Holy Throne, and Image of The One Who Sits Upon The Throne; but in The
Supernal Abode I cannot say what She was like. One must look and see for oneself...". Children of God... You
never left Paradise, for as I said before, "He was a liar from The Beginning..." - Kryst. Just as Adam and Eve, you
too have been deceived by a bitter "Cup of Forgetfulness...". Contemplate, what did you forget? All of The Truth
which The Lord exposed against The Rulers and Kings can be found in every Book referenced in this Book of I
Am. Paradise is yet only a matter of Perception, Conception and Memory. For as Above, so Below. We are a
reflection of All Creation, this is The Divinity of Man. Man is Most Significant Sons & Daughters of The Living
God! All that is learned about The Heavens Above, The Without, reflect in The Heavens Below, The Within. Thus
we have our Inner Barbelo; The Forethought that leads all other Thoughts. We are given Male and Female
Thought; our Inner-Seth and Outer-Sophia. The Spirit and The Soul. Seth is intuition. Seth is The ForeThought,
The Masculine Mind of The Heavenly Father of Order. Alpha. He is The One whom is always of The Right; The
Good and tells us first, Alpha. Sophia is The AfterThought, The Feminine Mind of The Heavenly Mother of Chaos.
Omega. Sophia finds Her answers creatively, using the tool of Imagination, taking in all aspects and percieving all
outcomes. Thus is "the logic" of Man, The Feminine Mind. As Mary Magdelene, The Wife of Kryst said, "Mary
said, 'Of what sort is that Mustard Seed? Is It something from Heaven or is It something from Earth?'. The Lord
said, 'When The Father established The Cosmos for Himself, He left much over from The Mother of The All.
Therefore, He speaks and He acts.'. Judas said, 'You have told us this out of The Mind of Truth. When we pray,
how should we pray?' The Lord said, 'Pray in the place where there is no Woman.'. Matthew said, 'Pray in the
place where there is no Woman.', He tells us, meaning 'Destroy The Works of Womanhood,' not because there is
any other manner of birth, but because they will cease giving birth.'. Mary said, 'They will never be
obliterated...'". And so you cannot destroy The Chaos, no, not per say; The Key to Inner Peace, that is "Shalom",
is to bring these Two, The Alpha and Omega within, to agree with one another. To allow your Intuition to guide
your creative flow by submitting to The Flow of Life. Know, from Adam to Noah; Noah to Abraham; Abraham to
David and David to Kryst; all of these stories became manifest in The Great Matrix of Life, becoming factual, so
that you could read and discern in regards to yourself. That is, your own Pleroma, which is The Kingdom within
each of you! As Mary, who is now revealed to you as The Kali Kallah Messiah, The Female Incarnation of Sophia
has revealed, You cannot destroy The Evil Inclination, but if you bring it into The Service of The Good it will no
longer be Evil. When The Saint receives The Anointed it is Good, but when The Sinner receives The Anointed it is
Better, for entering into The Light The Sinner is more powerful than The Saint.... And so Let The Woman be
raised and an observe The Commandment of The Lord, "Make yourselves not Above, nor Below any Man, but
Equal to...", for this is Most Pleasing to The Father of All, equality amongst All Humanity. Therefore, consider
The Lives before you in The Gospels, which became stories, and these stories which became metaphors as a guide
for you to reflect on and come to know thyself, as they all have their place in your Kingdoms Within. For when you
empty your Cup, you will be filled again! This is the emptying of The Field of your Mind and the abolishment of
conviction. Your Mind is Divine in Supernal Thought, so understanding that your Body has no baring on The
Mind of Kryst, for as The Lord said, "The Lamp of The Body is the Mind. As long as the things inside you are set in
order, that is, your Mind, your Bodies are luminous...". We are all Gardeners to our own Minds, which is our own
Inner Pleromas, so I urge you to become a Constant Gardener. We are Thought cultivators and hidden within all of
these ancient Holy Books, which are alive in Word is a recipe for creating your own Inner Kingdoms. The
Luminary Lights are given to us as a foundation to build our Inner Kingdom upon. For in The First Light
Harmoz'El, we work to Cultivate Grace, Truth and Form. In The Second Light Ori'El, we work to Cultivate
Conception, Perception and Memory. In The Third Light of Davaithai, we work to Cultivate Understanding, Love
and Supernal Idea. In The Fourth Light El'Eleth, we work to Cultivate Prudence, Peace and Perfection, thus we
embody The Divine Holy Incarnation of Yo'El, The Fifth Light of Heaven and The Masculine Mind of Barbeleon,
or what is given as an Inheritance of Life, "KaRaYaSaTaHaLa", The Krysm of Life. Faith and Hope becoming

your Left and Right feet. Grace and Peace, that is, Shalom, becoming your Left and Right Hand. Perfect Love
embodied in your Heart, that is, your Bridal Chamber, or The Holy of Holies, better known as The Treasury of
Light. This all is embodied and empowered by The Divine Mind of Kryst, which is gained through The Perfect
Teaching of Kryst, The Savior, through The Form of Divine Gnosis; The Living Word of God Most High. These
Four Lights contains The Twelve Savior Powers that surround The Logos in The Kingdom of Light, where He is
know as Father and Lord. Therefore I say unto you, plant The Holy Five Trees in your Inner Pleroma, and Let
Eden thrive within your Garden and become that large Tree The Lord spoke of when He said, "The Kingdom of
Heaven is like a Head of Grain that sprouted in a Field. And when it was Ripe, it scattered it's Seed, and again it
Filled The Field with Heads of Grain for another year. So with you, be eager to Harvest for yourselves a Head of
The Grain of Life that you may be Filled with The Kingdom...". Thus leading us to The Ascension and
refreshment in Life, creating The Perfected Man. The Second Adam and Second Eve of Masculine Mind. It as The
Lord says, "The Mind is The Back Door that the Archons don't know about, and The Good Shepherd stands
waiting at The Door..." - The Good Shepherd
0:0:8. Remember, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and all around you, but you do not see it...". Just as
Adam was blind to His own Divinity from The Beginning, so too was He blind when He stood beside The Lord,
and at His feet on The Cross. "But when our father Adam and Eve, went out of The Garden, they walked the
ground on their feet, not knowing they were walking. And when they came to the opening of the gate of The
Garden, and saw the broad Earth spread before them, covered with stones large and small, and with sand, they
feared and trembled, and fell on their faces, from the fear that came over them; and they were as dead. Whereas
until this time they had been in The Garden land, beautifully planted with all manner of trees, they now saw
themselves, in a strange land, which they knew not, and had never seen. And because, when they were in The
Garden they were filled with The Grace of a bright nature, and they had not hearts turned toward Earthly things.
Therefore God had pity on them; and when He saw them fallen before the gate of The Garden, He sent His Word
to our Father, Adam and Eve, and raised them from their fallen state. Concerning The Promise of The Great Five
and A Half Days. God said to Adam, 'I have ordained on this Earth days and years, and you and your descendants
shall live and walk in them, until the days and years are fulfilled; when I shall send The Word that created you, and
against which you have transgressed, The Word that made you come out of The Garden, and that raised you when
you were fallen. Yes,The Word that will again save you when The Five and A Half Days are fulfilled.'. But when
Adam heard these words from God, and of The Great Five and A Half days, He did not understand the meaning of
them. For Adam was thinking there would be only Five and A Half Days for Him until The End of The World. And
Adam cried, and prayed to God to explain it to Him. Then God in His mercy for Adam who was made after His own
Image and Likeness, explained to Him, that these were 5,000 and 500 years; and how One would then come and
save Him and His Descendants. But before that, God had made this covenant with our Father, Adam, in the same
terms, before he came out of The Garden, when He was by The Tree where Eve took of The Fruit and gave it to
Him to eat...". And so I tell you that The Promise was fulfilled when Salvation was accomplished for Adam and His
Descendants upon The Cross, where Adam bore witness as James. "For you are not The Body, but you are The
Spirit..." - Yahshua. The Disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our
leader?". Jesus said to them, "No matter where you are, you are to go to James The Just, for whose sake Heaven
and Earth came into being...". And so I say to you, that His Brother, who was Adam, walked with The Lord and
fulfilled The Promise given unto Adam in The Beginning. This is why He said, "Woman, this is your Son. Brother,
this is your Mother...", as James "The Lesser". This is a Mystery reserved for The Elect who have Faith, and so I
ask you to believe me through the course of my discourse throughout this Book that The Holy Spirit within me has
uttered out of me as Living Word, displaying The Truth, when The Truth has been hidden from you. Concerning
The Rulers and Governors, when Judas said, "Behold! The Governors dwell above us, so it is they who will rule
over us!". The Lord said, "It is you who will rule over them! But when you rid yourselves of jealousy, then you will
clothe yourselves in Light and enter The Bridal Chamber...". Therefore, let us trample on their malicious intent
and put them to shame as it has been ordained, for Mankind came for The Repentance of all The Gods, Angels,

Arch-Angels and Demons alike, so that they may give reverence to The Image and The Likeness. Let us raise The
Image of Man!
- The Ascension of Kryst The Sophia The Light-Presence Krystos spoke, saying: I Am conceived in The Heart-Womb of The Virgin of Light, in The
Image of The Mother-Father, The Holy One, as The Perfect Thought of The Divine Mind; I Am The Human One
of Light, The Light-Presence and Light-power of Eheieh, The Image and Likeness of Yahweh Elohim, established
in The Midst of The Great Glory of Elohim Messiah is My Name, for I Am The Anointed of El Elyon, The First
Mystery. I Am come to Pistis Sophia, as to Myself, The Pleroma of Her Light-Power; I Am Krystos, The Logos and
The Sophia; Running and Returning, Descending and Ascending, Moving and Moving not, I have Come and I Am
Coming and I shall Come; and of this Divine I Am The Holy One has said, 'Blessed be Your going Out and
Coming in; Let there be Light!' And He-She Who-Sends-Me has called Me 'The Good'. I Am The Ancient of
Days and Eternal Youth; I Am The Living Father and The Divine Mother; I Am The Son and I Am The Daughter
The Immortals are in Me and I Am in Them, tThe Pleroma of Light is My Body of Glory, The Essence of The
Divine Mind My Body of Truth; The Light-Bearers My Body of Emanation. Before The Beginning and beyond The
End, I Am; and everywhere in The Midst, I Am from The Height to The Depth, to The East and West, South and
North, from The Secret Center, The First Mystery, I shine forth: I Am The Light of The Cross, The Great Seth is
My Name.
I go forth in The Light, and as The Light, and I enter in for The Fulfillment of Pistis Sophia, The Consummation of
the Great Cosmic Aeon; She who is My Twin, She who is My Soul, has called to Me, and I answered Her I have
joined with Her as A Single Image, and She gives birth to Me in The Entirety: The True Light shining forth
through Her, and we appear in The Great Matrix as The Holy Bride and Groom.nAs we have Descended, so we
have Ascended; gathering in The Holy Sparks of Divine Being. We have gone forth from The Pleroma of Light,
though remaining in it, and we passed down into The Great Matrix as The Divine Light shining in The
Immeasurable Darkness, a Light Seed in The Womb of The Great Mother, to which She has given birth from Her
Heart-Womb; and She has given birth to Herself in The Father. Entering into each Aeon and Dominion in The
Entirety, in The Body of Emanation We assumed The Appearance of Those who are The Rulers and Those who
dwell in Them, and entering into The Realms, Worlds and Universes of The Aeons We sought out Our Own; We
have come into The Dominions Above and Below, as The Lord and Lady of Initiation, The Revealer of Divine
Gnosis, Sophia-Logos.
The Light-Images of Kryst The Sophia and Kryst The Logos appeared in The Light-Presence beheld in The Mind
of The Apostle, The Anointed One appearing as our Lord and our Lady, yet remaining One Light-Presence. Kryst
The Sophia spoke in The Heart of The Apostle, saying, I was in The World and I sought My Beloved, knowing
Him in My Soul; and I went down into The Darkness and Chaos of Matter, wandering in The Exile of Hades and
Babylon, falling into The Spell of Forgetfulness, The Great Beast of Ignorance. I was bound and I was raped, and I
was beaten and I was slain; I went forth, opening The Way for My Beloved and invoking Him for The Salvation of
My Soul, which is The Soul of All-Worlds, The Fulfillment of My inmost Hearts Desire, The Enlightenment and
Liberation of all I Am. In The Midst of The Great Darkness I cried out to Him, and he came to me, and he raised
me up from Hades and brought me in from my exile in Babylon Whoredom; He entered and none could bind Him,
and He set My Spirit free. Then, as An Appearance, We met one another, and We walked in The World and dwelt
in The World; I Am My Beloved and He is Me The Anointed One of God. Of My Beloved I shall say.'He does not
walk with His feet on the ground, but as The Divine I Am He abides in The True Light, though He appears in The

The Holy Mother arranged Our Wedding, and She spoke The Word, initiating The Our Ministry in The World;
so, as The Holy Bride I anointed My Beloved, and set in motion The Great Gesture to establish The Continuum of
Light Transmission on Earth and in Heaven He was slain and He Arose in The Body of Glory, The Pleroma of
Light made manifest in The World and in The Heavens, everything being accomplished in a Supreme Mystery.
Anointing Him as The Priest-Ling for sacrifice, as The Daughter of The Great Mother, I received Him when He
came forth in The Resurrection, and He anointed Me with The Supernal Light and took Me into Himself The
Divine Rapture of The First Ascension. We went Out and came In, Ascending and Descending, Running and
Returning; He went up into Perfect Repose and I was set into Motion I Am Redeemed and I Am being
Redeemed, and I shall be Redeemed, and I Am The Anointed One Redeeming. Let those who have Ears, Listen
and Hear, and be Blessed with Understanding: In The Supernal Light We became as One Body of Light, The
Image of The Great Seth Within The Bridal Chamber as in The Beginning, and We passed down into The Depths
of Hades and rose up into The height of The Cosmic Sphere, passing beyond into The Aeon of Light, The eternal
Realm, sealing The Great Gesture. We assumed our Image as Enoch, The Initiate, and as Elijah, The Prophet; The
Image of The Great Angel of The Primordial Human Being; with The Glory of Messiah Melchizedek we went forth
by day, as The Image of The Risen Christ, Shin Tau.
When Kryst the Sophia had spoken this, there was a shift in The Light-Presence, and The Light- Image of Hua
appeared in The Mind of The Apostle; like flashing fire these Words were spoken: Listen and Hear! Eheieh I
Am, I Shall Be! With a Threefold Light, I stand in The Midst as The Holy Cross: The Divine Light shining into All
Realms, Worlds and Universes of The Entirety. As One and Many Light-emanations, I Am Within, yet ever
Beyond; I go forth and yet remain Within The Messiah is My Name. I Am The Light-power speaking in The True
Prophets, and I Am The Light-Presence indwelling The True Apostles I Am The Veil of The Virgin of Light,
which is Light and Fire and Infinite Glory: Look and See!
0:0:9. A Message from The Lord of Spirits so that you may find Hope to rest your hearts on: "I tore off from you
the bonds and broke the chains of The Underworld Demons, the same restraints that bound Me. I overthrew the
high walls of darkness, and I broke the secure gates of those pitiless ones and smashed their bars. And I spoke of
the evil force and the one who beats and harms you, the tyrant, the adversary, the king, and the real enemy. I
informed all who are Mine, who are Children of Light, how to nullify the enemies, be free of bonds, and return to
where they first were. I am The First who descended for my portion of what was left behind: The Spirit in The Soul,
which came from The Water of Life and The Immersion of The Mysteries. I spoke and The Archons and
Authorities spoke. I went under their language and spoke My Mysteries to My owna Hidden Mysteryand the
bonds and eternal oblivion were nullified. And I bore Fruit in them, The Thought of The Unchanging Eternal
Realm, and My House, and their Father. And I went down to those who were Mine from The First, and reached
them and broke the first strands that enslaved them. Then everyone in Me shone, and I made a pattern for those
Lights that are ineffably in Me. Amen..." - The Savior who won The Contest who has declared, "Blessed is The
One who shall eat with Me in The Kingdom of Heaven. You are The Salt of The Earth, you are The Lamp which
illuminates The World. Do not sleep nor slumber until you put on The Garment of The Kingdom, The One that I
bought with The Blood of The Grape..." - The Gospel of The Savior. And so The Truth has been made manifest
before you for the sake of all your redemption. This is The Book of The Dawning of The Third Day and The
Coming of The Lord. This is The Book meant to be given to The Children of Seth just as one inherits a dowry
upon their wedding day. This is The Book of The Consummation of The Spiritual and Immortal Race; The Day of
The Great Wedding Feast. The Lord indeed broke the bonds of The Archons and Rulers to put their Death to
shame when He arose from The Tomb of Man in The Body of Glory alive; ascending and descending; running and
returning through all of The Heavens and Realms of Chaos. For this reason He has been called Savior and
Redeemer as this is the nature of The Work He must do, the remission of sins unto perfection, "I forgive and will
forgive; for this cause, therefore, hath The First Mystery sent Me, that I may forgive every one his sins..." - The

Gospel of Pistis Sophia. It was there in The Eight Heaven, 'The Kingdom of Heaven', in The Midst of The Great
Luminous Assembly that The Savior spoke The Vow, saying, "I shall abide in the repose of My Secret Center, my
Beloved; yet shall I remain in motion, continuing to incarnate in a womans form until the time of The Second
Coming, when The Divine Revelation is complete. Many are they in male form who realize this enlightenment of
Supernal Consciousness, but few are they in female for, as yet, save among The Divinities; thus I shall run and
return for the redemption of all Humanity, and I shall await my reception in Humankind, when all is accomplished
on Earth..." - The Risen Kryst-Sophia. Again, listen and hear what The Lord has said, "Now, I have come the
second time in The Likeness of a female and have spoken with them. And I shall tell them of The Coming End of
this Realm and teach them of The Beginning of The Eternal Realm to come, the one without change, the one in
which our appearance will be changed..." - Seth
- The Books of IEOU "Again you will pass in to their Interior to the Rank of The Veils which are drawn before The Great Ruler King of
The Treasury of The Light. They will give to you Their Great Mystery and Their Seal and The Great Name of The
Treasury of The Light. And they will be drawn back until you cross over and pass into them, until you reach The
Great Man, He who is The Ruler King of this whole Treasury of The Light, whose Name is Jeu. When you reach
that place He will see that you have performed The Mystery of The whole Treasury of the Light, and The Mystery of
The Forgiveness of Sins, and it's Defenses and it's Incense which you have offered, and all it's works. And you
have fulfilled all The Injunctions of The Mystery and all it's works. Then Jeu, The Father of The Treasury of The
Light, will rejoice over you. Moreover He will also give to you His Mystery and His Seal and The Great Name of
The Treasury of The Light. Again you will go to the place of The Great Light which surrounds The whole Treasury
of The Light and All those within it. When you go to that place however, Jeu is again in that place, but He, The
Great Light, will give to you His Mystery and His Seal and The Great Name of The Treasury of The Light. Again
you will go in to it's Interior through The Gates of The Treasury of The Light, which is The Second Treasury of
The Light. When you reach to The Watchers of The Gates of that second treasury, say The Mystery and it's
Defenses. And when The Watchers open The Gates of The second Treasury of The Light for you, you will go in to
their Interior to The Rank of The Triple-Powered Ones of 5he light. These are Their Names: ***. Now these are
The Names of The Triple-Powered Ones of The Light of The Second Treasury of The Light. Again when you reach
The Rank of those Triple-Powered Ones of Light, They also will give to you Their Great Mystery of The Second
Treasury of The Light and Their Seal and The Great Name of The Second Treasury of The Light. Again you will go
in to Their Interior to The Rank of The Twelfth Rank of The Twelfth Great Power of The Emanations of The True
God who has emanated Them. When you reach that Rank, say The Mystery of The Forgiveness of Sins and it's
Defenses. Moreover they that belong to that Rank will also give to you their Great Mystery and Their Great
Defenses and Their Seal. Moreover they also are of that Rank which are The Twelve Powers of The True God;
these are Their True Names. But there are Twelve Heads in that Rank. These now are The Names of that Rank:
************. These now are their True Names. These now will stand alone in their place, and they call upon
The True God with these Names, saying: 'Hear us, our Father, Thou Father of all Fatherhoods, Thou Father of All
Fatherhoods, because the whole which came forth from Alpha will return to Omega when the completion of all
completions takes place. We now call upon these Imperishable Names, so that Thou should send forth this Great
Light-Power to follow these Twelve Incomprehensible Ones, who are The Twelve Disciples, since they have
received The Mystery of The Forgiveness of Sins. Because of this indeed they are not restrained from approaching
The Treasury of The Light. Now immediately when they had called upon these Names, crying out to The True
God, He, The True God sent forth a Great Power whose Name is this: Jeu (IEOU)..." - The Great Man.

0:0:0:0. Who then is this Voice of reason that calls out from The Silence of Silence, from the deepest depths of
our Pleroma, yet we do not declare His Great Name? Come to know yourself and you will know that a Perfect Altar
has Three, and so you should strive to be as such in regards to your own Temple. Concerning The Fullness, it is I.
I was sent down in The Body for The Seed that had fallen away. And I came down to their mortal model. But they
did not recognize Me, thinking I was a mortal. I spoke with the one who is Mine, and the one who is Mine listened
to Me just as you also who have listened to Me today. And I gave him authority to enter into The Inheritance of his
Fatherhood...". Save yourselves then and become a Savior to the many by giving those in need The True Food of
Bread and The True Drink of Wine that will clothe The Naked with The True Garments of Life, "For you are not
The Redeemer nor a helper of strangers. You are an Illuminator and a Redeemer of those who are Mine, and now
of those who are yours. You shall reveal to them; you shall bring good among them all..." - Yahshua, The
Compassionate and Tender Hearted. And if for some reason you become troubled in your seeking for Truth, then
know that all things are revealed in time, therefore you will find. Be confident in your God and have Faith, which
leads to Wisdom, which leads to Life Eternal and do not doubt. For when Mary doubted, The Savior said, "O thou
of little Faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? If I have told you Earthly things and you believe not, how shall you
believe the Heavenly things?" - Greater Questions of Mary. And do not let your Heart be troubled, nor envious of
what is known to others, or what is not known to you, as The Savior said, "But is someone making progress in The
Word? Do not be hindered by this; do not say: 'Why does he speak while I do not?', for what he says is also yours,
and that which discerns The Word and that which speaks The Word is The same Power...". I will see you then my
Brothers and Sisters in Spirit on The Day of 'Be With Us'. May Faith and Wisdom lead you to Eternal Life
through The One Truth that is The One Love, He who is The One God of All. "Behold, I have revealed to you The
Name of The Perfect One, The Whole Will of The Mother of The Holy Angels, that The Masculine Multitude may
be completed here, that there might appear in The Aeons, The Infinities and those that came to be in The
Untraceable Wealth of The Great Invisible Spirit, that they all might take from His Goodness, even The Wealth of
their Rest that has no kingdom over it. I came from First Who Was Sent, that I might reveal to you Him Who Is
from The Beginning, because of the arrogance of Arch-Begetter and his Angels, since they say about themselves
that they are Gods. And I came to remove them from their blindness, that I might tell everyone about The God who
is Above The Universe. Therefore, tread upon their graves, humiliate their malicious intent, and break their yoke
and arouse My own. I have given you authority over all things as Sons of Light, that you might tread upon their
power with your feet..." - The Son of God, who has degreed unto The Earth and The Heavens, "I Am Kryst, The
Man Son, The One from you who is in you. I am despised for your sake, in order that you yourselves may forget
what is subject to change. And do not become female, lest you give birth to evil and its brothers: jealousy and
division, anger and wrath, fear and a divided heart, and empty, nonexistent desire. But I am an Ineffable Mystery to
you...". Hallelujah unto The Son, who is The Father Most High!
- The Gospel of Truth "The Name of The Father is The Son. It is He who, in The Beginning, gave a Name to Him who came from Him,
while He remained the same, and He conceived Him as a Son. He gave Him His Name, which belonged to Him
He, The Father, who possesses everything that exists around Him. He possesses The Name; He has The Son. It is
possible for The Son to be seen. The Name, however, is invisible, for it alone is The Mystery of The Invisible about
to come to ears completely Filled with it through The Fathers agency. Moreover, as for The Father, His Name is
not pronounced but is revealed through a Son. Thus, then, The Name is Great. Who, then, has been able to
pronounce a Name for Him, this Great Name, except Him alone to whom The Name belongs and The Children of
The Name, in whom The Name of The Father is at Rest, and who themselves in turn are at rest in His Name, since
The Father has no beginning? It is He alone who conceived it for Himself as a Name, in The Beginning before He
had created The Eternal Beings, that The Name of The Father should be supreme over themthat is, The True
Name, which is secure by His Authority and by His Perfect Power. For The Name is not drawn from lexicons, nor is

His Name derived from common name-giving. It is invisible. The Father alone gave The Son a Name, because He
alone saw Him and because He alone was capable of giving Him a Name. For He who does not exist has no name.
For what name would one give him who did not exist? Nevertheless, He who exists, exists also with His Name, and
He alone knows it, and to Him alone The Father gave a Name. He is The Father, His Name is The Son. He did not,
therefore, keep it secretly hidden, but it came into existence, and The Son Himself disclosed The Name. The
Name, then, is that of The Father, just as The Name of The Father is The Beloved Son. For otherwise, where would
He find a Name except from The Father? But someone will probably say to a friend, Who would give a name to
someone who existed before himself, as if, indeed, children did not receive their name from one of those who gave
them birth?. Above all, then, it is fitting for us to think this point over: what is The Name? This is The True Name,
The Name that came from The Father, for it is He who owns The Name. He did not, you see, get The Name on
loan, as in the case of others, who receive names that are made up. This is The Proper Name. There is no one else
to whom He has given it. It remained unnamed, unuttered, till the moment when He who is perfect pronounced it
Himself; and it was He alone who was able to pronounce His Name and to see it. When it pleased The Father, then,
that His Son should be His pronounced Name, and when He who has come from The Depth disclosed this Name,
He divulged what was Hidden, because He knew that The Father was absolute Goodness. For this reason, indeed,
The Father brought this particular One forth, that He might speak concerning The Realm and His Place of Rest
from which He had come forth, and that He might glorify The Fullness, The Greatness of His Name and The
Sweetness of The Father..." - Seth.
Be wise and remember you Children of Seth, that "The God" of Moses was often found "In The Darkness...",
according to "The Friend" of God's own testimony, recorded throughout all of his writings. I do not judge, for
these are not my own Words, but they are The Words of The Lord, as well as all of The Revelations declared in this
Holy Book. Do not hate me, nor begrudge me, nor have malice against me in your heart. For to accuse me of The
Testimony which The Holy Spirit has given me, a humble Messenger of The Lord, is to accuse The Holy Spirit that
resides within me as Supernal Thought; The Divine I Am. And so I say unto you, do not kill The Messenger for his
Message, for I have been given authority to say these things in which I have spoken in this Declaration of Truth.
You should know that The Messenger of The Truth speaks directly to The King and so you should be patient with
The Messenger, as this is to be patient with The King. I have not sinned, therefore The Father has restored me.
This is a Living Testament to The Living One God of All. I bare a Great Name, "The Gift of Kryst is Love". I am
who I am. I am what I am. I am he who has seen. I am The Thirteenth One containing The Thirteenth Power within.
I am a Witness unto God. I am a Witness to He who is The Truth and so I bring forward The Truth as it was given
unto me, fulfilling The Prophecy spoken by The Lord, "Then, in this Aeon, which is The Psychic one, The Man
will come into being who knows The Great Power. He will receive Me and he will know Me. He will drink from The
Milk of The Mother, in fact. He will speak in parables; he will proclaim The Aeon that is to come, just as he spoke
in The First Aeon of The Flesh, as Noah..." - The Son of First Perfected Man, "Jesus Christ". May Life and Light
be with you all forever and always may The Sound of The Heavenly One resonate within you through The Name of
The Great Seth, The Kryst. Amen.
Blessings upon The One who keeps the sayings upon this Book of Truth, which is this: Worship The Father of All.
"Abide in My Word and I will give to you Eternal Life. And I will send you powers. And I will strengthen you with
Spirits of Power, and I will give you authority as you will, and no one will prevent you in what you wish. And you
will beget for yourselves Aeons and Worlds and Heavens, so that The Intelligible Spirits come and dwell in them.
And you will become Gods, and you will know that you are from God, and you will see Him, that He is God within
you, And He will dwell in your Aeon..." - The Only-Begotten Son of God, The Great Setheus.

"Rest then with Me, My fellow Spirits and My Brothers and Sisters, forever..." - The Great Seth
He who wore The Holy Garments of Yahshua, "Jesus Christ" -

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