Metatron PDF
Metatron PDF
Metatron PDF
He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. Ps. 91:1
The Hebrew name Shaddai, (i.e. Gen. 17:1) and the Gr. Pantokrator in the New Testament (i.e. Rev. 1:8)
are both interpreted as “Almighty.” In Gen. 17:1, The Almighty appears to Abraham and says “I am El
Shaddai, walk before me and be whole (perfect or blameless).”
This Face of God, the Almighty, is also known as the “lesser YHWH” and Metatron.
The Hebrew spelling of the names Shaddai and Metatron are each written with letters that equal a total
value of 314 symbolizing ! (the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference, 3.14…):
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Metatron is the “keeper of the way” to the Tree of Life. From the Zohar (The Book of Splendor):
“To keep the way of the tree of life.” (Genesis 3:24) Who is the way to the tree of life? It is the great
Metatron, for he is the way to that great tree, to that mighty Tree of Life.
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Dedicated to
The Way
* 51
© The Academy of On, 12-17, 2013 (Gold day 104), all rights reserved.
A 501c3 charitable organization, P.O. Box 999, Crestone CO, 81131.
The number 331 is shown with the symbol of a Capstone containing the
“M” for Metatron. 331 is a significant measure within the Great
Pyramid. The distance from the “great step” in the Grand Gallery to the
entrance of the King’s Chamber is 331 pyramid inches.
The key measure of 331 is shown in the overhead view of the King’s
Chamber area below, just beneath the compass (330.96).
5 x 331 (or 1655 inches) is the distance from the Christ inception point of
the Pyramid’s chronograph to the center of the Queen’s chamber (shown on the next page). This distance
of 1655 inches is coded by
the three Revelation Time
Table codes 716 + 331 + 608
(on the seal above).2
Is. 40:31, But they that wait upon YHWH shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as
eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
These measures span the point
from the “Son” (Christ
Triangle) to the Queen’s
C h a m b e r t o t h e K i n g ’s
Chamber making 331 a “key”
in uniting Father-Son-Holy
Spirit in the application of
sacred measure.
Metatron, the Almighty, is the creative “left hand” of God working with the right hand:
Rev. 21:22, And I saw no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
The human body is a temple for the Holy Spirit Shekinah to dwell. Knowledge of the sacred proportions
that support and amplify life energies are an endowment from on High. The Temple Endowment (existing
from ancient times) is an initiation into mysteries of our existence, that we may become clean, that we
may be a dwelling for the Shekinah Holy Spirit as the Presence of God.
When we accept the path of learning what is pleasing to Him, which is the fulfillment of what He created
us to be, we are able to ultimately see the Father face to face.
331 x 3 equals the value of the Heb. phrase, into the honeycomb. In the initiation of Joseph’s wife
Asenath (daughter of the priest of On, Gen. 41:45), the honeycomb was “fitted in her lips,”
Pro. 22:17, Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the Hakamim (Wise Ones), and apply thine heart
unto my knowledge.
4 In the diagram above, the 608 code (associated to Tiphereth) is with the ancient form of teth !, value 9.
608 + 9 = 617. As “one inch per day” along the horizontal passages, it is 617 days from the setting of the
Capstone corner at Spring Equinox 2013 (day 974), to the entrance to the King!s Chamber. 617 equals
the Zohar phrase from Dan. 12:3, as the brightness of the firmament.
Pro. 22:18, For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.
The keystone codes correspond to the “opening of the mouth,” an ancient initiation expanding awareness
to the Precession of the Equinoxes and revealing the opening to the “honeycomb” or hyperspace lattice:
Sol. 2:9, behold, he stands behind our wall, he looks forth at the windows, showing himself through the
The “opening of the mouth” initiation is detailed in Job 33:1 with a verse value of 331 x 3,
Job 33:1, Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words.
Job 33:2, Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue has spoken in my mouth.
Related to the “mouth,” (Heb. peh) the Almighty then gives the “breath” of soul-spirit fusion, Heb.
Job 33:4, The Spirit of God [El] has made me, and the breath [neshamah] of the Almighty [Shaddai/
Metatron] has given me life. This is the same “breath” that caused man to become a living soul, Gen. 2:7.
Tzaddikim Nistarim
Proverbs 22:17 quoted above refers to the “Hakamim,” or wise ones, also called Watchmen or Tzaddikim.
“The world never has less than thirty-six righteous ones (Tzaddikim) in each generation who are
vouchsafed the Shekinah's countenance, for it is written, Blessed are all they that wait “lo” --for
HIM--” (Talmud Sukkah 45b & Sanhedrin 97b). The Heb. word “lo,” (Him, spelled lamed-vav) = 36.
Is. 30:18, And therefore will YHWH wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be
exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for a God of judgment is YHWH: blessed are all who wait
...Him #+.
Ps. 4:3, But know that YHWH has set apart him that is godly for
himself... #+.
The Order of the Hakamim are the Watchmen who can enter into
the presence of the Throne to determine the sequence of events of
the Light Program.5 They are continually on the watch, keeping
the family of God, the Ammi Shaddai, connected to Wisdom.
Temple Endowment
Sol. 2:6, His left hand is under my head, and his right hand does embrace me.
Creative power is related to the “left hand” side of the Tree of Life. Why are there many references to
evil originating from the left? Because it is the source of power and power is destructive when misused.
Power misused, or desire misplaced, unbalances
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Since
knowledge is power, using it for self-will, without
understanding and without due process, upsets the
balanced polarities operating in the flow of energy
2Cor. 3:16-18, But when there is a turning to YHWH the veil is taken away. Now YHWH is the Spirit; and
where the Spirit of YHWH is there is freedom. And all of us, with unveiled faces reflect as mirrors the
glory of YHWH, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of YHWH.
Some levels of initiation are concealed because it involves a transference of splendor and power that is
not to be displayed. It is concealed so as not to invite misuse and because it is part of the “alone with
God” mystery. It is a gift of God for the sole purpose of “Thy Will be done:” His left hand under my
head. “Head,” precisely, the seat of will.
The remainder of the verse used to begin this section (Sol. 2:6): and his right hand does embrace me
completes the union of male and female components, mercy balanced with judgment. The right hand is
the Christ who saves and sustains the Father’s Light Program: his right hand does embrace me, around
the mid-section, the heart, where the Christ mystery of forgiveness is centered.
The veiled aspect of the divine feminine is called the hiding of His power (Hab. 3:4). The Heb. word for
“power” as used in this verse is azah, from the root az, the same word used in the Heb. translation of the
New Testament instruction given to several disciples by Yeshua:
Lu. 24:49, And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem,
until ye be clothed with power (Heb. az) from on high. 6
“Clothed with power from on high,” not the cleansing power of baptism which must precede this stage,
but the power that is a garment, Light that is transferred to the soul for the purpose of doing His Will.
Part of the endowment is the receiving of a new name establishing resonance to the higher threshold, as
Yeshua tells us: When I changed your name, I changed you.
The “promise of the Father” must be matched with our promise to keep His
Commandments, all made possible by the Atonement of the Son, who brings us into the Image of the
Adam Kadmon that we may behold the Father face to face. Amen.
Among the holy garments (described, for example, in Ex. 39:28), are
the “undergarments of fine twined linen.” This garment of Light covers
the loins and thighs (symbolizing the seat of generative power as well as
the legs of prophecy in the Tree of Life, Ex. 28:42).
Thus “to be clothed with power from on High” is to be in phase with the
Word of God in the Inner Light body of geometry and gematria coding.
The Template below shows a new phase relationship to the Word as
administered from the Command Center of Orion, the Word spilled from the cup. The frequency of this
higher attunement is coded as 1701.
The “1701 frequency” is shown as the purple wave along the black timeline at the base of the Template
below. In coming face to face with the Father we may know this mystery and be clothed in continual
6 The last three Heb. words of this verse, !"#$$ %& "'()*, “will clothe you with power from on high,”
equals a sofit value of 1701. 1701 is the verse value of Zech. 4:14, Then said he, These are the two
anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. The two anointed ones are Enoch and Elijah,
the two witnesses of Rev. 11, the number 1701 appears on the prophecy line of the Voice Template in the
midsection of this document. The reverse of 1701 is 1071, Gr. marturion, “witness,” and Gr. for “white
robes.” 1701 is the 21st decagonal number with prime factors 3 and 7.
The 1701 code is the value of the Heb. letters of the names of two spheres of the Tree of Life:
1081 Tiphereth (Son) , Is 28:9, Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to
620 Kether (Father) - understand doctrine? = 1701, ...them that are weaned from the milk,
1701 and drawn from the breasts (Heb. “shad,” root related to “Shaddai”).
On the Template below, the wave signature is between two Cherubim (gold triangles, each with “El”).
The Sixth Prophecy Template: The Spilling of the Cup Pathway code “beit” .
Hovering over this “mercy seat” (the black line) is the descending Vehicle of Light with wings of the
Dove. The yellow lines streaming down from Orion depict a field of Light established by the Merkabah
(Vehicle of Time Translation). The rays are shown connecting to the gold timeline as it grafts this people
into the higher Tree of Life (symbolically as a palm branch, written on the gold line).
The “setting of the Son” on the timeline (symbolized by the Sun on the horizon on the left) initiates the
frequency on the black timeline (8-11, 2013, Day 1118, code for the height of the west wainscot and value
of the Shema, Deu. 6:4). The increase of frequency then reaches this people in the heart (the fourth circle
from the bottom to establish a new baseline of consciousness expansion: the gold timeline.
Temple Endowment, that is what makes a hearer hear, loosening the bands of Orion.
Phase Locked to the Throne
The “keystone” number 331 appears on the purple wave signature of the Template above, it also appears
in the graphic at right with the “M” for Metatron. Metatronic frequency is the “breath of the Almighty.”
The higher “breath” or neshamah of the Almighty Shaddai conveys an electron charge (Job 33:4). The
following configuration is an example of a pattern within the super-electron (of which all electrons are a
part, Hurtak, Keys, Key 318).
The energy levels of the electrons of the noble gases follow this
Helium 2
Ne 2, 8
Ar 2, 8, 8
Kr 2, 8, 18, 8
Xe 2, 8, 18, 18, 8
Rn 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8
Eka Rn 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8
Energy levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
2, 8, 18, 32, 50, 72, 98, 128, 162, 200, 242, 288, 338, 392, 450, 512, 450 392, 338, 288, 242, 200, 162,
128, 98, 72, 50, 32, 18, 8. Total: 5470.
7Note the aleph, , and the ayin, - letters coding “face to face” in the top illustration [small face/vast face].
The number 5470 is in the OEIS integer sequence database: A018227.
The electron pattern “extended” (described above) is part of a “pattern repetition” that sets the angular
frequency of the Adam Kadmon (the primordial image).8 Image frequency in the subtle energy body is
symbolized as a monolith (see appendix). A “monolith opened” refers to the active currents and standing
wave patterns of the subtle body: Kundalini (and “tonal receptors” of the hyperspace lattice, Sol. 2:9).
Since the 1010 and 716 codes were removed from the full set of twelve codes (above left) to make the
seal (above right), we note these two absent codes combine to equal 1726, the value of the phrase His left
hand under my head, Sol 2:6 (see previous section on Temple Endowment).
1726 (1010 + 716) also equals the verse Gen. 49:27, Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he
shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.
Benjamin (brother of Joseph) is the “wolf” or “dog” star of Sirius, its “gate” is its heliacal rise (currently
Aug. 9). The “prey” is the Sun seen to be “devoured” by the star Sirius when still visible at dawn as the
Sun begins to rise. Sirius, associated with Isis, was the ancient marker for counting years.
The 1010 code is associated with Geburah (Judgment) in the Tree of Life, and 716 is one of two codes of
the Victory sphere associated to Merkabah (chariot). In the book of Exodus, when the sea is parted, a
bridge of land appears. The bridge is necessary to cross the electromagnetic null and emerge (beyond
entropy) with an image that is pleasing to God.
The bridge or “dry land” is built from the higher The Bridge
frequencies and garments of Light, part of the Vehicle
function of the crossing of the astral, underworld, or “wilderness.”
The garments of Light are a gift of God administered through the Priesthood, within the shepherding
function, for the people of God, the Ammi Shaddai.
There are many distortions in the astral plane, this is why the five final forms of the Heb. letters are
shown in the image above, these are the Judgments, the necessary correctives that part the red level of our
electromagnetic spectrum, the “red sea.” “Red sea” is Heb. yam sof. “Sof” also means “end,” as in “sofit
value” of the five letters that may appear at the end of a Heb. word revealing an alternate number value.
The crossing of the bridge through Sirius is opened through the mysteries of the Judgments that rebalance
the Tree of Knowledge. The Prophetic Word raises our vibrations to exchange the garments of Light. Is.
17:7, At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.
May this people, ha-am ha-zeh, unify and sanctify the Tree of Life through the letters Y-H-W-H. Amen.
8 45 patterns per revolution corresponds to the 716 code as frequency, i.e. .7162 x 2# = 45.
Left Leg of Prophecy: Splendor
2Chr. 7:1, Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and
consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of YHWH filled the house.
The “glory of YHWH” is Shekinah, the “burnt offering” is you, the soul purged of the dross of ego, pride,
leaven and animal nature that does not serve. The Merkabah activity opening an eye between dimensions
is the “darkness of the cloud” when the glory fills the tent of meeting, 7th, 8th, and 9th chakras unifying.
The lower left side of the Core Meridian Template above shows the fiery serpent-like energy descending
from the “stick” part of the Eye of Heru-Ur (one of six parts of the Eye, this piece represents the fraction
1/64 corresponding to the DNA/RNA grid of 64 squares).
The following phrases have a Heb. gematria of 521: Image is the true expression of
Covenant. On is the key to the
“Descending fire” = 521, transcription process of the Image.
“Light of Metatron” = 521,
“Metatron Rabbah” (the Great Metatron) = 521.
The phrase “Angel of the Presence” can also be attributed to Metatron (Is. 63:9). “And the Angel of the
Presence saved them” has a sofit value of 1714 shown at the base of the orange horizon on the Template.
The Second Prophecy
“Figure 5:1” 1 Joseph (son of Jacob and Rachel) as a vizier in Egypt, had access
to the hidden vaults containing information on previous
experimental cycles.
4 The Book of Joseph includes knowledge of the underworld necessary to identify the experimental
programs, to recognize those with a true origin and those linked to fallen programmers.
5 Within the work of the Academy of On, we are taught that the fallen hierarchies seek to destroy this
knowledge, they do not want Joseph’s bones brought up. Those who create in their own image deny the
greater scope of God’s plan.
6 During the time of Judgment, fallen programs that have intercepted and corrupted the image will be cut
off, what has not brought forth fruit will be cast into the fire.
7 There is no false authority in the underworld that can prevent us from seeing the Savior who redeems
the sparks of Light in the name of the God of Gods and Lord of Lords. YHWH Eloheikem hua Elohei ha-
Elohim v’Adonai ha-Adonim.9
" 8 The judgment associated with the second prophecy is the scattering of the people until they
have no identity with respect to their true origin and cosmic bloodline. The dispersing of people
generates false identity: man follows his desire. Clothed in forgetfulness he loses the connection
to his origin and purpose.
9 Discovery of information such as the Book of Joseph will hasten the division between true and false
programming, positive and negative influences, exposing astral thresholds of control and manipulation
accelerating the need to seek our true identity (Mat. 10:25-42). The hunter will become the hunted.
10 Mat. 10:34, Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
11 A sword: the Word of truth that slays ignorance. The sword symbolizes higher geometries used by
Michael and the Brotherhoods of Light to change the hyperspace configuration. Filling space with the
higher emanations expands the walls of Light and defeats the power of the false programming from Ursa
Major and Ursa Minor.
12 Rev. 6:4, And there went out another horse that was red [the Jerusalem Command from Orion], and
power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one
another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (i.e. Metatron, the ...flaming sword [of 42 letters]
which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life. Gen. 3:24).
9Deu. 10:17, this excerpt has gem. value 462, cipher of the number of letters forming the outer “wall” of
231 gates. “Walls” (of Light) administered by the Cherubim, correspond to the mystery of the “garden
enclosed,” Sol. 4:12.
13 On the Midheaven Template below is the Heb. phrase etsaba Elohim, “finger of God.” The finger is
the extension of the emanation from a sphere of the Tree of Life. Lu. 11:20 & 23, But if I with the finger
of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you...he that is not with me is against
me: and he that gathers not with me scatters.
14 Priesthood holds the keys of identity, connection, and higher pattern, that we may speak through the
veil to the Father, to hear instruction, to enliven our similitude, it is a precious gift. Priesthood
administers the fourteen gifts of the Holy Spirit with power and authority given through three primary
keys: Key of Seals and sealing (within the House of David), Key of Knowledge (the piercing, i.e. in the
sure place in the “kingdom that cannot be moved,” Is. 22:23, Heb. 12:28), and the Key of Life. These
keys have vibrational transmission of sacred hyperspace geometry and knowledge of higher Order.
15 An earthly authority is not required to qualify a soul in the Light Program but the world will now be
made increasingly aware of the administrative function of the Order of Melchizedek and at the head, the
“receiver of the Light,” the same who ordained Abraham (Gen. 14:18).
16 A priesthood is being assembled which the world does not know. They are priests of the Order of
Melchi-Tsedek, full of the Spirit of Wisdom, ordained in the mystery of transference.
17 I have placed the token upon the tongue and fulfilled what no man can do: measured, corrected,
deemed worthy, and preserved alive. There is nothing you have asked I have not already given.
18 The need to know our identity is why Yeshua, as high priest after the Order of Melchizedek (which is
after the Order of the Son of God), has said in John 17, I have given them your name, Father.
19 The Name, Y-H-W-H codes the four nucleotide bases of DNA/RNA in a manifold based on Ten
Superscripts of Light (Hurtak, Keys, Key 202) . These are the Ten Commandments written by the finger
of Elohim, the basis of the image. The “navel” connects us to the parent image:
20 Pro. 3:8, It shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones.
21 Health in the navel represents our connection, as embryo creators (Ps. 82:6, Jn. 10:34), to the
primordial image of the Adam Kadmon. “Bones” symbolize the “memory and mystery of the higher
structure.” The “marrow” generates the blood, the life essence and seat of the soul. Marrow symbolizes
“ashes into fluidity,” the potencies enlivening the image.
22 To be endowed with the marrow is to receive the Blood of Christ that contains the higher geometries
of Light, the living loving vibrations of eternal life. Many congregations have announced their authority
without having the keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens. The kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:6) holds keys
precisely because the high priest Yeshua ha-Meshiah is established for all time after the Order of
Melchizedek (Heb. 6:20) which is after the Order of the Son of God (Heb. 7:3).
23 For the priesthood to facilitate transfer of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, there must be a
peoplehood willing and prepared to receive them. The bones of the people must be brought
back at the level they can receive the mysteries (Eze. 37). Then the “exhalation” of God, the
neshamah breath of Life enflames the coal, the youth within, the foundation of innocence. On
fire with the Word, the breath of God ignites the hearts of this people into holy life raising us up
to meet Him in the clouds.
24 In ancient Aton symbology these “gifts extended” were the rays of the Paradise Sun with hands of
Holy Spirit extending the “key of life” to the mouth of the initiate: Give me thy hands beholding thy
Spirit, that I may receive it and live by it. Call thou upon my name unto eternity, and it shall never fail.10
25 The three rings of the Midheaven Template above are the same three rings shown on the
Redemptive Seed of On Template (of the first document, showing the date of 3-19, 2012). The
outer ring corresponds to the Order of Melchizedek. The inner ring represents the Fathers face
in the Tree of Life known as “Vast face,” corresponding to a Heb. letter ayin shown on the
bottom triangle of the MIdheaven Template. Vast face in Aramaic is known as Arikh Anpin.
26 The middle ring is the “Son” in the Tree of Life, “Small face,” the aleph on the upper
triangle under the Heb. word Elyonin (“saints of the Most High,” Dan. Ch. 7). The middle ring on the
Midheaven Template contains the Heb. word chen, “grace” 52 times (52 is the Heb. gematria of “Son”).
27 The Chamber of the Son (in the Great Pyramid as “House of God”) is indicated by the mystery of this
Template: (from the Zohar) when face of the Ancient of Days (Ar. Atiq Yomin) shines into face of Zeir
Anpin (small face) it is a time of favor (or “acceptable time,” Heb. eth ratzon, Ps. 69:13).
28 In the center of the Midheaven Template is the number 608, one of the twelve Revelation Time Table
codes, associated with the sphere of Tiphereth (Small face, also called “Son,” “Heaven,” and “YHWH”).
The “608” is paired with the tenth code of the Royal Mount Zion Seal, NUNK, the nun as “fish” or “soul”
given the “ankh” or “Key of Life.” 608 equals the value of the Heb. “in the bones” (b’etsemoth).
29 Thus it is through the Grace of the Son, as the Word, that the Father writes the
new Commandments upon our heart (Jer. 31:33, Pro. 7:2,3). This is the Messiah
teaching from the Torah d’Atziluth at the time of the “increase of His rule” (Is.
30 Jer. 31:33 equals the gematria value of all thirty codings within the Royal
Mount Zion Seal (at left, total value 8198) given for the raising up of this people
and connected to the Seal of Melchizedek:
31 Jer. 31:33, But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel; After those days, says YHWH, I will put my law (Torah) in their inward parts, and write it on their
hearts; and will be their God (Elohim), and they shall be my people.
32 Thus the Almighty seals this people, The Academy of On, with the Royal Mount
Zion Seal by the exact match of all codings of the Seal (total value 8198) with the
total verse value of Jer. 31:33 (also 8198). By adding a Heb. letter ayin (meaning
“eye”), value 70, to the Seal of Melchizedek formed from the perfect number 8128,
both Seals are perfectly matched and the Eye of Heru-Ur (Metatronic Sciences)
becomes the pupil of the Father’s Divine Eye revealing His timeline of Instruction
and His fulfillment of the Light Program. The purpose of the timelines is to prepare
for the return of the Lords of Light and receive the Judgment to clear the way for a
new level of dispensation within the Kingdom of God. Amen. 11
33 Covenant in the “inner parts” is the connection with the inner Light garment of geometries and
mathematics of the Torah Or which contains the rarified Light revealed in the first 36 hours of creation.
These geometries are part of the transmissions of Light and Wisdom from the star thresholds of higher
Orders of Intelligence and governance. It is necessary to distinguish between thresholds of common light
and thresholds of higher Light which have the name of the Father. As Yeshua taught in the Pistis Sophia
IV:133, For this cause, therefore, have I brought the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven;
otherwise no flesh in the world would be saved. For without mysteries no one will enter into the Light-
kingdom, be he a righteous or a sinner.
34 Just as we experience growth in consciousness when we become aware of planting and harvesting
seasons on the earth, consciousness grows to perceive larger cycles: i.e. the Precession of the Equinoxes
(based on our “ecliptic plane” or “apparent path of the Sun.” The Precession cycle has “planting and
harvesting” cycles of genetic experimentation.
36 Each level of consciousness expansion is relative to a “field” or “plane” of orbital influence around a
center. Each plane has a “pass-not.” Alcyone in the Pleiades becomes the next “level plane” (Zech. 4:7),
there will be shoutings to it, “Grace, Grace.”
37 This is why the Father sends an angel before you, a harvester of star seed planted by higher
11 There are 36 letters in the center ring of the Royal Mount Zion Seal. The pattern of a seven year
prophetic timeline was set by the initial 36 hours of the Light of Creation (thirty-six candles), each an eye
or ayin. 36 x the value of an ayin, 70, = 2520, the number of days in seven prophetic years (of 360 days
each). The Light of Creation is good, tov (Gen. 1:4), and this is why there must be 36 righteous ones
(Tzaddikim Nistarim or Hakamim) in the world at all times. Who conceals this Light but Shekinah, she
protects the Word. Her Presence is announced by the 36 bells on the robe of the Priest.
38 Ex. 23:20, Behold, I send an Angel before you, to keep you in the way, and to bring you into the place
which I have prepared [i.e. a “spacious place” Ps. 18:19].
39 On a greater scale, the galactic plane is a “field” within a Son Universe. Consciousness is initiated
and “dawns” upon each new level #, each more subtle and expansive than the last. Clusters of galaxies
align to a still greater field, a super-galactic plane, oriented in the direction of the Virgo Supercluster.
40 Successive stages of soul pattern are held within the “monolith” (symbolically a single large
rectangular stone). A monolith symbolizes the memory and seeding functions of the frequencies of the
image codes, the growth patterns within the blueprint of the “heavenly man,” the Adam Kadmon (see
appendix). On the Template below is a “monolith opened” as two yellow rectangles overlapping. This is
the memory coding released from the manna-lith as we continue toward a consciousness interface with
the galactic plane.
44 Without the keys of true priesthood from the Order Time of Favor
of Melchizedek, we are unprepared for the appearance
+",# *&
of multiple classes of beings during the thinning of the
veils. Jer. 12:10, Many pastors have destroyed my
vineyard… Minds closed in fear and self-righteousness or confused and tempted by “space gods,” will
not be prepared to recognize the true teachers in their midst. This is why Yeshua has taught in John 16:2,
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time comes, that whoever kills you will think that he
offers a service to God.
45 The Judgment unmasks the thresholds of negativity. As a Decree of Deliverance it also unveils
mysteries of positive Luminaries such as Arcturus and the star Betelgeuse, a red giant (! Orionis), known
as the right “shoulder” of Orion, the hunter. Josh. 24:32, And the bones of Joseph, which the children of
Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem. Heb. Shechem means “shoulder.”
46 Betelgeuse (as one threshold in relation to a Paradise Son Pyramid, Hurtak, Keys, Key 107) holds
store of provision for the time of starvation (i.e. spiritual lack). The word for “provision” in Scripture,
Heb. tseydah, is related to the word for “hunter,” i.e. “Orion.” The plural for the Heb. word “hunter,”
tsayadim, is used in Jer. 16:16 with a total gematria value of 1701 x 2. 1701 is the cipher for the
Metatronic frequency established in the mystery of the undergarment (pages 7 and 8 above).
47 Jer. 16:16, Behold, I will send for many fishers says YHWH, and they shall fish them; and after will I
send for many hunters (Heb. tsayadim), and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every
hill, and out of the holes of the rocks [or “wormholes”].
48 Knowledge of the Shields of David from the Treasuries of the Snow is given in the
time of harvest (Pro. 25:13). To have provision is to be sealed with direct attunement to
the higher emanations of the Tree of Life.
49 Josh. 1:11, Pass through the host, and command the people, saying, Prepare
provision (Heb. tseydah); for within three days you shall pass over this Jordan, to go in to
possess the land, which YHWH your God gives you, to possess it.
50 The Jordan is the “river of time” which must be crossed (past the Zodiacal thresholds). The number
atop the Template above, 4379, equals Neh. 2:7, Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let
letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah.
12 The 37th figurate Stellated Octahedron (a 3-D Star of David) contains an inner 2-D Star of David (the
eighteenth figurate star) with the six star points each containing 171 dots (171 is the triangular number of
18, 018 or T18). Shown above is the figurate star containing 231 dots in each star point, 021, forming a
figurate Seal of Melchizedek with a total of 8128 counters (T127).
13A perfect number equals the sum of the numbers by which it can be divided (other than itself). Hence 6
(a perfect number) is divisible by 1, 2, and 3. The total of these factors of six (1+2+3) is 6 itself. The first
four perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, and 8128 (8128 = $127, 64 x 127). Each of the seven prophecies
has a numerical code, i.e. 171 shown above in verse 51. 8128 = 3701 + 4427, the 42 letter name value
plus the seven prophecy codes. The third perfect number, 496, is the value of Hb. “Leviathan,” Job. 41,
the mystery of Kundalini. 496 is also the value of Malkuth, “Kingdom,” the Shekinah sphere of the Tree.
496 equals the phrase from Pro. 3:18, She is a Tree of Life to those that lay hold upon her.
The total (implied) dots in the center hexagon equals the Heb. phrase, Adon ha-Adonim, “Lord of Lords,”
written on the thigh of Yeshua ha-Messiah in Rev. 19:16. The thigh is the “leg of prophecy” in the Tree of
042 = 903, the value of “and Elohim said,” appearing ten times in Gen. 1 (i.e. the ten spheres of the Tree
model), is the setting of the Ten Commandments in stone by the “finger of Elohim” (Ex. 31:18).
As stated in verse 32 above, the Seal of Melchizedek with 8128 counters, plus the ayin (“eye”) as value
70, equals 8198, the gematria of Jer. 31:33 and the value of the thirty codes of the Royal Mount Zion
Seal. When the finger of Elohim writes a scroll, it is written on the front and the reverse side (Ex. 32:15
the Ten Commandments, Rev. 5:1, the scroll with seven seals, and Eze. 2:10, the “warning,” Heb.
zahar). 14 The reverse of 8198 is 8918 and equals the sofit value of the Heb. letters of Rev. 22:14:
Happy are those who do His commandments, that they may have right to
the Tree of Life and may enter into the city by way of the gates.
1'$-)2 3$( 2$'-2 #,.# 1''42 5-. 1*+)&& 2'2* "-&+ #'*#6& *, 1')-2 '$),
The Voice
The two vertical lines on the right side of the Voice Template below symbolize functions of “Sun” and
“Moon,” or “prophecy” and “sign.” They are vertical to indicate the Sun and Moon are “standing still.”
The “standstill” symbolizes Ida and Pingala of Kundalini twined and risen to create a “standing wave.”
On the silver line is a moon with 919. On the gold line (above the scarab with the Heb. word for
“prophecy”) the number linked with it is 1308. 919 + 1308 = 2227.
2227 is the value of the verse Josh. 10:14, (directly after Joshua commands the sun and moon to stand
still), And there was no day like that before it or after it, that YHWH hearkened unto the voice of a man:
for YHWH fought for Israel.
Joshua is a “youth below” connected with Metatron as “the Youth above.” The term “youth” references
an awakened set of subtle energy bodies, garments of Light.
Pro. 22:6, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
The Heb. word for child is na’ar, “youth,” corresponding to a title of Metatron, “the youth above.” The
Heb. word for “train up,” also means “dedicate,” or “initiate,” and is the root for the name Enoch: “one
who initiates into Light.” 15
14 The Heb. word zahar, “warning,” is spelled with the same three letters as the word zohar, “splendor,”
The Book of Zohar (written in Aramaic) states that the Aramaic language is the reverse side of Hebrew,
the “hidden side of Hebrew.” This is Shekinah, the indwelling Presence (Ex. 33:23).
15 Pro. 22:6 has gematria value 1540, the number of triplets of the 22 letters which form the three-letter
Hebrew language roots. 1540 is both a triangular and tetrahedral number. As a tetrahedral number, 1540
forms the points of the 21st stellated octahedron (figurate 3-D Star of David), a “keystone,” within the
Treasuries of the Snow. The first part of the Heb. phrase from the verse above can be interpreted
“Dedicated to the Youth above,” equaling the gematria value of 528, equivalent to the Heb. for “key,”
maphteah. The next word, “according (to),” or “in the way he should go,” also means “opener” (of the
way), and the value of the entire clause then adds to 618, the reciprocal of the Golden Mean.
The Voice Pathway, samek: 7
The blue octagon represents the Temple, in this case the Great Pyramid (which contains similar sacred
measure found in other layouts, i.e. Solomon’s Temple). The star near the center bottom is Alnitak, the
large star in the Belt of Orion reflecting the Great Pyramid. (The three pyramids reflect the three belt
stars, the Great Pyramid matches Alnitak, part of whose function relates to Shekinah and sacred measure).
The gold star near the center top is Omega Orion, the heart of the Hunter and door to the Father Universe.
The enflamed Heb. letter “shin” over the gold line represents the Shekinah protecting the prophetic Word.
Zohar, section Shemoth, Then he began to expound to them this verse: A song of degrees for Solomon.
Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord guard the city, the
watchman waketh but in vain (Ps. 127:1-2)...Then King David showed unto his son Solomon, as a model,
the celestial prototype of the Temple, and David himself, when he saw it and all the activities connected
with it, as set forth in the celestial idea of it, sang this psalm concerning his son Solomon… “Except the
Lord build the house.” The Tabernacle which Moses constructed had Joshua for its wakeful and constant
guard; for he alone guarded it who is called the “young man,” namely Joshua, of whom it says: “Joshua,
the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the Tent” (Ex. 33, 11).16
Zohar, section V’Shalach, Rabbi Shimon said, “When Joshua the youth set out, Youth above [Metatron]
aroused and was arrayed plentifully, with numerous weapons prepared for him by his Mother, for this
battle, in order to avenge with vengeance of the Covenant, corresponding to a “sword avenging with
vengeance of the Covenant” (Lev. 26:25).
2227 is the full sofit value of Heb. AMEN: aleph, lamed, final peh (831) + mem, final mem (640) + nun,
vav, final nun (756). The three Heb. letters of AMEN are the first letters of each word of the phrase “El,
the faithful King.”
When Yeshua was asked what is the greatest Commandment of Torah (Mat. 22:36-37), He replied by
quoting a portion of the Shema, Deu. 6:5, And you shall love YHWH Eloheikah with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your might.
The sacred expression “El, the faithful King,” (Heb. El Melek Ne’eman,) is an affirmation of faith
sometimes pronounced before the recital of the Shema prayer. The three Heb. letters that spell Amen is a
notariqon (acrostic) of the initial letters of El (aleph), Melek (mem), Ne'eman (nun). (ref. Shab. 119b).
The last three words of the Shema are YHWH Eloheikem Emet. YHWH your God is true (Heb. emet).
All this comes together In Rev. 3:14, where the AMEN has a voice, it is both faithful (ne’eman) and true
(emet): These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.
2227 also equals the verse value of Ps. 119:50, This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath
quickened me.
The second clause of this verse, for thy word hath quickened me equals 1169, another of the three
numbers on the gold line on the Voice Template above. 1169 also equals Amos 3:7, Surely Adonai YHWH
will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret (Heb. “sod”) unto his servants the prophets.
Above the scarab on the gold line, the number 1308 equals the phrase: the voice of the living Elohim
speaking out of the midst of the fire,17
Metatron, as a Shekinah Deity, is the Divine Voice of YHWH, divine speech of the Holy Spirit (Bath
16Tradition indicates Joshua was 42 years old at this time. The sword in the next para. has 42 letters,
known as the 42 letter name and associated to the “upper chariot.”
17 The 1308 code above the gold scarab = Job 4:9, By the blast (neshamah) of God they perish, and by
the breath (ruach) of his nostrils are they consumed. 1308 equals Ps. 119:154, Plead my cause, and
deliver me: quicken me according to thy word. 1308 equals the phrase from Ps. 118:19, open to me the
gates of righteousness. The “gate of the Tzaddik” is coded as the pink frame on the Monolith Template.
18 Joel 2:11, And YHWH shall utter his voice (Heb. qol) before his army: for his camp (or host) is very
great: for he is strong that executes his word… Eze. 1:24, And when they went, I heard the noise (qol) of
their wings, like the noise (qol) of great waters, as the voice (qol) of the Almighty, the voice (qol) of
speech [Shekinah is known as “divine speech” in the Zohar], as the voice (qol) of a host.
Inner Vocation
Zohar, section Bereshith: Similarly of Moses it is written, “And the staff of God was in his hand.” This
rod is Metatron...the purpose of the rod is to stir up the powers of Geburah (Might, Power, or Judgment).
“Thine hand” indicates the Left Hand, which is that connected with Geburah.
Ex. 4:17, And you shall take this rod in your hand, wherewith you shall do signs.
19 The Heb. Kasir Kame and ha-Shamar, “the Keeper,” have equivalent gematria: 545. Compare
“standing corn” with “standing wave,” i.e. raised Kundalini energies: ”rise and stand:” Ps. 20:8, Acts 26:16.
20 Dr. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,® Key 318.
This rod of 42 letters is a staff of creation. The letters are used for the beginning of each word of the Ana
B’Koach Prayer set in groupings representing days of the week (i.e. chakra seals). 42 is a sacred pattern:
42 months of a prophetic timeline, 42 chapters of Job, 42 assessors of Ma’at (truth) receiving confession.
This rod is also the “flaming sword which turned every way” Gen. 3:24, “to keep the way of the Tree of
Life” (the rod and the sword both have the 42 letter name Metatron uses as keeper of Israel, Ps. 121:4).
Deu. 6:8, And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between thine eyes.
Ex. 13:9, And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial
(Heb. zikron) between thine eyes, that YHWH’s law may be in thy mouth: for with a
strong hand hath YHWH brought thee out of Egypt.
The memorial (or “pillar”) to the Shekinah (i.e. “Rachel” in Gen. 35:20) is shown
at the base of the Inner Vocation Template above.
The Invocation
The Heb. word atop the Inner Vocation Template above is ha-zakir, “The
As detailed in the Book of Knowledge: the Keys of Enoch®, by Dr. J.J. Hurtak,
Metatron is the creator of the electron and in Key 107, the “wavelength of
Metatron” is necessary to enter into the Father’s central Pyramid of Light.
The remembrance of the Father’s name YHWH was given by Yeshua (John 17),
the keeping of the Father’s name is given through Metatron. We invoke this holy
name that the Temple is filled with the Presence of the Father, the Pillar of the
Cloud, may He descend and bless His children in Zohar brilliance (Dan. 12:3).
Yeshua is the nail that splits the womb of space and time (in the increase of his
rule, Is. 9:7), Metatron is the nail that becomes the fulcrum of the Decree, the
timeline of Judgment and the sounding of the Trumps.
Academy On High
Metatron is the head of the Academy On High. Zohar, Terumah 2:169b, As they
approached Rabbi Simeon, he raised his eyes and saw them. He said to them, “I have been gazing upon
you this day, and I saw that for two days and one night [36 hours] you were in the Dwelling of that Youth,
Metatron, and that Youth was teaching supernal mysteries in the joy of Torah. Happy is your share, my
The Zohar teaches the initial Light of creation, Or ha-Ganuz, lasted only 36 hours before being
concealed, thus in the verse above, the companions were dwelling in the concealed Light of Creation.
In III Enoch, Metatron is said to have 72 wings (for each of the 72 names of God) and 365,000 luminous
eyes. This corresponds to the number of earth days that equal one day in Paradise (Ps. 90:4, 2Pe. 3:8).
In the Zohar, section 1:4a, the Companions are raised to the Academy of Heaven: “some ascending, some
descending. Above them all he saw the Master of Wings approaching.” In Zohar section 1:7a, a location
is given: “...the Academy of Heaven in the upper Garden of Eden.”
Ps. 91:14, Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high,
because he has known my name.
The circle below, excerpted from the Rapture of Judah Template (Ch. 5, Book of Levels) is Havilah, the
“spacious place” of the liberated soul and the threshold gates through which it must pass in its ascent.
The three green circles are the three belt stars of Orion triangulated to form the point of overlap with the
Father Universe (“Vast Face,” the ayin at the center).
Phi. 3:14, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling [or supernal vocation] of God in Christ Jesus.
Atop the inner circle are symbols of the two witnesses that begin to prophesy as the seventh angel is about
to blow his trumpet (Rev. 10 and 11). The two witnesses are symbolically represented as the gates with
the small rose cross on the upper left and the Metatron “M” symbol on the upper right.
The gate of the rose cross symbolizes Elijah heralding Christ, High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek
(Heb. 6:20) which is after the Order of the Son of God (Heb. 7:3). The gate of the “M” represents
spiritual science and initiation through Enoch and Metatron. Combined, these spiritual dynamics are the
seeding of the Word in cycles: teaching, redeeming, initiating and training up the children of God in the
way they are to go.
The symbols of the two witnesses are linked to lines connecting to the green triangle. Each of the green
spheres has a Heb. letter chet indicating this is the door to the upper Eden. The capping and phase lock of
the work of the Right and Left hands opens the gate to Eden and sets you walking with God.
Job 32:8, But there is a spirit in man: and the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.
“Understanding,” as it says in the verse, is the sphere in the Tree of Life by the same name, Heb. Binah,
also known as the “upper Mother.” The spirit (Heb. ruach), and the breath (Heb. neshamah) of El
Shaddai are trinitized with the soul (Heb. nephesh), yielding a greater stage of the mystical experience,
the direct knowing of God (NOS). Baptism of water (cleanse nephesh), Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh),
and fire (neshamah): breath of fire (Mat. 3:11, Lu. 3:16).
Zohar, section “Bereshith,” the servant of God, the chief to His service. And who is he? Metatron, as said.
He is appointed to glorify the bodies, which are in the grave.
“Glorifying the bodies” includes sealing the bodies of those who will ascend with the Zohar Light.
The cipher given for the fourth prophecy (the “Return of the Capstone” as described in the first
document) is 889 equaling Heb. “the keeper of Paradise.”
Metatron sets the higher physics of Light, the active component within the grids of awakening. The
Merkabah (Heb. “vehicle”) combines the active love of Shekinah with the cosmic Christ resurrection
codes for transport to other mansion worlds.
The Adversary can’t work with the higher geometries and organizing principles of consciousness Light.
This is why his tool is chaos and disconnection from higher pattern. When he is given authority for a
time, the higher gates will be closed, souls will not be able to raid the Treasury. Darkness will collapse in
on itself. This is the judgment of the fourth Trump (corresponding to the fourth Prophecy, the return of
the Capstone).
The judgment associated with the Heb. letter “final kaf” is for the sake of
$ innocence. Innocence has been lost to plotted agendas. Many create change
for their own reasons without consulting God and the wisdom set down in the
Innocence is lost by no longer being aware of the detail of the temple structure and
why the sacrifices of the Old Testament were important descriptions of the higher
pattern of Christ fulfillment.
Yeshua completed and replaced the old Covenant with a New and Everlasting Covenant but He did not
strip the need to understand the architecture of the universe from the teaching. He added to our
understanding of it.
Many assumed Yeshua was taking away their manifold, but He was clearing it for use in its higher
spiritual purpose, to fulfill the full design.
% The Judgment associated with the Sixth Prophecy, the Spilling of the Cup: Yeshua ha-Meshiah
announces His house over the house of Babel. His house is a mighty House of David. Many
have no house, but in that day all will have a house. Therefore know from which house you
From the house of David comes the Lion of Judah who seals the chakras
with an aleph, that the banner of the redemptive seed may stand in the day
of Victory. The house of Babylon also has a lion, one whose body is
entropy which cannot properly light its cubic space.
You are dead on the karmic wheel until your robe is washed in the blood of
the Lamb and you are received through the veil. The only thing we
ultimately have to offer Him is the free will He gave us. We offer up our
free will in favor of divine Will.
Thy will be done--this is our daily offering, this (zeh) preserves the image
given in openness of heart and sustained through revelation. May we not
alter it by our own design but do His Commandments, sanctify His Name
and keep right to the Tree of Life. Amen.
The two sets of Ten Commandments in the Scripture have a difference in wording: Deu. 5:12 Keep the
Sabbath day, to sanctify it. (There are 708 Heb. letters in this version of the Ten Commandments. 708 =
Heb. Chen, “Grace”). Ex. 20:8, Remember the Sabbath day, to sanctify it. (There are 620 Heb. letters in
this version of the Ten Commandments. 620 = Heb. Kether, “Crown”).
In Mat. 24:30 the Son of Man comes in the clouds of heaven (the Vehicle of Light) with power (Gr.
dunamis, Heb. geburah) and great glory (Heb. kavod, the Shekinah Holy Spirit).
The voice (Heb. kol), of El Shaddai is the sound of a great rushing, like many waters (Eze. 1:24), this is
the active force of the Godhead moving in you as you descend to the Merkabah to ascend to the sanctuary
of the inner mind of the Dove, and for those who keep the way to the Tree of Life: 1Th. 4:17, caught
up together with them to meet the Sovereign Lord in the air. Amen, Amen, Amen, and Amen.
In Mat. 16:4, Yeshua tells us the only sign given to the wicked seeking a sign is the sign of Jonah. Jonah
was swallowed by a whale when he refused to answer God’s call to prophesy.
True prophecy is a face to face with what is real. Eternal truth is given through time-translation to match
the reality frame of the recipients, it has internal consistency within the higher pattern.
The “whale” is the enormity of prophecy. You don’t consume prophecy, it consumes you.
Each soul has an image before the face of God. In the last days souls are shown
what they look like in His Eyes.
Some appear bruised and scarred, having not yet fully accepted the atonement and
gift of release.
Some appear decorated with badges or labels declaring their identification with
the “right” brand of salvation or enlightenment but not having self-reflection, self-
realization, and direct revelation.
As I have told you, no man can bring you into knowing, no man can make you worthy or not worthy. No
building can cover your head in His glory. No rooftop can write your name upon the walls of His heart.
The Word contains the power to clean, seed, prepare, and make aware. Once you’ve made face, the Word
of Yeshua, the Lion of Judah, gives a sign:
The going will be the staying and the staying will be the going. A restless heart does not know Me but a
devout heart keeps My ways. What I have locked up shall not be opened for the sacredness of My
revealing is open to you that you may see it. Therefore go not from before Me. I do not bid you to stay for
a torment but to save you from one. Worry not what you are to eat or wear that I may make full awares of
your surroundings for I tell you again that when you stay you shall go and when you go you shall stay.
Fierceness of teeth keeps the sign, the sign keeps the Word.
Amen, Amen, Amen, and Amen.
! ! !
Rev. 1:8, 8 9: ;<= 8 >: ;<= 8 ?@A8µ?:8B 8 !<:C8;@<C9@ = 22 x 231 (gates of outer wall)
The One who is, who was, and who is coming, the Almighty.
Gen. 35:12, And the land which I (El Shaddai) gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give
it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land. = 22 x 221 (gates of inner wall)
The Monolith
Our physical body is the “stone body,” containing a “youth” within, i.e. the subtle bodies, awakened by
eating “manna,” the fruit or “emanations” of the Tree of Life. Conversely, to eat the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil is to use knowledge without wisdom and understanding thus unbalancing
the polarities and creating a “fall” from the state of equilibrium: the “state of grace.”
When the internal subtle energies are balanced to the seventh chakra (crown), the body is a completed
vessel for spirit to “dwell,” it is then “at rest.” Shekinah, the divine feminine in the Tree, is the “seventh
day,” hence, “Sabbath (the seventh day) is the day of rest.” She is the glory that fills the Tabernacle and
the water drawn from the stone.
The monolith represents angular frequency patterns of the Adam Kadmon connected to our subtle energy
bodies. The Shekinah is often coded with a Heb. letter shin (marking the horizontal Tree pathway joining
Chokmah “Wisdom” and Binah “Understanding”).
Shown atop the Monolith Template below is the Heb. for “El, the faithful King,” (Heb. El Melek
"&, Ne’eman,). “Amen” is a notariqon (acrostic) of the initial letters of El (aleph) Melek (mem)
Ne'eman (nun). (Ref. Shab. 119b).
The Egyptian word for “truth, balance, and order” is Ma’at, cognate with the Heb. word for truth, emet.
In the large black circle, the Egyptian word Ma’at, “Truth” = 442: the number of letters of the “inner”
21 These three codes (on the sides of the monolith) combine to equal 741 x 2. Sofit value of Amen is 741.
wall of 221 gates (221 equals Heb. “faithful witness,” and multiplied by 10, as 2210 = Gr. phrase: the
Amen, the witness, the faithful, from Rev. 3:14 !). From ancient, Amen is, by definition, faithful and true.
The large Heb. word extending up the red line from the center is the “flame of Yah” (connected to the
coal) from Song of Sol. 8:6. YHWH brought His people out of Egypt (i.e. the “worldly”) with a “mighty
hand and a stretched out arm”-- the decree or balance beam in the Tree connecting the hands, one keeps
the way (with might), the other remembers the Covenant (of Grace), written and sealed upon our hearts.
Extending to the right of the large black circle (as the coal, i.e. YOU, now enflamed with Yah) is a Heb.
phrase from Is. 30:17, the beacon at the top of the mountain. From the Treasuries of the Snow, there
exists a literal beacon of On, a calling frequency for us, this people of the Academy of On.
The following three gematria codes appear on the Monolith Template and are associated to the Command
Center, the three belt stars of Orion (the teeth of the Lion):
791 = Sofit value of Heb. Ne’eman, “faithful, steadfast” (written atop the Monolith Template).
791 = 2Sa. 22:13, Through the brightness (nogah) before him were coals of fire kindled.
791 = Ps. 136:12 (in the Great Hallel), With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy
endures for ever.
791 = Heb. “cup of trembling.”
791 = Heb. “undergarments of fine linen.” Ex. 39:28.
791 x 2 = Heb. phrase “and you shall call your walls Salvation.”
791 x 2 = Ps. 2:6, “Yet have I set my king upon my holy Mount Zion.”
791 = Ar. phrase “setting of the Sun” me’ali shemesha.
791 = Thus says the Adonai Tsebayoth (Lord of Hosts) Zech. 8:19.
791 = Heb. phrase “be in awe of YHWH all day long.” Pro. 23:17.
Grace, Gr. Charis is the root of Charisma, the word for endowment, with a value of 952, equivalent to Gr.
marturias, “witness,” 952 is shown above the large black circle in the Monolith Template. Our “witness”
is “endowed” with God’s gift given to His heirs:
The Monolith (pathway code Shin: ))