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2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010


David Palumbo, P.E., P.M.P., Regional Engineer, Engineering Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation,
Lower Colorado Region, Boulder City, Nevada, [email protected]; Scott Tincher, P.E., Deputy Regional
Engineer, Engineering Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Boulder City,
Nevada, [email protected]; Douglas B. Blatchford, P.E., P.H., C.E.M., C.F.M., Supervisory Civil Engineer,
Engineering Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Boulder City, Nevada,
[email protected]; Nathaniel Gee, E.I.T., Civil Engineer, Engineering Services Office, Bureau of
Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Boulder City, Nevada, [email protected]
Drought and climate change in the Colorado River Basin are the business drivers for increased system efficiency and
provide the impetus for construction of the Drop 2 Storage Reservoir. An average of 70,000 acre-feet of Colorado
River Water is annually delivered to Mexico in excess of the 1944 Treaty requirement of 1.5 million acre-feet per
year. Excess flow that cannot be stored at Senator Wash or elsewhere on the system is also known as non-storable
flow. In December 2007, Reclamation signed the Record of Decision for the Colorado River Interim Guidelines for
Lower Basin Shortages and the Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead, along with agreements to
provide funding of the reservoir in exchange for system efficiency intentionally created surplus. The primary
objective of the Drop 2 Storage Reservoir is to add approximately 8,000 acre-feet of additional system storage and
system efficiency to capture non-storable flow. Operations of the Drop 2 Storage Reservoir are modeled using an
unsteady flow model in HEC-RAS, a one dimensional flow model developed by the United States Army Corp of
Engineers. Non-storable flows are modeled through the All-American Canal and diverted to the Drop 2 Storage
Reservoir by programming gates to open and close at critical junctions, such as the Coachella turn out, and at Cells 1
and 2 at the storage reservoir. System conditions for February 2009 were simulated to demonstrate programming
rules at gates. Base flow conditions and non-storable flows are entered into the unsteady flow editor as a flow
hydrograph boundary condition.
The recent drought in the Colorado River Basin (2000 to present), coupled with changing temperature and
precipitation patterns, has provided impetus to increase Colorado River system efficiency. The Drop 2 Storage
Reservoir (D2SR) satisfies part of this need for greater system efficiency.
Drought, Climate Change, and Water Supply
Drought on the Colorado River system is not uncommon. Meko et. al. (2007) reconstructed annual flows on the
Colorado River at Lees Ferry from A.D. 762 through A.D. 2005, by analyzing the tree ring record in the Upper
Colorado River Basin. A time series plot of the 25-year running mean of reconstructed annual flow from A.D. 762
to present reveals natural variability in the system, including both wet periods and dry periods. One of the wettest
cycles occurred in the early 20th century, and may have influenced water supply assumptions for the Colorado River
Basin when the Colorado River Compact was developed. However, the 25-year running mean also reveals periods
of prolonged, severe drought, such as the Medieval Climate Anomaly. A mega-drought in the mid-1100s may have
lasted at least 60 years (Figure 1).
According to Reclamation (2009) the recent drought in the Colorado River Basin has resulted in the driest 10-year
period1 of the 100-year historical record on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry.2 The drought began in water year
2000 and continues through water year 2010. Although there have been at least two years with above average flow,
it is not uncommon to have a few wet years during prolonged dry periods. Water years 2000 through 2009 were all

Water year 2000 to 2009, inclusive

The basis for the 100-year Colorado River flow data at Lees Ferry is from the natural flow database, located at

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010



M e ko et al.

Lees Ferry Natural Flow (maf)






Figure 1. 25-year running average of annual Colorado River flows at Lees Ferry reconstructed from tree ring data,
A.D. 762 through A.D 2005 (Meko, et. al., 2007).
below10average except 2005 and 2008. Water year 2005 was 105% of average, whereas water year 2008 was 103% of
water year 2002975
was an abysmal 1175
25% of average. 1375
Y ear

Drought conditions have been exacerbated by the affects of climate change. Miller and Piechota (2008) report that
temperature and precipitation patterns are changing for both the Upper and Lower Colorado River Basin. Increasing
temperature trends were most significant from January through March. One result is increasing stream flow trends
from January through March, contributing to higher, earlier runoff and increased variability in stream flow earlier in
the season.
Operations and Water Demand
While the current drought is diminishing water supply into Lake Powell, and while climate change is altering
temperature and precipitation patterns throughout the Colorado River Basin, Lake Mead and other main stem
reservoirs in the Lower Colorado Region are operated primarily to supply water to both municipal and agricultural
users in the Lower Division States3 and Mexico.
Once Colorado River water is released from Lake Powell, the water courses through the Grand Canyon and is stored
in Lake Mead for delivery to the Lower Basin states and Mexico. The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) serves as
the water master of the Colorado River below Lee Ferry, or the Compact Point, between the Upper Colorado River
Basin and Lower Colorado River Basin. One primary goal of the Secretary is to deliver 9.0 million acre-feet of
water to the Lower Basin and Mexico, as dictated by the Law of the River, a complex series of legislation,
treaties, and agreements that divides the Colorado River water among the basin states and Mexico, last updated by
Nathanson (1978), and currently being updated again.
According to Reclamation (2000 to 2009, 2000 to 2009a), approximately 6.87 million acre-feet4 of Colorado River
water is released from Parker Dam, and at most 6.49 million acre-feet5 is regulated at Imperial Diversion Dam, just
north of Yuma, Arizona, for irrigation and other uses in California, Arizona and Mexico. That water must be

Arizona, California, and Nevada, as defined in the Colorado River Compact.

Average annual release from Parker Dam, water year 2000 to 2009, inclusive, from Reclamations 24-month study.
Average annual release from Parker Dam, minus average annual consumptive use between Parker Dam and
Imperial Dam, water year 2000 to 2009, inclusive, from Reclamations 24-month study and Colorado River
Accounting and Water Use Reports, Arizona, California, and Nevada. System gains and losses between Parker Dam
and Imperial Dam are not included.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

released from storage in Lake Mead, travel approximately 65 miles south to Davis Dam, another 82 miles south to
Parker Dam, and another 143 miles south to Imperial Dam, a total of approximately 290 miles. It takes
approximately five days for water released from Lake Mead to reach Imperial Dam (or approximately three days
from Parker Dam to Imperial Dam). By the time the water arrives at Imperial Dam, the water users that scheduled it
may not be able to put it to beneficial use due to changed weather conditions, high runoff into the river, or a number
of other factors (Figures 2 and 3).
Colorado River water may be stored in Senator Wash Reservoir, a pumped-storage facility about two miles upstream
from Imperial Dam on the California side of the Colorado River. Senator Wash Dam was constructed with a
capacity of approximately 13,863 acre-feet at elevation 251 feet, specifically to manage fluctuating flows at the
lower end of the Colorado River. However, elevation restrictions have been placed on Senator Wash Reservoir since
1992 due to potential piping and liquefaction of foundation and embankment materials at West Squaw Lake Dike
and Senator Wash Dam. Currently Senator Wash Reservoir is restricted to 9,000 acre-feet at elevation 240 feet.
Further, Senator Wash reservoir levels must not exceed elevation 238 feet for more than 10 days. The facility
consists of six 200 cfs capacity pumps that can pump at most 1,200 cfs at full capacity. Senator Wash must have
both adequate space and pump capacity to divert Colorado River water released from Parker Dam. Colorado River
water that cannot be diverted at Imperial Dam or stored in Senator Wash Reservoir is called "non-storable" flow.
Colorado River water reaching Imperial Dam is routed through the desilting works and into the AAC for delivery to
both the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), and to other users
between Imperial Dam and Pilot Knob. At Pilot Knob water may be diverted to Mexico for delivery at the Northerly
International Boundary (NIB). Water not diverted at Pilot Knob continues west in the AAC for delivery to IID and
CVWD. Non-storable flows are planned to be diverted at the Coachella Canal turnout and into a 6.6-mile Inlet
Canal. At the westerly end of the Inlet Canal is a planned forebay/afterbay structure which regulates flow into and
out of the 8,285 acre-foot D2SR. The new D2SR/AAC system is designed to convey at most 1,800 cfs of nonstorable flow. At this conveyance rate, the D2SR would fill in about 3 days.
System Efficiency and Intentionally Created Surplus
Since the current drought began in 2000, approximately 741,482 acre-feet of non-storable Colorado River water has
flowed to Mexico6. This is in addition to approximately 1,116,337 acre-feet of water from the Wellton-Mohawk
Irrigation and Drainage District that bypasses the Colorado River and is discharged to the Cienega de Santa Clara in
To address non-storable flows, Reclamation and the Lower Division States conducted a study to identify additional
regulatory storage opportunities below Parker Dam. The study determined that building a small reservoir near the
AAC in Imperial County, California, was the best alternative to meet the objectives for conserving Colorado River
water. A study performed by Reclamation concluded that 70,000 acre-feet on average of non-storable flow could be
saved annually.
Reclamation (2007) and the Secretary signed the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Colorado River Interim
Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and the Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead, also
known as the Shortage Guidelines. Key to this ROD was the implementation of intentionally created surplus, where
stakeholders could create surplus on the Colorado River through system efficiency projects, or through water
Also in December 2007, Reclamation (2007a, 2007b) signed funding agreements for the construction of the D2SR.
In exchange for project funding, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), the Central Arizona Water
Conservation District (CAWCD), and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) received

Average values for non-storable flow and bypass flow to Mexico, water year 2000 through 2009 inclusive,
Colorado River Accounting and Water Use Reports, Arizona, California, and Nevada. Values for calendar year 2009
were based on the December 21, 2009 end of year consumptive use forecast.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Figure 2. Colorado River system downstream of Parker Dam, showing location of the Drop 2 Storage Reservoir just
north of the Northerly International Boundary with Mexico.

Colorado River

Imperial Dam




Figure 3. Oblique aerial view taken from Google Earth (2009) looking north across the Northerly International
Boundary from Mexico. Flows are modeled from Imperial Dam through the All-American Canal to the Drop 2
Storage Reservoir, located far left immediately north of the Northerly International Boundary.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

system conservation intentionally created surplus. The estimated construction cost at the time of funding was $172
million. SNWA agreed to pay most of the project's cost (including the cost of construction of the confluence
structure of the project), as well as its operation and maintenance costs for a specified period of time. In return,
SNWA will receive 400,000 acre-feet of water, at a maximum of 40,000 acre-feet a year, until 2036.
The MWD and CAWCD provided $28.6 million each (for a total of $57.2 million) for construction of the project. In
return, both MWD and CAWCD will receive 100,000 acre-feet of water each (200,000 acre-feet total), a maximum
of 65,000 acre-feet a year, from 2016 through 2036. CAWCDs delivery may be reduced by the amount of water
used by SNWA and/or the MWD in any given year.
Construction of the D2SR is expected to be complete by Summer 2010. The Engineering Services Office (ESO) of
Reclamations Lower Colorado Region modeled unsteady flow operational scenarios of the D2SR and the AAC
using the latest version of HEC-RAS, a one-dimensional steady and unsteady hydraulic model developed by
BUSACE(2008) at the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). Non-storable flows reaching Imperial Dam
were modeled through the AAC and into the D2SR.
HEC-RAS is a hydraulic model comprised of a graphical user interface with separate components to analyze
hydraulics, store data, and report graphic and numeric output. The program has three hydraulic analysis components,
namely, steady flow, unsteady flow, and moveable boundary sediment transport computations. Brunner (2008)
indicates these three analysis components use common geometry data and common geometric and hydraulic
computation routines.
The unsteady flow component was used to simulate conditions on the AAC and D2SR system. Mixed flow regime
calculations are simulated including subcritical and supercritical flow, and hydraulic jumps. Hydraulic structures
such as bridges, culverts, storage areas, gates, and diversions are also included in the model. The computational
procedure solves for a one-dimensional energy equation, where energy losses from friction and contraction/
expansion losses are incorporated into system conveyance computations. The momentum equation is used for
rapidly varied flow situations, such as hydraulic jumps, hydraulics adjacent bridges, and junctions.
The unsteady flow model was constructed by Brown and Caldwell by entering the physical geometry data of the
existing AAC from Imperial Dam to a point east of Drop 3, including inline structures such as Drop 1, Drop 2, and
Pilot Knob, a total distance of approximately 46 miles of canal. The HEC-RAS geometry editor was also used to
input proposed structures, such as the newly lined sections of the AAC, the Coachella Canal turnout, the Inlet Canal,
the forebay/afterbay structure, the off-line storage structure (OLS), the D2SR, the outlet canal and pipeline, and
other structures. Gates are input at existing and proposed structures and programmed in the HEC-RAS unsteady
flow editor. This is a new feature to HEC-RAS and is designed to simulate operations associated with the opening
and closing of gates in unsteady flow conditions (Figures 4, 5, and 6).
The ESO was retained to develop modeling scenarios to recreate February 2009 system conditions assuming the
D2SR was operational. The February 2009 time frame was chosen because non-storable flows were delivered to
Mexico, in excess of treaty requirements, and provides an example of programmable gates within HEC-RAS.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Figure 4. Model configuration from HEC-RAS geometry editor. Approximately 46 miles of the All-American Canal
were modeled from Imperial Dam to Drop 3, west of the proposed Drop 2 Storage Reservoir. The Drop 2 Storage
Reservoir is the blue storage area to the left, whereas Imperial Dam is located to the far right. Flow in the AllAmerican Canal is from east to west, north is to the top.

Figure 5. Model configuration from HEC-RAS geometry editor. Approximately 6.6 miles of Inlet Canal was
modeled from the Coachella turnout to the proposed Drop 2 Storage Reservoir. Non-storable flow conveyed in the
All-American Canal is diverted into the Inlet Canal, to a forebay/afterbay structure, and into or out of Cell 1 and
Cell 2 of the Drop 2 Storage Reservoir. Flow is from east to west, north is to the top.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Figure 6. Model configuration in the vicinity of Drop 2 Storage Reservoir from HEC-RAS geometry editor. Gates
within the model are located before each cell, at the forebay/afterbay structure, and at the outlet canal, and are
programmed to open or close depending on the flow scenario.
Yuma Operations
Operations at Imperial Dam are complex, especially when a winter or summer storm contributes inflow to the
system. During a rainstorm event, flows released from Parker Dam may reach Imperial Dam after water orders are
cut. Space may or may not be available in Senator Wash to store the additional flows, depending on stored volume
in Senator Wash versus the volume of inflow to Imperial Dam, or the rate of inflow past Senator Wash. Senator
Wash pumps are limited to 1,200 cfs at most, therefore flowrates in the Colorado River higher than 1,200 cfs at
Senator Wash cannot all be delivered.
Yuma Operators typically divert Colorado River water through the Gila Gravity Main Canal to Arizona users, and
through the AAC for the California users. Deliveries to the NIB at Mexico are usually made through the AAC and
diverted at Pilot Knob, depending on the time of the year. However, if orders are cut in California, operators may
open any or all of the three California Sluice Gates at Imperial Dam, diverting Colorado River water south through
Laguna Dam, and through the old Colorado River channel to NIB. Operators typically manage water orders that may
be in excess to Mexico by contacting water users to see if additional water can be delivered. Additional water that
cannot be delivered would then be sent to D2SR for storage, or become excess flow to Mexico.
February 2009 Scenarios
The forecast from February 4th to February 7th indicated a major rain event for southeastern California, western
Arizona, and southern Nevada (Figure 7). The gridded precipitation forecast is illustrated by various color patterns;
for example the areas covered in grey forecast light rain versus the areas covered in red forecast more intense
rainfall. The forecast was generated from the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC) for the entire
Colorado River Basin.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Table 1 summarizes operations at Imperial Dam for the first half of February 2009. Releases on February 4th of
6,495 cfs reach Imperial Dam on February 7th. Senator Wash on February 7th is already full. Parker releases are
reduced significantly until February 10th and then begin to increase. Both IID and CVWD decrease orders
significantly by February 8th. The decrease in water ordered, a full Senator Wash, and large flows being released out
of Parker Dam require the California Sluice Gates at Imperial Dam to be opened on February 7th, and remain open
until February 12th. The California Sluice Gates release water which is conveyed to the NIB via the Colorado River.
Table 2 summarizes water ordered but not delivered that becomes excess flow to Mexico. This excess flow was
modeled in the boundary conditions of the HEC-RAS unsteady flow model.

Figure 7. 3-day forecast on February 4th indicating rain and snow over most of the Colorado River Basin7.
Table 1. Summary of Operations at Imperial Dam, February 2009

Daily Mean Flow

60 00

Sl 257.69
i G

From the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center

PK Check
fl 1521
( f)

O d2121
( f)

O d285( f )

( f)

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Table 2. Non-storable flow modeled, February 2009.

February 2009

Total ordered flow, IID and

CVWD, past station 1117+00
(cfs), Pilot Knob

Total ordered flow, IID and CVWD,

past station 1117+00, Pilot Knob + Non
storable flow (cfs)

flow (cfs)





Boundary Conditions
The HEC-RAS unsteady flow model simulated February 2009 system conditions by routing non-storable flows
through the AAC to the D2SR. Non-storable flows were routed to D2SR in addition to the water ordered by IID and
CVWD. A flow hydrograph boundary condition was input into the unsteady flow editor at an hourly time step. This
hydrograph simulated base flow in the AAC from February 1 to February 15. Non-storable flows were added to the
flow hydrograph at an assumed maximum of 300 cfs/hr ramp up and ramp down rate (Figure 8). The non-storable
flows were then diverted through the Coachella turnout gates to the D2SR. Each gate was simulated using a series of
programmable rules that adjust the gate opening depending on values in the model at a given time step. Following
are examples of how the gates operate in the model.

Figure 8. Flow hydrograph boundary conditions in the HEC-RAS unsteady flow editor.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Coachella Turnout Gates

The Coachella turnout gates operate the Inlet Canal. A flag was added to program the gates to turn on or off. This
flag tells the rules whether the D2SR is draining or filling. If the flag is turned on it is a draining scenario and the
gates to the Inlet Canal remain closed. If the flag is turned off it is a filling scenario. In a filling scenario the user
can define a base flow for each day. This base flow is the flow that will continue through the AAC, and not be
diverted to D2SR. The gates to the Inlet Canal are operated to allow the total flow that is in the hydrograph minus
the base flow (non-storable flow) to pass the gates, into the Inlet Canal and to D2SR. The rules also restrict the base
flow from increasing at more than 300 cfs an hour (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Coachella turnout gate rules for February scenarios.

Drop 1 Gates
The gates at Drop 1 are programmed to open and close to allow a given flow through the AAC. This flow is the base
flow that was defined by the user in the Coachella turnout rules. The rules are written to allow this base flow to pass
the gates at Drop 1. The user can adjust this base flow for each day by adjusting the base flow defined at the
Coachella turnout. In the February scenarios, the Drop 1 gates pass all but the non-storable flow diverted to D2SR.
Gates into Cell 1 and Cell 2
Cell 1 and Cell 2 gates are two separate sets of gates but operate in the model exactly the same. The drain flag
described in the Coachella turnout gate rules is also part of these rules. If the flag is turned on it is a draining
scenario. The draining is tied to a desired flow rate that is given by the user. This is the variable 2Q in the rules
(Figure 10). The rules first look to see if one or both of the cells is empty (see lines 13 and 17 of Figure 10). If one
cell is empty and the other cell is not the rules will open the gates to the cell which is not empty and allow it to drain
at the flow rate that was defined by the user (see line 19 of Figure 10). The cell will drain at this flow rate as long as
there is enough head to produce the given flow. Once the head no longer produces the user defined flow rate it will
flow at the maximum allowable flow rate for the given head. If neither cell is empty then it will allow half of the
user defined flow rate through each set of gates as long as there is enough head to support that flow (see line 16 of
Figure 10). If the drain flag is turned off and it is a filling scenario, the rules test to see if either cell is full (see lines
27 and 30 of Figure 10). If one cell is full it allows the entire flow into the cell that is not full until both cells are
filled. If both cells are not full it allows the gates to be open equally to fill both cells at the same rate until both cells
are full.

2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Figure 10. Gate rules for Cells 1 and 2 for February scenarios.
Outlet Canal Gates
The outlet canal gates also have the drain flag. If the drain flag is on these gates open to allow draining. The user can
set the draining flow rate which should match the flow rate set for the draining of the Cell 1 and Cell 2 gates. If the
flag is turned off it is a filling scenario. The rules are set to keep these gates closed until both cells have been filled.
At that point the gates open to allow flow equal to the flow in the inlet canal. This avoids any over filling or spilling
of the canal.
Use of HEC-RAS to simulate non-storable flow delivery to D2SR is a good first step in simulating operations.
Programmable rules to simulate gate operations in HEC-RAS is a new feature of the latest version that allows the
user greater insight on day to day operations. The unsteady flow model simulated conditions well and was fairly
stable. Model stability was maintained by not over increasing or decreasing conveyance parameters between cross
sections, structures, or within the boundary conditions. The AAC and D2SR were designed for smooth conveyance
and steady flow operations, therefore the unsteady flow model and programmable gates functioned fairly well.


2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Google Earth. (2009).

Meko, David M., Woodhouse, Connie A. (2007). Medieval drought in the upper Colorado River Basin,
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34.
Miller, Paul W., Piechota, Thomas C. (2008). Regional analysis of trend and step changes observed in
hydroclimatic variables around the Colorado River Basin, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol. 9.
Nathanson, Milton N. (1978). Updating The Hoover Dam Documents. U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of
Reclamation (2000 to 2009). 24-month study, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation
Reclamation (2000 to 2009a). Colorado River Accounting and Water Use Report Arizona, California, and Nevada
Calendar Year 2008, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
Reclamation (2007). Record of Decision, Colorado River Interim Guideline for Lower Basin Shortages and the
Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of
Reclamation (2007a). Advance Funding and Construction of a Confluence Structure as a Component of the Drop 2
Storage Reservoir Project Agreement among the United States, SNWA, and IID, U.S. Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
Reclamation (2007b). Funding and Construction of the Lower Colorado River Drop 2 Storage Reservoir Project
Agreement among the United States, SNWA, and CRCN, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of
Reclamation (2009). Draft Annual Operation Plan for Colorado River Reservoirs 2010, U.S. Department of the
Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
USACE (2008). HEC-RAS, River Analysis System Users Manual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic
Engineering Center.

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