Environmental Science & Engineering
Environmental Science & Engineering
Environmental Science & Engineering
This is the second iteration of preparing our own courseware material, after successful
completion of a similar task undertaken a few years ago. These contents have been carefully
prepared and should serve as excellent auxiliary material for both instructors and students.
The Special Academic Group, Autonomy (SAGA) was formed for the sole purpose of
preparing courseware contents primarily in the first-year theory subjects; a few second-year
subjects were also included. The subjects for the first year were - Basic Electrical Engineering,
Basic Electronics Engineering, Computer Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms,
Engineering Mathematics I and II, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Constitution
of India, Environmental Science and Engineering and Communicative and Technical English.
For the second year, the subjects for which courseware material was prepared were Analog
Electronic Circuits, Digital Systems Design, Circuit Theory and Measurements and
Faculty members from all the departments contributed to the task. They were, in no particular
order, Nalini Singh, Bimal Meher, Saumyaranjan Dash, Mukti Routray, Susmita Biswal,
Manasa Dash, Bipin Tripathy, Sibasankar Nayak, Janmejay Senapati, Subrat Sahu, Pradeep
Moharana, Rupambika Pattanaik, Dhananjay Tripathy, Jagadish Patra, Sachin Das, Deepak
Ranjan Nayak, Amulya Roul, Bodhisattva Dash, Sanghamitra Das, Gyana Ranjan Biswal,
Nibedita Swain and Rajan Mishra.
The entire group worked diligently to successfully complete the task which included a peer
review of the material. I take this opportunity to thank all the members of the SAGA group for
a job well done.
I sincerely hope that this courseware material comes in handy and is utilized to the fullest
extent. These are readily available additional resources prepared in accordance with the Silicon
autonomy syllabus, to complement textbooks and classroom lectures. If there are any errors, I
would be grateful if they are brought to my notice so that we can correct them in subsequent
The word “Environment” has come from an old french word environ or environner to be exact
which literally means “to encircle” or “to surround”.
The word “environment” can be defined as “our life support system which includes air, water,
land/soil & all other natural resources present around us”.
Related Terms
1. Environmental Science
2. Environmental Engineering
3. Environmental Management
4. Environmental Laws
1.Environmental Science
It is the study of human beings’ impact on the environment and the physical, chemical and
biological changes occurring in nature which focuses on pollution. It is highly interdisciplinary
& it collects information from various fields such as biology, chemistry, geography,
agriculture, geology etc.
2. Environmental Engineering
4. Environmental Laws
It involves the body of statuaries, policies those are made in order to protect the nature from
being misused by human beings. Some laws are regulative or controlling in nature while some
are for preventive measure & some are binding on us.
It can be defined as “the ability to meet the needs of present generation without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet their needs” i.e. the balance or proper
use of resources, so that our future generation will not face any problem for their survival,
after taking care of our own survival needs.
Pillars or Components of SD
a) Economical Development
c) Environmental Protection
In the developing countries, P3 syndrome i.e. (Population, Pollution, Poverty) and in the rich
developed countries overuse of natural resources are the key or important factors leading to
environmental degradation.
Environmental Problems
a) Water Pollution
b) Air Pollution
c) Biodiversity Depletion
a) Over Population
b) Wasteful use of Resources
f) Deforestation
g) Soil Erosion
h) Loss of Biodiversity
Definition of Pollution
It is an undesirable change in physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, water &
soil, that may harmfully affect human beings, animals, the plant life, industrial progress, living
conditions & cultural assets.
Definition of Pollutant
Ecological Concepts
The word ecology was coined by Ernst Haeckel from two Greek words, Oikos & Logos. Oikos
means House or Living Space & Logos means Study. Ecology is the branch of Biology
concerned with the relations of various species to one another & to their physical
Ecological Perspective
Principles of ecology
• All living organisms & their physical environment are interdependent upon each other
& also affect each other.
• Every living organism has certain limits of tolerance towards the various factors of
environment & only within these limits the organisms can survive.
• The existence of life depends upon flow of energy through food chains & the cycling
of nutrients.
Aspects of ecology
a) Autecology
b) Synecology
It is the study of communities, their composition, their behaviour & the relation to the
i) Population Ecology
ii) Genetic Ecology
iii) Taxonomic Ecology
i) Population Ecology
It relates with individual organisms with different groups of organisms within the
ecosystem of different levels & the interrelationship among themselves.
ii) Genetic Ecology
It is also known as Gene Ecology. Different organisms have different genes and
chromosomes; hence they live in different places.
The relationship due to the variation in genes among biotic components with their
surroundings non-biotic environment is known as Genetic Ecology.
iii) Taxonomic Ecology
It includes ecology of taxonomic groups such as microbes, vertebrates (with
backbone), invertebrates (without backbone) & insects etc.
An ecosystem is defined as a natural functional ecological unit comprising of living organisms
(i.e. biotic community) & their non-living (i.e. abiotic) environment that interact to form a
stable self-supporting system.
Properties of Ecosystem
Types of Ecosystem
1. Natural Ecosystem
2. Artificial or Man-made or Man-engineered Ecosystem
1.Natural Ecosystem
I) Terrestrial Ecosystem
I) Terrestrial Ecosystem
ii) Lentic
These include salt water bodies which may be Ocean ecosystem, Sea ecosystem.
2.Artificial ecosystem
1. Abiotic &
2. Biotic
Functions of ecosystem
Energy flow: It regulates the flow of energy from one level to the other.
Environmental gradients: The ecosystem fix the limit of tolerance for each organism towards
various factors of environment.
Food Chain & Food Web: The energy produced by green plants are passed to next levels by a
chain of consumers leading to formation of food chain & interlinking of food chain will lead
to formation of food web.
Biodiversity: The ecosystem regulates the species diversity to acquire a stable system.
Natural Resources
The materials those occur in the environment or those are created by the environment
& useful for supporting life or promoting the well -being of human beings are termed as
natural resources
Natural Resources are the naturally occurring substances those are considered valuable in
their natural form & their value rest in the amount of material available & the demand for it.
1) Renewable or Inexhaustible
2) Non-renewable or exhaustible
It includes animals, plants & natural landscapes as part of countryside used for recreation &
tourism activities.
Value of environment
The value of the environment is considered on the basis of the economic status of the
particular region. Natural resources existing in the region are the backbone on the economic
1. Environmental Auditing
2. Biodiversity
3. Cost-Benefit Analysis
4. Environmental Ethics
1. Environmental Auditing
a) Pre-audit activities
It includes planning, scheduling the audit activities & selecting the audit team.
It includes –
• Assigning responsibilities
It doesn’t imply just a collection of species, but is a basic resource which acts as a
human life support system. Biodiversity plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles.
i) Genetic Biodiversity
3. Cost-Benefit Analysis
It attempts to provide a decision-making process for problems involving long period of time
& large uncertainties. This approach makes conservation the preferred option.
4. Environmental Ethics
It gives the attitude of people towards other living beings & the natural environment.
We, human beings must eradicate our feelings of superiority over the rest of natural world &
develop an “I-Thou” relationship rather than “I-It” relationship with the environment.
There are six major levels of ecological organization are recognized in the biotic components
of the environment.
1) Individual
2) Population
3) Community
4) Ecosystem
5) Biomes &
6) Biosphere
1) Individual
These are single species. Individuals have physiological functions & respond to environmental
2) Population
Population consists of a group of individuals of the same species living in a particular area at
the same time. Birth rate, death rate plays an important role in the size of population.
3) Community
Population of different species living together interact with each other to form a community.
4) Ecosystem
It includes both biotic & abiotic components of an area. The major or important feature of
this ecological level is the strong interaction between the various biotic & abiotic components
present. Nutrient cycling & energy flow occur in this ecological level
5) Biomes
When environmental conditions are similar in different parts of the country or around the
globe, the habitats & communities are also often similar, giving rise to a higher level of biotic
organization known as biomes.
6) Biosphere
The highest organizational level is the biosphere & it extends from bottom of the sea to the
top of the sky where life exists. Biogeochemical cycles occur at this ecological level.
Ecosystem Process:
In the ecosystem process, the following processes are essential for the survival &
maintenance of biotic components.
1. Energy flow &
2. Nutrient cycling
1. Energy flow
On the earth, the ultimate source of energy for life is solar radiation.
a) Autotrophic
b) Heterotrophic
1.(a) Autotrophic
Autotrophic production of energy is carried out within the ecosystem by green plants in the
presence of sunlight using photosynthesis process.
1.(b) Heterotrophic
Heterotrophic energy source is the one, where the chemical energy is imported as organic
matter which is originated from primary production in some other ecosystem.
12H2O + 6CO2 + 709kcal (from sunlight)→ C6H12O6(Carbohydrate)+ 6O2 + 6H2O
Out of total amount of solar radiation available, only 1 to 5% is used in the photosynthesis
process. The organic matter produced by green plants in the Photosynthesis process is called
Primary Production or (PP).
PP is affected by various environmental factors like water, light, temperature & soil nutrients.
PP is of 2 types.
GPP is the total amount of chemical energy or biomass stored by plants per unit area per unit
time. Since plant requires energy for synthesis of organic matter & functioning of plant itself,
some of GPP is used in the process of respiration.
NPP is used for plant growth & reproduction. NPP is normally 80 to 90% of GPP.
As various environmental factors affect PP, hence GPP & NPP vary over the globe. NPP can be
classified into four broad groups each with a characteristic productivity range.
Ex- Forest
Ex- Rainforest
When any organism requires energy, the reverse chemical reaction of photosynthesis
occurs, known as respiration, where the glucose molecule is broken down in the presence of
oxygen to produce CO 2, H2O & energy for work done & maintenance. The reaction is –
2. Nutrient cycling
During decomposition, the complex organic molecules in the original detritus or waste
are gradually broken down to much simpler constituents & inorganic molecules like nitrates
& phosphates, as the material moves through the decomposer or detritus food chain.
These are then, enter into the soil or sediment or dissolved in water, where they become the
nutrients available for reuse by green plants.
This whole process of recycling of nutrients within the ecosystem is known as nutrient cycling.
Depending on the types of foods, there are three types of food chain available.
It starts from DOM (Dead Organic Matter) & goes to detritus feeding organisms i.e. detrivores
i.e. bacteria, worms etc. & on to their predators.
It is a food chain in which parasites live on the host body or within the host body to get energy.
This food chain also starts from the green plants & animals to parasitic microbes.
Food Web
In most ecosystems, food chains interlink with each other to produce food web. Food web
shows the food pattern of energy flow in the ecosystem.
Tropic Level
Tropic level or nutritional level or tier gives the feeding status of an organism in an ecosystem.
It is based on the concept who feeds on whom.
It can be -
Ex: - Herbivores
Ex: - Carnivores
Ecological pyramid
The arrangement of organisms in a food chain according to tropic levels forms a pyramid.
1. Pyramid of energy
2. Pyramid of biomass
3. Pyramid of numbers.
1. Pyramid of energy
Generally, 10% energy is transferred between adjacent tropic levels & rest 90% of energy is
used up in that tropic level giving rise to energy pyramid. This is called 10% rule of ecosystem.
It is based on rate of energy flow & productivity at each successive tropic level.
2. Pyramid of biomass
It shows the total mass of the organisms in each tropic level. It is based on total dry weight
present in the level. It decreases from autotrophs to higher tropic level.
3. Pyramid of Numbers
It shows the number of organisms in each tropic level. There may be gradual decrease or
increase in the number of individuals.
Standing Crop
The amount of living materials in different tropic level or in any component population is
known as standing crop. It can be expressed as number/unit area or as biomass.
Ecological Succession
In an ecosystem, new species may succeed older species. The process of gradual change in
the conditions of physical environment, leading to the change in the species structure of an
ecological community (i.e. replacement of one species by the other) over space & time, is
called Ecological Succession or Ecological Development.
Biogeochemical Cycles
1) Organic Phase
In this phase, nutrients pass rapidly through biotic communities using food chain.
2) Inorganic Phase
a) Sedimentary Phase
b) Atmospheric Phase
c) Aquatic Phase or Aquatic Reservoir
a) Sedimentary Phase
It involves interactions with the solid earth or rocks & results of geological activities such as
b) Atmospheric Phase
It forms major part of some cycles like ‘N’ cycle & ‘C’ cycle & minor parts of some cycles like
‘P’ Cycle.
i) C – Carbon
ii) N – Nitrogen
iii) O – Oxygen
iv) P – Phosphorous
v)S – Sulphur
i) Carbon Cycle
The carbon cycle is nature's way of reusing carbon atoms, which travel from the atmosphere
into organisms in the earth and then back into the atmosphere over and over again.
Most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the ocean,
atmosphere, and living organisms.
The oxygen cycle is the cycle that helps move oxygen through the three main regions
of the Earth, the Atmosphere, the Biosphere, and the Lithosphere. The Atmosphere is of
course the region of gases that lies above the earth's surface and it is one of the largest
reservoirs of free oxygen on earth.
Phosphorus moves in a cycle through rocks, water, soil and sediments and organisms.
Over time, rain and weathering cause rocks to release phosphate ions and other minerals.
This inorganic phosphate is then distributed in soils and water. Plants take up inorganic
phosphate from the soil.
v) Sulphur Cycle
The sulphur cycle is the collection of processes by which sulphur moves between
rocks, waterways and living systems. Such biogeochemical cycles are important in geology
because they affect many minerals.
The hydrological cycle of the earth is the sum total of all processes in which water moves from
the land and ocean surface to the atmosphere and back in form of precipitation.
The hydrological cycle is dependent on various factors and is equally affected by oceans and
land surfaces.
Interception:- It is the evaporation of water from the outer surface of leaves during & after
• Colour
• Turbidity
• Taste & odour
• Temperature
• Solids
• Colour
It is measured in Hazen’s Scale. The permissible limit of colour for drinking water is 5mg/L or
• Turbidity
It is the measure of cloudiness in water & caused by presence of suspended matter which
scatters & absorbs light. It is measured in NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit). The
Permissible limit of turbidity for drinking water is 1NTU.
This may be due to presence of micro-organisms, algae, dissolved minerals, salts etc. It is
measured in TON (Threshold Odour Number). The permissible limit of TON for drinking water
is 1 to 3.
TON = (A + B)/ A
• Temperature
The temperature of water varies with atmospheric temperature & it is a significant parameter
regarding characteristics of water. For drinking water, the temperature should be 10-250C.
• Solids
• PH
• Alkalinity & Acidity
• Hardness
• PH
PH = - log [H+] or
= - log [H3O+]
Q. In a water treatment plant, the P H values of incoming & outgoing water are 7.2 & 8.4
respectively. Assuming a linear variation of PH with time, determine the average P H value of
• Alkalinity & Acidity
Alkalinity is also known as ANC or (Acid Neutralizing Capacity) & Acidity is also known as BNC
or (Base Neutralizing Capacity)
a) Carbonate Alkalinity
c) Hydroxide Alkalinity
• Hardness
Hard water has high mineral content. Hardness of water are of two types.
a) Temporary Hardness
b) Permanent Hardness
Hardness of water is expressed in mg/L as CaCO 3. The permissible limit of hardness of drinking
water is 200 mg/L as CaCO3.
= M+2(Concentration in meq/L) X 50
It is the measure of the ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electric current. The equation
can be,
ec= ƩCifi
Q. If bacteria cells are represented by the chemical formula C 5H7O2N, then determine the
potential carbonaceous BOD, when bacteria cell concentration is 1000mg/L.
Q. A wastewater is analysed & is shown to contain 100 mg/L of ethylene glycol (C 2H6O2) &
120 mg/L of phenol(C6H6O). Determine COD & TOC.
BI & BF are initial & final DO (Dissolved Oxygen) concentration of seeded diluted water or
Q. The results from a BOD test diluted by 100 are given below. Calculate the BODS.
Q. The results from a BOD test diluted by 100 are given below. Calculate the Corrected BOD S.
The rate of decomposition of organic matter is directly proportional to the amount of organic
matter available & it is a first order reaction.
i.e. d/dt(Lt)α Lt
Now taking integration of both sides and putting initial condition at t=0, L t=L0, we will have
final expression for BOD exerted at any time t i.e.
Temperature effect on K1
KT = (K20)x(Ɵ)(T-20)
The Oxygen demand associated with the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrate (NO3-) is called
Nitrogenous BOD or NBOD.
2NO2- + O2 → 2NO3-
Q. Determine the TOD (Total Oxygen Demand) if the sample contains 25 mg/L of N.
Q. 15ml of sample was diluted in 300ml bottle. Initial DO was 8.9 mg/L & final DO after 5days
was 4.4mg/L. The corresponding initial & final DO of diluted water was 9.1mg/L & 9.05 mg/L.
Find out 5 days BOD at 200C.
Q. BOD of an sample incubated for one day at 300C was found to be 100mg/L. What would
be the 5 day BOD at 200C. The deoxygenation rate coefficient (K 1) is 0.12 at 200C.
Q. Determine the two day BOD for a wastewater at 200C, while BOD5 at 200C is 250mg/L. The
deoxygenation rate coefficient(K 1) value at 200C is 0.2 per day. What shall be the BOD after
the end of seven days at 250C .
Q. A BOD test was conducted taking 5% wastewater mixed with 95% aerated water for
dilution & the following observations were found out:
iii) DO of the diluted wastewater after incubation at 200C for 5 days is 0.7 mg/L
Calculate the 5 days BOD of the above wastewater sample if the deoxygenation constant is
Aquatic Pollution
The aquatic Pollution can be classified into three broad groups.
b) Estuarine pollution
c) Marine pollution
b) Estuarine pollution
Estuarine means tidal mouth of river or where river mixes with the sea. So if surface water is
polluted then it can lead to pollution of estuarine.
c) Marine pollution
Point Sources are those, which discharge pollutants from specific locations such as chimney,
drainpipe of factories etc.
Non-point sources of pollution are those, which don’t have any specific location of discharge.
It can be defined as the enrichment of water by inorganic plant nutrients like N & P, which
results in increase in primary productivity.
{(Cg-C0)/(Cg-Ct)} = e k 2t
The simplest model of decay of a contaminant is to assume the decay to be a first order
reaction i.e.
r = - kc &
Ct = C0e -Kt
t = time in days
It is also known as deep percolation. It is a hydrologic process, where water moves downward
from surface to ground.
Recharge can help move excess salts that accumulate in the root zone to deeper soil layers or
into the deep groundwater system.
The ground water flow is governed by Darcy’s law which can be expressed as follows:-
Q = KiA
= KA(dh/dL)
= KA{(h2-h1)/(L2-L1)}
Q. Determine the daily flow capacity and transmissivity of an aquifer, if it’s height, width,
length are 15mtr, 800mtr & 2km respectively. The water head change over the length 2km is
3mtr. The hydraulic conductivity (K) is 6x10-7 m/sec.
Water Table
A water table is the underground depth, at which point the ground is totally saturated by
water. The water table may vary due to seasonal changes in precipitation, evapotranspiration
& topography etc.
An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. An aquifer
is an underground layer of water bearing permeable rock from which ground water can b e
extracted using a water well.
Aquifer can be of two types-
• a) Unconfined aquifer
• b) Confined aquifer
a) Unconfined aquifer
An unconfined aquifer is the one which is open to receive water from the ground surface &
whose water table surface is free to fluctuate up & down, depending on the recharge &
discharge rate.
b) Confined aquifer
These types of aquifers have rock layer with less permeability or confining bed of rock above
them due to which water can’t enter freely into these type of aquifers from the ground
Concept of Hydrology
i) Water Balance or Water Budget
It gives the quantitative account of hydrological cycle. The equation for water balance is based
on conservation of mass.
P= R+E+∆S+∆G
P is Precipitation
R is Runoff
E is Evaporation
iii)Rainfall-Runoff Relationship or
Q is runoff in m3/sec
C is locality coefficient
QP = 0.278 CIA
Modified Rational Formula given by Wallingford is-
QP = 0.278CVCRIA
Water Treatment
The objectives of water treatment are-
Organoleptic Parameters
Organoleptic Parameters are those parameters which can be sensed or felt by human organs.
Monitoring Frequency
The water quality parameters are required to be monitored depending on the s ource &
quality of raw water.
A) Minimum monitoring(C1)
B) Current monitoring(C2)
C) Periodic Monitoring(C3)
A) Pretreatment processes
B) Standard or Conventional processes
A) Pretreatment processes
Some treatment processes are required prior to standard water treatment processes which
may include-
i) Screening
ii) Storage
iii) Aeration
i) Screening:-
Different types of screens are used in this process. Those are can be -
a) Coarse Screen
b) Fine Screen
c) Micro Screen
a) Coarse Screen:-
These screens contain typically inclined bars of 25mm dia & 100mm spacing, preventing large
floating matters from entering the treatment plant
b) Fine Screen:-
If storage is not provided, then fine screens are fitted after the coarse screens. If there is
storage, then fine screens are placed at the outlet of the storage tanks.
Fine screens are typically mesh with openings about 6mm dia or square
C) Micro Screen:-
In micro screens, mesh openings range from 20 to 40 µm.These type of screens are used only
for relatively uncontaminated water.
ii) Storage:-
Storage tanks balance the flows going to the treatment plant. Storage capacity should be
equivalent to 7 to 10 days of the average water demand. The period of storage shouldn’t be
long, so as not to encourage the growth of unwanted organisms
iii) Aeration:-
Aeration is the supply of oxygen from the atmosphere to water to effect beneficial changes
in the quality of water. It is a common treatment process for groundwater
a) To release excess H2S gas which may cause undesirable taste & odour.
The chemical pre-treatment to remove undesirable properties of water like algae or excess
colour is a more expensive process than chemical post-treatment. In pre-treatment, greater
amount of chemicals are required to effect the same result as some of the chemicals are
absorbed by turbidity of water.
The two Chemical pre-treatment processes which are generally used are-
a) Pre-Chlorination
b) Activated Carbon
a) Pre-chlorination:-
It is used on low turbidity water with a high coliform count. The chlorine is injected into the
water stream & it oxidizes & precipitates iron & manganese. It also kill pathogens & reduces
colour. The chlorine dose used is 5mg/L. Pre-chlorination also reduces NH3 in both surface
water & ground water supplies.
b) Activated Carbon:-
Activated Carbon can be used either as PAC (Powdered Activated Carbon) or as GAC (Granular
Activated Carbon). Generally for water treatment PAC is used, but GAC is used where taste &
odour of water have an industrial base.
PAC has lower cost & efficiency than GAC. Doses may vary from 3 to 20 mg/L.
B) Standard or Conventional processes
It includes-
i) Sedimentation
ii) Coagulation
iii) Flocculation
V) Disinfection
i) Sedimentation
The heavier large particles settle down by the force of gravity at the bottom of the
sedimentation tank, which is called Sedimentation. Stoke’s law for settling velocity is the
deciding force for sedimentation.
VS=(g/18µ)(ρs- ρw)d2
V S is settling velocity
µ is dynamic viscocity
ρw is density of water
ii) Coagulation
The lighter smaller particles don’t settle down by the force of gravity. To make them settle
down, some amount of coagulants are added to the water, which is called Coagulation.
When coagulants are added to the water, the lighter smaller particles coagulate or combine
with each other forming bigger particles, known as floc & the process is called flocculation.
iv) Filtration
It is the process of passing water through a porous medium, with the expectation that the
filtrate water has better quality than the incoming water. Generally, two types of filters are
V) Disinfection
By disinfection, pathogens & micro-organisms are killed, thereby making water more pure.
Chick’s law
The rate of destruction of micro-organisms is often a first order chemical reaction as given by
Chick’s law i.e.
d d
( N t ) ( N t ) ( N t ) = − k ( N t )
dt dt
So, N t = N 0 e − kt
K = Rate constant depends on types of micro-organisms present & types of disinfectants used
a) Chlorine dioxide
b) Chlorination
c) Chloramines
d) UV radiation
When chlorine is added to water, the chlorine at first oxidizes inorganic compounds &
some amount of chlorine will be consumed by organic matter present in water. Then some
amount of chlorine will be used for formation & subsequent destruction of chloramines.
The amount of chlorine required to fulfill the above consumption requirements are called
chlorine demand. The point at which the chlorine demand is satisfied is called the breakpoint
The excess dose of chlorine after breakpoint, is available for disinfection which appears as
residual chlorine. A residual chlorine of minimum 0.5mg/L is maintained in disinfection
ii) To treat water containing specific chemical or microbiological contaminants, so that they
can be brought to an acceptable standard.
Wastewater Treatment
Types of wastewater
a) Domestic/Sanitary wastewater
b) Industrial wastewater
c) Agricultural wastewater
d) Storm/Runoff water
Common Terms
FOG- It refers to Fat, Oil & Grease, which are basically immiscible layer in the wastewater.
a) Pre-treatment
b) Primary treatment
a) Pre-treatment
Pre-treatment of municipal wastewater is required to make it useful for further treatment &
to decrease overall load on the system. It includes Screening, Grit Channels, Oil & Grease
removal, Chemical pre-treatment etc.
b) Primary treatment
It basically removes suspended solids (SS) from the wastewater. Sometimes, it also removes
some organic solids along with inorganic suspended solids. It includes sedimentation,
coagulation etc. The removal efficiency w.r.t. SS is 50-70% and w.r.t. removal of BOD is 25-
It can be divided into two major categories, depending on the availability of oxygen.
i) Aerobic Process
Aerobic Processes like Trickling Filter, RBC (Rotating Biological Contactor) & ASP (Activated
Sludge Process) etc.
Anaerobic process has three major steps like Hydrolysis, Acidogenesis or Fermentation &
• The ASP unit basically consists of CSTR (Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor), which is
an aeration basin equipped with surface aerators and secondary clarifier unit.
• The aerobic bacteria culture is developed in the reactor and remain i n suspension.
Monod Model
Monod Kinetics is used for microbial growth calculations and reactor sizing in the activated
sludge process.
where the terms have the usual meanings. S, substrate Conc, X, microbe conc.
The diagram below shows how K s is determined from μmax . Monod's equation is an empirical
equation to determine rg , the growth rate of microbes.
Wastewater treatment flow diagram
Reactor Configuration
In environmental engineering, particularly in water & waste water treatment reactors used
are of 3 types –
In this case, reactants continuously enter into the reactor & the products are continuously
discharged from a well-mixed vessel.
In this case, the reactants or inputs are entered at one end & products are discharged at the
other end, after spending a minimum retention time in the system.
In soil:
In Crustal rock:
Soil minerals
Quartz - SiO2
Calcite - CaCO3
Gypsum - CaSO4.2H2O
Gibbsite - Al(OH) 3
Soil Salinity
A soil solution is considered saline, if the electrical conductivity (EC) is greater than 4000
micro-siemens/cm or µs/cm. This condition occurs, when evaporation exceeds precipitation.
If this condition continues then, saltpan will occur.
2. Black soil
3. Mountainous soil
4. Desert soil
The Soil Moisture Deficit is the term used when soil moisture is below the Field Capacity (FC)
of soil.
It is the maximum % of volumetric soil moisture that a soil sample will hold freely against
earth gravity. It varies from 5% for sandy soil to 30% for dry soil.
Atmospheric Chemistry
Primary Pollutant
The Primary Pollutants are those which are emitted by identifiable manmade sources.
Secondary Pollutant
The secondary pollutants are those formed in the atmosphere by chemical or photochemical
reactions of primary pollutants.
PAN is a class of compounds, Peroxy- Acyl- Nitrates, that are formed by photochemical
reactions at the ground level. It is a key ingredient of SMOG, is a respiratory inhibitor and an
eye irritant. The commonest PAN is Peroxy-Acetyl- Nitrate.
The reactions involving PAN formation are complex, and not totally well
understood. However, the equations below give a rough pathway to the photochemical
formation of PAN compounds.
PANs are secondary pollutants which are present in photochemical smog. PANs are
not directly emitted as exhaust from power plants or internal combustion engines, but they
are formed from other pollutants by chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Free radical
reactions catalyzed by UV light from the sun oxidize unburned hydrocarbons to aldehydes,
ketones & dicarbonyl compounds whose secondary reactions create peroxyacyl (the most
common is the peroxyacetyl) radicals, which combine with the NO2 radical to form
Peroxyacylnitrates (PANs); if the radical is peroxyacetyl, then peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) is
• NO2 + hv -------> NO + O
• O + O2 ---------> O3
• O3 + NO --------> NO2 + O2
When the nascent oxygen combines with hydrocarbon (i.e. HC or RC), then acyl radicals, RCO,
are formed:
• RC + O ----------> RCO
Then these acyl radicals combine with oxygen molecule to form peroxy-acyl radicals
and finally, peroxy-acyl radicals RCO3 combine with NO2 to form RCO3NO2.
• The Troposphere is mostly heated by transfer of energy from the earth surface and
temperature decreases with altitude or height.
• In Stratosphere temperature increases with height due to increased absorption of UV
radiation by Ozone Layer.
• In Mesosphere temperature decreases with height due to decreasing solar heating.
• In Thermosphere temperature increases with height due to absorption of highly
energetic solar radiation which causes atmosphere particles in this layer to become
electrically charged.
Criteria Pollutants
The criteria pollutants as defined by USA, EC(European Community) & WHO includes
CO,NO2,SO2,Pb,PM-10(Particulate Matter of dia less than 10µm). These are generally found
in urban environment.
Non-Criteria Pollutants
The non-criteria air pollutants are those for which emission limits from industry are set or
fixed. These are more poisonous & hazardous w.r.t. criteria pollutants.
Hydrocarbon (HC), SOX, NOX emitted from industries & vehicles are the main source of acid
deposition on the earth.
A GHG absorbs & emits radiation within the thermal infrared range having wavelength
between 700nm to 1mm i.e.700x10-9 m to 10-3m. The major GHG in order of their contribution
are CO2>CFCs>CH4>N2O(Nitrous Oxide)
a) Microscale
b) Mesoscale
c) Macroscale
a) Microscale
b) Mesoscale
c) Macroscale
It is of the order of 1000km & duration is days to weeks.
Wind Speed
Wind speed at any height(z) can be determined using power law relationship i.e.
Z is height in mtr
Q. Use power law velocity profile equation to determine U20,U50,U100,U200 if U10 is 5m/sec & p
is 0.2.
Lapse Rate
In the lower troposphere, the temperature usually decreases with altitude. The rate of
temperature change or gradient is known as the lapse rate. Lapse rate can be ambient or
The temperature change or gradient with respect to rising altitude is known as ambient lapse
rate & it varies from day to day & day to night. This is the actual change of temperature with
altitude for the stationary atmosphere.
The temperature change of a parcel of air against rising altitude under adiabatic condition
(i.e. occurring without the addition or loss of heat) is called the adiabatic lapse rate.
For dry air i.e. DALR value is 0.980C per 100mtr or approximately 10C per 100mtr or 100C per
KM height.
For moist air i.e. MALR value is 0.550C per 100mtr or approximately 0.60C per 100mtr or 60C
per KM height.
Atmospheric Dispersion
For determining atmospheric dispersion, generally 5 models are used like –
• Gaussian model
• Numerical model
• Statistical model
• Emperical model
• Physical model
i) There is no variation in wind speed & direction between the source & receptor.
The Equipment Selection & Design is made on the basis of the types of compounds which are
required to be removed. Generally, compounds can be of three types –
c) Particulate matter
i) Incinerators
ii) Absorbers
iii) Adsorbers
iv) Condensors
v) Filters
In high- voltage electrostatic field, affected by the electric field force, gas ionization
takes place. There are tremendous amount of electrons and ions existing in the ioni zed gas.
After the dust particles are combined with these electrons and ions, they will be polarized,
most of them are negatively polarized. Under the action of the field force, negatively charged
particles migrates towards the positive electrode and in turn release electrons and attach to
the positive electrode.
When the particles agglomerate and the layers reach a certain thickness on the plate, rapping
system will start to work and the particles will be dislodged from the collecting plate by
vibration and falling into the hopper. That ends the collection process.
The efficiency of an ESP with plate collector is given by Anderson-Deutsch equation which can
be expressed as follows-
Efficiency = 1- e (-AW/Q)
Q. Calculate the percentage increase in area of the ESP plates, if the efficiency of the ESP unit
is to be increased from 99% to 99.7%. Given the flow rate is 50m 3/sec & particulate velocity
is 0.15mtr/sec.
Q. The drift velocity of fly ash particle is given by the empirical equation w= 1.5X10 5 dp, where
dp is particle size. Determine the plate area required to remove particles of dia 0.7µm with
removal efficiency 95%. Flow to ESP is 5m3/sec.
Noise Pollution
Sounds are mechanical waves of pressure which allow us to hear & listen. Sounds can
be transmitted through solid, liquid & gas. Generally human beings can perceive sound
frequencies between 20 Hz & 20 KHz.
Sources can be classified into outside & inside. Outside include construction sites, road traffic,
airport, factories etc. Inside include phones, tv, radio, home appliances etc.
Source Sound in dB
Normal conversation 60
Alarm Clock 80
Car horn 120
Jet 130
Gunshot 140
Rocket Launching 180
• Sleep disturbance
• Lack of productivity
• Causes stress & depression
• Hormone imbalance
• Higher heart rate
• Time Period (T or P)- Time period is the time gap between successive crest or trough
Noise Criteria
It states that, the sound intensity(I) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r)
it propagates.
I = W/4πr2 i.e.
I α 1/r2,
LW=10 log(W/10-12)
LW is sound power level in dB for 10-12 watt & W is sound power of noise source in watt.
The sound pressure level is measured in decibel(dB) & is directly proportional to the square
of sound pressure i.e.
LP=10log{P2/(P0) 2}
= 20 log (P/P 0)
Q. The sound from a voice shouting source is 0.001W. What is the sound power level?
Q.If two sound sources have equal pressure of 2000μPa, then determine the sound pressure
in dB.
Q. An air conditioner generates a noise level of 75dB for five minutes in every hour. If the
background noise level is 55dB, then calculate the L Aeq.
Solid Waste Management
Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials generated from combined
residential, industrial and commercial activities in a given area.
Management of solid waste reduces or eliminates adverse impacts on the environment and
human health and supports economic development and improved quality of life.
iii) Transformation
iv) Landfill
A newly purchased product is put to another use after the first use is completed.
It is the processing of used materials or waste into new products to prevent waste of
potentially useful materials.
c) Field Capacity
d) Shear Strength
e) Hydraulic Conductivity
Particle size is measured in terms of size of screens in mm through which wastes are passing.
This distribution will provide the information of various materials present.
Density is mass per unit volume, which is a useful physical parameter used for separating
various wastes from each other before treatment.
The moisture content is expressed as mass of water vapour per unit mass of substance.
It is the maximum percentage of volumetric soil moisture that a MSW sample will hold freely
against earth’s gravity.
FC can be calculated by –
FC = 0.6 – 0.55{W/(4500+W)}
d) Shear Strength
Solid wastes when compacted usually have high shearing strength & hence don’t flow on
standing, but sludge has poor shearing strength & therefore very often sludge is co-disposed
with MSW.
e) Hydraulic Conductivity
Sludge in landfills tend to resist the movement of water through them due to low hydraulic
conductivity, as sludge has high moisture content.
Organic or biological matter in MSW is significant for the energy recovery by biodegradation.
BF = 0.83 - 0.028LC
BF is Biodegradable Fraction
a) Proximate Analysis
b) Ultimate Analysis
c) Energy Content
a) Proximate Analysis
FC is the solid combustible residue that remains after the material is heated & the volatile
matter is ejected.
b) Ultimate Analysis
It is the elemental analysis of essential major elements like C,H,O,N,P,S in percentage mass.
c) Energy Content
Heating value or calorific value of MSW may be defined as the amount of heat liberated in
calorie, when a gram of MSW is burnt. It gives the amount of organic matter present in the
Generally, terms like E, Hu, Hwf, Hawf are used to express energy content.
E is Energy Content
Hu is LHV(Lower Heat Value) i.e. energy received from waste as collected from site
Hwf is NHV(Normal Heat Value) i.e. energy received from water-free waste
Hawf is HHV(Higher Heat Value) i.e. energy received from ash-water-free waste
Hu = Hawf x B – 2.445 x W
i) Dulong Equation
i) Dulong Equation
E = Energy content,
The component separation can be done at the household or at the industry i.e. at the source
or at the transfer station or at the final destination, where mechanical sorting or separation
is possible.
It depends on types of collection facility available & materials present, which can be –
The ideal integrated waste management plan might have following priorities –
In most Western Countries, there are different types of landfills, mainly depending on the
nature of waste materials. A landfill is built for each of the garbage types like household
waste, hazardous chemicals or radioactive waste, construction waste, etc.
An open dump, as the name suggests, is an open area typically outside city limits where the
garbage is dumped; this usually results in very unhygienic conditions and often pollutes the
groundwater nearby, from toxic chemicals leaching into the groundwater.
Leachate in Landfills
Leachate is the contaminated water in landfills which arrive at the landfill site through
external precipitation.
The amount of leachate produced in a landfill depends on it’s water balance, which can be
expressed as follows –
LC = PR + SRT – SRO – EP – ST
LC is Leachate,
PR is Precipitation
SRT is Surface Run To i.e. water outside the site entering the landfill
EP is Evapotranspiraton
Q. Calculate the Landfill area requirement for 20 years for a city of population of about 5
lakhs. Assume MSW generation as 500gm per capita per day & density of MSW is 500kg/m 3.
ii) Reactive:- The substance reacts with other materials & may explode.
iv) Toxic:- The substance is a danger to health, water, food & air.
The household hazardous wastes come from kitchen, bathroom, garage, garden etc.
It may include –
i) Waste Generator
v) ADR/RID classification
ADR/RID classification
3 T’s of Incineration
i) Time
ii) Temperature
iii) Turbulence
i) Time
Adequate residence time for solids for complete destruction or breaking of bonds. It depends
on feed rate, incinerator dimension & rotation speed.
ii) Temperature
Sufficient turbulence with adequate air or oxygen for mixing of waste with oxygen. This
depends on rotation speed & incinerator types.
Types of Incinerator
i) Rotary Kiln
i) Rotary Kiln
This is most common type of incinerator. Here Chemical destruction of waste occurs.
It is an aqueous phase oxidation where materials are exposed to gaseous source of oxygen.
This is suitable for uniform types of waste. In this case, heat transfer is very fast & uniform.
Wout is mass emission rate of same organic component from the incinerator
CE(Combustion Efficiency)
Combustion efficiency is a measurement of how well the fuel being burned or is being utilized
in the combustion process.
E-Waste Management
E- waste or Electrical/Electronics waste is an environment killer. Today’s electronic
gadgets, tomorrow’s electronic wastes.
'E-waste' means waste from electrical and electronic equipments; whole or in part or rejects
from their manufacturing and repair process which are intended to be discarded as waste.
E-waste is the term used to cover all items of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) an d
its parts that have been discarded by its owner as waste without the intent of re -use.
It is also referred to as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) or electronic waste
or e-scrap in different regions.
Electronic waste or e-waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices & used
electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, recycling, or disposal are also considered e -
Informal processing of e-waste in developing countries can lead to adverse human health
effects and environmental pollution.
It is the fastest growing portion of municipal waste & its management will prevent -
Sources/Types of E-Waste
1. Waste generated from the products used for data processing such as computers, computer
devices like monitor, speakers, keyboards, printers etc.
2. Electronic devices used for entertainment like TV, DVDs, and CD players.
3. Equipment or devices used for communication like phones, landline phones, fax etc.
4. Household equipment’s like vacuum cleaner, microwave ovens, washing machines, air
conditioners etc.
5. Audio, visual components such as VCRs, Stereo equipment etc.
Components of E-Waste
EEE contains various materials including hazardous, valuable and scarce metals.
Common hazardous materials found in e-waste are heavy metals (such as mercury, lead,
cadmium etc.)
E-Waste also contains many valuable materials (such as iron, copper, aluminum and plastics)
and precious metals (like gold, silver, platinum and palladium) that can be recycled.
In fact, up to 60 elements from the periodic table can be found in complex electronics, and
many of them are recoverable, though it is not always economic to do so presently.
From the resource perspective, e-waste is a potential “urban mine” that could provide a great
amount of secondary resources for remanufacture and recycling.
• Monitors - 10% ,
• Television -10%,
• Computers,Televisions, Fax, Printers etc.-15% ,
• DVD/VCR Player, CD Player, Radio etc.- 15% ,
• Refrigerators -20% ,
• Washing Machine, Dryers, AC, Vacuum Cleaners etc.- 30%
Is E-Waste hazardous?
• Advancement in technology.
• Changes in style, fashion and status
• Products nearing the end of their useful life
• Not taking precautions while using them
Around 90% of the e-waste generated in India are handled by the informal sectors.
Incineration & Landfilling are used currently for majority of e waste.
Incineration i.e. E- Waste are destroyed by burning which produces harmful gases. Land filling
which often leads to contaminate water and soil. Very less percentage of e -waste is recycled
RoHS and WEEE directives
• Companies selling electrical and electronic goods in the European Union must
conform to the EU legislation for electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). The two
most important directives are:
• The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), which sets out the
responsibilities of EEE producers for the collection and recycling of their products at
the end of their lifecycle.
• The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), which bans the use of
certain hazardous substances (such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium
and some polybrominated flame retardants) in EEE.
• WEEE and RoHS Directives are complex pieces of legislation that apply to a similar
range of products.
• Each directive imposes obligations and outcomes that EU Member States must
achieve. However, neither directive dictates how the Member States must fulfill their
obligations. Therefore, when exporting to Europe, U.S. exporters need to be mindful
that national rules for implementing each directive will differ from country to country.
Emissions from E-Waste create environmental damage. Toxic chemicals from e-waste enter
the "soil-crop- food pathway,” and these are non-biodegradable and cause soil pollution. E-
Waste dumping yards and nearby places are polluted and cause health hazards.
Lead damage to central and peripheral nervous systems , blood systems and kidney damage
and affects brain development of children.
Cadmium leads to toxic irreversible effects on human health & accumulates in kidney and
liver. causing neural damage
Plastics including PVC - Burning produces dioxin which can cause reproductive and
developmental problems, Immune system damage & Interfere with regulatory hormones etc.
Disposal of e-waste
1. Land fill disposal allows heavy metals to leach into ground water.
2. Incineration makes hazardous materials pollute air.
Methods of Recycling
Materials recovery
The materials are recovered by recycling facilities. The plastic, glass, metals can be recovered
by sorting them before mixing them with other waste.
• Assets recovery
• Reduction of need for landfills
• Resale and reuse
• Creation of jobs
• E waste has emerged as one of the fastest growing waste streams world wide today.
• Electronic gadgets, without proper disposal can cause environmental harm
• Reuse and Recycle are more beneficial than simple disposal.
Probable Solutions
• Need for stringent health standards and environmental protection laws in India
• Extended producer responsibility
• Import of waste under license
• Producer-public-government cooperation
• Awareness program, following safer and efficient methods
• Choosing safer technology and cleaner substitute
• Monitoring of compliance rules
• Reduction of waste at source
• Recognition to the unorganized sectors in India.
• Designing of products using environment friendly raw items can make a change.
• Government should take steps to reduce e-waste disposal.
Waste Minimization
i) Control pollution
It includes –
i) Reduction at source
iii) Treatment
iv) Disposal
Waste Minimization Hierarchy
i) Inventory Management
iv) Recovery
i) Inventory Management
a) Inventory Control
b) Materials Control
b) Materials Change
It includes –
a) Source Segregation
b) Concentration
iv) Recovery
It includes –
a) on-site
b) off-site
vii) Disposal
Phases of LCA
i) Planning
ii) Screening
v) Evaluation
Origin of EIA
All ecosystems including human beings have threshold of tolerance for pollution &
disturbances, beyond which the system may suffer anything from temporary upsets to
complete destruction. After second world war industrial & agricultural practices began to
cause environmental damage which crossed the thresholds & lead to origin of EIA.
Stages of EIA
i) Screening
ii) Scoping
iii) EIS preparation
iv) Review
i) Screening
ii) Scoping
It is the process which defines the key or important issues that should be included in the
environmental assessment.
It is the scientific & objective analysis of the scale, significance & importance of impacts
iv) Review
The review panel guides the study & then advises the decision makers.
EIA Procedure
There are generally three options for establishing EIA procedures.
ii) Middle Ground Option i.e. within accepted planning & Procedures
The success of EIA depends on effective coverage & application of projects. The various
methods commonly used to select projects for EIA are –
i) The use of positive (EIA required) & negative (EIA not required) list
IEE is a mini-EIA. It requires a description of the environment & the development & the
identification of environmental impacts those are anticipated.
Scoping is the procedure for establishing the TOR (Terms Of Reference) for the EIS. In general,
the objectives would be to identify the concerns & issues those need attention, necessary for
public involvement & to prepare a detailed report for the investigation of specific issues
associated with the development.
Preparation of an EIS
The value of the project is sharply diminished, if it’s findings don’t reach it’s requisite results
or intended audiences.
i) Planning
ii) Purpose
iii) Audience
iv) Structure
Review of an EIS
i) The scope of the assessment i.e. which projects should be subjected to a full or partial EIS.
iv) Ensure that, the EIS had been adequately completed within the TOR.
Environmental Gradients
The environment or environmental factors are not similar over the globe or around
the earth, giving rise to Environmental Gradients & due to which different species live in
different places.
The physical, chemical factors like light, temperature & P H are known as conditions & the
factors the organism actually uses like food, water, shelter are known as resources.
There is a global gradient change from the equator towards north or south.
But, pollution can make it skew-shaped i.e. sharp decrease of curve towards left or right from
range of optimum.
Limiting Factors
The resources in shortage of supply or the conditions over which the species has the smallest
range of optimum will limit the species function & is called the limiting factor.
Ex:- Plant growth is strongly correlated with rain, but in arid region sufficient light is available,
but water scarcity is there which is the limiting factor.
The tolerance of species to different environmental conditions or resources level vary from
each other.
The favourable environmental factors to a species provide wide tolerance curve & broad
range of optimum known as Eurytopic factors.
The unfavourable environmental factors to a species provide narrow tolerance curve &
narrow range of optimum known as Stenotopic factors.
State Govt.
Central Govt.
Regional Offices
Water Laws
The various env. Laws on water are –
4) The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, rules & amendments – 1992
Air Laws
The various env. Laws on air are –
b) To preserve biodiversity
Eco-labelling of products
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty or CTBT bans nuclear explosive testing for everyone,
everywhere, in all environments. CTBT makes very difficult for the countries to test or develop
any nuclear weapon.
3. Montreal Protocol (1987) is for eliminating CFCs & other ozone depleting substances.
Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol (1992) was signed to try and limit Greenhouse gases, based on the
premise that Global Warming is occurring due to increased Greenhouse gas emissions.
Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement of 2015 is to combat climate change and reduce the temperature rise
to less than 2°C per century.
3. Narmada Bachao Andolan started against a multipurpose project over river narmada by
Baba Amte & Medha Patker.
4. Baliyapal Movement started against acquiring cultivated lands for testing missiles etc.
Important Env. Data
The idea of sustainable development was defined for the first time by the world commission
on environment and development in the year-----
• 1987
• 1961
• April 22.
• 5th June.
• June,1972.
Green Revolution
The Green Revolution within India commenced in the early 1960s that led to an increase in
food grain production, especially in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Major milestones in
this undertaking were the development of high-yielding varieties of wheat, and rust resistant
strains of wheat.
V) Dust control
Physical factors like unhygienic living conditions, lack of education & overcrowding in small
areas lead to health problems.
Chemical factors like improper or excess use of pesticides, herbicides and exposure to toxic,
hazardous and radioactive substances lead to health problems.
Interaction of the agents like micro-organisms with the hosts like human beings and the
environment can lead to various diseases.
Common Diseases
Role of IT in environment
The courseware material prepared may contain some text, figures and diagrams taken
from google images and other readily available web sources. The contents are prepared for the
use of students in Silicon Institute of Technology as additional reference material, and not for
any commercial purpose.