Resume Game Jiawei Gu

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Jiawei Gu

[email protected]

123 112th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA


C/C++, C#, Java, SQL, GLSL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

SFML, SDL, OpenGL, DirectX, OGRE, wxWidgets, AntTweakBar, TinyXML, myGUI
Visual Studio, Unity Engine, Unreal Engine 4, Git, SVN, Linux, Nginx
English, Japanese (JPTS-N2), Chinese (native)

Master of Science in Computer Science, DigiPen Institute of Technology, Redmond, WA


GPA 3.75/4.00, Graduate with Distinction

Bachelor of Management in Management Information System, Peking University, Beijing, China 06/2014
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
Li Yanhong scholarship, Merit Student (top 5%)

09/2011, 09/2012

Work Experience
Unity Game Developer(C#, Unity Engine, Nginx) @ Posed2 Inc.

06/2016 Present

Project Experience
3D Game Engine (C++, Custom Engine/Unreal Engine)

09/2015 04/2016

Programmed 2 games in Unity to record players micro behavior reaction and 3 types of AI logic as player rival
Hosted the game on web using Nginx and WebGL, sending players behavior data forth and back to the server
Built the relation model between data and players personality from training data collected from 100 testers

Upgraded event system, defined priority rule to receivers vary from game objects to systems to avoid reprocessing
Developed an AI FSM system, handling more than 30 states and reusing 7 of them to assemble state machines
Programmed a data-driven controller system supporting Xbox/PS4/keyboard at the same time
Improved a camera experience by utilizing a combination of delayed auto-following and user orbital control

Image Processor (C++)

01/2016 04/2016

Graphics Projects (C++, GLSL, OpenGL)

01/2015 12/2015

Game AI Project (C++, DirectX)

09/2015 12/2015

2D Game Engine (C++, OpenGL)

01/2015 04/2015

Research on Content-Based Image Retrieval w/ Multiple Low-Level Features

01/2014 06/2014

Coded algorithms including histogram equalization, Fast Fourier transform (FFT), noise generator and remover, etc.
Programmed feature extraction such as Canny Edge Detection, Hough Transform, Harris Corner Detection, SIFT
Researched on Local Laplacian Filter which enhances the details in the image while keeping edges without halo
Programmed shaders for BRDF lighting, texture/shadow/reflection/bump/normal map and image-based lighting
Built a graphics engine including math library to load/move/play 3D models with meshes/bones/animation tracks
Implemented inverse kinematics (CCD with restrictions), physics based animation (stick-and-spring system)

Programmed finite state machines, behavior trees, A * path finding (speed class top 3), grid-based terrain analysis
Researched and built a shared knowledge base for AI to drive them solving problems by auto-generated plans
Designed engine architecture to fulfill 2D/2.5D/3D gameplay, data-driven and component-based requirements
Crafted the UI system including head up display, menus which support both mouse and keyboard control
Solved Alt+Tab/Ctrl+Alt+Del response, full screen/window switching using Windows API

Developed a CBIR system in Matlab and experimented combining several existing algorithms for feature extraction
Optimized feature matching module with 10K images training data to retrieve both color-like and shape-like images

A Centralized Authentication in Cloud Service of Public Digital Resources


A Novel Pairwise Learning to Rank Algorithm in Key Phrase Extraction


Published in: New Technology of Library and Information Service (Core Journal), 2015, Issue 2, pp.64-71
Published in: ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp.51-56

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