Cy1991 2009

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Air Resources Laboratory Publications 1991-2009

ACKERMANN, G.R. Data base management strategies for large field studies. Proceedings, 84th Annual
Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vancouver, B.C., June 16-25. Air & Waste
Management Association, Pittsburgh, 91-71.1 (1991).
ANGELL, J.K. Changes in tropospheric and stratospheric global temperatures, 1958-1988. In
Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climatic Change: A Critical Appraisal of Simulations and Observations,
M.E. Schlesinger (Ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., Amsterdam, 231-247 (1991).
ANGELL, J.K. Stratospheric temperature change as a function of height and sunspot number during
1972-89 based on rocketsonde and radiosonde data. Journal of Climate 4(12):1170-1180 (1991).
BAKER, C.B. Review of the Seventh Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation,
14-18 January 1991, New Orleans, LA. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
72(11):1734-1743 (1991).
BALDOCCHI, D.D. Canopy control of trace gas emissions. In Trace Gas Emissions by Plants, T.D.
Sharkey, E.A. Holland, and H.A. Mooney (ed.). Academic Press, Inc., New York, 293-333 (1991).
BALDOCCHI, D.D. Discerning the forest from the trees: An essay on scaling canopy stomatal
conductance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 54:197-226 (1991).
BALDOCCHI, D.D. On estimating HNO3 deposition to a deciduous forest with a Lagrangian random
walk model. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Precipitation Scavenging and
Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Processes, July 15-19, 1991; Precipitation Scavenging and
Atmosphere-Surface Exchange, Vol. 2, The Semonin Volume: Atmosphere-Surface Exchange
Processes, S.E. Schwartz & W.G.N. Slinn, Coordinators, Hemisphere Publishing Company,
Washington, DC, 1081-1093 (1991).
BALDOCCHI, D.D., and T.P. MEYERS. Evaporation from the floor of a deciduous forest. Preprint
Volume, 20th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Salt Lake City, UT, September
10-13. American Meteorological Society, Boston, 63-65 (1991).
BALDOCCHI, D.D., and T.P. MEYERS. Trace gas exchange above the floor of a deciduous forest I.
Evaporation and CO2 efflux. Journal of Geophysical Research 96(D4):7271-7285 (1991).
BENJEY, W.G. Status and needs for toxic emission inventories for regional dispersion and deposition
modeling. In: Emission Inventory Issues in the 1990s. VIP-22. Proceedings, of an AWMA
International Specialty Conference on Emission Inventory Issues, September 1991, Durham, NC.
Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, 221-231 (1991).
Brooks, R.T., T.S. Frieswyk, D.M. Griffith, E.J. COOTER, and L. Smith. The New England forest: A
baseline for New England forest health monitoring. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Resource Bulletin NE-123 (1991).

Chason, J.W., D.D.BALDOCCHI, and M.A. Huston. A comparison of direct and indirect methods for
estimating forest canopy leaf area. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 57:107-128 (1991).
CHING, J.K.S., and N.E. Bowne. AcidMODES, A major field study to evaluate regional scale air
pollution models. Proceedings, Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Chemistry Conference, Orlando,
FL, April 1-3. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, Vol.
1491:360-370 (1991).
CLAWSON, K.L. FAA Wake Vortex Symposium, October 29-31, Washington, D.C., (1991).
COOTER, E.J., S.K. LEDUC, L.E. TRUPPI, and D.R. Block. The role of climate in forest monitoring
and assessment: A New England example. EPA/600/3-91/074, Atmospheric Research and
Exposure Assessment Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC, 109 (1991).
Dayan, U., J. HEFFTER, J. MILLER, and G. GUTMAN. Dust intrusion events into the Mediterranean
Basin. Journal of Applied Meteorology 30(8):1185-1199 (1991).
DiChristofaro, D.C., and J.S. TOUMA. Development and sensitivity analysis of the shoreline dispersion
model (SDM). Preprints, 19th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its
Applications, Vol. I, Crete, Greece, September 29-October 4. NATO/CCMS, Brussels, Belgium,
153-160 (1991).
DICKE, J.L. Overview of proposed changes to the modeling guidelines and special topics of complex
terrain, roadway intersections and stability classifications. Proceedings, Fifth Conference on Air
Quality Modeling, Washington, DC, March. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC, 37 pp. (1991).
DONNELLY, R.F. Solar EUV, UV, and Lyman Alpha Data from space. In Solar Interior and
Atmosphere, A.N. Cox, W.C. Livingston, and M.S. Matthews (eds.), University of Arizona Press,
Tucson, Arizona, 1109-1160, (1991).
DRAXLER, R.R. The accuracy of trajectories during ANATEX calculated using dynamic model analyses
versus rawinsonde observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology 30:1446-1467 (1991).
DRAXLER, R.R., R. Dietz, R.J. Lagomarsino, and G. START. Across North America Tracer Experiment
(ANATEX): Sampling and analysis. Atmospheric Environment 25A(12):2815-2836 (1991).
ECKMAN, R.M., and T. Mikkelsen. Estimation of horizontal diffusion from oblique aerial photographs
of smoke clouds. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 8(6):873-878 (1991).
Eklund, B., S. Smith, J.F. Durham, and J.S. TOUMA. Estimation of emissions, ambient air
concentrations, and health effects from air stripping of contaminated water. Proceedings, 84th
Annual Meeting of the A&WMA, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 16-25. Air & Waste
Management Association, Pittsburg, 91-13.3 (1991).
ELLIOTT, W.P., J.K. ANGELL, and K.W. Thoning. Relation of atmospheric CO2 to tropical sea and air
temperatures and precipitation. Tellus 43(B):144-155 (1991).
ELLIOTT, W.P., and D.J. GAFFEN. On the utility of radiosonde humidity archives for climate studies.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 72(10):1507-1520 (1991).

ELLIOTT, W.P., M.E. SMITH, and J.K. ANGELL. Monitoring tropospheric water vapor changes using
radiosonde data. In Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climatic Change: A Critical Appraisal of
Simulations and Observations, M.E. Schlesinger (Ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,
Amsterdam, 311-326 (1991).
ESKRIDGE, R.E., W.B. PETERSEN, and S.T. Rao. Turbulent diffusion behind vehicles: Effect of
traffic speed on pollutant concentrations. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
41:312-317 (1991).
FINKELSTEIN, P.L., and L.E. TRUPPI. Spatial distribution of precipitation seasonality in the United
States. Journal of Climate 4:373-385 (1991).
Fowler, D., J.H. Duyzer, and D.D. BALDOCCHI. Inputs of trace gases, particles and cloud droplets to
terrestrial surfaces. Acidic Deposition, Its nature and its impacts. Proceedings of the Royal Society
of Edinburgh, 97(B):35-59 (1991).
GAFFEN, D.J., T.P. Barnett, and W.P. ELLIOTT. Space and time scales of global tropospheric moisture.
Journal of Climate 4(10):989-1008 (1991).
Garodz, L.J., and K.L. CLAWSON. Vortex characteristics of C5A/B, C141B and C130E aircraft
applicable to ATC terminal flight operations tower fly-by data. NOAA TM ERL ARL-190, 250 pp.
GUNTER, R.L., and J.F. BOATMAN. Acid-MODES 1988: Summary data report aircraft measurements
of selected pollution species. NOAA TM ERL ARL-189, 18 pp. (1991).
HICKS, B.B. Environmental control and consequences - revisited. Presented at the Third Annual Energy
and the Environmental Conference, Denver, CO, September 19-20, 1991, 12 pp. (1991).
HICKS, B.B., and R.S. ARTZ. Estimating background precipitation quality from network data.
Proceedings, International Conference on Acidic Deposition, Its Nature and Impacts, Glasgow,
Scotland, 16-21 September (1991).
HICKS, B.B., R.P. HOSKER, JR., T.P. MEYERS, and J.D. Womack. Dry deposition inferential
measurement techniques I. Design and tests of a prototype meteorological and chemical system
for determining dry deposition. Atmospheric Environment 25A(10):2345-2359 (1991).
HOOVER, D.J., and C.R. DICKSON. Stagnation Model Analysis Program. Final Report. Environmental
Protection Agency, Seattle, WA, 21 (1991).
HOOVER, D.J., and C.R. DICKSON. Plume Trajectory Validation Study. Final Report. EG&G Rocky
Flats, Denver, CO, 35 (1991).
HOSKER, R.P., Jr., E.A. Smith, J.R. WHITE, and E.A. Heathcote. Dry deposition to structures:
Configuration considerations. Journal of Preservation Technology 23(4):26-32 (1991).
HUBER, A.H. The characterization and model estimation of pollution dispersion in the building cavity
region. Proceedings of the 1991 EPA/A&WMA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related

Air Pollutants, May 6-10, 1991, Durham, NC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC, and Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, 927-932 (1991).
HUBER, A.H. Wind tunnel and Gaussian plume modeling of building wake dispersion. Atmospheric
Environment 25A:1237-1249 (1991).
HUBER, A.H., S.P. Arya, S.A. Rajala, and J.W. Borek. Preliminary studies of video images of smoke
dispersion in the near wake of a model building. Atmospheric Environment 25A:1199-1209 (1991).
IRWIN, J.S., and W.B. PETERSEN. Modeling carbon monoxide (CO) exposure within
microenvironments given personal exposure monitoring data. Proceedings of the 1991
EPA/A&WMA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, May 6-10, 1991,
Durham, NC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, and Air &
Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, 651-658 (1991).
Koch, S.E., and J.T. MCQUEEN. The impact of satellite-derived mesoscale moisture fields in numerical
forecasts of severe convection. AMS Ninth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Denver,
CO, October 14-18, 1991, 4 pp. (1991).
Kopcewicz, B., C. NAGAMOTO, F. PARUNGO, J. HARRIS, J. MILLER, H. Sievering, and J. Rosinski.
Morphological studies of sulfate and nitrate particles on the east coast of North America and over
the North Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric Research 26:245-271 (1991).
Lansari, A., R.A. Strelitz, and J.S. IRWIN. A theoretical study of the effects of variable meteorological
conditions on indoor ozone concentration distribution. Proceedings of the 1991 EPA/A&WMA
Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, May 6-10, 1991, Durham, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, and Air & Waste
Management Association, Pittsburgh, 914-919 (1991).
LEDUC, S.K. Statistics and Satellites in the Sahel. STATS: The Magazine for Students of Statistics
6:15-19 (1991).
Lee, J.T., D.L. Call, R.E. LAWSON, Jr., W.E. Clements, and D.E. Hoard. A video image analysis system
for concentration measurements and flow visualization in building wakes. Atmospheric
Environment 25A:1211-1225 (1991).
Lindberg, S.E., R.R. Turner, T.P. MEYERS, G.E. Taylor Jr., and W.H. Schroeder. Atmospheric
concentrations and deposition of Hg to a deciduous forest at Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee,
USA. Water, Air, Soil Pollution 56:577-594 (1991).
Livingston, W., R.F. DONNELLY, V. Grigoryev, M.L. Demidov, J. Lean, M. Steffen, O.R. White, and
R.L. Willson. Sun-as-a-Star spectrum variability. In Solar Interior and Atmosphere, A.N. Cox,
W.C. Livingston, and M.S. Matthews (eds.). University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, 11091160 (1991).
Luria, M., and H. Sievering. Heterogeneous and homogeneous oxidation of SO2 in the remote marine
atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment 25A(8):1489-1496 (1991).

MAUL, G.A., and K. Hanson. Internannual coherence between North Atlantic atmospheric surface
pressure and composite southern U.S.A. sea level. Geophysical Research Letters 18(4):653-656
MEYERS, T.P., and D.D. BALDOCCHI. The budgets of turbulence kinetic energy and Reynolds stress
within and above a deciduous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 53:207-222 (1991).
MEYERS, T.P., B.B. HICKS, R.P. HOSKER, JR., J.D. Womack, and L.C. Satterfield. Dry deposition
inferential measurement techniques II. Seasonal and annual deposition rates of sulfur and nitrate.
Atmospheric Environment 25A(10):2361-2370 (1991).
MEYERS, T.P., and D.L. Sisterson. Network measurements of dry deposition of atmospheric pollutants.
Deposition Monitoring: Methods and Results, Acidic Deposition: State of Science and
Technology, Report 6. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Washington, DC, 6-2236-249 (1991).
Milich, L., J. Eichinger, C. Maxwell, A. Van Meter, T. Boehm, S. Fudge, D. Olerud, R. Wayland, C.
Coats, D. Jordan, R.T. Tang, J. Young, O.R. BULLOCK, T.E. PIERCE, K.L. SCHERE, J.H.
NOVAK, and S.J. ROSELLE. The Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide. Part 1: The
ROM preprocessors. EPA/600/8-90/083a (PB91-171926), Atmospheric Research and Exposure
Assessment Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC (1991).
Milich, L., J. Eichinger, C. Maxwell, A. Van Meter, T. Boehm, S. Fudge, D. Olerud, R. Wayland, C.
Coats, D. Jordan, R.T. Tang, J. Young, O.R. BULLOCK, T.E. PIERCE, K.L. SCHERE, J.H.
NOVAK, and S.J. ROSELLE. The Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide. Part 2: The
ROM processor network. EPA/600/8-90/083b (PB91-171934), Atmospheric Research and
Exposure Assessment Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC (1991).
NAPPO, C.J. Sporadic breakdown of stability in the PBL over simple and complex terrain. BoundaryLayer Meteorology 54:69-87 (1991).
NAPPO, C.J. Sporadic turbulence and dispersion in the stable boundary layer. In: Air Pollution
Modeling and Its Application VIII. H. van Dop and d.G. Steyn (Eds.), Plenum Press, NY, 705-712
PARUNGO, F.P., C. NAGAMOTO, B. Kopcewicz, J. HARRIS, Z. Mingyu, L. Naiping, and S. Hoyt.
Geographic and temporal variations of sulfate aerosols over the Pacific Ocean. Acta Oceanologica
Sinica 10(1):17-72 (1991).
PETERSEN, W.B., and J.S. IRWIN. A Sensitivity Analysis on the effects of serial correlation on
exposure estimates. Proceedings of the 1991 EPA/A&WMA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic
and Related Air Pollutants, May 6-10, 1991, Durham, NC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC, and Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, 645-650
PIERCE, T.E. User's guide to the personal computer version of the biogenic emissions inventory system
(PC-BEIS). EPA/600/8-90/084 (PB91-136549), Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment
Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC, 43 (1991).

PIERCE, T.E., D.H. COVENTRY, J.H. NOVAK, and A.R. Van Meter. Estimating lightning-generated
NOx emissions for regional air pollution models. Preprints, Seventh Joint Conference on
Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with AWMA, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 14-18,
1991. American Meteorological Society, Boston, 160-163 (1991).
PIERCE, T.E., and J.H. NOVAK. Estimating natural emissions for EPA's Regional Oxidant Model.
Proceedings, of an AWMA International Specialty Conference on Emission Inventory Issues in the
1990's VIP-22, Durham, NC September 1991. Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh,
768-778 (1991).
PIERCE, T.E., and P.S. Waldruff. PC-BEIS: A personal computer version of the biogenic emissions
inventory system. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 41:937-941 (1991).
PERRY, S.G., D.J. Burns, and A.J. Cimorelli. Users guide to CTDMPLUS: Volume 2. The screening
mode (CTSCREEN). EPA/600/8-90/087, Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment
Laboratory, RTP, NC (1991).
PITCHFORD, M., J.G. Hudson, and J. Hallett. Size and critical supersaturation for condensation of jet
engine exhaust particles. Journal of Geophysical Research 96:20,787-20,793 (1991).
PLEIM, J.E., J.S. Chang, and K. Zhang. A nested grid mesoscale atmospheric chemistry model. Journal
of Geophysical Research 96(D2):3065-3084 (1991).
POOLE-KOBER, E.M., and H.J. VIEBROCK. Fiscal Year 1990 summary report of NOAA Atmospheric
Sciences Modeling Division support to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. NOAA TM
ERL ARL-188, 65 pp. (1991).
POSSIEL, N.C., L.B. Milich, and B.R. Goodrich (Eds.). Regional Ozone Modeling for Northeast
Transport (ROMNET) and appendices. EPA-450/4-92-002a,b, Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, RTP, NC, 696 pp. (1991).
RAO, K.S., R.S. Tangirala, and R.P. HOSKER, Jr. Tracer distributions in Brush Creek Valley drainage
flow derived from 1984 ASCOT data. NOAA TM ERL ARL-191, 55 pp. (1991).

Rao, S.T., J-Y. Ku, and K.S. RAO. Analysis toxic air contaminant data containing
concentrations below the limit of detection. Journal of the Air and Waste Management
Association 41(4):442-448 (1991).
Rao, S.T., J-Y. Ku, and K.S. RAO. Sampling strategies for toxic air contaminants. Risk
Analysis 11(3):441-451 (1991).
Robinson, P.G., and P.L. FINKELSTEIN. The development of impact-oriented climate scenarios.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 72:481-490 (1991).
ROLPH, G.D., and R.S. ARTZ. A paired comparison of two precipitation chemistry sites in east-central
Mississippi. Atmospheric Environment 25A(8):1449-1461 (1991).
ROSELLE, S.J., T.E. PIERCE, and K.L. SCHERE. The sensitivity of regional ozone modeling to
biogenic hydrocarbons. Journal of Geophysical Research 96(D4):7371-7394 (1991).

Roth., P.M., S.D. Reynolds, T.W. Tesche, and R.L. DENNIS. A conceptual framework for evaluating the
performance of grid-based photochemical air quality simulations models. Preprints, 19th
International Technical Meeting of NATO/CCMS on Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications,
Vol. II, Ierapetra, Crete, Greece, Sept. 29-Oct. 4. NATO/CCMS, Brussels, Belgium, 631-637
Sievering, H., J. BOATMAN, J. Galloway, W. Keene, Y. Kim, M. Luria, and J. Ray. Heterogeneous
sulfur conversion in sea-salt aerosol particles: The role of aerosol water content and size
distribution. Atmospheric Environment 25A(8):1479-1487 (1991).
Sisterson, D.L., V.C. Bowersox, T.P. MEYERS, A.R. Olsen, R.J. Vong, J.C. Simpson, and V.Mohnen.
Deposition Monitoring: Methods and Results, Emissions, Atmospheric Process and Deposition,
Acidic Deposition: State of Science and Technology, Report 6. National Acid Precipitation
Assessment Program, Washington, DC, 6-1 -- 6-338 (1991).
SNYDER, W.H., L.W. Khurshudyan, I.V. Nekrasov, R.E. LAWSON, Jr., and R.S. Thompson. Flow and
dispersion of pollutants within two-dimensional valleys. Atmospheric Environment 25A:1347-1375
SNYDER, W.H., and R.E. LAWSON, Jr. Fluid modeling simulation of stack-tip downwash for neutrally
buoyant plumes. Atmospheric Environment 25A:2837-2850 (1991).
START, G.E. Planning and managing a field operations center for the collaborative SJVAQS and
AUSPEX field study. Proceedings, 84th Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management
Association, Vancouver, B.C., June 16-25. Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, 9171.3 (1991).
Stauffer, D.R., N.L. Seaman, and F.S. BINKOWSKI. Use of four-dimensional data assimilation in a
limited-area mesoscale model. Part II: Effects of data assimilation within the planetary boundary
layer. Monthly Weather Review 119:734-754 (1991).
Stroupe, K.T., and J.S. TOUMA. TSCREEN: An interactive air transport model for superfund site
applications. Preprints, 1991 EPA/A&WMA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related
Air Pollutants, May 6-10, 1991, Durham, NC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC, and the Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, (1991).
TOUMA, J.S., and K.T. Stroupe. TSCREEN: A personal computer system for screening toxic air
pollutant impacts. Preprints, International Conference and Workshop on Modeling and Mitigating
the Consequences of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, New Orleans, LA. American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 712-723 (1991).
TOUMA, J.S., J.G. Zapert, H. Thistle, R.L. Londergan, and R. Topazio. Performance evaluation of air
toxics dispersion models for simulating heavier-than-air releases. Preprints, International
Conference and Workshop on Modeling and Mitigating the Consequences of Accidental Releases
of Hazardous Materials, New Orleans, LA. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York,
735-746 (1991).

TURNER, D.B., L.W. Bender, J.O. Paumier, and P.F. Boone. Evaluation of the TUPOS quality
dispersion model using data from the EPRI Kincaid Field Study. Atmospheric Environment
25A:2087-2201 (1991).
VAN VALIN, C.C., M. Luria, J.D. Ray, and J.F. BOATMAN. A comparison of surface and airborne
trace gas measurements at a rural Pennsylvania site. Journal of Geophysical Research
96(D11):20,745-20,754 (1991).
Voldner, E.C., C.H. Chan, M. Lusis, W.M.J. Strachan, S.J. Eisenreich, B.B. HICKS, E.W. Klappenbach,
and T.J. Murphy. A plan for assessing atmospheric deposition to the Great Lakes. Report to the
Great Lakes Water Quality Board by the Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring Task Force of the
Surveillance Work Group, International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Regional Office, Windsor,
Ontario, July 1988, 85 pp. (1991)
Voldner, E.C., C.H. Chan, M. Lusis, W.M.J. Strachan, S.J. Eisenreich, B.B. HICKS, E.W. Klappenbach,
and T.J. Murphy. Summary: A plan for assessing atmospheric deposition to the Great Lakes.
Report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board by the Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring Task
Force of the Surveillance Work Group, International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Regional
Office, Windsor, Ontario, July 1988, 31 pp. (1991)
Whitby, E.R., P.H. McMurry, U. Shankar, and F.S. BINKOWSKI. Modal aerosol dynamics modeling.
EPA/600/3-91/020 (PB91-161 729), Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory,
RTP, NC (1991).
Womack, J.D. Description of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) dry
deposition research network of monitoring stations. Air pollution and historic monuments in
Cracow, US/ICOMOS, Vol I, R.E .Stipe (Ed.). Report of the U.S. National Park Service
Delegation to Poland, Washington, DC, 74-79 (1991).
Yaaqub, R.R., T.D. Davies, T.D. Jickells, and J.M. MILLER. Trace elements in daily collected aerosols at
a site in southeast England. Atmospheric Environment 25A(5/6):985-996 (1991).

ACKERMANN, G.R. Modernization of the INEL Meteorological Monitoring and Emergency Response
Capabilities, Part II: The INEL Operations and Emergency Response Network. Sixth Annual INEL
Computing Symposium, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 21-24 (1992).
Allwine, K.J., B.K. Lamb, and R. ESKRIDGE. Wintertime dispersion in a mountainous basin at Roanoke,
Virginia: Tracer Study. Journal of Applied Meteorology 31:1296-1311 (1992).
ALVAREZ, R.J. II, H. Moosmller, C.M. Edmonds, R.M. Turner, D.H. Bundy, and J.L. McElroy Ozone
measurements with the U.S. EPA UV-Dial: Preliminary Results. Proceedings, of the 16th
International Laser Radar Conference, Cambridge, MA, July 1992 95-98 (1992).
ANGELL, J.K. Evidence of a relation between El Nino and QBO, and for an El Nino in 1991-92.
Geophysical Research Letters 19(3):285-288 (1992).

ANGELL, J.K. Relation between 300-mb North Polar Vortex and Equatorial SST, QBO and Sunspot
Number and the Record Contraction of the Vortex in 1988-89. Journal of Climate 5(1):24-29
AUBLE, D.L., and T.P. MEYERS. An open path, fast response infrared absorption gas analyzer for H2O
and CO2. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 59:243-256 (1992).
BALDOCCHI, D.D. A Lagrangian random-walk model for simulating water vapor, CO2 and sensible heat
flux densities and scalar profiles over and within a soybean canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology
61:113-144 (1992).
BENJEY, W.G., and D.H. COVENTRY. Geographical distribution and source type analysis of toxic
metal emissions. Proceedings, of the 1992 U.S. EPA/AWMA International Symposium on
Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, Durham, NC, May 4-9, 1992, 1029-1034 (1992).
BOATMAN, J.F., C.C. Van Valin, S.W. WILKISON. The relationship between ozone concentrations and
air transport over western Arizona. NOAA TM ERL ARL-197, 30 pp. (1992).
BRIGGS, G.A. Stagnation diffusion observed in a deeply pooling valley during STAGMAP. Preprints,
Tenth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, September 29 - October 2, 1992, Portland,
Oregon. American Meteorological Society, Boston, 155-162 (1992).
BRIGGS, G.A., A.H. HUBER, W.H. SNYDER, and R.S. Thompson. Discussion of "Diffusion in
building wakes for ground-level releases". Atmospheric Environment 26B:513-515 (1992).
Brooks, R.T., D.R. Dickson, W.G. Burkman, I. Millers, M. Miller-Weeks, E.J. COOTER, and L. Smith.
Forest health monitoring in New England: 1990 Annual Report. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Resources Bulletin NE-125 (1992).
Brydges, T.G., B.B. HICKS, C.A. Franklin, I.K. Morrison, P.W. Summers, K.L. Demerjian, D.L. Radloff,
M.L. Wesely, and B.M. Levinson. Integrated Monitoring in the U.S. - Canada Transboundary
Region "Monitoring for Integrated Analysis." Final Report to the International Air Quality
Advisory Board by the Expert Group on Monitoring, International Joint Commission, Washington,
DC, 48 (1992).
CLAWSON, K.L. Modernization of the INEL Meteorological Monitoring and Emergency Response
Capabilities, Part I: The Data Acquisition Network. Sixth Annual INEL Computing Symposium,
Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 21-24 (1992).
CRAWFORD, T.L., and R.J. Dobosy. A sensitive fast-response probe to measure turbulence and heat flux
from any airplane. Boundary Layer Meteorology 59:257-278 (1992).
CLARKE, J.F., E.S. Edgerton, and R.P. Boksleitner. Routine estimation and reporting of dry deposition
for the U.S.A. Dry Deposition Network. Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on
Precipitation Scavenging and Atmospheric-Surface Exchange Processes, Richland, WA, July 15-19,
1991. (1992).
COOTER, E.J., S.K. LEDUC, and L.E. TRUPPI. Climate research for ecological monitoring and
assessment: A New England Example. Climate Research 2:101-112 (1992).

Dobosy, R.J., T.L. CRAWFORD, and R.T MCMILLEN. Simpler wind measurements from moving
vehicles using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Preprint volume of the Third Symposium on
Global Change Studies, January 5-10, 1992, Atlanta, Ga. American Meteorological Society,
Boston, 118-121 (1992).
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