Predicting The Ipad: 17 Predictions About Ipad A Report and Presentation by Kisky Netmedia 2Nd June 2010

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Predicting the iPad

17 Predictions about iPad

A Report and Presentation by
Kisky Netmedia
2nd June 2010

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 1 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
Predicting the iPad
I was asked to give a talk about iPad at an event at the Contemporary Urban Centre in Liverpool
on 2nd June. Whilst we’re working hard on making Little World Gifts even more gorgeous on iPad
than it is on iPhone it isn’t finished yet and so I’d felt that I’d like a fraud just talking about how
cool iPad is for anyone creating awesome content. So I attempted to pull together a few iPad
predictions, to add a little more value to event, to at least get people thinking about where all of
this is going. There’s plenty out there on the blogs, and at other great events, but I wanted to hear
different perspectives from outside the mobile industry. What does a content producer think?
What are the ideas from the retail sector? How will this change organisations, museums and
galleries, the arts and education?

One contribution that caught my eye is this:

“iPad is the real legacy of the One Laptop Per Child project. Designed for the developing world, OLPC
unwittingly unlocked the demand for low-power netbooks, culminating in iPad; what began as 'the
people's computer' gave us the 'hipster's clipboard'.” - Imran Ali

So this paper is the result of a short period of research, of canvassing my friends for their opinion,
of gathering the odd iPad related tweet, and bringing it together as a list of iPad predictions. You’ll
have heard some, but hopefully not all, before. Here goes...

But first, let’s get over the “Device Reviews”!

Yeah it’s small, lightweight, portable with great connectivity and a range of apps. It’s also easy to
use and looks good; of course. And for a decent yet succinct hardware review go here. Size,
speed, connectivity, apps and battery life are all covered.

If you’re talking device features however, you really are missing the point. As does this other “iPad
as a device” review in the Telegraph1 . But we’re not here because Apple brought out a new
device. As with Previous Apple innovations (from their pushing of the Wifi Standard, to delivering
a simple way to (shock horror) buy music, to creating a new mobile ecosystem, it’s not just about
the device.

The iPad conversation is not like a conversation about an “even smaller iPod”, or a “slightly lighter
iPhone with a better camera”, no, this is the start of a conversation about how yet again Apple will
change how we use technology, what we do with it, and as a result will change how we behave.

And talking about dramatic shifts in behavior, onto the first prediction on the list. Let’s get to the
first one on the list. Guys, you’re all gonna have to join us girls and get yourselves a handbag 2!


Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 2 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
1. iPad will end the
fascination with small.
This is not just about men carrying bags. If the iPad makes it as an uber popular device
weʼre going to see an end with the fascination with small. No longer must mobile
computers fit ʻin your pocketʼ. Weʼll see more tablets, more devices that arenʼt afraid to be
the size they need to be to to what they need to do.

iPad may prove that “no longer must mobile computers fit in your pocket”. Weʼll see more
tablets, more netbooks, more hybrid devices that arenʼt afraid to be the size they need to
be to to what they need to do. Instead of making everything smaller, I predict other device
manufacturers will experiment with larger devices, larger screens, devices that arenʼt
afraid not to fit in a pocket.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 3 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
2. iPads will replace
business laptops.
Entrepreneurs already have one. Everyone at SXSWi (2011) will have
one. Tech and Creative Business types will get one within 12
months. Others will take a little longer to convince the IT department,
but it will happen. Members of the European Parliament are already
A common complaint with company-issued laptops is that they’re incredibly locked-down and
restricted, owing to the IT department’s concerns about spyware, viruses and similar. However,
the iPad operates in a completely different way from the standard computer - its closed
ecosystem and app approval process mean that viruses are non-existent and even novice users
can be left free to install software without worrying about it causing damage.

The availability of a standard business software suite in the form of iWork means that those who
need access to basic word processing and spreadsheets, but aren’t necessarily hugely tech
literate, can use these without the maintenance, updates and complications that come with a
more traditional laptop. Indeed, it’s been suggested that Members of European Parliament could
all be equipped with iPads in order to allow them to stay better connected while away from the
office. Although UKIP MEP Marta Andreasen suggested that this was inappropriate given that

“many of the older MEPs don't even know how to use the internet properly3 ”,

it actually seems like the simplicity and closed nature of the iPad make it a far more appropriate
device for non-tech savvy business users than traditional laptops.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 4 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
3. iPad will force a decline
in single use devices.
It’s a chameleon. Now it’s textbook. Now it’s a TV. Now it’s a photo
frame. Now it’s a Newspaper. Now it’s a film. Now it’s a novel. Now
it’s a till. Now it’s a music sequencer.
iPad is whatever you want it to be (iPads will be used to run single apps) turning them into single
purpose devices. We will soon stop thinking of the iPad as ‘slate’ or ‘tablet’ in favor of referring to
its current use. Whilst some feel that iPad just isn’t necessary, or is at least unjustified as a
purchase because they already have many devices that do ‘all those things’; that perfectly
explains why its appeal is so brad. Don McAllister explains:

“iPad offers better value proposition than dedicated devices although in some instances (for example
Kindle’s battery life and clarity in bright sunlight) dedicated devices offer some advantages. The
beauty of iPad is that it's a blank slate and has unlimited potential.”

Small retail businesses can easily use an iPad plus a specialist app in place of a single-purpose
point of sale computer or till. The aforementioned Square is a good example of how the iPad can
be used simply as a cash register, although companies such as Lecere are creating far more
specialised point of sale software for use in restaurants and similar. Such POS systems typically
cost over $20,000 to set up, compared to a cost of around $2000 for the iPad software4.

"I think if Apple could develop a lite version of Garage Band…then it'd be an amazing musical
notepad for guitar players. You could take it to a practice room, you could take it on holiday with you

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 5 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
and wherever you are you've got a fully featured recording suite." - Chris Vinnicombe, editor of Guitar

“Instead of spending thousands of dollars on a devices like the Lemur [multitouch surface for
controlling audio, video and lighting software during live performance], musicians and DJs will be able
achieve a similar experience with a $499 iPad running third-party audio controller software”. -
Canadian musician Clayton Worbeck

Why buy three or four devices when iPad can become any number of them? (And no we haven’t
thought of them all yet!)

4. iPad is new computing:

not just casual but social.
You will pass it around and share it. You will use it whilst sat on the
couch. You will use it in the kitchen. You will use it with other
Netbooks are pitched as the computers for casual users: ideal for checking Facebook while
watching television, and maybe writing the occasional document. However, netbooks are based
on an outmoded paradigm originating from a time when everyone who used a computer used it
primarily for content creation. Desktop publishing or graphic design required a mouse, a
keyboard, and a filesystem.

Now though, the majority of consumers use their computers for content consumption - reading
websites, watching film clips, possibly playing games. So by abandoning the way we’ve
accepted computers should be, Apple has been able to create a device in the same price bracket
as many netbooks, but rather than simply being a “cut down desktop” offers advantages that are
only possible with a complete rethink.

This rethink is about where and how you use a computer, and what for. It throws open the notion
of a computer being super precious, locked up, device on which your space is secret.

“I can see iPads being used as both shared devices - Kitchen iPad, Living room iPad as well as
personal devices. Everyone in the family with their own personal device configured with their services -
email, feed reader, etc.” - Don McAllister

Whilst iPad has the ability to morph seamlessly from one mode of use to another (making it
casual), it also breaks the mould of the personal computer, and stops being quite so personal.
Instead it is possible that many family members might use it in the home, and that many
colleagues may make use of the same device in the workplace. The iPad then enables social
computing. Rather than social networking whereby many people get together whilst apart, social
computing enabled by iPad will see people participating in computing activities together when
they’re in the same place. Scrabble is a great example that allows several players to all play the
same game on multiple iPads.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 6 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
5. TV will become both
more solitary and more
We’ll be watching the box less with the family and snacking on our
own choice of TV via our iPads. Whilst this takes us away from
shared experiences in the living room, we will share more TV
experiences more with our friends elsewhere.
iPad’s form factor lends itself more to informal watching “on your laptop” than a laptop computer
with keyboard. Will become the first “personal TV” device, perhaps moving television from being
a social, communal experience in the living room to being more solitary. This is likely to be
exacerbated by the fact that the iPad offers more personal choice of programming than traditional
television, through on demand movie rentals via the Netflix app or iTunes itself to making
watching TV on demand services that have previously been consumed via a laptop such as BBC
iPlayer more comfortable to use.

Further, the ease of getting legal film content onto the iPad via services like iTunes may mean a
decrease in piracy via peer-to-peer services. It’s a much simpler and more enjoyable experience
to download a film on the iPad itself via a legal service than to use a P2P service on another
device, convert it to an iPad compatible format and move it to iPad via a 3rd party service like
Dropbox. While computing freedom advocates may see this as a bad thing, it shows the benefits
that Apple’s style of “curated computing” can have for content businesses, allowing easier
monetisation as the App Store did for software.

Importantly the iPad has an appeal as a device which can add to your terrestrial TV experience
over and above other devices:

“I can imagine vegging in front of terrestrial tv (ambient) doing a bit of art research or watching
ustream at the same time!” - Mike Stubbs, CEO at FACT Foundation for Art and Creative Technology.

iPad’s portability lends itself to use while watching television (for example online conversations
about what you’re watching), but its size allows these interactions to take place in a more
comfortable and meaningful way than on a phone.

My personal opinion is that Apple is set to revolutionise TV for us all. iPad could soon be
delivering what we want, when we want it, and that we are just at the start of a revolution in the
consumption and distribution of TV and broadcast content.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 7 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
6. iPad will let us all feel
it’s ok just to consume.
iPad will prove itself to be about consumption. Not creation.
99% of activity online is consumption and not creation. Whilst home and personal computers
were created to enable us to create, it’s been pretty clear that recently we’ve been consuming.
iPad recognises that and embraces it. Of course, you’ll be creating too, but the consumption bit is
going to be really really good. iPad will help many of us to stop feeling guilty that we have ‘work to
do’ and will help us to kick back, buy and enjoy some content that someone else worked hard to

“iPad makes using a computer less of a "commitment" - taking the computer out of computing and
making bits palpably and tantalisingly tangible.” - Imran Ali

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 8 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
7. iPad will be a great
Gaming platform.
More people will buy more games. Casual gamers will try new types
of games. Non traditional games will become even more popular
than they were on iPhone.
In the same way the iPhone turned many people into casual gamers by putting easy access to
lots of titles in their pocket, the iPad is likely to create more gamers by bringing a gaming device
into the lives of people who would never think of buying an Xbox - by stealth. Alexandra Peters
of Firemint, who developed the hugely popular Flight Control on iPhone, says:

“The App Store ecosystem and in particular the existing billing relationship with customers is a
massive advantage for iPad. Buying any content from iTunes is an incredibly smooth discovery and
purchasing process. Apple tightly controls both the software and hardware experience to the extent
where you don't think about them as separate aspects of the one device, and that will be very difficult
to rival in a device where the hardware and software have been developed separately”.

Simply, for people who aren’t hardcore gamers and are unlikely to go to a specialist games
retailers, or go through the somewhat convoluted process of setting up their credit card and wifi
on a console the Nintendo Wii, the iPad is the simplest gaming experience.

People are likely to be more comfortable using the iPad at home sat on the sofa than they would
an iPhone, meaning the touch and accelerometer input mechanisms that have made the iPhone
itself such a popular gaming device can be used to their fullest to create console-quality games,
as opposed to the casual games that have proven popular on the iPhone.

The iPad’s form factor and touch interface allows for gaming experiences that aren’t possible on
other devices. For example, consoles have long attempted to recreate a board game experience
on screen, but the fact that users can gather around the iPad laid flat on a table or pass it from
person to person makes this a much more natural experience. The fact that games can be run
across multiple iDevices simultaneously also allows for exciting new multiplayer experiences -
imagine racing games with each player using a separate iPad. The Scrabble iPad app lets players
use their iPhone as a letter tray with the while the rest of the game takes place on the iPad itself.
It’s easy to imagine the myriad other gaming opportunities around various device combinations.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 9 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
8. iPad will be good for
the music industry.
iPad is suddenly grabbing the music industry's attention. Could it be
a new digital savior?
While the iPad may not be an ideal music listening device in the way that the iPod and iPhone are,
it opens up new opportunities for music in other ways - for example, one of the most popular
apps at the iPad’s release was Tap Tap Radiation, a Guitar Hero-like game featuring music from
acts like Lady Gaga and Pink. Darren Hemmings, Digital Marketing Manager for renowned music
distributor and publisher PIAS says:

“For me, the iPad has potential to introduce further opportunities around music as a product
“ingredient”, in much the same manner as the iPhone before it. With iPhone apps, music content
owners were able to either licence their work or create new offerings involving them, thereby opening
up another potentially very profitable revenue stream. Thanks to the iPad’s larger interface we are
already seeing a surge of interest in it as a DJ and music manipulation tool, and provided such apps
can be monetised in the same way - content owners will benefit from another means to draw
revenue from works they control”.

Despite reservations about the iPad as a day-to-day listening device, Darren also says:

“However one thing I think the iPad could yet deliver on is a more complete music experience, fusing
extensive metadata, liner notes, artwork, biographies and more with the music itself to not just revive
that feeling older music fans have of sitting with an LP in their hands, admiring art and reading lyrics
etc, but also going beyond that to connect works by producer, engineer and other factors in a manner
never possible before”.

Through making digital music a more desirable product than the devalued stand-alone MP3, the
music industry may be able to increase its revenues and bring the idea of “ownership” to digital
product in a way that is normally only applicable to games.
Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 10 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
9. iPad could transform
the publishing industry.
iPad will offer a revenue stream to quality publications. It will help
innovative publishers reach new audiences in new ways. It offers an
audience and a platform to new publishers.
Whether iPad will rescue the publishing industry is a much debated topic. Whether it will rescue
publications already in trouble is yet to be seen. But it has the potential to be transformative.

“The rise of iPad's iBooks and magazine apps will unwittingly make tech companies gatekeepers of
mass media.” - Imran Ali

The Guardian newspaper lost £36.8m in 2008-2009, which many blamed on the fact that, with so
much free news available online, including all of The Guardian’s daily content, there was little need
to pay for a printed paper. However, despite the availability of this content for free online, The
Guardian iPhone app which came out in December of last year saw over 70,000 people pay £2.39
for the app in its first month of release.

While this alone of course isn’t a complete cure for all the paper’s ills, it does show there is still a
willingness to pay for news content if it’s packaged in the correct way. And the iPad offers more
opportunities than ever to do this.

The fact that the App Store is a closed platform, unlike the web, means it is possible to control
and charge for the distribution of content. And while the web may have been perceived as a poor
alternative to a printed daily newspaper, and so is offered for free, it could be argued that the
convenience and rich content opportunities offered by the iPad mean that it is a format “better
than paper” for the delivery of news, and so is easily monetisable.

It’s looking like The Guardian is set to repeat its iPhone success with its iPad-native app,
Eyewitness, which has been downloaded over 90,000 times, meaning it’s installed on 1 in 10
iPads. Again, this is simply the repackaging of content already available elsewhere - in this case
photography from The Guardian’s daily news coverage, but in an expanded and more convenient
way that’s well suited to its platform and more compelling and interactive than its paper or web-
based equivalent.

Following a similar formula of offering enhanced content tailored to its platform, Wired magazine
sold 24,000 copies of its $4.99 app in the first day of release, with The Next Web saying it’s “the
first reading experience from paper to screen where the digital version exceeds the traditional

“What is interesting me most about iPad is is that it may have the power to save magazine publishing
by cutting printing costs.  Had the tablet platform been developed a few years earlier it might have
saved publications like the US design publication I.D. Magazine”. - Deena DeNaro (Artist and

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 11 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
10. iPad will change the
delivery of healthcare.
We’ll see iPads where we see people doing a lot of standing up,
where we see people delivering front line services in mobile
situations, and that includes healthcare.
“Every doctor and nurse needs an iPad” - says John Doerr of iFund.

According to VentureBeat: “Representatives from Apple have visited executives for Los Angeles’
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center “three or four times” to talk about the Apple tablet’s potential for medical
professionals at Cedars-Sinai”.

“I think [the iPad is big news for healthcare providers and patients]. Despite its lack of a camera, the
iPad will push healthcare away from the medical office and away from the desktop”. – Ted Eytan,
Kaiser Permanente (US health insurance co) 5

There are already iPhone apps that are used in medical contexts - Airstrip 6 monitors patients’ vital
signs and notifies doctors if there is something they should be aware of. This shows an appetite
for the innovation and ease of use that Apple devices provide, with the larger screen allowing it to
be used as an always-up-to-date electronic health care records system instead of paper-based
notes 7.

That said, there are concerns about the durability and the device’s water-resistance (it needs to
be disinfected!) compared to purpose-made healthcare computers, but with Apple’s apparent
keenness to get in on this market who knows what may come.

Whilst those in the UK will recognise that the NHS or other publicly funded service may be slow to
adopt a proprietary technology platform, the NHS is generally known as innovative in its adoption
and promotion of new technology 8.




Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 12 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
11. iPad will revolutionise
Teaching and Learning.
iPads will be in a classroom near you soon. Whatever you’re
learning. Whatever you’re teaching.
Seton Hill University in Pennsylvania is giving iPads to its 2100 students and 300 staff starting this
Autumn. Mary Ann Gawelek, vice president of academic affairs at the university said

“Those big, heavy textbooks that kids go around with in their backpacks are going to be a thing of the
past. We think it’s leading to something that’s going to provide a better learning environment for all of
our students. We’re hoping that faculty will be able to use more of a variety of textbooks because
textbooks will be a little bit less expensive.9”

“Low cost and flexibility of the iPad must make a serious impression on the education marketplace -
even at the basic level of removing the need for text books. Still lots to see in this space now the
devices are available” - Don McAllister

While simply moving from printed to digital textbooks is useful in itself, the real advantage of the
iPad is the new types of teacher-learner interaction it allows for in the classroom.

The education sector has attempted to harness technology in innovative ways - using the web as
a new education delivery mechanism, harnessing web technologies to create new learning
software. Education however has not benefitted from mobile computing (particularly), the
personal computer it seems was not the right device for the classroom - constrained by locked
down operating systems and restricted connectivity. The iPad however represents something
new for the education sector, and something very appealing for the education technology sector.
Alan Carpenter, Director of Creative and Consultancy Services at Lightbox Education talks us
through it:
“For me iPad is the first device to enter the market that has a real chance of being the truly first game-
changer and replacement to the currently undisputed master that’s stood the test of time in a learning
context – the pen.

What the iPad does do, and why I think it’s a game-changer for education, is that it offers a single
platform to help people live, play, work and learn – in a manner that is versatile to their changing
needs. It can be personal when you want it to be, it can facilitate group participation, and it can
empower collaboration to name just three. None of this may sound revolutionary, but in an education
setting it really is.
The iPad (or slates, tablets, etc.) will be the key device to drive learning in years to come, to the point
where every learner will be in possession of one within five years time. They will replace the laptop or
desktop computer, making the idea of ICT suites and sitting at a screen redundant.
Education is always slow to adopt new technology. It took ten years for whiteboards to hit a
reasonable critical mass in UK schools, and the US is still way behind where we are now. However, I
think we will see iPads becoming ubiquitous quickly because they are practical, versatile, affordable
and non-threatening.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 13 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
The iPad will help integrate the process and task of learning into young people’s everyday lives. Of
course, there will still be the concept of schools and formal learning, but the device will help transform
learning as just something you do, rather than something you have to do.
The immediacy of the device and weaving learning into it is the key to success here. A single platform
for playing, working, living (digitally, socially) and learning can only benefit the effectiveness of quality of
learning. It becomes more natural and something you do anytime, not just in the classroom.
In the short-term, the iPad could help bridge the gaps left by current devices and hardware, helping to
make better use of items such as whiteboards and student response systems.
For example, current whiteboard usage could be enhanced by introducing the iPad as a response
device to interact directly with the board, without the need to ask kids to jump up in teams. It could
also be used as a voting system, or better still for competitive multi-play, where teams interact with a
game that plays on the whiteboard from their own iPads.

LanSchool Technologies has developed a free iPad application that allows teachers to manage
computer activities in the classroom from the devices. Their “The Teacher's Assistant” app allows
teachers to blank screens, limit applications, limit Internet access, and send a message to
students. It also includes a built-in classroom response system called Voting 10. These “ask the
audience”-style question responses are the first in what’s sure to be a range of new classroom

Within a very short space of time we’ll see truly innovative apps hitting the app store, and the
classroom, this will be a very quickly adopted change in how technology is used in the classroom.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 14 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
12. iPad... Coming to a
car showroom near you.
Even if you are not planning on buying an iPad, chances are you’ll
be getting your hands on one anyway. Whether you like it or not.
iPad will be huge for retail.
Already we have seen how the iPad may change shopping in the real world - last week Mercedes-
Benz Financial, which provides loans and leases, equipped 40 of its car dealerships with an iPad
loaded with its MB Advantage application. Dealers can use the application to see the latest
discounts and begin the credit application process rather than dragging customers away from the
car they’ve fallen in love with and into an office. It’s easy to imagine how many other
“showroom”-style retailers could adopt a similar strategy, with roving salespeople able to accept
payments and take customer details on the move11.

Indeed, it wouldn’t be surprising if very soon, Apple stores themselves start to make more use of
the iPad as a point of sales device rather than the Fujitsu handsets used at the moment.


Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 15 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
Square12 allows merchants and individuals to take payments via the iPad and iPhone. It comes
with a credit card swiper peripheral that lets any store or business person take credit card
payments. While this is something of a slightly gimmicky utility on iPhone, the iPad version can be
used in place of a custom-built point of sale device. The larger screen allows customers to “sign”
for purchases with their finger, plus the app generates email or SMS receipts, calculates sales tax,
and comes with an online accounting dashboard to keep track of sales. The potential for iPad in
the retail sector is huge... and very exciting.

13. iPad... Coming to a

museum near you.
You’ll be handed an iPad when you walk into a museum. You will be
able to access far more information about what you’re experiencing,
your museum journey will be far richer, and more personalised.
For many years museums have attempted to redefine their role as the guardians of historical
culture, using the latest technologies to become facilitators of participation. The web has been a
driving force, radically changing how museums interact with audiences, locally and globally.
Whilst the web has been exploited voraciously by museums as a way to offer information and
education, the goal of creating a truly participatory environment is yet to be achieved. There is a
disconnect between web based environments and the physical space of the museum. Mobile
technologies have sparked enormous interest amongst progressive museum designers as a way
to engage audiences but as yet there have been few mobile projects which have made a
significant impact.

This has been due to the historical difficulty of creating bespoke mobile technology services
imposed by the incumbent mobile operators and handset manufacturers. iPhone can fill a void here,
but iPad can do even better. We’re all used to using an audio tour as we walk around an exhibition but
an iPad can offer so much more. We predict there’ll be specific apps for curating your own tours, for
compiling your favourite works of art your own gallery. There’ll be a shift how the relationships
between gallery and museums and audiences are played out, there’ll be new ways museums can
monetize content and experiences, new ways for us all to get involved in creating not just our own
experience of a museum, but everyone else’s too.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 16 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
14. iPad will make Design
more important.
iPad will make us more discerning about what we consume. And
design will become more important than it is on the web right now.
iPad apps already available in the app Store are really exciting if they use the space, and the
touch sensitive input well. They’re essentially bigger and better. And more valuable.

We’re predicting that people will pay more for better apps with better content. We will favor
publishers who woo us with gorgeous looking stuff. And whilst we may be content with amateur
content online, there’s something mysterious about the iPad device that means but we’ll pay top
dollar for content that makes our iPad look as well as feel amazing.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 17 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
15. iPad will us make
happy to pay more.
We will pay more for better experiences. As we get more used to
better, higher quality apps and content on iPad, we will expect other
platforms to look and feel that good, and we may even get tired of
the advert laden internet as we know it. And on iPad, even the ads
will be better.
App developers, content publishers who put more effort in will do better. iPad will play a
part in creating a divide between the ad supported blogs and web sites and the content we
will come to trust and pay for on iPad. For many this represents something to fear although
for others it offers a fabulous opportunity - to profit from delivering high quality content and
Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia
Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 18 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
If iPad can make digital content more valuable it could rejuvenate many industries as it
does so. As it does that it also creates new opportunities for developers and publishers. If
could take the focus away from ʻfreeʼ and put the spotlight on ʻqualityʼ.

As we become happy to pay small amounts for high quality content and services, weʼll
expect everything else to be high quality too - even the ads. And thatʼs where iAds comes
in. iAds (by Apple) means that the end user experience lives up to the hype across both
content and ads, and it means developers of those high quality apps will earn further
revenue from getting involved in the iPad platform.

16. iPad could

revolutionise TV.
It won’t be TV as we know it, but is Apple really up to something
else with iPad?

The ad platform is already underway with iAds - which are interactive & video ads in HTML 5.
Ready for mobile, ready for iPhone, now iPad, next TV? Whilst some who’ve eyed up the IPTV
space have failed (, there are successes (, and now with Google announcing
Google TV - is everything still to play for?

17. iPad will favor fewer,

but better developers.
Less apps. Better apps. A better deal for quality developers.
The App Store is full... of 180,000 apps and counting. A ridiculous amount of choice, or an
overloaded amount of unnecessary, low quality, failed attempts to make a fast buck. As the gold
rush of iPhone apps has proven to be a rather empty promise, developers with real talent are
stepping up to the plate. The App Store, the iPhone and iPad platforms should not be seen as a
way to turn ‘old gold; into new money - porting old apps and games from old paradigms will not
work here. Instead we need to see new games, new content, new utilities that utilise the iPad’s
form factor and features, make the most of it, and add to it. We can’t imagine what the killer apps
will be yet. We think there’ll be a lot of cool uses of iPad, but it’ll take talent to realise them.

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 19 of 20 | June 2nd 2010
Predicting iPad has been written by Katie Lips at Kisky Netmedia. Katie’s a mobile strategist and
advisor to brands, agencies, and new platers in the mobile space. Katie is also Founder at Little
World Gifts, a startup focussed on revolutionizing virtual goods - on mobile platforms.

Thanks to Jonathan Deamer at Kisky Netmedia for collating the research, and writing a good part
of this paper. Thanks also to all who participated by sending me predictions, suggestions,
comments, hopes and fears. They are:

Thanks to: Imran Ali, Alan Carpenter at Lightbox Education Jonathan Deamer, Deena Denaro,
Andy Goodwin at Liverpool John Moores University, Darren Hemmings at PIAS UK, Helen
Keegan at Mobile Monday London, Don McAllister at Screencasts Online, Thibaut Rouffineau, at
Wireless Industry partnership, Paul Stringer at Little World Gifts, Mike Stubbs at FACT, Mary
Wallace at Promethean for contributing.

Image Credits
Giant iPad
South by Southwest
Pay more
Pile of books
House Last Supper
Swiss Army Pocket Knife
Watching TV
Social Computing

Steve Jobs on the iPad’s Origin:

Author: Katie Lips for Kisky Netmedia

Licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution Share Alike” license.
Page 20 of 20 | June 2nd 2010

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