Biodiesel Production by Transesterification of Duck Oil With Methanol in The Presence of Alkali Catalyst

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Petroleum & Coal

ISSN 1337-7027
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Petroleum & Coal 55 (1) 68-72, 2013


Kang Liu, Rui Wang*
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, No. 27 Shanda
South Road, Jinan 250100, P.R.China.*Email: [email protected]
Received January 30, 2013, Accepted March 15, 2013

Duck oil was employed as a feedstock for the production of biodiesel by transesterification with
methanol. The composition examination was conducted on the raw duck oil and the corresponding
biodiesel products. The composition and content of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) was evaluated
during transesterification catalyzed by NaOH. The results demonstrated that the major constituent
and content of FAME had not changed appreciably after transesterification .The biodiesel yield was
over 98% in optimum condition.
Key words: duck oil; biodiesel; transesterification; alkali catalyst.

1. Introduction
Rapid growth in population coupled with industrial and technological developments is
leading towards the depletion of limited fossil fuel resources of the world. Currently,
research is progressively more directed towards exploration of alternative renewable

. Biodiesel has drawn more and more attention in recent years because it is
renewable and has less detrimental effects on environment as compared with

conventional diesel derived from petroleum

. Biodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel,
which is synthesized by the direct transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats with

a short-chain alcohol in the presence of a catalyst

. It is better than diesel fuel in
terms of sulfur content, flash point, aromatic content and cetane number. In addition, it
is non-toxic, bio-degradable, relatively less inflammable fuel compared to the normal


. Biodiesel has been produced using various oils, such as soybean oil



, palm


, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil
. But the major obstacle in the commercialization
of biodiesel production is its high material cost. Thus, it is necessary to develop non[10]

edible oil as the raw material of biodiesel

. Waste oils and fats, which are much less
expensive than edible vegetable oil, will meet the need to synthesize biodiesel because of

its sleazy price and broad source

. Meanwhile, biodiesel from waste oils and fats is an
effective strategy for reducing cost and solving the problem of waste oil by proper
utilization of waste oil as fuel


In this paper, roast duck oil was collected as a feedstock for biodiesel production by
transesterification with methanol. Biodiesel production was conducted using alkali catalyst
via the transesterification of roast duck oil with methanol. The fatty acid distribution of
roast duck oil was analyzed before reaction by GC-MS. The yield of biodiesel was
evaluated under

Kang Liu, Rui Wang/Petroleum & Coal 55(1) 68-72, 2013


various reaction conditions in the presence of NaOH catalyst. The composition and the
content of biodiesel sample derived from transesterification were also investigated in this
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials and reagents
Roast duck oil was collected from the roast duck restaurant (Jinan, China).Methanol,
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were obtained from Sinopharm (Shanghai, China). All solvents
were AR grade and were used without purification and the water for the experiment was
deionized water. Methyl stearate, methyl linoleate, methyl linolenate, methyl palmitate,
methyl palmitoleate, methyl oleate and methyl heptadecanoate were purchased from J&K
Chemicals (Beijing, China).
2.2. GC-MS analysis of roast duck oil
The sample mixture of roast duck oil after methyl esterification was dissolved in normal
hexane. The composition of sample was analyzed by GC-MS, which was performed on a
6890 gas chromatograph (Agilent, American) equipped with a 5973N Plus mass
spectrometer (Agilent, American). Oxygen-free nitrogen was used as carrier gas at a flow
rate of 1.0 mL/min.
2.3. Experimental procedure
Weighed amounts of duck oil, methanol and catalyst were added to the 100ml neck
flask. The neck flask was put in the stirred batch reactor with vigorous stirring. The
desired reaction temperature was set as 50-80. After the reaction, the reaction product
became biphasic, the upper phase, which was mainly the desired biodiesel, could be
separated simply by decantation after a long time standing and layering process; the
lower phase, which was the glycerin, could be collected for purification. After revolving the
superfluous methanol from the rustic biodiesel, the biodiesel yield was directly analyzed
by gas chromatography.
2.4. GC analysis of biodiesel sample
To detect the yield of biodiesel, methyl heptadecanoate was used as internal standard
substance, normal hexane as solvent. The yield of biodiesel samples after transesterification
reaction was analyzed by a SP-6800 gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization
detector and a capillary column AT.FFAP (30 m0.32 mm0.33 m). Biodiesel was
analyzed by internal standard method under follow conditions: final oven temperature of
493 K, injector temperature of 523 K, detector temperature of 533 K, and a split ratio of
40/1. High purity nitrogen (99.999%) was used as carrier gas at a flow rate of
1.0mL/min. The weighed biodiesel sample was dissolved in normal hexane and 1mg
internal standard solution of methyl heptadecanoate was added. The GC analysis was
carried out by injecting 1L sample solution into the gas chromatography. Methyl esters
were quantified by comparing the peak areas between the samples and the standard
compounds. The yield of biodiesel was calculated by the following equation:

Yield FAME = fester Aester


In the above formula, Aester is the peak area of fatty acid methyl esters, Ainternal is the
peak area of internal standard, minternal is the mass of internal standard, mesters is the mass
of fatty acid methyl esters and fester is the correction factor of fatty acid methyl esters.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. The GC-MS examination of roast duck oil
Oils and fats are composed primarily of triglycerides. Triglycerides consist of a glycerin
backbone with fatty acid radicals attached in place of the hydroxyls. The relative amounts

of the different fatty acid radicals determine the properties of the specific triglyceride.
The fatty acid distribution of roast duck oil was concluded from the content of fatty acid

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