Purposive Sampling Explained
Purposive Sampling Explained
Purposive Sampling Explained
Homogeneous sampling
Expert sampling
Extreme (or deviant) case sampling is a type of purposive sampling that is used to focus on cases
that are special or unusual, typically in the sense that the cases highlight notable outcomes,
failures or successes. These extreme (or deviant) cases are useful because they often provide
significant insight into a particular phenomenon, which can act as lessons (or cases of best
practice) that guide future research and practice. In some cases, extreme (or deviant) case
sampling is thought to reflect the purest form of insight into the phenomenon being studied.
Critical case sampling
Critical case sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is particularly useful in
exploratory qualitative research, research with limited resources, as well as research where a
single case (or small number of cases) can be decisive in explaining the phenomenon of interest.
It is this decisive aspect of critical case sampling that is arguably the most important. To know if
a case is decisive, think about the following statements: ?If it happens there, it will happen
anywhere?; or ?if it doesn?t happen there, it won?t happen anywhere?; and ?If that group is
having problems, then we can be sure all the groups are having problems? (Patton, 202, p.237).
Whilst such critical cases should not be used to make statistical generalisations, it can be
argued that they can help in making logical generalisations. However, such logical
generalisations should be made carefully.
Total population sampling
Total population sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique where you choose to
examine the entire population (i.e., the total population) that have a particular set of
characteristics (e.g., specific experience, knowledge, skills, exposure to an event, etc.). In such
cases, the entire population is often chosen because the size of the population that has the
particular set of characteristics that you are interest in is very small. Therefore, if a small number
of units (i.e., people, cases/organisations, etc.) were not included in the sample that is
investigated, it may be felt that a significant piece of the puzzle was missing [see the article,
Total population sampling, to learn more].
Expert sampling
Expert sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is used when your research needs
to glean knowledge from individuals that have particular expertise. This expertise may be
required during the exploratory phase of qualitative research, highlighting potential new areas
of interest or opening doors to other participants. Alternately, the particular expertise that is being
investigated may form the basis of your research, requiring a focus only on individuals with such
specific expertise. Expert sampling is particularly useful where there is a lack of empirical
evidence in an area and high levels of uncertainty, as well as situations where it may take a long
period of time before the findings from research can be uncovered. Therefore, expert sampling is
a cornerstone of a research design known as expert elicitation.
Whilst each of the different types of purposive sampling has its own advantages and
disadvantages, there are some broad advantages and disadvantages to using purposive
sampling, which are discussed below.
Advantages of purposive sampling
There are a wide range of qualitative research designs that researchers can draw on.
Achieving the goals of such qualitative research designs requires different types of
sampling strategy and sampling technique. One of the major benefits of purposive
sampling is the wide range of sampling techniques that can be used across such
qualitative research designs; purposive sampling techniques that range from
homogeneous sampling through to critical case sampling, expert sampling, and more.
Whilst the various purposive sampling techniques each have different goals, they can
provide researchers with the justification to make generalisations from the sample that is
being studied, whether such generalisations are theoretical, analytic and/or logical in
nature. However, since each of these types of purposive sampling differs in terms of the
nature and ability to make generalisations, you should read the articles on each of these
purposive sampling techniques to understand their relative advantages.
Qualitative research designs can involve multiple phases, with each phase building on the
previous one. In such instances, different types of sampling technique may be required at
each phase. Purposive sampling is useful in these instances because it provides a wide
range of non-probability sampling techniques for the researcher to draw on. For example,
critical case sampling may be used to investigate whether a phenomenon is worth
investigating further, before adopting an expert sampling approach to examine specific
issues further.
Purposive samples, irrespective of the type of purposive sampling used, can be highly
prone to researcher bias. The idea that a purposive sample has been created based on the
judgement of the researcher is not a good defence when it comes to alleviating possible
researcher biases, especially when compared with probability sampling techniques that
are designed to reduce such biases. However, this judgemental, subjective component of
purpose sampling is only a major disadvantage when such judgements are ill-conceived
or poorly considered; that is, where judgements have not been based on clear criteria,
whether a theoretical framework, expert elicitation, or some other accepted criteria.
The subjectivity and non-probability based nature of unit selection (i.e., selecting people,
cases/organisations, etc.) in purposive sampling means that it can be difficult to defend
the representativeness of the sample. In other words, it can be difficult to convince the
reader that the judgement you used to select units to study was appropriate. For this
reason, it can also be difficult to convince the reader that research using purposive
sampling achieved theoretical/analytic/logical generalisation. After all, if different
units had been selected, would the results and any generalisations have been the same?