SQL Server 2016 in Memory OLTP White Paper

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SQL Server 2016 In-memory OLTP

Technical White Paper

Writer: Kalen Delaney
Technical Reviewers: Sunil Agarwal, Cristian Diaconu, Craig Freedman, Naveen Prakash, Simon

Published: May 2015

Applies to: SQL Server 2016 CTP2

Summary: In-memory OLTP, frequently referred to by its codename Hekaton, was introduced in SQL
Server 2014. This powerful technology allows you to take advantage of large amounts of memory and
many dozens of cores to increase performance for OLTP operations by upto 30 to 40 times! SQL Server
2016 is continuing the investment in In-memory OLTP by removing many of the limitations found in SQL
Server 2014, and enhancing internal processing algorithms so that In-memory OLTP can provide even
greater improvements. This paper gives a high level overview of these changes in SQL Server 2016,
focusing on those that are available in CTP2. (Subsequent versions of this paper will discuss features
available in CTP3 and well as more technical details describing all the changes, and also further
description of the internals of the new processing algorithms.)

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SQL Server was originally designed at a time when it could be assumed that main memory was very
expensive, so data needed to reside on disk except when it was actually needed for processing. This
assumption is no longer valid as memory prices have dropped enormously over the last 30 years. At the
same time, multi-core servers have become affordable, so that today one can buy a server with 32 cores
and 1TB of memory for under $50K. Since many, if not most, of the OLTP databases in production can fit
entirely in 1TB, we need to re-evaluate the benefit of storing data on disk and incurring the I/O expense
when the data needs to be read into memory to be processed. In addition, OLTP databases also incur
expenses when this data is updated and needs to be written back out to disk. Memory-optimized tables
are stored completely differently than disk-based tables and these new data structures allow the data to
be accessed and processed much more efficiently.
Because of this trend to much more available memory and many more cores, the SQL Server team at
Microsoft began building a database engine optimized for large main memories and many-core CPUs.

Project Hekaton
Project Hekaton was envisioned as a completely new data storage and access technology that would
potentially allow up to a 100-fold increase in performance for OLTP workloads. For the initial In-memory
OLTP release in SQL Server 2014, Microsoft customers are already seeing 30- and 40-fold
improvements. This increased performance is obtained by making changes in three main areas
compared to the previous disk-based storage for our relational data.
1. Data structures
Completely new data structures have been designed for the rows and indexes of In-memory OLTP.
These structures are designed with multi-versioning in mind, and are also designed to be updateable
with no locking required.
2. No Locking and Latching
Locking is one of the most common causes of long wait times and slow responses in a multi-user
OLTP system. Because of the way the In-memory OLTP data structures have been designed, no
locking is required for any data manipulation operations. In addition, because data is not read in from
disk into memory buffers, and the rows are not stored on pages, no page latches are needed for Inmemory OLTP data processing.
3. Native compilation
Even though we talk about recompiling for our queries and procedures acceding disk-based tables in
SQL Server, the code is not truly compiled. It is translated into a lower level of code that can be
interpreted, but it is not compiled into machine code. So execution of normal operations on diskbased tables requires line by line interpretation of each operation. But In-memory OLTP supports
natively compiled procedures that can access memory-optimized tables that will be truly compiled
and then loaded as DLLs.
These major changes in data storage and access, plus many smaller changes, including much more
efficient log writes, allow the incredible performance improvements obtained with SQL Server 2014 Inmemory OLTP.

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Changes in SQL Server 2016

This paper is written for the CTP2 release of SQL Server 2016 and intended as an overview of the
changes. This paper will be updated for the CTP3 release to include a more detailed look at SQL Server
2016 In-memory OLTP. A final version of this whitepaper will be available near the time of the RTM
release of the SQL Server 2016 product.

In the CTP2 release of SQL Server 2016, you will find many enhancements to the technology, and many
limitations removed. Many of these changes are described below.

Maximum memory for memory-optimized tables

In SQL Server 2014, there is a recommendation that you dont use more than 256 GB of memory for
memory-optimized tables. This is not a hard limit, just a recommendation, based on the number of
checkpoint files that can be supported to store the data from your memory-optimized tables, which are
used during the recovery process. In SQL Server 2016, there is no hard limit on the number of checkpoint
files. However, Microsoft only tests up to a certain size. As you have more memory used for memoryoptimized tables, there is more overhead in related areas, so there is still a recommended maximum. In
SQL Server 2016, the recommendation is not to have more than 2 TB of data in memory-optimized
tables. Of course, no matter how much data you have in your memory-optimized tables, all the data in all
the memory-optimized tables must fit in memory.

In-memory OLTP in SQL Server 2014 requires that any character columns that are used as all or part of
an index key must use a BIN2 collation. In addition, in a natively compiled procedure, all comparisons
between character values must be a BIN2 collation. The collation can be defined as a database default,
so that all character columns use it, or it can be specified as an attribute of the column when the table is
recreated. In SQL Server 2016, character columns using any collation can be part of an index, and
comparisons between character values using any collations are supported. Be aware, though, that there
can be a measurable performance penalty when using collations other than BIN2.

Schema and data changes

SQL Server 2014 does not allow any changes to memory-optimized tables after creation. In SQL Server
2016, ALTER TABLE can be used on memory-optimized tables to add, drop or alter columns, or to add,
drop or rebuild indexes.

Parallel plans
SQL Server 2014s optimizer will never create a parallel plan for operations accessing memory-optimized
tables. In SQL Server 2016, certain operations that use hash indexes can be performed in parallel, if
theyre not used in a natively compiled procedure.

Transparent Data Encryption

TDE will be supported in SQL Server 2016. In SQL Server 2014, a database with encryption enabled
would not encrypt data stored on a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. That limitation goes away in
SQL Server 2016 and memory-optimized tables data on disk will be encrypted.

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Native compilation
SQL Server 2014 limited the language constructs available in natively compiled procedures to the
simplest DML operations needed for basic transaction processing. In SQL Server 2016 CTP2, natively
compiled procedures will support a wider range of features, including the following constructs:


OR and NOT operators
Subqueries in all clauses of a SELECT statement
Nested stored procedure calls
All built-in math functions

Changes to processing algorithms

In addition to expanding the features supported, SQL Server 2016 CTP2 is changing some of the internal
processing mechanisms used for In-memory OLTP.

Dependency on Windows filestream processing

SQL Server 2014 used the underlying Windows operating system to manage writes to the data files,
using its filestream technology to allocate and manage the files. However, filestream requires a SQL
Server table (xtp_storage) that contains a filestream column backed up by the
In SQL Server 2016, filestream is now used only to provide a user-visible surface for the definition of the
MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. File management for checkpoint files for In-memory OLTP has
been separated from filestream.The In-memory OLTP engine allocates, resizes and deletes the files itself
by calling NTFS APIs directly. At the user level, youll be able to see changes because the directory
structure of the filegroup is different in SQL Server 2016.
A side-effect of this change is that file collection no longer depends on the filestream garbage collection.
The only files you should be able to see on disk in the In-memory OLTP containers should be files that
are still referenced by the database log.

Multiple log reader threads

SQL Server 2014 uses only one log reader thread [per database] to read transactions affecting memoryoptimized tables from the SQL Server transaction log. This single thread reads the tail of the log to load
into memory during recovery, it moves rows from the log to the data and delta files, and it applies log
stream modifications to the in-memory data rows when the system is using AlwaysOn. Having one thread
for all log reading operations created a scalability bottleneck and a ceiling to the speed of these
SQL Server 2016 will allow multiple threads for both recovery and checkpoint, to read and apply the
logged transactions, allowing much greater scalability for very high volume OLTP applications. These
processes will basically be scalable with the number of cores.

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Number of sockets
SQL Server 2014 had limited scalability with multiple socket machines. In SQL Server 2016, you can
expect efficient scaling with a 4-socket machine. This is not due to particular features being changed or
added, but just to improvements in the existing algorithms. This includes better partitioning of worktime
queues and more capacity in the threads assigned to do garbage collection of the in-memory data.

In SQL Server 2014, the data visibility of in-memory OLTP on the secondary replica was delayed by few
transactions. This limitation is now removed. The goal in SQL Server 2016 is for all data, from both diskbased tables and memory-optimized tables, to be visible to a human user at the same time. You should
not be able to commit a transaction on the primary and then, upon checking the state on the secondary,
miss the modification.

Garbage Collection in memory

SQL Server 2014 In-memory OLTP uses internal garbage collection threads to clean up row versions that
are no longer needed. In extremely high-volume workloads, it is sometimes the case that the garbage
collection cannot keep up with the volume of versions needed to be removed. One area in which this is
frequently noticeable is when a large memory-optimized table is dropped. There can be a noticeable
delay before the memory used by the dropped table is available for new rows.
In SQL Server 2016, not only DROP of a table, but the new ability to ALTER a table can generate large
numbers of row versions. The garbage collection algorithms have been improved to provide greater
scalability. With sufficient processing power, the garbage collection for your DML operations will happen
almost instantaneously.
For a description and usage information for SQL Server 2014 In-memory OLTP, please refer to the Books
Online documentation: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=536616
For more internal details of the SQL Server 2014 In-memory OLTP implementation, take a look at the
whitepaper written for the CTP2 release: SQL_Server_2014_In-Memory_OLTP_TDM_White_Paper.pdf
Additional details, and descriptions of changes for the SQL Server 2014 RTM release, were incorporated
into a book published by Red Gate: http://www.red-gate.com/community/books/sql-server-internals-inmemory-oltp

SQL Server In-memory OLTP is a new data processing technology that allows a many-fold improvement
in performance for OLTP applications. The biggest improvements are due to completely new storage
mechanisms, complete optimistic concurrency with no locking or latching for any operations and native
compilation of stored procedures. In-memory OLTP was introduced in SQL Server 2014 and has been
enhanced for SQL Server 2016. This paper describes the new features added and the changes in some
of the internal processing that was introduced in SQL Server 2016 CTP2.
For more information:
http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/: SQL Server Web site

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http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/: SQL Server TechCenter

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/: SQL Server DevCenter
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