Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) : A Short Review

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The key takeaways are that PCR is a technique used to amplify DNA sequences and it has various applications in medicine, research, and forensics. It involves cycling between high and low temperatures to denature and replicate DNA.

PCR can be used for diagnosis of diseases, genetic fingerprinting, paternity testing, DNA cloning and sequencing, and detecting infectious diseases.

The three main steps of the PCR process are denaturation of the DNA, annealing of primers to the DNA templates, and extension of the primers by DNA polymerase to replicate the DNA segment.


Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): A Short Review

*MT Rahman1, MS Uddin2, R Sultana2, A Moue3, M Setu4
*Prof. Dr. Md. Tahminur Rahman, Professor & Head, Pathology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College, Dhaka
2Muhammed Salah Uddin, Senior Research Assistant, ICDDRB, Mohakhali, Dhaka
2Razia Sultana, Senior Research Assistant, ICDDRB, Mohakhali, Dhaka
3Arumina Moue, Mhil Student(Microbiology), Stamfored University Dhaka
4Dr. Muntahina Setu, Asstt Profe, Dept. of Paediatric, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College, Dhaka
*Corresponding author

Diagnosis of disease now a days is mostly laboratory dependent. Due to recent advances in
medical science and molecular biology, most of the diagnosis of uncommon, complicated,
unusual presentation of disease has left the option of molecular diagnosis as the number one
diagnostic modalities. Many molecular techniques are now being widely used throughout the
world including PCR, flow cytometry, tissue microarray, different blots, and genetic diagnosis.
Among these PCR is the most widely accepted, commonly used diagnostic modalities with very
high specificity and sensitivity for correct diagnosis. We have reviewed the principle,
application, advantages and disadvantages of PCR in laboratory diagnosis of disease.
Key words: PCR, Molecular techniques, Review
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a new,
popular molecular biology technique for
enzymatically replicating DNA without using a
living organism, such as E. coli or yeast. The
technique allows a small amount of the DNA
molecule to be amplified many times, in an
exponential manner. With more DNA available,
analysis is made much easier. PCR is commonly
used in medical and biological research labs for
a variety of tasks, such as the detection of
hereditary diseases, the identification of genetic
fingerprints, the diagnosis of infectious diseases,
the cloning of genes, paternity testing, and DNA
computing1. The technique was developed in
1983 by Kary Mullis, PCR is now a common
and important technique used in medical and
biological research labs for a variety of
applications. These include DNA cloning for
sequencing, DNA-based phylogeny, or
functional analysis of genes; the diagnosis of
hereditary diseases; the identification of genetic
fingerprints (used in forensic sciences and
paternity testing); and the detection and
diagnosis of infectious diseases. In 1993, Mullis
AKMMC J 2013: 4(1): 30-36

was awarded the Nobel prize in Chemistry along

with Michael Smith for his work on PCR2. The
PCR is commonly carried out in a reaction
volume of 10-200 ml in small reaction tubes
(0.2-0.5 ml volumes) in a thermal cycler. The
thermal cycler heats and cools the reaction tubes
to achieve the temperatures required at each step
of the reaction. Many modern thermal cyclers
make use of the Peltier effect, which permits
both heating and cooling of the block holding
the PCR tubes simply by reversing the electric
current. Thin-walled reaction tubes permit
favorable thermal conductivity to allow for rapid
thermal equilibration. Most thermal cyclers have
heated lids to prevent condensation at the top of
the reaction tube. Older thermocyclers lacking a
heated lid require a layer of oil on top of the
reaction mixture or a ball of wax inside the tube.
Uses of PCR
PCR can be used for Diagnosis of many human
diseases, broad variety of experiments and
analyses3,4,5. Some examples are discussed


Polemerase Chain Reaction (PCR): A Short Review

1. Infectious diseases HIV, CMV, Mycoplasma,

Pneumonia, Cancer, Syphilis, fungal &
Protozoal disease, hepatitis etc.
2. Diagnosis of cancer specially leukaemia and
3. Genetic fingerprinting, paternity test
PCR permits early diagnosis of malignant
diseases such as leukemia and lymphomas,
which is currently the highest-developed in
cancer research and is already being used
routinely. PCR assays can be performed directly
on genomic DNA samples to detect
translocation-specific malignant cells at a
sensitivity that is at least 10,000-fold higher than
that of other methods.
PCR also permits identification of noncultivatable or slow-growing microorganisms
such as mycobacteria, anaerobic bacteria, or
viruses from tissue culture assays and animal
models. The basis for PCR diagnostic
applications in microbiology is the detection of
infectious agents and the discrimination of nonpathogenic from pathogenic strains by virtue of
specific genes.
PCR is used to amplify a short, well-defined
part of a DNA strand. This can be a single
gene, or just a part of a gene. As opposed to
living organisms, the PCR process can copy
only short DNA fragments; usually up to 10 kb
(kb stands for kilo base pairs). Certain methods
can copy fragments up to 40 kb in size, which is
still much less than the chromosomal DNA of a
eukaryotic cell -for example, a human cell
contains about three billion base pairs.
PCR requires several basic components.
These components are:

DNA template, or cDNA which contains the

region of the DNA fragment to be amplifie

Two primers, which determine the beginning

and end of the region to be amplified (see
following section on primers)

Taq polymerase, which copies the region to

be amplified

Nucleotides, from which the DNA-Polymerase

for new DNA

Buffer, which provides a suitable chemical

environment for the DNA-Polymerase.

The PCR reaction is carried out in a thermal

cycler. This is a machnie that heats and cools
the reaction tubes within it to the precise
temperature required for each step of the
reaction. To prevent evaporation of the reaction
mixture (typically volumes between 15-100 l per
tube), a heated lid is placed on top of the
reaction tubes or layer of oil is put on the
surface of the reaction mixture.
The DNA fragment to be amplified determined
by selecting primers. Primers are short,
artificial DNA strands not more than fifty
(usually 18-25 bp) nucleotides that are
complementary to the beginning and end of the
DNA fragment to be amplified. They anneal
(adhere) to the DNA template at the starting and
ending points, where the DNA-Polymerase
binds and begins the synthesis of the new DNA
The PCR process consists of a series of twenty
to thirty-five cycles. Each consists of three
1. The double-stranded DNA has to be heated to
94-960C in order to separate the strands. This
step is called denaturing; it breaks apart the
hydrogen bonds that connect the two DNA
strands. Prior to the first cycle, the DNA is
often denatured for an extended time to ensure
that both the template DNA and the primers
have completely separated and are now singlestrand only. Time 1-2 minutes up to 5 minutes.
Also Taq-polymerase is activated by this step.
2. After separating the DNA strands, the
temperature is lowered so the primers can attach
themselves to the single DNA strands. This step
is called annealing. The temperature of this
stage depends on the primers and is usually 50C
below their melting temperature (45-600C). A
wrong temperature during the annealing step can
result in primers not binding to the template
DNA at all, or binding at random. Time 1-2
3. Finally, the DNA-Polymerase has to fill in
the missing strands. It starts at the annealed
primer and works its way along the DNA
strand. This step is called extension. The
extension temperature depends on the DNA-


AKMMC J 2013: 4(1)

Polymerase. The time for this step depends both

on the DNA-Polymerase itself and on the length
of the DNA fragment to be amplified. As a ruleof-thumb, 1 minute per 1 kbp.
Although these resulting 'fingerprints' for
example, parent-child or sibling, can be
determined from two or more genetic
fingerprints, which can be used for paternity
tests. A variation of this technique can also be
used to determine evolutionary relationships
between organisms. The PCR product can be
identified by its size using agarose gel
electrophoresis. Agarose gel electrophoresis is a
procedure that consists of injecting DNA into
agarose gel and then applying an electric current
to the gel. As a result, the smaller DNA strands
move faster than the larger strands through the
gel toward the positive current. The size of the
PCR product can be determined by comparing it
with a DNA ladder, which contains DNA
fragments of knows size, also within the gel.
The detection of hereditary diseases in a given
genome is a long and difficult process, which
can be shortened significantly by using PCR.
Each gene in question can easily be amplified
through PCR by using the appropriate primers
and then sequenced to detect mutations. Viral
diseases, too, can be detected using PCR
through amplification of the viral DNA. This
analysis is possible right after infection, which
can be from several days to several months
before actual symptoms occur. Such early
diagnosis gives physicians a significant lead in
Stages of PCR
The PCR process can be divided into three
Exponential amplification: At every cycle, the
amount of product is doubled (assuming 100%
reaction efficiency). The reaction is very
sensitive: only minute quantities of DNA need
to be present.
Leveling off stage: The reaction slows as the
DNA polymerase loses activity and as
consumption of reagents such as dNTPs and
primers causes them to become limiting.
Plateau: No more product accumulates due to
exhaustion of reagents and enzyme.

MT Rahman, MS Uddin, R Sultana, MA Mumu et al

Practical modifications to the PCR technique:

Nested PCR- Nested PCR is intended to reduce
the contaminations in products due to the
amplification of unexpected primer binding
sites. Two sets of primers are used in two
successive PCR runs, the second set intended to
amplify a secondary target within the first run
product. This is very successful, but requires
more detailed knowledge of the sequences
Inverse PCR- Inverse PCR is a method used to
allow PCR when only one internal sequence is
known. This is especially useful in identifying
flanking sequences to various genomic inserts.
This involves a series of digestion and self
ligation before cutting by an endonuclease ,
resulting in known sequences at either end of the
unknown sequence.
RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription PCR) is the
method used to amplify, isolate or identify a
known sequence form a cell or tissues RNA
library. Essentially normal PCR preceeded by
transcription by Reverse transcriptase (to
convert the RNA to cDNA) this is widely used
in expression mapping, determining when and
where certain genes are expressed.
Asymetric PCR-Asymetric is used to
preferentially amplify one strand of the original
DNA more the other. It finds use in some types
of sequencing and hybridization probing where
having only one of the two complementary
strands is ideal. PCR is carried out as usual, but
with a great excess of the primers for the chosen
strand. Due to the slow (arithmetic)
amplification later in the reaction after the
limiting primer has been sued up, extra cycles
of PCR are required. A recent modification on
this process, known as LInera-After-TheExponential-PCR (LATE-PCR), uses of limiting
primer with a higher melting temperture (Tm)
than the excess primer to maintain reaction
efficiency as the limiting primer concentration
decreases mid-reaction.
Quantitative PCR-Q-PCR (Quantitative PCR)
is used to rapidly measure the quantity of PCR
product (preferably real-time), thus is an
indirect method for quantitatively measuring
starting amounts of DNA, cDNA or RNA. This
is commonly used for the purpose of

Polemerase Chain Reaction (PCR): A Short Review

determining whether a sequence is present or

not, and it is present the number of copies in the
sample. There are 3 main methods which vary
in difficulty and detail.
Quantitative real -time PCR is often
confusingly known as RT-PCR (Real Time
PCR). QRT-PCR or RTQ-PCR are more
appropriate contractions. RT-PCR can also refer
to reverse transcription PCR, which even more
confusingly, is often used in conjunction with QPCR. This method uses fluorescent dyes and
probes to measure the amount of amplified
product in real time.
Touchdown PCR-Touchdown PCR is a variant
of PCR that reduces nonspecific primer
annealing by lowering of annealing temperature
between cycles.
Colony PCR-Bacterial clones (E.coli) can be
screened for the correct ligation products.
Selected colonies are picked with a sterile
toothpick from a agarose plate and dabed into
the master mix or sterile water. Primers (and the
master mix) are added-the PCR protocol has to
be started with extended time at 950c.
Allele-specific PCR: a diagnostic or cloning
technique based on single nucleotide
Polymorphisms (SNPs) (single-base differences
in DNA). It requires prior knowledge of a DNA
sequence, including differences between alleles,
and uses primers whose 3' ends encompass the
SNP. PCR amplification under stringent
conditions is much less efficient in the presence
of a mismatch between template and primer, so
successful amplification with an SNP-specific
primer signals presence of the specific SNP in a
Assembly PCR or Polymerase Cycling
Assembly (PCA): artificial synthesis of long
DNA sequences by performing PCR on a pool
of long oligonucleotides with short overlapping
segments. The oligonucleotides alternate
between sense and antisense directions, and the
overlapping segments determine the order of the
PCR fragments, thereby selectively producing
the final long DNA product.
Asymmetric PCR: preferentially amplifies one
DNA strand in a double-stranded DNA
template. It is used in sequencing and
hybridization probing where amplification of


only one of the two complementary strands is

required. PCR is carried out as usual, but with a
great excess of the primer for the strand targeted
for amplification. Because of the slow
(arithmetic) amplification later in the reaction
after the limiting primer has been used up, extra
cycles of PCR are required.A recent
modification on this process, known as LinearAfter-The-Exponential-PCR (LATE-PCR):
uses a limiting primer with a higher melting
temperature than the excess primer to maintain
reaction efficiency as the limiting primer
concentration decreases mid-reaction.
Dial-out PCR: a highly parallel method for
retrieving accurate DNA molecules for gene
synthesis. A complex library of DNA molecules
is modified with unique flanking tags before
massively parallel sequencing. Tag-directed
primers then enable the retrieval of molecules
with desired sequences by PCR.
Helicase-dependent amplification: similar to
traditional PCR, but uses a constant temperature
rather than cycling through denaturation and
annealing/extension cycles. DNA helicase, an
enzyme that unwinds DNA, is used in place of
thermal denaturation.
Hot start PCR: a technique that reduces nonspecific amplification during the initial set up
stages of the PCR. It may be performed
manually by heating the reaction components to
the denaturation temperature (e.g., 95C) before
adding the polymerase. Specialized enzyme
systems have been developed that inhibit the
polymerase's activity at ambient temperature,
either by the binding of an antibody or by the
presence of covalently bound inhibitors that
dissociate only after a high-temperature
activation step. Hot-start/cold-finish PCR is
achieved with new hybrid polymerases that are
inactive at ambient temperature and are instantly
activated at elongation temperature.
Intersequence-specific PCR (ISSR): a PCR
method for DNA fingerprinting that amplifies
regions between simple sequence repeats to
produce a unique fingerprint of amplified
fragment lengths.
Inverse PCR: is commonly used to identify the
flanking sequences around genomic inserts. It
involves a series of DNA digestions and self


AKMMC J 2013: 4(1)

ligation, resulting in known sequences at either

end of the unknown sequence.
Ligation-mediated PCR: uses small DNA
linkers ligated to the DNA of interest and
multiple primers annealing to the DNA linkers;
it has been used for DNA sequencing, genome
walking, and DNA footprinting.
Methylation-specific PCR (MSP): developed
by Stephen Baylin and Jim Herman at the Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, and is used to
detect methylation of CpG islands in genomic
DNA. DNA is first treated with sodium
bisulfite, which converts unmethylated cytosine
bases to uracil, which is recognized by PCR
primers as thymine. Two PCRs are then carried
out on the modified DNA, using primer sets
identical except at any CpG islands within the
primer sequences. At these points, one primer
set recognizes DNA with cytosines to amplify
methylated DNA, and one set recognizes DNA
with uracil or thymine to amplify unmethylated
DNA. MSP using qPCR can also be performed
to obtain quantitative rather than qualitative
information about methylation.
Miniprimer PCR: uses a thermostable
polymerase (S-Tbr) that can extend from short
primers ("smalligos") as short as 9 or 10
nucleotides. This method permits PCR targeting
to smaller primer binding regions, and is used to
amplify conserved DNA sequences, such as the
16S (or eukaryotic 18S) rRNA gene.
Review of literatures on PCR application and
diagnosis of diseases:
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from
100 suspected cases of Tuberculosis attending
DOT corner of Mymensing Medical College
Hospital PCR was done using primers mtb1 and
mtb2 based on IS6110 sequence present in all
mycobacterium tuberculosis strains using
sputum sample collected from those patient's
sensitivity and specificity of PCR was found to
be 94.7% and 100% respectively6. One study
showed that real time PCR assay accurately
detected Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase
genes who is responsible for multidrug
resistance with high analytical sensitivity and
specificity. Realtime PCR assay based on SYBR
Green I was designed to amplify a 106bp
product of the blaKPC gene from 159 clinical

MT Rahman, MS Uddin, R Sultana, MA Mumu et al

gram negative isolates resistant to several class

of lactam antibiotics showed the sensitivity and
specificity was cent percent when compared to
those of MHT and the real time PCR detection
limit was about 0.8cfu using clinical isolates7.
PCR diagnosis was also tried in detection and
differentiation of Salmonella typhi and
paratyphi, Brucellosis, Malaria parasite
detection, Dengue infection, H.pylori in
different studies throughout the world. The
target gene produced amplicons at 429bp, 330
bp and 600bp showed 100% sensitivity for
detection of salmonella species, typhi and
paratyphi8. For detection of Plasmodium vivax
the positive predictive values of thick blood
microscopy, nested PCR and realtime PCR were
47.8%, 56.5% and 60.9% respectively. The
real time PCR was found to have a specificity of
75% and sensitivity of 100% while nested PCR
showed 81.2% and97.7% respectively9. For
diagnosis of brucellosis the most common
zoonotic disease PCR detection using primers
B4/B5 that amplifies gene encoding a 31kda
immunogenic outer membrane protein (bcsp31)
showed 51.3% accurate sensitivity specificity of
100%10.Histopathological and urease tests in
biopsy sample sometimes produce false negative
results. To compare PCR assays were done in
all controls positive for Hpylori showed
sensitivity and specificity of 64% and 80%
respectively using best combination of
16rRNA+ureA. 11 Chagas
Treypanosoma cruzi is a major tropical
threat.accurate diagnosis and parasitological
response to treatment are priorities.PCR
detection were tried using serial dilutions of
purified DNA stocks representing Trypanosoma
cruzi discreate typing unitsI,IV,VI(set A),human
blood spiked with parasite cells(SetB), and
Guinadine Hydrochroloride EDTA blood sample
from 32 seropositive and 10 seronegative
controls(SetC) were run by different PCR
methods using primers 121/122.The result
showed 83.3%-94.4% sensitivity and specificity
of 85-95%.This represents international
validation of PCR procedures for detection of
Trepanosoma cruzi in human blood samples12.
For diagnosis of scrub typhus one study
investigated performances of conventional PCR
(C-PCR), nested PCR(N-PCR), real time


Polemerase Chain Reaction (PCR): A Short Review

quantitative PCR(Q-PCR) targeting the

O.tsutsugamushi specific 47kDa gene.Two
template systems plasmid DNA and a genomic
DNA from buffy coat sample of a single patient
was used.The sensitivities of C-PCR,N-PCR
and Q PCR performed with blood samples taken
from patients with 4 weeks of onset of fever
were 7.3%,85.4% and 82.9%(95%CI)13
Diarrhoea caused by Clostridium difficile is
mostly diagnosed by ELISA.More recently PCR
based diagnosis has been tried in one study on
samples from 150 hospitalised adults and
healthy volunteers.Using culture as gold
standard the sensitivity and specificity of PCR
were 100% and 99.2% respectively.14
Viral DNA can likewise be detected by PCR.
The primers used need to be specific to the
targeted sequences in the DNA of a virus, and
the PCR can be used for diagnostic analyses or
DNA sequencing of the viral genome. The high
sensitivity of PCR permits virus detection soon
after infection and even before the onset of
disease. Such early detection may give
physicians a significant lead in treatment. The
amount of virus viral load") in a patient can also
be quantified by PCR-based DNA quantitation
techniques. Genetic fingerprinting is a forensic
technique used to identify a person by comparing
his or her DNA with a given sample, such as
blood from a crime scene can be genetically
compared to blood from a suspect15,16,17.
Advantages of PCR
" PCR can be used for diagnosis of many human
diseases,broad variety of experiments and analysis.
" PCR is very important confirmatory diagnostic aid in
infectious disease like tuberculosis, HIV,CMV,
Mycoplasma,Hepatitis, Syphilis, fungal& protozoal
disease, cancers specially leukaemia and lymphoma
Malaria, Staphylococcal bacteremia, Tuberculosis,
Toxoplasma Gondic 18, 19, 2021.
" PCR is also important for genetic fingering and
paternity test.
" PCR has high sensitivity(95-100%) and specificity
Disadvantages of PCR
*Requires costly instruments like thermal cycler, agargel
diffusion tray, DNA separation kit, other chemicals &
reagents which not all laboratories can afford to buy.

*Requires trained, experienced, qualified manpower and

*Adequate space with aircondition, dehumidifier,
laminar flow facilities,
*Limited scope for diagnosis of diseases,
*Costly and not all people can afford to do the test,
*False positive and false negative results may lower
specificity & sensitivity,
For accurate diagnosis of some disease with more
sensitivity and specificity PCR is a very common and
widely accepted method now a days throughout the
world and it is also gaining popularity in Bangladesh.
Many advance medical centers, modern diagnostic labs
and medical institutions are using PCR as routine lab
diagnostic and research modalities. PCR can play an
important role in diagnosing disease with diversify and
atypical clinical presentation and can lead to early and
definitive diagnosis which helps the clinician to start
early treatment, manage better treatment plan and
follow up for the patient. This leads to
economical and social burden the patient and the family.

1. www//wikipedia, free encyclopedia
2. Bartlett, J. M. S.; Stirling, D. "A Short History of the
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226. pp. 3-6. doi:10.1385/1-59259-384-4:3.
3. Lijun Wang, Haitong Gu, Xinxin Lu. A rapid low-cost
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pneumonia carbapenemase genes. Ann Clin Microbiol
Antimicrob 2012; 11: 9.
4. Chai Fung Pui, Woan Chwen Wong, Lay Ching Chai,
et al. Multiplex PCR for the concurrent detection and
differentiation of Salmonella spp., Salmonella Typhi
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5. Ahmet Genc, Fadime Eroglu, Ismail Soner Koltas.
Detection of Plasmodium vivax by Nested PCR and
Real-Time PCR. Articles from The Korean Journal of
Parasitology are provided here courtesy of Korean
Society for Parasitology.
6. Hasan MM, Hossain MA, Paul SK, et al. Evaluation
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