108 Mantra Challenge

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The key takeaways are that the Shreem Brzee mantra was given by a great Rishi named Vishwamitra to destroy all forms of scarcity and increase prosperity. Dr. Pillai then paired it with the Shreem mantra to make it more powerful.

The Shreem Brzee challenge commits participants to chant the Shreem Brzee mantra at least 108 times daily for 45 days and share their experiences in a Facebook group to add to the collective power and intention to bring abundance to lives and shift global consciousness.

Regular chanting of the Shreem Brzee mantra is said to destroy all forms of scarcity from one's consciousness, increase positive karma, and transform every area of life by allowing the blessings of abundance, prosperity, and peace to enter one's being.


The Shreem Brzee Challenge!

Commit to a life of prosperity
The Ultimate Sounds for Wealth
The sound "Brzee" was transmitted to Dr. Pillai by a great Rishi named Vishwamitra.
Vishwamitra, once an emperor, wanted to make everyone in his kingdom wealthy, and turned to
spirituality and meditation to find a solution. After 1,200 years of intense meditation, the divine
answered his prayers by revealing to him the sound Brzee.
After he selflessly gave the sound to Dr. Pillai asking nothing in return, Dr. Pillai then
enhanced it by pairing it with another potent sound for wealth, "Shreem," creating the most
powerful mantra in the world for both inner and outer wealth.
With regular use, this mantra will destroy all forms of scarcity from your consciousness, and
increase your merits, or positive karma, helping to transform EVERY area of your life.

There is Power in Numbers

Around Krishnas birthday (Sep 5), Dr. Pillai announced he wants everyone to begin using the
sounds Shreem Brzee on a regular basis. His energy and blessings are behind this practice in a
huge way right now, and its the perfect time to join a group challenge. There is power in
numbers, and by participating you will be adding your energy to our collective power. Our
intention is to bring wealth into our own lives to set the example for those around us, and to shift
the global consciousness from poverty and mediocrity, to total abundant living. Let poverty
perish and abundance reign supreme!

The Challenge
Chant and/or write the sounds Shreem Brzee at least 108 times a day for 45 days in a row, and
share your results in our Shreem Brzee Facebook Group (click to join group). Sign up today to
download the Shreem Brzee Mantra loop and a short meditation that can be used on an hourly
basis, or as desired.

Shreem is a special seed sound indicating creativity, blessings, grace, surrender,

and peace. It reflects the energy of the moon, the feminine nature, receptivity, and
the power of Lakshmi, the force of Divine abundance and prosperity. Repeating this
mantra allows the blessings and beneficence of Shreem, Lakshmi and all that the
mantra represents to enter into the core of your being.

How to Practice_It is best to chant the mantra 108 times, and the easiest way to keep count is to
use a set of mala beads. I use simple rudraksha beads which I bought in India. They are said to be
the best to meditate with, but other options are fine too (sandalwood, glass, etc.). The important
thing is that it has 108 beads.
To start, simply sit in a comfortable position (back straight), close your eyes and bring your
awareness inwards. Start with a few deep belly breaths and perhaps three Oms.
Then begin breathing naturally, without control, and watch your breath for a while. Feel yourself
inside your body.
When you are ready, place your beads in your hands and begin repeating the Shreem mantra to
yourself silently in your head (or aloud if you prefer).
Simply let your mind rest in the Shreem sound.
Before I begin chanting I usually set an intention, for example I offer this mantra up to Goddess
Lakshmi (an element of the divine), Mother Earth, Guides, Angels and my Higher Self. My these
qualities be embodied in me and all. I then begin chanting and when Im finished I give thanks
for all of the abundance and love in my life. I try to feel it, and also get a little more specific
sometimes (for example, you can consider the blessings of abundance that you would like to
bring into your life, into your relationships or into the world around you).
Sometimes I do two round of 108.
I then sit in meditation for a few more minutes, and feel the atmosphere around me shift.
Why Chant?
You can feel the difference. I can see things shift, inwardly and outwardly. I see more beauty and
abundance, love and friendships enter into my life.
More specifically, the Shreem mantra, is helpful when you are feeling stressed, over
stimulated, or depleted. It is particularly good if Vata or Pitta dosha are elevated in your body or
mind, with too much heat, movement, agitation, or hypersensitivity developing within you. The
mantra Shreem also brings energy into the left side of the body, the feminine lunar side, and
develops the corresponding nurturing qualities and creative powers within us. It is particularly
good for women and has a softening affect upon the emotions. (Ref: Chopra Centre)

Why not give it a try for a month? It could change your life :)

Shreem Brzee: Vishwamitra's Gift To World

As I have mentioned several times before, this came to me through Vishwamitra,
who was one of the emperors who ruled India. He wanted to give a great life for
people, a prosperous life for his citizens.
And he could not do it through material means, so he sought recourse into the
energy dynamics of how the thoughts can create matter. And he found out that
Brzee has a thought form, has a bunch of sound waves can create wealth that one
wants. And it took 1,500 years for him to do that.
How To Use Shreem Brzee
The way you use this sound, Brzee, which I added Shreem to it, in order to have
more power, is you just churn the mantra over and over and over again.
As you begin to go deep into the mantra, the sound, then several things will be
revealed to you. If you say, for example, spend 8 hours just focusing and repeating
the mantra, there will be several revelations that will come to you.
Use Shreem Brzee & Experience Miracles
And one easily spends 8 hours chit chatting or thinking about 'garbage' thoughts.
But if you even on one single day, focus on Shreem, you, Shreem Brzee, you will
have many revelations. Whether you have revelations or not, you will have miracles
and that's what matters.
Hope For The World
The only hope that I personally see for this world is that this Sound will indeed help
a lot of people to attain financial independence. Financial independence is
everything because it gives you freedom.
Money Creates Freedom
I used to tell people that once you have money, once you don't need the check from
your boss, you can go and tell him what you really think about him. But you can't do
it now because you want a check. So you bite your tongue or you'll bite your teeth
and then come back, compromising.
Freedom To Be Yourself
One thing that money does to people is it gives you freedom. Freedom makes you
authentic. We are now inauthentic. So, the most important thing in life is to become

free, is to become authentic.

Shreem Brzee: Practical Solution For Everyone

And Shreem Brzee is the solution. I have come back to this earth plane not to teach
renunciation, not to teach dry, impractical ethics or morality, but to teach a
philosophy that is practical. But the goal is the same.
Goal: Everyone Becomes Free & Authentic
The goal is that people have to become free and authentic. And once they are free
and authentic, then you can create a new world order. And that will be
accomplished by Shreem Brzee. Down the road, I will teach you many different
methods of churning this sound. And making that Sound to go deep into your DNA
and be changed in the DNA. God Bless.

How To Pray To God: A Prayer Which Connects You To God

This is the time of God, and He is going to be available to everyone. He reveals that
problems of humanity are due to the fact that their consciousness is focused on
ego, and not on God.
Dr. Pillai recommends this prayer to God that will take care of all our sufferings:
"Lord, all discomforts of my body, mind and emotions, I created them, not you. They
bother me, but they should not distract me from you. Control my monkey mind.
Give me the ability to love you every second and praise your glory. That is my
priority. I live for you, not for me."

This sacred mantra has been given to us by Dr. Baskaran Pillai. As a divine spiritual
master, Dr. Pillai's ongoing mission is to alleviate all human suffering.
Chanting this powerful Sanskrit mantra can help to increase the abundance in your
life, which is your birthright. The recording of this chant is 108 mantra repetitions x
12. Chanting everyday can give you a sense of peace, while quieting the mind and
helping to remove any blocks keeping you from prosperity.

Dear one, he is saying '' HORA'' which is a Sanskrit word for an hour. In Indian
Astrology, after sunrise the first hour of the day belongs to it's lord and is

considered tremendously powerful to perform the acts and remedies of that

planet.For example the first hour(HORA) after sun rise on Sunday is SUN's HORA and
first hour on Monday after Sun rise is Moon's HORA. So if you chant your
ShreemBrzee mantra in Venus hora,first hour on Friday after sun rise,the effect will
be double.
This great mantra does work! All it requires is consistency. Chant Shreembrzee for 1
hour every day and make the commitment! Shreembrzee worked for me!

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