Colour Orange

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MCS Courses

Colour Information

Simon & Sue Lilly 2002


Wavelength: 622-597 nm
Element (West): None
Element (East): None
Chakras: Sacral
Complementary Colour (True Colour Wheel):
Complementary Colour (Artists Colour Wheel):


Orange is created from a blend of red and yellow in equal parts. The yellow content gives the
powerful red energy that capacity to be directed and sustained. Orange has two qualities that
stretch through its functions on all levels of our being. These are release and creativity, linked
by the need for life-force to flow through us completely unhindered. Like fire, orange energy
displays some sense of direction and purpose it moves along those pathways which fuel its
own existence. Orange is certainly dynamic, but more thoughtful and controlled than
explosive red.
Physical Level
In the physical body orange is related to the lower abdomen in general, but to the large
intestine and reproductive organs in particular. The large intestine deals with the ability to
release by the elimination of waste products, the reproductive organs are concerned with
fertility. Without the ability to release waste products from the body efficiently, the system
becomes constipated and toxic. Eating orange foods (apricots, oranges, carrots) and foods
that relate to orange qualities (brown rice, foods high in natural roughage, oats), can reduce
the incidence of such problems. Massaging the lower abdomen and back with oils that carry
an orange vibration (neroli, sandalwood) can help to relieve symptoms. The ability to create
something real from our dreams, ideas and inspiration works through the orange energy. The
bodily function of reproduction is only one facet of this creativity. Children of the emotions,
the mind and our dreams are also gestated and born here. Musicians, artists, and dancers all
use a lot of orange energy. When creative energy gets blocked it can be released by using
orange. Wearing orange, eating orange foods, massaging orange oils, orange items within
the environment will all ease the flow of energy. Flower essences from orange coloured or
orange smelling flowers, such as marigold and mock orange can also play their part. When a
system becomes static or blocked, not only is constipation present on all levels, but there is
lack of creativity too. If the physical symptoms in either area persist, the underlying
emotional and mental problems linked to orange need to be addressed.

MCS Courses

Colour Information

Simon & Sue Lilly 2002

Emotional Level
Orange on the emotional level links the extremes of fun and pleasure with shock and trauma.
When we shut off the enjoyment of life for any reason, orange in any form can be a difficult
colour to settle with. Strict social mores concerning personal pleasure, desire and enjoyment,
repress and inhibit the flow of orange energy through the body, creating blocks of guilt on all
levels physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The same effect occurs after experiencing
trauma, particularly if we felt powerless. In these cases, orange can be uncomfortable as it
tends to remind us that something needs to be dealt with. If orange can be introduced
carefully, in any form, it can bring about the healing that is needed. When we are unwilling or
unable to let go of memories or problems, we can experience a sort of emotional constipation
and excessively tense muscles. This can lead to the physical problem of constipation, urinary
difficulties and tenderness in the lower abdomen or back.
Whilst red is a focusing or self-centred energy, orange reaches out to see what it feels like to
be somewhere else it is the toddler reaching for everything and wanting to taste everything.
Orange is learning to experience the world with a sense of play, enjoyment and exploration.
Mental Level
On the level of the mind orange releases the creativity of the universal artist. This is not just
about formulating ideas, but bringing them to fruition in a way that enhances beauty and
elicits appreciation from others. This can be achieved through any medium so long as it
brings pleasure, release and relaxation. Orange represents instinctive (rather than intellectual
or thought-out) problem solving. This sort of orange energy is manifesting when someone is
working on the design of their garden. It can also emerge through a potter working clay, or an
artist sketching a design, or a poet scribbling down ideas. Even doodling on a pad whilst
listening to someone on the telephone, is exhibiting the natural urge to explore through
creativity to allow a flow of energy to balance the sense of identity.

Spiritual Level
On an even finer, spiritual level, orange represents the subtle blueprint of our physical bodies,
often referred to as the etheric layer, or that part of the aura that is closest to the physical
body. In this layer, the model for our physical body is held. If our physical, emotional or
mental bodies become damaged, the etheric does too. Effective healing will repair the etheric.
If the etheric is not repaired, pain can remain or the physical body never completely heals
because the template or model is incomplete. Use of any sort of orange will keep the energy
and information held in the etheric free of blocks, leaving the physical body to complete its
healing and to release stress effectively.
A balance of orange energy brings a willingness to get involved, to get ones hands dirty
with practical exploration; the ability to fill time creatively and to be aware of the needs of
the body.
Summary: To increase or balance the orange energy in your life:
Wear some orange clothing
Eat orange foods (oranges, apricots, peaches) or foods that create and orange effect (brown
rice, oats, sesame seeds, Vitamin C, zinc)
Use orange crystals: carnelian, dark citrine or crystal that work in an orange way (dark opal,
Herkimer diamond, selenite)
Use orange essential oils (neroli, mandarin, cedar)

MCS Courses

Colour Information

Simon & Sue Lilly 2002

Use flower essences made from orange flowers (marigold, Californian poppy,)
Activities: music, dancing, any form of art

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