Mcs Courses Colour Information © Simon & Sue Lilly 2002

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MCS Courses

Colour Information

Simon & Sue Lilly 2002


Grey is the true neutral colour. It is usually thought of as a combination of white and black,
but the mixture of any complementary colours will produce grey. Grey is the colour of void,
of emptiness, lack of movement, lack of emotion, lack of warmth, in fact, lack of any
identifying characteristics. Because of this, grey can be restful. If it contains a high
proportion of white it will tend to take on the qualities of surrounding colours. If the grey,
though, has a greater amount of black, it can feel very heavy and depressing. Grey has a lack
of information so has a numbing effect on the mind, though not particularly in a peaceful
way, as blue or indigo might. Indeed the inability to see into the colour can be reminiscent of
the experience of fear or terror where decision-making processes seem frozen and even time
stands still. Emptiness, boredom, lack of direction, enervating and draining: the neutrality of
grey prevents us from moving towards an energetic state.
Grey has no connection to the solid earth or the life of nature. Immovable stone and cloudy
skies reflect the impersonal, implacable nature of grey. Grey has a detached, isolated and
unemotional effect. Grey is a cool, calculating mental neutrality, an unwillingness to get
ones hands dirty.
Grey can suggest someone who wishes to remain unsullied or uninvolved, but at the same
time can suggest sophistication being cool. Indeed, when placed next to other colours,
grey has the effect of moderating and stabilising those colours both making them more
visually apparent whilst muting the vibrational energy.
Grey clothes are still the favoured uniform of managers, businessmen and politicians
reflecting the desire to project coolness of mind, emotional stability and the ability to look
down on the rest of the world with a detached neutrality the epitome of the myth of
Summary: To increase or balance the grey energy in your life
Wear a shade of grey, but add another small amount of colour to it, in the form of a tie, lapel
badge, scarf etc
Use grey crystals: agates

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