Homework #1: Ans: (1) T

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CBE 501

Dr. David (Qiang) WANG

Homework #1
1. (P3.5, 20 points) A horizontal cylinder 0.457 m long is divided into two parts, A and B, by a
latched piston. The volume of A is twice that of B. A contains helium at 311 K and 10.13 bar
with CV,A12.56 J/(mol K), and B contains hydrogen at 311 K and 1.01 bar with CV,B20.9
J/(mol K). Both gases may be considered ideal. When the latch is removed, the piston reaches
an equilibrium position so that A and B have the same pressure. Without neglecting friction
but assuming no heat transfer to the cylinder walls, compute the final position of the piston
and the temperature and pressure in both A and B for the following four cases: (1) Piston is
diathermal. (2) Piston is adiabatic. (3) Piston is diathermal and A is in diathermal contact with
a 311 K heat reservoir. (4) Piston is adiabatic and A is in diathermal contact with a 311 K heat
Ans: (1) TAf TBf 311 K, Pf 7.090 bar, LAf 0.4353 m, LBf 0.0217 m.
(2) Assuming A undergoes reversible adiabatic expansion:
TAf 263.4 K, TBf 884.3 K, Pf 6.678 bar, LAf 0.3915 m, LBf 0.0655 m.
Assuming B undergoes reversible adiabatic compression:
TAf 292.2 K, TBf 537.9 K, Pf 6.927 bar, LAf 0.4186 m, LBf 0.0384 m.
(3) Same as (1).
(4) Assuming A undergoes reversible isothermal expansion:
TAf 311 K, TBf 959.4 K, Pf 7.795 bar, LAf 0.3962 m, LBf 0.0611 m.
Assuming B undergoes reversible adiabatic compression:
TAf 311 K, TBf 546.5 K, Pf 7.35 bar, LAf 0.4202 m, LBf 0.0369 m.
2. (P3.8, 10 points) Consider the simple act of opening an oxygen cylinder at 15.17 MPa and 311
K that is connected to a closed regulator. The regulator interior has volume VR (negligible
compared to the cylinder volume), is initially at 0.101 MPa and 311 K, and contains pure
oxygen. Assume no heat transfer to the cylinder or regulator during the operation. Oxygen
may be considered as an ideal gas with CV20.9 J/(mol K) and CP29.3 J/(mol K).
(a) If the oxygen entering VR mixed completely with the original gas in VR, what is the final
temperature in VR? (434.8 K)
(b) An alternative model assumes that there is no mixing between the gas originally in VR and
that of which enters from the cylinder. In this case, after the pressures are equalized, we
would have two identifiable gas slugs which presumably are at different temperatures.
Assuming no axial heat transfer between the gas slugs, what is the final temperature of the
gas slug originally in VR? (1294.8 K) This explains why pressure regulators for oxygen
must be kept scrupulously clean and no oil or grease should ever be applied to any threads
or on moving parts within the regulator.
3. (P3.12, 10 points) A well-insulated pipe of 2.54 cm inside diameter carries air at 2 bar and
366.5 K. It is connected to a 0.0283 m3 insulated bulge, as shown in the figure. The air in
the bulge is initially at 1 bar and 311 K. A and D are flow meters, and valves B and C control
the airflow into and out of the bulge. Connected to the bulge is a 0.283 m3 rigid, adiabatic tank

CBE 501

Dr. David (Qiang) WANG

which is initially evacuated. At the start of the operation, valve B is opened to allow 4.54 g/s
of airflow into the bulge; simultaneously, valve C is operated to transfer exactly 4.54 g/s of
airflow from the bulge into the tank. Air may be assumed as an ideal gas with CP29.3 J/(mol
K). Assume also that the gases, both in the bulge and tank, are completely mixed so that there
are no temperature or pressure gradients present. (a) What is the temperature and pressure of
the gas in the bulge after 6 s? (349.8 K, 1.125105 Pa) (b) What is the temperature and
pressure of the air in the tank after 3 s? (453.4 K, 6.26103 Pa)

4. (P3.15, 10 points) As shown in the figure, as air is admitted into the casing, the spring is
compressed. The pressure in the gas space is given by PPik(LLi) with k5 bar/m. The
initial conditions in the gas space are: Pi1 bar, Ti300 K, and Li0.15 m. The piston area is
0.02 m2. The air is an ideal gas with CV20.9 J/(mol K). What is the temperature in the gas
space when L0.6 m? (342.1 K)

5. (10 points) Derive Eqs. 3.35b, 3.35c, 3.36 and 3.37 in the following, where C p Cv and

N1 mol.

CBE 501

Dr. David (Qiang) WANG

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