GNG 1106 Fall 2014 Final Exam (English)

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GNG 1106 Fall 2014 Final Exam (English)

180 minutes
The paper is out of 100 points, but you can get up to 108 points. That is, there are additional 8 bonus

Part 1: Code Reading Questions (7 9 = 63 Points)

Question 1 What does the following program print?
# include < stdio .h >
struct wedget
int x ;
int y ;
void modifyWedget ( struct wedget inputWedget , int newX , int newY )
inputWedget . x = newX ;
inputWedget . y = newY ;
void printWedget ( struct wedget inputWedget )
printf (" the wedget has x =% d and y =% d \ n " , inputWedget .x , inputWedget . y );
int main ()
struct wedget myWedget ;
myWedget . x =1;
myWedget . y =2;
printWedget ( myWedget );
modifyWedget ( myWedget , 10 , 20);
printWedget ( myWedget );
return 0;
Question 2 What does the following program print?
# include < stdio .h >
void doIt ( int * x )
printf ("% d \ n " , * x );
if (* x %2==0)
* x =* x -5;
* x =* x -3;
int main ()
int a =19;
while (a >0)
doIt (& a );
return 0;

Question 3 What does the following program print?

# include < stdio .h >
int main ()
int x =10;
while (x <20)
printf (" x is % d \ n " , x );
if (( x /2)*2== x )
x ++;
x = x +3;
return 0;
Question 4 What does the following program print?
# include < stdio .h >
struct array
int length ;
int * data ;
void printArray ( struct array theArray )
int i ;
printf (" printing array :\ n ");
for ( i =0; i < theArray . length ; i ++)
printf ("% d \ t " , theArray . data [ i ]);
printf (" done printing array \ n ");
int main ()
int A [5]={1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5};
int i ;
struct array a ;
struct array b ;
a . length =5;
a . data = A ;
for ( i =0; i < a . length ; i ++)
a . data [ i ]= a . data [ i ]+10;
printArray ( a );
printArray ( b );
return 0;

Question 5 The following code segments all intend to use variable x to specify a string hello. Verify if
they are correct.
1. char x [256]=" hello ";
2. char x [256];
x =" hello ";
3. char * x =" hello ";
4. char * x ;
x =" hello ";
5. char x [256]={ h , e , l , l , o };
Question 6 What does the following program print?
# include < stdio .h >
int getIt ()
static int a =2;
static int b =1;
int out ;
out = a + b ;
b = out ;
return out ;
int main ()
printf ("% d \ n " , getIt ());
printf ("% d \ n " , getIt ()+ getIt ());
printf ("% d \ n " , getIt ()+ getIt ()/4);
return 0;
Question 7 Determine if the program below is correct. If it is correct, explain what it prints; otherwise,
explain why it is wrong.
# include < stdio .h >
int main ()
int i ;
int a [5]={1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5};
int b [5]={6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10};
for ( i =0; i <5; i ++)
printf ("% d \ n " , b [ i ]);
return 0;

Question 8 Determine if the program below is correct. If it is correct, explain what it prints; otherwise,
explain why it is wrong.
# include < stdio .h >
int main ()
int i ;
int a [5]={1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5};
int b [5]={6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10};
* b =* a ;
for ( i =0; i <5; i ++)
printf ("% d \ n " , b [ i ]);
return 0;
Question 9 Determine if the program below is correct. If it is correct, explain what it does (by providing
example input to the program as well as its corresponding output); otherwise, explain why it is wrong.
# include < stdio .h >
int * getThreeNumbers ()
int i ;
int a [3];
int * p ;
for ( i =0; i <3; i ++)
printf (" enter an integer \ n ");
scanf ("% d " , a + i );
return p ;
int main ()
int * q ;
int i ;
q = getThreeNumbers ();
printf (" the number you entered are :\ n ");
for ( i =0; i <3; i ++)
printf ("% d \ n " , q [ i ]);
return 0;

Part 2: Programming Questions (15 3 = 45 points)

Four questions are given in this part, but you are to choose any three to solve. If you
work on all four questions, make sure you specify which three are to be graded.
In all programming questions, no global variables are allowed.
Question 10 Write a function that takes an array of int typed values as input such that when the function
is called, the calling function gets the largest value and smallest value in the array. You are free to design
the prototype of the function (i.e., free to design the input and output variables of the function). Also write
a main function which calls this function to demonstrate its use.
Question 11 A structure studentRecord is defined as below, which is used to represent the record of a
student in a course.
struct studentRecord
char lastName [100];
char firstName [100];
long studentId ;
double mark ;
Implement a function with the following prototype
void writeRecordsToFile(struct studentRecord *records, int numOfRecords, char *filename);
The function write an array of struct studentRecord-typed data to a specified file in ascending order
of the student IDs. More specifically, the input variable records specifies the address of the input array;
the input variable numOfRecords specifies the number of student records in the array; and filename specifies
(the address of ) the file name string of the file which will be created and written into. In addition, in the
created file, each row contains one student record, and the ordering of the students records are in ascending
order of the student IDs (namely, in ascending order of their studentId values).
Question 12 (15 points) Write a function with name getOddNumbers. The purpose of the function is to
process an input array of int typed integers and return the list of odd numbers in the array. The function
needs to be able to handle input arrays with arbitrary lengths. The return type of the function must be int
*, or pointer to int, namely that the function returns the address pointing to the memory storing the list
of found odd numbers. Except for these requirements, you are free to design the function. You also need
to write a testing program (namely a main function) to show that your design and implementation of this
function are correct. Your testing program needs to do the following: first it asks the user to enter a positive
integer N , then it generates a length-N array of random integers; then it calls your function getOddNumbers
to get the list of odd numbers in this array, and finally it prints the list.

Question 13 Just like decimal numbers are represented using 10 different symbols (i.e., {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}),
hexadecimal numbers are represented using 16 different symbols. These 16 symbols are
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f }.
The numerical (decimal) values of the 16 symbols are given in the table below.
Numerical Value

Hexadecimal Symbol

For any positive integer K, an integer number x between 0 and 16K 1 can be converted to a K-symbol
hexadecimal representation. We explain this conversion rule by taking the example of K = 4 (and hence x
is between 0 and 65535 = 164 1).
1. Express x as x = y3 163 + y2 162 + y1 16 + y0 , where y0 , y1 , y2 , y3 are all numbers in {0, 1, . . . , 15}.
Notice that for every integer x between 0 and 65535, such an expression is unique.
2. Convert the ordered tuple (y3 , y2 , y1 , y0 ) symbol-by-symbol to hexadecimal symbols using the above table.
Example 1: x = 15678. Express x as x = 3 163 + 13 162 + 3 16 + 14. That is, y3 = 3, y2 = 13, y1 =
3, y0 = 14. The (y3 , y2 , y1 , y0 ) tuple is then (3, 13, 3, 14). Converting this tuple to hexadecimal symbols
gives us string 3d3e
Example 2: x = 3258. Express x as x = 0 163 + 12 162 + 11 16 + 10. That is, y3 = 0, y2 = 12, y1 =
11, y0 = 10. The (y3 , y2 , y1 , y0 ) tuple is then (0, 12, 11, 10). Converting this tuple to hexadecimal symbols
gives us string 0cba
Clearly the above rule extends to arbitrary positive integer K. That is, to convert an integer x between 0
and 16K 1 to a K-symbol representation, we only need to express x as
x = yK1 16K1 + yK2 16K2 + . . . + y2 162 + y1 161 + y0 .
Then we convert the tuple (yK1 , yK2 , . . . , y2 , y1 , y0 ) to hexadecimal symbols according to the above table.
The following program is meant to do the following: it asks the user to enter a non-negative integer x
and a positive integer K; if x is between 0 and 16K 1, it prints the K-symbol hexadecimal representation
of the integer, otherwise it prints message x is out of range. You are required to complete the program
by designing and implementing the function printHex called in the main function.

# include < stdio .h >

Fill in the code here for function printHex
int main ()
long x ;
int K ;
printf (" enter non - negative integer x \ n ");
scanf ("% ld " , & x );
printf (" enter positive integer K \ n ");
scanf ("% d " , & K );
printHex (x , K );
return 0;

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