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International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)

Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: (80-84), Month: April 2014 - September 2014, Available at:

Developing a Creative Thinking Test for

Iraqi Physics Students


1, 2

Faculty of Education, University of, Malaya, Malaysia

Abstract: It can be said that developing creative thinking skills is the key to educational success. Creativity is the
ability to imagine or invent something new. Creativity is not the ability to create out of nothing, but the ability to
generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas (Harris, 1998). In science education,
there are several general creative thinking tests which have been designed to evaluate how much students have
gained the three creative thinking skills (fluency, flexibility and originality) from learning. There are no specific
creativity tests for subjects such as Physics. This paper will describe as part of a bigger study a Physics creativity
test was prepared for Iraqi second-grade intermediate students. Building upon the Torrance Test of Creative
Thinking Tests (TTCT) and various other creative thinking tests in science education creative thinking test was
prepared specifically for Iraqi physics students in the second-grade intermediate level. This test of creative
thinking has been examined in terms of validity and reliability. The result indicated that the creative thinking test
has appropriate validity and reliability and the test can be applied successfully.
Keywords: Creative thinking tests; Creativity in physics, second-grade intermediate students.



There is no consensus on the definition of creativity in the literature (BacanlI, DombaycI, Demir, & Tarhan, 2011).
Therefore, there are a diversity of creativity definitions such as Torrance (1966) defined creativity as: a process of
becoming sensitive to a problem, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and so on; identifying
the difficulty; searching for solutions, making guesses, or formulating a hypothesis about these deficiencies; testing and
retesting these hypotheses and possibly modifying and retesting them; and finally communicating the results (p.6).
Furthermore, creativity has been described as the ability to solve problems and fashion products and to raise new
questions (Gardner, 1993); Cropley (2001) characterized creativity by novelty, effectiveness and ethicality. Davis
(1992) documents four Ps for understanding creativity: person, product, process and press (i.e., environment or
Creativity can also mean the ability to imagine or invent something new. Creative thinking skills are essential for success
in learning and success in life (Fisher, 2006). Creative thinking skills equips students to go beyond the information given,
to deal systematically, flexibly with problems and situations, to adopt a critical attitude to information and arguments as
well as to communicate effectively (McGuinness, 1999). Guilford (1950) proposed creativity as the ability to produce a
new idea into existence via divergent thinking or arrive at many solutions to a problem, and offered three dimensions to
describe creativity: (i) fluency: ability to generate lots of ideas; (ii) flexibility: ability to look at a question or topic from
multiple perspectives; and (iii) originality: is the crux of creativity. Creativity can also mean to generate unique or unusual
and unexpected ideas.
To evaluate creativity, there must be measurable indicators to determine how much students have gained from learning.
The formal psychometric measurement of creativity is usually considered to have begun with Guilford (1950). Guilfords
group constructed several tests to measure creativity in 1967 such as: plot titles; quick responses; figure concepts; unusual
uses; remote associations; and remote consequences.

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Research Publish Journals

International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)
Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: (27-32), Month: April 2014 - September 2014, Available at:
Building on Guilfords work, Torrance developed the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) in1966. They involved
simple tests of divergent thinking and other problem-solving skills, which were used to assess three mental characteristics:
fluency, flexibility and originality for a student. The TTCT test has been modified four times since its original version.
Wallach and Kogan also developed a test to measure creativity for students (Wallach & Kogan, 1965). In a more recent
study, Carson, Peterson, and Higgins, (2005) developed a new self-report measure of Creative Achievement
Questionnaire (CAQ) that assesses achievement across 10 domains of creativity. The CAQ test has been shown to be
reliable and valid when compared to other measures of creativity and can be an independent evaluation of creative output.
Torrances research and the development of the TTCT have provided groundwork for the idea that creative levels can be
measured and then increased through teaching and practice (Kim, 2006; McIntyre, Hite, & Rickard, 2003; Scott, Leritz, &
Mumford, 2004).
Science is a creative subject; it provides many opportunities to motivate students creative thinking skills. In science
education, several creative thinking tests have been developed (Hu & Adey, 2002; Pekmez, Aktamis, & Taskin, 2009).
The field of Physics has a sufficient range to promote creativity in its own domain, and therefore creativity can be brought
up in the context of learning physics. This paper will describe how by taking into account all the existing tests and the
unique features of physics; a test appropriate for physics to measure three pertinent skills of creative thinking was



The preparation of this creative thinking test is part of a larger study to investigate the construction of creative and critical
thinking skills among selected Iraqi second grade intermediate level physics students. The preparation of the test
underwent several steps. First, selected features and ideas which could be derived from existing tests were identified.
Then, the items were constructed. Some items were adapted from existing tests and other items were original and
constructed specific to physics. Once this was completed, a pilot test was conducted and the validity and the reliability
were determined.
Ideas from existing instruments
After the researcher had reviewed the various creative thinking tests (Cheng, 2011; Guilford, 1950; Hu & Adey, 2002;
Pekmez, et al., 2009; Rabari, Indoshi, & Okwach, 2011; Torrance, 1966; Wallach & Kogan, 1965), it was clear that three
creative capabilities were fluency, flexibility and originality. The researcher then prepared six tasks for the creative
thinking test based upon these capabilities. The tasks included three adapted from Hu and Adey (2002), one adapted from
Perkmez et al. (2009), one adapted from Torrance (1966) and one task was original. Based upon Torrances idea, each of
the tasks addressed one of the following types of questions:
(i) Asking Questions: Students are requested to generate the largest possible number of questions based on the picture
(ii) Guessing the Cause: Students are requested to write all the reasons or introductions that led to what appears in the
picture given;
(iii) Guessing the cause of an occurrence or an event: Students are requested to write all that could entail or resulting from
the situation or incident;
(iv) Improving Products: Students are required to write all amendments or additions that can be added to improve the
(v) Alternative Uses of Common Materials: Students are requested to write the largest possible number of scientific uses
for empty plastic bottles that people usually throw; and
(vi) Supposing: Student displays a default position is impossible to happen and asked him/her to write everything that can
result from the occurrence of this situation on the assumption it is possible to do so, and students have to write all the
ideas and guesses that can arise from this event occurs.

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Research Publish Journals

International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)
Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: (27-32), Month: April 2014 - September 2014, Available at:
Tasks 2 and 3 are shown in Figure 1 that addresses type (ii) and type (iii) questions.

TASK 2: Guessing the Causes

List down as many incidents as you can think might be the
cause related to the picture below. List your answer in the
blanks available.
For example, the person sees his image on the water
because the phenomenon of reflection.
Source: (Torrance, 1966)
TASK 3: Guessing the Effect of an Incident
List down as many effects as you can think of in the
blanks available caused by the event in the picture given
Figure.1. Tasks 2 and 3

To score the answers given by the students in the tasks, the scoring criteria of Torrance (1990) was referred to. A list of
criteria for the skills fluency, flexibility and originality for the test is as shown in the Table 1.
Table 1: Scoring criteria of creative thinking skills for each student




Number of responses by each student to each task;

Each answer (every correct idea or an appropriate response) has been allocated one score,
and the exclusion of inappropriate ideas;
The total score of all the six tasks reflect the creative fluency skill.


Number of varied responses by each student to each task;

The answers will be checked and categorised based on similarity; Each category of answer
will be allocated one score;
The total score of all the six tasks will reflect the creative flexibility skill.


The answers will be scrutinized and one score for all original answers for all the tasks.
The total score of all six tasks will reflect the skill of creative originality.

To determine the total score of a student in the creative thinking test, the scores obtained in each of the skill fluency,
flexibility and originality will be totalled.
Pilot Study of Creative Thinking Test
Pilot studies are a crucial element of a good study design. Therefore, a pilot study was conducted with the creative
thinking test to a sample of (30) students in the Al-Atemad school in Iraq in order to find out the validity and reliability of
the test. The pilot study facilitated the refinement of the tasks (van Teijlingen & Hundley, (2001) and led to the
development of better questions for the larger study.
Validity of Creative Thinking Test
A valid test is one that measures what it is supposed to measure. The validity of the creative thinking test was verified in
two methods:

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Research Publish Journals

International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)
Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: (27-32), Month: April 2014 - September 2014, Available at:
a) Content Validity
After preparing the test, the researcher offered the creative thinking test to a group of experts to find out the clarity,
suitability and to verify the adequacy of the questions for the targeted sample of the larger study. Then test was introduced
to five experienced physics teachers in different Iraqi schools to verify the appropriateness of the test to the level of the
student sample. Based on experts feedback, the test was modified and finalised
b) Internal Consistency
Internal consistency is the strength of correlation scores between different items on the same test . The internal
consistency of the test was verified via application of the test on an exploratory sample consist of 30 students in a pilot
study. The Pearson's correlation coefficient for each item was calculated using the statistical program SPSS and results are
as shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Correlation coefficients between each creative thinking skill and the total score of the test


Correlation Coefficients







The correlation coefficients in Table2 are acceptable.

Reliability of the Creative Thinking Test
A reliable test is one where the results are similar or the same results are obtained if applied to the same sample more than
once under the same conditions. The researcher ensured the reliability of the creative thinking test and suitability for the
Iraqi environment by conducting the pilot study.
The researcher utilized the method of (test - re-test) on the pilot sample after two weeks from the first application. The
correlation coefficient was calculated between the two applications of the tests via using Cronbach's alpha equation for
consistency procedure through the program (SPSS) statistical. The results are given in Table 3.
Table 3: Cronbach's alpha coefficient for creative thinking skills


Cronbach's alpha coefficient







The values of Cronbach's alpha coefficient are appropriate to achieve the objectives of this study, which confirms the
reliability of the use of the creative thinking test in judging the creative abilities of the respondents.



This paper has presented an attempt to prepare and validate a physics creativity test for second grade intermediate Iraqi
students as part of a larger study. Six tasks based upon theoretical situations to elicit creativity skills were refined through
a pilot test. Internal consistency, and face validity were found to be satisfactory. The test re-test method was applied to
confirm the reliability of creative thinking test. The results of these investigations suggest that this test can be useful in
assessing creativity of second-grade intermediate Iraqi students. However, more empirical studies need been done to
further validate the test.

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International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research ISSN 2348-5736 (Online)
Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: (27-32), Month: April 2014 - September 2014, Available at:

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