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Practical Research 1
Quarter 4

Research Design, Data Collection and

Alternative Delivery Mode
Second Semester – 2020-2021

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What I Need to Know
Human constantly deal with problems and challenges. However, answers
and explanations to these are within man’s logical and skillful capability. Yet,
there are problems that require deep investigation because it comes with
technical key concepts needed for it to be done comprehensively.

Likewise, qualitative research is there to help us even in our daily course as

proved that it had lead mankind to many break through especially the improvement on
the quality of living since the time of its development.

Among the salient features of qualitative research is to present a problem or

question that needs to be explored rather than a quantified. To satisfy the inquiry, data
are gathered systematically using some methods such as interview, observation and
focus group discussion.

Now in constructing your own research project, one must have to consider many
aspects to focus on in order to land an appropriate way before executing the entire
process anchored to its main purpose of conduct.

In this course, the following are learning competencies specified relevant to the
desired outcome:
• Chooses appropriate qualitative research design (CS_RS11-IVa-c-1)
• Describes the sampling procedure (CS_RS11-Iva-c-2)
• Plans data collection, data gathering instrument and analysis procedures
• Presents written research methodology (CS_RS11-Iva-c-4)

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lessons, you will be able to:
1. identify different qualitative research design,
2. identify varied features of qualitative sampling and
3. enumerate samples of data collection and analysis.
What I Know

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A researcher would like to study the customs and traditions of a particular indigent group
will most likely use:

a. Historical Research
b. Case Study
c. Grounded Theory
d. Ethnography

2. A qualitative research design that focuses on the relation of words and meaning.

a. Discourse Analysis
b. Historical Research
c. Grounded Theory
d. Phenomenology

3. Text which are examined carefully will most likely use a research design of

a. Ethnography
b. Phenomenology
c. Biography
d. Hermeneutics

4. Significant lived experience will choose a research design of

a. Discourse Analysis
b. Hermeneutics
c. Phenomenology
d. Case Study

5. A success story of a businessman is to be investigated will most likely have _____ research

a. Autobiographical
b. Case Study
c. Phenomenology
d. Grounded Theory

1 Qualitative Research Design

Selecting the appropriate research methodology can indicate the success and quality of
your research project. Hence, it is vital to get the initial stage of your research right. In this
section, research methodologies will be discussed to help you identify which method should you
choose for your project.

Here are some of Braun and Clarke 2013 suggestions which are useful guides in
considering the suitable research design.
-How much data will I need?
-How will I analyze my data in order to answer my questions?
-What particular ethical issues do I need to consider?
-Are there any practical factors that I need to take into account?

1. Case Study – The case study studies a person, program or event in defined time frame (Leedy
and Omrod, 2001). The researcher spends time in the natural setting of the people studied. The
report includes lessons learned or patterns found that connect with theories. Longtime study of
a person, group, organization or situation and an empirical inquiry that investigates current
Example: “Teenage Pregnancy in the Public High Schools”, drug-rehabilitated
teenagers, success stories among others.
2. Ethnography- a study of a particular cultural group. Macmillan (1993) defines this type of
research as interactive and which requires relatively extensive time in a site to systematically
observe, interview and record processes as they occur naturally at the selected location.
Example: “Cultural Awareness and Integration of Peace Education in the Indigenous
Peoples (IP) Communities”
3. Phenomenology- “live-experienced” of a phenomenon. Leedy and Omrod (2001) emphasized
that the purpose of the study is “to understand an experience from the research participant’s
point of view”
Example: “Life without Gadget”
4. Historical Analysis- is a qualitative method where there is an examining of past events to draw
conclusions and make predictions about the future.
Example: “The Impact of Ferdinand Marcos’ Speech”
5. Grounded Theory- is an attempt to extract a general abstract theory of a process or
interaction grounded in views of research participants. It takes place when there is a discovery
of new theory which underlies your study at the time of data collection and analysis. The
researcher sees micro-level events as the foundation for a more macro-level explanation.
6. Narrative Report - designed to present things or events that have happened in the past
through a logical progression of the relevant information. The main purpose of a narrative report
is to present a factual depiction of what has occurred.
Example: “Vocabulary Building of Students through Proper Solid Waste Management”
Difference Between Descriptive and Interpretive Phenomenology
(Gerald Amandu Matua, Dirk Mostert Van Der Wal 2015 Jul;22(6):22-7.doi: 10.7748/nr.22.6.22.e1344.)

Phenomenology focuses to investigate the people's experiences to reveal what lies

underneath in them. Phenomenology has transitioned from descriptive phenomenology, which
emphasizes the 'pure' description of people's experiences, to the 'interpretation' of such
experiences, as in hermeneutic or interpretive phenomenology. However, researchers,
especially in the field of nursing, are still challenged by the features of these two methods.
Evidence from the literature indicates that most studies following the 'descriptive approach' to
research are used to light poorly understood aspects of experiences. In contrast, the
'interpretive/hermeneutic approach' is used to examine contextual features of an experience in
relation to other influences such as culture, gender, employment or wellbeing of people or
groups experiencing the phenomenon. This allows investigators to arrive at a deeper
understanding of the experience.
Activity 1: Sample Ethnographic study.
Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space provided.
-If you were to do ethnographic study, which group in the country would you like to select as
-Why do you want to do a study of this/these particular group/s of people?

-What data collection will you employ as you do your investigation of this group of people?
Briefly explain.

Activity 2: Am I Right?
Directions: For this task, read and comprehend each statement. Write YES if it is correct and
NO if not.
_________1. Quantitative research uses statistical methods to gather and interpret data.
_________2. Qualitative research asks close-ended questions in interviews.
_________3. Qualitative research aims to explore and explain a phenomenon in study.
_________4. Quantitative design’s goal is to validate hypothesis in the research.
_________5. Qualitative research is concise and broad compared to quantitative research.
2 Qualitative Sampling

Qualitative researchers usually make sampling choices that enable them to deepen
understanding of what they are studying. Here, the strategies that qualitative researchers
typically utilize when sampling as well as the various types of samples are most likely to use in
their work.
Nonprobability Sampling
Nonprobability sampling refers to sampling techniques for which a person’s likelihood of
being selected for membership in the sample is unknown.
Types of Nonprobability Samples
Purposive sample- A researcher starts with specific perspectives in mind that he or she wishes
to examine and then seeks out research participants who cover that full range of perspectives.
For example, if you are studying students’ satisfaction with their living quarters on campus,
you’ll want to be sure to include students who stay in each of the different types or locations of
on-campus housing in your study. If you only include students from 1 of 10 dorms on campus,
you may miss important details about the experiences of students who live in the 9 dorms you
didn’t include in your study.

Snowball sampling- Sometimes referred to as chain referral sampling. One research participant
refers another, and that person refers another, and that person refers another—thus a chain of
potential participants is identified. In addition to using this sampling strategy for potentially
stigmatized populations, it is also a useful strategy to use when the researcher’s group of
interest is likely to be difficult to find, not only because of some stigma associated with the
group, but also because the group may be relatively rare.

Quota sampling- Researcher identifies categories that are important to the study and for which
there is likely to be some variation. Subgroups are created based on each category and the
researcher decides how many people (or documents or whatever element happens to be the
focus of the research) to include from each subgroup and collects data from that number for
each subgroup.
Convenience sample- Simply collects data from those people or other relevant elements to
which he or she has most convenient access. This method, also sometimes referred to as
haphazard sampling, is most useful in exploratory research. It is also often used by journalists
who need quick and easy access to people from their population of interest. If you’ve ever seen
brief interviews of people on the street on the news, you’ve probably seen a haphazard sample
being interviewed. While convenience samples offer one major benefit—convenience—we
should be cautious about generalizing from research that relies on convenience samples.

Retrieved from

resear.html last Feb.5 2021.

Activity 3: Sampling Procedure

Direction. Answer the question on the space provided.
Of the four nonprobability sample types described, which seems strongest to you? weakest?
3 Qualitative Data Collection and

In qualitative research approach, data collection is usually unstructured and data is

collected for non-numerical analysis. Usually, the methods of data collection all the strategies
of qualitative inquiry–ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory, narrative and case
studies-are similar.

Retrieved from

interpretation.html last Feb. 1 2021.

Textual data analysis in is the usual method used in qualitative research approach. This
involves identifying patterns and themes in data collected and then examining and interpreting
these patterns and themes to draw meaning and answer research questions. The five strategies
of qualitative research mentioned–ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory,
narrative and case studies–employ different analytical procedures. However, preliminary and
some general steps in data analysis are common to all. These include (Yamashita & Espinosa,
1. Immediate processing and recording of data (important information, date/time
details, observations, etc)
2. Commencement of data analysis soon after collection
3. Reduction of data to meaningful information
4. “Identification of meaningful patterns and themes” via
5. Content analysis achieved by:
Coding the data for certain words or content
Identifying their patterns
Interpreting their meanings.
Thematic analysis achieved by “grouping data into themes that answers research
6. Display of data which include organizing data in forms of graphics, maps, tables, etc.,
to draw conclusions
7. Drawing of conclusions and verifications
Ethnography Research

Ethnography theory research approach focuses analysis on processes, patterns and

trends that occur in individuals or across various groups regarding their cultural behavior but
keeping in view the purpose of a research While achieving the steps a research analysis adopts
an iterative process in which cultural ideas that arise during active involvement during the
research study are used to write a document while bearing in mind the context, norms,
frequency and other factors (Krueger, 1994).

Phenomenological Research

Phenomenological theory research approach involves the process which allows the
analysis method to follow the nature of data itself. This is called emergent strategy (Walters,
2015). Analysis focuses on the details that can be appreciated through an experience a subject
lived. Some emergent strategies may include:
-Narratives or interviews from artistic depictions, photovoice, etc., while paying
attention to aspects such as:
-Objects involved
-Activities and their results
-Descriptive elements
-Physical surroundings,
-Characters or their aspects such as relationships
-Social interactions
-Results of activities

Grounded Theory Research

Grounded theory research approach involves the process of moving in and out of data
collection and analysis processes, a process called constant comparative analysis or ‘iteration’.
After this process, a researcher begins to develop a theory regarding the questions and data
collected (Strauss & Corbin, 1994). This process of theory generating is also based on theoretical
sampling which may incorporate background research. The process of theory generation is
proceeded in three levels of data coding.

Narrative Research

Narrative theory research analysis approach involves shaping, transforming, and

uncovering an experience (usually human experience) in a story format–understood through a
stirring linguistic depiction. Therefore, it is characterized by in-depth discourses and may involve
subjective intuitions. Analysis process converts experiences into words in form of writing, vernal
or other communicable representation. Narrative analysis is aimed to derive a theme in an
account of one’s life.

Case Study Research

Narrative theory research analysis approach involves in-depth examination of a case

under study. Analysis is usually unusual and concurrent with data collection. It includes an
iterative process in which initial analysis of data shapes subsequent data collection and analysis.
‘The principle data analysis method for case studies is referred to as OTTR, which stands for
“observe,” “think,” “test,” and “revise.”’ Texas State Auditor's Office, Methodology Manual, rev.
5/95 (2015).

Retrieved from

interpretation.html last Feb. 1 2021.

Activity 4. Data collection

Direction: Choose the correct answer and briefly explain on the space provided.
1. One of these is seldomly used in qualitative research.
a) Structured interview
b) Unstructured Interview
c) Questionnaire
d) Participant observation
e) Focused Group interview
2. An open-ended questionnaire exemplifies what data collection? Provide with at least
three open-ended questions.
Activity 5. Qualitative Research Paper
Direction. Follow as directed below.
Using the format below, discuss your research project while ensuring the description of each of
the following. Provision of separate sheet is allowed.

Research Topic:__________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose of the

Research Design:

Data Sampling Procedure:

Data Collection:

Analysis Procedure:

YES 5.
YES 4.
YES 3.
NO 2.
YES 1.

Activity 2:


Prieto, Nelia G., Naval, Victoria C., Carey, Teresita G. (2017 ) Practical Research 1 for
Senior High School: Qualitative. LORIMAR Publishing Inc. ISBN 978-621-8035-17-1

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