cos d sin d d d: NBA t NBA t Φ N V

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Generators electrical machines which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy

A Simple AC Generator
Faradays law dictates that if a coil of N turns experiences a change in magnetic flux, then the induced voltage V is
given by



If a coil of area A rotates with respect to a field B, and if at a particular time it is at an angle to the field, then the flux
linking the coil is BAcos, and the rate of change of flux is given by

d sin d

cos cos

Thus for the arrangement shown below


d sin
NBA cos

Generators electrical machines which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
A Simple AC Generator
Faradays law dictates that if a coil of N turns experiences a change in magnetic flux, then the induced voltage V is
given by



If a coil of area A rotates with respect to a field B, and if at a particular time it is at an angle to the field, then the flux
linking the coil is BAcos, and the rate of change of flux is given by

d sin d

cos cos

Thus for the arrangement shown below


d sin
NBA cos

Therefore this arrangement produces a sinusoidal output

Therefore this arrangement produces a sinusoidal output

Wires connected to the rotating coil would get twisted therefore circular slip rings with sliding contacts called brushes
are used.

Wires connected to the rotating coil would get twisted therefore circular slip rings with sliding contacts called brushes
are used.

A Simple DC Generator
The alternating signal from the earlier AC generator could be converted to DC using a rectifier.
A more efficient approach is to replace the two slip rings with a single split slip ring called a commutator
-this is arranged so that connections to the coil are reversed as the voltage from the coil changes polarity
-hence the voltage across the brushes is of a single polarity
-adding additional coils produces a more constant output.
Use of a commutator
A simple generator with two coils

A Simple DC Generator
The alternating signal from the earlier AC generator could be converted to DC using a rectifier.
A more efficient approach is to replace the two slip rings with a single split slip ring called a commutator
-this is arranged so that connections to the coil are reversed as the voltage from the coil changes polarity
-hence the voltage across the brushes is of a single polarity
-adding additional coils produces a more constant output.
Use of a commutator
A simple generator with two coils

The ripple can be further reduced by the use of a cylindrical iron core and by shaping the pole pieces
this produces an
uniform field in the
narrow air gap
the arrangement
of coils and core
is known as the
DC Generators or Dynamos
Practical DC generators or dynamos can take a number of forms depending on how the magnetic field is produced

can use a permanent magnet

more often it is generated electrically using field coils

current in the field coils can come from an external supply

this is known as a separately excited generator

but usually the field coils are driven from the generator output

this is called a self-excited generator

often use multiple poles held in place by a steel tube called the stator

AC Generators or Alternators

Alternators do not require commutation

this allows a simpler construction

the field coils are made to rotate while the armature windings are stationary

Note: the armature windings are those that produce the output

thus the large heavy armature windings are in the stator

the lighter field coils are mounted on the rotor and direct current is fed to these by a
set of slip rings

The ripple can be further reduced by the use of a cylindrical iron core and by shaping the pole pieces
this produces an
uniform field in the
narrow air gap
the arrangement
of coils and core
is known as the
DC Generators or Dynamos
Practical DC generators or dynamos can take a number of forms depending on how the magnetic field is produced

can use a permanent magnet

more often it is generated electrically using field coils

current in the field coils can come from an external supply

this is known as a separately excited generator

but usually the field coils are driven from the generator output

this is called a self-excited generator

often use multiple poles held in place by a steel tube called the stator

AC Generators or Alternators

Alternators do not require commutation

this allows a simpler construction

the field coils are made to rotate while the armature windings are stationary

Note: the armature windings are those that produce the output

thus the large heavy armature windings are in the stator

Generators electrical machines which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
In generators mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy.
The principle of all of the generators is same, although the detail of construction may be differ somewhat.
A generator has two main parts:

the lighter field coils are mounted on the rotor and direct current is fed to these by a
set of slip rings

Principle of working
Generator works on Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. When coil is rotated in a magnetic field by
some mechanical means magnetic flux is changed through the coil and consequently EMF is induced in
the coil.
Electromagnetic generators fall into one of two broad categories, dynamos and alternators.

Therefore this arrangement produces a sinusoidal output

Dynamos generate direct current, usually with voltage or current fluctuations, usually through the use of a
Alternators generate alternating current, which may be rectified by another (external or directly incorporated)
Rotor: The rotating part of an electrical machine
Stator: The stationary part of an electrical machine

Wires connected to the rotating coil would get twisted therefore circular slip rings with sliding contacts called
brushes are used.

Armature: The power-producing component of an electrical machine. In a generator, alternator, or dynamo the
armature windings generate the electric current. The armature can be on either the rotor or the stator.
Field: The magnetic field component of an electrical machine. The magnetic field of the dynamo or alternator can
be provided by either electromagnets or permanent magnets mounted on either the rotor or the stator.
Theoretical Development:
The operating principle of electromagnetic generators was discovered in the years of 18311832 by Michael
Faraday. The principle, later called Faraday's law, is that an electromotive force is generated in an electrical
conductor which encircles a varying magnetic flux.
He also built the first electromagnetic generator, called the Faraday disk, a type of homopolar generator, using a
copper disc rotating between the poles of a horseshoe magnet. It produced a small DC voltage.

A Simple DC Generator
The alternating signal from the earlier AC generator could be converted to DC using a rectifier.

The Faraday disk was the first electric generator. The

horseshoe-shaped magnet (A) created a magnetic
field through the disk (D). When the disk was turned,
this induced an electric current radially outward from
the center toward the rim. The current flowed out
through the sliding spring contact m, through the
external circuit, and back into the center of the disk
through the axle.

A more efficient approach is to replace the two slip rings with a single split slip ring called a commutator this is
arranged so that connections to the coil are reversed as the voltage from the coil changes polarity hence the
voltage across the brushes is of a single polarity adding additional coils produces a more constant output.
Use of a commutator
A simple generator with two coils

This design was inefficient, due to self-cancelling counterflows of current in regions that were not under
the influence of the magnetic field. While current was induced directly underneath the magnet, the current
would circulate backwards in regions that were outside the influence of the magnetic field. This counterflow limited
the power output to the pickup wires, and induced waste heating of the copper disc. Later homopolar generators
would solve this problem by using an array of magnets arranged around the disc perimeter to maintain a
steady field effect in one current-flow direction.
Another disadvantage was that the output voltage was very low, due to the single current path through
the magnetic flux. Experimenters found that using multiple turns of wire in a coil could produce higher,
more useful voltages. Since the output voltage is proportional to the number of turns, generators could
be easily designed to produce any desired voltage by varying the number of turns. Wire windings became
a basic feature of all subsequent generator designs.
A Simple AC Generator
Faradays law dictates that if a coil of N turns experiences a change in magnetic flux, then the induced voltage V
is given by



If a coil of area A rotates with respect to a field B, and if at a particular time it is at an angle to the field, then the
flux linking the coil is BAcos, and the rate of change of flux is given by

d sin d

cos cos

Thus for the arrangement shown below


d sin
NBA cos

The ripple can be further reduced by the use of a cylindrical iron core and by shaping the pole pieces
this produces an
uniform field in the
narrow air gap
the arrangement
of coils and core
is known as the
DC Generators or Dynamos
Practical DC generators or dynamos can take a number of forms depending on how the magnetic field is

can use a permanent magnet

more often it is generated electrically using field coils

current in the field coils can come from an external supply

this is known as a separately excited generator

but usually the field coils are driven from the generator output

this is called a self-excited generator

often use multiple poles held in place by a steel tube called the stator

AC Generators or Alternators

Alternators do not require commutation

this allows a simpler construction

the field coils are made to rotate while the armature windings are stationary

Note: the armature windings are those that produce the output

thus the large heavy armature windings are in the stator

the lighter field coils are mounted on the rotor and direct current is fed to these
by a set of slip rings

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