2008 Environmental Construction Handbook

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Anne Dye & Mike McEvoy

Anne Dye and Mike McEvoy, 2008

Published by RIBA Publishing, 15 Bonhill Street, London EC2P 2EA
1st Edition published 2008
ISBN 978 1 85946 163 1
Stock code 55092
The right of Anne Dye and Mike McEvoy to be identified as the Authors of this
Work have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents
Act 1988.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publications Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Publisher: Steven Cross
Commissioning Editor: Matthew Thompson
Project Editor: Melanie Thompson
Designed by Carnegie Book Production
Typeset by Carnegie Book Production
Printed and bound by MPG Books, Cornwall
While every effort has been made to check the accuracy of the information
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The copyright in all the figures belongs to the authors unless otherwise stated.
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images reproduced in this book.





1 Methods of Assessing Buildings

2 Houses


3 Housing Sustainable Communities


4 Offices: the Working Environment


5 Schools: a Changing Curriculum


6 Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


7 Factories: the Industrial Agenda


Appendix 1 UK-Specific Assessment Tools


Appendix 2 International Assessment Tools




When we were putting the finishing touches to this book, in late August 2007,
the year had already set records for heat, followed by the wettest summer in
living memory. The press, of course, had had a field day: here at last, they said,
was physical evidence darkly seeping through front doors in Tewksbury and
Sheffield of anthropogenic climate change. Whether or not 07 is part of the
overall pattern of climate change or largely a product of natural variation is
yet to be seen but it did, nonetheless, bring climate change yet again to public
Compelling scientific evidence along with the change in public and political
opinion has led to an apparently exponential growth in the number of books
published on the subjects of ecology, sustainability and green architecture.
When in 2002 we were starting to draft material for an educational CD-ROM
about sustainability in schools and houses funded by the EPSRC, aimed at
older school children we decided to build on the research for the CD, to include
more building types and to expand it into a resource for building professionals
and, to a lesser extent, for interested lay-people.
We found ourselves almost overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material that
was at our disposal and it became increasingly clear that we were running to
stand still. No sooner had we put our thoughts in order than another publication
would arrive on our desks, or our regular trawls through Internet or library
databases would land yet more research papers. It was disheartening: the book
would be out-of-date before we had even finished the final chapter! And much
of the material was contradictory: for instance, was thermal mass friend or foe?
The arguments coming from the back-to-nature groups and the technophiles
were equally passionate; they were increasingly able to back up their arguments
with data of varying methodological rigour.
One afternoon we realised that we werent talking to each other about the data
we had unearthed so much as about how we ended up at a particular viewpoint,
or how a design team had reconciled their design with their (or indeed the
clients) sustainability agenda. We concluded that by adding how and why



we had chosen the material included in the book it would become useful: it
might show readers how they could move their own thinking forward. For these
reasons some of the case studies we have included in the book are of slightly
older buildings which have proven their green credentials over time as well
as newer ones.
Without the experiences of the designers, these studies could not have been
written. We wish to pass on our heartfelt thanks for their time, the considerable
attention they gave to the material they provided, as well as for the lengthy and
enjoyable conversations we had with many of them about aspects of sustainable
design over and above those we were discussing in regards to the case study.
A number of students who have read for an MPhil in Environmental Design
in Architecture at the University of Cambridge have generously contributed
research undertaken during their time in Cambridge and for this rich source
of material, and advice, we are extremely grateful. The contributors from both
groups were: Arup; Lizzie Babister; Bennetts Associates; Chetwood Associates
Architects; ECD Architects; Mark Gaterell; Alec Gillies (Hampshire County
Council Architects Department); Dean Hawkes (Greenberg and Hawkes);
Jessica Hrivnak; Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council; David Thompson;
Alan Tye Design; and Peter Williams.
It is our hope that the list of contributors, as well as the number of building
types covered, will increase in any future edition of the Handbook. We would be
glad to hear from readers who have suggestions for material that could usefully
be included or new case studies.
Anne Dye and Mike McEvoy
October 2007


Environmental Construction Handbook

Constructions contribution to climate change and resource depletion presents
two of the greatest challenges facing building professionals today. Our original
intention for this Handbook was to produce an edited summary of modern
methods of construction which were consistent with sustainability principles.
The existing material in the area seemed broadly to fall into a few categories:
inspirational, lavishly illustrated books celebrating low-tech, almost vernacular,
architecture using recycled and low-energy materials or high-tech computercontrolled low-energy buildings; how-to books, allowing an architect or
competent homebuilder to recreate the low-tech buildings they had just
drooled over in the inspirational books (often using methods of construction
and materials that have fallen into disuse other than for craft or renovation
purposes); technical books full of scientific data relating to both climate
change and building performance; and government regulatory and guidance
As our research for this book progressed the aim became modified somewhat:
we wanted to show how we had approached the apparently bewildering array
of advice and regulatory information. Because of the rate of change of this
regulatory information this is, indeed, the most that any book of this type can
achieve; UK Building Regulations, for example, are set to be updated every three
years from now until 2016.
Change is not confined to legislation. In the case of factories, the decline in
the UKs manufacturing base during the later part of the 20th Century meant
that there was little impetus for new publications, although the construction
of warehouse space continued apace. A recent resurgence in manufacturing
(albeit from a low base) gives new relevance to the inclusion of this building
type. Inevitably, however, these types of change mean that some of our sources
pre-date the current millennium, but much of the reasoning in them remains
relevant. Other building types, too, have found a life in new guises. Libraries, for
example, are being transformed into learning resource centres, and we would
hope to include them in a future edition of the book.



While this Handbook remains essentially a construction manual it differs from

contemporary publications in two significant ways.
Firstly it departs from the familiar chapter headings of a construction manual,
which are defined by building elements: the walls, floors and roofs. We felt
that there were good reasons to revert to an historical taxonomy: ordering by
building use. In the 19th Century this was more usual: indeed, the enthusiasm
for classification at the Ecole Polytechnique was to result in J-N-L Durands
influential Prcis des Leons Donnes LEcole Polytechnique (180209), a
construction code for building types. The aesthetics of Modern Architecture,
which adopted the visual qualities of ships, aircraft and factories as a universal
formal language, largely invalidated Durands system. This has made more
contemporary examples of this taxonomy hard to find, with Pevsners A History
of Building Types being a rare although peripheral exception.
Both use and legislation has made the distinction between building types more
marked; the variety of structural methods and forms of assembly that we have
today has resulted in a far wider variation between building types than was the
case in Victorian times. Despite this, it is sometimes helpful to be able to use a
common language across the building types, and throughout this book we have
employed an Ecopoints summary in order to look at the characteristic building
types and construction methods in a comparative way.
Although we will be looking at various methodologies in greater detail later in
the book it is worthwhile introducing Ecopoints here, because they are used
In order to reach an Ecopoint rating of a material, process or construction the
Building Research Establishment (BRE) measures the items overall environmental impact with respect to 13 indicators:

climate change

fossil fuel depletion

ozone depletion

freight transport

human toxicity to air (the toxicity to humans if a substance is airborne)

human toxicity to water (the toxicity to humans if a substance is


waste disposal

water extraction (water use)

acid deposition (acid rain)

ecotoxicity (the toxicity to ecosystems)

Environmental Construction Handbook

eutrophication (nutrients encouraging overgrowth of oxygenconsuming organisms to the detriment of other organisms)

summer smog

mineral extraction.

The data, however, only becomes meaningful when taken in context, so it is

normalised and then weighted.
To normalise the data, the total impact on the UK by all its inhabitants is divided
by the total population. This gives the impact of an average citizen, which is then
scaled so that the impact of that citizen is equal to a total of 100 Ecopoints.
After this process the indicators, each with a different unit of measurement,
have an implied equal importance. To correct this each indicator was considered
by an expert panel (drawn from a range of industry stakeholders) and the
measured units for each weighted to reflect the proportion of the total effect
for which each indicator is responsible. The panel was generally in accord as
to the relative importance, which (while somewhat surprising) increases confidence in Ecopoints as a meaningful tool and, by extension, in the other BRE
Life Cycle Assessment tools, which include BREEAM and the Green Guide to
Specification. (BRE Digest 446 provides a full description of Ecopoints and their
Throughout this book we have looked at the Ecopoints associated with particular
construction types. To do this, we have used BREs Envest tool: the amount
of each material (and thus the Ecopoints associated with it) is calculated and
modified in order to take into account maintenance of the material and its likely
replacement interval.
The second departure from the contemporary norm is in the structure of the
chapters. The Handbook is not just a construction guide; it is an Environmental
Construction Handbook, with environment here varying from global (which
energy and resource use impacts upon) through to the local.
The context within which particular buildings types are found has a profound
influence on their impact. It is, for example, impossible to discuss the construction
of supermarkets without considering their location, which is characteristically
at the edge of town, in the midst of a sea of car parking. On a smaller scale yet,
the impact of the internal environment of a building upon human health is of
particular contemporary concern.
For this reason a summary of factors relevant to the sustainability of the building
type heads each chapter, in which we have tried to give as comprehensive and
balanced a view as possible, although inevitably each has been shaped by our


own opinions. These are followed by details of construction methods relevant

to the building type and, finally, by case studies.
Given the time involved in any book project, some of the case studies which
were in the design stage when we initially looked at them have by now appeared
in print, whereas others have stalled and not yet found their way to the building
site. All are, however, exemplary, while illustrating the wide range of approaches
that characterise current British architecture.
Just as there is a variety of views regarding what constitutes sustainable architecture so there is a range of ways of assessing the sustainability of buildings.
The first chapter, therefore, reviews a variety of assessment methods which
are currently available. In the same way that the number of publications in the
area has been fast increasing, so too have these methods of assessment. The
characteristic outcome of many of these is the star diagram that illustrates
the competing societal, ecological and energy-related vectors that influence
any design solution. To arrive at objective measures, given the widely differing
parameters involved, entails the application of expert knowledge. A BREEAM
rating, for example, is based on weightings that have been incorporated by
experts at the BRE, whence Ecopoints also originate.
An unfortunate by-product of the importance now afforded to sustainability
is that consultants are also promoting the value of their own evaluation
tools. Underlying these methods are databases that are deemed commercially
sensitive, and which are understandably held as secret knowledge by their
originators. This has made our task in arriving at a recommendation for the
relative merits of different methods less than easy. Despite this, we have tried
to describe and compare those which are currently available in such a way that
the reader can make an informed choice as to which would be appropriate for
their own project, and how to choose between the other assessments which will
evolve in the future.
While the design process is the outcome of subtle choices and decisions, it is also
the result of meeting objective targets. In the future we can expect that formal
evaluation methods will be applied to outline designs as a matter of course, in
the way that SPeARTM informed the design of Arup Fitzrovia.
The case studies in Chapter 1 make an interesting introduction, and concern
building types that evade easy classification; both are examples of leading
environmentally aware architecture that demanded inclusion.
Through the summary of methods of assessment the first chapter introduces a
number of the ideas which will be addressed throughout the rest of the book.
The first building type under consideration is houses. As a type this is probably

Environmental Construction Handbook

closer than any other to the affections of architects, given the infinite variety of
possible solutions, and complexity of problems they entail, within a restricted
format. The following chapters are concerned with housing (as a type distinct
from the single, often one-off houses, in the preceding chapter) then offices
(where the need to decrease energy use can call for considerable ingenuity),
schools, supermarkets and factories.
We have thought of this book as being similar to a travel guide; you might be
interested in reading the beginning of the book as background, and then dipping
into the following chapters while journeying through the development of a



Methods of
Assessing Buildings
It seems at first that there are nearly as many methods of assessing a building as
there are ways of defining sustainability or ways of constructing the building in
the first place. The number of assessment tools is growing fast, as architects and
other building consultants each devise a system which best suits their needs.
The one thing they all have in common is that they measure the performance
for a number of indicators, such as the sustainability indicators issued by the
government, against benchmarks.
With any assessment, the answer you get depends very much on how you ask
the question. Any scientist will tell you that the results of an experiment can
be meaningless an artefact of the methodology used if it is not devised
properly. So too, eco-labelling can be merely greenwash, misleading or, at
worst, factually inaccurate[1].
One eco-labelling scheme that has been successful is the EU energy label that
must be displayed on all new domestic white goods and light bulbs. Part of
the reason for the success of the EU scheme is that it compares relatively few
variables for products that have the same basic purpose and then presents the
results in a way that is easy to read. Despite this, even though buildings vary
enormously in size, function and construction, it can be possible to give them a
single rating as is done with BREEAM, EcoHomes, LEED and for the result
to be meaningful.
Assessments can vary from simple checklists, or rankings of construction
materials, through to sophisticated models. However, more complicated need
not necessarily be better. A number of factors determine which assessment or
tool is the most appropriate for a project:

indicators considered

the inputs the methodology uses

the outputs (the type of results)

Methods of Assessing Buildings

the creator of the methodology

who the assessor is to be

the scope of the assessment

the building type it is intended for.

Appendices 1 and 2 provide a summary of these factors for a number of different

building assessments.

Box 1.1 UK sustainability indicators

Following on from the 22 indicators of sustainability published in 2002<1> the government now has 20 UK
framework indicators and a further 48 monitoring indicators<2>:
UK framework indicators

Greenhouse gas emissions: Kyoto target and CO2 emissions

Resource use: Domestic Material Consumption and GDP (gross domestic product)
Waste: arisings by (a) sector, (b) recycled or composted
Bird populations: bird population indices (a) farmland birds, (b) woodland birds, (c) birds of coasts
and estuaries, (d) wintering wetland birds but (d) is not a framework indicator
Fish stocks: fish stocks around the UK within sustainable limits
Ecological impacts of air pollution: area of UK habitat sensitive to acidification and eutrophication
with critical load exceedences
River quality: rivers of good (a) biological, (b) chemical quality
Economic output: gross domestic product
Active community participation: informal and formal volunteering at least once a month
Crime: crime survey and recorded crime for (a) vehicles, (b) domestic burglary, (c) violence
Employment: people of working age in employment
Workless households: population living in workless households (a) children, (b) working age
Childhood poverty: children in relative low-income households (a) before housing costs, (b) after
housing costs
Pensioner poverty: pensioners in relative low-income households (a) before housing costs, (b) after
housing costs
Education: 19 year-olds with level 2 qualifications and above
Health inequality: (a) infant mortality (by socio-economic group), (b) life expectancy (by area) for
men and women
Mobility: (a) number of trips per person by mode, (b) distance travelled per person per year by
broad trip purpose
Social justice: (social measures to be developed)

Environmental Construction Handbook

Environmental equality: (environmental measures to be developed)

Wellbeing: (wellbeing measures to be developed)
Monitoring indicators:

CO2 emissions by end user: industry, domestic, transport (excluding international aviation), other
Aviation and shipping emissions: greenhouse gases from UK-based international aviation and

shipping fuel bunkers

Renewable electricity: renewable electricity generated as a percentage of total electricity
Electricity generation: electricity generated, CO2, NOx and SO2 emissions by electricity generators
and GDP
Household energy use: domestic CO2 emissions and household final consumption expenditure
Road transport: CO2, NOx, PM10<3> emissions and GDP
Private vehicles: CO2 emissions and car-km, and household final consumption expenditure
Road freight: CO2 emissions and tonne-km, tonnes and GDP
Manufacturing sector: CO2, NOx, SO2, PM10 emissions and GVA<4>
Service sector: CO2, NOx emissions and GVA
Public sector: CO2, NOx emissions and GVA
Energy supply: UK primary energy supply and gross inland energy consumption
Water resource use: total abstractions from non-tidal surface and ground water sources and GDP
Domestic water consumption: domestic water consumption per head
Household waste: (a) arisings, (b) recycled or composted
Biodiversity conservation: (a) priority species status, (b) priority habitat status
Agricultural sector: fertiliser input, farmland bird population, and ammonia and methane emissions
and output
Land use: area used for agriculture, woodland, water or river, urban (contextual indicator)
Land recycling: (a) new dwellings built on previously developed land or through conversions,
(b) all new development on previously developed land
Dwelling density: average density of new housing
Emissions of air pollutants: SO2, NOx, NH3<5>, PM10 emissions and GDP
Productivity: UK output per worker
Investment: (a) total investment, (b) social investment relative to GDP
Fear of crime: (a) car theft, (b) burglary, (c) physical attack
Economically inactive: people of working age who are economically inactive
Young adults: 1619-year-olds not in employment, education or training
Pension provision: working age people contributing to a non-state pension in at least three years
out of the last four
Healthy life expectancy: healthy life expectancy (a) men (b) women
Mortality rates: death rates from (a) circulatory disease, (b) cancer, below 75 years and for areas with
the worst health and deprivation indicators, (c) suicides

Methods of Assessing Buildings

Smoking: prevalence of smoking (a) all adults, (b) routine and manual socio-economic groups
Childhood obesity: prevalence of obesity in 2- to 10-year-olds
Diet: people consuming five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day and in low income

Getting to school: how children get to school
Accessibility: access to key services
Road accidents: number of people and children killed or seriously injured
Air quality and health: (a) annual levels of particles and ozone, (b) days when air pollution is
moderate or higher
Housing conditions: (a) social sector homes below the decent homes standard, (b) vulnerable
households in the private sector in homes below the decent homes standard
Households living in fuel poverty: (a) pensioners, (b) households with children, (c) disabled/
long-term sick
Homelessness: (a) rough sleepers, (b) households in temporary accommodation: (i) total, (ii)
households with children
Satisfaction in local area: households satisfied with the quality of the places in which they live
(a) overall, (b) in deprived areas, (c) non-decent homes
UK international assistance: net official development assistance (a) % of gross national
income (comparison with selected countries), (b) per capita (comparison with selected countries)

Contextual monitoring indicators:

Demography: total population and population of working age

Households and dwellings: households, single-person households and dwelling stock
Monitoring indicators under development:

Water stress: (to be developed to monitor the impacts of water shortages)

Farming and environmental stewardship: (to be developed to monitor progress in new stewardship

Flooding: (to be developed to monitor sustainable approaches to ongoing flood management)
Sustainable development education: (to be developed to monitor the impact of formal learning on
knowledge and awareness of sustainable development)
Local environment quality: (to be developed using information from the Local Environment Quality
Survey of England)

1. DEFRA, Foundations for our Future DEFRAs Sustainable Development Strategy, DEFRA, London, 2002. p14.
2. From The UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy, Cm. 6467, DEFRA , London and
www.sustainable-development.gov.uk, March 2005, pp168-176. Crown copyright.
3. A measure of particulates that can be carried into the lungs.
4. Gross Value Added. A measure of economic output.
5. Ammonia.

Environmental Construction Handbook

1 Inputs
The governments framework indicators above (Box 1.1) will no doubt be edited
as our understanding of sustainable development advances, but at the present
time it appears fairly comprehensive. So we will move on to consider the inputs
needed for the assessment. The amount of information that is available about a
project will depend largely on the design stage.

1.1 Early design stages

Early in the design process, assessments are more akin to tools to optimise the
design of the building, to aid in the selection of sustainable materials and to
minimise the use of energy or water.
Early design tools may be self-consistent but meaningless for the absolute
judgement of the resulting building. For example, the LT Method (see Appendix
1) is useful for evaluating the relative performance of a number of design
solutions for a proposed building, with differing floor plans, orientations and
faade penetration. It is not intended to provide an accurate prediction of the
actual energy use in operation.

1.2 Late design stage, or completed building

Assessments conducted on late designs, or completed buildings position the
building within the lexicon of building practice. In general, they require much
more detailed information in order to complete the assessment, even if the result of
the assessment is a single rating, such as EcoHomes or the Australian Nationwide
House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) considered later in this chapter.
In order to give designers guidelines as to how to meet the requirements of the
assessment a cut-down version of the assessment, or a checklist, may be issued as
a design tool, as in the case of the NatHERS and the French ESCALE assessment.

2 Outputs
Whether the results from an assessment are going to be useful depends very
much on who is going to use the results: building professionals, large client
organisations, home owners or building managers.
For example, the My Home online home energy check[2] from the Energy Saving
Trust could help a homeowner who wants to improve the energy efficiency
Methods of Assessing Buildings

of their home but who doesnt know where to start. However, it would be
completely inappropriate for a housing association which, from April 2003, has
been required to use the BRE EcoHomes assessment and achieve at least a pass
(if it builds grant-funded social housing).[3] (The Housing Corporation increased
the requirement to a very good rating in 2006.[4] )

3 Creator
3.1 Location
A number of assessment methods have been tailored by their creators in relation
to the conditions found in specific countries or regions. Climates and economic
conditions vary considerably around the globe and can have huge effects on
a buildings performance one reason for the different emissions targets for
different countries under the Kyoto protocol.

3.2 Environmental agenda

Just as there is disagreement among the international community about how
best to tackle global environmental problems, so there is a variety of opinions
about how to improve the sustainability of buildings, ranging from enthusiasm that borders on green-fundamentalism through to near apathy, and
even antipathy. Protecting the environment has often been opposed on the
grounds of possible harm to the economy, although this neednt be the case
see Box 1.2.

Box 1.2 The triple bottom line in action from one to five stars
Sustainable development is often thought of as development which has a positive impact on all three
bottom lines: economic, environmental and social. While it is a common concept (see, for example,
www.forumforthefuture.org.uk, www.tbli.org or www.sustainability.com), many remain sceptical about
whether it can be put into practice. When Australias State of Victoria proposed more stringent building
codes for housing, they were concerned that the changes would be unpopular and so made the case for
legislative change in economic and social terms too.
Australia has one of the higher per capita rates of CO2 emissions: it is ranked 16th in the world, with the
average Australian emitting just under twice the CO2 of an average Briton.<1>

Environmental Construction Handbook

Victoria was the first Australian state to introduce, in 1991, minimum standards for the insulation of
dwellings, decreasing energy use by slightly over a third<2>. This represented an increase in the rating from
1 to around 2.2 stars. (The Star (House Energy Rating) system is described in greater detail in Appendix
1). If the State was to meet its Kyoto commitment the treaty requires a slowing of the increase in CO2
emissions to only 8% on 1990 levels by 2008/2012<3> a decrease in domestic energy use was urgently
needed, since energy use in the sector was growing by 1.24% per annum.
After consultation, the State brought in a requirement that, from 1 July 2005, for single dwellings or
apartments, compliance with the new residential energy standard will require a building to be five-star
energy rated. In addition, water saving features and a rain water tank or solar hot water system will be
A five-star dwelling is estimated to use around half the energy of a typical existing building in
Victoria, though it will be somewhat less energy efficient than new buildings in Europe or North
To meet the new standards the design of a new home would need to have increased insulation (both in
walls and improved glazing), improved airtightness and a change in the distribution of glazing. For winter,
north-facing glazing increases useful solar gain, while shading decreases the need for summer cooling.
The use of thermal mass is considered too, with buildings with low-mass timber floors being required to
have better insulation and smaller windows.
Environmental benefits
Increasing the energy efficiency of Victorias homes has two main environmental benefits: a decrease in
the total amount of energy used and a decrease in the peak amount of energy used. The State estimates
that peak demand on the power grid, caused by comfort cooling, could be reduced by up to 45%. This
should decrease the risk of power shortages in summer and save money that would otherwise have to
be invested in additional power stations.
The main advantage is the reduction in the total energy demand. Growth in domestic energy consumption
would be slowed from 1.24% pa to 0.46% pa. Analysis modelled the effect of the changed regulations
over a 20-year period, at the end of which the energy savings would total some AU$124 million per
annum (51 million<5>). This is an annual saving of around 760,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2-e) and a
total abatement over the entire 20-year period of 7.6 million tonnes CO2-e.
Economic benefits
Analysis suggests that the changed regulation would provide an economic stimulus, with an increase in
GDP of AU$500570 million NPV (net present value) which is around 206235 million. Also, 9001100
new jobs could be expected to be created.


Methods of Assessing Buildings

Social benefits
As well as the social benefit of job creation, there are other advantages to the changes. The estimate that
a five-star home would be up to 5C warmer in winter and 10C cooler in summer (compared to a two-star
dwelling) was lauded in Victorias Minister for Plannings introduction to the consultation document on
the proposed changes to the Building Code. The effect of fuel poverty on vulnerable groups is predicted
to be reduced: another political benefit.
For owner-occupiers too, a five-star home is predicted to be more affordable. Heating and cooling
equipment can be smaller, and therefore less expensive, and the increased capital cost of a dwelling
could be offset against lower energy bills.
1. The USA is ranked 10th, the UK 36th. The highest per capita emissions are from the US Virgin Islands at
around 550% of USA emissions. See Marland, G., Boden, T. and Andres, B., Ranking of the worlds countries
by 2000 per capita fossil-fuel CO2 emission rates, http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov, Carbon Dioxide Information
Analysis Centre, 2000.
2. State of Victoria, Regulatory Information Bulletin Energy Efficiency Standards for New Residential Buildings,
www.buildingcommission.com.au, Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria, 2002.
3. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change A Guide to the Climate Change Convention and its
Kyoto Protocol, UN Climate Change Secretariat, Bonn and http://unfccc.int, 2002.
4. www.buildingcommission.com.au
5. Exchange rates as in The Times, 18 May 2005, 1: AU$2.43

Superimposed on this there is a technical vs vernacular standoff. Some are

wild about technology...[5] while others advocate living a more natural lifestyle,
building mainly with reclaimed materials such as tin cans and vehicle tyres[6]
with minimally controlled building services.
Though these differing viewpoints of sustainable construction arent automatically at odds with the Brundtland definition of sustainable development,[7] they
are somewhat at odds with each other. This is important where weightings are
applied to the relative relevance of data in an assessment.

4 Assessor
Early design stage tools or assessments are usually used by the buildings designers.
Some tools which have the advantage of being easy to use, have in-built data and
assumptions that are hidden to the architect or engineer. The immediacy of the
results may consequently be undermined by their simplification.

Environmental Construction Handbook

For completed designs and buildings, assessments often need to be completed

by an accredited assessor, who may or may not be part of the design team. This is
partly a quality assurance step particularly necessary when the assessment is
required for regulatory purposes, as in the case of the SAP which may be used to
show Building Regulations compliance and partly to protect the intellectual
property of the creators of the assessment.

Box 1.3 The effect of weightings on assessment results

The effect of weightings on an analysis can be seen in this example. Consider a super-insulated house
constructed of natural materials (e.g. stone, sheeps wool insulation and timber window frames). A woodburning stove, fuelled by locally coppiced wood, which is controlled manually, heats the house. In an
assessment, it might score, say, 9/10 for the insulation, 8/10 for the choice of materials and 2/10 for the
relatively crude controls.
The houses three scores could be simply averaged, to give an overall score of 63%, or the three components of the assessments could have weighting applied. Here the tech weighting scheme rewards
technical features of the building whereas the vernacular weighting preferentially rewards more natural
or traditional building forms. As can be seen from Table 1.1, these weighting schemes can have a considerable effect on the buildings overall score.
Table 1.1 The effect of weightings on assessment results
No weighting

Tech weighting

Vernacular weighting
















Overall weighted score (%)

For example, the BREs Green Guide<1> uses a weighting system<2> agreed upon by representatives of
interested groups, from central government to materials manufacturers and environmental activists. Out
of the 13 indicators considered, the effect on climate change is given the greatest importance, with a
weighting of 38%.
Weightings can also be variable, as in the GBC Tool discussed at the end of this chapter. This can be
appropriate where a methodology is being used in a number of different climate zones or economic
areas. Obviously the limitation here is that only assessments which use the same weightings are directly
1. Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E. and Sinclair, M. The Green Guide to Specification, Watford, 3rd Edition, BRE, 2002.
2. Dickie, I. and Howard, N. Assessing environmental impacts of construction Industry consensus, BREEAM and UK
Ecopoints, BRE Digest 446, Watford and www.brebookshop.com, BRE, May 2000.

Methods of Assessing Buildings

5 Scope
The assessment may deal only with building components or systems (in which
case it is likely to be used mostly in early design stages), with whole buildings or
sometimes with whole developments and urban environments. Arups SPeAR
tool is one assessment that can deal with these.

Box 1.4 Arups SPeAR appraisal tool

by Laurie Richards, Associate Director, Environmental Group, Ove Arup and Partners, and
Lucy Dakin, formerly Senior Environmental Scientist, Ove Arup and Partners,
(currently Sustainable Projects Officer at Bristol City Council).
SPeAR (Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine) has been developed by Arup as a tool to enable organisations to assess, demonstrate and improve the sustainability of their projects, or corporate performance.
It is based on an analysis of performance in respect of the four key aspects of sustainability economic,
social, natural resources and environmental issues as defined in the UK governments sustainability








Waste Hierarchy






ial B





/ Co








nit y

k il
c ts
E f fe
Co m







por t












Air Q



Design & Operation


Fig. 1.1 The SPeAR diagram

Copyright: Arup


Cu l c o l o g
t u ra
l He &


In order to display both negative and positive results,

a median line on the diagram (cream/light yellow)
designates good practice, (see Figure 1.2). Positive
(sustainable) performance (usually shown in green



The SPeAR diagram is designed to show negative,

as well as positive, effects. Examples of negative
effects could include the emission of pollutants,
the loss of ecological features, high energy usage or
loss of employment opportunities. In comparison,
positive effects could include the use of renewable
energy, provision of ecological enhancement
measures, or adoption of public transport in place
of the private car.


A key aspect of SPeAR is the composite output diagram, see Figure 1.1, which summarises, in a clear
and visually striking format, the wide range of issues that need to be considered. This clarity of communication of complex issues is a key strength of the tool, considerably aiding the decision-making process.
The four quadrants of the SPeAR diagram correspond to the four key aspects of sustainability.





Environmental Construction Handbook

tones) is represented from the median line towards the centre of the diagram. Negative (unsustainable)
performance (usually shown in red tones) is represented towards the circumference of the diagram.
Median ~ good practice

Fig. 1.2 The SPeAR scale

Copyright: Arup
Worst case

Beyond best practice

The aim of a sustainable design project, therefore, should be to obtain a balanced diagram with positive
results (green tones) distributed across all four quadrants.
Spreadsheets are used to complete the assessment. Each quadrant of the SPeAR diagram is divided into
a series of sectors, or topics, see Figure 1.1. For example, environment includes air quality, land use, water,
ecology and cultural heritage, design and operation, and transport topics. The spreadsheets include a
series of indicators for each topic, see Figure 1.3. These include both a set of core indicators as well as
project specific indicators. The fact that the indicators used in each appraisal are tailored to a specific
project makes it a flexible and highly adaptable tool.

Optimum measures

Worst case


Extensive use of rainwater and

black/grey/green water systems.
Metered water supply

No awareness of the
need to reduce water
consumption rates


Minimise percentage of water

needs met by bottled water as
opposed to tap purifier

All potable water

brought in


Exploitation of opportunities for

harvesting water

No harvesting of water


Install water meters, dual flush

WCs and spray taps

No consideration given to
low-water-use appliances




Degree of

score for


data for the Water sector of Natural Resources. Copyright: Arup

Fig. 1.3 The SPeAR indicators
e.g. climate
dataspreadsheets, usually in a workshop context with appropriate specialists
The user works through
and design team representatives, and the software then completes the output diagram automatically.
See the Arup Fitzrovia case study in Chapter 4, for examples.



Sustainability appraisals can highlight areas where a project/design/development performs poorly in

terms of sustainability principles. These highlighted areas can then be investigated in more detail, and
their performance improved by adopting best practice or using new technology.


1. Department of the Environment,

Transport and the Regions, A Better Quality of Life, TSO and
ISO 14040
www.sustainable-development.gov.uk and The Stationery Office, London, 1999, ISBN 0-10-143452-9.

Methods of Assessing Buildings


5.1 Building components

It is well known that some materials are more desirable in environmental terms
than others. Various methods of comparison have been proposed to circumnavigate the shark-infested waters of manufacturers information. The two
main types of assessment are measurements of embodied energy and life-cycle
analysis (LCA). There are also a number of websites and books offering advice on

Box 1.5 The Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an NGO (and a charity in the UK) founded in 1993 which works in
28 countries worldwide. It certifies forests that are managed according to its ten principles and ensures
that timber products from the forests are tracked through to the end user.
FSCs ten principles cover issues regarding:

compliance with local laws, international treaties and FSC principles

tenure and use, rights and responsibilities
legal and customary rights of indigenous peoples
community relations and workers rights
benefits (environmental, economic and social) from the forest
environmental impact (on issues such as biological diversity, water resources, soil health,
ecosystem health and landscape value)
management plans for the forest
monitoring of forest health, etc.
maintenance of high conservation value forests
management of plantations (especially with a view to reducing negative impacts on natural

There are other wood certification schemes around the world (examples of others are discussed in a
Friends of the Earth briefing paper<2>), but in the UK it is the FSC that predominates and earns support
from NGOs such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace.
Specifying FSC certified products can earn points for building certification schemes. For example, specifying FSC certified timber for 75% of the timber in housing gives full credits in the appropriate section of
the EcoHomes assessment.<3> The FSC website, www.fsc-uk.info, has an online product search for private
and trade customers, and also a database of internationally certified forests and products.
1. FSC Principles and Criteria For Forest Stewardship. FSC, www.fsc-uk.info, 2000.
2. Counsell, S., Briefing Timber: Eco-labelling and Certification. Friends of the Earth, London, 1995,
3. www.fsc-uk.info


Environmental Construction Handbook

materials selection, and which either do not neatly fall into either the embodied
energy or LCA camp, or offer a stripped down version of these methodologies
(FSC at www.fsc.org, for example).

Embodied energy
Embodied energy is simply the amount of energy that has been consumed in
the manufacture, transportation to site and, sometimes, use and disposal of a
material. It may be quoted as cradle to gate or cradle to grave.
Data about embodied energy can be given as a per mass figure or in terms of
structural elements, as in the case of the BREs Green Guide (discussed later in
this chapter). Data for structural elements, can be more informative as it takes
into account different structural and other properties. The ratings given in the
Green Guide are a useful starting point for the discussions of construction
methods in later chapters.

Figure 1.4 Proportional contributions of embodied

energy and operational energy to total building
energy use

Methods of Assessing Buildings


The embodied energy of a building is generally low in comparison to its energy

consumption over its life time. So why consider it at all? This is best understood by considering the parallel situation, where designers are paying increased
attention to the airtightness of buildings. As the insulation value of building
fabric increases, so the proportion of energy lost from the building through
ventilation losses increases. Likewise, as the energy used during operation of a
building decreases, so the embodied energy becomes a greater proportion of the
total energy used by the building over its life.
It may therefore be worthwhile to use some high-embodied-energy materials
in a long-life building if they deliver significant Median
in running
energy and
~ good
to use low-embodied-energy, short-lived, easily recyclable or reusable materials
and components in buildings with short -3design lives, see Figure 1.4. +3
Worst case

Beyond best practice

It is a fair assumption that materials with a high embodied energy are likely to be
manufactured by a process that has negative environmental consequences other
than purely energy use, for example in the case of ore-smelting which may result
in heavy metal pollution. However, this doesnt always hold true (blowing foam
insulation using gases containing ozone depleting substances (ODS) thankfully a practice on its way to extinction is a good example). Life cycle analysis
can be used to quantify these other environmental impacts.

Life cycle analysis

A life cycle analysis (LCA) for a construction material rates its impacts from
extraction or growth of materials through to its disposal. The methodology
for an LCA could be extremely simple, a matter of ensuring consistent units
throughout, for example. More rigorous methodologies would also ensure
consistent data collection and, if more than one data set is being used, apply
weightings to different data sets, as shown in Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.5 LCA analysis

e.g. climate
change data


ISO 14040


Environmental Construction Handbook


The international standards for LCAs are the ISO14040 series[8] though results
from different ISO compliant LCAs may not be comparable. As the BRE points
out, there is no single right answer for applying LCA.[9]

6 Building type
If a buildings performance is to be ranked against benchmarks then obviously
a building-type-specific assessment needs to be used. Finding a suitable
assessment method can be problematic for less common building types, or
for buildings that are for mixed use, although the BRE can undertake bespoke
BREEAM assessments.

7 Building assessments
A summary of the features of a selection of UK assessment methods is given in
Appendix 1.
There are a number of assessments that have been developed overseas. A good
starting point for obtaining information about them is the UNs Sustainable
Building and Construction Forum[10] or the IEAs Energy Conservation in
Buildings and Community Systems Programme Annex 31[11], but a summary
of the assessments mentioned in this chapter is given in Appendix 2.

8 Case studies
The Cambridge case study below is the first in the book for several reasons:

It has the ideal combination of both client and design team for whom
the environmental performance of the building is a prime concern.

It does not fall neatly into any of the categories of building type that are
to follow. This is in part deliberate, though it also allows the discussion
of an interesting example which we would have had difficulty finding
a home for elsewhere! The building is to accommodate a range of uses,
and the design solutions in the case study introduce concepts which
are common to a range of different building types which we will return
to throughout the book for example, how to plan the appropriate
use of thermal mass. This is also the reason that this case study will be
somewhat longer than most in the book.

Methods of Assessing Buildings


This is a project in the process of conception. While no truly sustainable

building can be built without being informed by successes and failures
of the past and indeed we will consider existing buildings of various
ages later on the design approach used on this embryonic building is
emblematic of the way forward. Design cannot be good unless it is also

Oxstalls Campus at the University of Gloucester, the second case study in

this chapter, has been included by way of contrast. Although it also serves an
educational purpose, and is the work of a leading practitioner of environmental
architecture, it is a completed project. It illustrates that embracing sustainability as an opportunity, rather than being a tedious constraint, can promote
design quality.

8.1 Cambridge University Botanic Garden

This section has been written in collaboration with Philip Armitage at
Max Fordham LLP.

Design Team
Architects: Edward Cullinan
Service engineers: Max Fordham LLP
Structural engineers: Buro Happold
Construction cost consultants: Gardiner and Theobald
Design: 2002
Cost: est. 16.5 million

The Cambridge University Botanic Garden, founded in 1762, has been at its
present site since 1846. It accommodates an important collection of living
plants, an extensive herbarium[12] containing specimens collected by Charles
Darwin, among others, and a specialist library, known as the Cory Library. The
buildings in which the herbarium and library are housed are separated from
each other and do not currently provide conditions suitable for their delicate
collections. The University proposes a new, purpose-built home for them which
will also contain teaching and lecture spaces.
The Botanic Garden has more than purely academic functions: it is a place of
great beauty and heritage value, attracting both tourists and local residents. Like
so many other historic cultural attractions the Gardens visitor facilities are
both limited and rather outdated. Hence, the new library and herbarium are to

Environmental Construction Handbook

be part of a much larger Education and Interpretation Centre, with interactive

exhibitions, a shop, cafe and offices for the Gardens staff.
Not surprisingly, the natural environment and its ecosystems are of great importance to the Garden and its staff. The brief for the new building asked for the
design to reflect this ethos by being at the cutting edge of green architecture
and engineering, in part because the building can be used as a tool for raising
public awareness of the issues involved in its construction.
Planning, form and construction
The site for the new building is on University-owned land (currently occupied by
a bowling club) to the south-west of the Garden.
Access to the Garden is to be rationalised: the three existing entries to the
Garden are somewhat difficult to locate. There is also a fourth entrance the
original entrance to the Garden on Trumpington Road.
The new building will provide a higher profile main entrance to the Garden, as
well as being an emblem of the Botanic Gardens environmental aspirations.
The brief and design rationale
Accommodation within the new building is to include:

a Plant Lab: an information, orientation and exhibition space with

access to reference material, databases and experimental equipment

accommodation for the 9000 volumes and 2000 periodicals of

the Cory library, incorporating a public reading room for the first time

Box 1.6 Project goals for the Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Design a building and landscape which presents a public face to Cambridge and thereby
strengthens links between the local community and the University.

Design with accessibility in mind for all types of people: young and old, students and families, the
able and the less able.

Design a building that people will love and take care of for a long time; for its beauty, practicality
and ability to accommodate changes in use and technology.

Express the importance of trees, as the most fundamental plant to our survival, as our client says...
plants are the basis for all life on earth. Timber has proved itself to have green credentials which
are hard for other materials to compete with. Timber for the project must come from sustainable

Methods of Assessing Buildings


Create a landscape which harmonises with the historic garden, supports biodiversity and does not

require excessive water and energy to maintain.

Reduce the demand for energy by:
linking the building to public transport, cycle and walkways
placing the building to maximise its solar potential
shaping the building to facilitate natural ventilation, solar shading and daylighting
choosing and detailing materials which improve the thermal performance
choosing materials to have low embodied energy where possible.
Create a building which will be carbon neutral at 20 years of age by using renewable energy
sources such as PVs and biomass fuel.
Reduce water consumption, collect rainwater locally for building use, and recycle and treat grey
water locally.
Use salvaged materials where possible take advantage of web sites for sourcing.
Specify materials which are neither toxic to the environment in their production nor toxic to
contractors or building users in their use.
Source products locally where possible, thereby supporting local economies and avoiding
transport pollution.
Detail to protect vulnerable materials through overlapping and breathing configurations.
Detail to reduce material wastage [i.e. to standard sheet or component sizes] and to prefabricate
where possible to reduce site wastage
Set up an on-site, monitored recycling system
Detail for future dismantling/recycling, not demolition; use screws and bolts instead of glue and
Design easy access systems for maintenance of building fabric and services thereby reducing
material damage and replacement/costs [sic].
Design within financial parameters while also analysing life cycles, energy savings and CO2
Choose a procurement route which promotes quality of product while ensuring value for money.

Source: Edward Cullinan Architects et al., Cambridge Botanic Garden Stage C report.

accommodation for the University Herbarium

formal teaching facilities

a 120-seat auditorium

two classrooms for both schools and adult education programmes.

This list does not fully convey the complexity of the task that the designers have
been set; in fact, it is a very different list the list of the project goals which
makes the complexity of the task explicit.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Sustainability has been a principal concern during the design of the building.
An exhibition about the building and its green credentials will be housed in
the new building to raise awareness about sustainable construction; this is in
part why the sustainability has been made explicit in places, such as in the use
of timber for the main structure and the proposed photovoltaic (PV) cladding.
These aims have knock-on effects, such as requiring the long axis of the building
to run eastwest, to maximise the southerly faade.
However, it also suffuses every other decision from the choice of materials, or
the depth of the building, which is dictated by the maximum depth for natural
ventilation and by daylighting considerations.
Other key concerns are the minimisation of waste on site and reducing the
impact of construction on the surrounding environment, the people who live
locally, and those working on site. This can be achieved by decisions such as using
components prefabricated off site so as to minimise time on site, as does avoiding
the wide-scale use of concrete and by substituting elements traditionally cast insitu with precast elements. In fact, decisions such as designing for change of use
minimises the impact on local people by reducing the likelihood of the building
being demolished in the near future if the Gardens needs change.
These have all been very quantifiable design aims; less so are the aims to design
in response to the Garden itself, and to create, in the words of the architects, a
beautiful, expressive and evocative building.
An integrated, efficient structure
The lamella structure of the roof is a form of construction that originated during
the early years of the 20th century. It is a two-way spanning structure, with the
members orientated at an angle to the edge of the structure: it can be seen as a
grid of diamonds rather than a grid of squares.
The roof is to be of two shells of constant curvature joined at the apex to form a
distinctive three-pin arch. Once the fittings at the nodes between the 400 mm
grid elements are tight, the structure resists deformation. These nodes can be
either pinned or moment (rigid) connections, both of which can be accommodated by a fitting such as the Shearlock fitting developed by Cowley Structural
Timberwork, though at the moment pinned joints are envisaged.
A lamella roof is an inherently efficient structural form, and this theme is carried
through to the rest of the building with stressed skin floors, which can span
further for a given loading and structural depth than conventional floors.

Methods of Assessing Buildings


Figure 1.6: Botanic Garden south elevation and

cross-section through the entrance hall

Source: Edward Cullinan Architects

Box 1.7 Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and formaldehyde adhesives

Laminated veneered lumber is made from thin veneers of timber, glued together in large sheets. The
standard size is 21 m long, 900 mm deep and 27 mm to 90 mm thick, although thicker sections can be
fabricated by gluing a number of sheets together.
The mechanical properties and longevity of LVL are better than those of solid timber. It is sealed in a
controlled environment at optimum moisture content, so the risk of the laminated members warping/
deforming is greatly reduced.
The adhesive used is generally urea-formaldehyde or resorcinol-phenol-formaldehyde. Formaldehyde, a
volatile organic compound (VOC), is implicated in sick building syndrome. It is very toxic, thought to be
allergenic, is mutagenic (damages DNA, so it can cause cancer, and the damage can be inherited), damages
mucous membranes, eyes, skin and respiratory tract and probably damages the kidneys too.<1>
In terms of LVL the risk is minimised in two ways. First, the amount of adhesive in the thin glue lines between
the laminates is small, and tightly controlled, and second the LVL is manufactured in closely controlled conditions, so that there is practically no unpolymerised (free) formaldehyde within the material.
1. Safety data for formaldehyde, 37% solution, University of Oxford,
http://ptcl.chem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/FO/formaldehyde.html, 2002.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Both lamella and floor elements can be prefabricated under controlled conditions off site. This means that build quality can be assured as well as minimising
both time on site and, therefore, disturbance to local people.
The lightweight structure minimises the need for extensive foundations, and
the proposed piled foundations reduce the need for excavations still further.
Though the designers have tried to avoid the use of concrete where possible, the
ground beams are to be precast reinforced masonry beams. Where blinding is
required under the ground floor, it is proposed that limecrete is used.
Inevitably, of course, the design of any building calls for pragmatism as we have
seen in the use of precast ground beams and will look at in the use of cement
fibre boards to provide thermal mass, and also as we shall see in our discussion
of the environmental servicing strategy for the building. Nonetheless, the choice
of materials is of great importance to the success of any sustainable building.
A final choice regarding materials would be inappropriate at stage C, but broad
criteria have been laid down.

Box 1.8 Materials selection criteria

Use natural, local (within a 30-mile radius), renewable or reclaimed materials with a low embodied

Use timber wherever possible, e.g. as the primary structure, cladding, internal linings, furniture
Design to save materials using standard modules, and for ease of maintenance, replacement and
Avoid, wherever possible, the use of concrete and gypsum-based products.
Use natural finishes, and avoid coatings and materials which contain harmful substances or
Reuse materials found on site, e.g. hardcore from the demolished Bowls Club building, timber
from felled trees.
Create a super-insulated building using environmentally friendly insulation such as sheeps wool.

Source: edited extract from Edward Cullinan Architects et al., Cambridge Botanic Garden Stage C report.
1. Stone in the Cambridge area is generally unsuitable for building: clunch from the surrounding areas is very
soft. In older buildings in the town which use it, a cladding of a more weather-resistant (and grander) material
has generally been used.

Methods of Assessing Buildings


This can then inform design choices such as, for example, in the case of the
selection of a timber structure. The actions arising from the broad criteria are:

to research supplies of reclaimed and FSC certified timber in the local area

to take advice from manufacturers about prefabrication

to investigate bolt assembly to decrease time on site, and for ease of


to investigate timber treatments, for fire protection and preservation,

that are both effective and as non-toxic as possible.[13]

This in turn leads to design decisions such as making internal partitions, ceilings
and acoustic panels from timber, treated with beeswax or linseed oil, on timber
Likewise, it means that the insulation materials such as sheeps wool (preferably
from local sources), blown cellulose, shredded newspaper and cork (for floor
underlay and acoustic absorption) will be considered in preference to, for
example, phenolic foam.
Even the choice of furniture is to be influenced by the guiding principles. The
use of noxious glues and finishes is to be avoided, and wood felled on site is
earmarked for possible bespoke furniture.
The designers worked on the building so that all of its parts work together, for
example its PVs would be both a weatherproof layer and a power source as well
as having a very definite aesthetic. However, it is still worthwhile to look at the
environmental systems separately, as follows.

Box 1.9 Other areas of investigation

Roofing materials areas with no PV cells are to be clad in timber shingles or thatch. Underlay is to


be bitumen and mineral/vegetable fibre sheets.

Rainwater goods metal downpipes and flashings will make for ease of replacement and recycling.
Flooring recycled slate or stone are to be used in areas with high foot traffic and need for thermal
mass. Offices will have carpeting for acoustic deadening. This is to be of sheeps wool with as few
treatments as possible.
Finishes low-VOC and low-toxin paints and varnishes are to be used.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Thermal performance
The requirement for thermal energy in the building has been minimised as far
as possible through increasing the performance of the envelope, something that
is still important even when energy is to be supplied from renewable sources.
Wind turbines were in the news at the time that this case study was written
because it appears that they create a warmer nocturnal microclimate beneath
them[14]: a timely reminder that even renewables are not entirely benign.
Insulation Double-glazing or high-performance triple-glazing (frameless to
maximise daylight) are proposed.
Thermal mass Spaces, such as the office, classrooms and exhibition areas will
benefit from having some thermal mass to even-out temperature fluctuations.
A stereotypical thermally massive building would be one with thick masonry
walls and possibly stone floors: the thermal mass being part of the structural
system of the building.
However, stone floors are intended for areas with high foot traffic, so in areas
such as the offices (which will have carpets that decouple the thermal mass from
the occupied space) a more inventive approach is needed. Cement fibreboard
panels, 75 mm thick, will provide all the thermal mass needed over a diurnal
cycle to give reasonable summertime temperatures. In addition, because the
thermal mass is decoupled from the structure of the building, the amount of
thermal tempering could conceivably be changed if the buildings use changes.
Unwanted air infiltration can add considerably to heating loads, and undo the
benefits of thick insulation. Careful detailing and quality control strategies
on site can decrease unwanted air infiltration that would add considerably to
heating loads. The [now compulsory] pressure testing of completed buildings
will assess the success of these strategies.
Controllable ventilation is needed, however. The strategy for ventilation in the
building has been to exploit both wind and the stack effect, and this has affected
the development of the cross section of the building, as shown in Figure 1.7,
with apex rooflights designed to encourage stack effect ventilation irrespective
of wind direction.
The manually operated windows and user-controlled, electrically actuated,
rooflights will give the buildings occupants adaptive opportunities to control
both air quality and comfort.
Mechanical ventilation costly in energy, materials, maintenance and space
has been avoided except in kitchen and sanitary areas.
Methods of Assessing Buildings


Source: Edward Cullinan Architects

Windows and rooflights for the building have been planned to
minimise the need for artificial lighting and to minimise unwanted
solar gain while allowing occupants to experience the beauty of the
surrounding gardens.


Most occupied spaces are located on the north side of the building to
avoid direct solar gain while providing views out over the main garden.

North-facing openings have been sized to achieve a 5% areas-weighted

daylight factor. For example, the classrooms will have an average
illuminance of 250 lux on an overcast day. It is estimated that artificial
lighting can be avoided for 80% of the working day.

South-facing openings in the roof have been minimised to control solar

gain and to increase the area over which PV cells can be installed.

South facing glazing on the ground floor incorporates a brise soleil to

exclude high angle summer sun but to admit warmth from the sun in
winter while allowing views out into the entrance garden, and first floor
offices are to be equipped to reduce glare on computer screens where

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 1.7 Alternatives

considered for the
ventilation system;
option 15 was the final

The ground floor exhibition space and cafe will be naturally daylit
via windows to the north and south which will allow views
through the building to the garden beyond and by a north light in
the roof.

Glazed partitions are to be used within the interior to allow inner areas
to benefit from natural light.

The internal surfaces of the building are to be of pale wood, possibly

using veneered ply, to reflect light.

The aim in the design of the new building is not only to minimise water use,
where possible, but also to use the three sources of water on the site (mains
water, rainwater and groundwater) in the most efficient way.
Mains water will supply all of the new buildings needs for drinking, washing
and food preparation. This frees up water obtained on site for uses where the
quality of the water need not to be so high; very little water treatment will be
needed in the new building. Demand is to be minimised by the use of low-wateruse appliances.
Rainwater collected on site is estimated to meet 80% of the demand for WC and
urinal flushing (WC and urinals account for one-third of the buildings total
Water for WCs does not need to be potable quality, and the only treatment is to
filter the rain water before it reaches the 60,000 litre storage tank. The tank is
underground, which keeps the temperature of the water low (1020C) and will
retard the reproduction of bacteria. From the main store, water will be pumped
to a smaller high-level tank (this will also have a backup connection to the mains
water supply) from where it will reach WCs by gravity flow.
Groundwater currently supplies irrigation water for the main garden, and the
existing pipework system is to be extended to supply the planted areas around
the new building.
A wastewater connection is likely to be needed for foul water only, as the
combination of permeable paving and soakaways are to absorb rainwater
The use of reed beds to treat grey- and blackwater was investigated, but the reed
bed would need to be 12 m2 per person, and with the large number of visitors
expected, this would not be possible. However, a demonstration project to treat
waste from the offices has been considered.

Methods of Assessing Buildings


Energy supply
One of the design aims for the building was for it to be carbon neutral after 20
years. This means that energy for the building will need to come from non-fossil
fuel (i.e. renewable) sources.
As can be seen from Table 1.2, there is plenty of energy coming onto the site but,
as always, harnessing it is not an entirely simple proposition.
Table 1.2 Approximate energy sources and requirements on site
kWh pa

(kWh/m2 pa)


Solar energy incident on site (horizontal plane)


Solar energy incident on building only


Wind energy crossing site at 10m height




electrical load



space heating load



hot water load



Total energy incident on site

Total building energy requirement, of which:

Assumed CO2 conversion factors: electricity 0.47 kgCO2/kWh; natural gas 0.2 kgCO2/kWh;
oil 0.29 kgCO2/kWh.
Source: Edward Cullinan Architects, Cambridge Botanical Garden Stage C report

Electrical load One way to decrease the CO2 emissions resulting from the
electrical requirements of the building would be to buy electricity through a
green tariff scheme from the National Grid. However, generation on site is
preferred as this would not only reduce transmission energy losses but would
be a very visible statement of the buildings green aspirations. Though the use of
a wind turbine was investigated, the favoured solution was to install PVs on the
roof of the building.
In Cambridge, maximum solar radiation can be collected by a surface facing
due south at an incline of 32 from horizontal. The roof of the proposed building
is 10 east of due south, but this only results in a 5% reduction in PV output over
a wide range of roof slopes. The building is also being designed to minimise
overshadowing by nearby mature trees.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Box 1.10 Green tariffs

Considerable pressure is being put on electricity suppliers to change to low CO2 emission generation
The government requires all electricity suppliers in England and Wales to source a proportion of their
electricity from renewable sources, under the Renewables Obligation (RO). The proportion is to increase
from 4.9% in 2004/2005 to 15.4% by 2015/2016<1>.
1. OBrien finalises proposals for review of renewables obligation, Government News Network Press Release,
www.gnn.gov.uk, 4 November 2004.

One of the major problems with weather-dependent on-site generation is

load matching. Though it should be possible to supply the annual electrical
demand of the building from PVs, the building will also have a grid connection;
excess energy will be exported during periods when generated supply exceeds
PV installations are currently very costly so, though there is the possibility of
grant funding from the governments large scale demonstration programme, the
building is being designed to allow installation either during initial construction
or in the future.
Heating and hot water It is proposed that a biomass fuel should be used in
the new building to help towards the aim of creating a carbon neutral building
see Box 1.11.
A woodchip-fired boiler would meet the buildings base heating load. Combustion
emissions are below that required by the Clean Air Act and, although there
can be some water vapour pluming in winter, flues do not emit visible smoke.
Modular high-efficiency, low NOx, natural gas boilers will provide extra heat at
peak periods. Heat would then be supplied to the building with standard lowpressure hot water circuits.

Box 1.11 Biomass for heat generation and CHP

Biomass is considered to be a CO2 neutral fuel because the CO2 released during its combustion was sequestered by the fuel crops in the first place. (The plants that fossil fuels were formed from also sequestered
CO2: the carbon neutrality of biomass is due to the short timescale between growth and combustion.)
As technology and fuel supply arrangements improve, wood-burning boilers are becoming a more
feasible method of generating heat sustainably.

Methods of Assessing Buildings


Box 1.12 Building-integrated photovoltaics

Photovoltaics can be incorporated into a building in a number of ways, but one of the most economic is
to get them to do double duty as building components as well.
For example, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) can be used in the form of tiles/shingles (such as
the ones developed by XCO2 and Solar Century) or can form solar shading as was used in the Feilden
Clegg Bradley designed canopy at the (former) Earth Centre in Doncaster.
Table 1.3 Efficiencies for PVs and photosynthesis
efficiency (%)

cost (/W)





Kaneka thin film


Thin film shingle or pan





Monocrystalline silicon
Polycrystalline silicon

Theoretical PV maximum*
Maximum theoretical photosynthetic efficiency

Source: All from Edward Cullinan Architects, Cambridge Botanical Garden Stage C report apart from:
* from Thomas, R. (ed), Photovoltaics and Architecture, Spon, London, 2001, p7.
from Bowen, H. J. M., Introduction to Botany, Newnes, London, 1965, p. 119. quoted in Thomas, R. (ed), Photovoltaics
and Architecture, London, Spon, 2001, p7.
Hall, D. O., Biomass energy, Energy Policy, Vol 19, No 8, 1991, pp. 711737 quoted in Ormerod, W., Riemer, P. & Smith,
A., Carbon Dioxide Utilisation, International Energy Authority Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, www.ieagreen.org.uk,

The initial purchase cost of a woodchip-fired boiler is higher than that of an oil
or gas boiler, but operational costs are expected to be lower.
Unfortunately, sufficient fuel cannot be produced on the Botanic Garden site
space heating alone would require two hectares (20,000m2) so local sources
are being investigated in order keep the amount of energy used in the fuels
transport to a minimum.


Environmental Construction Handbook

8.2 Oxstalls Campus, University of Gloucestershire,

Design team
Architects: Feilden Clegg Bradley

The new faculty of Sports Science for the University of Gloucestershire, which
was commissioned in October 2000 and completed September 2002, was
designed with the intention of setting new standards in sustainability for higher
education buildings. Following research funded by the EUBART programme
(European Bio-climatic Architecture with Integrated Renewables and Real-Time
User Feedback), various innovations have been introduced to enable the scheme
to exceed current best practice. In addition, the main faculty building was one
of 18 projects to get a share of the UK DTIs 14million large scale photovoltaics
demonstration grant. Feilden Clegg Bradley (who subsequently designed the
Sports Science faculty, the high-tech Learning Centre and residential accommodation for 200 students) initially undertook the masterplan for the campus.

Figure 1.8 Glazed

bridge crossing pool

Planning, form and construction

Site: built on a 15-acre brownfield site on the edge of Gloucesters city centre, the
educational hub of the campus is formed by a Learning Centre and the Sports
Science faculty (which includes the Universitys Administration Department);
these two buildings are linked by a glazed bridge that crosses a pool at the
centre of the site, which reflects daylight between the buildings. Together, the
educational buildings give a strong definition to the external space occupied
by the main approach and parking that is defined on its opposite edge by the
student housing, a series of four-storey
linked villas.
The brief: the Learning Centre provides
space for 300 computer workstations and
study areas, a series of teaching rooms and
a lecture theatre for 200 people.

Source: Feilden & Clegg (photo: Mandy Reynolds)

The Sports Science building contains

a variety of laboratories and teaching
spaces for the study of physiology, biomechanics and sports psychology, along with
office accommodation for staff. The key
resource of the building is the sports hall,
providing a facility for teaching, training
and competitive events.
Methods of Assessing Buildings


The central external space, for both drop-off car parking and pedestrian circulation, runs northsouth and, as a result, has maximum exposure to sunlight.
This zone extends northwards to form a tapis vert of all-weather sports surface, a
public footpath forming the division. The east side of the central area is bounded
by student accommodation and the Students Union.
On the other side of the central space are the educational facilities, the multi-level
Learning Centre being designed as if it were a gatepost to the campus. A grand
staircase within a timber-lined vertical hall provides its vertical circulation; the
galleried floors for computer use are lit from the north. A double-height glazed
colonnade links the visitor to the building across a rectangular body of water
which extends from the central space, out to the tree-lined edge of the site.
The open-plan study area is distributed across three levels, united by the toplit atrium that contains the vertical circulation. On the southern side of the
atrium a suite of teaching rooms, offices and a lecture theatre for 200 people are
organised along corridors that look back into the atrium.
The caf is attached to the visually recessive Sports Science and Administration
building, and faces across the water to the glazed wall of the Learning Centre.
The caf faces the sunlight reflected from the pool of water.
The student accommodation comprises simple cubic terraced groups clad in
two-tone render and oak boards that will, with time, turn silver. The palette of
render, oak boards and glazing is disposed across expanses of elevation, relating
well to the clear larger-scale mass of the buildings.
In terms of sustainability, the architects wanted (in their design evaluation) to give weight to the reuse of existing buildings, in order to conserve
their embodied energy. In the end, however, they reluctantly decided on the
demolition of all buildings on the site, recycling as much material as possible
and, in the process, creating crushed and ground brickwork and concrete that
would provide hardcore for the new buildings.
Thermal performance
The residential and Student Union buildings were constructed to a high standard
of thermal insulation, in excess of the requirements of the Building Regulations
at the time. To moderate the internal environment of the library and teaching
spaces, the building has a Termodeck system that utilises the thermal mass of
concrete floor planks to provide cooling in summer and reduce heating loads

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 1.9 Sport hall

roof with PV cells

Source: Feilden & Clegg (photo: Mandy Reynolds)

in winter. In winter, warmer air is drawn through the floor slabs, raising their
temperature and radiating the heat to the occupied spaces.
The air is then discharged into the raised access floor and emitted through the
floor diffusers, as if it were a displacement ventilation system. Stale air rises in
the atrium to a roof-level plant room, and heat from this air is transferred to the
incoming fresh air stream by a thermal wheel.
A buffer zone and entrance space for both new buildings is heated minimally
to avoid condensation. The heat is supplied from the exhaust air from the
Termodeck floor in the Learning Centre. During summer nights, cool outside
air is used to pre-cool the floor slab, thus decreasing the risk of summertime
overheating and therefore the need for air-conditioning in the Learning
To minimise lighting loads, the library areas are well illuminated by diffuse
daylight from the north-facing windows, while carefully designed shading to
the windows eliminates most direct sunlight from the internal spaces.
Methods of Assessing Buildings


The waveform roof over the sports hall and the adjoining laboratories admits
north light that reduces artificial lighting loads and ensures an even distribution
of daylight in the spaces below.
Occupant and light-level sensors are incorporated into luminaires to reduce the
energy consumption of unoccupied areas, switching and dimming the lamps
in response to the availability of natural light. The lamps used throughout are
efficient T5 fluorescents. Artificial lighting is used in conjunction with a sophisticated building management system (BMS) for individual and central control
over the lighting system.
The control system will also provide user feedback on comfort criteria by linking
the networked workstations in the Learning Resources Centre to the BMS
control system. This is part of an experimental programme being conducted in
conjunction with universities in Kassel (Germany) and Visby (Sweden) to assess
the value of providing improved access to energy data and control systems in
shared workspaces.
Energy supply
The waveform roof over the sports hall also provides 30 south-facing roof
slopes that are clad with PV cells. The PV installation was designed to yield
an annual electricity output of approximately 65% of the energy consumption
of the Sports Science building, or approximately 25% of the electrical requirements of the two new buildings. This final phase of the buildings construction
Figure 1.10 Caf terrace
facing the Learning

Source: Feilden & Clegg (photo: Mandy Reynolds)


Environmental Construction Handbook

included connection to the building energy management system, enabling the

performance of each sub-array to be closely monitored, and providing valuable
research data.
Sustainability was prioritised for the design of the new buildings: the Learning
Centre was designed to an overall energy consumption target of 110 kW-hours
per m2 per year.
The context of the project is entirely suburban. The parkland setting, including
the canalised Wotton Brook and a large number of mature trees, has been
preserved and incorporated into the landscape of the reconstructed college.
As is true for any major higher education campus, planning for transportation
has been a key issue. The Universitys policies on sustainability have led it to
ban the use of students cars on its campuses in Cheltenham, and to establish a
dedicated bus service linking its sites. These routes have now been extended to
Gloucester. The concerns expressed by the occupants of the housing adjacent to
the campus led, in this instance, to the provision of slightly more car parking
spaces on site than the design team and the local authority planning officers
initially recommended. Considerable effort has been put into the provision of
facilities for cyclists, dedicated cycle parking areas being located next to all the
main building entrances. In the future, it is to be hoped that more extensive
cycleway development throughout the existing network of footpaths and green
spaces adjacent to the site will further encourage this mode of transport.

9 Notes

Greer, J. and Bruno, K., Greenwash: The Reality Behind Corporate

Environmentalism, Apex, Third World Network, 1996, Penang and New York,
1996. Cited in Williamson, T., Radford, A. and Bennetts, H., Understanding
Sustainable Architecture, Spon, London, 2003. p. 10.
2. www.est.org.uk/myhome
3. RIBA Practice Bulletin No. 189 (13 February 2003)
4. ODPM, Sustainable Communities: Homes for All, The Stationery Office, London,
2005. p. 69.
5. Rogers, R., Cities for a small planet, Faber and Faber, London, 1997, p. 23.
6. www.earthships.org
7. The Brundtland Commissions definition of sustainable development has been
followed by others such as the governments ensuring a better quality of life
for everyone, now and for generations to come. See GB Office of Science and
Methods of Assessing Buildings





Technology, A better quality of life: A strategy for sustainable development for the
United Kingdom, The Stationery Office, London, 1999. para 1.1.
ISO 14040:1997 deals with LCA principles and framework, 14041:1998 with goal
and scope definition and inventory analysis, 14042:2000 with life-cycle impact
assessment and 14043:2000 with life-cycle interpretation. More information on
the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) website, www.iso.org.
Howard, N., Edwards, S. and Anderson. J., BRE methodology for environmental
profiles of construction materials, components and buildings, BR370, BRE,
Watford and http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles, 1999. p. 4.
www.annex31.com and www.ecbcs.org
A systematically classified collection of dried plants.
Edward Cullinan Architects, Cambridge Botanic Garden Stage C report, p28.
Ravilious, K., Weather hots up under wind farms, New Scientist,
www.newscientist.com, 4 November 2004.

10 Further reading

IEA, Types of Tools Annex 3. Energy-related Environmental Impact of Buildings,

International Energy Agency, www.annex31.com, 2001.
2. Anick, D., Boonstra, C. and Mak, J., Handbook of Sustainable Building:
An Environmental Preference Method for selection of Materials for Use in
Construction and Refurbishment, James and James, London, 1998.

For each building application a maximum of four choices of material are
presented, falling into categories from preference 1 (recommended) through to
not recommended.
3. Berge, B., The Ecology of Building Materials, Architectural Press, Oxford, 2001.

Not so much a guide to specification as a whistle stop tour of history, politics,
economics, chemistry and manufacture of materials. It gives a personal view of
the effect of materials on the environment. Ratings are given from one to three,
one being the least destructive to the environment.
4. Panek, A. and Suchecka, M., Environmentally Friendly Buildings and Assessment
Methods, ECBCS News, Issue 35, www.ecbcs.org, October 2002, pp. 910.
5. Porkka, J., Huovila, P., Al Bizri, S. and Gray, C., Decision Support Tools for
Performance Based Building, Performance Based Building Thematic Network,
www.pebbu.nl, 2004. This gives a compehensive overview of decision support
tools and makes an assessment as to which are more promising.


Environmental Construction Handbook

We begin by considering the design of individual new houses, and the case studies
concluding this chapter are two notable examples of contrasting approaches to
the design of houses where environmental concerns have been to the fore. But
firstly we begin by establishing the environmental context.
Buildings account for around half of the UKs total energy consumption: the
domestic sector housing accounts for the lions share of this. In terms of
final energy[1], domestic consumption accounts for 28%[2] of the total, just
behind transport, which consumes a little over a third of the total.
However, through modern housing design there is great potential to reduce
the domestic sectors overall energy consumption, and therefore the national
CO2 production. For example, houses constructed to the 2002 revision of the
Building Regulations are likely to have fabric heat losses that are over 30%[3]
lower than those built to the 1995 revision. These in turn having 50%[4] of the
space heating requirements of pre-20th century housing.
UK housing is one of the more enduring parts of our building stock, with many
properties lasting over 100 years[5]. Not only does this mean that there are a large
number of older buildings where energy savings may be made (either through
refurbishment or replacement) but that new housing could similarly have a long
life during which time energy saving measures will be of benefit.
We can see that, just by tackling thermal efficiency alone, there is the potential
for significant and on-going energy savings. This would be a worthwhile aim
purely in terms of the promise of a decrease in the national production of CO2.
However, the benefits go beyond the purely environmental.
For instance, fuel poverty, defined as the situation where a household needs to
spend more than 10% of its income on heating, affects over four million people in
the UK[6]. Cold homes, and mould growth due to the consequential condensation
contribute to poor health and premature deaths among vulnerable groups such
as the very young, the elderly and the sick. It is estimated that this contributes
to, on average, 40,000 additional deaths[7] each winter and puts considerable
strain on the NHS. Furthermore, there is also a clear link between poor quality


housing and social poverty, with correlations to high crime, unemployment

statistics and related costs. Thermal efficiency is clearly not the only indicator
of sustainable housing.

Box 2.1 Refurbishment vs rebuild

Some argue that, even taking into account the embodied energy that is tied up in existing buildings, the
difficulty of making substantial improvement to them mitigates in favour of phased replacement with
new housing as an appropriate way to lower energy use and CO2 emissions.<1> There are, however, many
reasons why this may not be either practical or desirable.
Many historic buildings are less than energy efficient, but of great cultural and historical importance.
Likewise, there are many houses where relatively simple interventions can reduce energy use. The cost to
society of poor, energy inefficient housing, is greater than that of the CO2 emissions alone. Fuel poverty
is, for example, a significant problem in the UK. If issues such as these are taken into account, the balance
may shift in favour of refurbishment in many cases.
1. XCO2 Conisbee. Insulation for Sustainability A Guide. XCO2, London and www.xco2.com, XCO2, 2002.

1. Indicators of sustainable housing

Low energy use is not the only indicator that a house is environmentally
friendly or sustainable. For example, the BRE EcoHomes assessment looks at
seven different areas:

Energy: operational energy and CO2

Transport: location issues related to transport

Pollution: air and water pollution (excluding CO2)

Materials: environmental implications of materials selection,

recyclable materials

Water: consumption issues

Ecology and land use: ecological value of the site, greenfield and
brownfield issues

Health and well-being: internal and external issues relating to

health and comfort.[8]

Rather than consider each category to be of equal importance, the final assessment gives weightings to each area. The weightings were agreed upon by a
panel of interest groups, from government policy makers through construction professionals to environmental lobby groups. We will look briefly at each

Environmental Construction Handbook

of these categories and the issues related to them before considering methods
of construction.

1.1 Energy
There is great potential for reducing the amount of energy used to heat homes
(and thus the amount of anthropogenic CO2 emitted into the atmosphere) by
increasing insulation standards. In fact, the single most effective measure for
reducing the UKs dependence on fossil fuel, in relation to housing, is to reduce
the total amount of space heating required in winter
A buildings heating requirements can be split into two. The heat losses through
the walls roof and floor of the building are considered together as fabric losses,
while the losses incurred as ventilation air leaves a building are, unsurprisingly,
referred to as ventilation losses and include both losses through planned
ventilation and infiltration through the building fabric.

Fabric losses
The 2002 amendment to the Building Regulations (Part L) made the U-values
for the elemental method of demonstrating compliance much more onerous
than those from the 1995 amendment. However, in addition to the elemental
and target U-value methods of demonstrating compliance, there is the Carbon
Index method defined in the 2001 SAP which is intended to allow for greater
flexibility in design while still minimising energy use, and this was incorporated
into the 2006 revision to Part L.

Box 2.2 Operational energy vs embodied energy

The proportion of overall lifetime energy use that is due to operational energy consumption relative to
embodied energy grows with increased building life.
Housing is one of the longer-lived building types, when compared with offices for example; the lifespan
of a house in the UK is likely to be over 100 years. For such a long-lived building type, it can be argued
that the use of higher embodied energy components is worthwhile if their use can decrease the amount
of energy used within the building over its lifespan. For example, as seen in Fig 2.1, even in the worst case
of a super-insulated dwelling having twice the embodied energy as one of standard construction, if the
building uses 10% less operational energy, the total energy used is less than for the standard house if the
lifetime is greater than 60 years. This drops to 50 years if the operational energy is 20% less, and to less
than 20 years if 30% less energy is used.



Figure 2.1
energy and total
energy use for a
standard house
and a superinsulated one.*

* The standard house is assumed to have 10% embodied energy at 50 years. The super-insulated house is
assumed to have twice the embodied energy as the standard house. A 1% growth in embodied energy is
assumed for replacement of fabric in both cases. Edwards, B. and Turrent, D. (eds), Sustainable Housing
Principles and Practice. Spon, London, 2000. p. 24.

Having arrived at a construction strategy to accommodate the thickness of

insulation required, it is often cost-effective to increase the amount of insulation
beyond the minimum requirements represented by the Regulations. This is now
accepted practice among many housing associations. Inexorably, insulation
values are heading towards Scandinavian levels, beyond which further increases
in the amount of insulation may become less valuable in terms of energy saved
as we will discuss in Chapter 3.
In the past, domestic heating systems in houses have generally been sized either
by rule of thumb, or by steady-state heat-loss calculations based on the worst
design day in the location (a very cold, clear, winter night) plus a factor for
heating from cold, where choice of method depends on the size and complexity
of the system. This has the potential to result in a somewhat oversized heating

Environmental Construction Handbook

Table 2.1 U-values for domestic construction (elemental method)



SAP 60 or less

SAP over 60

Pitched roof with insulation between the rafters




Pitched roof with insulation integral




Pitched roof with insulation between joists




Flat roof




Walls, including basement walls




(i) exposed




(ii) semi-exposed




Windows, doors and rooflights (area-weighted average),

glazing in metal frames



Windows, doors and rooflights (area-weighted average),

glazing in wood or PVC frames



Floors, including ground floors and basement floors:

* Department of the Environment, The Building Regulations Approved Document L. London and www.odpm.gov.uk: HMSO,
1995. p. 8.
ODPM, The Building Regulations Approved Document L1. London and www.odpm.gov.uk: TSO, 2002. p. 12.

Heat gains such as solar gain and heat from the occupants may, in a wellinsulated building, be of the same order of magnitude as the heat loss of the
building. Taking these gains into account, as well as the potential thermal mass
of the building (with its potential to temper diurnal temperature fluctuations)
will inevitably lead to the installation of a heating system with a lower output.
Indeed, where a house has been designed to maximise and control solar gains an
admittance procedure calculation may indicate that a traditional heating system
may be omitted altogether. While this makes the additional insulation attractive
from the point of view of both the environment and construction costs, it can
have major drawbacks. For example, it would be very difficult to warm a cold
house from empty on just casual gains after an unoccupied period.


Solar utilisation
The most readily available form of renewable energy is solar energy. In northern
Europe, direct gain passive solar methods are favoured, where solar energy is
admitted to a room through windows and rooflights orientated towards the sun.
Because the solar irradiation varies throughout the day, positioning thermal
mass within the space, in the path of the sun, evens out some of the temperature
fluctuation through the day. The heat from the sun can then be stored relatively
effectively until later in the day so that the requirement for artificial heat can be
The problem is to balance the admission of solar energy in relation to winter
heat loss. Summer overheating in houses is most easily avoided by ventilation,
reducing the size of the windows (as long as this does not significantly restrict
ventilation) or by providing external shading, which would preferably be
adjustable. As buildings become more heavily insulated, direct gain becomes less
useful because it can lead to overheating, even in winter. Methods of utilising
solar energy are therefore open to ingenuity.
The value of solar gain varies not only throughout the course of the day, but also
from season to season. In the middle of winter, nearly all solar energy retained
indoors will be useful. However, the greatest heat losses are in the evening and
morning when sunshine is not available, although exposed thermal mass may
be used to store energy for later in the day. As a consequence, other methods of
capturing solar energy become of interest.

Box 2.3 Direct, indirect and isolated solar gain

Direct solar gain is where solar energy enters into the space being considered, where depending on the
details of the design of the space it can warm the occupants directly, increase the air temperature or be
stored in the thermal mass of the room for re-release later in the day.
Indirect solar gain is where the radiation is intercepted by an element that absorbs the solar gain before
it enters the room and where it is stored for later in the day when the sun has set.
Isolated solar gain is where the solar gain is captured by a separate space such as a conservatory/
Examples of technologies are:

Trombe walls, where a thermally massive wall (usually painted black to absorb solar energy better),
with ventilation gaps top and bottom, is placed between glazing and a room


Environmental Construction Handbook

Mass walls unventilated trombe walls

Remote storage walls trombe walls with insulation on the room side of the thermal mass
Water walls trombe walls where the thermal mass is in the form of water<1>

These may also be used in conjunction with TIMs transparent (or translucent) insulation materials to
improve the insulation value of the glazing element. The British Fenestration Rating Council defines a TIM
as having a thermal transmittance of less than 1W/m2K.<2> <3> However, as U-values for window glazing
units creep downwards<4> the division will become increasingly redundant. The more novel materials
used in TIM include silica aerogels, honeycomb capillaries and transparent foams which may be used in
conjunction with a noble gas (such as argon) or partial evacuation all with the aim of cutting down heat
loss through convection in the space between glazing panes.
Blinds are fitted in the space between wall and glazing to decrease unwanted solar gain in summer.
Sunspaces act as a thermal buffer in winter but, owing to the solar heating of their internal surfaces, they
can supply preheated background ventilation to rooms in winter. To gain the most benefit, the sunspace
has to be separated from the internal spaces by doors that are kept shut in the winter. It has been found,
however, that the vast majority of conservatories tend to be used as occupied rooms and are heated,
even if they were not originally designed to be; in this case, the sunspace can act as a thermal drain on
the building.
1. See Goulding, J.R., Lewis, J.O. and Steemers, T.C. (eds), Energy in Architecture The European Passive Solar Handbook, Batsford, London, 1992. Chapter 5 gives an in-depth discussion of passive solar heating, plus equations
for design use.
2. The units are the same as for U-values but the two are not equivalent because transmittance takes account of
surface effects.
3. www.bfrc.org
4. For example, Pilkington make double-glazed insulating glazing with a mid-pane U-value of 1.2. PDF: Pilkington
Solar Control Glass Range, Pilkington, www.pilkington.com, Jan 2005. p. 4.

Another way of significantly reducing a dwellings fabric losses is to reduce its

surface area: to build semi-detached, terraces or apartments in preference to
detached homes. We will look into this further in the next chapter.

Ventilation losses
When insulation values are increased, the ventilation losses become proportionally more important. In older UK housing, background ventilation in winter
is provided by air leakage through cracks in the structure and chimney stacks.
In fact, lighting a fire could set up such strong convection currents that enough


air could be drawn into the building to provide a comfortable cooling breeze in
summer although with uncomfortable draughts in winter.
Ventilation has to perform different functions at different times of the year.
In winter, enough fresh air is required to dispel indoor pollutants but without
undue energy loss. Apart from the variable quantity of air provided, the amount
of air that is admitted through infiltration is strongly dependent on changes
in wind direction. In this case, a well-sealed construction in conjunction with
engineered trickle ventilation the build tight; ventilate right method has
become an accepted solution to providing ventilation while limiting heat loss
and draughts.
In summer, higher air velocities are required to increase thermal comfort, and
these are usually provided by opening windows, doors or louvres. This works
as long as the air outside is cooler than the air within the building or if warmer
air can be cooled by evaporation (for example, by being drawn through a garden
or past a courtyard fountain), without uncomfortably increasing the humidity.
In the UK, there are a few summer days when external air temperatures are so
warm as to pose a problem for passive systems. Under these circumstances, it
is best to keep windows closed, draw the blinds or curtains and to use some
form of air movement generator, ceiling fans being quite effective for this

Box 2.4 The fuel issue

The amount of heat required in a home is not the only variable that affects the amount of CO2 produced.
The efficiency of the heating system also has a bearing, as does the fuel which supplies it. Systems with
boilers are more desirable than those with electrical heating, which has significant inefficiencies in terms
of the generation and transmission of the electricity.
In terms of fossil fuels, natural gas is preferable to LPG and oil, despite having lower attainable boiler
efficiencies than oil see later in the chapter. However, because natural gas has smaller molecules
compared to oil and thus lower ratio of carbon to hydrogen it has a lower ratio of CO2 to water in
its combustion products and thus a lesser amount of CO2 is evolved for a given heat output (and boiler
efficiency). The amounts of CO2 evolved are 54 kgCO2/GJ for mains gas, 69 kgCO2/GJ for LPG and 75
kgCO2/GJ for oil, i.e. nearly 40% more CO2 is emitted by oil than by gas.<1>
1. Anderson, B.R. Review of Part L of the Building Regulations: U-values, Heating Efficiency, SAP and Index methods,
Oscar Faber, DETR and BRE, www.odpm.gov.uk, 1999. Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Electrical demands
Heating is obviously not the only demand for energy in a house; there is hot water
to be provided as well as electricity for lighting and household appliances.
Water heating is a significant domestic energy requirement. Solar hot water
generation is now a very viable alternative to fossil-fuel-fired boilers or electric
immersion heaters (which are extremely inefficient in terms of primary energy
and should be avoided wherever possible).
In most homes, there is sufficient daylight during most of the day, so little
artificial light should be needed apart from, perhaps, some task lighting. This
is, of course, dependent on a relatively shallow floor plan and ample, suitably
placed, windows. Light walls, ceilings and furnishings are to be preferred from
a daylighting point of view though they may not necessarily be aesthetically
desirable. Choosing lamps with a greater efficiency than the traditional tungsten
filament is essential if energy use is to be decreased.
There has been an enormous increase in the number of electrical goods used
in recent years. It used to be that a living room would have two or four socket
outlets; now we have a double, or even a quadruple, gang on every wall! And then
there are all of the television and FM aerials, phone sockets, cable TV outlets
and broadband connections that connect us to the outside world.
It is difficult to know what a designer can do to ensure that the multitude of
appliances are used responsibly, other than locating the socket where it can be
reached easily, and ensuring that they are of the switched type. Whether mobile
phone chargers are unplugged when not in use and whether TV sets are not left
on standby is up to the occupant. However, the provision of an outside area with
a clothes line gives the opportunity to dry clothes without resorting to the use
of a drier, and is awarded points in the EcoHomes assessment.
It has been suggested that significant savings in electricity use will be made
by improvements in the efficiency of household appliances. In the short term,
however, since the number of appliances per household is steadily rising, and
given the increasing number of households of smaller size, each with their own
appliances, the demand for electricity is unlikely to fall.

1.2 Transport
It is often quoted that a family car can produce around the same amount of
CO2 per annum as a house for a family of four[9]. The location of housing has a
considerable impact on how far a buildings occupants need to travel, what form
of transport they use, the food miles embodied in their groceries and so forth.


In terms of a single house, there is little that can be done to encourage use of
more sustainable forms of transport, other than to provide covered bike parking,
as the location of the house is often out of the designers control. It is in relation
to housing that there is the possibility of affecting change, such as was undertaken at the BedZED development, discussed in Chapter 3.

1.3 Materials
Transport and energy use are not the only culprits when it comes to pollution. In
addition, there are the environmental impacts due to the quantity of materials
used in construction, which account for over half of the total materials use in
the UK.[10] In turn, aggregates account for half of the 420 million tonnes (about
seven tonnes per person) of materials used annually for construction.[11]
Timber is a favourable material for use in house construction in terms of its
embodied energy characteristics, and also because it captures and entrains CO2
throughout its period of growth (although mature trees produce and absorb
CO2 at about the same rate). Timber should, however, only be obtained from
carefully managed woodland with a mixture of young and mature trees, since
the older ones are important for the water cycle of the forest and its ecosystem.
A mixture of species is also important, as it maintains ecological diversity,
although a drawback is that a smaller percentage of the trees will be suitable
for logging.
In an equatorial rain forest only a small percentage of the tree population is
suitable for logging. These ecosystems are particularly fragile, so care obviously
needs to be taken if tropical hardwoods are to be specified. The Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC) is a good source of information on sustainable timber (see Box
1.5), as is the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO) for tropical
timber, and in the UK, the UK Woodland Assurance Scheme (UKWAS).[12]
Because timber is imported from so many different sources, it remains difficult
to assess the precise levels of environmental impact. The best aim should be
to use timber from well-managed and regulated forests, and to reuse timber if
possible. And it is best not to specify simply timber from sustainable forests but
to look into the environmental policy of the supplier.

1.4 Water
A major impact of housing construction and use is in relation to water economy.
Consumption in the UK continues to rise with each person in a household using
around 150154 litres per day.[13] Although new sources of supply have been

Environmental Construction Handbook

introduced, and new infrastructure has been constructed to move water from
areas with excess supply to those in deficit, both high capital cost and energy
expenditure is involved, as well as environmental impacts. For this reason, an
aim for future housing is to reduce water consumption.
Water used for showers and baths and washing machines also impacts on the
energy consumption of a home.

1.5 Health and well-being

A current area of concern is the poor indoor air quality (IAQ) found in new
houses. Trying to seal buildings to limit heat loss may also seal-in toxins that are
detrimental to human health.
These toxins can be innate to the construction, for example the off-gassing of
organic compounds such as the formaldehyde used in many contemporary sheet
materials (see Box 1.7), or they can result from activity within the building.
Non-smokers, for example, are exposed to serious health risks from the passive
inhalation of slowly clearing tobacco smoke. All of this can lead to potentially
dangerous levels of airborne pollution. In the absence of an adequate level of
winter ventilation, the concentration of particulates in the air can exceed safe
levels. In some parts of the country, the concentration of radon gas within
buildings may also pose problems, but in the humid climate of the UK the main
problem encountered is that posed by condensation.
Care is needed to ensure that measures intended to decrease energy use do
not exacerbate these problems, as was seen in the mould breeding ground of
1960s high-rise housing. Condensation can be the result of poor ventilation,
poor detailing, inadequate heating, poor maintenance and inadequate insulation.
The resulting mould growth adversely affects many people. In addition, humidity
and inadequate ventilation are also implicated in the propagation of dust mites
that are associated with the increasing incidence of asthma in the population.

Condensation in buildings can lead both to health problems and to structural
problems within buildings. If it occurs on the inner surface of a wall, moulds
can breed, causing respiratory problems, an issue particularly associated with
poorly insulated, poorly ventilated buildings. If, however, it occurs within the
fabric of the building, problems such as the corrosion of metal components, the
rotting of wooden ones and the saturation (and thus decreased performance) of
insulation may result.



Box 2.5 Balancing ventilation heat loss with air quality

The amount of air required for respiration is usually much less than that required to dilute pollutants and
to reduce the humidity of the air in a room: a person requires 0.03 l/s of air to supply their oxygen requirements, 1.35.6 l/s to dilute the CO2 they produce and more than 8 l/s to dilute pollutants.<1>
In the UK, with our mild and wet winters, it is particularly important to maintain enough ventilation to
reduce humidity to check the growth of mould and to maintain comfort. For example, a larger air change
rate is required to remove water vapour in typical UK winter conditions (~5C external temperature) than
in Sweden where the external temperature is lower (10C) and air, when warmed to room temperature,
has a lower relative humidity.<2>
1. Yet more ventilation will be required if smoking is permitted. Thomas, R. (ed). Environmental design An introduction for architects and engineers (second edition). Spon, London (1999). pp. 223.
2. Anderson, B.R., Review of Part L of the Building Regulations: U-values, Heating Efficiency, SAP and Index methods.
Oscar Faber, DETR and BRE, www.odpm.gov.uk, 1999. Para 2.10.3

Condensation occurs when the temperature of a material drops below the

dewpoint temperature of the air in contact with it. In buildings, two factors are
needed for condensation to form: there needs to be relatively humid air and it
needs to be in contact with a cold surface.
There are two basic ways to remedy the problem:
1) Reduce the humidity of the air within the building by:

reducing the amount of water vapour released in the building

dehumidifying the air

heating the air in the building[14] (which will reduce the relative
humidity and warm the construction).

2) Prevent humid air from meeting a cold surface by:


the use of a vapour control layer so that water vapour, which will be
driven by the difference in vapour pressures inside and outside the
building, cannot move through the construction

ensuring that the temperature of the construction does not reach the
airs dewpoint temperature by insulating the building and locating the
insulation appropriately.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Condensation only becomes a problem when it persists for a long period of time.
Bathrooms and kitchens, if they are well ventilated, are unlikely to suffer any
serious damage.

2. Construction issues
The indicators of sustainability (discussed in Chapter 1) can be applied to all
types of housing. From a historical point of view, however, it makes sense to
discuss single houses first.
In the 1970s the autonomous house (one that existed in a symbiotic relationship
with its local surroundings and made no demands on local mains services) was
the exemplar of current thinking in the field of environmentally responsible
housing. In recent times, this approach has been re-evaluated, and attention has
shifted to the rather broader issues that are involved in the design of sustainable
communities. We will move on to consider these in the next chapter.

Box 2.6 The autonomous house

The autonomous house one that, by being in a symbiotic relationship with its surroundings, made
no demands on local mains services was an idea which guided the development of sustainable
housing from the 1970s. Examples include the Autarkic House project undertaken by the Martin Centre
at Cambridge University, the construction of Robert and Brenda Vales Autonomous House at Southwell,
Nottinghamshire, and Sue Roafs 1995 Oxford solar house.
The Vales house is perhaps the most complete statement of the concept. The main body of the building is
very heavily insulated. The roof structure required to accommodate the insulation has led to the adoption
of an innovative form of construction. Inclined plyweb beams have been used to create rafters of a depth
corresponding to the thickness of insulation. The superinsulated envelope allows the house to function
throughout the year with the minimum of energy inputs. Rather than relying on solar energy for space
heating, a conservatory on the south side of the house acts as a supplementary living area. Plant in the
basement which is the full area of the floors above, includes tanks for collection of rainwater (which are
actually reused bulk orange juice containers) and a sewage treatment system that enables the house to
work independently of the mains.<1>
1. Vale, B. and Vale R., The New Autonomous House. Thames and Hudson, London, 2002.



2.1 Insulation location and accommodation

We have already seen that increasing insulation is one of the methods that can
have the greatest impact on domestic energy use.
Increasing the thickness of insulation results in thicker walls which, since houses
(particularly detached ones) have a relatively large surface area to volume ratio,
has implications for the site area occupied and the extent of the foundations, as
well as on the viability of conventional construction methods.
In terms of construction, there are two main issues to be considered. The first
is the question of thermal performance: minimising heat loss and the avoidance
of both interstitial condensation and cold bridging. The second is structural:
how to accommodate the insulation within the wall or roof without causing
structural weaknesses.

The preferable arrangement is to locate the insulation on the outside of the
construction. In flat roofs, this has led to the now familiar upside-down roof;
for pitched roofs, various systems are marketed where profiled insulation panels
are fixed at the outside of the rafters.
Walls having external insulation with a render of weathercoat is one way of
addressing the problem, although there is some anecdotal evidence of this being
unpopular with planners. This removes the option of brick being the outer
visible material, but it has the additional advantage that thermal mass within the
building can be employed to help temper the internal temperature. (Thermal
mass is discussed in detail in Chapter 3.) Vapour control layers, correctly
employed, are essential for managing condensation risk.
It is unlikely that condensation can always be avoided, so thought should be
given to ensuring there is an escape route for moisture.
To locate the insulation at the centre of the construction is a good compromise
since the structural temperature across the thickness of the wall can be held
above the dewpoint temperature of the air. There are, however, attendant
construction problems: the thickness of insulation needed in contemporary
construction is a challenge to the usual methods of making walls and roofs in
houses. The width of cavity required in masonry walls makes it difficult to achieve
an adequate connection between the two leafs of the wall without using special
wall ties, such as those developed for use at the BedZED development. Similarly,
roof rafters are usually of insufficient depth, while placing the insulation at
ceiling level creates a considerable temperature differential between the roof

Environmental Construction Handbook

structure and the rest of the building in wintertime. New components such as
plyweb beams are being used to create the necessary depth while not greatly
increasing the weight of the structure.
Alternatives are to locate the insulation at the inside of the construction,
although the condensation risk is then greatly increased, and exacerbated by the
inevitable cold bridges where the structural connections to the floors and roof
breach the insulation.

Insulation materials
Insulation materials have a low thermal conductivity and trap air (or other
gases) in pockets or between fibres. They can cut down on the passage of heat
in three ways:

conduction: since both the solid material and the trapped gas are poor
conductors of heat

convection: because the numerous small bodies of air cannot set up

convection currents in the same way that an unfilled cavity would

(to a lesser degree) radiation.[15]

Insulation materials have a very low density (as a consequence of the large
amounts of gas within them) particularly in relation to other materials that may
be used on site, such as brick and steel. Usually, a good general rule of thumb
to estimate the relative environmental impact of different materials is that the
less dense material will have a much lower impact than the denser one. Because
many foamed insulation materials use gases other than air as the blowing agent
(which may have serious environmental implications), and because of the large
volume of insulation needed, the type of insulation should be chosen with care.

Box 2.7 Blowing agents, ozone depletion and climate change

A particular issue is the use of CFCs as a blowing agent, a practice that, because of the extremely
damaging environmental characteristics of CFCs, required them to be phased out under the Montreal
Protocol. Their substitute HCFCs also increase the thermal capabilities of closed cell foam but they
also are a greenhouse gas and responsible for ozone depletion. The alternatives, pentane and CO2 have
less than a third of the impact.
HCFC-blown foam insulation, even though it has rather less than half of the climate change impact of
CFC, and slightly more than half the ozone depletion capability, is excluded from the BREs system of
rating because its use is so enormously damaging to the environment.



Embodied energy from processing

Insulation materials that use little energy during processing, such as low-density
mineral wool, expanded polystyrene (EPS), corkboard and recycled cellulose,
can be advantageous. More heavily processed materials such as polyurethane
can have an improved environmental profile as a result of their decreased
conductivity: polyurethane is a better insulator than polystyrene, which is less
There is, of course, a large range of insulation materials whether natural
products (which can require a minimum of processing), or entirely man-made
Table 2.2 Environmental characteristics of common insulation materials
Insulation material


Expanded polystyrene (EPS)

Little potential for recycling.

Glass wool with density 160 kg/m3

or less

BRE overall rating


Mineral wool with density 150kg/m3

or less

Some recycled material used in manufacture.

Recycled cellulose insulation

Made from recycled materials (for example,

newspaper), but unlikely to be recycled itself.

Corkboard insulation with density

120 kg/m3

Has potential to be recycled, but rarely is.

Also the amount of transport it needs is
considerable (imported material).

Foamed glass

Extensive transport requirements. Excellent

recyclability, but little recycled material used
in its manufacture.

Glass wool with density over 160 kg/m3

Mineral wool with density over 150


Polyurethane (PU) (HCFC free)

Ozone depleting, toxic to humans and


Extruded polystyrene (XPS) (HCFC free)

with density less than 40 kg/m3

Poor performance in terms of fossil fuel

depletion and climate change.

Notes: The BRE functional unit is 1 m2 of material to give an equivalent performance to a 50mm thickness of expanded
polystyrene (EPS).
BRE ratings: A = within the top third across a range of environmental impacts, B = within the middle third, C = within the
bottom third
Source: Anderson, J. and Howard, N., The Green Guide to Housing Specification An environmental profiling system for building
materials and components used in housing, Watford, BRE (2000). pp. 3031.


Environmental Construction Handbook

foams and fibres. The Buildings Research Establishment (BRE) assessed a

number of common insulation materials used in the construction of housing,
giving them an overall rating based on their (weighted) performance regarding
climate change, fossil fuel and ozone depletion, freight transport, human- and
eco-toxicity, waste disposal, water use, acid deposition (causing acid rain),
eutrophication (release of nutrients to water which may cause problems such as
algal blooms), summer smog production and mineral extraction. These can be
seen in the Table 2.2.

3. Generic construction methods

3.1 Typical UK house construction

Figure 2.2 Typical UK house construction

Loadbearing brick and block

Figure 2.3 Loadbearing brick
and block

Bricks are capable of a long life and can be readily recycled, if they are used in
conjunction with lime mortar. In spite of this, the environmental performance


of brickwork is less than other masonry materials because of the energy used
in firing, even when manufactured using a mechanised continuous kilning
The mass of the walling materials means that they do not rate as favourably
as low-mass framed structures, although the difference is less marked when
considering aerated blocks which have the advantages of being both lightweight and having good insulation properties. Consequently, both brick cavity
construction (with cavity insulation and an aerated block inner leaf) and framed
construction achieve a BRE A rating.[16]

+ clay tile pitched roof

Figure 2.4 Clay tile pitched roof

Although trussed rafters use 30% less timber than room-in-the-roof

construction[17], the actual structure has little environmental impact compared
with the materials covering it. Both methods can achieve an A rating.[18]
Traditional roofing materials do better in terms of their overall performance
than contemporary synthetic roofing slates. Reclaimed tiles are more brittle
than new, so there are more breakages during installation and they may need
replacing more often. One of their advantages over new is that the embodied
energy (which can be attributed to the new building) is much lower and they can
be transported over considerable distances without losing this advantage. It is,
however, always better to source recycled tiles locally if at all possible.
The insulation material chosen does not affect the overall rating of the roof
structure significantly because of its (relatively) low mass although, as we have
noted, materials which use ozone-depleting blowing agents should be rigorously


Environmental Construction Handbook

+ suspended timber floor

Figure 2.5 Tongue-and-groove boarding

The timber structure performs well because of its low mass, renewability and
because its processing is not particularly energy intensive or polluting.
The decking material has little mass relative to the structure, and so has relatively
little environmental impact. Despite this it is worth noting that:

tongue-and-groove boarding requires relatively little processing, which

is advantageous

plywood is often made from tropical hardwoods so it is necessary to

establish that the material is from a well-managed source

many sheet materials off-gas formaldehyde

insulation for the ground floor should not use ozone depleting gases.

(Floor coverings are not discussed here as they are usually laid by house-owners;
nonetheless, since they are relatively frequently replaced, their impact can be
considerable, particularly if they are synthetic fibres, i.e. made from fossil fuels.
Wool, cork and timber are thus preferable, as is natural or recycled underlay.)
Where suspended ground floors are laid over concrete, the concrete impacts
poorly on the overall rating, especially in terms of mineral extraction. Recycled
aggregate mitigates this effect as long as transportation distances are not too
great. Ideally, aggregate would be recycled from the site and crushed on the



+ timber windows and doors

Again, timber is a renewable resource with relatively little energy used in its
processing. Its embodied energy is therefore low. It must be sourced from
sustainably managed woodland, in which case locally grown hardwood can
achieve an A rating,[19] unlike many other materials used in window manufacture.
PVC[20] is frowned upon for its poor sustainability profile.
The major problem with timber windows is durability, although working timber
windows are in existence that date back centuries. Paint finishes have greatly
improved in recent years, particularly with the introduction of microporous
paints. Stained finishes need to be renewed comparatively often, but need little
in the way of surface preparation.

3.2 An alternative
Loadbearing stone cavity walls + slate pitched roof
Figure 2.6 Stone and block cavity wall

Stone and slate require limited processing and so have some advantage over
brick and blockwork.
Although slate is a traditional roofing material in the UK, slates are now
frequently sourced from Spain and South America. This should be avoided as
both slate and stone are heavy to transport. If used, they should preferably be
sourced locally.


Environmental Construction Handbook

+ solid concrete ground floor

The mass of concrete required, along with the large amount of mineral extraction,
explains the C rating of this flooring.[23] However, the use of recycled aggregate
(provided it is sourced relatively locally) can improve things somewhat.
The mass of the concrete, which is undesirable in terms of transport energy, can
improve the internal environment in the completed homes. Compared to traditional masonry construction, where thermal mass is exposed, stud walling has
relatively little thermal mass. Where the house is in near continuous occupancy,
a concrete floor can provide valuable thermal mass, as long as it is not covered
by carpet.

+ timber joisted upper floor with chipboard or orientated strand

board (OSB) decking
Figure 2.7 Timber joisted floor with
chipboard or OSB floor panels

Chipboard and OSB are made from waste materials but require a relative large
amount of energy in their processing. They also suffer from the off-gassing of
organic chemicals, such as harmful formaldehyde. Consequently, the environmental rating falls, in comparison to solid wood boarding, scoring only a B.[24]



Table 2.3 Ecopoints evaluation of generic constructions for houses, using BREs Envest tool

Generic house type: 12m 8m (ground and upper floors each 96 sq m); no. storeys: 2;
storey height: 2.8 m; % cellular: 80%; location: S.E. England; soil type: firm clay

Ground floor

200 50 mm timber joists 600 mm c/c + 80 mm rockwool insulation

+ 19 mm t&g floorboards



Upper floor

200 50 mm timber joists 600 mm c/c + t&g floorboards


External walls











50% (ground floor) 100 mm block

50% (upper floor) 75 50 mm timber stud + 12.5 mm plasterboard


Softwood double-glazed




Pitched timber with gables + purlins 1.4 m c/c, 0.75 kN/m2 loading
Clay tiles + 150 mm rockwool insulation




10% 3.2 mm lino

90% wool carpet









Wall finishes

95% plaster + 2 coat emulsion paint

5% 6.5 mm ceramic tiles


Plasterboard, skim and emulsion




300 150 mm strip foundations



Total embodied including material replacements over 60 year lifespan


Total embodied per sq m of floor area


Source: based on Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E., Sinclair, M., Green Guide to Specification, (3rd Edition), BRE, Watford, 2002.
Commentary: Houses are a relatively low impact building type in terms of their basic construction form due to the extensive
use of timber for floors and roofs. The most heavyweight components, forming the substructure and external walls, account
for the largest proportion of the total. A more accurate appraisal would, however, have to take into account the extent of
kitchen and bathrooms fittings and servicing that are subject to relatively high rates of replacement.


Environmental Construction Handbook

3.3 Other technologies Earth-sheltered houses

In conventional houses the thermal mass within the structure acts to somewhat
even out the diurnal air temperature fluctuation. The thermal mass of the ground
is immense. Rather than damping only short-term temperature changes it will
tend to act to damp temperature fluctuations in the monthly to seasonal range,
with the length of the period damped increasing as the depth increases.
In 2004, the annual mean temperature in the UK was 9.5C, ranging from an
average of 4.4C in winter to 14.9 C in summer[27] all temperatures that are a
little too cold for most people! Although an unheated, entirely earth-sheltered
building will be warmer than this (owing to casual gains) it is likely to still be
very cool and to suffer from condensation problems.
There are, however, some advantages to the type. Heat losses due to wind passing
over the surface of the earth-sheltered part of the building are nil, as are losses
from unwanted ventilation.
Insulation can solve the problem of heat loss to earth. One approach is to mound
soil over the roof and place a layer of insulation and sheet waterproofing over the
mound, and then to mound additional soil on top to complete the construction.
In this way, a considerable thickness of dry soil can be effectively combined with
the mass of the structure to ensure a constant level of thermal performance.
The thermal mass available to the interior is then only that between the rooms
and the insulation, in which case it is likely that the thermal mass advantage will
be lost (depending on how much mass is between the room and insulation). And
as discussed in Chapter 3, the energy advantages of thermally massive buildings
(though exploiting solar gains) are highly dependent on orientation and glazing
ratio, and it may be difficult to achieve the optimum balance between these
factors in an earth-sheltered dwelling.
In addition, there are construction considerations which make earth-sheltered
structures problematic. Access to below-ground buildings is difficult; as is
obtaining natural light and ventilation. The pressure of soil and water at the
outside of the structure makes a reinforced concrete structure almost inevitable,
although timber retaining walls are used in Scandinavia. For these reasons,
examples of fully earth-sheltered structures remain rare in the UK, though in
warmer climates earth-sheltered dwellings can be quite successful, providing a
cool and shady haven.
Other alternative technologies include rammed earth and straw bale
construction. The Centre for Alternative Technology (www.cat.org.uk) is a good
source of information for these, as well as on other aspects of green lifestyles.


4. Issues regarding typical servicing strategies

4.1 Lighting
New houses, designed to passive solar guidelines, have windows concentrated
on the southerly elevation, with windows of limited size on the north elevation.
This leads to poor daylight levels in rooms on the north side and to the use of
artificial light during the day. This is particularly a problem in frequently used
rooms such as kitchens and living rooms. The effect can be partially overcome
by locating little-used rooms (such as bathrooms) towards the north.
It is also sensible to aim to locate windows on more than one wall of a room
because having light from more than one direction can alleviate problems with

Artificial lighting
The GLS lamps that are most widely used in houses, although generally popular
because of their colour temperature, are inefficient.
In the past, fluorescent lamps were often disliked on account of lamp flicker,
gear hum, poor colour rendering and the blue/green colour temperature, which
was unflattering to skin tones. These problems have been largely solved by
newer lamps. For example, a 58W/827 lamp provides a warmish light (colour
temperature 2700K) with good colour rendering (the colour rendering index is
RA 8089) and can be dimmed with a hum-free high-frequency (HF) ballast.[28]
It also has an impressive life: around 20,000 hours, compared to the 1000 hours
of a GLS lamp.[29]
To show compliance with Building Regulations a proportion of the lighting
circuits inside a new dwelling 1/3 to 1/2 depending on the number of rooms
should accept only lamps with an efficiency greater that 40 lumens per
circuit-watt.[30] Of course, in a truly sustainable home (a best practice or
advanced standard home) the proportion of energy efficient lamps will be
much higher.[31]

4.2 Ventilation
Natural ventilation
Unwanted infiltration can account for up to 25% of the total heat loss from the
average UK home.[32]
Many air leakage paths are associated with the junctions between timber and

Environmental Construction Handbook

other components, for example where windows join walls, and around the edges
of window sashes and doors. These problems are exacerbated by our damp
climate since timber components expand, shrink and move with changes in
humidity. Infiltration rates in older homes are often around 2 ach, but this may
be reduced to 0.30.6 ach by draught-proofing windows and doors.[33]
The suspended timber floors common in many older properties are, in terms of
their environmental impact, a relatively good form of construction. However,
they are responsible for a high proportion of infiltration, particularly where
square-edge timber is used, when there are unsealed gaps at the junction with
skirting boards and when floor joists pass through the inner leaf of walls.
Coverings such as carpet can partially ease the problem.
Similarly, gaps in ceilings, around loft hatches and light fittings etc., are potential
infiltration routes.
While uncontrolled infiltration is best avoided, some ventilation is needed in
winter. Trickle vents at high level above windows are the most usual way of
providing winter background ventilation. They help both to reduce condensation and to reduce the extent to which windows are opened in winter, thereby
cutting down heat wastage.
Passive stack ventilation (PSV) may be used as an alternative to extract fans
in kitchens and bathrooms. The ductwork needs to extend to, or beyond, the
highest point of the roof. The system draws air out from the warm and wet
rooms of the house (in much the same way that heat disappears up a chimney)
and so effectively encourage loss of heat. However, it can be fitted with heat
exchangers, as was undertaken at the BedZED development, or it can be used in
conjunction with supply air windows to form a dwell-vent whole-house ventilation system.[34]

Artificial ventilation
Extract fans and fan-driven cooker hoods are the most commonly used domestic
mechanical ventilation. Fully ducted mechanical ventilation and heat recovery
(MVHR) systems, which are a standard component in Scandinavian housing,
are becoming more common in the UK the Red House case study at the end
of this chapter is one such home.
MVHR systems rely on a constantly operating fan and, though they may be
variable in speed, their energy consumption can be a concern to a houses
occupants. That there is permanent ventilation may be seen as beneficial in
terms of air quality, but only if ducting is kept scrupulously free of dirt, allergens
and pathogens.


4.3 Space heating

In the majority of contemporary homes the central heating is a low-pressure
hot-water system combining a boiler with radiators or, less frequently, underfloor heating. Some homes have electric storage heaters, but these should
generally be avoided as they have the high built-in inefficiencies of the electrical
generation and distribution system. Hot-air heating is not frequently seen in the
UK, although it enjoys some popularity in the US.
In a well-insulated house a boiler will most often operate at low loads for much
of the year, and only when warming the house from cold (during very cold
weather), or when there is a demand for hot water, is it likely to operate at full
capacity. The provision of thermostatic radiator valves also reduces the load on
a boiler since they permit the amount of heat provided to be reduced if there are
other heat inputs (solar, occupants etc.) in individual rooms.
Boilers tend to operate less efficiently at low outputs, so over-sizing a boiler
should be avoided.
Boiler technology has advanced greatly in recent years. Oil-fired condensing
boilers can reach up to 97% seasonal efficiency, natural gas boilers 91.3% and
LPG boilers 93.3%.[35] Compare this to, for example, a boiler last manufactured
in 1988 a Baxi-Potterton Marathon 14.7 kW boiler which had a seasonal
efficiency of 65%.[36]

5 Case studies
The case studies in this chapter represent two different approaches to the
design of sustainable one-off detached houses. Although the Red House is a
new construction and the Hawkes House is old enough to have been recently
extended as the occupants needs changed, they have their green aspirations in
common, as well as providing exemplary insights into the reinterpretation of
the English detached house.
Though both are heavily insulated they do show considerable differences, through
their differing sites, ages, client requirements and designers view of the sustainability debate. The Hawkes House, with its careful orientation (it has good solar
access and is designed to take advantage of it) and spatial elaboration has the
Arts and Crafts Movement as its spiritual predecessor, whereas the Red House
looks to Scandinavia to inform its design. The Red House is on a shaded site and
lowers its energy consumption through good airtightness and highly controlled
services. They both, however, form essays on living with sustainability.


Environmental Construction Handbook

5.1 The Red House, Great West Plantation, Tring

This case study was written in conjunction with Alan Tye who is ...glad to
share this package of information with friends who are also on the Way.
Architects: Alan Tye Design (ATD)
Client: Kevin and Jacqui Tye
Garden design: Peter Aldington OBE RIBA
Building contractors: Gavin Brothers. Mike Gavin, 60 Oliver Road, Hemel
Hempstead, Herts HP3 9PY
Garden contractors: Seasons. David Hollick, 2 Hopedale Road, London SE7 7JJ

Planning, form and construction

The site was previously occupied by a log cabin, and the new house had (for
planning reasons) to fit within a prescribed volume, making the orientation
predetermined. The site is a shaded, wooded area, so the potential for passive
solar design was low.
The brief and design rationale
The designers of the house, Alan Tye and his son (who is also the client), are
much concerned with the making of healthy indoor environments both in this
project and in others. The intention was to build a modest, economic, healthy
and easy-to-maintain house, tailored to the clients needs. It was also to have
good security, ideally be sustainable by way of low energy consumption, to be
low-allergen and to have exemplary air quality.
The fundamental priority of ATD is health, as Alan Tye explains: There is little
value in sustainable or ecological design if, as has happened in the past, it is
The design was intentionally kept as simple as possible, using proven
The house consists of two storeys plus a basement. This increases the floor area
over that of the demolished building, while still meeting planning requirements.
The house incorporates both living and working spaces.
A steeply pitched roof and special trusses allowed the first floor to be built into
the roof, making for an efficient use of available space. Although the staircase
is fixed in position, the layout of the rooms around it is flexible and forms a



prototype for further house construction the Tyes intend to build more houses
in the future.
The upper floors are of lightweight construction rising from a concrete
basement, partly set into the site and partly opening onto a sheltered sunken
garden. The high performance fabric follows Scandinavian precedent, from
the prefabricated panel construction of the basement through to the heavily
insulated timber panel walls and the red pantile clad roof. The detailing of the
boarding, the nailing, ventilation and so on, is very important and has evolved
in Sweden over decades. A high degree of airtightness is achieved through the
construction methods.
Much of the structure is wood, partly because of its sustainable credentials (not
least because it ties up atmospheric CO2) and partly because the clients liked the
comfortable feeling in wood houses. In this context, to be ecologically sound,
the wood needs to be fast growing. This determines the timber species and
longitude where grown, which has some effects on the properties of the wood,
particularly its strength.
The exterior timber is treated with a matt red paint, Falu rd farg, characteristic of many Swedish farm buildings on which it has been used for over 200
years. Falu is a town in Sweden formerly renowned for copper mining of which
the red pigment is a by-product. The finish:

is water-based so brushes are cleaned in water

is breathable so the wood can take in water and let it out again

can be used fully exposed, for example on fencing

protects from UV light and does not fade

ages well and lasts up to 10 years before repainting is needed.

The Vittinge Lafarge red clay tile roof tiles were imported from Sweden where
they are made today as they were 300 years ago. The tiles were not available
in UK and the decision to import them was made because they are larger in
size than UK tiles (and so compatible with the Swedish design of roof trusses
etc.), have a more suitable colour for the design of the building, have good
condensation-reducing properties and have simpler fixing details. For example,
the ridge does not have to be bedded in cement.
The floors are Rappgo Swedish pine supplied by Anglo Norden UK. They are
pretreated with lut, to keep the beautiful blond original colour, and then

Environmental Construction Handbook

Source: Alan Tye

Figure 2.8 Detail of the

roof overhang showing
the Falu rd farg
exterior finish.

treated with white oil which is a virtually invisible oil finish. Lut (lye in English)
is a highly caustic solution of sodium hydroxide and/or potassium hydroxide.
Although it is relatively environmentally benign it should be used with great
care as skin and eyes can suffer serious burns on contact. The floors are cleaned
and maintained with white soap diluted 1:20 with water. This cleans and seals
the floor, including the joints, and adds a touch of whiteness.
Although floors treated in this way are used for public buildings in Scandinavia,
the architects experience suggests that they need careful maintenance.
The Lindab galvanised steel colour-coded gutters, down pipes, leaf collectors
and flashings can be reused and are preferable to plastic goods.

Thermal performance
The super-insulated Red House has very low U-values:

0.23 W/m2K for walls and roof

1.00 W/m2K for the Swedish Tanum gas-filled, triple-glazed windows

(these are reversible for easy cleaning).


By way of comparison, even superior values houses without heating systems

have been built in Sweden with the U-values (W/m 2K): roof 0.08 (48cm insulation), floor 0.09 (concrete on 25cm insulation), walls 0.10 (43cm insulation) and
windows 0.85 (3 panes, 2 metallic coats, and krypton filled).
The house also uses Tri-ISO Super 9, a thin multi-foil insulation product from
ACTIS; although only 25mm thick, its thermal performance is equivalent to
200mm of mineral wool.[37]
In order to achieve a balance between energy efficiency and air quality, a
Villavent mechanical ventilation heat recovery system was installed. The heat
exchanger can operate at efficiencies of up to 90%.[38] The system has been
designed to operate all year round, with different fan settings for winter and
summer use.
Clean air is supplied continuously to the living spaces via a pollen filter, which
takes out particles down to 1 micron.[39] The clients are concerned about security,
so being able to ventilate the house without the need to open windows is an
advantage. Air is extracted from the services spaces. This has the advantage of
extracting humid air, and air from the kitchen and bathrooms, while distributing the warmed incoming air throughout the house.
Because of the clients concern about air quality, a Villavent central vacuum
system was also installed, which exhausts to the outside. Traditional vacuum
cleaners can sometimes redistribute allergens (for example, dust mite droppings)
and dust around the house.
Because of the shaded site, the windows are primarily for views of the
surroundings. However, the majority of the rooms are sufficiently naturally lit,
though there are some artificially lit storage spaces in the basement.
Rainwater is collected for use in the garden. A tank, submerged pump and various
filters developed by Polypipe Civils[40] were used. Ancillary gear is located in a
cylinder above the water level and below the manhole cover and an ordinary
garden tap automatically switches the pump on and off.
Energy supply
The houses location in an area of pine trees gives a local, renewable, fuel
source for the built-in stone stove and bake oven. This was designed by ATD,
and consists of over 300 diamond-shaped stone pieces. The stone is unique
to northern Karelia (between Finland and Russia) and has truly excep64

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 2.9 The stone fire

and oven

Source: Alan Tye

tional heat retaining properties; for example, it can retain 20% of its heat 36
hours after firing. The mass of the stove compensates for the relative lack of
thermal mass in the upper storeys. The warmth from the stone is distributed
throughout the house by the continuous ventilation air system, and there is
a local adjustable fresh-air vent near the fire if required.
A chimney fan is used to avoid a long flue; this has the added advantages of
avoiding the difficulties of creating a draught when lighting the fire, preventing
rain damp in the flue and ensuring that the fire burns brightly. In practice, the
fan only needs to be used for a few minutes until the natural draught takes



Source: Alan Tye

To get the most heat out of wood, and to reduce pollution, the latest Swedish
advice is:

Only burn dry, fine, split wood that has dried for at least 6 months, or
12 months if hardwood. Newly cut wood releases more tar and it takes
twice as much wood to get the same warmth.

Maintain good ventilation. This gets maximum heat from the fuel and
reduces carbon monoxide emissions.

Smoke should be white or better invisible. Black or grey smoke indicates

an unsuitable fire construction, wrong burning technique or inappropriate wood.

Take a look at the chimney: it should not have black deposits, and wood
ash should be fine and grey.

Flues function better when swept and cleaned often.

Do not burn household rubbish, plastic, painted or impregnated wood,

chipboard etc. as poisonous gases may be released.

In addition to the stove, the house has an electric heating system this can be a
sustainable choice if a gas supply cannot be connected and the heat demand is low.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 2.10 The Red

House from the southeast, showing the
secluded courtyard
opening off the

A device enabling mains signalling which uses the normal electricity mains
wiring to transmit messages to heaters (and other electrical equipment) is
incorporated. Every connected heater can be individually programmed to be
on or off at any hour of the day, and these times can be different for each day.
For example, the bathroom might be programmed to be on more frequently or
heaters to be on at different times at weekends when occupants may be at home
more. It is also possible to give switching instructions by calling the system by
phone, for example if the occupants wanted to turn on the heating just before
arriving home after a weekend away.
Heaters also have their own thermostats to override the standard programmes
chosen. The system is automatically frost protected.
An Allgood colour video entry system is installed so that visitors at the garden
gate can be seen and allowed entry by a person in the entrance hall or basement
The grounds around the house have been kept as natural as possible, again
following the Scandinavian example.
The clients work from home or in the ATD studio, which is adjacent to the
house. The house is also within walking distance of a small town.

5.2 The Hawkes House, Cambridge, Case Study

Architect: Dean Hawkes, Greenberg and Hawkes
Design: 1990
Construction: 1991

This is one of a series of designs for houses by Greenberg and Hawkes that began
with the Golden House, Doughty Mews, London, 19835[41]. In each of these
houses, the aim was to respond to the specific needs of the client and to the
conditions of the site, while developing an interpretation of the modern house
that, among other things, addressed the question of energy-conscious design.
That said, the overriding concern was to produce designs in which the energyrelated elements were wholly integrated.



Planning, form and construction

The house at Gisborne Road, Cambridge, occupies a small infill site in an area of
typical 1930s suburbia. The site dimensions are approximately 30 metres by 11
metres and the long axis runs almost exactly eastwest.
The brief and design rationale
The house was designed to be inhabited by two people. It was to accommodate
both professional and social life. At the time of construction, both occupants
worked full-time and also worked at home in the evenings and at weekends.
Since then they have retired from full-time work, but remain active in their
professions, so more time is spent working in the house. In response to this, the
former garden shed beyond the screen wall at the east end of the courtyard has
been improved to provide a second study.
The plan consists of a long, narrow, principal block built on the northern
boundary of the site and running approximately eastwest. This block has a
monopitch roof, elevated towards the sun, and houses the principal spaces.
To the south is a sequence of open and closed spaces defined by free-standing
screen walls.

Figure 2.11 Axonometric

of the house (not
showing the new study)

A projecting wing contains a study

space and defines the planted courtyard
along with a second, recently built,
workspace with a monopitch profiled
metal roof lying to the east.
In the nomenclature of energyconscious architecture the house
is direct-gain, passive solar. The
principal rooms living room,
bedrooms and kitchen face south and
the south elevation of the living room
and principal bedroom (facing the
internal courtyard) is highly glazed.
The main living area occupies the full
height of the roof, with a bay providing
full height windows that allow light to
reflect off the curved timber ceiling
and to project to the back of the living

Environmental Construction Handbook

Source: Greenberg and Hawkes

room. The bedrooms, however, are relatively low-ceilinged and dimly lit. Storage
spaces are designed as rooms within rooms, as are the bathrooms.
The environmental design of the house was to sustain both work and social life.
For over 12 years it has done this in all seasons. The spatial and environmental
diversity that it offers provides agreeable settings for the lives of the inhabitants.
In winter, the living room is intensively used when it receives solar gains. At
other times, the heating system is used frugally, spaces are only heated when
they are in use. This habit, in combination with the inherently efficient design,
achieves low energy consumption.
The construction is conventional load-bearing masonry supporting timber roof
structures of rafters and joists.
The main living spaces are contained within heavily insulated roof and walls,
which are of insulating blockwork, painted and rendered on the outside, and
with a plaster finish on the internal face.

Thermal performance
Insulation: The house is insulated to higher standards than the Building
Regulation requirements of the time. At approximate U-values of 0.2 W/m 2K,
for walls and roof, these are comparable with 2003 requirements.
Because the solar access at the site is relatively unobstructed, the section was
made such that it allows wintertime solar admission while in summer the
timber-framed circulation route, with its bay window which projects into the
courtyard, is a sunlit space distinct from the inner carpeted area which remains
shady and cool.
The kitchen is a high room, half vaulted and with clerestory windows, that ventilates well so that the fan extract hood at low level is rarely needed.
The natural servicing strategy of the house provides a variety of environments,
allowing the occupants adaptive opportunities to withdraw to cooler areas
away from the south faade in the heat of a summer day, or to bask in warming
winter sunshine while being protected from chill air temperatures. A balanced
distribution of low and high admittances is employed to create a thermally
comfortable environment. The solid block walls surrounding the major spaces
do, however, provide a degree of longer-term storage for solar heat.


The tall bay window is a key element of the living room. It is used for informal
dining and as a workplace, and is the principal source of daylight and of useful
solar gains to the entire room. Light is distributed down a timber-clad halfvaulted ceiling. The kitchen has a similar ceiling
vault this time painted white and is illuminated by a clerestory window located above the
flat-roofed study and entrance. A mechanically
controlled opening light provides high-level

Figure 2.12 The solar

strategy in section (i)
and in practice (ii)

Energy supply
All mains services were available at the site, and
the house has conventional connections to these.
The systems are also conventional. Space and
water heating are gas fired. A combi boiler, with
a simple timer control, serves the space heating
and the hot water requirements of the kitchen
and one bathroom. A secondary instantaneous
gas water heater supplies the second bathroom.
This decision was made to avoid the operational
waste of a long dead leg connection to the main


Heat is supplied to the rooms by a variety of

radiator types, all with thermostatic valves. The
electrical installation provides convenient power
services for typical contemporary use, and the
lighting is controlled by a relatively complex
switching scheme to allow precise control in
relation to specific uses.
Perimeter radiators are provided, but given that
the heating loads are relatively small, so are the
The location of the site, not far from the centre
of Cambridge, means that the owners can use
bicycles rather than a car for most day-to-day
Source: Greenberg and Hawkes


Environmental Construction Handbook

6 Notes








Final energy is the energy that is delivered to the end user; primary energy is the
total amount of energy used, before losses occur in conversion processes (such as
the generation of electricity) and in transmission.
DTI, Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics 2004. DTI, www.dti.gov.uk,
London, 2004. p. 14.
Calculated through taking Building Regulations U-values (elemental method)
and applying the areas of building elements for different housing types, and their
proportional make-up in building stock. From Anderson, B.R., Review of Part L
of the Building Regulations: U-values, Heating efficiency, SAP and Index methods.
Oscar Faber and DETR, www.odpm.gov.uk, 1999. Table 4.2.
Houghton, J. Global warming: The complete briefing. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1997.
Edwards, B. and Turrent, D. (eds). Sustainable Housing Principles and Practice.
Spon, London, 2000. p. 118.
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). Quality and
Choice: A Decent Home for All. DETR, www.odpm.gov.uk. London, 2000. Para
Rao, S., Yates, A., Brownhill, D. and Howard, N. EcoHomes The environmental
rating for homes. BRE, Watford, 2003.
BRECSU. General Information Report 89. BedZED Beddington Zero Energy
Development, Sutton. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme (DETR),
www.bioregional.com, London, 2002. p. 15.
Lazarus, N., Summary: Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development
Construction Materials Report Toolkit for Carbon Neutral Developments Part
1, BioRegional, Surrey and www.bioregional.com, 2002. p. 5.
FSC: www.fsc.org, ITTO: www.itto.or.jp, UKWAS: www.forestry.gov.uk
OFWAT, Security of supply, leakage and the efficient use of water 20034 report.
OFWAT, Birmingham and www.ofwat.gov.uk, Dec 2004. p. 47.
The more even the heating, the less the risk that areas where air stagnates (such
as behind furniture) will form condensation. See Thomas, R. (ed), Environmental
Design an introduction for architects and engineers. Spon, London, 1999. pp.
Radiation can only travel through substances that are transparent to the
wavelength. The solid parts of insulation are usually both opaque and with low
surface emissivities, so little radiant energy is emitted. Progressively, less heat
is then emitted from each surface within the insulation towards the cold side of
the insulation. Coating the material with a foil surface can reduce the amount of
radiant heat loss still further. This layer may also serve as a vapour control layer.
Anderson, J. and Howard, N., The Green Guide to Housing Specification. BRE,
Watford, 2000. pp. 89.









ibid., p. 13.
ibid., pp. 1213.
ibid., pp. 2223.
The chlorine in PVC is responsible for dioxin formation.
ibid., pp. 1617.
ibid., pp. 1213.
Meteorological Office. UK climate and weather statistics 2004 Seasonal
weather summary. Meteorological Office, www.met-office.gov.uk, 2004.
EST, Good Practice Case Study 441. Low-energy domestic lighting looking good
for less, Energy Saving Trust, www.est.org.uk, 2002. p. 2. A useful discussion of
energy-efficient lighting for housing is Energy Efficiency Best Practice in Housing.
Energy Efficient lighting Guidance for Installers and Specifiers, www.est.org.uk,
EST, 2004. p. 2.
ibid., 2002.
ODPM. The Building Regulations 2000, Conservation of fuel and power
Approved document L1, conservation of fuel and power in dwellings, 2002 edn,
www.odpm.gov.uk, ODPM/HMSO, London, 2003. paras 1.541.57.
EST, Energy Efficiency Best Practice in Housing. Energy Efficiency in New Housing,
Energy Saving Trust, www.est.org.uk, 2003.
Perera, E. and Parkins, L. Build Tight Ventilate Right Building Services Journal.
Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, June 1992. pp. 3738.
Lowe, R.J., Curwell, S.R., Bell, M. and Ahmad, A. Airtightness in masonry
dwellings: laboratory and field experience. Building Services Engineering Research
and Technology, 1994. 15 (3). pp. 149155.
Most efficient boilers from SEDBUK online (www.sedbuk.com) database, 1 July
SEDBUK online (www.sedbuk.com) database.
The unit is VM-400. Technical details can be found at www.villavent.co.uk
When specifying heat recovery units, a balance needs to be found between the
potential energy savings from heat recovery and the pressure loss across the heat
exchanger, with consequent increase in fan energy requirement.
This is with a physical filter. With an electrostatic filter, 97% of particles down to
0.1mm can be removed, see www.villavent.co.uk
Golden House, Bloomsbury, London, The Architects Journal, 30 October 1985.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Housing Sustainable
1 Discussion
The previous chapter was concerned with one-off, exemplary and (in the
instance of the case studies) detached houses. Such pathfinder projects
point the way for the mass of housing; the affordable homes required in
quantity over the coming years. Given a concern for the design of the
local environment, the aim should be to achieve the wider goal of housing
sustainable communities.

1.1 Climate change

Anthropogenic climate change due mostly to CO2 emissions from the (fossilfuel-burning) energy supply industry is a very good reason for considering
both the design of new housing but also measures which can be taken to increase
the energy efficiency of our current housing stock.
Not only do we need to minimise energy use to reduce our effect on global
weather systems, we also need to take into account the changes that are going to
happen as a result of our past greenhouse gas emissions.

Increasing or decreasing winter temperatures?

How our climate will evolve depends greatly on how successful we are at
stemming CO2 emissions. The different emission scenarios (see Box 3.1) have
a significant effect on heating and cooling loads, something that is explored
Mostly, we think of climate change as being a result of the greenhouse effect,
but there is also a chance that the Gulf Stream which keeps the UK relatively
clement in comparison to other areas of the same latitude may be shut
down.[1][2] This would potentially make our winters three to five degrees colder,
Housing Sustainable Communities


Box 3.1 The impact of climate change uncertainty on the

performance of existing residential dwellings
By Dr Mark Gaterell; while at the Martin Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies,
University of Cambridge
The domestic sector can potentially make a significant contribution to reducing the UKs energy consumption.
Some of these potential reductions will be realised through improvements in energy efficiency standards, in
both new homes and refurbishments, arising from the 2006 revision of the Building Regulations.
However, it is likely that existing dwellings will continue to be a significant proportion of the stock, at
least for the coming decades. Over 85% of the current UK housing stock was built before 1985 and a
high proportion was built to standards that required far lower levels of thermal performance than are
obligatory under current building regulations.<1> While the performance of some existing dwellings has
been improved through retrospective insulation, there are still likely to be considerable opportunities for
reducing energy consumption.
Clearly, the main factor influencing the effectiveness of measures designed to improve thermal
performance is the nature of the prevailing climate. Projected changes in the global climate could significantly affect this performance. However, there is considerable uncertainty regarding how projected
changes in the UK climate might actually develop over the next 50 years or so.
In order to investigate the implications of such uncertainty, a number of thermodynamic building simulations were undertaken. These were designed to evaluate how projected changes in the UK climate might
affect the performance of insulation measures applied retrospectively to an existing residential dwelling
typical of the type built in the 1960s and 1970s. Climate data for the simulations were based on changes
in heating and cooling degree days projected under the UK Climate Impacts Programme high and low
emissions climate change scenarios.<2>
Results suggest that the performance of some measures designed to improve the thermal characteristics
of buildings are likely to be sensitive to the precise nature of climate change experienced in the UK. Higher
temperatures in some cases will reduce the amount of heating energy saved or introduce the need for a
cooling load and thereby affect the cost-effectiveness of the insulation measures applied, see Figures 3.1
and 3.2. Moreover, while the relative performance of each of the measures does not change, the absolute
amount of heating energy that can be saved varies considerably under the different climate scenarios.
Consequently, to ensure that energy policy measures designed to reduce energy demand remain
effective, particularly in the domestic sector, they need to be informed by the longer-term impacts of
climatic uncertainty.
1. ODPM, Housing and households: 2001 census, ODPM, London, 2003. p. 64.
2. Hulme, M., Turnpenny, J. and Jenkins, G., Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom: The UKCIP02 Briefing
Report. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Norwich, 2002.


Environmental Construction Handbook









Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing


Saving in heating energy, kWh

















Cooling load, kWh

Saving in heating energy, kWh


Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing




Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing








Source: Mark Gaterell


Figure 3.1 Saving in heating energy demand under different climate scenarios:
(i) low emissions scenario and (ii) high emissions scenario.
Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing






300 0







Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing

Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing



















Cooling load, kWh



Cooling load, kWh

Saving in heating energy, kWh









(i) 500




Source: Mark Gaterell

Loft insulation
Cavity walls
Double glazing

Cooling load, kWh

3.2 Cooling loads under different climate scenarios:
(i)350low emissions scenario and (ii) high emissions scenario.

despite a rising mean temperature,[3] and thus any extra insulation in buildings
would save even more energy.




However, if the Gulf Stream remains active, we are faced with between a two
increase in mean temperatures (for a low CO2 emissions scenario) and a
33.5 degree increase (if emissions are high). Although warmer winters will reduce
both the energy required for heating and cold-related deaths in the UK, there

Housing Sustainable Communities


will be negative effects from an increase in extreme weather patterns: heatwaves

will increase heat-related deaths, infrastructure will be damaged by storms and
flooding and, perversely considering in increase in flood events, water availability
will be constrained with serious droughts occurring more frequently.[4]
The rule of thumb is that a one degree change in the insideoutside temperature
results in an 8% change in the heating energy required.[5] Not only does this
give us a sense of the scale of changes in energy demand that will result from
climate change, but also how significant an effect poor use of heating controls
can have.

Increasing summer temperatures

As we have seen in Mark Gaterells research (Box 3.1), cooling demand in homes
has been near nil in the past. However, the predicted increase in summer temperatures is quite large. Rather than the temperature exceeding 30C for only 2% of
summer days, there is the very real possibility that temperature could exceed it
for 20% of summer days by 2080.[6] Unless really good passive cooling strategies
are put into place, this will probably increase the demand for air-conditioning
in domestic properties. In fact, it is not only heatwaves that will increase: an
increase in mean summer temperatures of 25 degrees could be expected.[7]
With heatwaves here to stay, we also need to aim to prevent a repeat of the
deaths during hot spells, as seen in Paris during the summer of 2003. This may
mean that a change is needed in the way society works, as well as changes to
building construction.

Cloud cover, solar radiation and wind speeds

Cloud cover is expected to decrease by 1020%, with a consequential increase
in solar radiation reaching ground level.[8] This has negative impacts in terms of
the increased risk of overheating, but also an uncertain impact on the amount
of energy available for renewable energy generation:[9]

water heating arrays could be reduced in size

the output from PV arrays could increase or decrease

increasing wind speeds mean higher heat losses from (and wind loads
on) buildings but also an increased potential for power generation.

Total rainfall and peak rainfall are both expected to increase[10][11] leading to:[12]


an increased risk of flooding

Environmental Construction Handbook

an increased risk of rain penetration and consequent damage to

building materials and, if rain makes it through to the insulation, a
decreasing effectiveness of insulation.

It is worth noting that these changes will affect not only the construction
industry. Ecosystems and agriculture may be affected[13] changing humanitys
ability to feed itself and affecting the diseases to which we are exposed.[14] With
an increasing global population, we can ill afford to put even more stress on

1.2 Increasing population

We need more housing: the UK government estimates that there are going to
be 190,000 additional households each year by 2021[15] and, if they are all to be
housed, that means that over 3600 new homes will be needed each week. At
the moment, the net housing supply is nearer 120,000[16] per year, and the rate
of construction in the ten years to 2002 was lower than that in the previous ten
years by 12.5%.[17]
The most obvious reason for the demand for new housing is population growth.
In 2001, the UK population was just over 59 million, an increase of 4.7% over
20 years,[18] and the numbers are expected to keep on growing. The United
Nations (UN) estimates a population of over 66 million by 2050.[19] Most of this
is natural growth, due to more births than deaths.[20]

Box 3.2 World population

It is not just the UK population that is growing. The UN predicts an increase from 6.07 billion people
worldwide in 2000 to 8.9 billion (medium-level prediction) in 2050, considerably lower than the figure
estimated in 2000 as 9.3 billion.<1> This is thought to be attributable both to deaths from HIV/AIDS and to
lower fertility levels.
Human fecundity is dependent on very many variables. The age of first-time mothers, medical interventions to aid conception (including IVF), decreasing deaths rates for women during pregnancy and
childbirth, decreasing infant mortality rates, plus social and economic pressures to have larger or smaller
families, all play a part. What seems to be certain is that we need to control birth rates: if fertility were to
remain at current levels the world population could balloon to an incredible 12.8 billion by 2050<2> (the
figures have, however, recently been revised downwards, partly as a result of the AIDS pandemic).
1. United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision, United Nations, www.un.org, 2003. p. 30.
2. ibid. p. vi.

Housing Sustainable Communities


To say we need more houses is simple; the question of where and how they
should be built is less simple. Not all cities have the same demand for new
housing, our existing building stock also requires attention and, at the beginning
of the 21st Century, population growth is not the only demographic change that
we are faced with.

1.3 Urban density and different geographical demands

Across the world the population of some countries is growing faster than others
and the difference between national growth rates is increasing.[21] This is an
effect that is seen in the UK too, see Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 UK population
Mid-2002 population
(% of total UK population)

% population growth,
1981 to 2002

49,561,800 (83.7)


Northern Ireland

1,696,600 (2.9)



5,054,800 (8.5)



2,918,700 (4.9)



Source: Population Estimates Webpage, National Statistics, www.statistics.gov.uk. 2003. Crown copyright
Source: Mid-2002 Population Estimates, National Statistics, www.statistics.gov.uk. 2004. Crown copyright

We find ourselves in a situation where there are highly buoyant housing markets
in some places and an oversupply of housing in other areas. It is estimated that
around 730,000 dwellings 3.4% of the total housing stock[22] stand empty.
This could supply the housing demand for over four years if they were suitable.
Obviously some of these houses would be unsuitable to be lived in: some will be
unfit for habitation, some will be too remote from potential employment, some
will be suitable only for seasonal occupation, some will be in areas with very
high crime rates, and so on.
About 90% of properties classified as being in a low demand area are in some
40 local authorities in the North and Midlands, with twice as many being social,
rather than private sector, homes.[23]
The government is seeking to put pressure on the owners of empty properties.
Through the New Empty Dwelling Management Orders allowed by the Housing
Act 2004 local authorities can take over the management of private properties
without becoming the legal owner.[24]

Environmental Construction Handbook

1.4 Changing household types

The structure of society is changing: the make up of families and households has
altered over the past few decades, and a different society has different housing
Over the past 20 years, there have been great changes in the way we live, although
the rate of change slowed, or stopped in some cases, from the late 1990s onwards.
We are an aging society, having fewer children with those we do have being
brought up in a spectrum of different family types, rather than the traditional
nuclear family and, increasingly, we are living alone, see Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Changing





one person



couple with dependent children



couple with non-dependent children

couple with no children



lone parent with dependent children

lone parent with non-dependent children

2 parents



lone mothers


lone fathers

6574 years

75 and over

Average household size (persons per household)(a)

Households (% of each type)(b)

Family type (% of each type)(c)

Percentage of people of given age(d)

Source: Rickards, L., Fox, K., Roberts, C., Fletcher, L. and Goddard, E., Living in Britain. No 31.
Results from the 2002 General Household Survey., National Statistics and TSO www.statistics.
gov.uk, 2004: (a) p18; (b) p21; (c) p22; (d) p24.

Housing Sustainable Communities


With changes like these, we will need to build fewer large family homes,
more one-bed and studio dwellings, more retirement/sheltered housing plus
associated crches, after-school clubs, community centres and drop-in centres
for the elderly.
It is not only the changing type of household that means we need different types
of housing. Many people are now choosing to work at home for all or part of the
time seeking the elusive ideal work/life balance.
Good housing design supports these types of change: the BedZED development
is a good example of planning with changing working patterns in mind.

1.5 State of existing buildings refurbishment

Empty dwellings arent the only ones which may be in poor condition.
Britains housing stock is old: half is more than 50 years old and a quarter
predates the First World War.[25] Most homes have been renovated and improved
since they were built but, while 90% are now centrally heated, and very few
(less than 1%) lack basic sanitary arrangements,[26] many still fall below modern
As time goes on we are demanding housing of higher and higher quality; indeed,
the government recently changed the standard of thermal comfort needed for a
home to be considered decent.[27] As a result the number of non-decent homes
increased from 32% prior to the revision, to 41% after[28] with more homes in the
social sector failing to meet standards than in the private sector. It is clear that
using our existing building stock responsibly is a question of much more than
simply filling empty properties.[29]
While many houses that fall below modern standards can be repaired or
renovated, many cannot, and need to be replaced. However, though we do
not have large numbers of condemned bomb-damaged buildings, the rate of
construction of new housing in 2001 was at its lowest level since World War

1.6 Affordable housing

As might be expected, the people who are most likely to be living in poor quality
housing are those with the lowest incomes. The situation is compounded by the
decreasing affordability of homes, which results from strong growth in housing


Environmental Construction Handbook

prices.[31] The increasing[32] number of households living in temporary accommodation (in 2005, it was 100,000[33]) is another symptom of the crisis in the
affordable housing sector.

Rented accommodation
The number of social houses built has been falling from c. 42,700 pa in 19945
to c. 21,000 in 20023[34] but our need for them hasnt. The UK needs between
17,000 and 26,000 new social houses per year.[35] The government has responded
by saying that it aims to increase the annual supply of new social housing to
45,000 pa by 201011, rising to 50,000 at the next spending review.[36][37] Plus
they expect 95% of all social housing to meet decency standards by 2010.[38][39]

Home owners
In areas where there is high housing demand such as the South East lower
income households are often priced out of the market. The Barker Report[40]
concluded that the government could manipulate house prices by increasing
the housing supply; in order to decrease house price growth to the European
average, the annual supply would have to be increased by 120,000, i.e. a doubling
of current construction rates.
The government has a number of schemes to increase home ownership, such as
the First Time Buyers Initiative, the Homebuy, Right to Buy, and Right to Acquire
initiatives, Key Worker Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO) programmes and
the 60,000 Home competition.[41]

Box 3.3 Demographic change and deprivation

A diverse spectrum of household types does not, unfortunately, automatically make for vibrant and
thriving communities.<1>
If you live in social sector housing you are around twice as likely to be unemployed than if you owned
your own home or rented privately. You would also have, on average, the lowest gross weekly income in
the country. The type of household that is on the increase in the UK is precisely the type which is more
likely to live in social sector housing. Lone parents, for example, are four times more likely to live in social
housing than other families with children.
1. Rickards, L., Fox, K., Roberts, C., Fletcher, L. and Goddard, E., Living in Britain. No 31. Results from the 2002 General
Household Survey. National Statistics and TSO, www.statistics.gov.uk, 2004. p. 32.

Housing Sustainable Communities


2. Construction issues
reducing environmental impact
2.1 Reducing environmental impact
We briefly considered the embodied energy of buildings in Chapter 1, noting that
it is starting to account for a greater proportion of a buildings total energy use.
The construction of new homes is thought to be responsible for 23% of
the UKs total annual CO2 emissions, while household energy consumption
accounts for 29%.[42] This would seem to indicate that embodied energy is a
relatively unimportant factor in housings sustainability; however, it accounts
for over half of our annual resource use by weight[43] and so is worth considering further.

Box 3.4 Heavyweight versus lightweight: scenarios for future housing

David Tompson, while at the Martin Centre for Architectural Urban Studies,
University of Cambridge
A buildings energy consumption is made up of four components:

the energy to initially produce the building

the energy to operate the building
the recurring energy required to refurbish and maintain the building over its life
the energy to demolish and dispose of the building.<1>

Until now, embodied energy has generally been found to be secondary to operational energy in studies
of the whole life energy use of buildings. As building regulations become increasingly stringent, however,
calling for extra insulation and thicker constructions, the relative importance of the last three components the embodied energy is increasingly significant.
My research set out to analyse how the projected demand for 3.8 million homes by 2021<2> can be met
most effectively in terms of total environmental impact. Dynamic thermal computer modelling, and
embodied energy analysis software, developed by the BRE, was used to assess the whole life energy
impact of a likely future dwelling, over a 100-year lifespan.
Both operational and embodied energy were analysed for four different construction types. One is heavyweight (traditional brick and block construction) and three lightweight:

timber frame construction

LGSF (light gauge steel frame) volumetric modular construction
timber based SIP (structural insulated panel) construction.


Environmental Construction Handbook

For each, I investigated the impact of orientation, glazing ratio and different building regulation scenarios,
in the context of projected climate and demographic change.
A single-person apartment within a larger, three-storey block was analysed to reflect the demand for
smaller households and more dense developments that are likely to be built in the 21st Century.
The apartment was assumed to have openable windows and an MVHR system to provide minimum fresh
air requirements for use when the windows are not open.
Fabric U-values and airtightness levels were stipulated for two future scenarios, based on government
consultation figures published in 2000,<3> and are given in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Assumptions for modelling

Building element

Construction type

Air-tightness (m3/hr
per m2 at 50 Pa)

External walls


Brick and block



Timber frame


Ground floor


LGSF volumetric


Windows and
external doors



PREDICTED Building element


U-value, W/m2K

U-value, W/m2K

Construction type

External walls


Brick and block



Timber frame

Ground floor


LGSF volumetric

Windows and
external doors



U-value, W/m2K



Building element


External walls


Brick and block



Timber frame

Ground floor


LGSF volumetric

Windows and
external doors



Air-tightness (m3/hr
per m2 at 50 Pa)

Construction type

Air-tightness (m3/hr
per m2 at 50 Pa)

Source: David Tompson

Research findings
Given the assumptions for the model, for all of the proposed building types:

Increasing thermal efficiency and airtightness reduces the relative effect of traditional energy

efficient design
Embodied energy is the determining factor of total environmental impact.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Embodied energy effects outweigh operational energy savings from increased insulation, see

Figure 3.3.
Embodied energy effects outweigh energy savings from orientation, glazing and thermal mass.

Moreover, heavyweight construction was found to suffer a greater operational energy penalty when not
orientated due south than the other three construction types, and it suffered a relatively high operational
penalty if the glazing ratio was not optimal for the orientation of the building.
These findings suggest that, instead of concentrating solely on operational energy, the Building
Regulations should include standards for embodied energy too, reflecting its growing significance in the
development of UK housing.
Figure 3.3 Operational and total building savings in Ecopoints



Percentage whole life saving



Total energy
Operational energy





-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Building regulations and construction type

Source: David Tompson



Environmental Construction Handbook



uilding regulations and construction type

If the future demand for housing
were to be met by adopting timber frame or timber-based SIP
construction rather than conventional brick and block, the UK could potentially save 4.4 million tonnes of
CO2 annually or over 400 million tonnes over a 100-year building life, see Figure 3.4. This is equal, annually,
to 1.17% of the 60% target reduction
in CO2 emissions set by the government for the UK before 2050.<4>





Ongoing research is needed to evaluate the effects of changing methods of construction and to
investigate the interaction
energy in the refurbishment, demolition and
-2 -1 of
0 embodied
1 2 3 4 5 and
6 7operational
8 9 10
replacement of existing housing.
Building regulations and construction type




Building regulations and construction type











Percentage annual saving relative to UK 1990 carbon dioxide emissions

Figure 3.4 Potential future CO2 savings

Source: David Tompson

1. Cole, R. and Kernan, P., Life-Cycle Energy use in Office Buildings, Building and Environment, Vol. 31, No. 4. 1996.
p. 307.
2. BRECSU, General Information Report 89. BedZED Beddington Zero Energy Development, Sutton. Energy Efficiency
Best Practice programme, Watford, www.bioregional.com, 2002. p. 8.
3. ODPM, Current thinking on possible future amendments of energy efficiency provisions, ODPM, www.odpm.gov.uk,
Nov 2000.
4. ODPM, Proposals for amending Part L of the Building Regulations and Implementing the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive A consultation document. ODPM and www.odpm.gov.uk, London, July 2004. p. 5.

It is possible to justify an increase in embodied energy, over standard practice,

if it improves operational energy efficiency sufficiently to decrease the overall
energy consumption of a building. This can be the case with thermal mass,
which has the potential for moderating room temperatures in passively heated
However, as can be seen from David Tompsons comments (Box 3.4), increased
Housing Sustainable Communities


mass does not always deliver sufficient energy savings to be worthwhile, and
so careful design is needed. When deciding on the amount of thermal mass to
provide, considerations to be taken into account might be:

The energy consumption of thermally massive buildings is highly

dependent on orientation.

As insulation levels increase, so does the embodied energy due to

insulation materials and the structure needed to support it, with
diminishing returns in terms of operational energy savings.

There will be a step decrease in embodied energy as insulation levels

reach that which allows a traditional heating system to be omitted.

For a building type that is more or less in continuous occupation, there are
considerable advantages in using the mass of the construction to store solar
energy inputs and to buffer the internal environment from the diurnal (and to a
lesser degree longer period) external temperature fluctuations. Whether housing
can still be considered to be a continuously occupied building type is open to
debate. Households where all the adults leave the home to work are increasingly
common, as are households where one or more people work from home.
At the same time, there is a move towards the production of more prefabricated
building products, with the resulting possibility of increased quality control and
decreased time on site. This mitigates in favour of lightweight building components such as the growing use of timber stud panels, with an outer skin of brick,
or the more recent introduction of steel stud panelling in housing construction.
These methods result in buildings with relatively low thermal mass and a consequently fast thermal response.
Given the increased tendency of heavily insulated buildings to overheat, and the
inability of the construction to damp down the variations in temperature, the
debate of heavyweight vs lightweight is set to continue.
Table 3.4 Sustainability at BedZED

An overall density of 47 homes per hectare on site.


6.3 m crosswalls with clear spanning pre-cast slabs gives flexibility in internal accommodation.


15% of construction materials at BedZED were reclaimed or recycled, and were cheaper or the
same price as the conventional products.
95% of structural steel on site was reclaimed,<1> with a cost saving of 4%.
Reclaimed softwood joist and floorboards were used for mezzanine floors.
Reclaimed timber was used for internal partitions.


Environmental Construction Handbook

52% of construction materials were sourced from within a 35 mile radius of the site.
The average material sourcing distance was 66.5 miles 40 miles less than the national
In situ concrete came from a batching plant just a few hundred metres away.
Internal staircases are of locally sourced softwood.

The overall expected cost was 13701470 /m2, 3.4 to 4.7% greater than that of a typical
Peabody development (10001100 /m2).
Recycled aggregate and sand were cheaper than virgin products.
Pre-stressed concrete saved time, money and materials.
FSC certified green oak weatherboarding was cheaper than brick and, over its lifetime,
imported preserved softwood.


Passive solar design.

Most housing glazing is placed for maximum sunlight penetration.
Glazed sunspaces become open air balconies in summer to reduce the risk of over heating.
Workspaces (with the greatest over-heating risk) are to the north of the houses (which have
the least over heating risk).
The construction is thermally massive, with concrete ceilings and tiled floors to store solar energy.
North, east and west facing windows are low-e triple-glazed.
Sunspaces are double glazed.
Walls contain 300 mm of insulation.
Two piece wall ties, able to span larger insulation gaps, were developed for the project.
Airtight, super-insulated construction.
Natural ventilation with heat recovery is used on site.
Heat recovery, integrated into the wind cowls, is around 60% efficient.


Low water use appliances and WCs are installed.

Water-saving spray taps and showers are installed.
Mains water for drinking, cooking and washing is metered.
Water meters displayed in the kitchens of dwellings to encourage frugal water use.
Rainwater is harvested and stored on site.
Rainwater, grey and black water are treated on site and used for watering gardens and
flushing WCs.
Green water (rainwater and treated waste water) is coloured green to distinguish it from
drinking water.
18% of the BedZED residents water consumption was estimated to be met by rainwater.

Housing Sustainable Communities



The total embodied energy was reduced by 12.5% by using timber windows rather than uPVC.
PV panels are integrated into the construction.
Heat and power come from a 135 kW CHP plant.
Fuel for the CHP plant comes from carbon neutral tree waste from nearby London Boroughs.
Theoretical SAP(1998) rating of 150.


PVs feed electric car chargers on site, are sufficient for 40 cars.
A car ownership pool reduces private car ownership.
Parking is on the perimeter of the site, keeping the centre for pedestrians and cyclists.
Cycle racks and shower facilities are provided for cyclists.


Residents are encouraged to recycle household waste.

There is easy access to locally grown food.
Two thirds affordable housing.
Healthy living centre, sports pitch, crche, caf etc., on site.



A residents handbook advises on the planting of garden spaces to promote bio-diversity.

The planting on the roof gardens has been chosen to be to the liking of butterflies during the
day, while night scented plants encourage bats.
Roof gardens contain 300 mm of soil over a two-layer bituminous felt roof system.
The buildings themselves have been detailed to provide habitat for sparrows and bat roosts
within the weatherboarding, the sedum covered roofs encourage insect life (providing food
for birds).
Around the buildings existing features such as trees have been retained, while ditches have
been developed to provide habitats for dragonflies and water voles.
The eco-park, which is proposed for the adjoining site, is to include wetland and wooded
habitats, park and play areas, and commercial horticulture such as the growing of lavender.

1. Reclaimed steel is preferable to recycled steel, where quality allows, as it is dismantled and then re-erected on site, whereas
recycled steel undergoes energy intensive re-melting.
i. The BedZED Exhibition, currently (2005) Bill Dunster Architects, available from www.surreycc.gov.uk, 2002.
ii. Lazarus, N., Summary: Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development Construction Materials Report Toolkit for Carbon Neutral
Developments Part 1, BioRegional, www.bioregional.com, 2002.
iii. Lazarus, N., Summary: Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development Toolkit for Carbon Neutral Developments Part II,
BioRegional, www.bioregional.com, 2003.
iv. Dunster, B. & Carter, G., General Information Report 89. BedZED Beddington Zero Energy Development, Sutton, Watford and
www.bioregional.com, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, 2002.


Environmental Construction Handbook

In some cases, it may be possible to use some high-embodied-energy materials,

while still reducing, or at least stabilising, the total embodied energy of a
building. This is the case at the Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development,
BedZED. Here, not only is the demand for energy low (through the use of high
levels of insulation etc.) but all the sites energy demands are met from carbon
neutral sources. At the same time, the embodied CO2[44] for the buildings is
675 kgCO2/m2 in the lower half of the range for typical values for volume
housing construction of 600800 kgCO2/m2.[45] This reduction was made
through the careful choice of all materials used, with local, recycled and low
environmental impact ones being favoured.
BedZED addresses many of the issues regarding sustainable housing materials,
energy use, housing density, mixed uses, demographic and social change,
transport and so on. Some of the measures taken to make the project more
sustainable are listed in Table 3.4.
One of the main features of the site is that it is mixed use: 82 homes and
3000 m 2 of office space occupy the same area.[46] Having commercial space on
site gave the Peabody Trust a source of potential income, on the promise of
which they could develop the sustainable housing design[47] a design which
has been largely successful and has attracted awards such as RIBAs housing
design award.[48]
For example, in terms of resource use reduction, the BedZED development has
exceeded nearly all of its targets. During the first year, there was a reduction
in space heating of 88% over the national average (the target was 90%).[49] Hot
water consumption was reduced by 57%, electricity by 25% and mains water
use by 50% the target for all these had been to achieve one-third reduction
and fossil fuel car mileage was reduced by 65% (the target had been to halve
Central to achieving sustainable communities is the question of transport.
Already responsible for a third of the nations energy consumption, transport
is a growing energy use while the consumption of other sectors appears to have
peaked. In addition, there are the many environmental effects of pollution,
the stress caused by traffic noise, and the growing incidence of asthma (now
affecting one in four school children) and traffic accidents which injure 1 in 15
children before reaching school leaving age.
The controversy about the appropriate pattern of development, given the
seemingly inexorable growth of car usage, is ongoing. Mixed development that
reduces the number of journeys, by creating the potential for work and home
to be at the same location, and reducing the number of shopping journeys by

Housing Sustainable Communities


encouraging smaller stores as a partial alternative to supermarkets, and facilitating home deliveries, are all measures that have been adopted at BedZed.
The architects believe that if all urban fabric that is replaced was built to BedZED
standards the UK could be carbon neutral by the start of the next century.[51]
With the government aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 60% by 2050[52], and
for new housing in future to be zero carbon, the ongoing development of ZEDs
can only be welcomed.

2.2 Planning for climate change

Regulatory changes
As we saw in Chapter 2, domestic buildings account for about a third of the
UKs annual energy consumption. The government maintains that the 2006
amendment to the Building Regulations will produce around a 25% increase
in a new dwellings energy efficiency and a concomitant reduction in CO2
The new Regulations are to increase efficiency not only through decreasing
U-values for which there is an optimum value which depends on the
monetary value that society gives to CO2 emissions savings but also through
other measures, such as MVHR, improved controls, solar shading and solar
water heating and improving the existing standards for artificial lighting and
airtightness.[55][56] Obviously there are social benefits, such as decreasing fuel
poverty, that go beyond the climate change benefits.
The regulations have therefore moved away from showing compliance through the
old elemental method and target U-value method to proof of performance being
assessed by the SAP.[57] A similar move is being made for showing compliance
for non-domestic buildings as is required by the EUs Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive (EPBD).[58] Like the UK, other European countries have an
old, inefficient, building stock hence the EPBD.
Improving the energy efficiency of new buildings is not the whole answer,
however, so the Regulations will ensure that:


the majority of new domestic boilers will be high efficiency condensing

ones (with a SEDBUK rating of A or B)[59]

the energy efficiency of an old dwelling will have to be increased when

renovation/refurbishment happens (depending on a cost-effectiveness

Environmental Construction Handbook

In the future it is likely that the Building Regulations will come to cover
embodied energy[62] as well as increasing requirements for existing buildings.[63]
The government is likely to look for an increase in performance of around
2030% at each review of Part L.[64] This might mean a change in indicative
U-values from:

0.27 to 0.20 W/m2K for walls, between 2005 and 2010

0.13 to 0.10 W/m2K for roofs

0.22 to 0.20 W/m2K for floors

1.80 to 1.40 W/m2K for windows.[65]

Airtightness and other standards are set to become more stringent too.[66] We
should also note that refurbishment of existing buildings can be very efficient in
terms of embodied energy, although the gains in terms of performance are lower.

Living with flood risks

The damage caused by recent flash floods (thankfully mostly to property
rather than people) has served to highlight their enormously destructive force
and potential to cause havoc, not only in the UK[67] but around the world.[68]
Changing storms patterns are set to cause widespread damage as a result of
climate change,[69] with both the depth of the water and the speed of the water
producing damage.
Obviously the most sensible thing to do is not to build on land that is on a rivers
flood plain or which is at risk of coastal flooding; but, of course, life isnt that
simple. Existing communities lie on land at risk, with around 1.7 million homes
being affected.[70] When considering housing, the danger posed by flooding
can be reduced by employing a sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS), for

stopping floods before they start (or reducing the severity), i.e. reducing
the peak storm-water load on surface water drainage, either by reducing
the run-off to begin with (e.g. by reducing hard surfaces in landscaped
areas) or by intercepting water before it reaches the storm drains,
through the use of catchment ponds, water meadows etc.

stopping the flood water from getting to the buildings, through the
use of flood defences. This may be as simple as locating the building on
the higher part of a site or with more complex flood barriers (though
be wary of increasing the risk of flooding elsewhere, and take into
account the great speed[71] of flood water that will occur if the defence is
breached or the flood waters rise above the level of the defences)

Housing Sustainable Communities


planning buildings so that minimal damage is caused; this might be by

making sure the main accommodation (and services equipment such
as electricity meters and distribution boxes) is well above ground level,
plus ensuring that finishes in areas which will be inundated arent likely
to be damaged; or, as a final resort

moving existing developments to a safer area.

2.3 How much insulation?

In an ideal climate we wouldnt need insulation at all. We would need roofs
to keep out the rain and bird guano and walls to keep our possessions in (by
keeping burglars out), but insulation would just lead to any heat gains staying
in the building and presenting an overheating risk. Any deviation in outside
temperatures away from the ideal would make insulation progressively more
useful: if its colder outside, you want to keep the heat in and if its very much
warmer, you want to keep it out. This is a huge oversimplification, of course, but
it illustrates why some people think that the warming of the UK climate (i.e. a
move towards a warmer ideal climate) means that we should be putting less,
not more, insulation in our walls. However:

depending on the construction, insulation can be difficult to install

in existing buildings (loft insulation is easy, cavity wall insulation is
limited by the existing cavity width)

the thermal risks of over-insulation are low

the thermal risks of under insulation are high (since peak summer
temperatures are set to increase and mean winter temperatures may

insulation is relatively inexpensive and can be low in embodied energy,

although very thick insulation can have structural implications (which
can be overcome for example, the bespoke wall ties at BedZED).

Insulation thicknesses should therefore probably be of the order of those in the

ZED standard, i.e. 0.10 W/m2K.[73] For a brick and block wall, the insulation
thicknesses for various materials is given in Table 3.5.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Table 3.5 Approximate insulation thicknesses to achieve ZED standard (i.e. 0.1 W/m2K)
Insulation material

Insulation thickness required,(mm) for a 102 mm brick, 50 mm

cavity, insulation, 100 mm lightweight concrete block, 12.5 mm
lightweight plaster wall.

Mineral wool, rigid slab


Sheeps wool


Expanded polystyrene board


Polyurethane foam



3 sheets*

Notes: All thicknesses were calculated using data from CIBSE Guide A - Design Data, 5th Edn, St Albans, 1988, except for * which
is a very approximate value deduced from www.enigma-insulations.co.uk

Box 3.5 The Hockerton Project

In 1996,<1> construction began on the Hockerton Housing Project, the UKs first<2> earth-sheltered
autonomous housing project. The 10-hectare site, owned by a sustainable housing cooperative of five
families, is used to provide organically grown food, and contains a lake for aquaculture.
The terrace of houses is dug into a south-facing slope, with the excavated earth being used on the green
roofs. The houses are designed as solar houses, and have no heating system as such.<3>
In front of the houses runs a long sunspace, separated from the main accommodation by a series of pairs
of glazed doors. This is part of the solar heating strategy, which relies on the building having low fabric
and ventilation heat losses and high thermal mass.
Fabric and ventilation heat losses
The buildings have 300 mm of CFC-free expanded polystyrene.<4> The sunspace is glazed in low-e
double glazing, with softwood frames, with aluminium glazing bars in the roof. The doors between the
sunspace and the rest of the building are argon-filled, triple-glazed and have two low-e coatings.
The houses have mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) which is intended to be used mostly
in winter. Fresh air is drawn from the conservatories and so has solar pre-heating during the day.
Thermal mass
The inner faces of the external envelope of the buildings are of 300 mm thick concrete, while the internal
walls are of 200 mm concrete, providing plenty of thermal mass to store solar thermal energy. Usually,
thermal mass is used to even out diurnal temperature fluctuations. At Hockerton, not only does the
thermal mass mean that daily temperature fluctuations are less than half a degree but the mass (around
2.3 tonnes/m2) is also used to store warmth garnered in the summer to heat the building in winter. Winter
temperatures drop to no lower than 18C while summer temperatures do not exceed 23C.

Housing Sustainable Communities


The concrete used for thermal mass has a relatively high embodied energy, but this was minimised by
using concrete blocks that were made just six miles away.<5> Other materials for the houses were sourced
locally, and much of the labour came from the future residents. Several hundred native trees were also
planted on site, which slightly mitigates the effect of the embodied energy in, and pollution caused by,
the construction materials.<6>
The impact of the buildings on the environment is also reduced by careful servicing design.
The only water supply to the houses is rainwater, with the glass conservatory roofs providing drinking
water, which is filtered and treated with UV light. Hot water is generated by a heat pump. Wastewater is
treated on site by a septic tank and water treatment pond.
The site has two 5 kW grid-connected wind turbines (this removes the need for batteries) and a 7.6 kW PV
array. These charge the sites electric car.
1. Vale, Robert, Housing project Hockerton. www.greenhouse.gov.au, Australian Greenhouse Office Department of the Environment and Heritage (2004). p. 6.
2. An Index of Initiatives for Building Homes as if Tomorrow Matters, London, RIBA, 1997. p. 31.
3. Some houses have wood-burning stoves in the conservatories to provide occasional heating for parties, etc.,
see op. cit. Vale, 2004, p. 3.
4. Polystyrene is an organic polymer with the chemical formula (C8H8)n.
5. op. cit. RIBA, 1997, p. 31.
6. ibid.
7. www.hockerton.demon.co.uk

2.4 Increasing density reducing physical footprints

Incredibly, one of the greatest changes in terms of different housing types has
been that a greater proportion of households now live in detached houses: an
increase from 16% in 1971 to 22% in 2002.[74] Yet this is a country where over
80%[75] of us live in cities!
Is the increase in the proportion of detached homes an inevitable consequence
of the aspirations of the increasing number of homeowners?[76] Certainly, at the
moment, flats/apartments are more likely to be inhabited by households in the
social sector than by either private renters or owner occupiers: a tiny 7%[77] of
homeowners live in flats.
When one thinks of flats, it is easy to think of the failure of mass housing
projects in the 1960s and 1970s rather than of the highly desirable mansion flats
of Kensington. But this is a prejudice that we need to overcome: on our crowded
island we are rapidly running out of space in which to put low-density housing,
quite apart from the environmental damage caused by cars which take people
from their suburban home to work. We only need to look at the sophisticated

Environmental Construction Handbook

apartment lifestyles that we see on the continent to see that denser cities are a
viable possibility.
That this chapter follows the one concerning single houses is deliberate. Rather
than looking at houses in isolation, it is vital that we look at houses in context: a
houses location and surrounding built environment can have an enormous effect
on the way in which it is used and its consequential environmental impact.
In fact, both of the case studies in Chapter 2 do take account of wider issues.
The Hawkes house increases urban density by occupying a site which previously
provided gardens for nearby houses. It is also within easy cycling distance of
Cambridge town centre, with its shops and services.
The Red House occupies part of the site where Alan Tyes home and studio
already stand. It is an excellent study in the livework principle: the occupants
need only walk across the garden to reach the design studio, and there are facilities within the house for a home office too.
The Hockerton Project, though it consists of five houses, is perhaps nearer to the
original philosophy of autonomous houses (discussed in Box 2.6), than either of
these. The difference between autonomous schemes and sustainable communities is that, while the first aim to be as self-contained as possible, sustainable
schemes aim to reduce their environmental footprint.
The problems for housing design in the future are both environmental and
societal. We need to find a way of decreasing our environmental footprint and
we need to find it fast. At the same time, we need to find ways of doing it that
dont hinder flourishing communities.

2.5 Eco-footprinting
The embodied energy/CO2 of their homes is obviously not the only impact that
a homes residents will have. A persons eco-footprint is the proportion of the
Earths surface that is required to support them, not just in terms of energy, but
for oxygen, food, water, pharmaceuticals, space and the materials to make the
consumables they buy.
Bill Dunster Architects looked at the idea of eco-footprinting, when they were
working on the BedZED project, and they concluded that if all of the people on
the planet were to have an equivalent lifestyle to those in the UK, three Earths
would be needed to support them. This is clearly unsustainable, so two solutions
one light green (a transitional lifestyle, with an eco-footprint of two planets)
and one dark green (an ideal lifestyle, with an eco-footprint of one planet) were
proposed, see Table 3.6.
Housing Sustainable Communities


Table 3.6 Green lifestyles reducing our eco-footprints

Light green:

Dark green:


Live in a sustainable development, such as


Live and work in a sustainable development,

such as BedZED.


Commute to work by public transport.

Use only a car-pool electric car for car travel.

Limit travel by private car.

Use air travel for holidays only once in every two


Only use air travel once a year for holidays.


Recycle 60 % of waste.

Recycle 80 % of domestic waste.

Recycle office paper.


Moderate meat consumption.*

Low meat diet.

Limit consumption of imported foods.

Eat local food, in season.

Eat local food, in season.

Notes: * Meat takes a greater area of land to produce than vegetables and grains
Source: Adapted from data from The BedZED Exhibition, Bill Dunster Architects, www.surreycc.gov.uk, 2002.

2.6 Volumetric
The forms of buildings which are emerging from the sustainability debate differ
greatly. On one hand are heavyweight buildings, with construction that relies
on local skills and materials, typified by the Hockerton Project and BedZED. On
the other are lightweight buildings (which may be preferable in terms of overall
energy use see earlier in the chapter), produced with an increasing degree of

As we will investigate the use of standardised and prefabricated components has
great potential in the building of sustainable housing, though it has a slightly
chequered history.
The industrial revolution was fuelled in part by technological advances that
allowed for the mass production of products of increasing complexity and of
assured quality. This move away from fabrication by artisans has allowed the
production of items as intricate as the computer and the modern car at prices
that consumers are willing to pay. In 2002, more than half of all households in
the UK had access to a computer at home (most of these have internet access)
and nearly three-quarters have access to a car or van.[78]
Although modern houses will contain relatively sophisticated items, such as

Environmental Construction Handbook

condensing boilers, they have almost all been built by skilled tradespersons.
A construction site offers nowhere near the potential for quality control or
standardisation that can be achieved in a factory, even when a number of
identical houses are being built.
Despite this, there has been interest in increasing mechanisation of the
construction process since quite early in the 20th century. Lightweight system
designs were investigated by designers such as Jean Prouv and Buckminster
Fuller, and modern examples include crane-installed bathroom/kitchen

Changing perceptions
Many of the post-war prefabs are well loved, even today. However, poorly
designed products of 1960s system building badly marred the reputation of
housing prefabrication and this has given rise to a lingering perception that the

Box 3.6 Murray Grove

Murray Grove in Hackney, designed by Cartwright Pickard architects for the Peabody Trust, occupies a
corner site flanked by busy roads. It consists of 30 key-worker flats with one or two bedrooms, with a
striking lift tower at the intersection of the two wings of the building.
The kitchens, bathrooms and entrances to the flats face the roads and protect the living rooms and
bedrooms from traffic noise and pollution. Each flat has a balcony, off the living areas, overlooking the
communal garden.
All the units were steel framed boxes which were bolted together on site. Each module provides
support for its upstairs neighbours and together they form the structure of the building. The internal
walls were pre-finished with plasterboard on the inside and galvanised steel sheet on the outside, with
foam insulation injected between. On the roadside faades, a rainscreen of terracotta tiles was fixed on
site to an aluminium support grid, while on the garden side the cladding is western red cedar. Here, full
height sliding doors bring light and air into the rooms and allow access to the balconies. This form of
construction led to a nearly scaffold-free site.
The access walkways were made separately: storey-high steel tube columns (at 3190 mm centres<1>) were
spigot jointed above floor level where a welded steel plate is bolted to parallel flange channels (PFCs)
supporting the outer edge of the precast concrete walkways. The inner edges have pockets which allow
them to be bolted to the modules, and conduit for the walkways lighting was cast in too. The balconies
were made in a similar way to the walkways.
1. Larger spans can be made, such as at Raines Dairy where the modules are on a 3805 mm (w) by 11802 mm (l)
grid, although here the balconies are part of the module. Measurements from plans supplied by Yorkon.

Housing Sustainable Communities


prefabrication concept itself was at fault. Owner-occupiers, for whom a house

is an enormous purchase and investment, have been particularly chary even
though many of the earlier problems have been overcome, a reluctance that has
also been seen in the European market.
Housing associations, however, seem cautiously optimistic: for their large
projects, the advantages of the use of repeatable units are clear. There are many
recent examples of developments with varying degrees of prefabrication, such
as the Cartwright Pickard designed Murray Grove (Hackney), and Sixth Avenue
Apartments (York) and Alford Hall Monaghan Morris Raines Dairy (Hackney
for the Peabody Trust).
It seems that in the future the market is likely to take its cue from the car industry
and move towards mass customisation and lean production to make inroads
into the housing market, where consumers wish to customise their investment
to their own taste. The expectation of consumer choice has already permeated
the Japanese housing market where kit houses manufactured by car companies
such as Toyota have the range of options expected of Toyotas cars.

Advantages of prefabrication
Affordability and key-worker housing
Hastening the progress of prefabrication is about much more than a desire to
improve build quality. It is seen as a way of quickly building affordable key-worker
housing and of helping to solve the housing crisis in the South East.[80][81]
The linchpin of the governments recent programme to increase the number of
homes being built for what it calls key workers those on whom we depend but
whose incomes are unlikely to allow them to live near their place of work is the
proposal for prefabricated homes.
Build where others cant
Because factory-produced housing is relatively light in weight, recent proposals
have included inhabited bridges over waterways and railway lines[82] an ancient
idea revisited.[83]
Fast construction
For example, at Cartwright Pickards 6th Avenue in York construction took less
than half the time the client would normally expect, with a consequential saving
in land finance costs.[84] Plus the off-site construction means that vulnerable
interiors and insulation[85] are only exposed to the vagaries of the British climate
for a minimal period.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Reducing time on site also reduces the impact of the construction on the site
and the neighbours. Traffic to the site is decreased as is the impact of noise.
Because foundations can be less extensive than with traditional construction,
the building impacts less on the drainage patterns on site.
Increased space
James Pickard believes that using modular construction allows Cartwright
Pickard Architects to design homes with 10% more usable interior space than
the norm.[86]
Increased thermal efficiency
The projected decreased running costs (due to increased insulation Yorkon
estimates their 2002 housing system should use 20% less energy than those
designed to meet the 1995 Building Regulations[87]) should be taken into account
when considering the, currently, higher construction costs.
In fact, thermal efficiency is not the only sustainability aspect of factory
housing, as Lizzie Babister explores (Box 3.7).

Box 3.7 Sustainable aspects of modular housing

Lizzie Babister, while at the Martin Centre for Urban and Architectural Studies,
University of Cambridge
Modular construction has a number of characteristics that lend it to being a sustainable construction
Efficient use of materials through repetition of units
Modular construction is appropriate to buildings that require a high degree of repetition. This can be
sustainable because repetition demands an efficient supply system. Orders can be placed for a large
amount of the same material formed into the same shapes.
Efficient use of materials through highly controlled processes
The repetition of construction processes can lead to high quality results, because workers are able to
become specialists, and tolerances can be improved. However, the removal of the construction process
from site can lead to a lack of understanding about how the modules relate to the final building, unless
those involved are familiar with building construction. In practice, workmanship and the efficiency of
materials use are only as good as the worker and the supervisor: factory production itself is no guarantee
of high quality.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Efficient use of site area owing to narrower wall and floor sections
Modules can be built so that structure and insulation are integrated so narrower wall and floor sections can
be achieved than with traditional construction. This allows for more usable space in plan and section, and
potentially more efficient use of the site. However, not all modules are built in this way, so the assumption
cannot be made that space will be saved simply through modular construction.
Reduction in wet trades
Factory construction usually uses dry trades that, in conjunction with waste management, can be very
efficient. Dry alternatives to wet processes can use less energy, but the embodied energy of the materials,
and their contribution to overall energy consumption, should also be taken into consideration.
For example, cement mixing for brickwork uses a higher level of energy than installing lightweight steel
framing. However, the embodied energy involved in making brick is less than that involved in making steel
so this may cancel out the energy saved at construction stage. Also, pressure from a planning authority
may result in the use of brickwork as cladding, the installation of which re-introduces wet trades.
Lightweight units using less energy to lift them into place
Modular units made from lightweight steel sections are designed to be transported on articulated lorries
and to be craned into place. This repetitive method enables very rapid erection of the building. Savings
in energy are even greater with larger projects.
Modular units can usually be recycled in part or as a whole. A significant amount can be salvaged from
any one building, depending upon the materials and how they have been joined. A steel structure can
be dismantled easily. Windows can also be detached if they are screwfixed. However, interiors are often
finished in a similar way to traditional buildings so their recycling may be no easier.
Whole modules are generally bolted together so they can be taken apart easily, allowing for the recycling
of entire rooms. An entire hotel was once dismantled in this way and transported on the back of lorries to
a different site, where it was rebuilt and reclad.
Modular construction has certain characteristics that lend it to being a sustainable construction method,
but is not inherently sustainable. For this reason, it is important that sustainability is a key aim so that the
modular process can be partnered with a carefully chosen workforce and suitable materials to exploit its
sustainable characteristics.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Disadvantages of prefabrication
There are, of course, disadvantages to prefabrication. Some are physical, and
so may be addressed by new technology and good design, and others are social
and are more difficult to quantify and to resolve. Certainly, there are some who
view increasing mechanisation and a decreasing involvement of skilled craftspeople in much the same way that William Morris and his contemporaries
viewed the increase in mechanisation of the production of other consumables.[88]
This is something of a chicken-and-egg situation: increasing mechanisation
means a decrease in the demand for skilled labour which means the number of
craftspeople decreases and the price for them increases, which leads to calls for
increasing mechanisation!
Research has identified a number of consumer views which are hostile to the
success of prefabrication methods in relation to housing:[89]

The housing market appears to be inherently aesthetically conservative.

People equate prefabs with poor quality (an apparently historical


Traditional construction appears to be seen as more durable.

However, given that the modular housing at Murray Grove is valued to be more
expensive than the average for the area,[90] there is certainly hope that these negative perceptions can change. On the continent, prefabricated housing is much
more accepted, for example the Ikea/Skanska-developed Bo Klok housing,[91]
and in Japan up to 40% of housing is built using prefabricated units.[92]
Thermal risks: There are inherent thermal bridging and vapour control issues
to be addressed when working with steel framed and clad units. Manufacturers
such as Yorkon believe they have solved the major problems through materials
choice and detailing, which was the subject of a research contract at Oxford
Brookes University.[93]
Prefabricated buildings tend to be low in thermal mass, partly because of
the transport mentioned above. Because of this, and the good standards of
insulation, there is a danger of summer overheating. These risks can be reduced
by careful design. Cross-ventilation, such as at Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Raines Dairy development in London,[94] and at Murray Grove,[95] can help as can
shading windows with projecting balconies or overhanging roofs.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Price: The price differential between traditional and factory construction,

currently favouring traditional construction by around 10%, can be expected
to reduce if increased demand leads to an increase in manufacturing capacity.
It could be argued that prefabricated buildings already represent better value
because building costs for traditional construction do not automatically take
into account the making good of defects etc.[96]
Inflexibility: A significant problem is also the perceived inherent inflexibility
of prefabricated units the modifications that changing family needs might
require would not necessarily be possible, nor would much of the customisation
that building occupants seek to stamp on their own home.
However, prefabrication does not necessarily mean modular units. Building
components of various sizes, from window frames and bathroom pods
through to large chunks of buildings, can all be prefabricated and so could be
incorporated into a more traditionally built home. An increase in demand for
prefabricated components would also be likely to stimulate manufacturers to
provide a wider range of designs too.
Transport embodied energy: Having building parts assembled in a factory setting,
though good for build quality, has implications for transportation emissions.
The potential change in transport energy required during manufacture (and so
the components embodied energy) has not been reliably enumerated.
This is also an issue that is likely to be addressed by an increasing number of
manufacturing plants, but the limited potential for using reclaimed materials is
unlikely to change. There is also a legal restriction on the size of units which can
be transported by road, which also potentially limits design.[97]

2.7 Framed and clad

A framed and clad building is just what it says: both framed and clad. The underlying construction can be used to support a number of different building layouts
and faade treatments. In some types, such as structural insulated panel system
(SIPS), discussed below, the framing and cladding are combined.

Reusing office buildings

Older office buildings, constructed before the 1980s, had only domestic scale
floor-to-floor heights, making them unsuitable for the volume of servicing
(cable, ducts and pipes contained within suspended ceilings and raised floors)
that modern air-conditioned offices demand. During the recession in the early
1990s pressure was taken off the office market. As a result, many unsuitable,

Environmental Construction Handbook

empty and redundant existing offices, and some half-finished buildings, were
converted to housing.
Because of their heritage as office buildings, where space needs to be flexible to
accommodate changing tenants, these structures can contain many different
types of dwelling. Compared to the rigidity of volumetric construction, which
combines dwelling plans from a repetitive module, frame structures have the
great advantage of being inherently reconfigurable:

A frame stripped back to the structure can readily be reclad to

transform the building from business to home.

In the same way, a frame initially used for family housing could be
further converted to starter flats or sheltered housing.

Small studio flats can become larger apartments.

Concrete columns can easily be concealed within blockwork partitions.

The 16-metre standard depth of these blocks readily lends itself

to a double-loaded corridor with artificially serviced kitchens and
bathrooms at the centre of the block.

Housing requires relatively little pipework and few ducts. These can be
concealed (above a false ceiling) under the flat plate concrete structure
commonly used for office buildings.

Every time the frame is reclaimed/reused in a new re-embodiment of the

building, an embodied energy equal to that of the underlying structure is saved.
This saves more energy, and reduces more environmental impacts than just
reclaiming (or recycling) the materials themselves.
With reuse of any resource, you need to cut your clothes to suit your cloth: an
air-conditioned office is unlikely to have been planned with passive solar, or
other low-energy strategies in mind.
The concrete slab floors also have a great deal of thermal mass. This may be
useful in an office with high heat gains from ICT equipment, but is not necessarily useful for dwellings with variable access to solar gains. We will consider the
servicing implications of non-optimum solar orientation later in the chapter.
An existing building may also have other problems such as proximity to a noisy
main road. As this can be an issue with any brownfield (or indeed greenfield) site,
we should probably not stress this as too much of a disadvantage in comparison
to other construction options.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Structural insulated panel systems (SIPS)

For traditional construction, increasing insulation means accommodating everincreasing thickness in walls and roofs. New types of components are then
needed, such as the longer wall ties that are required to bridge the expanding
width of cavity.
SIPSs adopt a different approach. Instead of the functions of the wall being
separated out between different materials and components, SIPSs are composite
stressed panels, having inner and outer surfaces made from a timber sheathing
board such as orientated strand board (OSB), with a bonded layer of insulation
between them.
The resulting construction is remarkably slender and lightweight in comparison to
traditional constructions, meaning that foundations need not be so extensive.[98]

Box 3.8 Reclaimed materials

Of the 70 million tonnes of waste that leaves building sites each year, approximately three-quarters is
recycled, but as lower grade material.<1>
While this does reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill, recycling can be an energy intensive
process (such as when steel is re-melted). It is better if the waste can be reused (reclaimed) with relatively
little processing although the best solution would have been to take steps to reduce the amount of
waste from the outset.
A flourishing architectural salvage trade exists for high value components: fireplaces, staircases, reclaimed
wood panelling and even sanitaryware. Salvage for bulk materials such as bricks, timber, steel sections
and concrete aggregate is less well developed.
Despite this, reclaimed materials are being used in housing projects. At BedZED, 95% of the steel used
was reclaimed. The overall savings were a 3.8% reduction in the developments total eco-footprint and a
4% cost saving (compared to using new steel).
The engineers specified a range of sizes for steel members, that could be used according to availability,
with varying connection details. When steel comes from an existing building that is being demolished,
quantities of any given size of component may be limited, and lead times may be long, so it pays to be
flexible. It turned out that most of the reused steel was in good condition, requiring just one extra pass
through the grit blaster before being zinc coated.
Recycled materials can also give cost savings. The crushed glass used at BedZED, as a substitute for sand was
15% cheaper, and the 2002 aggregates tax would give even greater cost savings today.
1. Lazarus, N., Summary: Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development Construction Materials Report Toolkit for
Carbon Neutral Developments Part 1, BioRegional, www.bioregional.com, 2002, p. 5.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Typically, these systems use expanded polyurethane foam (now manufactured

without CFCs and HCFCs) to easily achieve a U-value of 0.2 W/m2K. Although
the panels have low thermal mass, this can be overcome, where needed, by
thermally heavyweight floors, for example concrete beam and block. Patent
jointing methods ensure that a high level of airtightness is achieved, down to 1.6
ach (at 50 Pa), and reduce ventilation heat losses too. However, this is a new type
of product, and the long-term airtightness isnt yet proven.
At present there are a limited number of manufacturers of SIPS in the UK, but
this can be expected to increase if the concept proves popular.

Rendered insulation
The market pressure that created SIPS is for wall systems that simplify the
construction process. Polymer-modified render, introduced from the continent,
also does this. The insulation is fixed to a blockwork structure and is then sealed
with a thin layer of impervious render. This avoids both the frequent panel joints
required in render faades, and space-consuming wall cavities.
Care does need to taken to design out condensation problems with this, as with
any impervious coating. Render, in conjunction with timber frame is common
in the US,[99] but the humid climate of the UK and the extent of timbers differential movement must raise concerns about the durability of these composite

Stud panel construction

During the 1970s, timber framing captured an increasing proportion of the
new housing market, but negative publicity about its standard of site assembly
reduced its popularity in the 1980s.[100] However, during the 1990s the market
share increased again, approaching 20% in 2002,[101] with the method being
particularly well established in Scotland.

Box 3.9 Timber engineering products

Timber engineering products are gradually achieving acceptance in the UK. Since the panels can be used
to construct roofs, as well as walls, the system offers an alternative to the space-wasting trussed rafters
that have been the norm.
Trussed rafters are themselves an established factory prefabricated technology: it is common to see them
on the back of a lorry trundling from factory to building site. With the increasing use of roof spaces as
rooms they have the disadvantage of extreme inflexibility, with elements of the truss intruding into the
roof space.

Housing Sustainable Communities


The latest versions rely to a greater extent on the prefabrication of panels in

a factory. Panel jointing details are particular to each manufacturer, resulting
in closed systems that can accommodate design requirements for window and
door openings, and can be combined with beam and block floors, and alternative roof structures.
A parallel development has been the increasing use of steel cold-formed studs
as an accurate and higher strength alternative to timber framing. Already much
used for internal partitions, light gauge steel framing (LGSF) is the preferred
option for the manufacture of modular units because of its stiffness and reduced
weight, but it is also used for roof extensions, overcladding and infill walling.
Obviously, care needs to be taken to design-out cold bridging risks.

Box 3.10 Sealed wall vs breathing wall

Condensation problems can be the Achilles heel of housing. There are two potential problems: structural
damage and health risks. The risks to health are relatively slight, although there are some worries about a
possible link with asthma.<1>
The risks of structural damage depend on where the condensation forms. Surface condensation, such as
the misting that forms on bathroom windows does not usually have major structural implications. Finishes
may need to be renewed more frequently, although damage can be minimised by good ventilation.
Although the surface condensation is relatively harmless, interstitial condensation can corrode through
fittings, potentially causing structural collapse. Because interstitial condensation has particularly damaging
effects on timber-framed walls the breathing<2> wall may be a suitable alternative.
The usual plywood outer sheathing to timber framed walls is highly vapour resistant, and this prevents
the escape of moisture. With a breathing wall the most vapour resistant layer, logically, moves to the
inside face of the wall. For example, in the form of foil-backed plasterboard. A alternative, breathable,
outer sheathing (such as bitumen-impregnated fibreboard) is substituted for the plywood. This provides
structural bracing while allowing water vapour to escape.
The same principle can be applied to a variety of constructions including where timber frames form the
inner leaf of a brick-faced cavity wall. The term breathing is, however, typically associated with stud walls
comprising shredded newsprint insulation within masonite or plyweb studs. The studs provide the width
required to accommodate the insulation. The Warmcell insulation is blown wet between the studs and
adheres to them when dry, achieving a surprisingly airtight construction.
1. The Building Act 1984, The Building Regulations 2000, Review of Approved Document F Ventilation, A consultation
package, www.odpm.gov.uk, ODPM/HMSO, London, July 2004, p. 31.
2. The term breathing is used here in the same way as for breathable clothing, and has nothing to do with


Environmental Construction Handbook

Small unit cladding systems

As a result of the advantages of prefabricated systems reduced thickness of
the structural envelope and fast construction new types of dry cladding using
small units are being developed.
Often attempting to replicate the appearance of brickwork, these brick, or brickand-render tiles are hung from a support panel with fixing at the centres of
the cladding units. Although involving individual fixing, these methods can
contribute to a fast-track building programme.

...and underneath, a precast foundation system

Precast and prestressed concrete ground beams are designed to span between
concrete piles. The resulting substructure can be combined with beam and
block flooring, and it achieves accurate and fast construction with only a limited
amount of ground disturbance. This make it particularly suitable for brownfield
sites where there are likely to be obstructions in the ground.

3. Generic construction methods

3.1 Typical UK mass housing construction

Figure 3.5 Typical UK

housing construction

Housing Sustainable Communities


Blockwork cross walls, or loadbearing walls of brick and block

or timber/steel stud + brick cavity walling,
or terracotta tiles on battens on blockwork
Figure 3.6 (i) Timber
stud + brick cladding, (ii)
steel stud/frame + brick



Both of these framing structures are light and consequently have an advantage
over heavy masonry. They are also quick to install on site, because inner walls
can largely be prefabricated in a factory before fitting on site.
Where steel stud is used, aluminium-foil-backed insulation is located to the
outside of the frame. The foil acts as a vapour control layer on the room side and
to control radiative heat loss to the cavity on the external side. Flexible wall ties
are required because of the different expansion characteristics of the various
components. These bridge both the insulation and the foil backing, forming cold
Cold bridging is a disadvantage where timber studwork is used too: insulation
is installed between the timber members, which then act as cold bridges. This
can be overcome by using an insulated lining bonded to the back of the plasterboard. The vapour control layer in this case is also bonded to the back of the
plasterboard. Unfortunately, this is liable to be damaged by nails and during the
installation of electrical outlets.
Both frame types are therefore at risk of condensation damage, though careful
detailing and installation can minimise risk.
Again the type of insulation has little effect on the overall rating of the structure
(with the usual proviso regarding ozone depletion).
The BRE rating for both structures is an A.[102]


Environmental Construction Handbook

Roof: Trussed rafter roof + battens and synthetic tiles or slates

Figure 3.7 Fibre cement or polymer resin
slate pitched roof

Neither fibre cement nor polymer slates perform particularly well in terms of
their environmental rating, mostly because of the relatively large amount of
energy used in their production.
Fibre cement is economical in terms of cost, though life expectancies are lower
than for traditional tiles. They may be recycled, but currently few are. The
environmental rating is a B.[103]
Polymer/resin bonded slates have a low rating (C[104]) because of their poor
performance in terms of recycling and because of the large amounts of fossil
fuels used in their manufacture.

Floors: precast planks/block and beam spanning between cross

walls for separating floors
Figure 3.8 Concrete
floors: (i) beam and
block, (ii) prestressed
concrete planks



Housing Sustainable Communities


Glazing: u-PVC windows/insulated panels, prefabricated steel

u-PVC windows have won an increasing proportion of the market in recent
years; indeed, they dominate the replacement window market. Their perceived
advantages are the potential for very low maintenance requirements and an
increased thermal performance.
In practice, the thermal advantages are unimpressive. The material lacks
structural stiffness and so the frame becomes bulky, resulting in a smaller
glazed opening and lower daylight levels. Steel is used within the window as
reinforcement, and this impairs their thermal performance.
Their overall performance rates a C,[105] which is explained by their energyintensive manufacture along with heavy metal and potential dioxin pollution
from the process. (The chlorine in PVC is responsible for dioxin formation.)
In addition, PVC is not recyclable, and recycled materials cannot be used in its
manufacture. Indeed, PVCs environmental credentials are so poor that many
pressure groups are campaigning for a ban on its use altogether.

Internal partitions: blockwork or stud + plasterboard

Table 3.7 Ecopoints evaluation of generic constructions for houses, using BREs Envest tool

Generic house type: 12m 6m (ground and upper floors each 72 sq m); no. storeys: 3;
storey height: 2.8 m; % cellular: 80%; location: S.E. England; soil type: firm clay

Ground floor

Precast concrete 150mm + 50mm topping + 80mm rockwool



Upper floor

Precast concrete 150mm + 50mm topping



External walls

Inner leaf of 75 x 38mm studs + 12.5mm plasterboard + rockwool +

outer leaf of brick




75 x 50mm stud + 12.5 mm plasterboard




u-PVC double glazed




Pitched timber with gables + purlins 1.4m c/c, 0.75kN/m2 loading

Synthetic slates + 150mm rockwool insulation




10% 2mm vinyl

90% 5mm composite wood block








Environmental Construction Handbook

Wall finishes

10% 6.5mm ceramic tiles

90% skim plaster + emulsion






Plaster + emulsion




450 x 300mm strip foundations



Total embodied including material replacements over 60 year lifespan


Total embodied per sq m of floor area


Source: based on Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E., Sinclair, M., Green Guide to Specification, (3rd Edition), BRE, Watford, 2002.
Commentary: Compared with the evaluation in the previous chapter for houses the embodied energy per sq. m. of floor area
is greatly increased. The incorporation of concrete floors, ground and intermediate is responsible for this greater impact.
Elements such as composite wood block flooring also score very highly, which would argue in favour of using the natural

3.2 An alternative
Following the example of Bill Dunster Architects at BedZED can be a sustainable

Dense concrete block cross-walls, 6.3 m centre to centre, were used as an
element of the schemes thermal mass strategy, to even out diurnal temperature
variations to reduce the likelihood of overheating in summer, and store solar
heat in winter, while compensating for overcast days.

External walls have a 300-mm cavity filled with mineral fibre insulation.
The stretcher bond outer brick skin is fixed across the cavity to the inner
leaf of blockwork by two-part stainless steel wall ties, achieving a U-value of
0.1 W/m2K, and achieving 2 ach when pressure tested to 50 Pa. At the upper
walls, local oak weather-boarding was nailed to softwood stud frames, the
timber cladding aligning with the face of the brickwork below.

Self-centring prestressed concrete floor panels form permanent shuttering to
the in-situ floor slab which has a tiled finish to expose the thermal mass of the
slab to the room. In the workspaces, recycled steel beams achieve clear span
floors, and reclaimed softwood joists and floorboards are used for construction
of the mezzanines.
Housing Sustainable Communities


Sedum-planted landscape roofs consist of two-layer bituminous felt waterproofing on timber decking supported by curved laminated timber beams.

Windows are Danish triple-glazed windows with a low-emissivity coating,
in durable hardwood frames. Conservatories are double-glazed with photovoltaic cells to south-facing roofs. The extent of opening windows is sufficient
to turn the sunspaces into balconies in summer obviating the need for shading.
Rooflights are aluminium framed and triple glazed.

4 Issues regarding typical servicing strategies

Why is the servicing for mass housing any different from services in individual
houses? The basic differences between housing and houses are shape, diversity
and proximity. Shape is fairly obvious a terrace or block of flats is very different
to a simple detached house as is proximity. Diversity is a term which covers
the fact that, say, 50-odd households are all going to be drawing on services
at slightly different times. Diversity is the reason that an electricity substation
isnt sized to meet the peak loads of all of the buildings served by it at the same

4.1 Shape: heating and ventilation

By gluing houses together to form housing, you decrease the surface area to
volume ratio; this decreases the total heat lost by each dwelling in the conglomeration. However, it also means that fewer outside walls are available to each
dwelling through which it can be ventilated (Figure 3.9), and that it is less
possible to give each flat an optimal orientation with regard to solar gains.
This ties in nicely with David Tompsons findings (Box 3.4): heavyweight
construction is not generally appropriate for apartment buildings because solar
gains cannot usefully be exploited, and low heat losses mean that capturing
solar gains is not quite as important anyway. Low heat losses mean that options
other than the usual default boiler-plus-rads (such as underfloor heating and
MVHR), can become attractive.


Environmental Construction Handbook


Mech. vent'n losses
infilt'n losses
Fabric losses
Percentage vent'n



Heat loss, kW


Percentage vent'n loss







Detached Mid-terrace Corner flat

Figure 3.9 Fabric and

ventilation heat losses
for different housing
types. (In all cases,
infiltration was sufficient
to act as background

Detached Mid-terrace Corner flat


Detached Mid-terrace Corner flat


Source: author, based on data from: The Building Regulations Conservation of fuel and power, Approved
Document L1, 1991 and 2002, www.odpm.gov.uk; and The Building Regulations 2000, Review of Approved
Document F Ventilation, A consultation package, London and www.odpm.gov.uk.

Underfloor heating can be appropriate because:

a warm radiant environment means that comfort can be maintained

with lower air temperatures a benefit because lower air temperatures
lead to lower ventilation heat losses

heating loads are smaller so floor temperature can be lower

overcoming the objections of some users of older systems where the
floor could feel uncomfortably warm underfoot

the screed around the pipework provides some thermal mass to help
even out diurnal temperature variations, but remains relatively warm,
thus overcoming the problem of cool radiant surfaces in thermally
heavy buildings without optimal solar gains

low water temperatures mean that the system can take advantage of low
grade heat from CHP plant.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Table 3.8 Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation strategies.

Advantages of natural ventilation...

Disadvantages of natural ventilation...

Control of simple systems is intuitive to building


Risk of draughts if ventilation is not well controlled.

Simple systems are simple to maintain and clean.

Driving force for ventilation is free wind or stack

Pressures developed are generally small, so items that

add a large pressure loss, such as heat exchangers,
usually cannot be installed, though see note below.

Generally low capital cost (however natural ventilation can be relatively expensive in non-domestic
Passive Stack Ventilation (PSV): air is extracted from kitchens and bathrooms through the stack effect in
vertical ducts. Incoming air is drawn in from trickle vents.
...additional advantages of PSV

...additional disadvantages of PSV

Vertical vents remove humidity, or cooking smells,

near to source by stack effect.

PSV works less well when the inside/outside temperature difference is reduced in summer and some days
in spring and autumn.

Ducting is relatively short.

No intake ductwork needed.

Notes: At BedZED the extract and intake cowls, designed to be wind assisted, incorporate a 70% efficient heat exchanger.
See Dunster, B., and Carter, G., General Information Report 89. BedZED Beddington Zero Energy Development, Energy Efficiency
Best Practice Programme, Watford and www.bioregional.com, 2002. p. 12.

Table 3.9 Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical ventilation strategies.

Advantages of mechanical ventilation...

Disadvantages of mechanical ventilation...

Air intake can be located at the point with least


Higher capital cost.

Humid air, or cooking smells, can be removed

near to source.
Heat recovery can be incorporated relatively

Ductwork needs to be kept scrupulously clean in

order to minimise risk from pathogens and allergens
a maintenance issue.
Noise (from fans and crosstalk) can be an issue.

Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR): in addition to intake and exhaust ductwork and fans, a
heat exchanger recovers heat (or coolth) from outgoing air passing it on to incoming air. Heat exchangers can
be, for example, a plate heat exchanger or thermal wheel.


Environmental Construction Handbook

...additional advantages of MVHR.

...additional disadvantages of MVHR.

Adding MVHR means higher ventilation rates

do not incur a heating energy penalty (in
comparison to standard mechanical ventilation).

The UK has a temperate climate: if the winter climate

warms then energy savings become more marginal.

Any additional heating required can be provided

by a heat exchanger after the heat recovery in the
supply air ducts.

A constantly running fan can be seen as wasting

energy by householders. As a result they
sometimes switch the system off and the air quality

Positive input ventilation (PIV): A fan draws air from the loft space into the stairwell/hallway putting the
whole house at positive pressure. Air exits from trickle vents.
...additional advantages of PIV

...additional disadvantages of PIV

Little ductwork needed.

Risk of water vapour being driven into the building

structure and hence posing an interstitial
condensation risk if detailing is poor.

No need to balance supply and extract duckwork.

Dynamic insulation: Incoming air is filtered through the building fabric itself. Vitiated air is mechanically
...additional advantages of dynamic insulation

...additional disadvantages of dynamic insulation

Incoming air moves heat, which would otherwise

be lost through the walls, back into the building.

As with PIV, interstitial condensation is a risk.

Technology is proving hard to get right. For example,
the effect of differing wind pressure on different
elevations upsets the functioning of the system.

Dwell-vent: Air enters through supply air windows and is expelled through passive stacks. Air enters at a vent at
the bottom of the outer frame and rises by the stack effect to the head of the window where it enters the room.
Fan exhaust can be used where a hybrid solution is required but dwell-vent is essentially a passive alternative to
...additional advantages of dwell-vent

...additional disadvantages of dwell-vent

Supply air recaptures some heat that would

otherwise be lost through glazing low effective
U-values for glazing are possible.

Heat reclaim is below the efficiency of MVHR, though

this is to be addressed through ongoing development
of the system.

Little ductwork needed.

In temperate climates extract air can be driven by
the stack effect.
Draught-free ventilation.

Housing Sustainable Communities


The main drawback is that underfloor heating needs to run near continuously
in the heating season as it takes time for the floor to reach running temperature
and this can be an issue where this hasnt been impressed upon the occupants.
Covering the floor with carpet (an insulator) decreased the systems efficacy,
which again is a user education issue.
Heat loads can be low enough that a heating coil can be incorporated into
an MVHR system meaning that a traditional heating system can be omitted
altogether. If a traditional system is desired there are also benefits:

Radiators can be smaller (as we saw in the Hawkes House, Chapter 2).

Thermally efficient glazing means that radiators no longer need to

be automatically banished to beneath windows to counter cold down

Pipework can be smaller (although there are practical limits on this).

A smaller boiler can be considered, see Box 3.12.

While considering the sizing of heat emitters it is helpful to note that moving from
a heavyweight to a lightweight building also has a potential effect. When specifying radiators, it is usual to specify one with a larger heat output than needed
for the steady state heat losses for the design day. This is so that, if the house has
been unoccupied for a while, the system wont take days to achieve a comfortable
temperature. Some of the additional heat goes into the air in the rooms, and some
into warming up the fabric of the building; with a heavyweight building this
takes a fair amount of energy. Lightweight buildings have a much faster thermal
response so the heat emitters need not be over-sized to the same extent.

Natural ventilation vs mechanical ventilation

A home requires ventilation to provide fresh air for the occupants to breathe,
and to dilute and expel pollutants. Since a pollutant is simply a chemical that
is harmful when in the wrong place, water vapour and CO2 are included in this
category as well as NOx, SO2, CO (from incomplete combustion), VOCs, radon
(in certain areas of the country), ETS (environmental tobacco smoke) and
odours. A good ventilation scheme strikes a balance between ventilation heat loss
(especially through unwanted infiltration through gaps in the building fabric) and
maintaining indoor air quality (IAQ), i.e. build tight ventilate right.
Since the 1970s, the predominant method of domestic ventilation in the UK has
been to install trickle vents above windows. Trickle vents can either supply or
extract air, depending on wind conditions. In addition, mechanical extract fans
in kitchens and bathrooms are used to expel humid air and thus reduce the risk
of condensation and mould growth. Extract fans also control the combustion
products and odours from cooking.

Environmental Construction Handbook

The 1995 Approved Document Part F was mainly concerned with IAQ, possibly
pre-empting the 2002 revisions to Part L which asked for airtightness to be better
than 10 m3/h per m2 (cubic metres of air per hour per square metre of building
fabric) at a pressure difference of 50 Pa.[106] It is worth noting that BRE believes
that the best airtightness that can be achieved currently, using conventional
techniques, is 34 m3/h per m2 at 50 Pa.[107] This reduces heat lost through
uncontrolled infiltration.
The 2006 revision of Part F has emphasised the need for controlled ventilation
with set performance standards, so that energy efficiency and IAQ can both be
maintained, rather than simply setting increased free areas for trickle ventilators. It was argued that the move towards performance-based building control
assessment would result in novel ventilation schemes being easier to achieve.
These requirements should result in a background ventilation rate of 0.5 to 0.75
The final thing to note is that it is important that all newly built dwellings are
thoroughly flushed with clean air before occupation to disperse pollutants, such
as VOCs, that are a result of the construction process.

4.2 Shape: lighting

In terms of natural and artificial lighting for housing most of the factors that
affect their sustainability are the same as for individual houses, but we will
discuss some of them further here.
Firstly, the move to a lifestyle where working from home is more prevalent has
big implications in terms of natural light. In well spread out suburban houses, as
long as the windows are large enough, and the garden isnt shaded by leylandii,
it should be possible to provide daylight to office standards. In urban situations,
however, it can be more problematic, as explored in Box 3.11.
This is one area where lessons can be learnt from the past. Historic weavers
cottages are a useful example: the work rooms on the first floor benefited from
a larger sky view (and thus an increased daylight factor) with large ribbon
windows letting in as much light as possible. In the weavers cottage, the floorto-ceiling heights were relatively low so that the area with really good daylight
was confined to the area by the windows.
In the Georgian town house, taller rooms and elongated sash windows allowed
light to penetrate into deeper plans. Thus good daylighting and clever ventilation
were combined, even if the windows do tend to let in a draught. Splayed window
reveals with shutters (painted in a light colour) and facetted glazing bars all
Housing Sustainable Communities


helped to maximise light within rooms while limiting glare. Light shelves,[109] as
are seen in many traditional buildings on the continent, are useful too.
In some recent low energy schemes, where to save energy the windows have
been reduced in size, the same strategies have been applied. For example, in Rick
Mathers student housing at the University of East Anglia splayed reveals act to
counter some of the effects of the trend towards smaller windows.[110]
One of the side effects of solar design guidelines has been to limit the area of
window orientated towards the north. Anecdotal evidence suggests that northfacing kitchens can be gloomy with the result that lights are left on during the day.
An example of a development where thought has been given to making lighting
sustainable is at the Greenwich Millennium Village. Here, floor-to-ceiling
heights were determined by the need to allow daylight to the back of rooms,
and light shelves were installed. Downstand beams (which could reduce light
penetration into occupied spaces) were avoided. External shadings and internal
blinds control solar gain and glare, respectively.[111]

Box 3.11 Daylighting for livework apartments

Jessica Hrivnak, while at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies,
University of Cambridge
The widespread use of computer technology means that working patterns are undergoing reform, and
homes are increasingly also used as offices. The ideal apartment is seen as one that offers maximum
adaptability: a big neutral space that brings with it all the connotations of the loft-living ideal. However,
achieving such flexibility has structural implications. There is a developing trend in housing construction,
where as well as densification, a typology similar to that of office buildings is being adopted.
The housing block with an inner courtyard has, in the past, been popular in European cities, and the
increasing pressure to create denser urban residential housing developments has led many architects to
return to the form. Yet, increasing urban density raises problems, not least the provision of private space
and daylight. What do these changes to the home and working environment imply for architects and
their designs?
Office deskwork should be carried out with a daylight factor of 5%, whereas recommendations for
domestic rooms lie around 2%. Can dense urban courtyard housing schemes fulfil the day lighting needs
of modern livework apartments?
Scale model tests of recently built urban courtyard schemes were used to investigate the daylight conditions in modern apartments. The study highlighted the problems of daylight penetration and the use of
compact courtyard housing blocks as livework dwellings.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 3.10 Scale models for

daylighting analysis, (i) without
walkways, (ii) with walkways

Source: Jessica Hrivnak

Depending on the height and width of the courtyard, the light from the sky vault may be completely
absent because of the proximity of the facing buildings. Therefore, the reflective properties of materials
within the courtyard are significant, and affect the availability of daylight in rooms in the lower storeys of
the building. Using light and reflective materials such as glazed tiles in the courtyard can be beneficial,
see Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.11 Average daylight factors in
test model for sample room
Source: Jessica Hrivnak

The results show that there is a balance between the size and efficacy of windows. In such instances
where the sky-view in the courtyard is restricted by overhanging walkways, the scale model tests found
that even increasing the glazing by 50% (thus also increasing heat losses) did not improve the daylight
factors in the lower areas of the building. The use of walkways in courtyard schemes should therefore be
avoided, and internal access cores used when daylight is at a premium.
Moreover, adopting a strategy of equal maximum glazing on all floors and faades can result in considerable overheating problems in the uppermost storey. Incrementally, increasing window sizes towards the
ground floor achieves a balance between the problems of heat gain/heat loss and daylighting. However, it
should be noted that deep, single-aspect rooms opening off a courtyard should be avoided, as even wallto-wall glazing will rarely achieve satisfactory effects. Moreover, it can be seen that inappropriate glazing
results in glare and privacy problems. It is observable that this causes widespread use of curtains during the
day, which negates the benefits of the glazing, and increases artificial lighting and energy use.

Housing Sustainable Communities


4.3 Diversity: water

Earlier, we discussed controlling the amount of rain run-off from hard surfaces
(roofs, roads and hard landscaped areas) as a method of reducing flood risk. We
can think of water usage in a very similar way to how we considered thermal
mass in buildings. In a building (ecosystem) with little thermal mass (water
storage) if the heat inputs (rainfall) are peaky then the occupants may either
find the conditions too hot (wet floods) or too cold (droughts). This explains
the apparent paradox of how a country notorious for wet weather can also suffer
from water shortages and, hopefully, will prompt us to change the way in which
we interact with the natural water cycle disrupting it as little as possible.
Many of the water-saving measures for housing are the same as for individual
houses, such as low-flow appliances and water meters. However, in housing
developments, designers can make use of water-conscious measures that might
not be suitable for single-family dwellings.
These include storing and treating rainwater and/or greywater for non-potable
use, which becomes more attractive as plant sizes and running cost are affected
by economies of scale. For example, if you are storing and treating rainwater
for watering plants, you need one larger storage tank, rather than many smaller
ones, which can be installed in one shot and which may save on the total
materials used. Likewise, micro-sewage treatment, such as the reed beds that
treat waste water from the community at the Centre for Alternative Technology
(CAT, www.cat.org.uk), become a viable option.

Box 3.12 Hot water demand and boiler choice

In a well-insulated building, lower heating loads potentially allow a smaller (lower output)
boiler to be installed. A boiler is sized on whichever is the larger out of heating demand and
hot water generation demand. This in turn depends on how the hot water is generated.
With a combi-boiler, the peak hot water demand far exceeds the heating demand, by say a
factor of ten, so the boiler will be oversized for its usual load. Since boilers have tended to
operate at peak efficiency over a relatively narrow range of outputs, this can waste energy.
Modern boilers are much better at maintaining efficiency over a range of outputs, but this is
still a factor that should be considered.
If hot water is stored in a calorifier a hot water tank this can be less of a problem. The boiler
simply builds up the temperature in the tank over the course of the day, so the instantaneous
energy demand is smaller.


Environmental Construction Handbook

There is also greater opportunity to explore options for soft landscaping, such as
the gravel car parking at BedZED, which allows water to percolate away into the
surrounding soil rather than rushing away through storm drains,

4.4 Diversity: energy supply

People draw off power at different times, so the power load for a number of
dwellings will tend to be more steady, especially if some of the houses are
livework units where the electricity demand will be during the day when
most residents are away at work. This can make CHP an attractive option: high
grade heat from burning fuel (preferably a bio-fuel) generates electricity, and
lower grade heat (waste from power generation) goes to heat homes and water.
Because the power demand is more constant there will be fewer periods when
a shortfall needs be made up from the generally fossil-fuel-powered grid system
and, likewise, fewer periods when excess electricity needs either to be stored in
batteries or exported to the grid.
An example of this approach can be seen at BedZED where a 130 kW (of
electricity) wood-fired CHP plant is installed.[112] Here PVs are also installed,
again with advantages of scale for plant selection. Micro-wind generators can
also be a viable option, as seen at Hockerton and CAT.

4.5 Proximity: sound

The mechanism for noise-induced hearing loss damage to the inner ear as a
result of exposure to very loud noises appears to be well understood.[113] But
this is not the only health risk associated with noise. Lower levels of noise, while
they may not damage the structure of the ear, can still be damaging to health.
Noise at night is thought to be of greatest concern.[114]
Reported effects of increased levels of ambient noise exposure include: impaired
cognitive function,[115] disturbance to deep and REM sleep (which, regardless of
cause, carries health risks),[116][117][118] risk of cardiovascular disease (as a result of
effects on the neuro-endocrine systems), annoyance/stress plus a large range of
health problems where the causal relationship is not so clear, including migraine,
asthma and other allergic diseases. [119]
In 1991, a study showed that around 30% of households had negative experiences
of ambient noise with 1% saying that their home life was totally spoiled.[120]
Increasing the density of dwellings is likely to exacerbate noise problems perhaps
with a move from road noise being the primary concern[121] to community noise

Housing Sustainable Communities


such as from TVs, crying infants, boisterous parties or even washing machine
spin cycles being equally problematic. People need to be able to go about their
daily lives without being unduly disturbed by noise from their neighbours,
or having to worry that they will be making too much noise themselves. This
means that any sound-reduction measures in housing are likely to have a huge
benefit in terms of quality of life.
Table 3.10 Common acoustic terms

A correction term to take account of a specific sound spectra.*

dB (decibel)

Logarithmic scale to measure sound power, on which zero dB is the threshold of hearing and
130 dB causes pain.,


Characterises the sound insulation between rooms, based on the difference in sound level
between a pair of rooms, in a stated frequency band, corrected for the reverberation time.*


A single number used to characterise the impact of sound insulation of floors, in terms of the
sound pressure level, in a stated frequency band, with reverberation time correction.*

* The Building Regulations 2000, The Building (Approved Inspectors etc) Regulations 2000, Resistance to the passage of sound,
Approved Document E, TSO, London and www.odpm.gov.uk, 2003. pp. 7475.
CIBSE Guide C, Reference data, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann for CIBSE (2001). p. 64.
Burberry, P., Mitchells Environment and Services, London, 6th edn, Mitchell Publishing Co. 1988. p. 120.

Sound insulation regulations for housing

For new housing, the walls, floors and stairs (between separate dwellings) must
have a minimum DnT,w + Ctr value of 45 dB (i.e. airborne sound resistance).[122]
Floors and stairs must also have, for impact sound insulation, a maximum LnT,w
value of 62 dB.[123]
Internal walls and floors should have a minimum weighted airborne sound
reduction index (Rw) value of 40 dB.
Some ways of reducing the impact of noise:


Site the noise sensitive areas (bedrooms) away from noise sources, using
less sensitive areas (hallways, kitchens and bathrooms) as a buffer, e.g.
Coopers Road (see Case study, below).

In flats, try to avoid putting a quiet room in one dwelling next to a

noisy room in an adjacent dwelling.

Select low-noise plant and keep it in an acoustic enclosure rather than

siting it on the roof. Also, ensure that service risers have good sound

Environmental Construction Handbook

Make sure that, where pipes, ducts, cables etc., pass through walls, the
gap is acoustically sealed.

As with many measures for sustainable buildings, acoustic insulation can have
other benefits. For example, retrofitting double glazing to an existing building
can help acoustically as well as thermally. Likewise, because of the way sound
travels, walls with thermal mass (thermally massive materials are usually dense)
can reduce sound transmission. If the mass per surface area of a wall doubles
there is a 5 dB i.e. noticeable reduction in noise.[124]

5. Case studies
5.1 Coopers Road Estate regeneration: Southwark, London
Architects: ECD Architects Ltd
Client: Peabody Trust and London Borough of Southwark Housing
Service engineers: Max Fordham LLP
Structural engineers: Price and Myers
Landscape architects: Jennifer Coe Landscape Architects
Cost consultants: BPP
EcoHomes Assessor: Faber Maunsell
Design: 2001
Construction: started 2003 (completion of Phase One; early 2005

In 1999, the Peabody Trust joined forces with Southwark Housing and appointed
ECD Architects to prepare a masterplan for the redevelopment of the Coopers
Road Estate.
Planning approval for the new design was obtained in November 2001, and
construction work started on site in February 2003 under a Design and Build
form of contract. Phase One of the works was completed in early 2005 and has
achieved an EcoHomes rating of very good.

Planning, form and construction

The Coopers Road estate was built in the 1960s and occupied a 1.69 hectare
site north of the Old Kent Road. It consisted of 196 dwellings in five blocks,
varying in height from three to eleven storeys. A central stair served each block,
with deck access to front doors. The site density was 358 habitable rooms per
Housing Sustainable Communities


The surrounding area is dominated largely by council housing estates, with

the London Borough of Southwark Astley Coopers estate to the west and the
Corporation of Londons Avondale estate to the east, with its three distinctive
high-rise towers. The Old Kent Road itself is a busy thoroughfare historically
the main road into the capital from continental Europe bounded in the main
by an assortment of undistinguished retail sheds.
The open spaces on the Coopers Road estate consisted mainly of grassed areas
with a few trees. There was no sense of ownership of these spaces, and they
provided minimum amenity value. The play areas were not well maintained
and had limited equipment. Generally, the open spaces were intimidating and
The site is about 15 minutes walk (approximately 1.3 km) from Bermondsey
station on the Jubilee Line. It is also well served by bus routes to the Elephant
and Castle, the West End and St Pauls Cathedral.
The brief
The Coopers Road estate was in need of considerable investment and its 1960s
design was increasingly unpopular and unsuitable. The communal spaces were
abused by sections of the community; the rubbish chutes were blocked with
furniture causing a fire hazard and the open spaces had poor visual surveillance.
In 1999, Southwark Housing made the radical decision to demolish the estate
and redevelop it. In doing so, they formed a partnership with the Peabody Trust,
who would acquire and manage the majority of the new housing.
Figure 3.12 The
existing site

Source: ECD Architects


Environmental Construction Handbook

Despite some antisocial elements, the original estate had a strong sense of
community, which was an essential ingredient for the long-term success of the
project. The local residents were fully engaged in the development of the proposals
at every stage, from the initial master planning through a series of design workshops,
to selection of the main contractor and tenant choice items on internal finishes.
The brief for the new estate was for a mixed tenure development of 154 new
homes. When completed, the new estate would have 121 affordable rent units and
33 shared-ownership units. All homes are designed to Lifetime Homes standards
(see Box 3.13), with five units being fully wheelchair accessible. The scheme would
be built in two phases to allow the gradual decanting and demolition of existing
blocks. The density of the new development is 355 habitable rooms per hectare.
The new build scheme is based on four courtyards and aims to have a major
impact on the lives of those used to the failed 1960s housing model it replaced.
The courtyard form, evolved in consultation with the residents, encourages a
sense of community and engenders a strong sense of identity. It also creates a
clear hierarchy of private, semi-private and public spaces and provides a good
model for urban regeneration.
Each courtyard consists of approximately 40 homes in a mix of one- to threebedroom apartments and three- or four-bedroom family houses, providing a
balanced community with a composition of four-storey flats and three-storey
houses. This arrangement has been designed to be flexible to meet future
changing needs and developments in living patterns.
The design principles for Coopers Road were:

to restore the fabric of the city, with streets, courts, mews and gardens
the form of the courtyard housing continues an urban design theme
from the 19th Century, when local maps show a pattern of streets with
houses grouped together in short terraces

to integrate architecture and landscape to provide attractive, legible

and easily maintained private and public spaces large- and small-scale
vegetation are located in response to the scale of the surrounding architecture, while robust materials are combined with generously planted
semi-mature trees to create a sense of greenness across the site

to develop a sense of community ownership individual houses and

ground-floor flats have gardens to the front and rear, which create
well-defined private space, and the rear gardens face onto the larger
communal garden, which measures 2134 m, comparable in size to a
small London square.
Housing Sustainable Communities


From the outset, both client and design team shared a commitment to make
Coopers Road a model of sustainable urban regeneration. First and foremost
this meant designing a scheme that would provide good quality, appropriate
accommodation not just in the short term but 100 years from now. Another
main aim was to design buildings that could feasibly achieve zero CO2 emissions in the long term without major modifications to the fabric, services or
Orientation and solar access were foremost in the consideration of the planning
of the courtyards:

The lower three-storey houses are placed to the south of the higher
four-storey flats.

Roofs are designed to face south wherever possible, for the future
retrofit of solar or photovoltaic panels.

Box 3.13 Lifetime Homes

Since 1999 the access requirements given in Part M of the Approved Documents have applied to new
dwellings as well as other building types.<1> The Lifetime Homes standards, however, go beyond the
requirements of Part M.<2> They cover:

external access: wider parking spaces; minimal distances from parking to dwellings, with low gradi

ent approaches; entrances that are covered, level and well lit; specific dimensions for stairs and lifts;
specific widths of corridors and doorways
internal access: turning space for wheelchairs in living accommodation, e.g. a turning circle of
1.5 m; an entrance-level living room; a room that can be used as a bedroom on the entrance level
in dwellings over a number of storeys; space for a stair lift or traditional lift; a route for a hoist from
main bedroom to bathroom
sanitary accommodation: (a wheelchair-accessible WC on the entrance level and provision for
future shower installation; walls in bathrooms and toilets that can take handrails; easy access to
bath, WC and basin
environment: low-level living room windows for view from wheelchairs
services: mid-level between 450 and 1200 AFFL sockets and controls.

1. See DETR, The Building Regulations 1991 Access and facilities for disabled people, Approved Document M, 1999
edition, TSO, London and www.odpm.gov.uk 1999. Also ODPM, The Building Regulations 2000 Access to and
use of buildings, Approved document M, 2004 edition, TSO, London and www.odpm.gov.uk, 2004.
2. Carroll, C., Cowans, J. and Darton, D. (eds), Meeting Part M and designing Lifetime Homes, Joseph Rowntree
Foundation, York, www.jrf.org.uk, 1999, p. 6.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 3.13 Typical

floor plans

Source: ECD Architects

Material choice: Materials were typically selected for their low embodied
energy content, recyclability and impact on the environment when disposed
of. This meant a preference for timber and masonry rather than plastics and
steel. A-rated construction materials were used for the windows (softwood
frames) and the upper floors of the houses (timber joists with plywood finish).
HCFC-free insulation was used throughout, and timber cladding was specified
from sustainable sources. The contractor was encouraged to source materials
from within a 50-mile radius, to minimise CO2 emissions released through

Housing Sustainable Communities


The inner-city environment of the new estate required a range of robust finishes
to surfaces and boundaries, particularly for the public realm, including porous
paving and brick paviors. Garden walls in conjunction with the architectural
form present a secure perimeter to the blocks. The walls create a protected
and beneficial environment for the healthy growth of evergreen hedges and
Recycling: On-site waste was minimised through material choice, prefabrication
of some elements, careful detailing and scheduling. The main contractor also
recycled on-site construction waste. All dwellings are provided with recycling
bins within the kitchens, designed to separate household waste. Houses have an
individual external recycling store, and communal stores are provided for the

Flexibility and adaptability were also key issues for the design team. Service risers
in Coopers Road are located on the outside of the building for ease of access and
have also been oversized to facilitate the installation of future technologies as
they become more economically viable.
Thermal performance
Orientation and solar access were foremost in the consideration of the planning
of the courtyards. By maximising the daylight into the homes, the demand
for artificial heating has been reduced. This has been further reduced by good
insulation: the weighted average U-values for the development are 16% better
than the unadjusted Building Regulations (2002) target U-value.
The design reduces the need for artificial heating, through sunlight and daylight
access. Energy-efficient light fittings are provided in internal rooms. All external
feature, security and communal lighting are dedicated compact fluorescent lamp
fittings. Security lighting also has movement detection and daylight cut-off.
Water consumption has been minimised by specifying dual-flush WCs (6/4
litre), aerated taps and small baths (less than 150 litres to overflow). The water
consumption is 44 m3/bedspace/year according to the EcoHomes methodology.
The communal garden areas have rainwater butts for irrigation purposes.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 3.14 Three-storey

houses to the south

Source: ECD Architects

Energy supply
As well as making provision for future installation of PVs, CO2 emissions have
been reduced significantly by the incorporation of a gas-fired community heating
system with combined heat and power (CHP). This system has been selected
both on its own merits, for its environmental showcase value and as part of the
clients ongoing commitment to the environment. During the design process it
was very helpful for the design team to show some existing CHP installations in
London to occupants from Coopers Road, to reassure them that the technology
was safe and reliable.
A gas-fired CHP plant has been installed which provides approximately 11% of
the heat demand of the development and approximately 12% of the electricity
demand the unit has a 30kW electrical output. Average CO2 emissions for
each dwelling are estimated to be less than 25 kg/m2 pa.
The aim of the landscape design for the new estate was to create both a physical
continuity between the four new courtyard blocks and a highly legible space
that is easy to understand. The grain of the new estate allows long views and
an ease of orientation that creates a sense of physical security. In addition the
landscape scheme aims to achieve a sense of wellbeing at many levels. It provides
the essential contact with the natural world and the changing seasons.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Source: ECD Architects

Within each courtyard all the properties at ground-floor level have a small
patio garden, which opens into a communal garden for the use of the courtyard
residents only. Residents will become involved in the management of these
spaces, the idea being that they will become a focus for community pride.
Properties above ground level have private balconies or sky gardens. Within
the communal gardens there are designated areas for gardening, childrens play,
cycle storage, composting, seating and rainwater harvesting.
Trees are planted within the streets and define the edge of circulation spaces,
home zones (described below) and car parking. Their location, to the northern
side of the blocks, prevents overshadowing and does not limit the passive solar
gain to the south-facing elevations. The street trees have been selected from
native species or cultivars of indigenous species hornbeam, ash, pear and
sorbus. Fruit trees and useful plants that attract wildlife are planted within the
back gardens and courtyards. Trees assist the health of the environment, with
intake of CO2, emission of oxygen, filtering of dust and other contaminants,
and also support a range of wildlife species, particularly birds and insects. A
hedge of native species willow, elder and hawthorn is proposed adjacent to
the eastern and northern boundaries as cover and food for birds and insects.
Planting elsewhere has been specified to be robust and drought resistant.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 3.15 Artists

impression of the new

Access roads are designed as home zones to enable pedestrians to have priority
over vehicles. A home zone is a street or group of streets designed primarily to
meet the interests of pedestrians and cyclists rather than motorists, opening up
the street for social use. Legally, neither pedestrians nor vehicles have priority,
but the road may be configured to make it more favourable to pedestrians.
In addition, the roads are designed as short runs, intersected by squares and
traffic-calming measures. Vehicles will also be restricted to 20 mph.

5.2 White City

Architects: Cartwright Pickard and BC Architects
Client: CABE and French equivalent DAPA (the Direction de lArchitecture et du
Structural engineers: Campbell Reith
Services engineers: Atelier Ten
Landscape architects: Grant Associates
Design: 2003

The White City project is the result of a winning entry for an international
design competition to develop best practice in affordable housing, launched in
the spring of 2003. This competition is the first of a series of AngloFrench
collaborative projects with sites in London and Paris, aimed at bringing new
thinking to the design of affordable housing in both countries.
Sponsored by CABE and its French equivalent DAPA (the Direction de
lArchitecture et du Patrimoine), the scheme is a collaboration between
Cartwright Pickard Architects and French architects BC Architects together
with Octavia Housing and Care Housing Association.
The scheme has collected a CABE Festive Fives 2003 Award and was a winner of
the schemes with detailed planning permission of the Housing Design Awards
2004, promoted by the RIBA, RITP, ODPM and NHBC.

Planning, form and construction

The scheme occupies a site between a massive retail development and mixed
fabric of Victorian, Edwardian and later terraced housing.

Housing Sustainable Communities


Part of the site was occupied by a bus depot, leaving areas of contaminated
ground which needed to be dealt with prior to construction. Trials indicated
that the contaminated soils were not sufficient to be reused to provide a suitable
engineering base for the roadways. However, providing a suitable capping layer
for the landscaped areas was viable. This would allow for a reduction of the
amount of material that would need to be removed from the site because it
could be mixed with lime to provide a suitable growing medium to enhance the
landscaped areas.
The brief and design rationale
One of the principal objectives of the design was for the new housing and
external spaces to establish a real sense of place and wellbeing for its residents,
to provide a development to delight both residents and passers-by. The development incorporates 27 houses and 51 flats and maisonettes for rent or shared
As well as aiming to move the design of affordable housing forward, the project
has defined sustainability objectives. An EcoHomes rating of very good or
excellent is to be achieved through, among other proposals, improvements upon
the Building Regulations in terms of thermal and acoustic performance of the
The site has offered a number of challenges to be overcome. The retail development is bounded by a seven-storey citadel wall forming the northern
boundary to the site from which extend a series of timber-clad blocks, up to
four storeys in height, providing a succession of mews spaces alternating with
private gardens.
The blocks have been orientated perpendicular to the main boundary wall with
the fingers protruding to the south; although this does not make use of a southfacing faade, the design intent was to focus on the quality of the intermediate
spaces between the blocks. This also allows dwellings to be accessed from the
mews spaces and from shared stair cores allowing for efficient distribution of
In all cases each of the units has direct access to some form of external space,
be it a balcony, external terrace or rear garden. These provide private external
spaces to augment those provided in the public mews spaces. A pedestrianfriendly access road, over-sailed by dramatic cantilevers, separates the housing
from a landscaped parking strip.
Despite the minimal length of south-facing faade, the dwellings have been

Environmental Construction Handbook

designed with the reduction of energy use in mind, through passive means. The
spaces have been designed to meet and exceed the requirements for daylight
but with standardised window openings, minimising the number of bespoke
components. The depths of the units have been considered to allow for natural
cross-ventilation through the dwellings.

Precast pile foundations were considered to be the most appropriate for the
site given the unsuitability of the founding stratum and the proximity of the
adjacent housing. Above this, the ground-floor slab consists of a beam and block
floor on ground beams, forming a ventilated sub-floor void.
A number of structural options were considered for the project, with a steel
frame with precast concrete hollow plank floors being chosen to facilitate speed
of erection, minimising the loadings on the pile foundations and giving the
required material density so as to achieve a suitably high acoustic separation
between dwellings.
A number of external wall constructions were considered in terms of their
thermal, acoustic and material make-up. Light gauge steel frame and timber
structural insulated panels offer significant thermal improvements on the
Building Regulations requirement. A breathable construction comprising an
infill walling system was proposed to fit within the steel frame to provide a
thermal envelope upon which a timber rain screen cladding system is to be
The systems reviewed were typically made of an internal lining board, vapour
barrier framing system with insulation, and an external weather board covered
by a fully lapped breather membrane.
These panels were either pre-formed, or site manufactured with windows prefitted prior to offering up the wall panel to the faade from cherry pickers or
hoists, negating the need for scaffolding, while reducing erection times and site
The roofing proposed is a built-up standing seam system with a mill-finished
aluminium top layer to facilitate recycling of the materials at a later date.
The built-up system was chosen as it provided a clear strategy for providing
airtightness and gave a finished roof with minimal maintenance requirements
over the design life of the project.
Precast concrete stairs were installed to the common areas, timber staircases
being constructed within the dwellings themselves. The thinking was to install
the domestic stairs as early as possible, to enable their use as site access.
Housing Sustainable Communities


Figure 3.16 (i) site

plan and (ii) schematic
showing relationship
between access areas,
private and semi-private
spaces and dwellings

Source: Grant Associates Landscape Architects


Environmental Construction Handbook

All materials and products were assessed for their longevity in use and their
ability to be recycled after the design life has been exceeded.
A particular concern were to balance the specification against the requirements
of the Housing Association in terms of maintenance and life expectancy of the
project as a whole. The cladding of the faades is a case in point; numerous
products were assessed before settling on kiln-dried European Oak which
provides a durable, sustainable material requiring minimal maintenance in
keeping with the design aspirations of the scheme, which has been detailed to
accentuate the geometry of the blocks and to provide a suitable rainscreen to
the faade.
The scheme has been considered from the outset as providing an invigorating place in which to live and providing a sustainable, efficient method of
construction which allows for effective use of resources in use throughout and
beyond the design life of the project.

Thermal performance
In response to the desired environmental quality of the dwellings, a wholehouse ventilation system was used. This comprises a heat exchanger with heat
recovery to reduce heat loss from the dwellings. Air is supplied from a central
hall and extracted via a unit over the cooker. The system also extracts from the
bathroom areas. The only penetration of the faade is thus a concentric duct
providing intake and exhaust.
Though all dwellings have been designed to make good use of daylight, there
will always be a need for some artificial lighting, especially to establish a sense
of security for the residents.
All shared area and external lighting is switched by dusk-to-dawn sensors to
balance energy requirements against achieving the recommendations of the
Secured by Design principles that are deployed across the site
All internal partitions and separating walls are designed to improve upon the
Building Regulations with regards to sound transmission; using plasterboard
on metal stud. A raised acoustic floor comprising sustainably sourced flooringgrade ply on acoustic battens is to be employed to maintain the acoustic
requirements and to provide a service area for pipework runs.
Housing Sustainable Communities


Source: Cartwright Pickard Architects

Energy supply
A centrally located energy centre was installed, comprising gas-fired condensing
boilers with a combined heat and power plant. This serves a district heating
system, having buried LPHW mains, for the individual flats via local valve
assemblies with integral heating meters in each apartment.
Water metering is an effective way of encouraging users to limit water use.
Likewise heating meters are a way of decreasing energy use where communal
heating is installed, where there may be a temptation to use heat profligately.
The BedZED development also uses this strategy.

6. Notes

Schneider, S.H. and Lane, J. An overview of dangerous climate change, in H.J.

Schellnhuber (ed.), Avoiding dangerous climate change. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2006.
2. ODPM, Proposals for amending Part L of the Building Regulations and
Implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive A consultation
document. HMSO/ODPM, London, www.odpm.gov.uk, July 2004. Section 9
pp. 56.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 3.17 View of

mews showing faade
treatment and transition
from public to semiprivate spaces

3. ibid.
4. Stern, N., The Economics of Climate Change The Stern Review. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2007, p. 144.
5. op. cit. ODPM 2004, pp. 1415.
6. ibid. p. 7.
7. ibid. p. 14.
8. ibid. p. 17
9. ibid.
10. ibid. p. 18.
11. Though possibly not uniformly across the country, see Experts blame it on the jet
stream. www.timesonline.co.uk, The Times, 21 June 2005.
12. op. cit. ODPM, July 2004, Section 9 p. 18.
13. A possibility discussed in Climate change hits base of food chain. New Scientist,
No 2461, 21 August 2004, p. 18.
14. Malaria could be reintroduced to the UK as warmer conditions favour insect life,
although the risk of outbreaks is low. See Health Effects of Climate Change in the
UK. An update of the Department of Health report 2001/2002. www.dh.gov.uk,
Department of Health and Health Protection Agency, London, 2007, p. 35.
15. ODPM, Sustainable Communities: Homes for All. HMSO/ODPM London,
www.odpm.gov.uk, 2005. p. 16.
16. ODPM, Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future. ODPM,
www.odpm.gov.uk, 2003. p. 8.
17. Barker, K., Review of Housing Supply. Delivering Stability: Securing out Future
Housing Needs. Final Report Recommendations. HM Treasury,
www.hm-treasury.gov.uk, 2004. p. 3.
18. ONS, Mid-2002 Population Estimates. National Statistics,
www.statistics.gov.uk, 2004.
19. UN, World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision. United Nations,
www.un.org, 2003, p. 35.
20. Natural change accounted for nearly three-quarters of the total population
change between 1981 and 2002. op. cit. ONS, 2004.
21. op. cit. UN, 2003, p. vi.
22. op. cit. ODPM, 2003. p. 11.
23. ibid. p. 49.
24. op. cit. ODPM, 2005, p. 45.
25. DETR, Quality and Choice: A Decent Home for All The Housing Green Paper.
DETR, London, www.odpm.gov.uk, 2000. p. 7.
26. ...less than 1% lacks any of the basic amenities of a kitchen sink, a bath or shower
in a bathroom, a wash hand basin, hot and cold water to each of these and an
indoor toilet. ibid. p. 7.

Housing Sustainable Communities


27. The government defines a decent home as one that: is above the current
statutory minimum standard for housing is in a reasonable state of repair
provides a reasonable degree of thermal comfort has modern facilities and
services. National Statistics Website, Housing: Percentage of households living
in non-decent housing: Sustainable Development. National Statistics,
www.statistics.gov.uk/statbase, 2002.
28. Figures refer to housing stock in 1996. ibid.
29. The Government has aims to make all social housing decent by 2010. op. cit.
ODPM, 2003. p. 13.
30. op. cit. Barker, 2004.
31. In 2002 37% of new households could afford to buy, whereas in the late 1980s 46%
could. ibid. p. 3.
32. ibid. p. 1.
33. op. cit. ODPM, 2005. p. 40.
34. op. cit. Barker, 2004. p. 8.
35. ibid. p. 5.
36. op. cit. ODPM, 2005. p. 40.
37. Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG),
Homes for the future: more affordable, more sustainable. TSO, London,
www.communities.gov.uk, 2007, pp. 7274
38. op. cit. ODPM, 2005.
39. op. cit. TSO, p. 7280.
40. op. cit. Barker, 2004.
41. see op. cit. ODPM, 2005.
42. Lazarus, N., Summary: Beddington Zero (Fossil) Energy Development
Construction Materials Report Toolkit for Carbon Neutral Developments Part
1. BioRegional, Surrey, www.bioregional.com, 2002. p. 4.
43. ibid. p. 5.
44. If the energy used in the manufacture and transport of building materials is
derived from fossil fuels then the embodied CO2 is equivalent to the embodied
primary energy. This assumption doesnt hold if the energy comes from hydroelectric power, or other renewables.
45. op. cit. Lazarus, 2002, p. 4.
46. ibid. p. 3.
47. The BedZED Exhibition, Bill Dunster Architects, www.surreycc.gov.uk, 2002.
p. 17.
48. Dunster, B. and Carter, G., General Information Report 89. BedZED Beddington
Zero Energy Development, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Sutton,
Watford, www.bioregional.com, 2002, p. 3.
49. op. cit. Lazarus, 2003, p. 3.
50. ibid.
51. op. cit. Bill Dunster Architects, 2002, p. 16.
52. op. cit. ODPM, 2005, p. 62.


Environmental Construction Handbook

53. op. cit. ODPM, July 2004. Letter to consultees. p. 5.

54. ibid. Section 1, p. 1.
55. ibid. The social cost of CO2 emissions was assumed to be 70 per tonne per year.
Section 1, pp. 3339.
56. ibid. Section 2, pp. 530.
57. ibid. Section 2, p. 3.
58. Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2002/91/EC, EU Official Journal L001,
europa.eu.int/comm/energy/ demand/legislation/buildings_en.htm, January
2003, pp. 6571.
59. op. cit. ODPM, July 2004, Section 1, p. 15. Also see www.SEDBUK.com.
60. ibid. Section 1, p. 16.
61. ibid. Section 3.
62. ibid. Section 6, p. 6.
63. ibid. Section 6, p. 7.
64. ibid. Section 6, p. 8.
65. ibid. Section 6, pp. 910.
66. ibid. Section 6.
67. BBC website, Residents clear flooded gardens, http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk, BBC (18
April 2005), and BBC website, Flood cuts power to 2500 homes, http://newsvote.
bbc.co.uk, BBC (20 June 2005).
68. BBC website, East Australia hit by flooding, http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk, BBC (30
June 2005).
69. BBC website, Storm costs could rise by 66%, http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk, BBC (28
June 2005).
70. ODPM, Planning Policy Guidance 25: Development and flood risk, www.odpm.
gov.uk, ODPM, July 2001, Introduction, para. 3.
71. ibid. para. 69.
72. op. cit. ODPM, July 2004, Section 9, p. 10.
73. Bill Dunster Architects, ZED scheme specification 2004, Bill Dunster Architects,
www.zedfactory.com, 2004. p. 11.
74. Rickards, L., Fox, K., Roberts, C., Fletcher, L. and Goddard, E., Living in Britain.
No 31. Results from the 2002 General Household Survey. TSO, London,
www.statistics.gov.uk, 2004, p. 30.
75. ibid.
76. Home ownership increased from 49% in 1971 to 69% in 2002. The biggest increase
was in the 1980s under the right to buy scheme. ibid. p. 7.
77. ibid. p. 31.
78. ibid. pp. 3233.
79. Powell, K., Core values, The Architects Journal, 3/10 August 2000, pp. 2837.
80. Homes fit for heroes, http://society.guardian.co.uk, The Guardian, Leader
Column, 7 March 2002.
81. Housing Corporation, London Housing Statement 2002 Delivering Solutions,
The Government Office for London and the Housing Corporation, London,
www.housingcorplibrary.org.uk, pp. 9, 28.
Housing Sustainable Communities


82. Dilley, R., Build castles in the sky, BBC News Online, http://news.bbc.co.uk, 18
July, 2002.
83. There were houses on London Bridge prior to the mid 1700s (www.bbc.co.uk/
history), and Firenzes Ponte Vecchio is still occupied by buildings, as is Baths
Pulteney Bridge.
84. Pickard, J., Sixth Avenue A Very Handsome Building Connections (Yorkon
Magazine), Issue 5, 2002. p. 4.
85. Wet insulation does not perform as well as dry just as a wet sweater performs
worse than a dry one.
86. op. cit. Pickard, 2002, p. 6.
87. Blackwell, P., Improving energy efficiency through off-site construction,
Connections (Yorkon Magazine), Issue 5, 2002. p. 13.
88. Berge, B., The Ecology of Building Materials, Architectural Press, Oxford, 2001,
Chapter 3, pp. 4352.
89. Laing, R., Craig, A. and Edge, H. M., Prefabricated Housing: An Assessment
of Cost, Value and Quality. www.rgu.ac.uk, The Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen, 2001. pp. 810.
90. It also has traditional terracotta cladding, which may have helped its image.
91. www.skanska.com
92. Richards, D., The Smarter Way to Build, OSC Off Site Construction, April 2004.
p. 8.
93. op. cit. Blackwell, 2002, pp. 1213.
94. As shown by plans supplied by Yorkon.
95. Plans are given in Houses from the Factory, Architecture Today, AT 96. pp.
96. Cole, M. and Stevens, N., Is Off Site In Sight?, OSC Off Site Construction, April
2004, p. 5.
97. Heres one I built earlier, Guardian Unlimited, http://society.guardian.co.uk, 18
November 2001.
98. BRE, An Introduction to Building with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS), BRE
Information Paper IP13/04, Building Research Establishment, Garston, 2004.
99. Callender, J.H., Time Saver Standards for Architectural Design Data, McGraw
Hill, New York, 1974, p. 551.
100. Cook, G.K. and Hinks, A.J., Appraising Building Defects: Perspectives on Stability
and Hygrothermal Performance. Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, 1992,
p. 48.
101. BRE, Multi-storey Timber Framed Buildings, BRE BR454, BRE, Garston, 2002.
102. Anderson, J. and Howard, N., The Green Guide to Housing Specification, BRE,
Watford, 2000, pp. 811.
103. ibid. pp. 1215.
104. ibid.
105. ibid. pp. 2223.


Environmental Construction Handbook

106. ODPM, The Building Act 1984, The Building Regulations 2000, Review of
Approved Document F Ventilation, A consultation package, www.odpm.gov.uk,
ODPM/HMSO, London, July 2004, p. 18.
107. ibid. p. 19.
108. ibid. p. 37.
109. A useful pictorial representation of the effect of light shelves and blinds on
daylight distribution can be found in Baker, N. and Steemers, K., Energy and
Environment in Architecture A Technical Design Guide. Spon, London, 2000,
Chapter 6.
110. Photographs of Rick Mathers housing at UEA can be found in: Dormer, P. and
Muthesius, P., Concrete and Open Skies: Architecture at the University of East
Anglia. Unicorn Press, London, 2001, p. 2021.
111. Greenwich Millennium Village, Quality of Environment and Construction
Datasheets, Greenwich Millennium Village, London (date unknown)
112. op. cit. Dunster and Carter, 2002, p. 13.
113. Ising, H., with Babisch, W., Guski, R., Kruppa, B. and Maschke, C., Exposure and
Effect Indicators of Environmental Noise, WHO, http://www.euro.who.int, 2003,
p. 21.
114. WHO, Report on the second meeting on night noise guidelines, WHO, Geneva,
http://www.euro.who.int, 2004.
115. Hygge, S., Noise exposure and cognitive performance Children and the elderly as
possible risk groups. WHO, http://www.euro.who.int, 2003.
116. op. cit. Ising et al., 2003, pp. 1, 412.
117. Sleep is, of course, an important part of home life, and important for health.
The WHO is drawing up guidelines for night-time noise.
118. op. cit. WHO, 2004.
119. op. cit. Ising et al., 2003, pp. 24, 1221.
120. DEFRA, Towards a National Ambient Noise Strategy A Consultation Paper from
the Air and Environmental Quality Division, www.defra.gov.uk, DEFRA, London,
Nov 2001, p. 19.
121. EU standards mean that noise from vehicles has been reduced. Also measures
have been taken by the UK government to reduce noise due to the roads
themselves, such as the erection of noise barriers or quieter road surfaces. ibid.
pp. 4346.
122. ODPM, The Building Regulations 2000, The Building (Approved Inspectors etc)
Regulations 2000, Resistance to the passage of sound, Approved document E,
London and www.odpm.gov.uk, 2003 edn., TSO, 2003. p. 8.
123. For housing formed by change of use, the requirements are less onerous: for
airborne sound, 43 dB and for impact 64 dB. ibid.
124. Sneider, A., Noise Pollution Issues in Dwellings, IMBM, www.imbm.org.uk, 2005.

Housing Sustainable Communities


6 Further reading
RCEP, Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 22nd Report, www.rcep.org.uk.
Hacker, J. and Twinn, C., UK Housing and Climate Change Heavyweight vs lightweight construction, Bill Dunster Architects with Arup Research + Development,
October 2004.
Environment Agency, www.environment-agency.gov.uk, is a useful source of information on flooding and sustainable damage, and provides maps of flood plains.
Houses from the Factory, Architecture Today, AT 96. pp. 6064.
Partington, R., Prefab Sprouts, The Architects Journal, 25 November 1999. pp. 2534.


Environmental Construction Handbook

the Working
The office building is a type which, perhaps more than any other in the 20th
Century, embodied the economic imperatives of the age, its own characteristic technologies (the raised floor and suspended ceiling, for example) and
consequent environmental impacts. Whereas contemporary UK housing, at
least superficially, isnt at a great remove from pre-modern types, the office
block is very much the outcome of recent history. But just as with dwellings,
offices are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions that have repercussions
on the environment. Because energy saving strategies are not one size fits all
it is important to look at the ways in which patterns of energy use differ in
these buildings types. So, how and why do the CO2 emissions from offices and
dwellings differ?

1 Similarities and differences across building types

Figure 4.1 shows calculated CO2 data for dwellings and offices, based on data
from the Movement for Innovation (M4i)[1]. In terms of operational energy,
although the average office emits less operational kgCO2/m2 than the average
dwelling, the range is much, much greater. For embodied CO2 the trends are
reversed: the average office has greater embodied CO2, but a smaller range
although the difference in ranges is smaller than with operational emissions.
We can postulate some reasons for these results:

There is likely to be less diversity in lifestyles than there is in business


However, a greater proportion of households are likely to undertake

energy intensive activities such as washing clothes and taking baths,
while most offices do not.
Offices: the Working Environment


There may be less diversity in building forms for offices as a result

of speculative offices driving space and servicing standards towards

Offices are likely to contain a higher proportion of high-embodiedenergy items (such as data networks, power trunking and specialist
luminaires) at fit out than houses.

Source: author, adapted from[1]

To really understand these trends we need to look at offices in more detail.

At the beginning of the 1990s a comprehensive survey of energy use in office
buildings was summarised in the Energy Consumption Guide 19[2]. This
government-funded publication has been regularly updated and is referred to
alternatively as ECON 19 or ECG019.
The document is based on statistics from 200 offices that were the subject of the
case studies carried out during the development of ECG019 (Table 4.1).
The data was used to establish benchmarks for the typical energy consumption
patterns of a broad range of office buildings, and good practice benchmarks for
buildings achieving a better standard of energy efficiency.
Four categories of office type were distinguished from the data contributing to
ECG019, each having markedly different energy consumption characteristics,
and benchmarks for their energy use:


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 4.1 Range and 50th

percentile for operation
and embodied CO2 for
dwellings and offices

Type 1. Naturally ventilated with cellular offices between 100 and 3000 m 2 in
These tend to be smaller, more technologically straightforward buildings,
relying on the use of daylight, with simple control systems for artificial lighting,
and limited common spaces, the catering within the building being restricted in
all probability to a tea kitchen.
Type 2. Once again naturally ventilated with some cellular offices and conference
rooms, normally in the range of 500 to 4000 m2. They are predominantly open
plan, having higher light levels than the previous example but with their deeper
plans limiting the access of daylight. In this case, artificial lighting is commonly
switched on across a wider office area, and there tends to be a higher concentration of office equipment including vending machines.
Type 3. Air-conditioned, standard these are usually purpose-built speculative
developments with deeper floor plates than type 2. Benchmarks are based on
variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning. Typically, sizes range from 2000 to
8000 m2.
Type 4. Air-conditioned, prestige these purpose-built buildings may be a head
office or regional office, including a staff restaurant, a central computer suite,
and generally more extensive IT capability using a wide range of equipment and
more centralised facilities.
Across the range of buildings that contributed to the survey, the annual
delivered energy consumption varied widely from under 100 to over 1000 kWh/
m2. It was found that, in good practice offices, energy costs could be 3050%
below the level of the average. To make a comparison between different types
entailed making some assumptions: for example, the gross to net ratio for these
different types of office varied from an average of 76% for type 1 buildings to
68% for type 4.
The good practice benchmark is equal to the lowest quartile of the energy
consumption data collected. A typical office in the 1990s might produce a little
under twice the CO2 that a good practice one would[3], something that can start
to be remedied as offices become ready for refurbishment. ECG019 suggests that
new offices should improve upon good practice from the 1990s.

Offices: the Working Environment


Table 4.1 ECG019 Office building types and benchmarks

Office types

CO2 emissions
(kgCO2 per m2 per year)

1. Naturally ventilated, cellular

Typically 100 m2 to 3000 m2. Services of domestic type. Kitchens usually
limited to tea-making facilities.

56.8 (typical)
32.2 (lowest quartile)

2. Naturally ventilated, open-plan

Typical size 500 m2 to 4000 m2. Though mostly open plan, there are a
few cellular offices. There is more office equipment. Lights and shared
equipment switched in larger groups and may often be left on.

72.9 (typical)
43.1 (lowest quartile)

3. Air-conditioned, standard
Typically 2000 m2 to 8000 m2. Largely purpose built and often speculative. Similar to type 2, but with deeper floor plates. Benchmarks are
based on VAV air-conditioning.

151.3 (typical)
85.0 (lowest quartile)

4. Air conditioned, prestige

Typically 4000 m2 to 20,000 m2. Purpose built, possibly a head office.
Will include catering kitchens and air-conditioned rooms for mainframe
computers and communication equipment. More extensive ICT

226.1 (typical)
143.4 (lowest quartile)

Notes: floor area is treated floor area, i.e. excluding car parking and the like. All data from ECG019 are derived from measurements of buildings, taken in the 1990s. Source: data adapted from: Energy Consumption Guide 19 Energy use in offices,
2003 edn, Action Energy/The Carbon Trust, www.thecarbontrust.co.uk, 2003. pp. 721.

Although the data sets are not directly comparable, we can see the same large
variation in CO2 emissions across the office types (Figure 4.2) as we did in Figure
4.1. Breaking the results down we see that:

The greatest increase across the groups is accounted for by an increase

in energy required for air-conditioning and for electrical equipment.

The increase across the groups in the amount of energy needed for
heating, hot water and lighting is negligible in comparison.

Because of conversion and transmission losses, electrical loads produce

a disproportionate amount of CO2.

With the enormous increase in ICT use over the 1990s, the energy load due to
electrical equipment for the smaller office types will probably be greater than
shown here and the increase across the building types more gentle.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 4.2 Carbon

dioxide emissions from
ECG019s office types,
plus percentage of
energy vs CO2 due to
electricity use

Notes: The category air-con here includes pumps, fans and controls as well as cooling and
humidification which explains why non-conditioned types 1 and 2 do consume some energy in this
category. Energy used for catering is omitted in this comparison.
Source: author data adapted from Energy Consumption Guide 19 (2003), pp. 2021

ECG019 established benchmarks or standards for office buildings with the

intention that new constructions should aim to improve on the good practice
benchmark relating to each type. To this end, its recommendations were refined
further to address the components of buildings, their environmental services for
heating, lighting and air conditioning, and the components of those services, in
particular the lighting efficiency and air handling systems (including the office
computer equipment consumption, in relation to the typical working hours of
a weekday).
The benchmarks are directed principally at developers and managers of offices
in excess of 1500 m2. What was found, perhaps not surprisingly, is that type
4 prestige offices are the largest energy consumers among the four varieties.
A typical office might be expected to consume up to 600 W/m 2, and a good
practice office up to about 400 W/m2. Whereas the equivalent numbers for a
type 1 building would be 250 W/m2 on average, down to 130 W/m2 for a good
practice naturally ventilated type 1 building.

Offices: the Working Environment


The itemised figures for the consumption of energy show that fossil fuel
consumption was similar in all four cases, but slightly more for the prestige
office because of it occupants tending to have longer working hours, and on
account of the likelihood of its having a centralised kitchen and restaurant. On
the other hand, electricity consumption increases rapidly from the simpler to
the more heavily serviced types of office. In particular the air-conditioned types
3 and 4 which use a lot more electricity to run fans, pumps and controls for their
air handling systems.
Similarly, as office buildings get larger and deeper, lighting electricity
consumption rises, making effective lighting controls a necessity to stop lights
from being left on all the time. The more sophisticated office types use more
office equipment, and their equipment loads are a function of growth in ICT.
Heat production by computers, which used to be thought a particular problem,
has diminished over time, as desktop computers have become more energy
efficient. As office buildings grow in size and complexity, however, telecommunications equipment and lifts consume more energy, so that electricity in
air-conditioned offices can account for 80 to 90% of their total energy costs and
carbon dioxide emissions.
Having established benchmarks for typical buildings, and good practice
buildings, it was then possible to pinpoint those aspects of a buildings
environment that are conducive to achieving energy savings. For example, it
was shown that heating costs could be reduced by 50%, and electrical costs by at
least a third, by using readily available techniques such as making the building
better insulated, using more efficient boilers, improving control systems, and
improving the hot water systems efficiency. Substantial savings were shown to
be possible by making modifications to plant and management. Lower electrical
costs for air-conditioning systems can be achieved by the use of better controls,
from designing systems with lower pressure drops requiring less powerful fans,
and using modern fluorescent tubes in light fittings, which can make delivery of
artificial lighting a lot more economical.
ECG019 explains a methodology that enables building owners and contractors
to compare the efficiency of their buildings with the benchmarks by gathering
together information from electricity bills, and other fuel bills. This entails
isolating those parts of the building, which are particularly energy intensive
such as kitchens, computer rooms, and HVAC plant. Then to establish a target
for reductions based on priorities, and having decided on a list of measures to be
taken, to timetable them in relation to future plans for maintenance[4].


Environmental Construction Handbook

1.1 CO2 emissions

In 2002 changes were made to Approved Document L2 (AD L2) of the Building
Regulations to introduce a new method for the control of carbon emissions
during the lifetime operation of buildings. This is called a carbon performance
rating (CPR).[5] It is directed particularly towards types 3 and 4 offices, which
make use of air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation in addition to space
heating and lighting.
ECG019 was principally concerned with energy and cost, but it contains information, derived from the building surveys, about the extent of CO2 emissions
from office buildings. These were quoted in kgC/m2 (kg of carbon per m2, as
opposed to kg of CO2 which is sometimes used) of treated floor area the
heated areas of the building only, i.e. excluding car parking etc. To relate the
good practice and typical energy benchmarks for the four office types, the
conversion factors relating delivered energy to CO2, reflect the fact that electricity
is responsible for much larger amounts of CO2 than either gas or oil.
Calculation of the carbon performance rating is based on the method contained
within ECG019, as follows.
It uses the power ratings of the services plant in addition to factors relating to
controls and management, in order to predict levels of CO2 emissions that can
be measured against the ECG019 benchmarks.
The actual performance of mechanical systems depends on a range of variables,
which are anticipated within the carbon performance rating estimates. For
example, such factors as the orientation of the building, the form of the plan,
the detailed design of the external envelope, and whatever internal heat gains
are generated within the building.
The annual quantity of carbon in kgC/m2 per year is calculated in the same
way as previously, being equal to the power rating of the plant multiplied by
the number of hours in a year that the plant is in operation, multiplied by the
conversion factors for the different delivered fuels.
The aim that new buildings should reach good practice emissions levels has
now been incorporated within amendment AD L2.
The expectations for office refurbishments are that emissions may be 10% higher
than for new buildings, because of the compromises that are probably inevitable
when designing within an existing structure.

Offices: the Working Environment


The regulations apply only to those parts of the building given over to typical
office activities, i.e. excluding areas such as swimming pools, computer rooms,
kitchens and restaurants.
Adjustments have to be built into the calculations if heat recovery equipment
and thermal storage devices (such as ice storage for cooling) are to be used, and
similarly for space heating using heat pumps, CHP and renewable energy which
is offset against the CPR.
Heating and hot water using gas or oil has about a two-to-one ratio between the
CO2 produced by a typical type 4 and a good practice type 1 office. A computer
room was assumed to exist in type 4 offices but not in type 1, and was responsible for approximately one quarter of the buildings emissions. More dramatic
was the spread between a typical type 4 and a good practice type 1 in terms of
the electricity consumed by fans, pumps and controls, at approximately 25 to 1.
The lighting bills, given that type 4 is anticipated to be a much deeper building,
have a ratio of 4 to 1. This bears out the considerable reductions that can be
achieved by making the best use of natural light and avoiding air-conditioning.

1.2 The journey to work

Whereas the construction and operation of buildings is responsible for 50%
of the CO2 emissions from the UK into the atmosphere, transport between
buildings accounts for 22% of the energy used. The growth in transport year
on year is, however, running at 4%, mainly due to an increasing number of car
Not surprisingly, the need to limit the use of personal transport is one of the
aims of the BREEAM for Offices assessment. It has been shown that the amount
of energy used by the population of the building for commuting is about the
same as the amount of energy used within the building itself, though there are
considerable variations from place to place. In London, although staff tend to
travel further than in other cities, the important difference being the smaller
number of people that use cars, particularly cars occupied by only one person.
The extensive use of public transport in London is responsible for the capitals
relatively favourable figures. As a result BREEAM regards operational energy
and embodied energy as being two sides of the same coin. It encourages the use
of public transport, and other low-energy alternatives to the car, such as bicycles.
Credits are awarded if the amount of car parking relative to new buildings is
limited, if the building is close to public transport, and if bike parking and parkand-ride facilities are provided; also if organisations permit practices that reduce

Environmental Construction Handbook

Box 4.1 Work practices

The space planners DEGW, observing different patterns of contemporary office organisation, have
described the corresponding types of office layout. These can vary from the open plan typing pool, or
present day call centre, where individuals may have limited control over their environment, to the smaller
scale group work spaces commonly found in advertising agencies, for example, where teams are formed
to undertake particular projects, spaces are reconfigured for each project, and there is localised control of
environmental conditions. Office spaces may have to change between these plan types over quite short
time spans.
Contemporary offices are designed with sufficient inbuilt flexibility for these frequent changes to be
made. The use of demountable partitioning enables the demarcation of space to be altered at will, raised
floors and suspended ceilings allow services to be re-routed at the same time. The relatively short life
of furniture layouts in offices is, in turn, responsible for the short life of finishes, such as carpets and
paintwork, and the rapid replacement of building services, and can have a major impact on the lifetime
energy consumption of the building.
As a result of the PROBE<1> studies, the relationships commonly found between the complexity of a buildings technology, and the level of management it requires, have been identified. In this way, a good
match can be achieved between the level of maintenance expertise that will be brought to the building
on completion, and its design brief. There is the complex type of building that requires a well-resourced
management strategy. The organisation has to be sufficiently large and sophisticated to recognise
environmental management as an investment one that increases staff productivity and satisfaction,
and achieves business advantages as a result of the companys enhanced image.
1. Bordass, B., Field, J. and Leaman, A. Probe 14: Elizabeth Fry Building. Building Services Journal, April 1998. p37.
and Bordass, B., Field, J. and Leaman, A. Probe 7: Gardner House. Building Services Journal, October 1996. p39.
Further reading:

Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme, The Design Teams Guide to Environmentally Smart Buildings:
Energy-efficient options for new and refurbished offices. BRECSU, Garston, 1999.

commuting, such as tele-working, give incentives to staff for the use of public
transport, and encourage cars to be shared, or provide a dedicated bus service.
Benefits accrue for reduction in car parking requirement, particularly since it is
provided at great cost on city centre sites. BREEAM lists several other advantages derived from reduced car dependence: financially in that staff productivity
increases when travel times are reduced, and in terms of staff health benefits as
a result of reduced exposure to traffic fumes; also, being seen to be green can
enhance the organisations public image.

Offices: the Working Environment


1.3 Embodied energy vs operational energy

Embodied energy in office construction is a small proportion of the overall
energy consumption of the building over its lifetime. The debate as to whether a
concrete frame or a steel frame has the higher embodied energy, is something of
a sideshow because, although it can be shown that CO2 emissions resulting from
construction of a timber frame will be 450 m3, for concrete around 1300 m3,
and increasing to 2000 m3 for steel, this is small compared with the cumulative
operational emissions over the whole life of the building (some 1500 m3 per
annum if the building is air-conditioned).
This might suggest that embodied energy is not worth considering, but it is
important to remember that embodied energy and operational energy both
contribute to the total CO2 emissions over the whole life of the building. For
instance, if extra insulation is incorporated within the building, this will
increase the embodied energy (because extra materials have been used), but
the operational energy will be reduced. This would indeed increase the ratio of
embodied energy to operational energy, but over the whole life of the building
might reduce total CO2 emissions.
When BREEAM guidelines are implemented, the greater efficiency of the
building will reduce the operational energy but increase the first cost. For
example, it has been calculated that for a 10,000 m2 office building having a usual
level of services provision of 30W/m2 for power, 20W/m2 for lighting and 201C
design temperature for the air-conditioning, BREEAM recommendations would
increase the first cost by about 3%, but achieve worthwhile reductions in annual
operational costs and CO2 emissions.
If the energy consumption of services was reduced, power for example to
22W/m2, lighting to 14 W/m2, and if the air-conditioning temperature were
relaxed to 222.5C the effect upon operational costs would be dramatic. Should
air-conditioning be eliminated entirely in favour of a stack ventilation and night
cooling strategy, both the initial cost and the operational and CO2 emissions
reduction would be very significant.
Building to the standards set out in BREEAM for offices tends to increase a
buildings capital cost while lifetime costs are reduced. This means that the
incentive for its adoption by developers is limited all the advantages fall to the
tenant! The correction of this significant disincentive has yet to be addressed; it
will require the use of both legal and taxation measures by government.


Environmental Construction Handbook

1.4 High rise vs medium rise development

The most usual type of city office development throughout the 1980s and 1990s
was medium rise with medium to deep floor plates. The recent spate of applications
to build towers in London implies an increase in energy consumption as a result of
their less favourable volume to surface area ratio, and the increased lift power they
require, though these may be offset by the transportation advantages of locating tall
buildings over public transport nodes. So far, the construction of low energy office
buildings relying on shallower, naturally ventilated and daylit floor plans has been
overwhelmingly the preserve of out-of-town and suburban locations, but the newest
towers in London are incorporating innovative features (e.g. St Mary Axe).

Box 4.2 Size of floor plates

In the City of London a predominant form of office development has been the deep plan associated with
dealing rooms. Not only are the dimensions of dealing rooms inimical to natural servicing but also the
occupant and machine loads are very high. Although in terms of winter heat loss such a building is likely
to perform well, there will be a large energy requirement for cooling and artificial lighting. The perimeter
spaces may benefit from a view out and daylight, but air-conditioning is the norm not only for the deeper
sections of the plan, but also at the perimeter.
The growth in tall buildings would appear to be inevitable given the anticipated demand for office space,
and the pressures of land availability that are exacerbated in the centre of the City by the St Pauls height
restrictions. To make these new developments environmentally sustainable will be a challenge because,
although buildings with a shallow plan are suitable for natural lighting and ventilation, the continuing
trend is for buildings to become deeper; floor plates having increased from the 58 metre column spans
common in the 1980s, to the 1015 metre spaces usual in more recent developments.
Tall buildings are, however, capable of achieving some sustainability criteria because of their economies
of scale. Repeated floor plans can often result in savings in the quantities of materials being used, standardisation results in manufacturing processes that are more efficient with cheaper unit costs, and a tall
building can have a small enough footprint to occupy only part of the site, allowing public space to be
created at street level with associated retail development.
There are of course the offsetting disadvantages: the safety hazards involved in working at considerable
heights; the large amount of surface area which tall buildings have compared with those of medium
height and medium span; their relatively low efficiency of space occupation; more structure particularly
at lower floors; more electrically driven services, particularly lifts; and the wind and shading effects that
tall buildings can have at ground level.
Source: Pank, W., Girardet, H. and Cox, G. Tall Buildings and Sustainability. The Corporation of London, February 2002

Offices: the Working Environment


A report commissioned in 2002 by the City of London Corporation, and called

Tall Buildings to Sustainability, describes current trends in office development
in the City.[7] It estimates that, in order to meet the levels of economic growth
that are predicted, 46 million m2 of office space will be needed over the next
quarter of a century, equivalent to five new Canary Wharfs.
The expectation is that the towers of the future will be of mixed use with
shopping and recreational uses at lower levels and offices above.
It will be a considerable challenge to make these sorts of developments
sustainable, not least because the usual mechanism for development is market
driven by developers rather than end users, and developers have very limited
interest in the construction of low-energy buildings.
The lesson from cities such as Hong Kong and Singapore is that the clustering of
towers around transportation nodes is very efficient in terms of the journeys to
work. Statistics suggest, however, that the energy consumption per area of office
space is growing at a faster rate than new floor space is being provided, and in
the UK the rate of services sector energy use is growing faster than anywhere
else in Europe and, unfortunately, energy is being used less efficiently than on
the Continent.

2. Environmental issues
2.1 Daylighting vs artificial lighting
Because working hours in offices are principally the hours of daylight, there
are considerable advantages in maximising an office buildings potential use of
daylight. The major difficulty in achieving this goal is the unequal distribution
of daylight levels. Illuminance levels fall away sharply as room depth increases
away from windows. This not only means that light levels will be insufficient
at the back of deeper office spaces but also that the relatively bright surfaces
adjacent to the windows will be a source of glare.
Advanced daylighting systems are most useful in the generally overcast sky
conditions of the UK in allowing a more even distribution of light within rooms,
partially by redistributing light, but mostly by suppressing excessive light levels
within the immediate vicinity of windows.
Daylight is the medium to which the human eye is biologically adapted. For the
best perception of objects, and optimum colour rendering, the quality achieved
by daylight is preferable to any artificial light source. In addition, the artificial
lighting used in offices can account for up to 50% of primary energy use, but
because there is a close correlation between office working hours and hours

Environmental Construction Handbook

of daylight availability, the efficient use of daylight can lead to a reduction of

between 35% and 75% of the amount of lighting power which is consumed.
The extent of savings depends on the use of controls that dim artificial lights
according to light levels out of doors.
The success of daylight design does, however, require consideration of other
environmental parameters. Daylight admits heat into the building, so a shading
system may be necessary in order to avoid summertime overheating. In winter,
extensive areas of glazing not only result in heat loss but also result in the
window surface being a source of radiant cooling and discomfort. Potential
glare problems are a particular concern in rooms which are lit from one side
only, and where the room surfaces are not of sufficient reflectivity.

Box 4.3 Switching systems

The use of dimmable lamps, including fluorescent lamps within contemporary installations, enables
artificial lighting to be used as a complement to daylighting rather than as a substitute. Daylight can
then be sufficient for a proportion of working hours and can be topped up by artificial light as needs be.
Automatic controls are worthwhile even in small cellular offices. Once they have been turned on, lights
tend to be left on throughout the day, and so switching systems have been developed to enable the
lighting system to respond to the actual availability of natural light:
1. Occupancy sensors are designed to register movement in rooms and turn lights off when they are
empty. They detect reflected beams within a room either by infrared, radar or ultrasound. Presence
detectors turn all the lights off when the room is unoccupied, and are most effective when it is left
to the user to turn the lights back on again when re-entering the room, otherwise the lights are likely
to be switched on by the wind or other small movements in the space. The reaction of users to these
systems is important because if they cannot be overridden, there is the danger that the occupants will
become irritated and block the sensors so that the lights stay on constantly. Presence detectors can be
very efficient: in one UK installation the payback period for presence controls was six years as compared
with 20 years for light-level sensors.
2. Light-level sensors dim or elevate levels according to ambient daylight levels. They rely on the use of
photoelectric cells. There are three different types, the first of which is for small offices: it turns all the
lights off once daylight levels are sufficient. The second is suitable for larger rooms having light fittings
with multiple lamps: the sensor turns the tubes off sequentially according to the availability of daylight.
The third system uses dimmers to adjust the lights up and down, but this is not suitable for use with
all types of lamp.
3. Timed switches can, for example, turn lights off at lunchtime, making it unlikely that the users will
turn lights on when they return at the beginning of the afternoon since natural light is likely to be

Offices: the Working Environment


One of the most common ways to introduce daylight to the interior of office
buildings is by the use of an atrium. An atrium designed to achieve reasonable
daylight factors at the atrium floor in wintertime may be too brightly lit, causing
glare, in the summer, so moveable shading at the roof of the atrium is very
desirable. The upper floors of offices surrounding the atrium can be directly lit
from the sky, but the lower floors will be mostly reliant on reflections from the
floor surface of the atrium bouncing light back into the surrounding rooms.
From a daylighting point of view the use of extensive planting within the atrium,
which is of relatively low reflectivity is not helpful. The changing daylight conditions from the top to the bottom of an atrium suggests that windows lighting
rooms need to be designed in specific localised ways, according to their height
above the atrium floor and below its roof; as a result the design of atria within
office buildings can be of considerable architectural interest.

2.2 Air-conditioning vs natural ventilation

The 1980s Orbit Report[8] forecast that future machine loads in office buildings
would preclude the use of natural ventilation and make air-conditioning inevitable. In fact, the efficiency of computers, in terms of their heat production, has
increased markedly since that time but, over the same period, air-conditioning
has become an industry standard for higher-grade office accommodation. In
Germany meanwhile, the enthusiastic pursuit of a green agenda has resulted
in the construction of large office developments that have successfully demonstrated how natural ventilation and passive servicing can deal with the majority
of office situations. Some UK offices have been built with the intention of
achieving the same result, most notably the BRE Environmental Office Building
16 at Garston, designed by Feilden and Clegg.
A primary aim, along the way to sustainable development, must be the avoidance
of air-conditioning by making the best use of the outdoor environment, and
utilising sustainable technologies, passive and natural cooling, passive solar
gains, and daylight rather than artificial lighting. Given favourable local conditions, and a suitable location and pattern of use, then an office building should
be able to function without air-conditioning and with limited use of mechanical
services such as fans, but in a lot of cases these ideal conditions cannot be met.
There are always days in summer when there is insufficient buoyancy for stack
ventilation to be effective. For inner city development, noise and pollution is
a major problem if buildings are to rely on the use of opening windows, so
in many cases air-conditioning has become the norm. This trend is also the
result of changing market standards generated by higher user expectations in

Environmental Construction Handbook

conjunction with more stringent regulations, increasing internal heat gains

not only on account of increasing numbers of computers but also other office
machines, and the tendency towards lightweight building construction.
In the UK, there are two principal reasons for the growing use of HVAC in
offices, the first being the difficulty of keeping room temperatures within the
thermal comfort zone due to internal heat gains, and the second is the reluctance
to rely on passive measures (such as opening windows) because of concerns over
This is particularly true of spaces that are in dense occupancy such as conference
rooms where air-conditioning is difficult to avoid, and because they tend to be
located within the inner zone of the building.
The other reasons are to do with indoor air quality and the difficulty of drawing air
into the building from streets that are heavily trafficked, because of the pollution
issuing from car exhausts. Internal pollution sources such as carpets, and photocopying machines compound the problem. This is a major issue because, in a
well-insulated office building, ventilation and cooling loads may account for
more than 50% of its overall energy use. To achieve low energy consumption
requires a ventilation system that is well controlled and energy efficient.
Natural ventilation may gain user acceptance if the accompanying control
systems are capable of responding to the vagaries of the outdoor climate, but it
is difficult to achieve a consistent level of performance from natural ventilation.
Natural ventilation airflows are driven by temperature differences between the
indoor environment and outdoor ambient, and wind effects. These pressure
differences across and through the building envelope are responsible for random
air admission in the form of infiltration through gaps in the construction, as
well as planned ventilation through windows and other ventilation openings.
There is a huge variation in the extent of these pressures and, in order to
adequately control the amount of air passing through the building, leakage
has to be limited by making the building envelope as airtight as possible, and
the ventilation openings in the building being environmentally engineered for
their purpose. This becomes more difficult in tall office buildings because wind
velocities increase with height above the ground. The frictional resistance of
the ground and other obstructions is negated with sufficient height, depending
on the surrounding topography and whether the location is urban, or open
landscape. The direction and distribution of wind pressure can be very variable
if other tall buildings are in the vicinity, and tall trees can also have an effect.
In the UK, wind becomes the predominant driver for natural ventilation at
wind speeds in excess of around 4 m/s. In wintertime, the stack effect, caused
Offices: the Working Environment


by difference in density of air at different temperatures, can provide significant

air movement, but this is less successful in summer when the temperature
difference between inside and outside is less marked.
Consequently, natural ventilation is not just about having operable windows
within the faade of an office but rather a whole design concept for the sectional
organisation of the building. Atria and internal stairwells have often been used
as components of a natural ventilation strategy, to supply fresh air to the interior
of the building even when its windows are shut. An engineered ventilation
system requires that consistent and healthy conditions are maintained for the
buildings occupants, by building tight and ventilating right, i.e. by reducing the
levels of infiltration using airtight construction, and by introducing fresh air in
a regulated fashion.
The principal design criterion is that ventilation levels have to be appropriate
so as to satisfy the requirements of the occupants. Assuming that smoking is
banned within the building, fresh air ventilation has to supply sufficient oxygen
for breathing (about 0.3 l/s per person), to remove body odours (requiring 5 l/s
per person) and to allow enough indoor air for comfort.
In most cases, for the majority of the year, wind and stack effects can be used
together to induce natural ventilation flows through the building, providing that
wind pressure is acting in the same direction as stack pressure. For that reason,
the outlets from the building should be on the leeward side. Special arrangements will have to be made in noisy or polluted areas and in hot and humid
climates. Solar control will often be required to avoid excessive solar gain, and
internal heat gains have to be anticipated.
Window design becomes an important issue, particularly in respect of the
buildings thermal mass and its utilisation for night cooling. Requirements in
summertime will be different from those in winter. In summer, the main issues
are the control of temperature and achieving sufficient velocity of air movement
past the skin to achieve a sensation of comfort. The rate of airflow does not
have to be as carefully controlled as in winter, when there is the problem of
draughts to consider, but the flow rate in summer will be considered excessive
when papers start to be blown off desks. To avoid overheating in summer, air
flow rates will probably exceed those necessary to merely achieve good indoor
air quality, and the sizes of openings required will be a lot larger than needed
in winter.
It is, however, summertime overheating problems that initiate demands for
the introduction of air-conditioning. In the UK, there are some days when the
outdoor air temperature is higher than comfort temperature indoors (and some
models of climate change suggest that this is likely to increase) in which case

Environmental Construction Handbook

windows are best kept closed and a draught induced by the use of fans, but
these occasions are usually limited to a few days or a couple of weeks a year. The
internal gains are a problem to be considered at the design stage. Solar gain is
the major external source of overheating; accordingly, shading systems for office
buildings have become usual, components that have to be designed in relation to
the orientation of the glass, and the amount of glass within the faade.
For buildings designed to achieve passive solar heating in winter, the majority
of the glazing will be in a southerly direction, so the shading can be in the form
of projecting louvres or gridded walkways that may double as window-cleaning
access. Southern elevations will have less solar gain in summertime when the
elevation of the sun is higher in the sky so overhangs and projections above
windows will function well, but east and west elevations, and particularly west
facing elevations, pose a real problem for the prevention of overheating since
the sun is then shining into the building after its fabric has already heated
up. External fins or extra deep reveals to the windows may help overcome the
problem. Another possible solution is to have over-sailing upper floors, each
floor jutting over the one below.
However, it is particularly difficult to prevent shading devices reducing daylight
levels at the back of rooms in wintertime. Adjustable shading is beneficial from
this point of view though it may entail external moving parts and their longterm maintenance problems.
Although sunlight passing through windows is the principal source of
overheating, shading the external walls of the building in summer also helps
keep the building cool.
This can be achieved by the use of light-coloured and reflective finishes, and
careful disposition of external landscaping. Once heat gains have been reduced
as far as possible, ventilation can be used as a summer cooling strategy; the aim
should be to reduce the indoor temperature in working hours to be not more
than 25.5C for more than 100 hours a year and not more than 28C for more
than 25 hours a year.
For natural ventilation to work when the weather is warm outside, but cooler
than within the building, a sufficient quantity of air should be supplied through
opening windows, or from an atrium, to dissipate hot air from within the
building. In this way, both evaporative and convective cooling of the buildings occupants can be achieved; ceiling fans operating at low speeds are also
Deciding whether or not outside ambient air temperature is above or below
comfort level is a function of the dry resultant temperature. At low air speeds
Offices: the Working Environment


the dry resultant temperature is the mean of the air temperature and the radiant
temperature of the space. Generally, 27C is regarded as the maximum temperature for naturally ventilated buildings. The standard technique for naturally
ventilated buildings is to make best use of the buildings thermal mass in combination with a night cooling strategy. In this way, the construction of the building,
its environment and the envelope of the building all combine together to make
a passive environmental strategy.
Thermal mass depends on the admittance of the internal surfaces of the
building, but this needs to be coupled with the air space of the room, so it is
important not to conceal the thermal mass behind suspended ceilings or raised
floors. Thus removing or eliminating raised floors and suspended ceilings, and
their detrimental consequences for architectural space, is the logical benefit of
an environmental construction strategy.

Shading the faade: integration of shading devices

Office buildings designed to utilise solar energy are likely to have most of their
windows facing south. In offices, unlike housing, the energy penalty for departing
from an exactly south-facing orientation is not marked, but the danger of aggravating the threat of summertime overheating remains. As a result, it has become
very usual, both for naturally ventilated and air-conditioned office buildings,
that windows facing towards the sun incorporate a solar shading system.

Box 4.4 Advanced glazing systems

Light shelves have long been employed in the US where summer sunshine is generally more intense than
in the UK. The specular upper surface of the shelf reflects light onto the ceiling and then to the back of
the room. The result is to redistribute light to where it can be useful, and the shelf also serves to shade
the area adjacent to the windows, which would otherwise be over illuminated giving rise to problems of
In the UK, light redistribution is unlikely to be successful but instead light shelves help reduce the extent
of contrast between the back and front of rooms which can help provide the perception of greater
uniformity of illumination. As a rule of thumb, the depth of the light shelf should be equal to the height
of the light shelf above the working surface.
Other advanced glazing systems, such as prismatic glazing, utilise plastic panes or glass cut to form prisms
that, by total internal reflection, direct a proportion of the light towards the ceiling and then to the back
of the room. Only the upper part of windows can be used in this way since they obstruct the view out,
but the lack of intense direct beam radiation means that prismatic glazing (and alternatives such as those
made from holographic film) is unlikely to be cost-effective in the UK.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Perforated overhangs are preferable since they will allow warm air to escape
rather than channelling it into the building when windows are open during
summertime. They will, however, draw the no sky line towards the front of
the room and reduce daylight levels at the back of the space in wintertime.
A possible compromise is to contain Venetian blinds within the cavity of the
windows, which may be operated by the user or the BEMS.

Hybrid ventilation
Entirely passive systems of ventilation are not suitable for some situations,
because of the difficulty of achieving satisfactory indoor air quality and comfort
conditions throughout the year, so hybrid ventilation (also known as mixed
mode ventilation) is becoming widely adopted.
Natural ventilation systems can have problems with draughts in wintertime and
overheating in summer, whereas air-conditioning systems are often the cause
of user complaints because of their lack of individual environmental control.
Hybrid ventilation provides access to the appropriate characteristics of each
mode according to the prevailing weather conditions. The reduced use of fans
and other mechanical plant achieves substantial overall reductions in energy
Hybrid systems make use of natural ventilation when appropriate, but have
control and mechanical systems that enable artificial active technologies to
be utilised when required. Part of the cost of the plant is transferred into the
building costs associated with the construction of passive stacks, intelligent
window systems, and a building section conducive to airflow.
Hybrid ventilation may incorporate other low-energy characteristics such as
advanced daylight systems, passive solar heating and night cooling. Consequently
an integrated approach to the overall design of the building is required. They
make use of different features of mechanical and natural ventilation at different
times of year, or day, or season. The intelligent controls that are an integral part
of hybrid ventilation switch between natural and artificial modes in order to
save energy. Mechanical and natural systems have developed separately over the
years with limited potential for substantial gains in efficiency, but their combination offers the potential for further improvements, and for the considerable
savings that can be achieved by eliminating air-conditioning.
Hybrid ventilation requires both components of an artificial servicing system
and building elements such as windows to be under the command of the building
management system. The intention is to maximise the extent of natural servicing
and reduce the mechanical component, implying that a broader tolerance to
variable room temperatures will be required. Where local requirements and
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standards are very prescriptive, the proportion of mechanical provision may

have to be increased. Studies have shown, however, that a degree of variation in
indoor conditions, as influenced by the weather conditions out of doors, can be
popular with office workers.
Case study installations, constructed in the late 1990s and investigated within
the IEA Energy Conservation programme, suggest that hybrid ventilation has
the capacity to meet human comfort criteria but without the uniformity of
provision that is characteristic of fully mechanical systems. The majority of the
case study buildings incorporated air extract/intake chimneys or turrets that
became a visible component of their architecture and allowed air distribution at
low pressure drops, reducing the power rating of fans, where required. In most
cases, sensors registering temperature and indoor air quality, controlled the
building management system. High insulation and the use of high performance
glazing were consistent features. Heat recovery, external sunshading, and
artificial light levels controlled by occupancy sensors, were used in some of the
buildings according to their specific climate conditions.

Box 4.5 Sick building syndrome

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a complex phenomenon that was originally associated with physical disease
symptoms in poorly performing buildings. It has since been realised that SBS is a wider phenomenon that
can include recurrent complaints such as headaches, as well as more insidious feelings of discomfort and
malaise that may be difficult to directly attribute to a specific aspect of the buildings environment.
Among the issues assessed by BREEAM<1> are several that have an impact on the health and comfort of
office workers. Because contemporary life requires us all to spend so much of our time indoors, providing
environments that are healthy and comfortable is an aspect of their users quality of life, but also contributes
to the achievement of high levels of productivity in office buildings. Although the visual quality of towns
and cities is an important factor, there is an obvious difficulty in rating these variables, so within BREEAM
the issues addressed are only those capable of objective measurement such as comfort, humidity, noise,
indoor air quality and lighting, and in offices there is a particular concern with summertime overheating.
The formal assessment of an offices environment can take a considerable amount of time for monitoring
and analysis. BREEAM, however, only deals with those variables that can be addressed at the design stage,
and calculated by rule of thumb.
Indoor air quality issues feature high on the list of potential health risks in office buildings, whereas in
domestic accommodation condensation is usually the principal concern. In offices, smoking used to be


Environmental Construction Handbook

a difficulty though the ban imposed in 2007 has eliminated this problem. The toxins emitted by building
materials particularly carpets, are problematic in office buildings, as is the presence of dust mites (though
they can be removed by regular and efficient cleaning). The influence of particulates on human health is
still unclear.
The goals that are rewarded within the BREEAM assessment include having windows that open, ventilation systems that take in fresh air rather than relying entirely on recirculation, and natural ventilation that
achieves the same aim by the use of trickle vents. BREEAM also seeks to ensure that the intake of air to
the building avoids recirculation of air exhausted from indoors, and among housekeeping issues, that an
efficient cleaning regime is adopted, in conjunction with schedules of maintenance.
The occurrence of legionnaires disease is an event when buildings are directly implicated in having a
detrimental effect on human health since the majority of cases are the result of poor hot water supply
systems in non-domestic buildings. Prevention is a matter of rigorous maintenance and carrying out
safety checks on existing equipment. Incidence of legionnaires disease can also be related to the design,
operation and maintenance of cooling towers. The system must allow regular, complete cleaning, which
greatly reduces the incidence of legionnaires disease, and the towers have to be carefully designed to
enable all the condensate to be removed. These requirements are obviously important for the promotion
of good heath for the buildings occupants. There may, of course, be legal ramifications where safety
guidelines have not been adhered to by building owners.
Another aspect with health implications considered by BREEAM is noise. Although a high level of noise
can be a nuisance, conversely, in open plan offices the lack of background noise can make acoustic
privacy a problem, so a compromise needs to be reached. Thermal comfort issues in office buildings are
likely to be principally concerned with the incidence of overheating in high summer. Usually, in the UK,
provision of sufficient natural ventilation will overcome this problem other than in city centre locations
where a noisy and polluted environment requires the installation of a mechanical system.
BREEAM also gives credit for the building having the means to locally control temperatures, and for
standard techniques having been used at the design stage to assess thermal comfort, and for the building
having a method of monitoring and targeting office conditions.
In terms of lighting, most people prefer daylight and a view out whilst avoiding solar gain. Artificial
lighting systems need a personal level of control by occupants and a correct and maintained level of
lighting. Fluorescent lighting can be responsible for headaches and eyestrain, particularly if conventional
ballasts have not been replaced by high frequency ones (that also have the advantage of being energy
1. Baldwin, R., Yates, A., Howard, N. and Rao, S. BREEAM 98 for Offices. BRE Centre for Sustainable Construction
Garston 1998: www.bre.co.uk/envest

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3. Resource management
3.1 Renewable energy, water conservation, recycling and
BREEAM assessment[9] also takes into consideration the use of resources, the
extent of water conservation, the use of recycled material, and waste management
aspects of office construction. The choice of A-rated building elements from
the BRE Green Guide to Specification (as illustrated within this book) earns
credits within BREEAM. The additional benefits that are cited are financial, in
that ecologically friendly constructions may in fact be cheaper than alternatives particularly if they can be locally sourced. In terms of human health, the
Green Guide is also concerned with the toxicity of materials, for the overall
management and image of an organisation in being able to project a green face
to the world, and in helping to establish environmental management procedures
within companies.
BREEAM makes an award for the sourcing of timber from sustainable, managed
forests, in line with the Forest Stewardship Certification scheme, as well as the
Timber Trades Association and Forests Forever environmental policies. Among
the other benefits listed are those to human health in that the preservation of
tropical forests also achieves retention of the plant habitat that is the source of
many of todays medicines.
The reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste is a huge issue since
the construction industry is responsible for between a quarter and a third of all
the waste produced in this country each year. There are several internet-based
materials information exchange systems which can help overcome the general
lack of knowledge for the sourcing of recycled materials. Companies need to
have management systems for waste disposal to deal with the bottles, cans and
paper generated in offices, including purpose-designed storage arrangements,
and a policy has to be in place for the storage and collection of office waste.
BREEAM encourages the reuse of existing buildings rather than the construction
of new. Despite the fact that new buildings may be more efficient from an energy
point of view compared with old ones, many buildings are demolished simply
because their location is wrong rather than because they are impossible to
repair or unsuited to their purpose. So, within the BREEAM assessment, the
refurbishment and retention of elements from existing buildings is promoted,
as is the reuse of construction and demolition materials. To achieve the aims of
BREEAM, a large proportion of the existing structure and envelope of a retained
building has to be reused, and recycled material should be employed.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Box 4.6 Building management systems

Originally, building management systems (BMS) were designed to control mechanical equipment. The
BMS could control anything from room temperatures to security. The building energy management
system (BEMS) is a type of BMS that is focused on managing the comfort conditions of the indoor
environment, and can be used to monitor energy usage, and therefore control costs. Elements of a
building can be controlled either manually, by opening and closing windows, adjusting blinds and so on,
or automatically, by the use of timers or presence detectors (in the case of artificial lights), and a building
energy management system will undertake computerised control from a central point. The BEMS relies
on sensors within the building to relay information to the central controller, which sends orders to the
actuators for the opening and closing of blinds and other devices. A supervisor device may be necessary
to override decisions made locally by users if, for example, windows ought to be kept closed according to
the strength and direction of the wind, or in case of fire.
In relation to passive strategies the BEMS can be responsible for automatically adjusting solar shading,
the control of artificial lighting levels, opening and closing high-level windows for the purposes of night
ventilation, and generally moderating the ventilation air flows through the building by controlling inlet
vents, and high-level extracts into stacks or from roof outlets.
However, a BEMS can, if poorly designed, result in increased energy consumption where, for example
night cooling is too successful resulting in the need for heaters to be turned on in the morning of the
following day. So the BEMS has to be configured so that all the systems within the building work together
and not in opposition. On the other hand, the building users should have the capability of overruling the
BEMS, otherwise occupant dissatisfaction will undermine the system entirely, but there will have to be
fallback settings for reasons of safety and to conserve energy. As with any contemporary services installation, the BEMS will have to be carefully tested and commissioned, and a maintenance manual, including
operating instructions, produced by the BEMS.

Because water demand has risen so sharply over the past 30 years (by 30%)[10]
and because the construction of reservoirs is expensive and environmentally
damaging, UK policy is to reduce the demand for water. In office buildings,
on average 43% of water is used for flushing WCs, 20% for flushing urinals,
27% for washing, 10% for kitchens and canteens. BREEAM assessment awards
credit when the predicted or actual water consumption meets specified targets.
A variety of technical solutions are available, such as sanitaryware needing
less water, in conjunction with methods of measuring and controlling water

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4. Integrated design of environment and structure

4.1 Construction: steel vs concrete
Nearly all contemporary office buildings are made from a steel or concrete
frame.[11] [12] [13] [14] There is a long standing argument between the steel and
concrete industries as to which performs better environmentally. The steel
industry has been a leader in the promotion of life cycle assessment to evaluate
these environmental impacts. The Steel Construction Institute undertook a life
cycle analysis of two office buildings[15], one four storeys in height and another
of a higher specification, eight storeys high, with an atrium.
The alternatives considered were:
a concrete frame

a precast system with hollow core planks

a variety of steel structures employing:

cellular beams
slimfloor beams with precast slabs
a composite beam and permanent decking/in situ solution.

They also looked at a variety of servicing systems from natural ventilation

through a number of mechanical supply and extract alternatives.
The whole lifetime analysis proceeded from:
the origins of the materials used for building

their manufacture into construction components

their transportation to the building site

the construction of the building itself

the maintenance cycles throughout the buildings life including its final

the reuse of the components and materials or their disposal.

What they found was that, based on a 60-year life, there was very little difference when considering, for example, a mechanical supply and extract option in
relation to the five structural types.
This was also the case when comparison was made between their overall lifetime
energy consumption, and the production of CO2, whether resulting from the
use of steel or concrete. What was also discovered was that the initial embodied
energy due to the structure was a very small proportion of the overall energy
consumption throughout the buildings life. Comparatively, the extent of operational energy dwarfed that of embodied energy.[16]

Environmental Construction Handbook

These conclusions are advantageous if considered from the point of view of

the steel lobby, because the production of steel is very energy intensive. The
embodied energy of steel is about 20 times that of concrete. Set against this
is the increasing efficiency of steel production, the amount of energy required
having dropped by more than a third over the past 30 years.
Moreover, the reuse of steel is one of the most established recycling industries, and very little steel goes to waste from building sites, whereas the largest
amounts wasted in terms of tonnage are concrete, aggregates, blocks and waste
This is partly due to steel structures being relatively easily demountable, so
global annual steel production consists of almost 50% that is recycled from
scrap; and the recycling ratio (the proportion of the actual quantity of metal in
the demolished building that is salvaged and recycled, compared to the amount
of usable metal from the process) is about 80%. This is a function of the limits of
efficiency with which the material can be reclaimed from the site, and because
the final amount of re-smelted metal produced depends on the efficiency of
collection and sorting in scrap yards. Steels embodied energy is very high but
re-smelting is relatively energy efficient so as steel is repeatedly recycled the
effective embodied energy drops, until after being recycled 8 or 10 times the
embodied energy falls to a constant level. The same is true of the volume of
emissions, carbon dioxide and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, produced during
the process.
Cement, which makes up 1020% of its mass, is the energy intensive component
of concrete. This is because of the very high temperatures required to produce
the cement clinker. However, over the past 30 years, the energy used has been
reduced by 35%, with accompanying reductions in CO2 emissions, although CO2
is actually one of the byproducts of the reduction of limestone to calcium oxide.
These process emissions are very difficult to eliminate using current production
methods. Steel production from ore generates about 60 times as much CO2 as
does concrete manufacture. Their relative use of water is similarly startling, a
tonne of water is required to make a tonne of concrete, but 300 tonnes is needed
to make a tonne of structural steel.
Steel reinforcement for concrete is almost exclusively made from recycled
material, but recycling of concrete is in its infancy, the use of recycled aggregate
at the BRE Environmental Building being one of the first. There are environmental concerns about the amount of dust pollution and the amount of noise
involved in concrete crushing. Ideally crushing would be carried out on site
to avoid demolition concrete having to be carried over long distances between
recycling centres.
Offices: the Working Environment


Disposition of thermal mass

A parallel argument has been conducted about the relative performance of
steel frames and concrete frames, in terms of their thermal mass or fabric
energy storage capability, as it is sometimes called.[17] Within a passive or hybrid
ventilation system the use of the buildings thermal mass to control its internal
climate temperature has become a central requirement. The thermal mass,
principally coupled to the room spaces at the soffit of the floor slabs, is cooled at
night by opening windows and purging warm air from the space.
For offices a building type with a marked tendency to overheat in summer
the use of the buildings thermal mass can reduce the discomfort felt on very
hot days. Use of a heavyweight material, such as concrete, spreads the diurnal
range, so that the warmest period in the day can effectively be transferred to the
evening, owing to the thermal time lag within the structure. The office building
will have internal gains due to lights, people and equipment, but the thermal
mass can reduce the peaks of temperature by 3 or 4 degrees and defer the peak to
the end of the day, the maximum temperature being delayed by up to 6 hours.
In this way, office buildings can be naturally ventilated, and the avoidance of
air-conditioning can reduce the initial cost of the building by 20%; managing
without suspended ceilings reduces costs by a further 5% and the height of the
building shrinks as a result by 1015%.
For fabric energy storage to work well, there should be as large as possible an
area of thermal mass presented to the room, which is usually the soffit of the
concrete slab. As a rule of thumb, there should be twice as much exposed area of
soffit as floor area below. So corrugated forms of concrete construction are well
suited to this scenario for example troughs or coffers but a mix of precast
and in-situ concrete for slabs and columns can provide a suitable standard of
visible surface.

Thermal mass and steel structures

In an attempt to counter these arguments that favour concrete construction,
the steel industry has carried out tests of its own, which have suggested that
the thickness of the thermal mass does not have to be as great as was formerly
supposed. A concrete slab, exposed on one side, has only to be 75100 mm thick
to be effective. Indeed, slabs of greater thickness in effect have reduced admittance because of the difficulty of extracting heat from deep within the slab when
using night cooling.


Environmental Construction Handbook

As a result, even relatively light steelwork construction can have adequate

thermal mass. For purposes of comparison, three different structures were
a slimfloor beam system with precast units and in-situ concrete topping

a steel frame with decking and in-situ concrete floor

a concrete flat slab.

It was found that there was very little difference in their performance.

Box 4.7 Night cooling

Night cooling is an environmental technique common to vernacular buildings.<1> It works best in desert
regions when there is a large difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures, but even in the
UK, night cooling can be successful as long as the difference is not less than around 8C.
Most usual is for high-level windows to be operated by the building energy management system so that,
when they are open at night, the passage of air can be directly in contact with the soffit of the concrete
slab. The thermal mass has to be coupled with the room space for adequate cooling during the day.
Perforated ceilings can be effective, but they should be made of metal to form a radiant cold surface
facing into the room. In this way both the air temperature and the surface temperature (the components
of the dry resultant temperature, a reliable guide to comfort) can be reduced. Even when air temperatures
start to rise, the presence of the cold surface of the slab within the radiant field of the rooms occupants
will make the room still feel comfortable.
These passive methods are adequate for many offices although the rate of heat transfer is limited, and
there is little control over the extent of cooling or release of heat during the night. The dangers are that
the space will feel too cold when the office is first occupied in the morning leading to the heat being
turned on, or that the cooling effect will be exhausted by the early afternoon, when there will be a
demand for mechanical cooling.
More successful is to use an active solution where the incoming air is channelled through, or adjacent
to, the structure. This can be in the form of perforated concrete planks (the TermodeckTM system), and a
number of solutions have been tested by British Steel<2> using steel ducting to confine the airflow next to
the slab with grilles that provide cooled air supply at specified locations within rooms. These enable an
enhanced level of control and more efficient cooling of the concrete slab.
1. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme Natural Ventilation for Offices: NatVent a better way to work
BRECSU, Garston, 1999.
2. SCI, Environmental Floor Systems. Steel Construction Institute, Silwood Park, Ascot, UK

Offices: the Working Environment


5 Generic construction methods

5.1 Typical UK office construction[18] [19]
Figure 4.3 Typical UK
office construction

Steel frame with profiled decking

Figure 4.4 Steel frame composite
floor construction

A steel skeleton frame with profiled decking providing permanent shuttering

to an in-situ slab has become the generic fast track form of construction for
steel-framed office buildings. It is a moderately lightweight floor system, which
explains its Green Guide B rating compared to an in-situ reinforced concrete
slab, which is rated C.
Precast floors are the only type to receive an A because of their ability to support
equivalent floor loads with reduced self weight. Consequently a steel frame
+ precast concrete planks + screed would be the preferred option. The steel
decking in a composite floor has the additional disadvantages of the embodied
energy and water consumption involved in steel production, but with a high, but
as yet unrealised, potential for recycling.
As noted above, steel production is very energy intensive with accompanying
and detrimental effects on climate change and fossil fuel depletion. It is,

Environmental Construction Handbook

however, highly recyclable, and the proportion of metal recycled from scrap
reduces the extent of steel productions environmental impacts. These advantages are optimised if steel structures are designed to be demountable, by the
use of bolted rather than welded connections.

Aluminium curtain walling

Figure 4.5 Curtain

Aluminium curtain walling achieves an intermediate B rating compared with

timber framed glazing that alone achieves an A rating, and U-PVC with its many
negative environmental impacts has the lowest rating of C. Despite the very
considerable energy requirements of aluminium when smelted from bauxite,
since 30% of UK aluminium production uses recycled metal, the overall energy
requirement is substantially reduced. UK aluminium manufacture utilises offpeak electricity but hydroelectricity (as employed in Canada, for example) is the
cleanest of power sources. The difficulty of sourcing aluminium from particular
countries does, however, make this distinction fairly academic.
The glass within a typical double-glazed window accounts for less than 20% of its
embodied energy and so the glazing specification has relatively little impact on
the overall rating of the component, although it can have profound implications
for the operational energy of the building throughout its life.
The ductility of aluminium enables window sections to be readily fabricated
from aluminium billets. Its ease of milling to complex sections makes it well
suited to accommodate opening lights for night cooling, and the wireways
required for BEMS systems. The future of aluminium curtain walling might
seem assured from these points of view, except that the conductivity of the metal
is so high that the heat loss from the assembly tends to be very unfavourable.
The thermal breaks within the sections usually guard against condensation but
do not guarantee better thermal performance. Manufacturers figures should be
obtained for U-values through the framing as well as the U-value at the centre
of the glazing, and for the assembly as a whole.

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Single-ply roofing
Figure 4.6 Profiled deck
roof plus single-ply

Single-ply roofing is regarded as having a life of only 15 years, so the frequent

intervals at which it has to be replaced explains the C rating that the construction
Many of the materials used for the manufacture of single-ply membranes are
derived from oil-based hydrocarbons that have significant environmental
impacts during manufacture. The mass of the concrete construction is also
a factor contributing to its rating, particularly with regard to the extent of
minerals extraction involved in obtaining aggregate.

An alternative: double-skin glazed wall

Figure 4.7 Alternative:
double-skin glazed wall

It can be seen that achieving a BREEAM preferred A rating is relatively easy

with lightweight steel frame and curtain walling technology, whereas concrete
construction with heavy cladding performs badly.
Double-skin glazed walls have become increasingly commonplace in recent
office construction in a variety of different configurations; the cavity between
the walls being used as a services duct in mechanically ventilated buildings, or as


Environmental Construction Handbook

a system of horizontal or vertical plenums for use as a solar chimney in naturally

ventilated or hybrid systems. The considerable extra expenditure required can
be justified on environmental grounds particularly if the site is noisy. The usual
specification is for an aluminium double-glazed curtain wall to form the inner
skin, and for a single pane structurally glazed to form the outer weatherproof
layer. The assembly can give enhanced thermal performance, and the use of the
air space to accommodate solar shading has made the use of clear glass, rather
than tinted, the chosen option, with accompanying advantages for maximising
the use of daylight.
As noted above, the relatively low impact of the glass means that the lifetime
energy advantages can be achieved whilst incurring relatively little additional
embodied energy.

Floors: concrete slab

Figure 4.8 Concrete:
concrete flat slab

Being a high mass element, this floor system achieves only a C rating, though
lighter weight alternatives, such as ribbed slabs or waffles, do better with a
B. Flat slab construction does particularly badly in relation to the volume of
mineral extraction it requires, because the quarrying of aggregates has a considerable impact on its local environment. Recycled aggregate has advantages from
this point of view, and its use is increasing. However, from the point of view of
energy, the crushing, sorting and transport of recycled aggregates is likely to
be comparable to the virgin material, and there may be quality control issues
requiring additional cement content in the mix thus undermining the environmental benefits.

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Figure 4.9 Precast
concrete spandrel

Precast concrete, because of its high mass, receives a B rating across a number
of alternative specifications. When used as the inner skin to marble cladding
panels its rating drops to C because of the stones high mass and the extensive
support system required.
Composite windows with an aluminium rainscreen outer surface to an inner
timber frame achieve a B rating similar to aluminium windows but with
improved ratings across most categories of the analysis compared to aluminium,
for example in relation to both CO2 emissions and climate change.

Roofs: inverted warm roof

Figure 4.10 Inverted
flat warm roof

A galvanised steel profiled deck with an asphalt inverted warm roof, and
insulation weighted down by paving slabs, achieves an A rating comparable
with timber joisted roof constructions. This rather surprising result is due to the
relatively light weight of this alternative, but the rating reduces to a C if a steel
deck is used in combination with a warm roof built off a concrete slab. Inverted
roof construction has the advantage of providing a protective environment for
the waterproofing which lengthens its serviceable life between replacement
intervals. In the Green Guide, this is given the rather conservative estimate of
30 years for an asphalt roof. The waterproof layer is the roof component with
highest environmental impact on the rating for the roof as a whole.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Table 4.2 Ecopoints evaluation of generic constructions for offices, using BREs Envest tool

Generic office type: 30m 15m (450 m2 per floor); total 2250 m2; no. storeys: 5;
storey height: 3m; % cellular: 10%; location: S.E. England; soil type: firm clay .


Ground floor

150 mm precast concrete slabs + 50 mm topping



Upper floor

Steel deck + 150 mm in-situ concrete slab



External walls

Precast spandrel panels + 20 mm granite cladding, inner leaf of




Internal partitions

Aluminium demountable partitions




Aluminium double glazed




Asphalt + paving, 100 mm foamglass insulation on 200 mm precast

concrete slab




10% 2 mm vinyl sheet



90% wool/nylon + sponge rubber underlay





5% 6.5 mm ceramic tiles



95% 2 coat render + emulsion





Wall finishes


Mineral fibre suspended ceiling




Piled foundations




Steel frame



Total embodied including material replacements over 60-year lifespan


Total embodied per sq m of floor area


Source: based on Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E., Sinclair, M., Green Guide to Specification, (3rd Edition), BRE, Watford, 2002.
Commentary: As might be expected for a building with heavyweight cladding consisting of a stone facing to concrete
spandrel panels, the external elevations account for a high proportion of the total. The extensive use of carpet, a short life
component with high embodied energy, also makes a significant contribution to the embodied energy per m2 of floor area.
The overall figure is, however, moderate compared with other building types, as a result of the compact building form.

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6. Generic office environments

6.1 Daylighting
To optimise the use of daylight requires the careful design of glazing, in order
to achieve a balance between heat loss, daylight admission and solar gain. For
passive solar purposes in temperate climates such as ours, a south-facing orientation is preferable, but whether the solar heat gain will be useful depends on
the internal heat loads, in particular the number of machines being employed.
Skylights are an efficient way of admitting daylight to the central core areas
of office buildings on upper floors, though in terms of outside awareness their
usefulness is limited.
The first metre or so above the floor provides little daylight for a useful depth
into the room, but will admit solar gain. A view of the sky is necessary to bring
unobstructed light into the space, and tall windows for that reason provide light
deeper into a room, but bright patches of sky can also be the cause of glare.

6.2 Artificial lighting

To limit emissions due to lighting, the use of energy-efficient lamps in conjunction
with automated controls is effective, but it is best to make maximum use of
available daylight by, for example, ensuring that internal finishes are light in
colour. The optimum is to provide artificial lighting only in relation to the
ambient conditions being provided by natural light, through the use of controls
and lights with dimming capability.
Providing a low level of general lighting, supplemented by local task lighting
using compact fluorescent tubes, is an energy saving strategy. In existing offices
old 38 mm tubes should be replaced with 26 mm (T8) tubes with high frequency
electronic ballasts that can achieve 30% savings in power usage.
Luminaire efficiency is dependent on the design and reflectivity of the materials
used; in many offices anti-glare low brightness fittings will be required to
eliminate reflections from VDU screens.

6.3 Natural ventilation

Adequate ventilation in summer is a function of the size and type of window
openings and the depth and relationship of rooms. These rules are well established and have long been available as software (e.g. BREs BREEZE). There are
limitations[20] to the depth of rooms that can be ventilated on one side only, and

Environmental Construction Handbook

natural ventilation will be a lot more successful if a through draught can be

arranged. Rooms that are in depth more than two and a half times the height
of the room will have difficulties from this point of view. Whereas a crossventilated space can be up to 5 times the height of the room in depth,
effectively this limits the overall dimension from side to side, or side to atrium,
to 15 metres. Floor to ceiling heights should best be around 3 metres, to give
sufficient height for buoyancy airflow through the space.

6.4 Mechanical ventilation

Mechanically assisted natural ventilation is a low energy option where local
conditions are not able to support the operation of an entirely passive option
throughout the year. A simple hybrid system such as extract fans contained in
extract chimneys can be designed to operate only at times when supplementary
pressure is required.
Because the efficiency of air as a medium for heat transfer is so low compared
to water, HVAC systems use a large volume of air and entail large amounts of
electric fan power. Minimising the fan power used for HVAC is an effective
approach to reducing energy since fans typically use more energy than chillers.
Air recirculation, although frequently used to save electricity, will pose health
problems by spreading indoor pollutants around the building.
A number of efficient alternatives to conventional HVAC are now established

River water or ground cooling: either by drawing water from a bore

hole or river, or by casting water circulation pipes in piles, a source
of free cooling can be connected into the building services via a heat

Evaporative cooling: the expenditure of latent energy that is made

during the phase change of water to vapour is used to cool the air, and
up to 10% cooling energy reductions can be achieved by the use of
indirect evaporative coolers.

Thermal wheel: a rotating wheel made from ceramic tubes is used to

extract heat from the exhausted indoor air and by rotation of the wheel
into the path of the air supply from outdoors, the energy is reused for preheating. Pre-cooling can be achieved in summer by passing the outgoing
air through an evaporative cooler before it enters the thermal wheel.

Absorption heat pump: this is a heat-operated refrigeration machine

that operates at lower efficiency than ordinary chillers but which can be
Offices: the Working Environment


a worthwhile option where there is a supply of waste heat, from a CHP

plant for example.

6.5 Space heating and cooling, and water heating

Although space heating is a major use of energy in office buildings, in terms of
primary energy, even in naturally lit and ventilated buildings, space heating is
unlikely to be the largest use of energy. Even so, heating requirements can be
reduced by the use of well-sealed and insulated construction, and the best use of
energy in combination with careful disposition of openings within the building
Hot water supply in offices can be very wasteful if supplied from a central boiler
and if long pipe runs are required. Local calorifiers sited close to points of use
may be an economic alternative. Water saving devices such as spray taps and
low volume WCs will also help reduce energy usage.

7 Case studies
7.1 New Street Square a commercial development in the
City of London
This case study was supplied by courtesy of Bennetts Associates.
Client: Land Securities
Architect: Bennetts Associates
Contractor: Sir Robert McAlpine
Structures: Pell Frischmann
Size: 102,200 m2
Design: 20034
Completion: Spring 2008

It has long been accepted that design innovation in the office sector is most
likely to come from the owner-occupiers. Organisations such as Powergen and
Wessex Water see radical change in the workplace as part of an overall, longterm plan and make corporate decisions tailored to their operational needs.
By contrast, the sector that deals in offices for rent is notoriously conservative.
Short-termism and the need to avoid buildings that are aimed too specifically at
one user or another dominate trading patterns.


Environmental Construction Handbook

This is graphically illustrated in the UK by their typologies:

owner-occupied office buildings have (at least since the late 1990s)
tended to follow the north-European pattern, with narrower plan forms
and more benign environmental systems

commercial developers have steadfastly adhered to the American, airconditioned model regardless of local conditions.

Architects, and many others interested in sustainability, have known for years
that the commercial office sector would be among the last to embrace the
changes needed for the pursuit of sustainability. The reasons for this conservatism are worth exploring further, to set the New Street Square scheme in its
economic context:
1. Office developments are often bought, sold and let like any other commodity.
It is unlikely that the initiating entrepreneur/developer will get a return
from any additional investment which benefits the occupiers such as, for
example, installing sun shading.
2. Anything considered novel (such as an exposed structure or air supplied
from the floor) would be certain to attract unwelcome questions about
future performance from potential purchasers such as the investing institutions, who buy property to bolster the nations pension funds.
3. Rented office buildings must appeal to the broadest range of tenants if they are
not to run the risk of being un-let for extended periods. This generally rules
out inflexible plan shapes or technical solutions such as natural ventilation.
4. Advisors and agents are generally paid on results, so an innovative design will be
resisted for reasons of vested interest unless they confer a market advantage.
5. The structure of property transactions in the UK is closely linked to that of
the USA, one byproduct of which is the standardisation of technical specifications to suit global occupiers. In this respect, the City of London office
market is perhaps the most conservative of all, as it is dominated by large,
fast-changing occupiers in the worldwide banking and legal sector. The
sheer scale and speed of property transactions in the City makes the introduction of innovation especially hazardous; it is a highly specialised market
that often seems resistant to ideas from outside.

Planning, form and construction

The site
The 2-hectare site lies on New Fetter Lane, mid-way between Fleet Street and
Holborn Circus. To the immediate south, the Fleet Street conservation area
Offices: the Working Environment


comprises a series of charming courts and alleys, culminating in Dr Johnsons

House facing the site boundary. The site itself, and the land to the north, is
the creation of post-war reconstruction, with little to commend it in terms of
townscape and streetlife.
The brief and design rationale
In statistical terms the brief was for an enormous development 100,000m 2 of
accommodation which made it the latest in an small group of campus type
City developments that have faced issues of large-scale urbanism as well as the
conventional pressures of market acceptability. Learning the lessons of its own
development on the site 40 years before, Land Securities was particularly keen
to create a sense of place and a destination for the immediate area, to replace
the existing group of bland 1960s slabs that had reached the end of their natural
Land Securities is not only the UKs largest property company, but it is also one
of the few to retain its office developments as long-term investments, rather
than trade them for a short-term profit after the initial letting. Whilst the
companys brief for New Street Square conformed to industry norms in many
respects, their retention policy meant that they were prepared to take a view
about operational issues for their tenants who would be more likely to renew
their leases at premium rents if the landlords service was good. In other words,
they did see market advantage in lower running costs and a degree of resilience
against potential energy taxes that might hit the tenant market at some time in
the future. Most significantly, the new generation of senior management at Land
Securities saw sustainability as an important corporate responsibility and, alone
among major developers, the company had begun to measure and understand
the environmental performance of its current building stock.
Design site masterplan
In social terms, the design concept attempts to stitch back together the spirit
and vitality of the historic street pattern, avoiding the plazas, changes of level
and wide, formal routes that characterise the existing development. To do this,
a new, public square is located at the centre of the site, completely surrounded
by new buildings (Figure 4.11). The square replicates the approximate size, name
and position of a historic square that disappeared from maps around 1680. It is
of a scale and intensity that should distinguish it from its recent antecedants at
Paternoster Square and Broadgate.
Connecting the development with the network of surrounding spaces and
streets are four points of pedestrian access, radiating like a pinwheel from the
square, thereby creating an informal series of routes that impose a degree of

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 4.11 Overall View:

building A is to the rear
of the site, buildings
B and D (medium rise)
in front of building A
and the low-rise block
(building C) and the
management pavilion
(building E) to the front
of the square. Lower
buildings are to the
South of the site.

Source: Bennetts Associates Architects

discovery on the users. Each serves a different audience: the east-west route
provides a desire-line for pedestrians who are presently obliged to walk around
the area, whereas the north-south route creates a direct, canopied connection to
Holborn Circus at one end and an entrance to the small scale of Pemberton Row
at the other. All of these new connections are lined with shops or restaurants
and the wider spaces are animated by meeting places, public art and places for
performance, so as to create life and public activity at street level.
The conjunction of a regular pattern of spaces or routes with an irregular site
boundary generates four plots around the square for major buildings of various
sizes and plan forms with the intention of ensuring a degree of economic
flexibility in a constantly changing market one high-rise tower (Building A),
two medium-rise, atrium buildings (Buildings B and D) and one low-rise block
(Building C). In addition, there is a small pavilion (Building E) that serves as
a management suite and access to the basement car/cycle park. Quite apart
from townscape considerations, the varying height of the buildings ensures the
maximum level of sunlight penetration into the square, with the tallest to the
north and the lowest to the south.

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Scale and materiality are also used to establish appropriate relationships

between the scheme and its surroundings. Buildings B and E defer to the
adjacent residential block and Dr Johnsons House, whereas Buildings B and D
are intended to perform a neutral, background role. Building A, by contrast, is
relatively assertive, its sharply pointed corner signalling the development from
Holborn Circus.
By City standards, the New Street Square development is, therefore, unusually
versatile and site specific but it also brings together several existing strands
of thinking that had evolved over a number of previous projects by Bennetts
Associates. Sustainability provides the economic, social and environmental link
between them and an invaluable hook for an exceptional client and for the
planning authority.
Design individual buildings
With the existing properties on the site being demolished after only 40 years, the
first principle to be established was long-term robustness. All the new buildings
have simple, legible floorplates and the column grid across the site provides for a
wide range of interior fitting-out layouts, with longer spans than is normal. They
also follow the same formula for floor-to-floor height, with the levels aligned
so that future connections between blocks are relatively straightforward. The
spatial relationships between the lift/stair/toilet cores, the column grid and the
perimeter are crucial in ensuring that each building can be occupied by different
market sectors such as lawyers, who want cellular space, or bankers, who want
open plan. The first and second floors are taller than elsewhere, to allow the
possibility of trading with exceptional servicing requirements. Compared to
most other City developments, the level of future adaptability is extremely high,
so the probability of future waste through obsolescence is greatly reduced. The
structural and services solution supports this principle and establishes the basis
for operational energy efficiency.
The sustainability strategy for New Street Square extends the research from
Bennetts Associates Wessex Water project by examining embodied energy,
waste, recycling and post-occupancy monitoring. The projects environmental
impact assessment and its BREEAM excellent rating have established further
policies for transport, air quality, traffic noise, archaeology, wind and so on. All
of these are being rigorously pursued through the construction process, with
mandatory compliance by specialist subcontractors (from demolition onwards)
supported by the main contractor and a thorough, independent audit process.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Since the widespread adoption of the American practice for steel frame
construction and full air-conditioning in the early 1980s, few City buildings
have been designed in concrete. The choice of concrete for the structure of New
Street Square is significant, therefore, as it challenges conventional wisdom and
departs from established norms for cost, speed and buildability on congested
sites. Thanks to pressure on steel prices caused by an overheated Chinese
market, concrete in 20034 was competitive and, as post-tensioning meant
that floor slabs with long spans could be procured without downstand beams,
the resulting structure is far more adaptable than the steel equivalent. Rather
than reduce the floor-to-floor heights in response to the thinner structure
represented by the flat slab solution, Land Securities agreed that the additional
internal height should be used to enhance flexibility by offering the prospect of
several alternative servicing solutions.

Thermal performance
The architects were aware that most property advisers would not accept
sustainable design solutions if they were based on, say, vaulted concrete structures and natural ventilation, as they are perceived to be far too inflexible and
technically inadequate for the City market. However, as long as the initial design
did not prevent a conventional solution such as fan-coil air-conditioning at some
time in the future, there was no reason to resist an innovative design.
Unlike steel, the dimensions of the flat concrete structure allows three possible
options (Figure 4.12):

Option 1 fan-coil air-conditioning with a suspended ceiling

Option 2 a chilled ceiling combined with air supplied from the floor

Option 3 chilled rafts suspended from the exposed structural slab,

once again with air from the floor. Bennetts Associates had already
demonstrated the visual impact and technical feasibility of chilled rafts
and thermal mass on one of its previous projects, so its viability was not
in question.

Even though a deeper than normal raised floor is required in order to accommodate the air supply, the overall flexibility of the design means that all options
can be accommodated within a conventional storey height for the life of the
building. This should satisfy the agents who are interested in the first tenant as
well as those who are committed to the long-term.

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Source: Bennetts Associates Architects

The external envelope has been engineered to ensure an absolute minimum of

solar gain at critical times of year, with extensive sun shading or glass treatment
on all relevant elevations (Figure 4.13). The effect of this is to limit the internal
heat gains only to those items directly connected with the occupier, such as
lights, people and of course IT equipment.
It is expected that some tenants will have so much heat gain that it would be
economically unsustainable not to offer the fan-coil solution, as it is the only
one of the three with large cooling capacity. Most office occupiers, however,
even in the City, do not require such high levels of cooling and there are some
who are beginning to see the advantages of energy-efficient buildings with taller
ceilings. The chilled raft solution, therefore, is another radical proposal in City
terms but it has compelling practical, commercial and architectural advantages.
For the landlord and agent, the range of alternative options means that there is
no downside to the low-energy solution.
As a consequence of its extensive solar control, exposed structure, minimal
cooling regime and taller interior, New Street Square has adopted many of the

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 4.12:
Environmental solutions

characteristics of the north European building type previously rejected by the

UK property development sector. As the impact of tougher building regulations
becomes apparent in the next few years, it is possible that New Street Square
will become the benchmark, in just the same way that Broadgate fuelled the
steel-framed, air-conditioned property boom of the 1980s.

Figure 4.13 The pavilion

with medium-rise and
high-rise blocks behind
note the solar shading

Source: Andrew Putler

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7.2 Case Study: Arup Fitzrovia

Client: London Merchant Securities
Technical and Management Consultancy: Arup
Architect: Sheppard Robson
Social Sciences Consultant: SHM
Size: 27,770m2 of open plan offices
Design: 2000
Completion: 2004

In November 2000, Arup was commissioned by its landlord, London Merchant
Securities (LMS), to undertake the refurbishment of the Arup head office at 13
Fitzroy Street and the adjoining building at 36 Howland Street. The project was
to involve the removal of all faades and complete clearance of the interiors,
back to the reinforced concrete frame and floor plates.
The intention was to provide a single high-quality building which would reflect
Arups corporate identity, both internally and externally.

Planning, form and construction

The site
The site consisted of two adjacent 1960s office blocks. The underlying structure,
frame and floor plates, was of reinforced concrete. Each building could operate
independently, each with its own stair and lift core.
Figure 4.14 Interior of
the hub. These areas
are positioned adjacent
to the main vertical core
and provide informal
meeting, breakout and
quiet spaces on each

Source: Morley von Sternberg


Environmental Construction Handbook

The brief and design rationale

Aspirations for the project included:

to provide an exciting and inspirational workplace that would

encourage creativity, innovation and interaction

to be an exemplar for sustainable design, within the constraints of the

existing buildings

to create flexible (i.e. generic) space for future adaptation and change

to maximise the asset value within the requirements of the agreement

for lease.

The project objectives that were developed and agreed by the client, the project
design and management team and Arups London Accommodation Committee
(representing building users) included:

to reflect, and exceed where possible, best practice in environmental

and sustainability matters in building design, construction and

to create a building that will act as an exemplar for environmental and

sustainability solutions for projects of this nature.

Arups SPeARTM (Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine), introduced in Chapter

1, was used as the basis for the sustainability appraisals and is considered in
detail at the end of the case study.
The new building delivered 27,770m2 of modern, open-plan office space with
floor-to-ceiling external glazing and comfort cooling. The amount of office
accommodation was increased, relative to the existing buildings, by adding a
four-storey, steel-framed extension.
A range of studies and measures, contributing to various aspects of sustainability, were incorporated into the design process, including:

a detailed study of the aspirations and preferences of future building

users, as commissioned from SHM, during design development

a Building Research Establishment SMART survey, commissioned to

determine what materials from the existing buildings could be recycled

a requirement in the construction tender documents to ensure that

contractors operated an Environment System.

The building was planned to reflect aspirations that emerged from early staff
surveys for more flexible spaces and a high quality environment with a sense of
Offices: the Working Environment


presence. Important elements of the architectural response to these desires are:

the hubs (Figures 4.14 and 4.15), which

were designed to encourage the sharing
of space for social interaction and information exchange

the large interior atrium

the spacious entrance foyer.

Source: Morley von Sternberg

Arup views the hub as integral to the use of the

new building, but it is also forms an important
part of the environmental servicing strategy.
Air supply ducts bring air from plant on the
roof and radiate from the green body of the hub
reading rather like legs for a giant green invertebrate before reaching the floor plenums. In
comparison, the ducts on the Fitzroy Street
faade seem very much more conservative, being
in a rectilinear arrangement (Figure 4.16).
Another important design decision was to
reorganise vertical circulation. The lifts and
stairs to the original two buildings would not have linked up when the buildings
were combined so a new core was added adjacent to the buildings entrance.

Source: Morley von Sternberg


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 4.15 Howland

Street faade. The hub
areas are visible on the
outside of the building

Figure 4.16: Fitzroy

Street faade, showing
the vertical (green)
intake ducts

Table 4.3 Different environmental strategies for the building faades

Fitzroy Street

Howland Street






Light (solar gain and glare)

external louvres

louvres within double faade

automated solar blinds



double faade


manually operated
windows as air
quality here is

air quality is poor, so air is

supplied mechanically, rather
than through windows to the


noise levels
acceptable, so no
noise reduction other
than double glazing

sealed double faade acts as

a buffer for noise from busy
Howland Street

Thermal performance
A key problem with the refurbishment was the development of a heating and
ventilation system that would meet the twin objectives of cost-efficiency and
sustainability. The low floor-to-ceiling height of the 1960s buildings ruled out
ceiling ducts. To overcome this problem, fresh air is drawn via a roof-mounted
plant down the faade into floor plenum chambers. A computer-controlled
Building Management System (BMS) controls the heating and ventilation
The expression of the ventilation ducts is not the only way in which the buildings faades differ (compare Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16). They all respond to
their orientations and to the street onto which they face, see Table 4.3.
Generous glazing maximises daylight in the building, within the constraints of
the existing low floor-to-ceiling heights. A new atrium also brings daylight into
the heart of the building.
Artificial lights are always going to be needed when natural light is insufficient;
these are controlled by daylight sensors.
Showers have been installed, along with cycle parking, to discourage car use.

Offices: the Working Environment


The building includes fully equipped server and communications rooms, key
elements of Arups resilient systems programme, designed to ensure that communications can be maintained and data protected during extreme events and
emergencies. These are connected via high-speed fibre optic links to two other
server rooms in nearby Arup offices to provide a high degree of resilience.

Designing with SPeAR

Sustainability was a major goal for the building design, so Arup Environmental
assembled a sustainability team to advise the design team. Skills in the sustainability team included materials science, mechanical and electrical engineering,
public health engineering and environmental sciences.
SPeARTM appraisals were used at each of the main RIBA design stages: preliminary, Stage C and Stage D design. (See Box 1.4, where SPeAR is discussed in
more detail.) However, a baseline appraisal was carried out first, on the existing
office buildings, to understand their strengths and weaknesses compared with
contemporary building standards and to give an awareness of limitations
imposed by the site and city centre location see left of Figure 4.17.
Prior to setting up the project delivery team, six months work had been spent
developing the preliminary design, which became formalised through the
agreement to lease. This was the basis of the preliminary SPeARTM appraisal
see right of Figure 4.17. Results of the baseline and preliminary appraisals
indicated that the emerging design was a vast improvement on the existing
buildings, but also highlighted areas where improvements should be sought.
Setting design targets
It was recognised that there was a need to set specific, more detailed sustainability targets in order to address areas which were priorities for improvement
and in order to balance the diagram. (As was seen in Chapter 1, a project is most
sustainable when all four considerations environment, natural resources,
economics and societal are optimised. For the same overall result, with all
sectors were averaged, it is less desirable to have one very poor rating than two
ratings that are less poor.) Minimum targets were set as follows:

Match or exceed a median (good practice) score on the SPeARTM

diagram for all segments

Improve upon the Baseline SPeARTM score for all segments.

A detailed set of primary targets was then developed from the SPeARTM spreadsheets, drawing on expertise from the sustainability team. These were developed

Environmental Construction Handbook


a re












Waste Hierarchy







g Occu






oduc tiv







worst case

pant Pr






nit y









Waste Hierarchy







a re
















te r


k il
c ts
Co m



lit y








Air Qua






logy &


Regulations & Guidance

oduc tiv



l He &











pant Pr





k il
c ts
Co m



g Occu






& ding
Op D
er es
at ig
io n

it y





te r



Regulations & Guidance








logy &


l He &

lit y



& ding
Op D
er es
at ig
io n








Air Qua


Figure 4.17 The

baseline SPeARTM
diagram (left) and
preliminary design
diagram (right)



worst case

Table 4.4 Primary targets developed for one indicator conservation of water resources
Use low water appliances and intelligent water/control flushing
Use treated potable water to meet all potable demands (drinking, kitchens,
showers) and good maintenance.
Use borehole water for flushing toilets
Use filtered tap water rather than bottled. Fit a water meter to mains supply.
Adequate maintenance (stop dripping taps etc.)
Direct rainwater runoff onto gardens in localised areas where appropriate
Collect, treat, store and distribute harvested rainwater for toilet flushing
No harvesting
Borehole water to meet all potable, flushing, cooling water demands. Heat
exchangers for cooling water and hot water systems. Push button taps. Low water
use and intelligent controls
Borehole for toilet flushing. Mains for potable. Low use appliances/intelligent
Low use appliances/intelligent controls.

Ideal (Score 3)
Good (Score 2)
Acceptable (Score 1)
Source: Arup

with the aim of providing site-specific design solutions. Table 4.4 illustrates
primary targets for one indicator from the spreadsheet, conservation of water
During the concept design and scheme design stages, the primary targets were
used on a day-to-day basis as a mechanism for iteratively appraising and refining
the design process.
Offices: the Working Environment


Assessing the scheme against the cost plan

Towards the end of the scheme design, extensive clarification was undertaken
to establish which components of the scheme were allowed for by the projects
cost plan and those which were design aspirations. What transpired was that,
although various design elements such as including PVs within the atria roofs
or the provision of gardens had been developed, there was no cost allocation
for them within the budget. As a result, the overall appraisal for the scheme
design showed few improvements when compared to the concept design.
That the scheme design did not improve on the project design was largely a
result of the constraints of the projects budget. Despite not meeting all of the
sustainability objectives set at the beginning, the scheme shows a significant
improvement in comparison with the former buildings on the site.
The process that the Fitzrovia design team used can be seen as not unrepresentative of how the process of sustainable design works in many cases. To
achieve progress towards sustainability Thoreau-esque high targets need to
be set. In this case, the commercial property requirements placed real-world
constraints on the achievability of initial aims.

Tackling the broad concept of sustainability using SPeARTM on the Fitzrovia
Project has helped to identify some critical areas, which are fundamental to the
success of any efforts aimed at enhancing the sustainability of a scheme:

bringing in sustainability considerations at the earliest possible point,

before preliminary designs are outlined;

pitching any sustainability advice at the correct level of detail

depending on the design stage: increasing levels of detail are required as
designs progress towards a full scheme;

in a commercial context, detailed business case studies may be required

to evaluate some sustainable design options at scheme stage; and

the importance of identifying key interfaces between the Design and

Sustainability teams, e.g. social scientists involved in spatial layout or
energy efficiency advice incorporated into faade design.

Using SPeARTM on this project demonstrated the complexity involved in

appraising the sustainability of a design project at this level and the need
for detailed specialist input in a wide range of technical areas. Above all, the
project demonstrated the value of using this type of mechanism for engaging
the whole project team in the pursuit of sustainability and in developing
understanding of the complex issues and interactions. This is regarded as a

Environmental Construction Handbook

highly worthwhile achievement, even though in a commercial environment

it may not be possible to deliver all of the sustainable development objectives

8. Notes



The Movement for Innovation Sustainability Working Group Report,

Environmental Performance Indicators for Sustainable Construction. The
Movement for Innovation, www.constructingexcellence.co.uk, 2001, p.17.
Carbon Trust, Energy Consumption Guide 19 Energy use in offices, 2003 edition,
Action Energy/The Carbon Trust, www.thecarbontrust.co.uk, 2003.
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Good Practice Guide 274
Environmentally smart buildings: A quantity surveyors guide to the costeffectiveness of energy-efficient offices. BRECSU, Garston, 1999.
BRE IP9/02 Part 1 Refurbishment or Redevelopment of Office Buildings?
Sustainability comparisons, BRE, Garston, www.bre.co.uk, 2001
Grigg, P.F. BRE Digest 457 The Carbon Performance Rating for Offices, BRE,
Garston, www.bre.co.uk, 2001.
Burton, B. and Stoker, C. Hidden Costs, Architecture Today 34, p45.
Pank, W., Girardet, H. and Cox, G., Tall Buildings and Sustainability. The
Corporation of London, February 2002 (unpublished).
DEGW, Automation of Americas Offices: 19852000, (the Orbit report), DIANE
Publishing, Pennsylvania USA, 1985.
Baldwin, R., Yates, A., Howard, N. and Rao, S. BREEAM 98 for Offices. BRE,
Garston www.bre.co.uk/envest, 1998.
British Steel, Ecobuild in Steel. Scunthorpe. Marketing Dept. Redcar.
Clarke, M. and Somerville, G. Concrete in the Environment. Concrete Quarterly,
winter 1992.
Edwards, B. and Hyett, P., Rough Guide to Sustainability. RIBA, London, 2002.
Stevenson, J. and Spooner, D., Concrete and the Environment. Concrete Quarterly,
autumn 1992.
Eaton, K.J. and Amata, A., A Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of
Modern Office Buildings. Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, 1988.
Corus., Environmental Designs in Steel: Life cycle assessment in steel construction.
Scunthorpe: www.corusconstruction.com
Reinforced Concrete Council, Fabric Energy Storage: Using concrete structures for
enhanced energy efficiency. Crowthorne, www.rcc-info.org.uk, 2001.
Brookes, A. Cladding of Buildings. Spon, London, 1998.
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Report 30: A Performance
Specification for the Energy Efficient Office of the Future. BRECSU, Garston, 1999.
Awbi, H.B., Ventilation of Buildings, Spon Press, 2003.

Offices: the Working Environment


Schools: a Changing
1 Discussion
The school system in the UK is a very large organisation both in terms of its
scale there are 8 million children in full-time education attending 25,000
schools around the country and in accounting for a cost of 20 billion a year,
or over 5% of the governments total expenditure[1]. The process of education
in schools is dependent on the mobilisation of large quantities of material and
resources, for example books and paper, furniture, school meals and the energy
used in their preparation, in addition to the components and energy used in the
construction and operation of buildings. The national energy bill for schools
exceeds 100 million per year.
All of these various aspects of resource deployment impact on the wider
environment. Most definitions of sustainability, including the one most often
quoted, as propounded by the Brundtland Commission[2], make reference to the
ecological legacy we are bequeathing to our children, and what must be done
for the benefit of future generations to reduce the impact that human activities
have on the natural environment. There are, as a consequence, two aspects to
the drive for sustainability in the use of energy and materials in schools. The
first is to make school consumption patterns more efficient, and the second is
to educate children to understand the importance of these issues so in future
better-educated attitudes can be brought to bear on the achievement of a more
sustainable world.

1.1 Energy consumption profile of schools

Schools vary in their pattern of energy consumption depending on their type
of fuel supply. Most schools rely on fossil fuel, that is gas, oil, coal or liquid
petroleum gas (LPG), for heating, hot water and the operation of some kitchen
appliances. A minority of schools are exclusively dependent on electricity, or
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Box 5.1 School building plans in the UK

School building is proceeding apace in the UK, the majority of the countrys 4000 secondary schools will
be rebuilt over the next decade, 45bn has been allocated for the purpose under the Building Schools
for the Future (BSF) programme<1>. The governments strategy requires that all new school buildings will
be environmentally sustainable. At present, state schools are responsible for 15% of public-sector carbon
emissions and 2% for the whole of the UK. BSF requires that new schools will not only be environmentally friendly but that their designs will be sufficiently flexible to adapt to new pedagogic and curriculum
requirements. Some recent schemes have adopted ground source heating systems and green roofs, and
have in practice recognised the advantages of the new building as an educational resource since sustainability is becoming an area of study within many subjects. For example, the buildings consumption of
energy, or on the other hand its contribution through the incorporation of renewables, can be monitored
and measured by the school children for analysis in their maths, physics or geography classes.
1. Building Schools for the Future intends to provide all secondary schools with 21st Century facilities over
1015 years from 2005. See www.bsf.gov.uk

use it to a greater extent, for example to heat rooms and for cooking purposes.
More generally, electricity is the power source for artificial lighting, fans and
pumps, and some kitchen equipment. The energy consumption profile for a
typical school in the UK anticipates that nearly 80% of the total goes towards
space heating and the supply of hot water, less than 10% each are given over to
the next largest uses, which are lighting and catering. Powering computers is a
growing energy cost but, at the time of the ECOnstruct research, it was still only
in the region of 2% of the total.[3]
In order to save money, therefore, the achievement of greater efficiency of
heating systems is an obvious focus for attention. However, since electricity is
often six times as expensive as fossil fuel in terms of delivered kWh, the actual
cost of the fossil fuel used in schools may, in effect, only represent less than 45%
of the total expenditure, despite fossil fuel energy being responsible for the vast
majority of overall consumption. In cost terms, the relative proportions attributable to different areas throughout a school are rather different as a result. The
percentage used to heat spaces and water is reduced to only just over 50%, and
lighting becomes a lot more significant at 24%.
Consequently, achieving reductions in the amount of electricity used in schools is
a priority for the reduction of costs. In addition, of course, electricity production
has a major impact on the volume of CO2 that finds it way into the atmosphere,
because of the inefficiencies involved in the generation of electricity, and the
losses inherent in distribution via the National Grid.

Environmental Construction Handbook

CO2 generated by schools

A series of benchmarks have been derived from a survey of 2000 schools in

England, which recorded their energy consumption data in 19992000[4].
The median benchmark derived from the data is the value at which 50% of the
schools surveyed will have recorded a higher figure and 50% lower typically,
primary schools had relatively more fossil fuel consumption per m 2 per annum
than secondary schools, and electricity consumption was shown to slightly
increase with the age of the student. A secondary school with a swimming
pool did, however, have a higher consumption in terms of both fossil fuel and
electricity. The ratio of fossil fuel to electricity use was, in all cases, 4 or 5 to 1,
but since the CO2 emissions per annual kWh attributable to electricity use is 2.5
times that of natural gas, electricity-dependent uses such as lighting emerge as a
significant concern in terms of the limitation of CO2 emissions.
The growing use of IT equipment is also of interest, particularly since the heat
generated by computers increases the likelihood of classrooms overheating in
summer. The consequent demand for installation of mechanical cooling or airconditioning has implications for the quantity of CO2 that will be produced
by schools in future. To avoid overheating without air-conditioning requires a
balance between internal loads and solar gain in relation to the available rate
of ventilation, and competing requirements of daylight and winter heat loss.
Completely avoiding mechanical ventilation may prove difficult but the combination of thermal mass with night ventilation can provide useful pre-cooling
and should be combined with shading to block the admission of solar gain. It
might then be possible to install an extract-only system, or at most supply and
extract, but avoiding the use of artificial cooling.
The more widespread introduction into schools of air-conditioning systems
would be not only be detrimental to aspirations for increasing sustainability in
schools, but also for the health of school children. Most current HVAC systems
have only 15% fresh air intake, with the rest of the supply being re-circulated to
reduce energy costs[5]. The filters used remove particles down to 5 angstroms,
leaving a high concentration of fine particles; this can be removed with electrostatic filters but at added cost.
Contemporary HVAC systems can occupy a considerable percentage of the
internal volume of a building, and their operating costs can outweigh other main
items of day-to-day expenditure; so they are a trend that needs to be strongly
Instead, the inbuilt energy-saving devices now standard in electrical equipment
can help alleviate the problem, in combination with energy management
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


strategies. The stand-by energy consumed by PCs is 5075% of that when in

operation. Turning machines in schools off when not in use can reduce overall
energy consumption to 10% of what would be the case if they were left on all
the time. Other equipment such as printers and photocopiers are very significant energy users. Photocopiers can have up to 25 times the wattage of a PC,
and since they are also responsible for the propagation of compounds that are a
concern for human health, their location in the building and provision for local
ventilation is a design problem.

1.2 Measuring environmental impact

One way of evaluating the environmental impact of an average school is to
measure the mass flow of materials and energy that passes through the school
during a year.
For the purposes of this analysis, goods that enter the school but have an extended
life, such as furniture or the construction elements of the building, have their
mass averaged over their expected lifespan. Energy in kWh is converted to mass
(in kg) by reference to the raw material, gas, oil or coal that was used for space
heating or hot water, or for electricity generation at the power station. Per pupil,
the energy used for the journey to and from school is found to be more than onethird of the energy used for heating and lighting the spaces the pupils occupy
within the school. In terms of mass, by far the greatest input to the school is
its water supply, and the mass of inert material is approximately six times the
amount of food consumed.[6]

1.3 Embodied energy vs operational energy for schools

The inert materials that are consumed by the school[7] are in the form of:

large appliances

fixtures and fittings

the buildings themselves.

Large appliances mainly refers to computers which, by the end of the 20th
Century were found in primary schools at a level of provision of one machine per
thirteen pupils; in secondary schools the ratio was one per nine. Taking account
of the numbers of printers and photocopiers, this means that on average there
could be one large appliance per 10 students in UK schools, with an assumed
composition of 50% inert and 50% plastic, and a five-year lifespan.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Fixtures and fittings are principally furniture, which the analysis assumes are
made from an equal mixture of inert material, plastics and wood.
The third category is the structure and constructional elements of the school
School buildings fall into a number of constructional types. The most recognisably obvious of these are the brick-built Board schools from the Victorian
era, many examples of which are still serviceable and in use, and the steel and
panel prefabricated system schools from the 1960s. The vast majority of the
school building stock (80%) was built after the Second World War and, of these,
50% are of steel or concrete frame construction. A study in New Zealand[8]
has shown that the CO2 emissions from the building materials used for both
concrete and steel frame construction is comparable to the equivalent forms
of construction used for office buildings which, based on a 50-year lifespan, is
approximately 9 kgCO2/m3 per year.
To determine the outputs in terms of mass flow, generally liquids and solids
remain liquids and solids as they pass through the school. The exception is
energy, since fossil fuels, once burnt to produce heat and electricity, produce
gaseous waste in quantities that can then be converted to a mass of CO2, or a
mass of carbon, emitted in relation to one pupil per year. Energy is by far the
largest of these at over 50% of the total. The CO2 emissions due to the admission
of inert material, including the schools construction materials, is 10% comparable to that attributable to other categories of material such as paper, plastics
and packaging and chemicals. Food constitutes 3% of the total, and the CO2
impact of the mass of water supply is minimal.
Clearly, the operational energy of a school is the significant factor in any strategy
aimed at reducing its environmental impact and increasing its sustainability. Of
equal importance will be the environmental management of the building, and its
environmental design. Management decisions can aim to make reductions at each
of the three stages of the lifecycle of the inputs to the building. The first is reducing
the supply required, either by changing to a supply that produces less CO2, such
as reducing electricity use in favour of fossil fuel, or better still by converting
to renewables. Second, the environmental impact of the school can be ameliorated by improving the efficiency of the heating system, for instance by installing
condensing boilers. Finally, the outputs from the school can be reduced by the
introduction of recycling strategies. The educational benefits from engagement
with management approaches are self-evident. For example, aluminium cans
dispensed from the schools vending machines may impact badly on the success
of the strategy unless, of course, the aluminium has been recycled rather than
smelted from ore, a study that can be made by the children themselves.
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


2. Environmental issues the problem of air quality

2.1 Ventilation vs heat loss vs draughts
Most schools in the UK are naturally ventilated using windows, or with passive
stacks and vents admitting air from the outside. There is, however, an increasing
degree of interest in mechanical systems, as well as passive and hybrid methods,
because of the increasing concerns about the quality of the indoor environment
in schools.
To achieve an engineered level of ventilation requires an accommodation between
the competing parameters of ventilation rate, pollutant concentration, and the
energy load that is a result of drawing fresh air in from outdoors. The concentration of pollutant will fall as the ventilation rate increases, and, at a given level, it
will no longer constitute a risk to indoor air quality. The rate of heat loss will also
increase as the ventilation rate rises, so the design level for the ventilation system
should be sufficient to maintain air quality, but not be too great.
As insulation standards have risen, ventilation heat loss has constituted a
larger proportion of heat loss from buildings. As with other building types the
necessity to seal the construction to guard against air infiltration and heat loss is
a contemporary requirement for school buildings. This has been a long-standing
requirement in the cold climates of Scandinavia, but now even Mediterranean
countries such as Italy have introduced regulations stipulating the need for
airtight school construction.[9]
This is principally in order to reduce heat loss at times when the building is
unoccupied, during night time in winter, and at weekends. At these times the
temperature difference between inside and outside increases the rate of heat
loss, which is exacerbated by air infiltration through the fabric. Ideally the
ventilation system, whether natural or mechanical, should be designed for the
maximum occupancy and, at times when the building is empty, the background
level should be enough to provide a residual level of freshness.
The government guideline requirement is that all school working areas and halls
should be capable of ventilation at a rate of 8 l/s of fresh air per person. At a
minimum there should be provision of 3 l/s per person throughout the year, but
this figure is very low by international standards. In addition, most countries
now specify a satisfactory CO2 concentration of between 1000 and 1500 ppm,
which corresponds to an air change rate of between 7 and 9 l/s per person. That
the concentration of CO2 should be used as a measure of indoor air quality was
first proposed by Professor Pettenkofer, from the University of Munich in 1858.
He suggested that this could, by inference, be a measure of other pollutants
influencing indoor air quality that at the time were impossible to measure.

Environmental Construction Handbook

2.2 Measurement of air quality in schools

Classrooms are often densely occupied, so the metabolic aspects of ventilation tend to be uppermost in importance, in which case measuring the
concentration of CO2 in the air should give a good indication of its freshness.
The amount of CO2 that is exhaled increases with metabolic exertion so its
concentration gives a measure of the adequacy of the rooms ventilation rate.
At the levels usually found during the monitoring of rooms, CO2 does not
cause a hazard to health, but such measurements have shown that classrooms
are prone to very low levels of ventilation, and pollution levels can rise very
rapidly as a result. Drowsy children lacking attention and lacklustre teaching
may be the direct result.
Perhaps not surprisingly, there is little agreement about the best way of measuring
the quality of indoor air in schools. While at school, children are exposed to
microbes, toxins and allergenic substances. Arguably, CO2 concentrations give
inadequate guidance for the design of ventilation systems to control these more
insidious components of indoor environment. A survey of schools in Denmark[10]
has shown that even though 70% of the schools had CO2 concentrations in excess
of 1000 ppm there was no positive correlation with Sick Building Syndrome
(SBS) symptoms. However, there was a close relationship between CO2 levels
and measured concentrations of particles and mould spores. Children are more
susceptible to air pollution than adults because they breathe a larger volume of
air proportional to their size.
Experimental evidence suggests that the symptoms of SBS increase in frequency
if spaces have a low rate of ventilation. Below a ventilation rate of 810 l/s per
person the risk of SBS increases markedly. Relating this to metabolic rates
for the production of CO2 gives a satisfactory steady state concentration of
between 800 and 1000 ppm (or about 600 ppm above outdoor levels). A study
of schools in Sweden in 1996 suggested, however, that achieving a recommended CO2 concentration of 1000 ppm did not entirely dispel the symptoms
of SBS. Similar studies in Swedish schools, and in Plymouth in the UK, showed
that ventilation systems, designed to meet a maximum CO2 concentration of
1000 ppm, failed to dispel the build-up of coarse particles in the air. In the
Plymouth survey of two nursery schools, health problems (68% recorded
illnesses) were still in evidence despite meeting the 1000 ppm CO2 stipulation, and the concentrations of coarse particles were shown to be related to
indoor activities. To complicate the issue, CO2 and coarse particles in excess
of PM2.5, can be dispelled by the air movement induced when windows are
opened, whereas fine particle concentrations can actually increase since they
are principally the product of traffic fumes, and other combustion processes
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Box 5.2 Measurement of indoor air quality

Indoor air quality is a particular problem in schools. The true cause of health problems in relation to
indoor environments is as yet little understood, despite much research, particularly in Scandinavia. A
variety of illnesses are thought to relate to problems of indoor air quality and exposure to pollutants
within buildings; the phenomenon often referred to as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).
This is a problem exclusively found in artificially ventilated buildings. It has come about, as the general
population increasingly has to live and work in artificially ventilated environments. The UK population
now spends more than 80% of its time indoors. During the 19 hours a day that we spend, on average,
inside buildings, we breathe approximately 17,000 litres of unfiltered air.
The problem is particularly acute in school environments. From the ages of 5 to 18 years children spend
approximately 15,000 hours at school, at an age when they are particularly susceptible to problems of
indoor air quality because their immune systems and lung capacities are as yet undeveloped. Although
there is much ongoing research in this area, there is little firm proof linking indoor air quality characteristics with specific illnesses.

taking place out of doors. Particulates include a wide variety of pollutants

such as pollen, mould, bacteria, insect faeces, asbestos and tobacco smoke,
with a range of health implications, so this debate is far from over.

Designing for good indoor air quality

The provision of oxygen for breathing and the dilution of metabolic products
(CO2, water vapour and odour) is, as a consequence, far from being the sole
function of a ventilation system. Ventilation may also be required for cooling, as
well as being needed to dissipate concentrations of other pollutants within the
space. The control of pollutants that would otherwise enter the building from
outside is a particular problem that is most extreme in urban locations. Despite
the mass of legislation designed to limit emissions damaging to outdoor air
quality, there are still times when air pollution exceeds legal health and safety
limits, and so buildings in problematic locations need to present a robust barrier
to the admission of poor quality air from outdoors.
A variety of measures are available from this point of view. Although a buildings location is least amenable to design control, the locations at which air is
admitted to a building can help avoid local sources of pollution (such as car
parks). Buildings also have to be airtight to ensure that the air change rate is not
dominated by uncontrolled infiltration of air, and this is particularly important

Environmental Construction Handbook

if the admission of pollutants from outside is to be avoided. In some cases,

outdoor pollution is transient, where for example there are peaks at times of
rush hour traffic. It may be possible to close windows and vents and use the
volume of air within the building to give sufficient ventilation while this shortterm condition continues. For a building like a school, having a high occupant
density, the length of time for which this might be feasible may, however, be as
little as twenty minutes.
Clearly, activities such as laboratories should have localised control using fume
hoods, or that part of the building should be maintained at a negative pressure
relative to the rest.
Ventilation flow patterns through the school will depend on a number of factors
such as the disposition of windows, doors and partitions. Buoyancy-driven flows
within the internal spaces, and particularly within the shafts created by accommodation staircases between floors, and the pattern of wind speed and direction
around the building, will influence the extent and direction of flow.
The conjunction of trickle vents within windows for the admission of air in
conjunction with passive stack vents, requires that unobstructed cross-ventilation is maintained between intake and supply, while allowing sufficient
flexibility for the reconfiguration of the teaching spaces. Passive stacks have to
extend to the highest point of the roof, a ridge terminal being required at the
apex of a pitched roof. In this way the stack will not only work by buoyancy, but
will also benefit from wind-induced extract irrespective of the winds direction.
Tile terminals do not work well from this point of view (and because they entail
a reduced height of stack).
The top floor of a school beneath a pitched roof will have a stack height at
least to the apex and achieve adequate flow, but achieving sufficient stack
height beneath a flat roof may prove problematic. Tests on passive stack
systems[11] have shown that their operation is increasingly driven by the
wind once wind speeds have increased over 4 m/s. Wind speeds are higher
in winter, as is the temperature difference between indoors and ambient, so
passive stacks in conjunction with trickle vents work well in wintertime. For
summertime ventilation, supplementary mechanical extract may be required
if the throughput of the stacks is to be increased for use in conjunction with
opening windows.
Fan pressurisation tests can be carried out to check that the completed building
is not excessively leaky; government guidelines recommend an achievable level
of 0.3 air changes per hour. Tighter restrictions seem likely to be introduced in
future revisions of the Building Regulations.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


The relationship between airtightness, the achievement of indoor air quality

requirements and energy goals is closely related to the choice of construction
system. Composite constructions made from materials with different movement
characteristics are likely to be particularly problematic from this point of view.
Lightweight prefabricated frame and panel constructions, for example, are
likely to combine timber panels that are particularly susceptible to movement
according to the moisture content of the atmosphere, with a steel structure
having a high coefficient of thermal expansion. Schools of this sort are likely to
have to rely on the flexibility of (short-life) mastic sealants to achieve ongoing
Heat loss due to infiltration is particularly likely in schools at the perimeter of
doors and windows. Windows need to be adequately sealed into their structural
openings. Window types that permit the use of compression seals are able to
achieve better airtightness. Sliding windows and doors are a problem from this
point of view. Many older schools are likely to be equipped with ageing, and
probably corroded, aluminium sliding windows that will provide a poor seal.
Replacement windows that close positively onto compression seals (such as tiltturn windows), rather than relying on the sliding brush seals used in sliding
windows, have the added advantages of opening safely, and can be cleaned from
within the building.
Doors need to be weather-stripped and equipped with door closers; draught
lobbies being required at entrances. Little is achieved, however, if external doors
are left wedged open, so adequate specification needs to be accompanied by
analysis of the schools circulation patterns and how they can be controlled.
The concept of intermediate zones between different environments within the
school can help control energy consumption and define areas having different
indoor air quality requirements.

2.3 Daylighting: providing an adequate environment

It has long been recognised that the visual quality provided by daylight is particularly important for teaching and learning environments. The tall windows
characteristic of the Victorian Board schools were able to project light to the
back of rooms, and their high ceilings helped guard against overheating. Window
sills were some way above floor level, which left a large amount of wall that
could be used for display purposes, but made for an introspective and repressive
environment. Post-war UK schools, on the other hand, were heavily glazed to
admit the maximum daylight, and to allow a view out, but were also very uncomfortable in summer owing to excessive solar gain, and in wintertime were too
cold because of large single-glazed windows. These problems were exaggerated

Environmental Construction Handbook

by the lightweight system constructions characteristic of the period. They had

minimal insulation and thermal mass so that the buildings had little inherent
capability to even out temperature peaks.
Primary schools are particularly suited to the creative use of daylight because
they are generally occupied during daylight hours, and are often single storey
so that roof lights can be used to illuminate inner spaces, and thereby enable
relatively deep plan buildings. Since rooflights provide the most efficient
method of daylighting (because they face towards the unobstructed sky, and
can be equally useful for ventilation purposes), they are an intrinsic component
of this type of school.
The eternal problem in daylight design is less to do with the average and
minimum daylight factors achieved within a room, than the underlying difficulty of the uneven distribution of daylight provided by vertical windows on
one side of the room. The excess of light at the front of the room only serves
to exaggerate the relative lack of light at the back. The horizontal bands of
windows common within contemporary schools can often result in the wall
beneath window sills appearing relatively dark, and a potential source of glare.
Even under the generally overcast skies of the UK, light shelves can be useful in
providing a more even distribution of light within classrooms while avoiding
excessive heat gain and glare. Although a classroom with a single window wall is
the convention, light scoops, rooflights, light tubes and clerestory windows have
all been used in recent schools to overcome the problem, as well as transforming
school spaces by the creative use of light.
Electricity for artificial lighting is a significant running cost, with considerable
implications for the extent of CO2 emissions. In an environmentally aware
school community, it is of course relatively easy to control the use of artificial
lighting by appointing light monitors to switch off lights that have been left
on in unoccupied areas. The school caretaker also has to be drawn into the
schools energy strategy since old, flickering and dirty light fittings operate at
a greatly reduced degree of efficiency. Day-to-day maintenance can also be the
opportunity for replacing tungsten bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs)
which, although more expensive initially, have a far greater lighting efficacy and
a longer life. Old and inefficient fluorescent tubes can also be substituted for the
more efficient types that are now available, the old 38mm diameter tubes having
now been superseded by 26 mm tubes.
Energy-saving lighting controls that are straightforward and respond to daylight
levels should be employed; so, for example, it should be possible to operate the
lights farthest from the windows separately from those at the perimeter. [12] [13]

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Box 5.3 Lighting and heating controls

A range of simple and cheap heating and lighting controls are available that have the advantages
of being user friendly and more reliable, providing enhanced comfort, and saving energy. In
general, simple controls for local use are likely to be more successful than complex and centralised
a. Room thermostats
Electronic thermostats can operate to fine tolerances (down to 1C). Controls incorporating the traditional
bi-metallic strip operate over a range of about 3C, a difference in temperature that is very evident to
those using the building, and which can result in the thermostat being set higher than necessary with
consequent waste of energy. A system installed in schools in Hertfordshire achieved a remarkably low
payback time of 6 months and was very reliable in use.
b. Key-operated lighting switches
A system in use in Bedfordshire schools allows anyone to alter the levels of the background lighting, but
for a more intense light, only the class teacher can operate the controls with the aid of a swipe card. The
switches have a timer to reduce light levels back to a minimum after a set period, and can also be used to
control electric heaters and fan-assisted gas convectors.
c. Time-delayed light switches
These are particularly useful in store cupboards where lights may be left unused over an extended period
of time. Pneumatic switches of this type are commonly used on stairwells and circulation, but have the
disadvantage that they can readily be manually overridden. At about twice the price, electronic switches
are more secure from abuse, and still have a payback time of only two years.
d. Occupancy sensor lighting controls
School halls and gymnasiums are well suited to this approach since they can remain unoccupied for
extended periods throughout the school day. Occupancy sensor controls are sensitive to the movements
of people in a space; if no movement is detected, after a set period of time the controller will switch off
the lights. The devices are only suitable for larger spaces because they are not economically viable for use
in smaller rooms.


Environmental Construction Handbook

2.4 Solar utilisation

Schools are particularly suited to the application of passive solar design
principles.[13] [14] The occupied period for schools is at the same time of day when
the sun is likely to be able to contribute to requirements for heating and lighting.
Primary schools are most likely to be single storey, so they can be lit from
rooflights as well as from the perimeter so that a deep plan form of building
punctuated by courtyards or atria may be possible, the large area of roof having
the potential to be heavily insulated.
The high illuminance levels required in school classrooms, coupled with the
necessity to maintain good air quality, does however make for a challenging
brief in relation to the passage of the sun. The exposure of thermal mass within
the building, and solar shading outside, will help make best use of solar energy
while avoiding overheating in summer. The benefits of solar heating are likely to
be greatest in the spring and autumn, when sunshine can be quite intense even
though air temperatures are still cold, and the angle of inclination of the sun is
still quite low.
Because daylight levels on overcast days in winter can be barely sufficient, a
roof overhang or other shading device fixed above windows, although useful
to prevent overheating in summer, will significantly reduce light levels at
the back of rooms since it will also cut off the view of the sky. It might seem
preferable for the shading to be adjustable from within the building, but in a
school environment the complex operation and lack of robustness of retractable
shading systems usually results in them being inappropriate.

Box 5.4 Solar pre-heat sunspaces

Atria and conservatories can be particularly useful in schools. Not only are they relatively cheap spaces to
provide but they can also have the environmental advantages of buffering internal rooms from ambient
temperatures in winter, utilising solar energy, providing high illuminance levels by daylighting, and preheated ventilation.
Sunspaces can, however, be extremely wasteful of energy and cause overheating in adjacent rooms
unless they are carefully designed to function without heating and to optimise the utilisation of daylight.
Light levels at the floor of a multi-storey atrium will be a fraction of that outdoors, and large windows or
glazed doors may be required to adequately light adjoining rooms. At higher levels where a clear view of
the sky can be seen through the atrium roof, light shelves can aid the distribution of light and equalise
light levels across rooms.
Adapted from: Baker, N., and Steamers, K., Energy and Environment in Architecture: A Technical Design Guide, Routledge, 1999.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


3. Construction: robustness vs energy efficiency

School designs have to be robust in at least two senses, both of which address
issues of sustainability. On the one hand, schools are subject to heavy use and
require an approach to the use of materials which envisages a fairly basic level
of maintenance. On the other, the design needs to be robust in relation to the
changing needs of teachers and the curriculum, to act as a backdrop rather than
an impediment to the future life of the school. It is evident that some previously
acclaimed models failed to live up to this ideal. The SCSD (Southern California
School Development) system for example[15], attracted a lot of interest in the UK,
but its intention of producing a future flexible environment was at odds with its
unsustainable reliance on artificial servicing.
To develop a design that enables the use of natural lighting and ventilation
without mechanical cooling, and the least environmentally damaging use of
resources, requires close coordination between the form of construction and
the environmental strategy, in particular, the disposition of glazing and heavyweight elements of the construction in plan and section. For a humane and
environmentally sensitive approach to the making of school environments, the
history of school design in Hampshire over the last 30 years is of great interest.

Box 5.5 The cardboard club

An innovative approach to school construction has been the outcome of a project funded by the
EPSRC.<1> Cardboard is almost entirely manufactured from recycled material. To test its sustainability
when used for construction, it has been used for the loadbearing, insulating and waterproofing
elements of a cardboard school clubroom at Westcliff-on-Sea, designed by Cottrell and Vermeulen.
Their intention was to construct the after-school club using 90% recycled materials, and with the future
goal of making the building 90% recyclable at demolition. Cardboard tubes were used for structural
columns and to make the end palisade walls of the building. To give stiffness, the shape of the walls and
roof are folded forms using the same principle as origami. The parts of the building where cardboard
have not been used are mostly made from other recycled building products. The architects established the form of the building by making a series of folded paper models. The process has been used
as an educational tool. The school has made use of the project as an educational vehicle, the children
were involved in the design development, collected card for recycling, and took part in a BBC radio live
broadcast about the project.
1. RIBA Awards 2002, The Cardboard Building, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, Architects Journal, 7/10/02,


Environmental Construction Handbook

Box 5.6 Schools Environmental Assessment Method (SEAM)

SEAM<1> is an adaptation of the BREEAM methodology for the assessment of school environments. Its aims
are not only to make schools more sustainable in their construction and use, but also by improvement of
school environments to make students aware of issues which are increasingly finding their way into the
school curriculum.
SEAM addresses 23 separate environmental factors in relation to which schools have an impact, and
makes recommendations for implementation by head teachers and school governors. Using the same
methodology as BREEAM, points are awarded according to the relative importance assigned to individual
topics. Some of these are of note for building construction generally, such as site selection, sources of
hardwoods and softwoods, and use of recycled materials in new buildings whereas others are very
specific to school environments, school grounds and school environmental policy.
Not surprisingly, the largest number of points is given for limiting energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
The measures anticipated are divided between those concerned with the buildings themselves and also
those relying on environmental management. The allocation of points favours old schools, which are
assumed to be operating at a disadvantage. So existing buildings can achieve the highest (band A) rating
of 11 points compared with the maximum of 7 given to new buildings. Common problems within old
schools include, within the fabric, poor insulation, but mostly they are concerned with inadequacies of
the building services, particularly lack of sophisticated controls, and outdated boiler plant and distribution
systems for heat and hot water.
The rating of newly designed schools (through bands A to F) is carried out by a method of calculation
that relates fabric and ventilation heat losses to the characteristics of the building such as the U-values of
its components and the density of occupation, also taking into account its dimensions in relation to the
schools orientation, volume and glazing ratio. Solar gains are calculated by use of a solar utilisation factor
multiplied by an orientation factor and adjusted according to the glazing specification. Cases that, at the
first attempt, achieve only poor performance, can be recalculated to incorporate adjustments to the form
of construction such as improved windows and higher performance boilers.
The method of calculation for existing buildings uses recorded annual energy consumption figures for
gas and electricity, multiplied by their respective CO2 conversion factors. The energy consumption of
swimming pools and kitchens is not included in the calculations; they have to be estimated if there are
not specific energy readings for them. The heating consumption is corrected according to the number
of degree days in that geographical area to give a simple steady-state evaluation for the building. This
is expressed in CO2 emissions per square metre of floor area in relation to size, the assumption being
that smaller schools (of less than 4000 m2 in area) will inevitably have higher relative levels of energy
consumption and correspondingly greater emissions.

BRE, Building Bulletin 83: School Environment Assessment Method (SEAM). BRE, Garston, 1996.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


3.1 Integrated design of environment and structure

Most current school construction is what might be termed medium in weight.
This has not always been the case since Victorian schools, many of which are
still in use, which were multi-storey buildings with thick load-bearing brick
The school systems that were invented to overcome the school buildings
shortage of the post-war era. Most famously the one developed in the architects department of Hertfordshire County Council[16], swung in the opposite
direction, towards lightweight steel-framed construction.
Some of the more long-lasting of these, such as CLASP (Consortium of Local
Authorities Special Programme), later incorporated heavier-weight masonry
cladding. Essentially these system-built schools were lightweight framed
constructions that had very different environmental characteristics from their
Victorian predecessors. With extensive areas of glazing in a continuous band
across the width of the classroom, and relatively low ceiling heights, they tended
to grossly overheat in summer while having draught problems caused by the
cold surface of the windows in winter.
Contemporary construction favours the use of a steel or concrete frame allowing
a flexible plan form. For economy, much use has been made of external rendered
blockwork permitting stimulating colour schemes, but with the implied
detriment to the environment that repainting is required throughout the buildings lifespan. Timber, particularly cedar cladding, has also been a popular
choice in recent years, the dimensional stability of the wood and its relatively
small maintenance requirements being clear advantages, although sources of
cedar are now being depleted at a rate which is unsustainable.


Environmental Construction Handbook

4. Generic construction methods

4.1 Typical UK school construction

Figure 5.1 Typical UK schools construction

Timber frame with external walls of rendered block, or loadbearing
insulated block, plastered internally and clad with cedar boarding

Figure 5.2 Timber stud + insulation/

cavity + rendered blockwork

Figure 5.3 Blockwork + insulation/cedar

boarding external cladding

The low-energy characteristics of timber framing result in this alternative

receiving an A rating.[17] Its anticipated life matches the 60 years assumed for
the building as a whole. Although limited recycling of timber is carried out at
present there is potential for recycling with positive implications for energy
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Glulam trusses + purlins/rafters, insulated deck + metal roofing
Figure 5.4 Glulam
beams and columns,
sw joists + sw
boarding, zinc sheet

Schools are usually low-rise buildings, so the construction of the roof can be
expected to have quite a large impact compared with other elements of the
Perhaps surprisingly, low pitched roofs perform almost as well within the Green
Guide ratings as does traditional clay tiled pitched roofing, even when built off a
steel structure, on account of their low mass and lightweight construction.
Zinc sheet roofing has become more efficient in recent years owing to the introduction of long strip metal sheet, which has reduced the amount of cutting and
waste and the number of joints required across the fall of the roof.
Zinc is generally considered to have a relatively short life expectancy compared
to other sheet metals, particularly compared with lead which has been the traditional choice in the UK. However, zinc alloy, which is the contemporary zinc,
has relatively enhanced life expectancy.
As with other metal roofing materials, zinc can be recycled, with the expenditure of far less energy compared with the production of virgin metal from ore.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Lino/timber flooring on ply or chipboard panels on concrete slab
Figure 5.5 Ground and
upper floors: Screed
over beam/ block
suspended floor

As in the case of roofing, the ground floor in a low-rise school can be expected
to have a relatively large effect on the overall environmental impact because of
its large area.
Although timber structure would be the preferred option, the use of beam and
block flooring is lighter in weight and therefore has less impact than a comparable solid concrete slab. Beam and block has the additional advantage of being
speedy to assemble on site, having easier quality control and being less susceptible to the effects of ground movement. A beam and block floor with screed
covering achieves an A rating.[18]
The amount of insulation in everyday construction is a small proportion of the
overall mass of the floor and so makes little difference to the rating, unless a
type of insulation is chosen that entails the use of ozone-depleting agents
(see Chapter 2). It can be seen that achieving a BREEAM preferred A rating
is relatively easy with lightweight steel frame and curtain walling technology,
whereas by comparison concrete construction and heavy cladding performs
Poured-in-place concrete floors, on the other hand, achieve a C rating because of
their relatively greater mass. Power-floating does, however, remove the necessity
for the use of dense and heavy sand/cement screed, which is an advantage.
Environmental impact can be further improved by the use of PFA (pulverised
fuel ash) or GGBS (ground granulated blast furnace slag) aggregate which are
by-products of electricity and steel production and consequently have limited

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Aluminium-faced composite windows
Composite windows with an aluminium rain screen outer surface to an inner
timber frame achieve a B rating similar to aluminium windows but with
improved ratings across most categories of the analysis compared to aluminium,
for example in relation to both CO2 emissions and climate change.
So despite having reduced climate change impact (particularly compared
with aluminium framed glazing such as curtain walling), the proportion of
timber in their make-up reduces the extent of recycled material used in their
Because the impact of the glass is less than 20% of the embodied energy
content of the window, the specification of the glass and whatever coatings
are employed has little effect on the overall environmental impact, despite the
improvement that extra panes and coatings might have on the glazing units
thermal performance.

Painted blockwork or brickwork
Brickwork used for internal partitions can achieve the best ratings if it is fairfaced rather than plastered, receiving an A, as does aerated block even if it is
finished with plasterboard (on dabs) and painted. The aggregates used for the
production of lightweight block have to travel a long way whereas the materials
for heavyweight block are relatively close to hand for UK construction. Therefore
and perhaps surprisingly, dense block finished with plasterboard and paint also
receives the best rating, and aerated block uses less raw material but has limited
potential for recycling.
Table 5.1 Ecopoints evaluation of generic constructions for schools, using BREs Envest tool


Generic school type: 50m 18m (900 sq m ground floor); no. storeys: 1; storey height:
4.5m; % cellular: 60%; location: S.E. England; soil type: firm clay.

Ground floor

150 mm beam and block suspended floor + 50 mm topping and

80 mm rockwool insulation

Upper floor


External walls

Timber stud inner leaf and outer skin of reconstituted stone

Environmental Construction Handbook







140 mm dense blockwork




Steel windows double glazed




Timber roof + purlins 1.4 m c/c, rafters, insulated deck + metal

(copper) roofing, 150 mm rockwool insulation




90% 3.2 mm lino on concrete slab



10% 12.5 mm quarry tile









Wall finishes

Gloss paint




Trench fill foundation


None built off load-bearing walls

Total embodied including material replacements over 60 year lifespan

Total embodied per sq m of floor area


Source: based on Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E., Sinclair, M., Green Guide to Specification, (3rd Edition), BRE, Watford, 2002.
Commentary: Given the single-storey model used for this analysis, the predominant role of the ground floor and roof is
not surprising. The floor construction is heavy in weight and has a high embodied energy, but because of the energy used
in the extraction and manufacture of the metal roofing the Ecopoint rating for the roof is nearly equivalent to that of the
floor. Although the elevations form a lesser part of the overall area, the same argument applies to the figures relating to the
materials used for the walling and metal windows.

5. Generic school environments

5.1 Daylighting
Windows can provide daylight that will be adequate for 67 metres into rooms,
but light-coloured wall and floor surfaces should be used to maximise the internally reflected component of the daylight factor.
Light surfaces adjacent to windows will also help to reduce the incidence of
glare, particularly if the window frames and reveal sections are designed to
create areas of intermediate brightness adjacent to the glazing.
The provision of adequate wall display area can discourage the practice of sticking
student work to windows. Walls to be used for display need to be specifically
designed for the purpose, flat and without projections such as surface conduit.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Box 5.7 Comfort in primary schools

By Peter Williams, while at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies,
University of Cambridge
At a time when the design of schools is being championed by the government, with designs emerging
which are embellished with sustainable motifs such as the ubiquitous green roof and glazed atria, it is
perhaps imperative that we stand back and examine how the classroom itself and the environment of
the primary school manifest in its architecture and landscape interacts with the practice of teaching
and learning at its most fundamental level.
Children develop the foundations of their knowledge during their primary school years, and it is important
that they are exposed to a stimulating environment in which, and from which, to learn. The primary
schools of the Hampshire County Architects Department (HCAD) have, over the past 25 years, led the way
in the design of learning environments for children. Their schools have been significantly different from
all others in that they have always sought to push the maximum environmental standards of their schools
beyond those set by the regulatory bodies. However, this is always carried out through a challenging
analysis of the relevant standards, which is part of an iterative process between the architect and the
client, in defining the kind of environment which will suit the pedagogy and needs of the child.
To examine the design of the primary school classroom environment, three distinctly different HCAD
schools were chosen and examined in some detail: Queens Enclosure First School, Great Binfields Primary
and Knightwood Primary. The studies consisted of tangible analyses in the form of on-site temperature,
humidity and light measurements, as well as intangible analyses in the form of questionnaires, group
talks with pupils, and a week of on-site study and behavioural analysis. From these studies, a profile was
constructed for each school, allowing an analysis of how the buildings physically perform against how
their users perceive the success of the schools environment, or its failures.
The results from the studies were at times unexpected. Central to the findings was that the teachers and
the students valued the possibility of adaptability of their environments. An example of this is in the use
of daylighting and the issues of heat gain. The Queens Enclosure First School suffered high heat gains,
with internal daily ambient temperatures varying from 18C to 33C, but excellent levels and quality of
light throughout the spaces, which did not need to be supplemented by artificial lighting. While Great
Binfields did not suffer the problems of heat gain, it too benefited from very high levels and quality of
daylighting. The classrooms in both schools were similar in their design, linking directly, physically as well
as visually, with the surrounding landscape.
Both schools were compared with Knightwood, which had a more traditional cellular plan of individual
classrooms, rather than the open plan of both Queens Enclosure and Great Binfields. At Knightwood the
reverse was found, with optimum temperature and humidity results conforming to the latest benchmarking for environmental standards. However, the minimum internal lighting levels could only be


Environmental Construction Handbook

achieved through the use of artificial lighting. Through talking with the staff and pupils it was clear that,
owing to their ability to control their thermal environment, by drinking a cool drink, or opening or closing
a window, that thermal extremes were not of great concern, unlike the quality and amount of daylight
which, within the fixed envelope of a building, is much more difficult to increase.
Knightwood did not benefit from the direct visual and physical landscape around it, unlike the other two
schools. In talking to the staff and pupils at all schools, it seemed that the buildings which responded
environmentally to the seasons and their site as well as creating an open internal landscape with the
use of light and temperature to create a thermally and visually dynamic environment, provide the most
stimulating of learning and teaching environments with the most positive user feedback.
Those who are involved in the design of primary schools therefore must challenge the guidelines which
they are presented with, which require maximum and minimum temperature, humidity, acoustic and
lighting levels, as these are not what result in successful design; rather it is the interpretation of these and
a response to the client in providing a dynamic and stimulating environment.
The findings of the study, and a reason for HCADs success in the design of their school buildings, can
be summed up in the words of Nev Churcher, an architect with the HCAD who has been responsible for
some of their most notable and successful schools:
The ancient adage from Vitruvius, commodity, firmness and delight, is still just as relevant today, and
underpins our design aims, to which we now add sustainability, energy and access criteria. Most important
is the need to produce a sense of place and inevitability and places with as rich a mix as possible a
total learning environment where natural and created elements are in harmony.

5.2 Artificial lighting

Incandescent (tungsten) lamps are cheap to install but energy-consuming and
expensive to operate, so their use in schools is best avoided. Instead, the best
option is to use high-frequency fluorescent tubes and high frequency ballasts in
luminaires with appropriate light distribution. They will provide a uniform light
distribution that can be augmented by local task lighting if required. They are
suitable for the type of use encountered in schools where lights are frequently
turned on and off, and where dimming is possible.
Compact fluorescents are an energy saving alternative for use in circulation
spaces, storage spaces, cloakrooms and WCs. Their efficiency is much greater
than tungsten lamps and they are much longer lasting.
Other kinds of lamp such as metal halide, mercury fluorescent, and high
pressure sodium (SON) lamps are suitable for external spaces such as sports
fields and car parking areas, and larger indoor spaces such as sports halls and
school halls.
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


5.3 Natural ventilation

Most schools still rely principally on opening windows to provide summertime
ventilation, and trickle vents, perhaps in conjunction with passive stack vents,
for winter background ventilation.
When windows are closed in order to provide background ventilation, particularly in winter, trickle vents should be provided with 400 mm2 opening per m2
of floor area.
The depth of section of the building needs to be carefully considered when
natural ventilation is the chosen solution. The Building Regulations require that
window openings for ventilation should be at least 1:20 of the buildings floor
area and that rooms to be single side ventilated should be no more than 6 m
deep. Ideally, spaces will be cross-ventilated.
Mechanical ventilation should not normally be required, but there may be some
instances where natural ventilation needs to be supplemented by artificial.
The government advice is that mechanical boost may be required to achieve
flow rates in excess of 8 l/s in spaces with high heat gains such as kitchens,
laboratories and home economics classrooms.
This will also be true for lavatories and changing rooms where air replacement in
excess of 6 ach can only be achieved by the use of mechanical extract. This may
entail placing these spaces at negative pressure and drawing air from adjoining
teaching areas. However, if this is likely to result in excessive air movement
through classrooms, a separate air intake will be required.

5.4 Space and water heating

Although the use of renewable energy would be preferable, the currently practicable alternative to limit CO2 emissions is for boilers to use fossil fuel rather
than electricity.
The heating system should be designed to respond to the schools pattern of
demand, and central plant should be located so that distribution losses can
be minimised. Where a modular boiler system is being installed, the system
controller should bring the boilers individually and sequentially on line to make
the system most efficient.
The use of heat pumps can be an efficient option, particularly if a suitable supply
of low-grade heat, such as ground water, is available.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Hot water plant should be located strategically in relation to the points of

demand, in order to reduce distribution losses, and to limit lengths of pipe
run. The hot water system should be separate from the space heating system. If
hot water demand is limited and infrequent, the use of local hot water heaters
should be considered. Where the system is centralised, and a limited amount of
hot water is required, the system can prove very inefficient.
Because schools are intermittently occupied, the controls on the hot water
system are important, particularly the time switching controls. Low volume taps
such as spray taps, with push button or occupant sensors, should be provided.
A small school having a heating demand of less than 100 kW may be zoned to
take into consideration differences in orientation and the use of its spaces. A
modular boiler system may be required with manual override for out-of-hours
In larger schools control systems have to be more flexible. Individual zones may
contain spaces with different levels of heat gain, so the location of sensors will be
very important. Zones can be linked by a building energy management system
which can monitor the performance of the system continuously and provide
data on the overall energy performance of the school.
Where a school has a heating demand in excess of 100 kW, the system should
have optimum start control, weather compensation, zoning and individual
thermostats as minimum requirements.

6. Case Study
6.1 Case study: Great Binfields Primary School, Basingstoke,
Client: Hampshire County Council
Architect: Hampshire County Council Architects Department
Design team: Alec Gillies with Martin Hallum, Bruce Kingsley-Smith, Annie
Templeton, Eilidh Gutteridge, Shaun Mildenhall, Andrew Bacon
Quantity surveyor: Neil Sheppard with Chris Hore of Selway Joyce
Mechanical engineer: Gareth Bartlett
Electrical engineer: Steve Perry
Structural engineer: Dave Williams
Landscape architect: Mike Rothery with Geoff Durk, Jonathan Howe
Contractor: Richardsons of Nyewood Ltd
Site agent: Bob Sykes
Construction: August 2000 August 2001 (buildings), May 2002 (landscaping)
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Great Binfields Primary is a school for 210 pupils, with the possibility of
expanding the capacity to 420. It also includes a support unit for up to 10
visually impaired children who, for the majority of the day, will be integrated
into mainstream classes.

Planning, form and construction

The new school has been placed on the southern edge of Great Binfields copse,
an ancient woodland on the north-east outskirts of Basingstoke.
The brief and design rationale
A key aim was to create a building that would respect its natural context and
establish a close relationship between its internal spaces and the surrounding
landscape. It would be environmentally sensitive, maximise natural light and
ventilation, and be made from low-maintenance, durable materials which
weather well. A principle of overriding importance was that the school should
facilitate easy access for people with physical disabilities.

Source: Hampshire County Council


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 5.6 The


Figure 5.7 The sheltered

south-facing central

Source: Hampshire County Council

The classrooms, roofed in cedar shingles, are arranged on the inner edge of the
horseshoe-shaped plan (Figure 5.6). They look onto a sheltered south-facing
courtyard occupied by sculptures inspired by the woodland (Figure 5.7). The
shared teaching spaces on the outer edges of the plan open onto a natural habitat
study area in the surrounding woodland.
To assist people with physical disabilities, the building incorporates extra wide
doorways, three wheelchair-accessible toilets and two wheelchair-accessible
showers. There is a generous drop-off area for vehicles to deliver and pick up
children with special needs at the front entrance.
To assist people with visual impairment, all teaching spaces are well lit with
natural light, see Figure 5.8. Artificial lighting is via dimmable high-frequency
colour-corrected fluorescent fittings. All surfaces have a low reflective matt
finish, and care has been taken with colour choice and contrast. All signs are in
a clear simple typeface at a consistent height and incorporate Braille. To assist
people with hearing impairment, there are acoustic ceilings in all of the teaching
spaces and in the corridor.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


The structural frame of the building
is made from parallel strand lumber
(PSL), shown in Figure 5.8. This is
reconstituted timber made from
young, fast growing small diameter
trees of second or third growth.
Although this material is processed,
it was chosen for this project as the
result of a costbenefit analysis.
Almost all of the wood on each log is
used; this means that fewer logs are
used for the same structural task.
Although it contains some wood that
is ordinarily thrown away or burned
for fuel, it has structural strength
superior to most timbers. Waste
wood is used for energy in the plant
which manufacturers PSL.

Bricks and mortar
The bricks of the external walls
have been sourced locally and laid
in hydraulic lime mortar which has
no cement content. The use of lime
mortar removed the need for mastic
movement joints and will also allow the possible reuse of the bricks in the
All the facing bricks are from Michelmersh in Hampshire where extraction
of the clay is immediately adjacent to the factory. Sourcing materials locally
decreases the embodied energy of the product by reducing the amount of energy
used in their transport to the site.
Materials are not the only input to the building process which was sourced
locally. The contractor, including the majority of their in-house staff, is based
in Petersfield, Hampshire and all members of the design team live and work in
Hampshire. The artists who supplied the sculptures are based in Portsmouth,


Environmental Construction Handbook

Source: Hampshire County Council

Figure 5.8 The parallel

strand lumber structure

Recycled materials
All of the window frames contain recycled aluminium. The damp proof membrane
for the building is VisqueenTM which is made from recycled polythene. All of
the pinboards are Colourboard, by Sundeala Ltd, which is made from recycled
waste newsprint. The acoustic ceiling tiles contain recycled glass. The concrete
block shear walls are made from blocks which contain recycled aggregate in the
form of furnace bottom ash.
Recyclable and reusable materials
Service ways have been designed to be accessible and refittable so that the
building can accommodate change over time. The basic fabric of the building
has been designed to assist its own dismantling ready to be recycled. For
example, the bricks can be reused as they are laid in hydraulic lime mortar
with no cement content, the PSL structure is simply pinned together and the
floors are made from precast concrete beams and pots. The TPE (thermoplastic
elastomer) flat roof membrane and all the polybutylene pipework for service
distribution is recyclable.
None of the insulation used in the building has been manufactured using CFCs
or HCFCs.
All varnishes and paints in the school are linseed-oil-based and made
from renewable natural materials with no petrochemical-based solvents or
The carpet is made with a high content of natural materials and has been tested
for VOC emissions in accordance with German standards. Linoleum flooring
has been used in preference to PVC-based material.

Service ways have been designed to be accessible and refittable.
The polybutylene, [C4H8]n, pipework for all service distribution is recyclable
and there is a generous provision of isolating valves to avoid draining down the
systems during maintenance.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Thermal performance
High thermal mass in the solid walls and floor reduces fluctuations in temperature, and thus both summer overheating and changes in load on the heating
system in winter.
Clerestory windows, as well as lighting the classrooms, assist natural crossventilation by being controlled by electronic temperature and rain sensors. This
system can be overridden and operated manually by individual members of
The daylighting design aims to maximise natural light, while minimising
discomfort from glare and overheating.
The south-facing courtyard elevation has a 1.2 m overhang over full-height
windows (Figure 5.7) while high-level clerestory windows facing generally north
are used throughout (Figure 5.8). Those windows facing east, exposed to the
sun, use solar control glass, while those facing west are shaded by the hall. Both
east and west windows are shaded to a certain extent by the surrounding trees.
All electric lighting in the teaching spaces is high-frequency high-efficiency
dimmable fluorescents.
All teaching spaces and the main corridor of the school have acoustic ceilings
to absorb noise within each space, thereby reducing disturbance to surrounding
Percussion spray taps have been fitted, and a generous provision of isolating
valves has been made to prevent the need to drain down the entire system
during servicing.
Energy supply
The building has a low-temperature under-floor heating system. The high
thermal mass of the floors, along with that of the walls, reduces temperature
fluctuations in the space and also evens out the heat demand of the system. By
reducing peak heat demand, smaller boilers could be used than with a radiatorbased system; by reducing fluctuations in heat demand, the boilers can operate
near to peak efficiency for a greater proportion of the day.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Source: Hampshire County Council

Figure 5.9 The school

within its surrounding

The boilers are fuel efficient, low NOx, natural gas fired, condensing boilers. NOx
emissions are estimated to be only 40 mg/kWh. Natural gas contains very little
sulphur, so SO2 emissions will also be low. CO2 emissions from the heating and
hot water generation are estimated to be 75 kg/m3. This level meets the good
energy targets of the government, CIBSE and BRE.
Heating system circulation is driven by energy-saving pumps with electronic
speed control.

The landscaping strategy draws heavily upon the woodland location of the new
Existing woodland
The Great Binfields copse is an ancient woodland and although, in the 1970s,
the wood was converted to a conifer plantation, a narrow fringe of native broadleaved trees, such as oak, ash, wych elm, field maple and crab apple has been
retained. Despite the pine trees, much native woodland flora has survived with
species of note including solomons seal, dog violet, primrose and bluebell.
Schools: a Changing Curriculum


The management programme for the Great Binfields copse will encourage the
native species present to flourish and spread while the introduced pine trees are
progressively removed through felling.
Care was taken during the construction of the school to limit its adverse impact
on its woodland site, with special funding being set aside to develop the adjacent
woodland as an outdoor educational area for use by the school.
Although the project involved the felling of some trees, many more will continue
to be planted on site. The seed-rich topsoil removed from the edge of the wood
to make way for the building has been used under the newly planted tree banks
to encourage woodland plants.
The subsoil taken from the foundation excavations has been used to level the
playing field: off-site removal of subsoil has been minimised.
Compost used on the site will be peat-free and made from recycled garden

A green travel plan has been developed for the school. The objective of this plan
is to minimise the number of car journeys to and from the school to minimise
pollution and encourage energy conservation as well as to reduce road traffic
congestion and encourage road safety.
The modal share of journeys to primary schools in Basingstoke is 42% walking
to school and 48% being taken by car. Only 1% of journeys to school are made by
cycle (source: Hampshire County Council Transpol data). The target for Great
Binfields Primary is 65% walking, 20% by car, 5% by cycle, and bus/taxi 10%.
Wide consultation with statutory bodies, local residents, parents and staff will
take place through HCCs Headstart Community Involvement Programme in
order to achieve these objectives.
A path connecting the school to an existing pedestrian route to the north will
be constructed. Cycle racks for 10 pupils cycles have been included (5% of pupil
numbers). A shower for staff has also been included.

7. Notes

DEFRA, Foundations for Our Future. Sustainable Development Strategy June

2002, UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2002.
2. The World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future
(The Brundtland Report). Oxford University Press, 1987.


Environmental Construction Handbook




Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Efficiency in Schools: Some Simple

Energy Conservation Measures, GPCS101, BRESCU, 18/05/1994.
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Energy Consumption Guide 73
Saving Energy on Schools A Guide for head teachers, governors, premises
managers and school energy managers (ECON073) BRECSU, 2001.
CIBSE, Guide H: Building Control Systems. Chartered Institution of Building
Services Engineers, London, 2000.
Action Energy Building Energy Efficiency in Schools: A Guide to a Whole School
Approach. GPG343, www.carbontrust.co.uk, 01/03/2003.
Southampton Environment Centre, Greening Britains Schools,
http://www.e4s.org.uk/biffa/, January 2001.
Op. cit., Action Energy, 2003.
CIBSE, Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Schools. A Symposium held at
CIBSE, 12/12/2000.
Richardson, G. Univ. of Plymouth, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, paper at
CIBSE Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Schools. A Symposium held at
CIBSE, 12/12/2000.
Stephen, R.K., Parkins, C.M., Woolliscroft, M. Passive stack ventilation systems:
design and installation. BRE Information Paper IP13/94, BRE, Garston, 1994.
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Energy Efficiency in Schools: Local
Controls for Heating and Lighting, Case Study 95, BRECSU, Garston, 1995.
Action Energy Planning for Passive Solar Design. ref:ADH010,
www.carbontrust.co.uk, 01/01/1998.
Action Energy Passive Solar Design: Netley Abbey Infant School. GIL032,
www.carbontrust.co.uk, 01/05/1999.
Reyner Banham. The architecture of the well-tempered environment. The
Architectural Press, London, 1969.
See, for example, a recent account in Alan Powers Britain: Modern Architecture in
History, Reaktion Books, London 2007.)
Anderson, J. and Shiers, D., The Green Guide to Specification. Blackwell
Publishing, 2002.
ibid., p. 11.

Further Reading
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Schools.
Good Practice Guide 233, BRECSU, Garston, September 1997.
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings
and Extensions for Schools and Colleges. Good Practice Guide 173, BRECSU, Garston,
March 1997.

Schools: a Changing Curriculum


Energy and
1. Discussion
While department stores have been closing in many city centres, supermarket
chains have taken an increasing share of the UK retail market. For that reason
much of this chapter is concerned with supermarkets, which are selling an
increasing range of goods as well as groceries, in fact taking on the character of
department stores.
Government-funded research in the early 1990s found that the annual UK cost
of energy used in retail outlets was 1.8 billion[1] of which between 5% and 10%,
that is 90180 million, could be saved by better design and improved housekeeping practices.
Although this is only a small percentage of UK annual retail turnover, it is a
significant percentage of retail profits, and is a large proportion of the service
charges made for rented retail premises.
A basic decision in the cause of sustainability is the choice of fuel to be used for
heating. Electricity is only viable for small and well-insulated premises where
the additional cost involved in installing or maintaining a gas or oil boiler would
be prohibitive. The prerequisites for a shop to use less energy and produce less
CO2 are that:

it should be well insulated and use natural servicing, particularly

daylighting, in conjunction with efficient forms of electric lighting
incorporating energy controls;

it should have modern and efficient appliances utilising gas as their

main fuel; and

in particular, air conditioning should be avoided.

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


The use of air-conditioning always implies environmentally detrimental CO2

pollution; this is not only because of the amounts of energy required but because
of the chemicals used in chiller systems, which tend to be highly ozone depleting.
In the UK climate, the use of air-conditioning should not really be necessary other
than in deep plan buildings. In the case of supermarkets, the loads associated with
chiller cabinets pose particular problems, which have been dealt with ingeniously
in the case study project included at the end of this chapter.
Among retail uses, supermarkets have the highest level of annual energy
consumption, as well as the largest per m2 figures for CO2 emissions.[2] For
buildings that only have electric heating, supermarkets are estimated to have
annual electricity consumption of 750 kWh/m2 per year, whereas supermarkets
relying on a combination of fossil fuel and electricity have a higher energy use
totalling 830 kWh/m2 per year, but lower CO2 emissions at 500 kgCO2/m2 per
year. Less intensive energy users are buildings such as banks, building societies
and post offices having a rate of energy consumption 10% less than that of supermarkets, their CO2 emissions being of the same order.
Department stores and food stores are among the most intensive energy users,
but energy use, and consequential greenhouse gas emissions, is not the only
environmental concern.

1.1 Location and land use

Retail development presents issues to do with location and land use, particularly
on out-of-town sites where supermarkets and shopping malls entail large areas
of low-rise development surrounded by a considerable amount of car parking
considerations that are incorporated by local authorities into strategic development plans. Guidance has been issued under Planning Policy Statement
6: Planning for Town Centres (PPS6). (This replaces Town Centres and Retail
Developments, (Revised PPG Note 6) published 1996 and subsequent policy
statements, published March 2005.)
PPS6 sets out the governments policy on planning for the future of town centres.
It is concerned with the maintenance of the environment, and the encouragement of good design directed towards schemes based on the concept of high
density and mixed use. One of the principal concerns for PPS6 is that retail
premises should be accessible by different modes of transport, but with public
transport the preferred option rather than relying exclusively on the use of cars.
From that point of view it is recommended that if city centre sites are available
they should have the highest priority for development. The least favoured alternative is building on peripheral sites.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Further guidance can be found in the government report The impact of large
food stores on market towns and district centres,[3] which is concerned with the
impact of out-of-town developments on the environment, and maintaining the
viability of existing shops within the city, and the environmental quality of the
city centres. From the point of view both of conserving the countryside and
of maintaining the health of existing city centres, environmental policy and
energy policy coincide.
Many towns have now appointed managers to champion the cause of town
centres, and to ensure their continuing profitability and competitiveness.
Through the process of consultation, the needs of less-mobile groups, such as
the elderly and disabled and young families with children, are represented. By
their involvement at the preliminary stage of design, the development can avoid
loss of functionality and the risk of early obsolescence, and help achieve town
centre environments that are safe and attractive. The interacting issues here
are to do with access to and within the centre, crime prevention and quality of
There is a complementary Planning Policy Statement No. 7 (PPS7): Sustainable
Development in Rural Areas which also seeks to maintain viable town centres
and to concentrate development on brownfield land, but also aims to promote
competitive and efficient retail development that is accessible particularly by public
transport, walking and cycling. PPS7 is particularly concerned with the conservation of the countryside, and its quality of environment, while safeguarding the
character of rural towns and attempting to reduce dependence on the motor
car. (PPS7, published in August 2004, replaces PPG Note 7: The Countryside
Environmental Quality and Economic and Social Development, February 1997.)

Cars and travel

The location of retail development has implications for traffic patterns and traffic
volume. The growth of road transport in the UK is making the most rapidly
increasing contribution to climate change, as well as producing air pollution
that is the cause of thousands of deaths each year. The governments policy on
transport published in 1998 A new deal for better transport: better for everyone
encourages local authorities to form a strategy for dealing with road transport
and its consequences for air quality, road safety and integration with public
transport within their local areas.
This is in the context within which transport energy and emissions are currently
rising at 4% per year, mostly due to the growing use of planes and cars, although
freight transport is responsible for 10% of UK energy use. The government is
committed, having first agreed to the environmental criteria set out during the
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, to reducing motor car use, to promoting alternatives to the private car, and to encouraging development within existing centres
in order to overcome the dispersal of land uses into the countryside. PPG13, the
planning policy guidance note for transport, requires that residential areas are
integrated with other land uses in order to reduce lengthy journeys, and that
retail premises should either be located centrally, or alternatively on sites at the
edges of centres. Retail premises should be close enough to be readily accessible by foot, and able to be served by a variety of transport means including
public transport. It requires that local authorities take into account the amount
of transport that will be generated by retail developments and indeed how travel
reductions can be initiated.
This is an attempt to reverse the pattern of development since World War II
and to put the emphasis back on town centres and existing areas in preference
to out-of-town locations. As well as the need to reduce the energy and CO2
emissions due to transport, the other important aims are to reduce pollution
and to improve outdoor air quality. The chemicals contained within exhaust
fumes can contribute to photochemical smog, and some are carcinogenic, while
nitrogen and sulphur oxides cause acid rain. In addition, the noise generated by
road traffic is a major reason for natural ventilation to be eschewed in favour of
air-conditioning, with consequent environmental damage. Congestion makes
roads dangerous for cyclists and deters bicycle riding.
The greater use of public transport and bicycles would largely overcome
pollution problems, but inevitably car parking will be required at shopping
centres where large and bulky purchases are being made, and for shoppers with
mobility problems, or for whom public transport would be inconvenient. The
reduction of vehicle pollution has implications for the location of retail development: it should be close to its intended market, employees must be encouraged
to travel by public transport and bicycle, and facilities should be provided for
bike parking. Shopping centres that contain a variety of types of store reduce
the necessity for shoppers to visit different shopping centres to complete their
purchases. Larger shopping centres should attempt to maximise the amount of
shopping spend per kilometre travelled, and thereby reduce the national length
of shopping journeys made per year.

1.2 Environmental aspects of supermarket design

The energy consumption profile of supermarkets is a little different from other
types of retail building. Some quite basic forms of enclosure such as do-it-yourself
stores have characteristics more akin to those of a warehouse than those of shops

Environmental Construction Handbook

in a mall. Consequently, by far the largest proportion of their energy cost is due
to electricity used for lighting, but because they tend to have high ceilings and
thus a large volume to heat, fossil fuel space heating and domestic hot water are
responsible for a fair proportion of the total. This proportion diminishes for other
non-food shops where mechanical ventilation and possibly air-conditioning and
lifts increase the relative amount of electricity that is consumed. Supermarkets,
although predominantly self-service food stores, tend increasingly to include
other uses such as an in-store baker, delicatessen and restaurants. In this case,
it is food refrigeration that is responsible for half of the overall energy cost, airconditioning and lighting for another quarter, and the bakery, space heating,
domestic hot water and other miscellaneous electrical uses that account for the
last quarter of the total.[4]
Retailers are becoming interested in the cost savings that can be made by
reducing energy consumption. Sainsburys has been a leader both in reducing
energy consumption and in the development of alternative renewable
sources. Its annual spending on power is around 50 million. To cut down on
fuel bills, it launched a campaign within the firm called Save It which is to
remind employees to turn off lights and use other easily implemented energy
saving ideas. Sainsburys also introduced a programme aimed at reducing the
companys energy consumption by 11% within two years, which would in turn
reduce Sainsburys carbon emissions by 10% by the year 2005. It is also looking
into the use of renewable energy sources with a view to 10% of its energy bills
coming from renewables in the coming years.
Another company that is very active in this area is MFI. Since 1994 the company,
which in total has about 500 stores, has used a variety of measures aimed to cut
its carbon emissions by 50%. A building management system, which automatically controls the stores heating and lighting levels, was introduced at a cost of
800,000 expenditure that was repaid by energy savings within 12 months.
A typical innovation was the fitting of self-dimming lights within a 50,000 m 2
warehouse that paid for itself within 18 months. Having achieved rigorous control
over energy bills, the company then moved on to the replacement of conventional power sources by renewable energy. Fifty outlets are being powered from
renewable energy obtained from an independent supplier who sells electricity
obtained from wind farms and gas from landfill.
These initiatives, although still rare, have a growing momentum. Under the UK
governments Renewables Obligation every electricity supplier in the country
has a requirement to provide a proportion of its production from renewable

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Sainsburys approach to energy management

One of a series of case studies into methods of management to achieve energy
efficiency within businesses, Good Practice Case Study 148[5] was conducted in
1994, and updated in conjunction with Sainsburys in 1997. The company gives
a high priority to environmental concerns, from packaging to recycling, and is
a market leader in retail technology which is used, for example, to accurately
control the temperature of products and indoor spaces. The various energy
efficiency measures it has introduced are with a view to achieving the low
energy supermarket.
Since the inception of this programme in the 1970s Sainsburys annual fuel bill
has been reduced by approximately 19%. As well as technology, attention has
been given to the managerial issues and procedures necessary for innovation to
succeed. Starting after the first oil crisis in the 1970s, steps were taken to identify
energy costs which had previously been lumped into overall operating expenses,
the realisation has come about that, in an industry relying on high turnover
with low profit margins, energy savings could be significant in achieving greater
market share.

Box 6.1 Sainsburys five-point energy policy<1>

Sainsburys have a five-point energy policy that integrates aspects of management with technical issues:

To consume energy in the most efficient and sustainable way and minimise waste. This concern

impinges on both the design and operation of Sainsburys buildings and equipment so that they
operate at maximum efficiency.
As much waste heat as possible is reused, and they now have a programme for the continuous
monitoring and reviewing of energy performance.
To apply to the groups operations the most recent and best of available technologies, which entails researching the most advanced building and servicing systems from sources worldwide.
To achieve ongoing reductions in energy consumption through improved technical procedures,
but also by involving staff in the drive to achieve energy efficiency.
By the purchase of energy at the most beneficial rates, and monitoring its consumption, it becomes possible to target potential improvements. The company keeps abreast of developments
within the electricity supply industry for negotiation of the most preferential deals.

Sainsburys participates in a variety of national and international award schemes through which it aims
to promote staff and customer awareness of the local and global issues relating to the efficient use of
1. Sainsburys press release: Sainsburys switches to Ecotricity for renewable energy, www.j-sainsbury.co.uk.


Environmental Construction Handbook

These objectives are being achieved by a combination of strategies, one of which

is an online monitoring system, RealMT, that was developed with the aid of
funding from the EU Thermie scheme. RealMT has been installed at most of
the companys sites including its head offices. It collects monitored information
from over 4000 meters for gas, water and electricity, and 3000 sensors which
log measurements for internal and external temperature and humidity, CO2
levels and lighting intensities. These are compared with a moving target for each
meter, which is dependent on weather and operating conditions, and trading
patterns. An expert system is used to determine the reason for any discrepancy
between target and achieved values. The system then automatically emails
the store engineer describing the fault, its likely cause, and the costs involved
in delay. A variety of faults can be identified including: lights being left on or
switches overridden, failed passive infrared detectors, incorrect BMS settings,
water leaks, poor heating or heat recovery performance, and inefficient use of
refrigeration equipment.

People vs freezer cabinets

Supermarkets have a large quantity of refrigeration equipment and this is always
responsible for a large proportion of the overall energy use of the building. A
refrigeration systems power is mostly consumed by the compressors, which run
on electricity and produce substantial amounts of heat as a by-product of the
refrigeration cycle. To some extent it is possible to limit the extent of energy
use by sizing the compressors to match the load, and by controlling the plant so
that, if there are variations in demand, the equipment loads can respond accordingly. These problems are, however, far from solved; we have all experienced the
icy conditions in aisles of freezer cabinets, and the supermarket staff wearing
quilted coats to keep warm, irrespective of the prevailing outdoor temperature.
Insulated covers provide insulation overnight on chest freezers, and insulated
night blinds provide some degree of enclosure to freezer cabinets, but of course
for these measures to be effective they have not only to be provided but actually
used which isnt always the case.
The maintenance schedule for the freezers so that they are regularly and
effectively defrosted is important. Another significant requirement is that
refrigerated store rooms arent left with doors wide open, particularly while
restocking is taking place. The waste heat from the pumps and compressors can
best be utilised to heat the adjacent shop floor, a consideration that impinges on
the layout of the store, because a lot of energy will be lost if the design involves
moving refrigerant and cooling water for long distances around the building.
However, this can be overcome to some extent by adequately lagging pipes and
valves. Ideally though all refrigeration, whether for cooling or chilling, should be
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Box 6.2 Sainsburys at Beckenham<1>

This store was originally opened in 1983. It is a medium-sized supermarket, incorporating a bakery and
a sizeable meat preparation area that was designed to what, at the time, was a good standard of energy
efficiency. Relevant features included a heat recovery system to make the best use of waste heat from
refrigeration plant, store lighting and the bakery, and to enable its reuse for the domestic hot water
supply and space heating. The refrigeration plant is modular, and the units operate sequentially so that
demand is matched to the operation of the plant; waste heat from the chillers is reused. Similarly, the
boilers are modular and sequentially controlled for provision of heating and hot water, including supply
to warm air curtains above doors (although these are only operable when the temperature falls below
15C). Two-speed fans were used throughout so that the rate of supply could be adapted to the demand
for heating or cooling.
Over the course of time, however, energy demands have increased because of the increasing length of
supermarket opening hours. The building has undergone a number of modifications in order to address
the problem, including some quite simple measures such as fitting insulating jackets to cover over the
freezer cabinets at night. In 1992, a building energy management system was installed allowing better
control of the buildings services, enabling them to be operated in new and energy-saving ways. The air
handling plant, controlled by the BEMS, can now operate in different modes, from full re-circulation in
order to retain energy, to full fresh air to make use of free cooling from outdoors.
The store has been divided into different zones by use: main sales area, bakery, meat preparation area
and staff area, each of which is separately controlled to optimise the operation of plant and lighting. The
BEMS continuously monitors the indoor air quality, and if it is found to be satisfactory, the supply and
extract fans are closed down. At night, temperatures are allowed to vary, the supply fans are switched
to low speed, and the extract fans are turned off. Lighting levels are also controlled by the BEMS, which
ensures that only security lighting operates at night (during shelf stocking periods it operates at 40%) and
are only at full output when the store is open. Remote monitoring is carried out to check that set point
and operating temperatures are being achieved; the BEMS periodically issues a report that pinpoints the
savings to be made through improved control of the system.
The Beckenham store is not as efficient as some more recent projects, but installation of the BEMS has
enabled the buildings energy consumption to stay fairly constant, despite extended opening hours, and
increased refrigeration and lighting loads.


Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Shops and Stores. Department of the Environment, BRESCU, March 1994.

Environmental Construction Handbook

concentrated around the same location; the waste heat is then available either
for domestic hot water heating or space heating.
The refrigerants used for food storage are a problem because the large volumes
of CFCs and HCFCs lost to the atmosphere through leakage, and during maintenance operations, are a major cause of ozone depletion. It is estimated that up to
80% of the refrigerant chemicals sold in the UK are lost in this way; food refrigeration plant is estimated to lose 50% of its refrigerant when the equipment is
being serviced (over its lifetime), which clearly has profound implications for
its detailed design. A variety of strategies can be put in place to overcome the
problem. Refrigerant leakage detectors can be fitted to enclosed chillers and
wired up to an alarm system, and other detection systems are available for
monitoring open cabinets. The plant needs to be designed for easy maintenance,
adequate space being available around all sides of the machines so that leaks of
refrigerant can easily be noticed, collected, stored and returned, while the ozone
depleting characteristics of the system being proposed can be determined from
the initial specification of the equipment.
The relative effects of the various compounds currently in use are a function
of their ozone depletion potential (ODP), which is defined as the total change
in ozone per unit mass, when the substance has reached a steady state in the
atmosphere. CFC11 is the most damaging of these materials and, having an
ODP of 1.0, is the benchmark against which the others are assessed. The first
step towards elimination of the environmental damage that they cause was the
Montreal Protocol that limited emissions of CFCs and halons, which was signed
by many of the worlds governments in 1987. The substitute materials HCFCs
are, however, similarly damaging in the short term, if to a lesser extent in the
long term (over a period of hundreds of years), so the intention of more recent
agreements is that HCFCs should be phased out of use in the relatively near
future. Chillers that employ inorganic chemicals rather than hydrocarbons are
already available and have the further advantage that they can run on gas rather
than electricity, but unfortunately they are a lot less efficient than the ozone
depleting alternatives.

1.3 Natural ventilation long spans and food smells

If a store is fully air-conditioned, the HVAC system can be the largest single use of
energy, so air-conditioning is to be avoided whenever possible. Supermarkets are
deep plan buildings, so air-conditioning may prove unavoidable, but subsidiary
spaces such as the public spaces at the perimeter of the building, for circulation in and out of the store, and associated areas such as cafes may possibly
be naturally ventilated. A principal reason for air-conditioning being required
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


is the build-up of excess heat due, for example, to the amount of lighting power
being used, and the heat thrown out by refrigeration equipment. Measures to
reduce over-heating include making sure that any rooflights face away from the
sun so as to reduce the amount of solar gain entering the space, and by limiting
their area. Similarly beneficial is if shading is provided to south-facing windows
by overhangs or louvres, and the use of solar control or fritted glass may also
be appropriate. High volume spaces may be less of a problem from this point of
view since the heat will tend to stratify at a level above head height.
In any case, it may be necessary to incorporate mechanical ventilation for smoke
clearance in case of fire, then perhaps forming one component of an assisted
natural ventilation system for smaller supermarkets, rather than providing full
air-conditioning. In which case, appropriate measures can include designing for
reduced lighting loads, specifying efficient lamps, and specifying a wider band of
permissible comfort conditions when writing the design brief for the building.
Unless temperatures are likely to exceed 28C for more than a few hours a year,
air-conditioning may not be required. If it proves necessary nonetheless then
reducing the volume of air supplied to the minimum, and making sure that the
recurrent problem of spaces being heated and cooled at the same time is avoided,
will both help reduce energy consumption. Cooling the air supply to 24C may
be sufficient to achieve comfort. Given appropriate weather conditions it might
be possible to use outdoor air directly for cooling; for efficiency it is important
that the building is appropriately ventilated, and that good use is made of waste
heat. If possible radiant cooling panels should be fitted at the point of delivery,
to minimise the amount of ducting and to avoid pumping large volumes of cool
air around the building.
Concern about the refrigerants used within food refrigeration equipment is also
applicable to air-conditioning systems. Leak detection devices will not work
when air-handling plant is out of doors, or with air-cooled condensers, which
are usually located externally on a roof. In these cases, equipment should be
manually checked every six months to make sure that no leaks have occurred.
The chiller condenser should not be used as a holding store for the refrigerant
during the shut-down process of the machine; instead a separate container
needs to be incorporated within the system to store the refrigerant during the
maintenance process. These refrigerant recovery units incorporate a pump for
the return of the refrigerant to the chiller circuit.
If on the other hand condensers are not included, particularly in older systems
that employ cooling towers, the environmental problem then becomes one of
avoiding legionnaires disease. Both the cooling towers and the condensate
draining from the air-conditioning plant can be a source of the bacterium

Environmental Construction Handbook

which is responsible for about 300 cases a year of the infection, of which about
12% prove fatal. Consequently, the cooling towers must be properly designed,
operated and maintained to allow cleaning and maintenance, and effective
water treatment. A well-designed cooling system should enable the cleaning out
of all the condensate and sludge and provide easily accessible drainage points at
the lowest levels of the system. Of course, avoiding air-conditioning altogether
also helps avoid the risk of legionnaires disease.

1.4 Lighting strategies

Daylight has generally been anathema within retail buildings, with the possible
exception of DIY depots, which are more closely aligned to factory or warehouse
units. On the one hand, wall space is likely to be at a premium for display
purposes, precluding the use of windows. On the other hand, UV light can be
detrimental to the goods for sale, which tend, as a consequence, to be exhibited
in artificial light despite the poorer colour rendering of artificial light when
compared with natural. General use spaces, for example circulation areas such
as a shopping galleria, or cafes within supermarkets may have natural light and
outside awareness, but because larger shops tend to be deep span spaces, reliance
on artificial services for both lighting and ventilation have become the norm.
Supermarkets ought uniquely to have the potential for daylight use although the
increasing length of the retail day means that a proportion of the buildings use
will inevitably be after dark.

Artificial lighting
Display lighting is an important aspect of merchandising. This has usually
resulted in stores of all types being uniformly illuminated to a consistently high
level allowing flexibility for the reorganisation of displays. Sainsburys store at
Greenwich has illustrated the potential for a return to a design paradigm closer to
the 19th Century market hall, background lighting being provided by rooflights
and daylight for much of the day. Display lighting can, as a consequence, be
locally disposed using high intensity sources such as tungsten halogen lamps.
General lighting for backup during the day and for general lighting at night is
likely to be provided by fluorescent fittings or metal halide lamps, both of which
have relatively favourable levels of luminous efficacy. Multi-storey shops may, of
course, reduce the potential for daylighting other than on the upper retail levels
as is particularly the case for larger stores with sizable floor plates.

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Colour rendering of meat and vegetables

A well-designed lighting scheme is one of the prerequisites for successful
retailing. In supermarkets, the quite high intensity of light, and the evenness of
illumination that is required, have militated against the use of natural lighting.
The amount of light provided within supermarkets makes the lighting bill one
of the largest operational costs, and significant accompanying levels of CO2
emissions. A good lighting scheme is consequently one that is energy efficient,
but which also optimises the level of sales. The lighting design has to be of a high
standard to achieve these goals, but also the controls and equipment have to
be carefully specified, including not only the light fittings themselves, but also
including stipulations for the operational management of the building.
An effective solution is one that provides the right light levels (but not too much),
by the use of efficient lamps, fittings and controls, and achieves a high standard
of maintenance. A good lighting scheme encourages people to enter the store,
enables the shop windows to be used for display at night, and it encourages
people to walk around and impulse buy. In fact, a good lighting scheme can
insidiously result in shoppers remaining in the shop longer and buying more
than they otherwise would as a result. To achieve the right environment for the
marketing of many goods, colour rendering is an important aspect, particularly
in supermarkets, where fresh food is being displayed. The lighting scheme at its
best creates a distinctive image for the store.
When it comes to the specification of lamps, the same arguments apply as for
other building types such as offices. Tungsten bulbs are very inefficient and
can in many cases be substituted by compact fluorescent fittings. While not
as efficient as contemporary tubular fluorescents, compact lamps can however
be used for some types of display lighting, within downlighters for example.
Because shops always require display lighting, tungsten halogen spotlights are
likely to be required to some extent. Although they have a luminous efficacy
greater than that of tungsten filament bulbs, they are still about three and half
times as energy consuming as compact fluorescent tubes.
Replacement of the old 38 mm diameter fluorescent tubes with 26 mm
triphosphor lamps achieves some improvement in efficiency, but the figure is
greatly enhanced if an electronic ballast is used. The high frequency ballast has
several advantages: the frequency of flickering is increased so the incidence of
headaches and eye strain is reduced, or at least that is what has been found in office
buildings, which presumably would also be true in supermarkets; furthermore
the system can then incorporate dimming equipment. As a result, fluorescent
fittings will have about the same efficiency (about eight times more efficient
than tungsten filament lamps) as metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps
types that are sometimes used in uplighters, particularly in tall internal spaces

Environmental Construction Handbook

such as found in do-it-yourself stores and car parks, but their colour rendering is
still inadequate for more sensitive display areas.
Other measures to improve efficiency include replacing the diffusers in old
luminaires with reflectors, because prismatic and opal diffusers have poorer
performance. Generally, if a light installation is over 15 years old, it is worth
replacing the fittings and updating the lighting controls to enable light levels to
be locally controlled by the staff.
Timed controls can be installed to switch off lights in sequence across the store
when the store is closing, and the sorts of controls used in offices, such as timed
controls, daylight detection controls and presence controls, may also be useful
in less frequently used areas such as storage rooms.
Naturally, adequate maintenance and a good operational regime are necessary
to achieve efficiency. Simple measures are effective, for example appointing
someone in the store to be responsible for turning lights off at the end of the
day, using daylight wherever possible and keeping windows and rooflights clean,
turning light levels down when the building is not open to the public but merely
being used for stocking shelves, and making sure that display lighting is not
used out of hours.

2. Construction
Within existing buildings, a refurbishment programme offers the opportunity
for roof and wall insulation to be upgraded, and windows to be replaced with
double or multiple glazing with a low-emissivity coating, or for secondary
glazing to be installed alongside existing windows to improve their performance.
Doors are an important source of heat loss in such heavily trafficked buildings;
revolving doors perform well from this point of view, but the draught proofing
of other personnel doors combined with the use of door closers, and the fitting
of insulated doors to loading bays also offer energy advantages.
Shopping centres are one of the most frequently refurbished building types. The
frequency of refitting is around 67 years for particularly popular locations but
typically around 810 years. Over the course of the buildings lifetime, the inputs
of materials and energy during refurbishment programmes will be a substantial
proportion of the whole lifetime energy cost. Less successful shopping centres are
refurbished in order to maintain their fabric, but the more fashionable locations
will be upgraded to maintain a contemporary appearance, and to retain their
place in the market from the point of view of rents, their mix of tenants, and to
remain competitive with other retail outlets. The importance of a recognisable
image, particularly for retail chains, may place significant barriers in the way of
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


a more ecological approach. There are, of course, exceptions such as the Body
Shop where ecological responsibility has become part of the corporate ethos.
The environmental impact of refurbishment can be reduced if a policy of
rational periodic renewal addresses the durability characteristics of the buildings components in terms of their inherent life expectancy. Relevant factors
include the tendency of retail buildings to have large areas of low-level glazing,
and that particularly visible parts of the building fabric are likely to require easy
replacement on account of wear and tear, and to keep a fresh appearance.

3. Generic construction methods

Retail construction encompasses a number of typologies from inner city
department store to suburban DIY depot, the multi-storey mall and suburban
supermarket probably being the most simply categorised of the wide range
of retail construction. As for most building types in our heating-dominated
climate, the provision of adequate insulation (i.e. better than the Building
Regulations level of provision) is a prerequisite for energy efficiency.

3.1 Typical UK supermarket construction

Figure 6.1 Typical UK supermarket construction


Environmental Construction Handbook

Steel or concrete columns clad in precast or brick or block, external
block/precast cavity walls
Figure 6.2 Masonry
cladding to steel hollow
section column

Supermarkets are essentially medium span shed buildings or frame construction,

sometimes flat roofed but more usually, under planning pressures, having a
structure of steel or concrete columns with welded steel trusses. The structural materials are rarely exposed but, instead, a non-loadbearing cladding
of brickwork or stone aggregate precast is the visible surface. In terms of the
structure, the choice of steel or concrete is likely to be of little consequence
(as noted under offices) but the masonry cladding has considerable impact by
virtue of its weight and the energy used in its production.

Steel or engineered timber trusses + purlins/rafters/battens and
concrete tiles and metal suspended ceiling
Figure 6.3 Tiled roof
on rafters, purlins and
exposed tubular steel

Suspended ceilings are very widely used in supermarkets and form one of this
building types largest elements by area. Because they are light in weight, their
impact in terms of embodied energy is limited, although proportionately their
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


importance is greater for low-rise buildings compared with multi-storey. The

best performing systems, receiving an A rating, include accessible suspended
ceilings with an exposed grid, which are of the type likely to be installed in a
supermarket. Their life cycle impacts (as calculated for BREs Green Guide[6])
are, however, predicated on the achievement of a 25-year life before replacement
that may not be representative of contemporary retail construction.

Ceramic tiles or terrazzo flooring on in-situ slab
Figure 6.4 Tiled solid
floor laid on grade

Being a high-mass element, this concrete floor system achieves only a C rating
(though lighter weight alternatives such as ribbed slabs or waffles do better with
a B). Flat slab construction does particularly badly in relation to the volume of
mineral extraction it requires, because the quarrying of aggregates has a considerable impact on its local environment. Recycled aggregate has advantages from
this point of view, although it is little used at the moment. However, in terms of
embodied energy, the crushing, sorting and transport of recycled aggregates is
likely to be comparable to the virgin material, and there may be quality control
issues requiring additional cement content in the mix thus undermining the
environmental benefits.
Hard floor finishes from natural sources such as terrazzo, ceramic or quarry
tiles perform well (all achieve an A rating) because of the limited energy inputs
to their production but also because they are hard wearing and are therefore less
likely to be replaced.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Curtain walling or shop windows, revolving steel doors
Figure 6.5 Stainless
steel shop window

Stainless steel is a favoured metal because of its ability to be recycled and

because recycled material is the predominant source for worldwide stainless
steel production. Although glass entails the use of major amounts of energy
in its production, its overall impact is quite small. Careful specification of the
glazing, with regard to the orientation of the building, and its energy characteristics, can however make a considerable difference to the overall performance
of the building.

Internal partitions
Glass block walls
Although long an architectural favourite, glass blocks have adverse environmental impacts by virtue of their weight, the thickness of the material and the
amount of energy used in their production.

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Table 6.1 Ecopoints evaluation of generic constructions for supermarkets, using BREs Envest tool

Generic supermarket type: 100m 20m; (ground floor 2000 sq m); no. storeys: 1; storey
height: 5.0 m; % cellular: 10%; location: S.E. England; soil type: firm clay

Ground floor

200 mm in situ reinforced concrete slab + 80 mm rockwool


Upper floor


External walls

50% non-loadbearing cavity brickwork + 60 mm rockwool















50% double glazed curtain wall 1250 1000 grid

Internal partitions

Glass block


Aluminium double glazed non-opening


Steel trusses + purlins 1.4 m c/c /rafters/battens, 0.75 kN/m loading



Concrete tiles + 150 mm rockwool







Wall finishes

10% 6.5 mm ceramic tiles



90% 2 coat render + emulsion






Metal suspended ceiling




1200 450 Column base foundation




Concrete columns



Total embodied including material replacements over 60 year lifespan

Total embodied per sq m of floor area


Source: based on Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E., Sinclair, M., Green Guide to Specification, (3rd Edition), BRE, Watford, 2002.
Commentary: The extensive use of high embodied energy materials for both structure and finishes explains the quite high
overall figure for the total embodied energy per sq. m. The long span roof and large volume enclosed might give a different
impression if considered in terms of embodied energy per cu. m. But the other damaging characteristics of this building type
in terms of travel, food miles and operating energy result in embodied energy being a relatively minor consideration.


Environmental Construction Handbook

4. Case study
4.1 Sainsburys store at Greenwich, London
Client: Sainsburys plc
Architects: Chetwood Associates

Although highly atypical of general UK supermarket construction, the
Sainsburys store on Greenwich Peninsula, close to the Millennium Dome,
represents the first of a new approach to a more sustainable standard for
The site
The store is located at the end of the Greenwich peninsula next to the (former)
Millennium Dome, the site has been planned to accommodate a bus lane,
designed to accommodate a future London Transport Transit link. Behind the
supermarket is a lake and planted meadow that are to be a wildlife reserve used
as a retaining area for surface water running from the car parks, selected indigenous plant species being used for landscaping. The external illuminated shop
signs are powered entirely by wind and solar energy, excess electricity being
stored in batteries for use at night. The masts onto which the advertising panels
are mounted also provide support for a wind turbine and photovoltaic array. By
generating electricity on site CO2 emissions are reduced.
Two 75-mm deep boreholes were sunk into the aquifer beneath the site to provide
water at a constant temperature, the water is used to cool the building through
a system of underfloor piping; it also supplies water to the refrigeration system.
In turn, heat from the refrigeration system is discharged to the boreholes as an
alternative to air-cooling, which, with the relative variability of air temperature
compared with ground water, makes for a more efficient system.
The form of the building is completely integrated with its site, which is banked
up to the roof, the outline of which has been designed as an integral aspect of the
overall form. Earth is mounded against the building on two sides, which forms a
smooth profile, reducing wind turbulence that would otherwise increase winter
heat loss. Air is drawn into the store under the surrounding earth banks through
the suspended sales floor and supplied to the sales areas using natural buoyancy.
Other aspects of the site layout include landscaping with indigenous and
drought-tolerant plants, the inclusion of a Woodland Trust reserve, sheltered
cycle racks with access to a system of footpaths and cycleways across the
Greenwich Peninsula.
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Source: Chetwood Associates Architects

The brief and design rationale

Sainsburys Greenwich is the principal, if not the only, example of green supermarket design in the UK[7]. A competition was launched, the brief being to
achieve a green design compatible with the environmental aspirations of its
neighbour, the Millennium Village. This design was the winner, beating another
major supermarket chain.
The ecological aspects of the project are not merely additions to an otherwise
conventional building. Instead, the process of development of the scheme has
been to investigate the possibility of transforming the nature of supermarket
buildings, to make them more sustainable. These considerations were central to
decisions made about the environmental engineering of the building, and the
selection and use of materials; for example the roof is made from mill-finished

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 6.6 Masterplan

Figure 6.7 Building Plan

Source: Chetwood Associates Architects

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


aluminium, the walls flanking the earth mounds to either side of the entrance
are clad with untreated oak boards with Forestry Stewardship Council certification. The internal environment of the building explores the possibility of
reducing electricity consumption by the use of daylight to as large an extent as
possible, and the use of natural rather than mechanical ventilation.
As with any long-span shed type building, the design of the roof is a major
consideration, particularly so in this case since the roof is the main lighting
mechanism for the building and it also plays a part in the ventilation system.
The overall form of the roof is a northlight factory profile, but the angle of the
glazing is somewhat less than 90 degrees to make the shape more aerodynamic
since it was decided that the sharp angles characteristic of traditional northlights

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 6.8 Roof view

Source: Chetwood Associates

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Figure 6.9 Building section

Source: Chetwood Associates Architects

Source: Chetwood Associates Architects

generate turbulence, and the resulting suction pressure increases heat loss from
the roof. The choice of roof covering was between the mill-finished standingseam aluminium that was eventually used, and a PVC-based membrane. The
latter was rejected because of the controversy that broke out when it was used
for the Millennium Dome, and because the metal roof that was chosen resulted
in a more distinctive design.
That the choice was between two less than ideal alternatives illustrates the
difficulty of constructing sustainable flat roofs, or roofs with little slope. Millfinished aluminium does at least obviate the need for the VOCs used to make the
plastic coating to profiled roof sheeting. Also, standing-seam strip roofing relies
on its method of jointing to achieve watertightness rather than being effectively
glued together with mastic, the short-life hydrocarbon sealant required by other
low-slope systems.
The insulation used was RockwoolTM which, rather than one of the foamed plastic
alternatives, is free from CFCs and HCFCs, and is 10% thicker than required by
the then current Building Regulations. The roof panels were profiled on site in
standard module widths of 400 mm. The rolling plant was located adjacent to
the building so the motive force of the machine could provide enough impetus to
project the lengths of metal strip up onto the roof. Fabrication of some complex
forms was required. The combination of a barrel vault with the inclined surfaces
of the sawtooth rooflights resulted in an S-shaped profile at the junction,
but it was found that this could be made without using tapered sheet as was

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 6.10 Building

internal view

Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


Figure 6.10 Northlight details

Source: Chetwood Associates Architects

originally thought necessary; studies carried out with scale models showed that
the material had enough flexibility to make the shape from standard sheet, with
favourable implications for the amount of off-cut waste that was discarded.
The glazed sections are about 1800 mm high and total in length about half a
kilometre of glazing, which is either high-performance double glazing, or
incorporates automated louvres to control the direction and quantity of light
entering the building. The structure of the roof is a series of steel beams intersected by curving secondary beams beneath each of the sawtooth sections. The
insulated profiled metal roofing is supported off steel frames fixed alternately
to the bottom and top of the secondary steelwork to create a location for an
insulated steel double skin gutter that forms a walking surface between the
sloping glazing and profiled roofing. The glazed sections have, at the apex of the
sawtooth, automated ventilation and smoke extract dampers. As far as possible,
recycled material has been used throughout the building. It is, of course, one
of the advantages of aluminium that a large proportion comes from recycled
sources although the virgin metal is very energy intensive to produce.
The lightweight steel frame was quite fast to erect so the roof construction could
begin before completion of the mass concrete surrounding walls, which provide
thermal mass to the building and help to reduce temperature fluctuations.
Other examples of the use of recycled materials in the building include the rubber
flooring to the entrance area, which was made from recycled bus and aeroplane
tyres. Walls within the landscaped areas that obscure the service yard are made
from gabions containing crushed concrete reclaimed from the site and are planted
with creepers. Internally, linoleum flooring is used on account of its relatively
benign environmental characteristics compared with plastic flooring, and partitions within the customer toilets are made from recycled plastic bottles.
The design makes a concerted effort to deal with the more intransigent aspects
of energy consumption within this kind of structure. Whereas artificial lighting
and ventilation are the norm for supermarkets, here the principal background
lighting is provided through the rooflights assisted by the light-coloured floor
and ceiling that make the best of available daylight. Artificial lighting is used
only to directly illuminate the merchandise on display, rather than providing
general lighting. The sales floor background lighting is turned off during the
day, with display lighting maintained at the level required for local illumination.
The light fittings themselves have been chosen for low energy operation. The
exception to that is the sparing use of tungsten halogen lamps for the lighting
of higher value products, the luminaires being attached to display shelving for
flexibility, and independent of the lighting to the adjoining aisles.

Environmental Construction Handbook

The controls that make this possible are similar to those that would normally be
found in an art gallery. Sensors operate banks of louvres within the rooflights,
to reduce the direct admission of sunlight, but also to maintain a constant level
of illumination while preventing night time light pollution.
The floor finish is white-flecked terrazzo, which provides a reflective surface to
bounce light back onto the metal ceiling, preventing the incidence of glare but
also rendering the interior bright and airy.
The ventilation system is similarly innovative. Air is tempered by passing
through a concrete undercroft, having been drawn in from outdoors, before
entering the space at the base of the display cabinets. Hot water coils within
the undercroft make it possible to preheat the air if necessary. The resulting
displacement method is energy efficient since the air only needs to be cooled to
one or two degrees below comfort temperature, consequently only low-grade
heating and cooling sources are required, as provided by the on-site CHP plant
and borehole water cooling. The system is also healthy since used air and germs
are expelled at the high point of the roof, where mechanical dampers at the head
of the glazing exhaust air directly to the outside.
The disadvantage is that, whereas cold air spilling onto the floor from refrigerator cabinets would, in a conventional installation, become mixed with the
room air, because of high velocity supply air entering above head height, in
this instance the cool air isnt so readily dispelled. In order to overcome this
problem, and to prevent the chiller cabinets having to be continually defrosted,
they have extract grilles beneath them to take air back into the undercroft
and thereby to recycle some of the cool, and consequently dry, air. The refrigeration packs are ozone benign and propane-based, a glycol solution being
used within the under-floor pipework which supplies the sales floor cabinets
and freezers.
As is usual in supermarkets, because of the presence of the chiller cabinets
within the sales space, some heating is required for the majority of the year.
The CHP unit is not only able to provide 85% of the annual electrical load, but
also to provide enough heat energy for background space heating of the store.
Effectively, therefore, the heating is provided without any CO2 being generated,
but because the available heat is more than sufficient to meet the supermarkets needs, an economic case could not be established for reclaiming heat from
the exhaust ventilation. Delivery into the space is by an underfloor piped low
pressure hot water system so the sales floor acts as a giant radiator. Heat is
supplied by the CHP plant via a plate heat exchanger, or alternatively, when
cooling is required, by use of borehole cooling water, which is at a constant
temperature of 1012C.
Supermarkets: Energy and Shopping


This is an incisive and radical solution to making supermarkets more sustainable,

and the buildings performance has been monitored in use. Discomfort adjacent
to the chiller cabinets proved a problem during the initial period of operation:
air temperatures in the vicinity were still too cold, requiring some adjustment to
the system. In terms of the life cycle performance of the building, it will be interesting to see whether the fresh air system can deal with the expected growth of
car traffic adjacent to the building, and whether the undercroft can be kept free
from the mould growth that is very usual in such spaces. A major criticism of
the scheme generally is, of course, the size of the adjacent car park, an unsustainable but unfortunately inevitable concomitant of this building type.

5. Notes

Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Introduction to Energy Efficiency in

Shops and Stores, Department of the Environment, UK, 1994.
2. Prior, Josephine J., Sustainable Retail Premises: An Environmental Guide to
Design, Refurbishment and Management of Retail Premises. BRE, 1999.
3. DETR, The Impact of Large Foodstores on Market Towns and District Centres.
HMSO, September 1998.
4. ibid., p.1.
5. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Energy Management J Sainsbury
plc. Good Practice Case Study 148 Department of the Environment, March 1997.
6. Anderson, J. and Shiers, D., The Green Guide to Specification. Blackwell
Publishing, 2002.
7. Retail Therapy RIBA Journal, November 1999. p. 42.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Factories: the
Industrial Agenda
1. Discussion
Since the 1970s, the pattern of new industrial building in the UK has followed
the direction of the countrys economy, resulting in a marked reduction in heavy
industry, and a shift towards light engineering and services, which have very
different requirements in terms of space[1]. At the same time, the increasing
need for energy saving has led to a closer control of construction standards;
consequently comfort conditions have improved, with positive benefits for
productivity within the workplace. The general environment in these new and
improved factories may, as a result, not be very much different from that found
in contemporary office buildings.

1.1 Site planning

During initial strategic planning, the extent of heat loss from factory buildings
can be controlled by careful site layout. For example, heat loss will be reduced
if loading doors are designed to face away from the prevailing wind, and
particularly if the doors allow easy operation so that they are likely to be kept
open for shorter lengths of time. Factory buildings can be grouped together to
reduce the extent of heat loss (if perhaps at the expense of future flexibility for
expansion), and of course uninsulated party walls between units will lose heat
if the factory next door is unheated. Shelter belts of trees, or moving earth to
form mounds around the site, can reduce wind speeds and thereby the rate of
heat loss, since infiltration from the building will be generally dependent on
the ambient wind speed and direction. The elevation of the roof is important
because a shallow slope will enclose a smaller volume needing heat, provided
that a higher roof isnt required either by the production process, or the need
for tall storage racking.

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


General issues
It has been estimated that half of the readily achievable energy savings in UK
factories are related to a relatively small number of factors: the extent of the
buildings insulation and air leakage, inadequacies in the heating system and
losses in distributing heat around the building, lack of controls, wrongly set
thermostats, lack of maintenance, and inefficient lighting installations.[2] Since
the early 1990s, the governments Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme
has taken steps to improve the energy performance of all sectors of industry
by providing information and guidance (e.g. through site visits) to help factory
owners and tenants introduce energy management not just to control their
buildings, but the processes too.[3]

1.2 Pollution
Undoubtedly, energy savings are possible in most types of industrial building,
with benefits not only in terms of energy consumption and cost, but also in
relation to CO2 emissions, and the increased profitability and competitiveness
that accompanies this reduction in overheads. These savings can be significant
since energy-efficient factories can consume 3050% less energy than those of
average performance. The refitting of some older buildings has achieved a 50%
reduction in heating and lighting costs without detriment to comfort conditions
or quality of product.
The amount of energy used varies widely across the industrial sector depending
on the type of building, the processes that it is to enclose, and the nature of the
site and its location. To determine the amount of energy use is quite difficult
since it depends not only on the type of fuel being consumed, but also on the
proportion that is devoted to heating, lighting and ventilating the building, as
opposed to the energy required for the production process. This can sometimes
be difficult to determine; for instance a ventilation system in a factory may be
an essential aspect of the production process as well as providing a satisfactory
internal environment.

1.3 Processes
Energy consumption varies widely across industrial sectors. The largest users
are the paper industry and factories producing cooked foods, which have an
average fuel consumption of between 8001000 kWh/m2 of gross floor area per
year, as compared with the relative frugality of cold food production units where
the median for the sector is just short of 200 kWh/m2.[4] Across all industries,

Environmental Construction Handbook

the top 10% have been found to be consuming 50% more than the average for
their sector. Some of this may be due to variations in production processes, but
it indicates the potential for the reduction of energy use in factories.
Despite the wide range of manufacturing processes, very few use more energy
to service the building than does the process taking place within it, when
considered on a kWh/m2 per year basis.
Different industrial processes use different types of fuel; the older heavy industries tend to consume fossil fuel, while light manufacturing makes greater use
of electricity. Similarly, most building heating will be supplied using fossil fuel
as the delivered form of energy, but because electricity is that much more costly
per m2 of floor area, the electricity costs roughly match those of fossil fuel across
most types of process. Since the extent of CO2 emissions varies more or less in
proportion with the unit cost of fuel, the relative costs also give an indication
of the relative production of greenhouse gas between sectors; laboratories and
chemical production plants being the worst polluters, and light manufacturing
and engineering are among the least polluting of industrial uses.
It is also worth noting the trend towards a change in use for traditional shedtype factory buildings. For example, where steel manufacturing factories once
covered acres on the fringe of an industrial town, we now see similar acreage
covered with massive distribution centres or shed-type buildings used as quasioffices for the ubiquitous call centre.

Box 7.1 Adnams brewery

Adnams brewery near Southwold in Suffolk was winner of the 2007 Carbon Trust Innovation award.
Adnams have taken an holistic view of their environmental policy from introducing new processes to the
invention of a lightweight beer bottle which not only means the use of less glass, but also represents a
decrease in fuel required for distribution. The company estimates that the new bottle design will save 415
tons of CO2 per annum, the equivalent of taking 138 cars off the road.
Its new distribution building has lime and hemp walls, rainwater harvesting, solar thermal panels and a
sedum roof. The company estimates that, by comparison with its former warehouse, it will use 30% less
gas and 55% less electricity per m2.
The new brewery is one of the most energy efficient in Europe. The steam that was previously discarded
is now being used to provide 90% of the heat needed for brewing.

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


1.4 Typology
Government-funded research dating back to the 1990s classified factory
buildings into four types[5]:


Buildings for storage and distribution Typically these are warehouses

with a clear height of 7.5 metres, suitable for pallet racking, naturally
ventilated and heated to around 16C, lighting being provided by high
pressure sodium lamps achieving 150 lux (but with higher levels of
provision in dispatch and office spaces). Rooflights occupy approximately 10% of the roof area. Refrigerated warehousing is, however,
excluded from this category having much higher energy consumption.

Factories for light manufacturing Light industrial factories require

approximately 5 metres internal clear height, to offices spaces and
storage and dispatch areas. They are usually naturally ventilated but
with the possibility of some mechanical extract, and with heating
provided by warm air or radiant heaters to achieve 16C or 18C. A light
level of 300 lux at the work surface is usually supplied by fluorescent or
high pressure sodium fittings. Once again, about 10% of the roof area
would be given over to rooflights. This is a building type that might be
used for light engineering or the assembly of electronic equipment.

Factory/office buildings Being closer to our usual expectation of

office space rather than industrial, factory/office buildings have office,
production and storage areas that are all provided with the same level
of environment. Typically, they have a clear internal height of 4 metres,
but with office spaces having reduced height underneath suspended
ceilings. Fluorescent lighting is used to achieve 500 lux at the work
surface, windows are double glazed, with a ducted warm air system
for the internal spaces, and perimeter heating provided by radiators to
achieve 20C throughout. There may also be local areas of mechanical
ventilation or air-conditioning.

General manufacturing buildings The norm for general manufacturing buildings is a clear height of 8 metres, possibly with gantry
cranes and storage racking, and tall equipment. High pressure sodium,
metal halide or fluorescent fittings are used to achieve 200 lux; there
may be clerestory windows or rooflights but, in this sort of building,
they are likely to be dirty and heavily obscured. There may be mezzanines in parts of the building, heating to 16C being provided by warm
air, radiant heaters or steam heating. High level natural ventilation or
mechanical extract may be used to exhaust the excess heat produced by
the manufacturing process.

Environmental Construction Handbook

1.5 BREEAM for industry

BREEAM5[6] was introduced in 1993 to extend the BREEAM methodology to
industrial buildings, which was previously only applicable to offices, supermarkets
and homes. An added complication for this building type is that factories are
constructed either as bespoke buildings for particular enterprises or as speculative units that are built only as shells. Environmental aspects of particular
relevance to factory construction such as ventilation heat loss through doors,
and infiltration through cladding are included in the BREEAM5 assessment,
encouraging the execution of thermographic surveys and pressure testing of the
building on completion.
In terms of site planning, the rating system awards BREEAM credits for
a reduction in the overshadowing of neighbours, for reclamation or reuse of
derelict sites and minimising ecological damage, for controlling noise in relation
to neighbours, and for providing delivery vehicle space and storage for skips and
In relation to indoor climate conditions credits are awarded for achieving
specific ventilation rates and a good standard of natural lighting in offices, and
for the provision of a view from operational areas of the building.

1.6 Benchmarking
Surveys carried out on industrial buildings during the 1990s were used by the
governments Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme to build a software
tool that rates factories against benchmarks for their design and operation.[7]
The surveys were of a wide range of industrial buildings of different sizes and
ages, with a wide range of performance in a proportion of one to eight from
the least to the most energy consuming. The main contributory factors to poor
performance were aspects of the operational management of the building such
as loading doors that were left open, and poorly controlled heating and lighting
systems. Interestingly, it was shown that buildings could be refurbished to a
standard equivalent to new buildings, suggesting that there is a lot of potential
for enhanced environmental performance within the industrial sector.
The benchmarks, now published as Energy Consumption Guide 81 (ECON
81), are site-specific, and can be used to identify and prioritise areas where
savings can be made. The benchmarks were developed in relation to a level of
performance better than that required by the Building Regulations at the time,
but anticipating the future direction of the Regulations. The most recent version
of the benchmarks includes two different performance measures, because it was
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


thought that refurbishing older buildings to current requirements is unlikely

to be cost effective. So, for pre-1995 buildings, a benchmark has been defined
relative to the Building Regulations Part L 1991, and for post-1995 buildings
relative to the 2002 revision. Similarly, because smaller buildings are more
difficult to make thermally efficient than larger ones, there are separate benchmarks for buildings under 5000 m2 in area, and for those over 5000 m2.
The benchmarking process establishes a performance indicator, which users of
the software tool can then compare with the benchmark for the actual building
in order to identify energy saving measures, consideration being given to the
extent to which process energy contributes to the overall heating needs of the
building. The input data includes information on the factorys lighting systems.
The outputs from the program are based on a comparison of the heating energy
used by the building with a base case which incorporates correction factors that
recognise the working hours regime of the building, and its height and volume
(since these aspects have an impact on the ventilation loads, in relation to the
degree days of the locality).
Common opportunities for savings the recommendations provided by the
program include better time and temperature control of the heating system,
measures to make the building more airtight to reduce ventilation heat loss,
replacement lamps to make the lighting installation more efficient, and improved
lighting controls.

2. Construction issues reducing

environmental impact
2.1 Air tightness and infiltration
Excessive air infiltration is a problem in most UK factories, whether old or new,
and this leakage can more than double the heating costs of a building. Air infiltration rates are often related to external wind speed, so on exposed sites the
rate of heat loss can be further exaggerated.
Doors, particularly large doors, are a problem, although they can readily be
replaced by contemporary insulated doors, which are designed to form a good
seal when closed. Well-sealed doors have been shown to reduce an average small
(250 m2) factorys rate of heat loss by around 40% compared with buildings
with older roller shutter doors. Roller shutters may in any case be a problem
because when they are closed many designs leave a gap at the top to allow for the
increased diameter of the roller when the door is open. The heat load involved in
restoring comfort temperatures after doors have been left open can be a major

Environmental Construction Handbook

proportion of a factorys overall heat loss, which can be exacerbated if doors face
towards the prevailing wind so an orientation 90 degrees to the prevailing
wind direction is the most favourable. Well-sealed and insulated doors that are
easy to operate, perhaps by their being operable by electric motor, offer the best
solution to these problems. Plastic curtains or air curtains can be beneficial
for room comfort and can have energy advantages if doors are often left open;
on the other hand they can result in excessive periods of door opening during
milder winter weather because people do not bother to close the doors!
As with other building types, increasing levels of insulation result in ventilation heat loss becoming the predominant issue; fabric losses having been
reduced in recently constructed factories. Adequately sealing to eliminate
infiltration in winter is an increasingly important and difficult issue given
the lightweight cladding usual for factories. The extent of leakage depends
primarily on wind speed, if it is in excess of 2 m/s, but during calm conditions
it will be driven mainly by the air buoyancy within the building induced by the
difference between inside and ambient temperatures. Because wind speeds
vary considerably, the rate of infiltration in winter is also likely to vary: for
a typical 1000 m 2 factory the rate varies between 0.1 and 0.8 ach, with an
average of 0.25 ach. Smaller buildings, having a larger surface to volume ratio,
are likely to have a yet larger rate of leakage, typically averaging 0.5 ach for a
250 m 2 building.
Junctions between elements of the construction are the most usual cause of
leakage, requiring both careful detailing and attention to workmanship on site.
Leakage often occurs at junctions between the roof and walls at lower level
where lightweight wall cladding abuts lower-level brickwork, and around doors
and roof vents. Surveys have shown that filler blocks sealing the ends of profiled
sheet cladding are often omitted. Similarly the eaves junction, or where lightweight cladding abuts a masonry plinth wall, and also the corners of factory
buildings, have been found to be common causes of leaks.

2.2 Ventilation implications

Inadequacies of the ventilation system, such as a lack of controls on ventilators, or
if ventilators are not properly used, also leads to excessive ventilation heat loss. A
well-sealed factory still has to provide sufficient ventilation for the health of the
occupants throughout the heating season. A system of controllable ventilation
is required, preferably by a combination of roof-top louvres, and roof-mounted
fans, which can be operated separately from one another to accommodate
both winter and summer conditions. In a well-sealed building, ingress of air
to compensate for that which has been extracted requires controlled operation
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


of fans, although it has been shown that fans supposedly designed for 4 ach in
actuality only achieve 2 ach unless doors are left open. Unless this is anticipated, air can be drawn in through the heating systems flue. If fans for summer
operation are being used in winter, and high levels of air extract are required,
the heating system has to be designed accordingly. Extract will especially be
required if the production process is polluting, for example local to welding
booths and soldering baths.
Natural ventilation is usually only suitable for industrial buildings that do
not have excessive heat gains due to the processes involved or to the level of
occupancy, and not where pollutant concentrations are high, or where a very
controlled environment is needed for the production process.

2.3 Volume heating

Heating systems in existing factories may be very inefficient because of their age
and lack of maintenance, inappropriate operation or lack of insulation. Often,
replacing old plant is cost effective, particularly if it is required for both the
heating of spaces and the manufacturing process, and if the plant is to be in
use over long running hours. Condensing boilers, in conjunction with a lowtemperature hot water distribution system, may be appropriate as an efficient
method of upgrading an existing system.
For many types of factory, industrial heating systems that use warm air or
radiant heat will provide adequate levels of comfort and relatively low energy
consumption, to form one component of an energy-efficient design. They are
best suited to matching the reduced heat loss found within an adequately
insulated building; to be responsive to variations in the amount of heat used
or contributed by the manufacturing process; and to compensate for heat loss
during periods when doors are open or where there are greater demands during
the warming-up period at the beginning of the day.

Warm-air heating
Warm-air heating systems come in a variety of types either using fuel such as
gas directly, or indirect systems employing piped steam or hot water fed from
a central boiler. Air is directed by a single-speed fan over the heat source and
delivered into the space through adjustable louvres at about 60C, cooling to
about 40C within a metre of leaving the unit. At higher temperatures, air has
too great a buoyancy, stratifying at high level rather than mixing with the air
within the room. If the heated air is supplied at a lower temperature, occupants
are likely to complain about draughts. Warm air heaters are available for floor

Environmental Construction Handbook

or wall mounting; and condensing, indirect gas heaters are now available that
function at about 90% efficiency.

Radiant heaters
Radiant heaters come in different forms that operate at different temperatures.
Gas-fired types and electric quartz units heat to about 800C; direct gas-fired
radiant tubes to 400C; and lower-temperature medium-pressure hot-water
heaters are fed from a central boiler plant at 110C. The higher the temperature,
the greater the extent to which they work by the radiation of heat to bodies and
objects within the space, while at lower temperatures heat is transferred into the
room mostly by convection currents established by the contact of moving air
with the surface of the heater.

Choice of system
In older buildings that are likely to be poorly insulated and have higher ventilation rates, a high proportion of convected heat will be lost through the fabric,
so a radiative type of heater would be more efficient, although high temperature
radiators are more likely to lead to overheating. In more contemporary, wellinsulated and sealed factories, convection will lead to a general raising of air
temperatures that will be contained within the building envelope, contributing
to a feeling of comfort, but in large volume buildings with high ceilings, radiant
heaters may be preferable because they can efficiently heat people and surfaces
without having to heat all the air within the building.
The problem with warm air systems is that hot air tends to collect beneath the
roof, resulting in: higher conduction heat losses through the fabric and higher
ventilation heat loss; higher average room temperatures; and, in spaces beneath
lower ceilings, overheating. In order to improve the distribution of air, ducted
systems are preferable to the use of unit heaters. In high or poorly insulated
spaces ceiling-mounted fans can help to produce beneficial air movement and
will guard against stratification by mixing the air; this can be particularly useful
during hot summer periods. However, the mixing achieved increases the overall
air velocity, which may be the cause of discomfort in lower rooms or where
sedentary work is being performed. Fans should not be necessary in modern,
well-insulated spaces, for a factory with its eaves at a height around 5 to 6 metres,
if a temperature gradient of less than 4C can be achieved.
In light industrial factories, where work can be mostly sedentary, a heating
system that dominates the environment such as high-velocity air heaters, or
high-intensity radiant heaters, may be less appropriate than a method providing
overall heating from a low velocity warm air system or a low temperature
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


radiant system. This is contrary to the traditional pattern of heating systems

for industrial buildings which provide a heat source and a defined volume of
heat distribution, outside the limits of which one would not necessarily feel
comfortable. In contemporary, well-insulated buildings a more uniform, less
emitter dominated environment is likely to be preferred.
Often spaces are heated even though some areas of the building are not
occupied, in which case a suitable system would have an overall background
level of heating that is augmented locally. Radiant heaters can be suitable for this
purpose, whereas for spaces that are to be continuously heated, there may be a
less marked difference in the energy consumption characteristics of radiant and
warm air systems.

Heating system controls

Heating installations that are oversized are difficult to control, and result in
inefficient space heating. Dynamic effects such as loading doors being opened and
closed may, however, require the heating system in an otherwise well-insulated
building to be 100% oversized. The heating system will then be operating at
less than full capacity for much of the time, particularly if the manufacturing
process is contributing to the heating requirements of the space.
Under these circumstances a simple on/off thermostat will be insufficient, and
some form of modulating control will be required, for example in the case of
warm-air heaters, by varying the number of burners in operation or by the use of
multi-speed fans, or both. However, if constant fan speed is used in conjunction
with the operation of a reduced number of burners, occupants may complain
about the resulting draught.
Modulating control can be provided in different ways according to the type of
system. Gas radiant tubes can have a variable number of burners in operation,
combined with a variable supply of combustion air. Modulated control is less
usual for radiant devices, although radiant panels fed by medium-pressure
low-temperature hot water are readily controlled in this way and provide good
comfort conditions; however, their initial cost is high since they are fed from a
central boiler.

2.4 Lighting strategies

Artificial light versus daylighting
At the design stage, factory units rarely have a clearly defined set of requirements, so the energy consumed by lights in industrial buildings has often

Environmental Construction Handbook

been assumed to be outside the remit of low-energy design. A greater reliance

on daylighting can, however, result in significant savings, although keeping
rooflights and windows clean in factories is a persistent problem. The provision
of rooflighting to achieve a 5% daylight factor can achieve a level of lighting
suitable for a wide range of factory processes, combined with readily accessible user-operated switches for the artificial lighting. Lights are often left on
for no other reason than the difficulty of turning them off, so switches need to
be well located and marked, but appropriate staff attitudes and training are also

Box 7.2 Recommended lighting levels

Lighting level recommendations depend on the level of detail involved in the tasks to be performed. For
general tasks, without discrimination of detail being required, a general lighting level of 300 lux is recommended as adequate, entailing a benchmark electrical power provision of 56 W/m2, but where detailed
tasks are necessary the recommended level is 500 lux or 810 W/m2. It is rarely economic to light whole
areas to a light level in excess of 500 lux, local task lighting being used instead. The variables affecting
electricity consumption are consequently the size and type of lamp selected, and the height at which
they are mounted above the working plane, in order to obtain uniform light levels while avoiding glare.
One special condition is lighting for the aisles between storage racks where 150 lux is often an adequate
provision, or 300 lux where greater detailed acuity is required. As a result, the lighting layout and the
operating energy consumed depends on the width of the aisles and the height at which the lamps are
mounted, considerations that can double the anticipated power density up to 17 W/m2 (for an aisle width
of 3.0 metres and a mounting height of 8 metres, if 300 lux is to be achieved).

Accommodating a daylighting strategy

Daylighting design for factories has attracted little attention in recent years,
mostly because operational costs for artificial lighting are a small proportion
of overall costs for industrial organisations. The development of roof forms
for daylighting, which defined the form of pre-war factories (most notably
those designed by Albert Kahn for the car industry in the US), have ceded to
the economic advantages of the double-pitch portal frame. Northlight roofs
that were so characteristic of that period had the advantage of reducing solar
gain and glare, but gave a directional light with heavy shadows that could be
dangerous for some industrial processes. Furthermore, northlights can admit
sunshine early during the day and on summer evenings, and even a small
deviation from due north will result in the admission of more sunlight. The
monitor roof was invented to overcome these problems by introducing smaller
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


rooflights facing south to even-out the distribution of light, and overcome the
problem of shadows, but with potential for overheating.
Double-pitch shed roofs or flat roofs are suitable for daylighting, provided that
vertical surfaces are light and reflective to even out the appearance of brightness
in the space, and as long as there are sufficient rooflights to provide adequate
daylight levels. An even pattern of rooflights covering about 10% of the roof will
achieve a daylight factor of approximately 5% and adequate visual rendering of
the space. Multiple bay shed roofs have a number of detailing problems such as
lengthy valley gutters, plus the difficulty of integrating luminaires and ducting
within the roof shape, so rooflights have to be designed with these considerations in mind.

Integrated solutions
A good case can, however, be made for a better standard of construction for
factories, as is required anyway for better thermal performance, so that roof
lighting can provide an overall level of background lighting with local tasks
being performed with the aid of artificial task lighting. Although it has been
popularly assumed that, to reduce heat loss, you require smaller windows and
rooflights, an adequate provision of daylight can offset the requirement for
artificial lighting to be extensively used, and thereby enable both savings of
primary electrical energy and the consequent high levels of CO2 emissions.[8]
This strategy is dependent on adequate controls that are easy and convenient to
use being an intrinsic element of the design.
Controls can then enable general artificial lighting to be in operation only
when daylight levels are inadequate, in which case, total annual primary energy
consumption is minimised if the area of rooflight is between 15 and 20% of
the floor area of the building, so although heating energy rises with increasing
rooflight area it is more than offset by savings in artificial lighting. This is,
however, contrary to the advice given in the CIBSE guide[9] which suggests that,
in speculative factories that are predominantly daylit during working hours,
lighting control systems will not be economic. Furthermore, there are recorded
cases of factory units designed to be daylit, where the control system has been
disabled and artificial lighting used all the time. However, where the building is
being designed for a specific enterprise, the greater use of daylight and control
systems may be justified as part as an overall energy strategy, and factory units
having 10% area of the roof as rooflight, imparting approximately 5% daylight
factor, represent a good baseline for the achievement of contemporary energysaving criteria.


Environmental Construction Handbook

Fluorescent lighting
Where electric lighting is required to be used for extended periods of time, use of
the most efficient lamps for their purpose militates in favour of 26 mm diameter
fluorescent tubes replacing older 36 mm tubes, provided that the existing
control gear is switchstart. Similarly, long-life compact fluorescents should have
replaced tungsten GLS lamps in all service areas and corridors. It can be worth
replacing lighting installations as little as five years old, since contemporary
systems can be twice as efficient if high-intensity discharge lamps are used, or
slightly less if using efficient fluorescent fittings with high-frequency electronic
ballasts. Of all the main energy efficiency measures that can be implemented in
factories, improved lighting has the lowest payback period, a mere 1.5 years.

Choice of lamp
The usual choice of lamp in factories is between fluorescent and high-pressure
sodium, although metal halide lamps are sometimes used where a better
standard of colour rendering is required, but the resulting power consumption
is likely to be greater. The choice between sodium and fluorescent fittings, from
the point of view of operating energy, is not significant provided that high efficacy
types are used and contained within luminaires having a high light output ratio.
Better colour rendering can be obtained with fluorescent lamps, but where they
are to be mounted at heights in excess of 4.5 metres, installation costs are likely
to favour sodium.

Lighting controls
In areas such as storage rooms, which are intermittently used, or if the buildings users cannot readily operate light switches, e.g. in a warehouse occupied
by forklift truck drivers, presence sensors may be an appropriate solution.
More complex control strategies such as completely integrated building energy
management systems (BEMS) are usually implemented on larger sites. They do
not necessarily result in efficiencies; in fact, control regimes are often too lax,
resulting in lights being left on for longer than necessary. So controls need to be
combined with a strong management strategy promoting automatic reversion
to lights off and clearly indicating when lights around the building are, and are
not, in operation.

2.5 Process heat

Although, in theory, the heat produced by manufacturing processes could be
reclaimed for use within the building, this rarely happens[10], and the contribution of process heat to the building is equally rare, heat usually being provided
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


by boilers to make up for process air that is lost to the atmosphere. However, the
reclamation of heat within production processes, for return to the process, is
beneficial, with an anticipated payback period of 1.8 years, although the overall
savings to be made are small compared with those due to other heating-related
factors such as the efficiency of the buildings boilers.

Box 7.3 Passive solar factories

In the early 1990s the UK governments passive solar design studies programme<1> was responsible for a
number of sketch schemes for factories being produced by different architects for a variety of clients. The
point of departure was the belief that there would be a financial advantage to introducing daylight if more
rigorous insulation standards were going to allow closer control of a buildings heating energy requirements (resulting in lighting costs becoming the major energy use). The disadvantages of daylighting
are the attendant problems of heat loss, glare and summer overheating implied by an increase in the
proportion of glazing, and that energy savings are likely to be very small per m2 compared with buildings
capital cost.
The buildings were designed to different briefs for different clients and were notable for the different
patterns of rooflight that were proposed. Computer simulations were used to compare the schemes with
conventional base case designs. In each case, beneficial use of daylight was demonstrated while reducing
the potential for winter heat loss and summer overheating. These advantages would, of course, only be
realised if operation of the buildings precluded the continuous or poorly controlled use of artificial
lighting. The computer simulations were unable to predict the likelihood of glare, making it impossible to
foretell the possibility of extra shading being installed by users.
Sensitivity analysis showed that the designs were all reasonably robust compared to the reference
buildings under a series of conditions:

if the buildings orientation was changed by 45 degrees

if heat gains from people or equipment was doubled
if a different shift pattern was introduced
if the ventilation rate determined by the production process was altered.

Overall costs were comparable with the base case, although a higher proportion was being spent on the
roof, rooflights, frame and lighting of the passive solar factories. (Having said that, it has to be conceded
that lighting controls do add to factory construction costs.)
Since the schemes succeeded in producing energy savings, the project was considered to point the way
ahead for low-energy factory construction.
1. Jestico + Whiles, Ryder Nicklin, ECD Partnership, for the Design Studies Programme, Architects Journal, 31
January 1990, pp5965.


Environmental Construction Handbook

2.6 Construction vernacular factories

Although the typical form of building for factory use is the medium-span shed,
in recent years the change in the nature of the UKs shrinking industrial base,
and the introduction of more stringent requirements for energy efficient design
within the Building Regulations, have impacted on standards of construction.[11]
The use of a steel or precast concrete frame and lightweight cladding remains
the norm. For lower cost installations, the use of a three-layer construction,
consisting of an inner liner panel, insulation (either in quilt form or higher
density batts) being loose-laid between it and the outer plastic-coated profiled
sheet, is the vernacular solution. The largest range of profiles is available when
using steel cladding, which became possible after the introduction during the
1960s of plastisol-coated galvanised steel sheet. The material is available in a
wide variety of colours which vary in their colour fastness, but some can escape
re-painting for an extended period of up to about 15 years. Steel profiled sheet
can be obtained in both trapezoidal and sinusoidal sections, whereas aluminium
is usually sinusoidal in shape, as is fibre cement sheet, the contemporary
substitute for asbestos cladding, which is manufactured in a limited number of
colours and depths.

Thermal performance
A high proportion of both the steel and aluminium used in construction comes
from recycled material. Nevertheless, both are materials with high embodied
energy in their manufacture, impacts that are amplified by the plastic-coated
finishing process. They also require the use of thousands of self-tapping screws
which join the cladding back to the purlins in the roof, and cladding rails in
the walls. The large number of fixings form cold bridges, and the standard of
workmanship is critical because misalignment can cause localised buckling of
the outer panel and potential leaks. In addition, if inadequate care is taken when
fixing the insulation, misalignment can largely negate its value, an effect that
has been demonstrated by the use of thermographic cameras.
A common cause of reduced performance is compression of low-density quilt
insulation, often as a result of the thickness of the insulation being greater than
the spacers between the inner and outer sheets. If end laps are inadequately
sealed, the resulting air movement through the air gaps within the panels will
similarly reduce their U-value by inducing cooling convection currents around
the insulation. A variety of other workmanship-related faults have been shown
to result in increased heat loss gaps left between abutting sheets, missing
areas of insulation around roof openings and rooflights, insufficiently fixed and
sagging insulation within walls, and whole areas of insulation missing as a result
of poor site supervision.
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


The form of construction itself exacerbates some of these problems: for example,
quilt insulation is difficult to install in walls on windy sites, and the lack of
dimensional coordination between insulation and other components in many
site-assembled three-layer walls and roofs, results in excessive trimming to size
and poor performance. A three-layer insulation should, however, be capable of
good thermal performance if these practical difficulties are avoided.

Box 7.4 Summertime condensation

Summertime condensation is a particular problem for three-layer cladding systems. At night in summer,
following hot and humid days, the air temperature under clear skies can drop considerably. The outer
metal surface of the cladding radiates its heat to the night sky and may drop in temperature to below
ambient. The moisture-laden air trapped within the corrugated outer sheet may then condense out at
the back of the cold outer cladding. The resulting condensation can soak the insulation, reducing its
effectiveness, and causing it to rust through the sheeting, particularly at the vulnerable drilled fixing
Avoiding the problem of summertime condensation is difficult. Ideally, the rate of air movement within
the construction should be made as low as possible by eliminating air gaps. In a three-layer construction,
a breather membrane should be located to the outside of the insulation allowing moisture from within
the building to escape, while repelling water that has condensed at the purlins or other relatively cold
parts of the structure, and draining it away from a roof to a gutter, or to the outside of a wall. Uninsulated
parts of the structure have been shown to be responsible for localised U-values being 2050% lower than
those achieved by the construction generally. Spacers are required to make sure that the ventilation air
path is uninterrupted, but the air flow rate should not be excessive otherwise heat will be drawn from the
building and further moisture-bearing air will be introduced into the roof.
A solution, manufactured by some companies as a system, is to incorporate rigid insulation pre-formed
to the shape of the inner and outer sheets; all internal air gaps are eliminated and the potential for
summertime condensation is reduced, but the problem of the large number of fixings remains. However,
these systems are sold as dimensionally coordinated components avoiding many of the problems
outlined above.


Secret-fixed panels Alternative systems that secret-fix the cladding

sheets have been introduced to overcome reliance upon self-tapping
screws. Long strip panels that are push-fitted onto brackets mounted
on the roof purlins have fewer lap joints within their length and do not
make use of external fixings. These systems are available in both steel
and aluminium.

Environmental Construction Handbook

Composite panels The most sophisticated of these lightweight

cladding types are composite or sandwich panels that are fabricated as
steel or aluminium boxes and then, in an online process, are filled with
liquid-foamed plastic insulation. The resulting panels have a notable
standard of insulation for their thickness, can be internally fixed to
eliminate cold bridging, and their inner surface acts as a vapour control
layer. These environmental benefits are, however, achieved at the cost
to the environment of the polyiscyanurate and polyurethane foam
insulants that are used, even though restrictions on the use of the gases
used as foaming agents were introduced some years ago.

Thermal mass within lightweight enclosures The resulting lightweight

enclosure may be suited to most forms of workshop manufacture,
occupancy being intermediate and corresponding to a pattern of shifts.
For continuous manufacturing processes the advantages of thermal
mass can only be achieved by coupling of the mass of the floor slab
to the volume of the building. The nature of shed type factories is
that, relative to their floor area, they have a large volume to heat and
ventilate, which will be affected (in ways sometimes difficult to predict)
by internal air movements within their high spaces, and by the effects of
outdoor temperature and wind conditions on the leakage characteristics
of the cladding.

3. Energy efficiency in advanced factory units

During the 1990s, the governments Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme
devoted several case studies to advanced factory units. This section draws out
some of the key points from these studies.

3.1 Warehouse/offices in Milton Keynes

Case Study 106[12] investigated a warehouse and offices in Milton Keynes,
occupied at the time by Barclays Bank plc, and used principally for storage of
promotional leaflets.
The building is of conventional construction comprising roof and wall panels of
profiled steel cladding with quilt insulation and, at ground level, a 2.5 metre high
plinth wall of cavity construction. Only 3% of the roof area was given over to
site-assembled double-glazed rooflights. The warehouse has two large insulated
and electrically operated delivery doors. The small area of offices at the north
end of the building is fully glazed with single glazed windows and insulated
spandrel panels.
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


The offices were originally equipped with a boiler and low-temperature hot
water system providing heating and hot water. The warehouse was subsequently fitted out with an indirect gas-fired ducted warm air system, controlled
by temperature sensors incorporating a locally controlled branch adjacent to
the doors that was designed to compensate for periods when they are standing
open. Extract fans providing 4 ach were located in the roof for summertime
ventilation. Fluorescent lamps in reflective luminaires were used throughout to
give a light level of 300 lux in production areas and 150 lux in the warehouse,
where movement detectors switch individual aisles between storage racks.
Thermographic photographs illustrated some missing areas of insulation and
sheeting rails forming cold bridges; also, inadequate sealing at the junction
between the profiled cladding and the plinth showed up in the photographs as
air leakage. Even so, the rate of infiltration annually was 0.30.45 ach, favourable
in comparison with the CIBSE guideline of 0.5 ach.[13]
The energy consumption statistics indicated that the energy consumption of the
building, at 192 kWh/m2, was within the good performance band, because the
environment throughout was more typical of a factory rather than a warehouse.
Gas consumption for space heating was the major energy use at 86%, although
only constituting 58% of the total cost. Lighting energy use was low, although
artificial lighting was in constant use in the north-facing offices, despite their
considerable area of glazing, a source of thermal discomfort that led to the
installation of extra radiators. Overall, the case studys appraisal highlighted
the problems associated with quilt insulation but applauded the positive contribution to energy saving made by the movement sensors in the warehouse.

3.2 Printworks in Colchester

Case study 144[14] looked into the operation of a newspaper print works at
Colchester operated by Reed Southern Print Ltd, incorporating a linear printing
press at the centre of the building, with paper storage to one side and racking
and plate-making areas to the other. A two-storey sales office area occupies
the northernmost bay of the building. The cladding was site-assembled with
an outer face of profiled steel and fibreglass insulation achieving a U-value of
0.43 W/m2K. The roof incorporates 10% of its area as double-glazed rooflights,
and the building has two large sectional overhead doors that are electrically
operated. The offices are clad with curtain walling, having double-glazed units
with anti-sun glass, and insulated spandrel panels that also have a U-value
of 0.43 W/m2K. The occupier was involved in the later stages of design development, and concerns about the possibility of overheating led to a doubling of

Environmental Construction Handbook

the number of opening windows in the offices. Even so, and despite the glazed
wall being north-facing, the offices did overheat in the summer of 1990, although
this was thought to be due to the amount of electrical equipment in use rather
than solar gain.
A gas-fired boiler supplies the radiator system, with thermostatic radiator valves,
heating the offices and plate-making area. Hot water is produced local to points
of use by electric water heaters.
Unit air-conditioners have been installed in the plate-making room and rooms
housing computer equipment. In the factory areas, heat is provided by six gasfired warm air heaters hung from the roof that are controlled by thermostats
and time clocks. These spaces also have de-stratification fans and roof extract
fans that can provide ventilation, extraction and re-circulation as required by
the varying heat loads in the building, according to the operation of the printing
In the offices, high efficiency fluorescent and compact fluorescent fixtures are
used with metal halide lamps, for good colour rendering, illuminating the
production areas and designed to give 300 lux at the work surface. Locally, this
is raised to 500 lux by the addition of fluorescent lighting.
Thermographic photographs confirmed that the building that was generally
well installed, achieving the intended design values, although the photographs
revealed one area where the insulation had either slipped or had not been
installed at all. Pressurisation tests in the offices indicated a rate of leakage
of 0.31 ach compared with the CIBSE guideline of 1.0 ach suggesting that the
curtain walling was well sealed.
The building is in operation seven days a week throughout the year, and has
high process energy consumption, which also contributes to the space heating
requirement for the building. Although 84% of the electricity used was for
the printing press, making the building overall energy intensive, the building
itself was found to be within the good rating band. This was due to the highefficiency lighting and hot water systems, and because the cladding was shown
to be providing the overall level of thermal enclosure that had been intended.
Generally, the appraisal was good; comfort conditions having largely been
achieved despite the variable heat output of the printing press by the use of
appropriate energy-efficient equipment and straightforward controls.

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


4. Generic construction methods

4.1 Typical UK factory construction

Figure 7.1 Typical UK factory construction

Steel or concrete portal frame, external walls of three-layer
insulated profiled metal or composite metal panels/brick cavity
walling at plinth
The choice of steel or concrete is likely to be of little consequence (as explained
in Chapter 6, Offices).

Three-layer insulated metal roof or composite metal panels
Figure 7.2 Three-layer


Environmental Construction Handbook

Lightweight cladding systems all achieve an A rating[15] if they are of threelayer construction having an inner metal liner panel with insulation sandwiched
between the liner panel and the outer profiled sheet. This is true for both steel
and aluminium systems but most particularly if stainless steel is employed
because of its ability to be recycled and because a large proportion of the alloy
is already returned to use as a result of recycling. Systems with a drywall lining
on galvanised cold-formed steel framing (rather less common nowadays) are
rated less highly.

Cast-in-place slab, insulated beneath, grano or similar wearing
Figure 7.3 In-situ
concrete slab laid on

The mass of concrete required, along with the large amount of mineral extraction,
explains the C rating[16] of this flooring. However, the use of recycled aggregate
(provided it is sourced relatively locally) can improve things somewhat.
The mass of the concrete, which is undesirable in terms of transport energy,
can improve the internal environment of the completed building, and in
industrial buildings this may be the only available thermal mass. Compared
to traditional masonry construction, where thermal mass is exposed, the
lightweight materials usual for cladding contemporary factories has relatively
little thermal mass. If the factory is in nearly continuous occupancy (if the
production process is 24-hour) the concrete floor can provide valuable thermal
mass, as long as it is effectively coupled to the space, i.e. without any floor

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


Glass reinforced plastic (GRP)/polycarbonate rooflights, patent
glazed clerestories
Figure 7.4 Translucent
GRP profiled sheeting

GRP is a lightweight material, and the area of the external envelope of an industrial building is unlikely to be significant compared with other elements of the
building. Of itself though, the material is not favoured owing to the polluting
and energy-consuming characteristics of its production, and the limited extent
and capability that it has for recycling.

Internal partitions
Blockwork between units
As noted in Chapter 3, (Housing), blockwork, whether aerated or dense, performs
well under analysis (for the Green Guide). Some manufacturers produce blocks
that are suitable for fair-faced construction, only requiring a coat of paint, which,
if it is of appropriate specification, will result in an environmentally favourable


Environmental Construction Handbook

Table 7.1. Ecopoints evaluation of generic constructions for factories, using BREs Envest tool

Generic factory type: 120m 80m; (ground floor 9600 sq m); no. storeys: 1; storey height:
7 m; % cellular 20%; location: S.E. England; soil type: firm clay

Ground floor

200 mm reinforced concrete floor slav + 80 mm rockwool


Upper floor


External walls

Plastisol-coated 80 mm thick galvanised steel sandwich panel +




polyurethane insulation



Internal partitions

190 mm dense blockwork




Patent glazed/ single glazed clerestorys




Steel trusses +



galvanised steel sheet and 150 mm rockwool insulation




25 mm granolithic finish



Wall finishes

Gloss paint






Raft foundation




Steel frame



Total embodied including material replacements over 60 year lifespan

Total embodied per sq m of floor area


Source: based on Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E., Sinclair, M., Green Guide to Specification, (3rd Edition), BRE, Watford, 2002.
Commentary: For a fairly minimal type of construction that is generally light in weight the ground floor construction is a
major contributor in terms of overall embodied energy impact. The generally poor performance of the building type in terms
of operational energy consumption, which is commonly without heat reclaim, will however be a larger concern for lifetime
energy evaluation.

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


5. Case studies
5.1 Production facility, Cummins Power Generation,
Manston, Kent
Client: Cummins Engine Co.
Architects: Bennetts Associates
Structural engineer: WhitbyBird
Services engineer: Ernest Griffiths and Son
Cost consultant: Gardiner and Theobald
Main contractor: Tarmac

Source: Bennetts Associates Architects


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 7.5 Floor plan

For many engineering companies, the 1990s were uncertain times. In East Kent,
where the local coalfields had been closed and the port of Ramsgate was in
decline, this was especially true.
One engineering firm had been manufacturing diesel generators in the region
since the 1930s but, after a period of decline, its future was secured when it was
acquired by the American corporation Cummins.
The Cummins Engine Company has a long history of architectural patronage. In
the USA, the companys home town of Columbus, Indiana, features a diversity
of buildings by distinguished modern architects from Saarinen to Meier and,
in the UK, plants were designed by Kevin Roche in the 1960s and ABK in the
1970s. The company ethos supported the design of high-quality workplaces for
all employees and, with this, a responsible attitude to long-term flexibility and

Planning, form and construction

For the new Manston generator factory, the appointment of architects was led
by the US parent company. They approached RIBA and visited a shortlist of
architects before appointing Bennetts Associates in June 1996. At that time, the
practice was mainly known for its work with end-user clients on headquarters
buildings for PowerGen and John Menzies, and for its approach to low-energy,
flexible workplaces. The Cummins facility was to present opportunities to
develop both these themes on a larger scale.
By 1996, East Kent had been allocated European regeneration funding. A new
business park was proposed on land around the former RAF base at Manston,
and a private consortium took over the airfield itself with a view to developing
its commercial potential. The generator manufacturer acquired by Cummins
was located in nearby Sandwich, on a site constrained by a legacy of inflexible
post-war buildings. The prospect of a purpose-built factory on the new business
park at Manston was the catalyst for the companys decision to relocate, and a
plot was purchased in 1996.
The brief
The new plant was to be used for the manufacture of generator sets ranging
from small portable units to containerised stand-alone sets with outputs of over
2 MW. The production process involves assembling each generator from chassis,
engine, alternator and controls (all sourced from other Cummins plants). The
scale of the largest units requires craneage of up to 60 t with a hook height of

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


Source: Bennetts Associates Architects

8m above the finished floor. The completed sets are then subjected to a testing
regime prior to shipping. The testing process involves continuous running of
sets under load for up to 24 hours and necessitates total acoustic enclosure.
Engine exhaust is vented, and cooling air supplied. This process takes place in
large, highly serviced enclosures known as test cells.
The 8 ha site purchased by Cummins was large enough to allow for the
construction of an initial 15,000 m2 of accommodation with space for future
expansion by up to 100%.
Initially Cummins prepared a diagram of the production process in which the
test cells were located at the sides of the production lines; this layout resulted in
a long rectangular plan with test cells at the three-quarter point in the process.
Although ideally suited to the current production process, this layout would
have severely constrained future flexibility.
Bennetts Associates response was to propose that the process of testing take
place outside the main production hall, and that the test cells and a despatch bay
be housed in a series of plug-in units attached to the rear of a main production
space. In this way, the main production hall could be constructed on a uniform
grid and height, in a more flexible square plan without the constraints introduced
by the abnormal activities. The resulting uniform cross-section was designed
to integrate daylighting, natural ventilation, heating and services routes within
a single structural idea.
The building users range from the fitters, planners and production staff, closely
tied to the factory floor, to the office-based sales and support team. The plant is

Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 7.6 Cutaway


also visited by customers both prior to orders being placed and for the witnessing
of tests at the end of the production process. For this reason, the building has to
be both a high-quality workplace and a showcase for the company.
Corporate standards of the multinational parent company dictated that all the
building users should share the same front door, and the internal planning of
the building was configured to both emphasise the connection between factory
and offices, and to give customers a dramatic view of the production work in
progress from the main reception.
Offices and entrance are housed in a strip across the entire eastern face of the
production hall. The three storeys of accommodation are contained beneath an
extension of the main factory roof which oversails to provide entrance canopies
at either end of the offices. A level change across the site of about 3 m results
in the lowest floor of the offices forming an undercroft at production-floor
level while a retaining wall across the site allows the main building entrance to
occur at the middle office level. From here, there are dramatic views across the
production floor through a fully glazed firewall.
Like many of Bennetts Associates, buildings, the design of the Cummins factory
emerged through consciously developing a series of opportunities. From the
Figure 7.7 Interior view

Source: Peter Cook/VIEW

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


initial analysis of the process, selected key ideas were refined in order to create
drama on a large scale. This was achieved within an extremely limited budget
and a total project timescale of 18 months.

The steel-framed roof of the main production hall is divided into three linear
bays supported on structural columns at 28.8 14.4 m centres. Travelling cranes
are provided to two of the three bays. The cranes sit on their own supporting
structure on a square grid of 14.4 m. This structure is independent of the factory
roof enabling other crane configurations and orientations to be adopted for
Figure 7.8 Interior view

Source: Peter Cook/VIEW


Environmental Construction Handbook

future production processes. The initial three bays are located across the site
such that, in the future, the grid could be continued and the building extended
by a further three bays.
Each roof column is cruciform in plan and, once above the height of the
craneage, divides into four tapering arms. These arms support the edges of a
7.2m-wide flat roof strip which delineate the three main structural bays of the
roof. Between these flat roof strips, curved beams span the remaining 21.6 m,
forming a distinctive arched cross-section. At the apex of each of the three
bays, a linear rooflight provides uniform daylighting and opens for ventilation.
Pipework and cabling runs are concentrated in the flat-roof sections above the
column grids. This leaves the main curved spans virtually free of services.

The office strip is 14.4 m deep and is divided into an open plan area and a
highly serviced strip. The production area and offices are naturally ventilated
via openable windows, and hotspots requiring mechanical ventilation, such
as meeting rooms, equipment rooms and cellular offices, are placed along the
glazed wall between factory and offices.
The production area is predominantly day-lit, and the effect of this lighting
is emphasised by a white concrete floor throughout. Glazing proportions and
rooflight positions were modelled prior to the design being finalised. The
resulting strip windows at the base, clerestory and apex of the factory serve to
accentuate the component parts of the building and maintain views and even
daylighting while maintaining relatively modest glazed areas.
Heating of the production space is by radiant panels which ensure that, in such
a large volume, the heat is delivered where it is needed. The openable high-level
rooflights operate in tandem with continuous horizontal strip-windows at lowlevel. Opening lights within these lower strips provide natural ventilation to
the production area with air exiting at high level. The large expanse of concrete
floor also plays an important part in the stabilisation of the internal factory
environment by providing valuable thermal mass not present in the relatively
lightweight superstructure.
One of the main by-products of the testing regime is waste electricity. Early in
the project it was agreed to make provision for the possible export of this waste
power to the national grid. At the time, there was little interest in take-up from
the grid and, regrettably, the export provision was not carried out. Provision
was, however, made for future export in the configuration of the main electricity
terminations for connection to the grid.

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


The end result is a building of simplicity, economy, flexibility and dramatic

spatial quality. Glazed areas are limited but daylight and natural ventilation
are carefully controlled, resulting in good thermal performance. The long-term
environmental benefits of this approach are appreciated both in the day-to-day
use of the building and as the inevitable changes in the production process are

5.2 Gateway Development production unit at Baglan

Energy Park, Neath Port Talbot, South Wales
Architects: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Directorate of Property
and Procurement
Developer: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Environmental Design: Welsh School of Architecture
Managing contractor: Tilbury Douglas Construction
The Gateway Development at Baglan Energy Park was designed as a landmark
industrial development with sustainable credentials. It consists of 3400 m2 of
factory production space, and over 500 m2 of offices, forming the entrance to
Baglan Energy Park, which is being developed on a 250 ha brownfield site at Port
Figure 7.9 Exterior view

Source: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (copyright: Peter Knowles Photography)


Environmental Construction Handbook

Talbot that was formerly a BP chemicals production plant. A proposed CCGT

power station will service the site and the Gateway Building; this will enable the
Energy Park tenants to benefit from competitively priced electricity. The park is
situated between J41 and J42 of the M4 Motorway. The Gateway Development
is Phase 1 of the scheme.

Planning, form and construction

Figure 7.10
View at night

The brief and design rationale

The brief for the project was to provide an architectural statement, illustrating
energy efficiency and sustainable design. The building contains 3400 m2 of
production space and 514 m2 of offices. The Port Talbot Partnership Challenge
a joint venture between Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, the
Welsh Development Agency and BP Amoco initiated the project, which was
launched in 1996. The scheme aims to promote the physical and economic
regeneration of Port Talbot.

Source: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (copyright: Peter S. Jones)

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


Because of the speculative nature of the project at the inception stage, it was
decided to design in sufficient flexibility to allow the production space to be let
by multiple tenants, working on the principle that the internal space could be
divided equally. This resulted in an idea to form pop-ups and pop-outs. The
enlarged spaces inform the service design, by providing a means of daylighting,
ventilation and services containment and access; predominantly they provide a
means of sub-dividing the production area.
The building has been let to an automotive cable system company who chose
the Gateway Building as the location for its European manufacturing operation
because of the buildings innovative sustainable design approach, which they
believe reflects the image they wish to promote. Since occupation, the tenant
has taken advantage of the adaptable design and has expanded its office
accommodation into the second floor level. Further plans are in hand to expand
the production area by 100%.

Source: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (copyright: Andrew Southall)


Environmental Construction Handbook

Figure 7.11 Elevation

including photovoltaic

The basic structure of the building is a repeated portal frame with blue-coated
composite cladding, thin film amorphous photovoltaic panels marking the
entrance to the reception and production areas at the south faade. Windows
to the office areas are shaded by 45-degree-angled awnings onto which are
mounted crystalline photovoltaic cells which, it is estimated, will have the
capacity to provide more than double the electricity required for the external
lighting scheme. This was used as justification for the external lighting that
spectacularly renders the building fluorescent blue when illuminated at night.

The cladding appears to change colour with the weather, while in the evening
the external lighting imparts a fluorescent blue glow.
The building was designed to satisfy the requirements of BREEAMs New
Industrial Units Version 5/93 and was given a BREEAM rating of excellent.
Presented with a RIBA Award in 2002, the Gateway was designed to set a
standard for the rest of the redevelopment of the site. Although built to a tight
budget, it incorporates novel environmental features and integrates renewable
energy provided by photovoltaic cells.

The 100 m2 of photovoltaic cladding is in two forms: thin film amorphous,
which provides the entry statements to the reception and production on the
south elevation, and crystalline, which inclines at an angle of 45 degrees and
provides power and shading to the office. It is calculated that the amount of
power produced over a year will pay for external lightings electricity requirements twice over.
Daylighting scheme
The daylighting scheme was modelled in the artificial sky at Cardiff University,
and was estimated to achieve a minimum daylight factor to the production areas
of 2%, a large proportion of which is provided through the roof projections that
are glazed with U-section cast glass planks.
In the offices, behind the PV awnings, are manually operated windows,
cross-ventilation being achieved by buoyancy, as air is drawn out through
chain-operated louvres at the roof projections, which act as chimneys for this
Factories: the Industrial Agenda


Figure 7.12 Ventilation


Source: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (The Welsh School of Architecture Design Research Unit)

An automated version of the same strategy is used to ventilate the factory spaces.
Ventilation to the production areas is provided by louvres which are installed to
the south elevation of the pop-outs and exiting air is drawn via a roof-mounted
louvre, the vents being controlled by a thermostat and rain sensor.

6. Notes

Jones, P., Low-Energy Factories: 1 Setting Priorities, Architects Journal, 16th May
1990, p. 65.
2. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Guide 18 Energy Efficiency in
Industrial Buildings and Sites. HMSO, May 2004.
3. See, for example, www.carbon-trust.co.uk, and www.envirowise.gov.uk
4. Op. cit., Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme.
5. ibid., p. 1.
6. BRE, BREEAM New Industrial Units: Version 5/93. Watford, BRE,1993.
7. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Energy Consumption Guide 81
Benchmarking tool for industrial buildings heating and internal lighting. HMSO,
May 1994.
8. Jones, P., Low-Energy Factories: 6 Future Trends, Architects Journal, 13th June
1990, p. 63.
9. CIBSE, Guide F: Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2004) and Guide H: Building
Control Systems, (2000), CIBSE, London
10. Jones, P. Op. cit., p. 1.


Environmental Construction Handbook

11. Light Industry Passive Solar Factories, Architects Journal, 31st January 1990,
p. 59.
12. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme: Case Study 106 Barclays Bank plc,
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. HMSO, March 1995.
13. CIBSE, Guide A: Environmental Design, Chartered Institute of Building Services
Engineers, London, 2006. See Table A4.13, Section A4: Air infiltration and
natural ventilation.
14. Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, Case Study 144, Reed Southern Print
Ltd, Colchester, Essex. HMSO, March 1995.
15. Anderson, J. and Shiers, D., The Green Guide to Specification, Blackwell
Publishing, 2002.
16. ibid., p. 13.

Factories: the Industrial Agenda


Appendix 1

UK-Specific Assessment Tools

Please note: The information in this appendix was gathered in 2002/03. Although we have endeavoured to check its accuracy,
organisations are constantly revising and updating their methodologies. Readers who wish to use any of the methodologies
described in this Appendix should contact the owner of the methodology to obtain the most up-to-date information.

BREDEM (Building Research Establishment Domestic Energy Model)


Energy use


Building dimensions and construction details, services and appliances details


Energy consumption for:

space heating
water heating

Created by





Given in BRE publications

Design Stage

Final/existing buildings


Whole house energy use

Building type

Houses and housing


There are two versions: BREDEM-8, which gives monthly data, and BREDEM-12 which
gives annual results

Sources of

Anderson, B.R., Chapman, P.F., Cutland, N.G. et al, BREDEM-8: Model description, BRE
Report 327, BRE, Watford, 1997.
Anderson, B.R., Dickson, C.M., Henderson, G., & Shorrock, L.D., BREDEM-12: Model
description, BRE Report 315, BRE, Watford, 1996.
Anderson, B.R., Chapman, P.F., Cutland, N.G., Dickson, C.M., Henderson, G., Henderson,
J.H., Iles, P.J., Kosmina, L. & Shorrock, L.D., BREDEM-12: model description. 2001 update,
BRE Report 438, BRE, Watford, 2002.



BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)


Management (overall management policy, commissioning, site management issues,

procedural issues)
Energy use (operational energy, CO2)
Health and well-being (indoor and external issues affecting health and well-being)
Pollution (air and water pollution)
Transport (transport-related CO2 and location-related factors)
Land use (greenfield and brownfield sites)
Ecology (ecological value conservation and enhancement of the site)
Materials (environmental implication of building materials, including life cycle
Water (water consumption and efficiency)



Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent

Created by



Accredited assessor but checklists can inform design and give informal prediction of
the final rating


Full methodology available to assessors

Design stage

Guidance during design, full assessment at final design/construction


Whole building assessment. New build, major refurbishment and existing buildings

Building types

Offices, houses (EcoHomes, below), industrial units, retail units, health buildings and
BREEAM for schools replaces the self-assessment SEAM (Schools Environmental
Assessment Method) tool
A bespoke BREEAM can be used for other building types, such as leisure centres and


There are three different BREEAM assessments for offices:

Design & Procurement BREEAM (for new build or refurbishment)
Management & Operation BREEAM (for existing occupied offices)
Core BREEAM (for existing unoccupied offices).
There are three different BREEAM assessments for retail units:
Design & Procurement BREEAM (for new build or refurbishment)
Tenant Fit-out BREEAM (retail store fit-out stage)
Operation & Management BREEAM (existing, occupied stores)
For health buildings, the NEAT (NHS Environmental Assessment Tool) has two additional
categories in addition to the standard BREEAM ones: social issues and operational waste.

Sources of


Information on all BREEAM assessments, including details of publications and (free)

downloadable checklists, can be found on the BRE website at

Environmental Construction Handbook


Energy (weighting = 21.42%)

Transport (8.65%)
Pollution (14.99%)
Materials (14.98%)
Water (10.00%)
Land use & ecology (15.10%)
Health & well-being (15.05%)


CO2 emissions (10 credits - C)

Building fabric (5C)
Drying space (1C)
EcoLabelled goods (2C)
External lighting (2C)
Public transport (2C)
Cycle storage (2C)
Local amenities (3C)
Home office (1C)
Insulant ODP and GWP (1C)
NOX emissions (3C)
Reduction of surface runoff (2C)
Zero-emission energy source (1C)
Timber: basic elements (6C)
Timber: finishing elements (3C)
Recycling facilities (6C)
Environmental impact of materials (16C)
Internal water use (5C)
External water use (1C)
Ecological value of site (1C)
Ecological enhancement (1C)
Protection of ecological features (1C)
Change of ecological value of site (4C)
Building footprint (2C)
Daylighting (3C)
Sound insulation (4C)
Private space (1C)


Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent

Created by



Accredited assessor but checklists can inform design and give informal prediction of
the final rating


Not in public realm: guidelines for design only; requires the completion of a SAP

Design stage

Guidance for all design stages; full assessment at final design/construction


Whole building assessment; new build, major refurbishment and existing buildings



Building type

Houses and housing


EcoHomes is the housing version of BREEAM

Sources of

Rao, S., Yates, A., Brownhill, D. & Howard, N., EcoHomes The environmental rating for
homes, BR389, BRE, Watford, 2003.
Comprehensive guidance for designers can be found in:
EcoHomes - The Environmental Rating for Homes, The Guidance - 2005, BRE, Watford and


Environmental Construction Handbook


Climate change
Acid deposition
Ozone depletion
Pollution to air: human toxicity
Pollution to air: low level ozone creation
Fossil fuel depletion and extraction
Pollution to water: human toxicity
Pollution to water: ecotoxicity
Pollution to water: eutrophication
Minerals extraction
Water extraction
Waste disposal
Transport pollution and congestion


Climate change kgCO2 (eq)

Acid deposition kgSO2 (eq)
Ozone depletion kgCFC11 (eq)
Pollution to air: human toxicity kg.tox
Pollution to air: low level ozone creation kg.ethene (eq)
Fossil fuel depletion and extraction tonnes of oil (eq)
Pollution to water: human toxicity kg.tox
Pollution to water: ecotoxicity m3tox
Pollution to water: eutrophication kgPO4 (eq)
Minerals extraction tonnes
Water extraction litres
Waste disposal tonnes
Transport pollution and congestion: Freight tonne.km



Created by



BRE EcoPoints are then used in designer tools such as Envest 2 and The Green Guide
to Specification


Peer reviewed and ISO14041

Design stage



Components and buildings

Building type





100 EcoPoints represent the impact of one UK citizen per year.

1 EcoPoint is also equivalent to: 12270 kgCO2 (eq) (climate change), 58.88 kgSO2 (eq)
(acid deposition), 0.29 kgCFC11 (eq) (ozone depletion), 90.7 kg.tox (pollution to air,
human toxicity), 32.23 kg.ethene (eq) (low level ozone creation), 4.085 tonnes of oil
(eq) (fossil fuel depletion), 0.02746 kg.tox (pollution to water, human toxicity),
837600 m3tox (pollution to water, ecotoxicity), 8.006 kgPO4 (eq) (pollution to water,
eutrophication), 5.04 tonnes (minerals extraction), 417600 litres (water extraction),
7.194 tonnes (waste disposal), 4140.84 tonne.km (freight transport and congestion)

Sources of


BRE, Ecopoints a single score environmental assessment, BRE, Watford and http://cig.bre.
co.uk/envprofiles, May 2004.

Environmental Construction Handbook


Embodied energy and capital costs

Energy use and running costs
Greenhouse gas emissions
User well being: lighting, acoustic and thermal environments


Building dimensions
Building orientation
Building component information structure and services
Ecotect can also import IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) data


Fabric costs
Cumulative resource use: energy use, water use, rainfall etc.
Lighting environment details: overshadowing, sun-path diagrams, shading tables,
interactive sun-path, annual sun-path, shadow profiles, sun penetration, solar rays,
projected shading rays, solar projections, solar envelope generation, solar access,
PV array sizing and load matching data, solar stress, insolation analysis, surface
insolation, daylight factors, artificial lighting levels, lighting vectors (for visual
comfort and glare assessment), daylight autonomy and vertical daylight factor
Acoustic environmental details: reverberation times by frequency band, acoustic
ray and particle plots, sound levels, linked decay rates and acoustic paths
Thermal environment: internal temperature, heating and cooling loads (and
distribution), spatially distributed & mean radiant temperatures and discomfort times
Data for Part L submissions
Data can also be exported to: RADIANCE, POV Ray, EnergyPlus, HBT2 Thermal Analysis,
OpenGL, VRML ...and other programs by application to creators.

Created by

Square One Research (UK and Australia)




Software not open source. Uses:

CIBSE Admittance Method to calculate heating and cooling loads
BRE Daylight Factor and BRE Vertical Daylight Factor methods for daylighting
calculation and the Point-to-Point method for electric lighting
simple statistical reverberation times, particle analysis and ray tracing techniques for
acoustic calculations
A CFD plugin is planned

Design stage

All as the design progresses more detailed information can be analysed


Whole buildings

Building type



Produces very beguiling graphics, but is probably only appropriate as a design tool
One of Square Ones objectives to encourage energy efficient design.

Sources of

Square One website: www.squ1.com



Envest 2

As for Ecopoints


Main dimensions: gross floor area (m2), number of storeys, storey height (m), building
width (m), plan depth (m)
Glazing ratio and doors: glazing ratio (%), rooflight ratio (%), internal door area (%)
Building type: head office (yes/no), air conditioned (yes/no), catering facilities on site
(yes/no), cellular space (%)
Other: operational life (5-100 yrs), discount rate (%), occupancy (m2/person), days in use
per year (days), soil type, (rocky, compact sand/gravel, stiff clay, firm clay, loose sand,
soft silt, very soft silt)
Building shape: square, linear, offset, courtyard, L-shape, T-shape, cruciform, C-shape

Structure. For example, for an external wall one could choose glass wool insulation

building frame
external wall
internal wall

external openings


cork board
cellular glass

outer structural skin

expanded polystyrene

inner structural skin

extruded polystyrene

inner finishes (1st)
inner finishes (2nd)
internal decoration

glass wool
mineral wool
recycled cellulose
no insulation

Services: types of heating, lighting, water, ventilation, cooling and lifts can be
specified. Values for catering, office equipment and humidification are given based on
the initial building type data


Environmental Construction Handbook


The software can produce reports showing:

building details summary
structural details summary including calculated Ecopoints, whole life cost (WLC) in
and U-values where appropriate
a life cycle analysis (LCA) breakdown of environmental impact, embodied vs. operational, in Ecopoints as a pie chart
a WLC breakdown of initial cost vs. life cycle replacement cost vs. maintenance cost, in
NPV (net present value) as a pie chart
a breakdown of embodied impact of building elements, in Ecopoints as a bar graph
a breakdown of the total WLC by building element, in NPV as a bar graph
a breakdown of embodied impact by indicator (i.e. climate change, acid deposition etc.),
in Ecopoints as a bar graph
a breakdown of total embodied impact by indicator, in the standard indicator units (see
Ecopoints) as a table
a breakdown of operational impact by service type, in Ecopoints as a bar graph
a breakdown of operational impact by indicator, in Ecopoints as a bar graph.
a breakdown of operational impact by indicator, in the standard indicator units as a
a breakdown of the total building impact by indicator, in Ecopoints as a bar graph
a breakdown of the total building impact by indicator, in standard indicator units as a
LCA and WLCs for services
breakdown of WLC to initial cost, life cycle replacement cost and maintenance
more than one building can be compared
Values of Ecopoints and NPV can be given as totals or as Ecopoints/m2 or NPV/m2 for

Created by

BRE; financial information is from Boxall Sayer Construction Consultancy (Chichester)


The designer can use the software to compare designs


Web-based software tool (not open source)

Design stage



Whole building assessment; new build

Building type

Offices only




Like the LT Method, Envest 2 is an early design tool to help reduce negative environmental impacts. By changing building parameters the designer can reduce the number of
EcoPoints/m2 the design will potentially have.
Two versions of the tools are available: Envest 2 estimator and Envest 2 calculator. The
estimator version uses default environmental and financial data. Envest 2 calculator, too,
uses default environmental data but allows the user to enter their own financial data.

Sources of


An online demonstration is available on the Envest website http://envestv2.bre.co.uk

A case study (Wessex Water Operations Centre, by Bennetts Associates) is available at

Environmental Construction Handbook

Environmental Profiles

Climate change from CO2 and other greenhouse gases (kgCO2 (eq))
Acid deposition (kgSO2 (eq))
Ozone depletion (kgCFC11 (eq))
Pollution to air: human toxicity (kg.tox)
Pollution to air: low level ozone creation (kg.ethene (eq))
Fossil fuel depletion and extraction (tonnes oil (eq))
Pollution to water: human toxicity (kg.tox)
Pollution to water: ecotoxicity (m3tox)
Pollution to water: eutrophication (kgPO4 (eq))
Minerals extraction (tonnes)
Water extraction (litres)
Waste disposal (tonnes)
Transport pollution and congestion: Freight (tonne.km)


As indicators for a particular material or construction element


As indicators results in both indicator units and Ecopoints

Created by



BRE in partnership with manufacturers


Peer reviewed and ISO14041

Design stage

All - assessments of materials can inform even early design


Life cycle assessment (LCA) for components and systems

Building type



Environmental Profiles consider the manufacture, use, maintenance, demolition and

disposal of materials. The weightings of the indicators in the final assessment are agreed by
an industry stakeholder group.
Materials are presented as cradle to gate profiles on a per tonne basis
Installed elements are presented as cradle to site per square metre
Sixty-year elements are presented as cradle to grave per square metre

Sources of

Environmental Profiles assessments are available on the Environmental Profiles website,

http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles, as are .pdf documents:
Anderson, J. and Edwards, J., Addendum to BRE Environmental Profiles Methodology of
Construction Materials, Components and Buildings, BRE, Watford and
http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles, July 2000.
Howard, N., Edwards, S. and Anderson. J., BRE Methodology for Environmental Profiles of
Construction Materials, Components and Buildings, BR370, BRE, Watford and
http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles, 1999.
Case Studies of Certification of Environmental Profiles, BRE, Watford and
http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles, May 2004.
Environmental profiles life-cycle assessment of construction products, BRE, Watford and
http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles, May 2004.



The Green Guide to Specification and

The Green Guide to Housing Specification

Climate change
Fossil fuel and ozone depletion
Freight transport
Human- and eco-toxicity
Waste disposal
Water use
Acid deposition (acid rain)
Eutrophication (emission of nutrients to water which may cause problems such as
algal blooms)
Summer smog production
Mineral extraction


As for indicators; data given for 1m2 of each material/construction element, assuming a
60-year life span; units as for EcoPoints


Constructions are ranked from AC, with A having the least environmental impact and
C having the most; breakdown ratings per indicator are also given

Created by



The BRE assesses materials and components these assessments can then inform


Brief summary looking at procurement, life cycle analysis (LCA) and other environmental issues

Design stage



Construction components and systems

Building type



The Green Guides allow the comparison of different construction elements (such as
external walls, roofs, landscaping, partitioning and doors) and materials (such as
paints, insulation and floor finishes)

Sources of

Anderson, J., Shiers, D.E. and Sinclair, M., The Green Guide to Specification, 3rd Edition,
BRE, Watford, 2002.
Anderson, J. and Howard, N., The Green Guide to Housing Specification, BR390, BRE,
Watford, 2000.


Environmental Construction Handbook

LT (Lighting and Thermal) Method


Building energy consumption

CO2 emissions


Local climatic conditions

Orientation of faade
Area and type of glazing
Obstructions due to adjacent buildings (or parts of the same building)
The inclusion of an atrium (optional)
Occupancy and vacation patterns
Lighting levels
Internal gains


Net annual primary energy consumption, in MWh and kWh/m2

Net annual CO2 emission, in tonnes and kg/m2

Created by:

The Martin Centre (Cambridge University) and Cambridge Architectural Research

(CAR). Validated by the BRE.




See Baker and Steemers (2000), below

Design stage



Whole building

Building type

Schools, colleges, offices and institutional buildings


The results do not given predicted energy consumption for the finished building, but
allows for comparison of early design options
The energy consumption of the building is given in terms of primary energy, for
example for lighting the energy requirement will include transformation and
transmission losses

Sources of

Baker, N. and Steemers, K., Energy and Environment in Architecture - A Technical Design
Guide, Spon, London, 2000.
See also www.carltd.com



Movement for Innovation

Environmental Performance Indicators for Sustainable Construction


Operational CO2 emissions (kgCO2/m2 pa)

Embodied CO2 (kgCO2/m2)
Water use (m3 per person pa)
Waste from construction process (m3 per 100m2 floor area)


As indicators


Six armed windrose representation arms of different length indicate weightings of

indicators relative to each other. For example, for offices:

This is similar to Arups SPeAR in that green (best quartile) is at the centre of the
diagram, followed by amber and red (worst quartile)
Created by


Movement for Innovation (which became part of Constructing Excellence in 2004)

Environmental Construction Handbook




As in downloadable free report

Design stage

Final design/existing buildings


Whole building

Building type

Benchmarks for indicators are given for offices, domestic dwellings, retail premises,
food retail, hospitals and educational buildings.


While the assessment does not take into account issues such as indoor air quality (IAQ)
it is a relatively quick and easily accessible way of rating a building
The benchmarks were developed from data from existing buildings or from
government guidelines

Sources of

Constructing Excellence www.constructingexcellence.org.uk



MFLLP traffic lights




Manufacturers data.


Red (least environmentally attractive option)

Green (most environmentally attractive option)

Created by

Max Fordham LLP





Design stage



Largely services components

Building type



MFLLPs Phil Armitage says:

Developed to try to compare options on a quantitative basis (reasonably objectively
and simply). There is a dearth of tools available to help make these kinds of decisions.
It is especially difficult to analyse the relative benefits of different of options e.g.,
condensing boilers vs. passive stack ventilation vs. timber structure.

Sources of


[email protected]

Environmental Construction Handbook

SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) 2005


Energy costs for space and water heating

Annual CO2 emissions associated with space and water heating


Overall dwelling dimensions

Ventilation rate
Heat losses
Water heating requirements
Internal gains
Solar gains
Mean internal temperature
Degree days
Space heating requirement
Fuel costs
These all combine to give an Energy Cost Factor (ECF), in /m2 pa, from which the SAP
rating is deduced.
N.B. not included are:
Household size and type (hot water requirements are calculated on a floor area
basis, likewise metabolic gains etc.)
Electrical equipment efficiency
Individual heating patterns and temperatures
Geographical location


Energy cost rating a SAP rating on a scale of 1 (poor energy efficiency) to 100 (zero
energy cost).
Dwelling Carbon Emissions Rate (DCER) in kg/m2 pa

Created by



Informal: designer
Formal certification: accredited assessment method (i.e. approved software)


Method devised by BRE; rating can be calculated manually or with an accredited

software package

Design stage



Some question over applicability for multi-residential and mixed-use properties.

Building type

Houses and housing; existing and new


The SAP rating is based on the BREs Domestic Energy Model, BREDEM. It has
undergone a number of changes, the main and most recent being:
1998 2001:
Maximum SAP rating increases from 100 to 120
SAP and Carbon Index (CI) become virtually independent from dwelling size
The CI replaces the Carbon Factor (CF)



Sources of

SAP 2001:
SAP 2005:
BRE, SAP2005, http://projects.bre.co.uk/sap2005/ BRE, Watford, Feb 2006.
BRE, The Governments Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings,
Draft 2005 edn, BRE, Watford http://projects.bre.co.uk/sap2005/ Jan 2005.
BRE, SAP WORKSHEET (Version - 9.80) draft January 2005, http://projects.bre.co.uk/
sap2005/ BRE (Jan 2005)
BRE, Consultation on SAP 2005 (July - October 2004) - Summary of principal comments
received and amendments to the draft, BRE, Watford, http://projects.bre.co.uk/
sap2005/ Jan 2005.
A full list of BRE-approved SAP software is available on the SAP website.


Environmental Construction Handbook

SPeARTM (Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine)


Air quality and microclimate
Land use
Water (reducing flood/storm risk and maintaining quality of resource)
Ecology and cultural heritage
Design and operation
Natural resources:
Water (minimising use of resources)
Land utilisation
Health and welfare
User comfort/satisfaction
Form and space
Social benefits and costs
Transport (reducing financial implications of travel/transport)
Competition effects


For example, in the Environment quadrant Air quality and microclimate is assessed
using data regarding direct emissions, indirect emissions, background environmental
conditions, dust and particulate matter, refrigeration/ODP (ozone depletion potential)
and BPEO (Best Practicable Environmental Option) for regulated processes


Results are shown graphically with results for each indicator being on a scale of:
+3 (best) 0 (good practice) -3 (worst case).
An example is given in Chapter 1, Box 1.4

Created by

Arup Environmental (UK)


Accredited assessor


Available to assessors

Design stage



Whole building/development, new build, refurbishment and existing buildings.



Building type


Sources of



Environmental Construction Handbook

Appendix 2

International Assessment Tools

Please note: The information in this appendix was gathered in 2002/03. Although we have endeavoured to check its accuracy,
organisations are constantly revising and updating their methodologies. Readers who wish to use any of the methodologies
described in this Appendix should contact the owner of the methodology to obtain the most up-to-date information.




Sources of information*



Houses, offices,
building materials,
civil engineering
projects etc.



Houses and housing

and www.seav.vic.gov.au

Athena v.3.0

institutional, office,
and multi-unit
and single family
residential designs


EnerGuide, R2000, HOT2000TM,

HOT2EC and


http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca and





buildings and


BSim (Building


Energy Performance
Assessment Method
for Existing Dwellings


www.epa-ed.org and www.dbri.dk

Assessment Tool 2000








BEE 1.0

www.vtt.fi, IEA-BCS Annex 31


Offices, schools,
nurseries, housing,
shopping centres,


Energy certification
for buildings (Finland)

Single family
houses, blocks
of flats and office

www.vtt.fi, IEA-BCS Annex 31





LCA for materials


www.ecobilan.com, IEA-BCS Annex 31


http://international.cstb.fr, IEA-BCS Annex 31


Housing, schools,
offices, etc.

www.tributribu.com, IEA-BCS Annex 31


Building LCA

www-cenerg.ensmp.fr, IEA-BCS Annex 31


Green Building




www.ecoquantum.nl, IEA-BCS Annex 31



IEA-BCS Annex 31



IEA-BCS Annex 31, www.hig.se, www.kth.se


E2000 Oekobau

IEA-BCS Annex 31


IEA-BCS Annex 31

OGIP (Switzerland)

IEA-BCS Annex 31





Building materials

www.bfrl.nist.gov, IEA-BCS Annex 31


Whole buildings

www.nrel.gov, IEA-BCS Annex 31

Green Building

Whole buildings

www.buildinggreen.com, IEA-BCS Annex 31


Whole buildings
commercial, etc.)
and developments

www.usgbc.org, IEA-BCS Annex 31

* Information on the International Energy Agency Annex 31 (IEA-BCS Annex 31) can be
found at www.uni-weimar.de/scc/PRO/


Environmental Construction Handbook

acoustic insulation, 1213
adhesives, formaldehyde, 20
Adnams brewery, 259
affordable housing, 801
air change rates
housing, 46
offices, 158
schools, 200, 203, 218
air conditioning (see also cooling loads; mechanical ventilation)
offices, 145, 146, 15662
schools, 197
supermarkets, 22930, 2379
air infiltration see airtightness
air quality see indoor air quality (IAQ)
Building Regulations, 117
factories, 2623
houses (individual), 412, 589
housing, 83, 117
offices, 157
schools, 2034
aluminium-faced composite windows, 21415
aluminium framed curtain walling, 171, 175
aluminium roofing, 252
Arup Fitzrovia, 18693
Arup SPeAR, 1011, 1902, 31112
assessment methods, 115 (see also sustainability indicators;
and under the names of specific tools)
UK, 293312
international, 31314
atria, 156
assessment tools, 313
building codes, 68
autonomous house, 47
Barclays Bank, Milton Keynes, 2734
Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED), 8690,
benchmarks (see also sustainability indicators)
factories, 2612
offices, 1449
schools, 197

biomass fuel, 27
BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaics), 28
BRE see Building Research Establishment (BRE)
BREEAM, xii, 1501, 152, 1623, 197, 294
BREEAM5 for industry, 261
building assessment see assessment methods
building control systems
heating, 219
lighting, 155, 2056, 241, 268, 269
ventilation, 161
building energy management see building control systems
building height, offices, 1534
building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), 28
building materials see construction materials
building orientation
factories, 2623
housing, 84
offices, 159, 176
Building Regulations
2002 revision, 35, 37, 14950
2006 amendment, 901, 117
housing, 58, 901, 117, 121
lighting, 58
offices, 14950
sound insulation, 121
window openings, 218
Building Research Establishment (BRE)
BREEAM, xii, 1501, 152, 1623, 197, 294
BREEAM5 for industry, 261
EcoHomes, 36, 2956
Ecopoints see Ecopoints
Envest, xi, 3002
Environmental Office building, 156
Environmental Profiles, 303
Green Guide to Specification, 13, 304
Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), 30910
building waste reclamation, 104
Cambridge Architectural Research (CAR)
Lighting and Thermal (LT) Method, 305
Cambridge University Botanic Garden, 1628



Canada, assessment tools, 313

Carbon Index method, 37
carbon performance rating (CPR), 14950
cardboard construction, 208
cedar boarding, 211
chipboard decking, 55
CHP (combined heat and power), 121, 129, 255
cladding systems
factories, 271, 277
housing, 1067
offices, 174, 175
schools, 211
supermarkets, 243
clay tiles, 52, 56, 623
climate change, 737
CO2 concentrations see indoor air quality (IAQ)
CO2 emissions (see also climate change)
factories, 258
fossil fuels, 42
housing, 82, 845, 1434
offices, 1437, 14950
schools, 1967, 199
supermarkets, 22930
combined heat and power (CHP), 121, 129, 255
concrete frame construction, 1668
concrete slab floors, 173, 175, 213
factories, 272
housing, 457
offices, 106
conservatories, 41
construction materials, 1215 (see also embodied energy; Uvalues; and under the names of specific materials)
BedZED, 867
health issues, 20, 45
life cycle analysis (LCA), 1415
reclaimed, 104, 167
construction types
BedZED, 11112
factories, 260, 271, 2769
houses (individual), 516
housing, 96, 10710
framed and clad construction, 1027
heavyweight versus lightweight, 826
modular construction, 99100
offices, 16675
schools, 199, 20815
supermarkets, 2416


Environmental Construction Handbook

control systems see building control systems

cooling loads
housing, 756
offices, 157
cooling methods (see also ventilation)
offices, 15960, 169, 1778
Coopers Road Estate, Southwark, 12331
courtyards, daylighting, 11819
CPR (carbon performance rating), 14950
cross-ventilation, 177
Cummins Power Generation, Manston, Kent, 2806
curtain walling, 171, 1723, 175
factories, 2668, 270
houses (individual), 58
housing, 11719
offices, 1546, 176
schools, 2045, 215
supermarkets, 23941
Denmark, assessment tools, 313
display lighting, 239
domestic buildings see houses (individual); housing
factories, 2623
houses (individual), 54
housing, 83
U-values, 39, 83
double-skin glazed wall, 1723
dry cladding, 1067
dry resultant temperature, 15960
dwell-vent, 115
dynamic insulation, 115
earth-sheltered houses, 57, 934
ECG019 benchmarks, 1449
eco-footprinting, 956
eco-labelling, 1
EcoHomes, 36, 2956
ECON 19 see ECG019 benchmarks
Ecopoints, xxi, 2978
factories, 279
houses (individual), 56
housing, 84, 11011
offices, 175
schools, 21415
supermarkets, 246
Ecotect, 299

electricity demand
factories, 259
houses (individual), 43
housing, 121
schools, 1968
supermarkets, 230
electricity supply (see also combined heat and power (CHP))
green tariffs, 27
embodied energy, 1314
aluminium, 171
concrete, 166, 167
factories, 271, 279
glass, 171
houses (individual), 378, 44, 56
housing, 56, 825, 111
insulation, 501
offices, 1434, 152, 166, 175
prefabricated components, 102
refurbishment vs rebuild, 36
schools, 1989, 215
steel frame construction, 175
supermarkets, 246
energy consumption (see also electricity demand; embodied
factories, 2589
houses (individual), 3743
housing, 35, 76, 826
offices, 1438, 166
schools, 1958, 199
supermarkets, 22930, 2323
Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, 261, 2735
energy management systems see building control systems
energy supplies
BedZED, 88
green tariffs, 27
housing, 121
Envest tool, xi, 3002
Environmental Performance Indicators for Sustainable
Construction, 3067
Environmental Profiles, 303
EU energy label, 1
fabric losses (see also U-values)
factories, 271
housing, 379, 113
factories, 25791
airtightness, 2623
assessment and benchmarking, 2612

case studies, 2735, 28090

construction types, 260, 271, 2769
Ecopoints, 279
embodied energy, 271, 279
energy consumption, 2589
insulation, 2713
lighting, 2669, 270
process heat, 26970
site planning, 2578
space heating, 2646
ventilation, 2634
factory housing see prefabricated components
fibre cement slates/tiles, 109
Finland, assessment tools, 314
flood risks, 912
floor finishes
factories, 279
houses (individual), 56
housing, 56
offices, 175
schools, 215
floor plate size, 153
BedZED, 111
chipboard decking, 55
concrete beam and block, 109, 213, 214
concrete slab, 173, 175, 213
factories, 2778, 279
houses (individual), 53, 54, 56
housing, 83, 109, 110
offices, 170, 173, 175
orientated strand board (OSB), 55
prestressed concrete planks, 109
schools, 213, 214, 215
solid concrete, 55
steel decking, 1701, 175
supermarkets, 244, 246
suspended timber, 53, 56
U-values, 39, 83
fluorescent lamps, 58
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 12
formaldehyde adhesives, 20
fossil fuels, CO2 emissions, 42
framed and clad house construction, 1027 (see also steel frame
construction; timber frame construction)
France, assessment tools, 314
Gateway Development, Baglan Energy Park, 28691



glare, 155
glass reinforced plastic (GRP), 278
glazing (see also daylighting; solar utilisation; windows)
curtain walling, 171, 1723
factories, 278
housing, 110, 11719
offices, 155, 160, 171
schools, 214
supermarkets, 245, 246
glulam roofing, 212
Great Binfields Primary School, 21926
Green Guide to Housing Specification, 304
Green Guide to Specification, 13, 304
green tariffs, 27
Hampshire County primary schools, 21617
Hawkes House, 6770
HCFC-blown foam insulation, 49
health issues
air conditioning plant, 2389
houses (individual), 457
offices, 1623
heat losses see fabric losses; ventilation losses
heating see space heating; water heating
Hockerton Housing Project, 934
home ownership, 81
hot water heating see water heating
household types, 7980
houses (individual), 3572
case studies, 6070
construction materials, 434
construction types, 516
earth-sheltered houses, 57
Ecopoints, 56
embodied energy, 378, 44, 56
energy consumption, 3743
health issues, 457
insulation, 389, 4851
lighting, 43, 58
space heating, 60
transport issues, 434
ventilation, 412, 589
water supplies, 445
housing, 73142
affordable, 801
assessment tools, 293, 2956, 304, 30910
BedZED, 8690
Building Regulations, 58, 901, 117, 121


Environmental Construction Handbook

case studies, 12336

climate change impacts, 737
CO2 emissions, 82, 845, 1434
construction types, 10710
framed and clad construction, 1027
heavyweight versus lightweight, 826
demand, 7780
density, 945
eco-footprinting, 956
Ecopoints, 84, 11011
embodied energy, 56, 825, 111
energy consumption, 35, 76, 826
energy supplies, 121
flood risks, 912
household types, 7980
insulation, 923
lighting, 11719
prefabrication, 96102
refurbishment, 80
sound insulation, 1213
space heating, 11216
transport issues, 434
ventilation, 11415, 11617
water heating, 120
water supplies, 120
HVAC see air conditioning; mechanical ventilation
hybrid ventilation, 1612, 177
indicators see sustainability indicators
indoor air quality (IAQ)
houses (individual), 457
housing, 117
offices, 157, 158, 1623
schools, 2004
industrial buildings see factories
insulation (see also U-values)
dynamic insulation, 115
embodied energy, 501
factories, 2713
houses (individual), 389, 4851
housing, 923
materials, 4951, 634, 93
optimum, 923
positioning, 489
rendered, 105
U-values, 37, 39
internal partitions
factories, 278, 279

houses (individual), 56
housing, 110
offices, 175
schools, 214, 215
supermarkets, 245, 246
international assessment tools, 31314
inverted flat warm roof, 174
ISO14040 series, 15
Japan, assessment tools, 314
key-operated lighting switches, 206
laminated veneer lumber (LVL), 20
LGSF (light gauge steel framing), 83, 106
life cycle analysis (LCA) (see also assessment methods)
construction materials, 1415
Environmental Profiles, 303
steel vs concrete frame construction, 166
Lifetime Homes standards, 126
light gauge steel framing (LGSF), 83, 106
light-level sensors, 155
lighting (see also daylighting)
control systems, 155, 2056
factories, 2669, 270
houses (individual), 43, 58
housing, 11719
offices, 1546, 176
schools, 2046, 215, 217
supermarkets, 23941
Lighting and Thermal (LT) Method, 305
LVL (laminated veneer lumber), 20
manufacturing plant see factories
Martin Centre, Cambridge University, Lighting and Thermal
(LT) Method, 305
masonry, U-values, 83
materials see construction materials
Max Fordham LLP, traffic lights, 308
mechanical ventilation (see also hybrid ventilation)
factories, 2634
offices, 177
schools, 197
supermarkets, 238
vs natural ventilation, 11415, 116, 15662
mechanical ventilation and heat recovery (MVHR) systems, 59,
MFI, 233

MFLLP traffic lights, 308

mixed mode ventilation see hybrid ventilation
modular construction, 99100
Movement for Innovation, sustainability indicators, 3067
Murray Grove, Hackney, 97
MVHR (mechanical ventilation and heat recovery) systems, 59,
natural lighting see daylighting
natural ventilation
housing, 589
offices, 15662, 1767
schools, 218
supermarkets, 2379
vs mechanical ventilation, 11415, 116, 15662
Netherlands, assessment tools, 314
New Street Square, 17885
night cooling, 169
noise problems, 1213
Norway, assessment tools, 314
occupancy sensors, 155, 206
offices, 14394
air conditioning vs natural ventilation, 15662
CO2 emissions, 1437, 14950
construction types, 16675
Ecopoints, 175
embodied energy, 1434, 152, 166, 175
energy consumption, 1438, 166
Envest tool, 3002
floor plate size, 153
high rise vs medium rise, 1534
lighting, 1546, 176
resources management, 164
reuse for housing, 1023
space heating, 178
transport issues, 1501, 1534
ventilation, 15662, 1778
water heating, 178
work practices, 151
orientated strand board (OSB), 55
orientation, building see building orientation
houses (individual), 40
housing, 119
offices, 1589, 168
parallel strand lumber (PSL), 222



passive solar design see solar utilisation

passive solar factories, 270
passive stack ventilation (PSV)
houses (individual), 59
housing, 114
offices, 156, 169
schools, 203
photovoltaics, 267, 28, 31, 323
pollutants see indoor air quality (IAQ); toxins
polymer-modified render, 105
polymer/resin bonded slates, 109
population growth, 778
positive input ventilation (PIV), 115
prefabricated components, 86, 96102, 1067
PROBE studies, 151
process heat, 26970
PVs see photovoltaics
radiant heaters, 265
RealMT, 235
reclaimed materials, 104, 167
Red House, 616
Reed Southern Print Ltd, 2745
refrigeration, 235, 237, 238
CO2 emissions, 149
housing, 80
vs rebuild, 36
regulations see Building Regulations
rendered insulation, 105
Renewables Obligation (RO), 27
rented accommodation, 81
residential buildings see houses (individual); housing
retail buildings see supermarkets
rockwool insulation, 56
aluminium, 252
asphalt + paving, 175
BedZED, 112
clay tiled pitched, 52, 56
factories, 2767, 279
glulam trusses + purlins/rafters, 212
houses (individual), 52, 56
housing, 83, 109, 110
inverted flat warm roof, 174
offices, 172, 174, 175
precast concrete slab, 175
schools, 212, 215


Environmental Construction Handbook

single-ply membrane warm roof, 172

supermarkets, 2434, 246
timber engineering products, 105
trussed rafter, 109
U-values, 39, 83
zinc sheet, 212
factories, 2678, 270, 278
schools, 205, 207
supermarkets, 238
U-values, 39
room thermostats, 206
Sainsburys, 233, 2345, 236
case study, 24756
SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure), 30910
schools, 195227
building plans, 196
case study, 21926
CO2 emissions, 1967, 199
construction types, 199, 20815
Ecopoints, 21415
embodied energy, 1989, 215
energy consumption, 1958, 199
lighting, 2046, 215, 217
solar utilisation, 207
ventilation, 2004
Schools Environmental Assessment Method (SEAM), 209
shading devices
offices, 159, 1601
schools, 207
sick building syndrome (SBS), 1623, 201
SIPS (structural insulated panel systems), 83, 1045
social housing, 81
solar hot water generation, 43
solar pre-heat sunspaces, 207
solar utilisation (see also photovoltaics)
factories, 270
houses (individual), 401
schools, 207
sound insulation, 1213
space heating
control systems, 206, 219, 266
factories, 2646
houses (individual), 60
housing, 3742, 60, 11216
offices, 178
schools, 1956, 21819

SPeAR (Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine), 1011, 1902,

Square One Research, Ecotect, 299
stack ventilation see passive stack ventilation (PSV)
Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), 30910
standardised components see prefabricated components
steel decking, 1701, 175
steel frame construction (see also light gauge steel framing
housing, 106, 108
offices, 16675
supermarkets, 243
stone cavity walls, 54
structural insulated panel systems (SIPS), 83, 1045
structural types see construction types
stud panel construction, 56, 105, 106
sunspaces, 41, 207
supermarkets, 22956
case study, 24756
CO2 emissions, 22930
construction types, 2416
Ecopoints, 246
embodied energy, 246
energy consumption, 22930, 2323
energy management, 2345
lighting, 23941
location and land use, 2302
refrigeration, 235, 237, 238
transport issues, 2312
suspended timber floors, 53, 56
sustainability indicators, 115 (see also assessment methods;
factories, 279
houses (individual), 56
housing, 36, 84, 11011
offices, 175
schools, 21415
supermarkets, 246
weighting, 9, 36
Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine (SPeAR), 1011, 1902,
Sweden, assessment tools, 314
Switzerland, assessment tools, 314
synthetic tiles and slates, 109
tall buildings, 1534
thermal insulation see insulation
thermal mass

factories, 273, 277

heavyweight versus lightweight construction, 826
houses (individual), 401
housing, 826
offices, 160, 1689
thermostats, room, 206
laminated veneer lumber (LVL), 20
parallel strand lumber (PSL), 222
sustainability issues, 44
timber engineering products, 105
timber frame construction
housing, 1026, 108
schools, 211, 214
U-values, 83
timed lighting, 155, 206
TIMs (transparent/translucent insulation materials), 401
toxins, 20, 45, 116
transparent/translucent insulation materials (TIMs), 401
transport issues
BedZED, 88
houses (individual), 434
housing, 434
offices, 1501, 1534
prefabricated components, 102
supermarkets, 2312
Trombe walls, 401
u-PVC windows, 110
U-values, 37
housing, 39, 634, 83, 901
UK sustainability indicators, 24
underfloor heating, 113, 116
University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Campus, 2932
USA, assessment tools, 314
Vale, Brenda, autonomous house, 47
ventilation (see also hybrid ventilation; natural ventilation)
air quality issues, 46
factories, 2634
houses (individual), 412, 589
housing, 11415, 11617
night cooling, 169
offices, 15662, 1778
schools, 2004
ventilation losses (see also airtightness)
houses (individual), 412
schools, 2034



volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 20, 116

volume heating see space heating
wall finishes
houses (individual), 56
housing, 111
offices, 175
aluminium curtain walling, 171
BedZED, 111
double-skin glazed wall, 1723
factories, 279
houses (individual), 512, 54, 56
housing, 83, 108, 110
insulation thickness, 923
loadbearing brick and block, 512, 56, 108, 211
precast concrete spandrel panels, 174, 175
rendered block, 211
sealed vs breathing, 106
supermarkets, 243, 246
timber/steel stud + brick cavity, 108
U-values, 39, 83
warm air heaters, 2656
water consumption, housing, 445


Environmental Construction Handbook

water heating
houses (individual), 43
housing, 120
offices, 178
schools, 21819
water supplies
BedZED, 87
houses (individual), 445
housing, 120
weather patterns see climate change
White City project, 1316
windows (see also glazing; rooflights)
BedZED, 112
composite aluminium-faced and timber frame, 21415
houses (individual), 54, 56
housing, 56, 83, 110
offices, 158
u-PVC, 110
U-values, 39, 83
wood see timber
wood-burning stoves and boilers, 27, 28, 656
zinc sheet roofing, 212

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