CO2 Storage - 6th IPTC - Mulondo Denis

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BSc. Petroleum Geoscience & Production

Department of Geology & Petroleum Studies
Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda
Outline of Presentation
 Introduction
 Geological Storage
 Ocean Storage
 Mineral Carbonation
 Industrial Uses
 Conclusion
 References
 The final stage of the CCUS process sees the CO2 injected into
deep underground formations, at depths of at least 800m.

 CO2 storage is a long-term isolation process from the


 Underground accumulation of CO2 is a widespread geological

phenomenon, with natural trapping of CO2 in underground

 Other options include; energy efficiency improvements,

nuclear power, renewable energy etc.
Geological Storage

 Avoids emitting CO2 into the

atmosphere by injecting it into
suitable deep rock formations.

 There are three appropriate types of

formations that have received
extensive consideration(Figure 1); oil
and gas reservoirs, deep saline
formations and unmineable coal

 They generally have an impermeable

rock above them to ensure effective
underground trapping.

Figure 1: Methods for storing CO2 in deep

underground geological formations.
Oil And Gas Reservoirs
i) Depleted reservoirs ii) EOR Storage
 They are prime candidates for storage  Oil displacement by CO2 injection relies
because; on the phase behaviour of CO2 and crude
oil mixtures.
• The oil and/ or gas did not escape.
• Structure and properties of most oil and gas
fields have been studied and characterized.  In these applications, more than 50% and
up to 67% of the injected CO2 returns with
• Models have been developed in the industry the produced oil.
to predict the movement, displacement
behaviour and trapping of hydrocarbons.
• Infrastructure and wells in place may be
 The remainder is trapped in the oil
used for handling storage operations. reservoir by various means.

 Reservoir capacity will be limited by need

to avoid exceeding pressures.  A major drawback of oil and gas reservoirs
compared with deep saline aquifers is that
 CO2 storage in hydrocarbon reservoirs is they are penetrated by many wells of
generally expected to take place at depths variable quality and integrity.
below 800 m.
Deep Saline Formations
 Saline formations sedimentary rocks saturated with formation waters/

 These formations are widespread and contain enormous quantities of


 CO2 storage in deep saline formations (as the case is for hydrocarbon
reservoirs) is generally expected to take place at depths below 800 m.

 To be suitable for CO2 storage, saline formations need be:

 Sufficiently porous and permeable;

 Overlain by an impermeable cap rock or seal.

Unmineable Coal Beds
 Beds unlikely to be mined because they are too deep or too thin, but with
sufficient permeability may be used for storage.

 CBS is limited to a shallower depth range between 600m and 1000m than CO2
storage in hydrocarbon reservoirs and saline formations.

 Coal contains fractures (cleats) that impart some permeability to the system.

 Here in China, the CSIRO is partnering with CUCBM Corporation Limited on a

$10m project to store 2000 tonnes of CO2 in the Shanxi province and extract

 For temperatures and pressures above the critical point, it seems that adsorption
is gradually replaced by absorption and the CO2 diffuses or ‘dissolves’ in coal.
Other Geological Storage Options

 Other possible geological CO2 storage formations or structures include

injection into:
 basalt;
 oil shale;
 salt caverns and cavities;
 geothermal reservoirs;
 lignite seams; or
 methano-genesis in coal seams or saline formations.
 These are in early stages of development, and appear to have limited
capacity except, possibly, as niche opportunities.
Site Selection Criteria And Methods
 Site characterization, selection and performance prediction are crucial for successful
geological storage.

Table: Basin-scale criteria for CO2 sequestration.

Environmental Impacts

 The impacts due to leakage from storage of CO2 in geological

reservoirs fall into two categories: global and local impacts.

 Leakage routes can be identified by several techniques and by

characterization of the reservoir.

 Monitoring is a very important part of the overall risk management

strategy for geological storage projects.
Ocean Storage
 A potential CO2 storage option is to
inject captured CO2 directly into
the deep ocean.
 Oceans storage capacity is
 If the atmospheric concentration of
CO2 increases, the ocean gradually
takes up additional CO2.
 Ocean storage could be done in two
i. By injecting and dissolving CO2
into the water column below
1,000 m.
ii. By depositing it via a fixed Figure 3: Overview of ocean storage concepts.
pipeline or an offshore platform
onto the sea floor below 3,000 m.
Ecological And Environmental Impacts

 The injection of a few GtCO2 would produce a measurable change

in ocean chemistry.

 Experiments show that adding CO2 can harm marine organisms.

 Release of CO2 from ocean storage would be gradual over

hundreds of years.

 Ideas for increasing fraction retained include forming solid CO2

hydrates and/or liquid CO2 lakes on the sea floor, and dissolving

alkaline minerals such as limestone to neutralize the acidic CO2.

Mineral Carbonation
 Mineral carbonation is the fixation of
CO2 using alkaline and alkaline-earth
metal oxides.
 The oxides in the silicate minerals in
the earth’s crust exceed the amounts
needed to fix all the CO2.
 Mineral carbonation produces silica
and carbonates that are stable over
long time scales.
 There would be little need to monitor
the disposal sites and the associated
risks would be very low.
 Research in the field of mineral
carbonation focuses on increasing the
carbonation rate.
Figure 4: Material fluxes and process steps associated with the
mineral carbonation (Courtesy ECN).
Environmental Impacts

 Silicate mining would be a large operation (1.6 to 3.7 tonnes);

environmental impact similar to that of current large-scale surface
mining operations.

 Serpentine also often contains chrysotile, a natural form of


 The extent to which mineral carbonation may be used cannot be

determined at this time.
Industrial Uses
 Industrial uses of CO2 include chemical and biological processes where

CO2 is a reactant.

 Currently, CO2 is used at a rate of approximately 120 MtCO2 per year (30
MtC yr-1) worldwide, excluding use for EOR.

 Industrial uses of CO2 can, in principle, contribute to keeping CO2 out of

the atmosphere by storing it in the “carbon chemical pool.”

 Unfortunately, the lifetime of most of the CO2 currently used by industrial

processes has storage times of only days to months.
 CCUS has more potential than other mitigation options to reduce greenhouse
gas emission due to its flexibility and diversity.

 For well-selected, designed and managed geological storage sites, CO2 could be
trapped for millions of years.

 With ECBM recovery and EOR, CCUS is a good practice as it leads to additional

 HSE is now an investment in return, because we’ve reduced costs. HSE culture
is essential for a safe and profitable business.
 Bachu, S. 2003: Screening and ranking sedimentary basins for Sequestration of CO 2 In geological media
in response to climate change. Environmental Geology, 44, pp 277−289.
 Cameron, D.H., 2002: Evaluation of Retrofit Emission Control Options: Final Report. A report prepared
by Neill and Gunter Limited, ADA Environmental Solutions, LLC, for Canadian Clean Coal Power
Coalition (CCPC), Project No. 40727, Canada, 127 pp.

 Carbon capture and storage:

 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Reaching a Critical Point:


 CO2 capture and storage:

 IPCC Special Report by Working Group III (2005); Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage; Published by
Cambridge University Press, New York.

 Understanding CCS:

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