Latest HAAD HAAD-RN of Exam Practice Questions and Answers

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NO.1 A patient is to receive 2.5mg of morphine sulfate. The ampoule contains l000mcg/mL.

much morphine should the nurse administer?
A. 0.25 ml
B. 1 ml
C. 1.5 ml
D. 2.5 ml
Answer: D
HAAD Training online HAAD-RN Practice Test HAAD-RN Test Questions HAAD-RN Bootcamp
NO.2 A patient who has just had a miscarriage at 8 weeks of gestation is admitted to hospital. In
caring for this patient, the nurse should be alert for signs of:
A. Dehydration
B. Subinvolution
C. Hemorrhage
D. Hypertension
Answer: C
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NO.3 A patient with duodenal peptic ulcer would describe his pain as:
A. Generalized burning sensation
B. Intermittent colicky pain
C. Gnawing sensation relieved by food
D. Colicky pain intensified by food
Answer: C
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NO.4 A newborn infant is assessed using the Apgar assessment tool and scores 6. The infant has a
heart rate of 95, slow and irregular respiratory effort, and some flexion of extremities. The infant is
pink, but has a weak cry. The nurse should know that this Apgar score along with the additional
symptoms indicates the neonate is:
A. Functioning normally
B. Needing immediate life-sustaining measures
C. Needing special assistance
D. Needing to be warmed
Answer: C

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Test Questions
NO.5 Whilst recovering from surgery a patient develops deep vein thrombosis. The sign that would
indicate this complication to the nurse would be:
A. Intermittent claudication
B. Pitting edema of the area
C. Severe pain when raising the legs
D. Localized warmth and tenderness of the site
Answer: D
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NO.6 Which of the following techniques should the nurse implement to prevent the patient's
mucous membranes from drying when the oxygen flow rate is higher than 4 liters per minute?
A. Use a non rebreather mask
B. Add humidity to the delivery system
C. Use a high flow oxygen delivery system
D. Ensure that the prongs are in the nares correctly
Answer: B
HAAD Study Guide HAAD-RN questions HAAD-RN exam
NO.7 A patient presents to the emergency department with diminished and thready pulses,
hypotension and an increased pulse rate. The patient reports weight loss, lethargy, and decreased
urine output. The lab work reveals increased urine specific gravity. The nurse should suspect:
A. Renal failure
B. Sepsis
C. Pneumonia
D. Dehydration
Answer: D
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answers real questions
NO.8 A patient undergoes laminectomy. In the immediate post-operative period, the nurse shoulD.
A. Monitor the patient's vital signs and log roll him to prone position
B. Monitor the patient's vital signs and encourage him to ambulate

C. Monitor the patient's vital signs and auscultate his bowel sounds
D. Monitor the patient's vital signs, check sensation and motor power of the feet
Answer: D

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