TRGS 510 English

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TRGS 510 Page 1 of 58

Edition: January 2013

GMBI 2013 p. 446475 of 15 May 2013 [No. 22]

Technical Rules
for Hazardous

Storage of hazardous
substances in nonstationary containers

TRGS 510

The Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) reflect the state of the art,
the state of occupational health and occupational hygiene as well as other sound
work-scientific knowledge relating to activities involving hazardous substances
including their classification and labelling. The
Committee on Hazardous Substances (AGS)
compiles or adapts the rules, and they are announced by the Federal Ministry of
Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) in the Joint Ministerial Gazette (GMBl).
These Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances make requirements from the
Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV) more concrete in the framework of its
scope of application. Where the employer complies with the technical rules he can
expect that the relevant requirements stipulated in the Ordinance are fulfilled. If the
employer decides in favour of another solution he must at least achieve the same
level of safety and occupational health for his employees.

TRGS 510 has been extensively revised. The substantial modifications are:
The previous rules for small quantities have been moved from Annex 9 to Number 4.
The general principles can now be found in Number 4.1 and the general protective measures for the
storage of hazardous substances can now be found in Number 4.2. If the quantities listed in Number
4.3.1 (1) are exceeded, the hazardous substances must be stored in a separate warehouse. The
provisions have been adapted to practical requirements and stated in significantly clearer and more
precise terms; this does not entail a significant modification of the level of safety.
The provisions for the storage of gases have been thoroughly revised; any missing rules for
pressurised gases, aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges have now been adopted from
the technical rules.
The narrative description of the storage classes in the former Annex 4 has been integrated into the
classification guidance in the former Annex 5 and enclosed as the new Annex 4.
The former Annex 6 has been deleted, as the extinguishing water retention concept is based on
environmental legislation and has no basis in hazardous substances legislation.
The particularly strongly oxidising and highly reactive substances in the former Annex 8 undergo an
evaluation and are then included in the new Annex 6.
All other provisions have undergone a textual revision, which primarily sought to achieve a clarification
of the existing requirements.

- Committee on Hazardous Substances - AGS management - BAuA - -

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Table of contents

Scope of Application


Risk assessment

General measures for safety and health protection

Additional measures for special hazardous substances

Fire protection measures

Joint storage

Storage of liquids and solids of acute toxicity.

Storage of oxidising liquids and solids


Storage of pressurised gases


Storage of aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges


Storage of flammable liquids

Annex 1:

Additional information on risk assessment

Annex 2:

Storage of hazardous substances in sales areas and residential


Annex 3:

Storage of flammable liquids in safety cabinets in workrooms

Annex 4:

Methodology for classification of storage classes

Annex 5:

Special fire- and explosion-protection measures

Annex 6:

Other strongly oxidising or highly reactive substances

Scope of application

(1) TRGS 510 shall apply to the storage of hazardous substances in non-stationary
containers including the following (handling) activities

Storage and removal from storage facility,


Transport inside the warehouse,


Removal of released hazardous substances.

Storage is the keeping for later use and for delivery to others. It includes holding
available for transport if the transport is not conducted within 24 hours after the items
concerned have been made available or on the following working day. If this working
day is Saturday, the deadline shall end at the end of the next working day.

- Committee on Hazardous Substances - AGS management - BAuA - -

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(2) In addition to the measures described in number 4, numbers 5 to 12 shall apply

to special hazardous substances listed in Table 1 where the respective threshold
quantities have been exceeded. The threshold quantity shall be deemed to be the
aggregate amount of hazardous substances with the respective classification or
property. The table includes the classifications pursuant to Regulation (EC)
1272/2008 (CLP-Regulation), as well as pursuant to the EU Dangerous Substances
Directive 67/548/EEC and/or the Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC. Up
until 1 June 2015 the employer is free to decide on which classification system he
wishes to base his calculations. In order to avoid contradictions the two classification
systems should not be used side by side.
(3) The threshold quantity in Table 1 indicates the aggregate quantity above which
the measures specified in the individual numbers must be taken.
Table 1: Application of numbers 4 to 12 and annexes 1 to 6


Hazard statement
according to

according to
EC Directive

All hazardous

outside of
taking into
no. 4.2

Additional and special

protective measures

Up to 1,000 kg
stated below

No. 4.3 > 1,000 kg

In the case of joint
storage, no. 7 > 200 kg

Acutely toxic hazardous


H300, H301,
H310, H311,
H330 or H331a)

R23 to R28

Up to 50 kg

No. 5 and no. 8 each >

200 kg

Carcinogenic and
mutagenic hazardous

H340, H350,

R45, R46, R49

Up to 50 kg

No. 5 > 200 kg

Hazardous substances
with special toxic


R39/23 to

Up to 50 kg

No. 5 > 200 kg

Highly and extremely

flammable liquids

H224, H225

Up to 20 kg, of
which up to
10 kg is

No. 5, no. 6 and no. 12

each > 200 kg


R48/23 to
R11, R12

Annexes 2, 3 and 5 must

also be taken into

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Flammable liquids



Up to 100 kg

No. 5, no. 6 and no. 12

each > 1,000 kg
Annexes 2, 3 and 5 must
also be taken into

Flammable solids



No. 6 > 200 kg

Pyrophoric substances
and mixtures



No. 5 and no. 6 each >

200 kg

substances and

H251, H252

No. 6 > 200 kg

substances and


No. 6 > 200 kg

Oxidising liquids and


H271, H272
stated in annex 6

R8, R9

Up to 1 kg

No. 5 and no. 9 each >

5 kg

H272, unless
stated in annex 6.

R8, R9

Up to 50 kg

No. 5 and no. 9 each >

200 kg

Up to 2.5 l

No. 10 > 2.5 l

Gases in pressurised

gas cartridges b)

H280, H281
H220, H221


Up to 2.5 l

No. 5 and no. 6 each >

200 kg and no. 10 > 2.5 l



Up to 2.5 l

No. 5 > 200 kg and

no. 10 > 2.5 l

H220, H221


Up to 20 kg

Where applicable,
Annex 2 > 0 kg
No. 6 > 200 kg
No. 11 > 20 kg

H222, H223

Up to 20 kg

Where applicable,
Annex 2 > 0 kg
No. 6 > 200 kg
No. 11 > 200 kg

Hazardous substances
that are from
experience flammable
Combustible liquids

H260, H261
Without marking:
storage class 10


Up to 200 kg

No. 6 > 200 kg

Up to 1,000 kg

No. 6 > 1,000 kg

If only flammable liquids with a flashpoint greater than 55 C are stored, the definition of
supplementary/additional protective measures beyond the requirements of no. 4 can be dispensed
with based on the results of the risk assessment in accordance with no. 3. This relates in particular to
diesel fuel and heating oil.
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Combustible solids



Without marking:
storage class 11
as well as other
solid hazardous
substances that
are from

To be
determined by
the employer,
normally on
the tonne

To be determined by the
employer, normally on
the tonne scale

Within the framework of the risk assessment, the employer can disregard those substances
and mixtures that are not classifiable as toxic or very toxic in accordance with Directive
67/548/EEC for the determination of protective measures for acutely toxic substances.
These rules shall equally apply to unmarked aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas


The present TRGS shall not apply


to substances that are part of a production or work process or to the holding of

non-stationary pressurised gas containers ready for use,


to activities as e.g. refilling and retrieval, cleaning of containers, sampling,

maintenance and repair work,


to bulk materials stored in bulk,


to explosive substances and mixtures that fall within the scope of the Explosives
Act; these are subject to the second ordinance to the Explosives Act
(2. SprengV) with regard to storage,


to ammonium nitrate and mixtures/preparations that contain ammonium nitrate

that fall within the scope of Annex I (5) of the Hazardous Substances
Ordinance; these are subject to TRGS 511 Ammonium nitrate,


to organic peroxides that fall within the scope of accident-prevention regulation

BGV B4 ; this shall not affect the rules laid down in numbers 3 and 4 of these
technical rules insofar as they supplement BGV B4,


to radioactive materials that are subject to the Atomic Energy Act and/or the
Radiation Protection Ordinance,


to infectious substances.

Where activities are carried out in the warehouse pursuant to no. 2 they shall be
separately assessed in the risk assessment procedure according to TRGS 400 "Risk
assessment in conjunction with the handling of dangerous substances" and the
necessary protective measures shall be equally taken. Contrary to sentence 1, the
provisions of number 7 Joint storage must be taken into consideration for
radioactive and infectious substances.
(5) Requirements from other areas of law, in particular construction law, the
Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, the Water Management Act, laws
governing the transport of dangerous goods, the Immission Control Law and

It is intended to replace the accident-prevention regulation BGV B4 with a technical rule (TRGS). As
soon as the technical rule is published, it shall apply accordingly.

- Committee on Hazardous Substances - AGS management - BAuA - -

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Hazardous Incident Reporting Ordinance shall remain unaffected.



(1) These technical rules list the classifications pursuant to Regulation (EC) No.
1272/2008 (CLP-Reg.), but also pursuant to EU Directive 67/548. Terminology
pursuant to the CLP Regulation shall be used for the definition of the classifications.
In the following, terms are defined that are neither listed in the glossary of the
Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health nor in the Biological Agents Ordinance or
Hazardous Substances Ordinance.
(2) Warehouses within the meaning of these technical rules are buildings, areas or
rooms in buildings or outdoor areas whose purpose is to store hazardous
substances. Containers or cabinets shall also be deemed warehouses.
(3) A warehouse sector is the part of a warehouse that is separated from other
warehouse sectors or adjoining rooms

in buildings by walls and ceilings fulfilling safety requirements, or


outdoors by reasonable distances or by walls.

Safety cabinets with a fire resistance rating of at least 90 minutes shall be deemed
warehouse sectors.
(4) The part of a warehouse sector in which hazardous substances are stored shall
be deemed a warehouse area.
(5) Roofed outdoor warehouses shall also be deemed warehouses provided they
are open on at least two sides including warehouses that are only open on one side
provided the width measured from the open side is not bigger than the height of
the open side. A side of a room shall also be deemed to be open if it consists of a
wire mesh gate or a similar material which does not significantly impede the natural
(6) The storage quantity shall be the net mass of a stored hazardous substance.
The total storage quantity shall be the sum of the storage quantities of the various
(7) For the purpose of these technical rules, non-stationary containers are
containers whose purpose is to transport and store hazardous substances. Nonstationary containers include, e.g.:

packagings (e.g. barrels, canisters, bottles, sacks),


intermediate bulk containers (IBCs, e.g. Big Bags or FIBCs),


large packagings,


tank containers/non-stationary tanks,


pressurised gas containers (e.g. transportable pressure equipment as defined

by the Transportable Pressure Equipment Ordinance (ODV) or Directive


- Committee on Hazardous Substances - AGS management - BAuA - -

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2010/35/EU (TPED) and pressure vessels as defined by the hazardous-goods

legislation, such as bottles, large bottles, sealed cryogenic vessels, cylinder
racks or multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs)),

aerosol dispensers or pressurised gas cartridges,


rail tank wagons, tank vehicles.

(8) Pressurised gas containers are containers for gases under pressure. A
pressurised gas container includes the accessories which can affect its safety. Nonstationary pressurised gas containers include transportable pressure equipment as
defined by Directive 2010/35/EU (TPED) or the Transportable Pressure Equipment
Ordinance (ODV) and pressure vessels as defined by the hazardous-goods
legislation, such as bottles, large bottles, sealed cryogenic vessels, cylinder racks
and multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs).
(9) An aerosol dispenser is a metal, glass or plastic container that cannot be
refilled, that complies with the provisions set out in section 6.2.6 of the ADR and that
contains a gas that is condensed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure with or
without a liquid, pasty or powdery substance. It is fitted with a retrieval device which
allows an ejection of the contents as a suspension or of solid or liquid particles in a
gas, as a foam, a paste or a powder or in the liquid or in the gaseous state.
(10) Pressurised gas cartridges are non-refillable containers without their own
extraction valve. Every cartridge consists of a container and a locking device for the
filling opening. Cartridges are emptied through a special retrieval device.
(11) Where different substances are located within one warehouse sector, container,
safety cabinet or other containment area, this shall be deemed to be joint storage.
(12) The storage class is the classification of hazardous substances and mixtures
intended for storage according to specific hazard indicators. The storage classes
shall be used exclusively to determine the joint storage of substances.

(13) For the purpose of these technical rules, distances shall be used to:
1. protect a warehouse from incidents of damage due to external factors, e.g.
mechanical damage or heating as a result of a fire load;
2. protect against interactions between the stored hazardous substances;
3. minimise as far as possible the risk posed to employees or other persons by leaks
in non-stationary containers or interruptions to the proper operating procedure.
(14) Draining surfaces are surfaces that collect escaping liquids and feed them to a
containment area; they form a structural unit together with the containment area but
are not intended for longer-term retention of the stored substance.
(15) Potentially explosive environments are environments in which hazardous,
potentially explosive atmospheres can occur.
(16) Extinguishing water retention installations are installations intended to collect
any contaminated extinguishing water arising in the case of a fire until it can be
disposed of.

In the previous rules, the following terms were used for this: protection distances, safety distances,
separation strips and protection areas.
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(17) A fire(-fighting) compartment is a part of the building that, in accordance with

building law, is separate with regard to fire protection, whereby fire is not generally
expected to spread to other areas of the building due to the requirements for the
adjoining components,
(18) Liquids shall be deemed to be flammable if they have a flashpoint of up to

Risk assessment

(1) In the framework of risk assessment pursuant to section 5 German

Occupational Health and Safety Act and section 6 of the Hazardous Substances
Ordinance the employer has to check, whether his employees or third persons are
exposed to hazards caused by the storage of hazardous substances. For the
implementation of the risk assessment see in particular TRGS 400.
(2) Hazards can be caused by the storage of hazardous substances in particular
because of

properties and/or the aggregate state of the stored hazardous substances,


quantity of the stored hazardous substances,


type of storage,


activities performed during the storage process,


joint storage of hazardous substances,


working and ambient conditions, in particular the type of warehouse, room size,
climatic conditions, external impacts and storage period.

Annex 1 includes further information on potential hazards.

(3) The most important information sources for the risk assessment of the
hazardous substances to be stored are the marking (pursuant to EC Directives
67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and/or Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 or pursuant to
the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Road, Rail and Inland Navigation) of the
hazardous substances and mixtures/preparations, the Safety Data Sheet in its
current version as well as supplementary information by the manufacturer. As a rule
these information sources are sufficient.
(4) In case of missing or insufficient information the employer is obliged to provide
further information from other sources, see TRGS 400.
(5) For the risk assessment regarding storage all activities and operational
situations shall be considered from which a hazard might arise for the employees.
These activities include in particular

storing substances and removing them from the warehouse,


internal transport inside the warehouse,


removal of released hazardous substances.

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(6) Where further activities are carried out in the warehouse, e.g. refilling and
retrieval, cleaning of containers, sampling, maintenance and repair work, they shall
be considered within the framework of the hazard assessment and the additional
protective measures above and beyond the rules laid out in these technical rules
shall be taken.
(7) Where mixtures of air and flammable gases, vapours, mists or dusts may be
generated, the formation of potentially explosive atmospheres shall be investigated,
areas with high explosion risks must be organised in zones, protective measures
shall be defined, and an explosion protection document shall be drafted and updated
according to the provisions of the Work Equipment Ordinance.
(8) The necessary protective measures shall be determined according to the
hazards identified. In this context the protective measures described in No. 4 of these
technical rules shall be taken into particular consideration.
(9) Depending on the quantity and properties of the hazardous substances, not all
measures of these technical rules need be applied. Derogations shall be defined in
the risk assessment process, if necessary.

Protective measures for safety and health protection



(1) Hazards for the health and safety of employees and other persons and hazards
for the environment caused by substance-related damages in connection with the
storage of hazardous substances shall be eliminated or reduced to a minimum
through the following measures:

Design of the warehouse and the storage facilities;


Organisation of workflows;


Provision of suitable equipment for activities related to the storage of hazardous

substances, e.g. gripping devices for unpalletised barrels;


Limitation of the period and intensity of exposure;


Reasonable hygiene measures, in particular cleaning at regular intervals;


Prevention of non-intentional release of hazardous substances;


Provision of the resources to prevent hazards.

(2) These measures always consist of the general protective measures set out in
number 4.2; they are also necessary for all hazardous substances in the event of
storage outside of warehouses, regardless of whether a threshold quantity exists.
(3) If the respective small quantities (see Table 1) per closed factory building or
fire(-fighting) compartment or separate building unit are exceeded, at least the
excess quantities must be stored in warehouses in accordance with number 2 (2),
taking additional protective measures into account. Depending on the threshold
quantities and the hazardous substances properties, other additional or special
protective measures shall also apply in accordance with numbers 5 to 12
(see Table 1).
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(4) Whether other (hazardous) substances/chemicals/materials may be stored in a

warehouse in addition to a hazardous substance must be checked according to the
rules in the numbers below, in number 7 in particular, and the information in the
safety data sheet.
(5) The quantities of hazardous substances provided must be limited to the amount
required for the day/shift; quantities in excess of these must be stored. Where small
quantities are used regularly, the smallest commercially available pack size can also
be provided.

Hazardous substances must only be stored in closed packaging or containers.

(7) Hazardous substances should, wherever possible, be stored in original

containers or original packaging. If hazardous substances are not stored in original
containers, it must be ensured that the storage containers are suitable and are
marked in accordance with number 4.2 (2).
(8) If hazardous substances are stored, a Hazardous Substances Register must be
kept (see Article 6 (10) of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance), including:

the names of the stored hazardous substances,


the classification of the hazardous substance or information on the hazardous



the tonnage levels used,


the warehouse area

and should be kept outside the warehouse, if possible; it could be sensible to have a
storage plan indicating the storage classes and the associated stored quantities.

General protective







(1) The packaging and containers must be suitable for ensuring that none of the
contents can escape unintentionally. These requirements shall be deemed to have
been met if, among other things, the packaging/containers meet the requirements for
the transport of dangerous goods.
(2) The employer must ensure that all stored hazardous substances can be
identified. Hazardous substances and mixtures/preparations must be provided with a
marking that contains sufficient information on the classification and that either shows
the hazards that are present during handling and protective measures that should be
taken or allows these to be derived. TRGS 201 Classification and marking for
activities involving hazardous substances must be applied.
(3) Hazardous substances must not be kept or stored in containers whose shape or
marking could lead the contents to be mistaken for foodstuffs.
(4) Hazardous substances must not be stored in locations where they could pose a
risk to employees or other persons. This includes, in particular:
Traffic routes; among others, these include stairwells, escape and emergency
routes, passageways, thoroughfares and narrow courtyards;

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Break rooms, duty rooms, sanitary rooms, first-aid rooms or rest rooms.

Hazardous substances may only be stored in working areas if storage can be

achieved in a way that is also safe for the employees. Special equipment must be
used for storage if the results of the risk assessment show this to be necessary.
(5) No effective ignition sources may be present in the direct vicinity of the storage
containers containing flammable hazardous substances.
(6) Filled aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges must not be heated by
more than 50C by sunlight or other heat sources.
(7) If pressurised gas cartridges with combustible contents must be stored with a
retrieval device connected, these must only be stored with additional protective
measures e.g. effective ventilation openings of at least 100 cm in the
warehouse/cabinet to avoid the formation of potentially explosive atmospheres due
to leaks in the connections.
(8) If opened containers are stored, the actual storage quantity must be used in
calculating the total stored volume. Contrary to the first sentence, the nominal volume
must be used for flammable hazardous substances (marked with H221, H222, H223,
H224, H225, H226 or R12, R11, R10).
(9) Flammable liquids (marked with H224, H225, H226 or R12, R11, R10) may be
stored outside of warehouses in:

fragile containers with a capacity of up to max. 2.5 l per container and


non-fragile containers with a capacity of up to max. 10 l per container

provided that the risk assessment does not indicate an increased risk of fire. Here, a
maximum of 20 kg of extremely and highly flammable liquids may be contained, of
which no more than 10 kg may be extremely flammable liquids. It is recommended
that flammable liquids be stored in safety cabinets in accordance with Annex 3.
(10) Containers with liquid hazardous substances must be placed in a spill
containment facility that can contain at least the capacity of the largest container.
Where the generation of a hazardous, potentially explosive atmosphere cannot be
ruled out, the containment facilities must have ESD protection.
(11) Hazardous substances must be neither kept nor stored in the immediate
proximity of pharmaceuticals, food or forage, including their additives, or cosmetics,
drink and tobacco. Where substances that are acutely toxic (category 1, 2 and 3),
very toxic, toxic (according to Directive 67/548/EEC), carcinogenic, mutagenic or
toxic to reproduction (category 1A or 1B according to the CLP Regulation) are kept or
stored together in one room, this shall be deemed to be immediate proximity. In the
case of all other hazardous substances, these should in principle be kept/stored in
separate rooms; if absolutely necessary for operational reasons, they must at least
be separated by a horizontal distance greater than 2 m.
(12) Substances and mixtures/preparations that are classified as toxic, very toxic,
carcinogenic in category 1 or 2, mutagenic in category 1 or 2 or toxic to reproduction
in category 1 or 2 pursuant to Annex VI of Directive 67/548/EEC shall be kept under
seal or kept in such a manner that only knowledgeable and reliable persons have
access to them.

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(13) Where hazardous substances are stored that are marked with the precautionary
statement P405 "Store locked up" by the person placing them on the market pursuant
to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 and that are not subject to the hazard indicators in
paragraph 12, these shall receive the same treatment as recommended in
paragraph 12.
(14) The employer shall ensure that psychotropic substances subject to the
Narcotics Act are kept locked away. Only the person responsible shall be permitted
to access narcotics.

Additional protective measures for storage in warehouses



(1) Hazardous substances must be stored in warehouses within the meaning of

these technical rules if the following quantities per fire(-fighting) compartment/building
or separate building unit are exceeded:

gases in pressurised gas containers with a nominal volume of 2.5 litres or more,


combustible liquids:

20 kg of extremely and highly flammable liquids, of which no more than

10 kg may be extremely flammable liquids,


100 kg of flammable liquids1),


1,000 kg combustible liquids,


20 kg of gases in pressurised gas cartridges,


20 kg of aerosol dispensers (net mass),


50 kg of hazardous substances that are classified as acutely toxic cat. 1, 2 or 3

or STOT cat. 1 or carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction category 1A
or 1B,


1 kg of oxidising hazardous substances of cat. 1 or packing group I in

accordance with the dangerous goods legislation, as well as the hazardous
substances listed in Annex 6,


50 kg oxidising hazardous substances of cat. 2 or 3, unless these are listed in

Annex 6,


200 kg of pyrophoric hazardous substances marked with H250,


200 kg of hazardous substances that release flammable gases on contact with

water (H260, H261),

10. 1,000 kg net storage mass for hazardous substances with none of the above
Storage in warehouses in accordance with number 2 (2) is also necessary if the total
net mass of the stored hazardous substances exceeds 1,500 kg.
(2) If flammable liquids are stored in safety cabinets in accordance with Annex 3,
the safety requirements laid down in number 4 shall be deemed to have been met.

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(3) More detailed rules on the storage of flammable liquids and of aerosol
dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges in living spaces and sales rooms can be
found in Annex 2
(4) Sufficient lighting (see ASR A3.4) must be present in warehouses and outdoor
storage areas. The lighting must be installed in such a way as to avoid heating the
stored substances, which can lead to a dangerous reaction.
(5) Sufficient ventilation must be provided in the warehouse (see ASR A3.6) where
a risk can be posed to employees or other persons through unintended release of
hazardous substances.

Warehouse organisation
Hazardous substances must only be kept or stored in an orderly fashion.

(2) Warehouses must be kept and operated in an orderly fashion. Measures to be

observed by employees must be documented in operating instructions.
(3) Hazardous substances must be stored in such a way that released substances
can be identified, collected and removed. The necessary protective measures shall
be determined on the basis of the substance properties and the quantities stored.
(4) Containers and packaging shall be checked for damage at regular intervals; the
review intervals shall be determined on the basis of the substance properties, the
type of packaging and the specific storage conditions (e.g. outdoors, in buildings,
storage technology).
(5) Necessary repair work on structural and technical installations required for the
safe operation of the warehouse shall be carried out immediately.
(6) The employer shall define the maximum storage quantity per warehouse area,
as well as the review interval for the containers.

Smoking is strictly forbidden in the warehouse.

(8) Food, drinks and tobacco must not be consumed in the warehouse. The
employer shall set up suitable areas for this purpose. A derogation from the first
sentence is possible if a hazard can be ruled out with certainty based on the results
of the risk assessment.

Securing the stored substances

(1) Packagings and containers with orientation arrows must be stored according to
these markings.
(2) Warehouse installations must be strong enough with regard to statics and
stable for the reception of the substances stored. Measures must be taken in order to
prevent the falling out or falling down of the loaded substances and sufficiently
dimensioned collision bumpers have to be provided.
(3) The substances shall be stacked in such a manner that the stability is
guaranteed while observing the mechanical stability of packagings and containers.

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This requirement shall be deemed to have been fulfilled provided that:


forklift drivers are selected appropriately so that they are qualified to drive
industrial trucks and are specially instructed for the transport of dangerous


pallet runners are positioned perpendicular to the racks' support beams,


unpalletised barrels are stacked vertically and jointly on top of each other,


in high-rise racks with loading facilities operated by automatically controlled

forklifts, automatic facilities are available to control the contours of the pallet
load, to control the driving range and the free space,


the maximum load height in the stack compartments is limited in the case of
manual stacking and retrieval in stack compartments.

(4) Packagings or containers above all fragile containers shall be stacked or

secured so that they cannot fall out of the rack compartments. In racks, cabinets and
other installations they may be kept only up to a height from where they can still be
retrieved and placed safely, if necessary, stepladders, ladders or podiums have to be

Employee qualification

(1) The employer may only entrust trained persons, who are aware of the hazards
involved and of the required protective measures, with activities related to the
storage of hazardous substances.
(2) The employer shall draft written operating instructions pursuant to TRGS 555
"operating instructions and employee information" and to instruct the employees

Alert measures

(1) The employer shall take measures allowing employees to reach a safe place by
immediately leaving their workplaces in case of immediate and great danger. This

to alert the employees early enough,


escape routes and emergency exits must be accessible at any time,


an up-to-date escape and rescue plan.

(2) There have to be facilities to call help in the case of fire or accident, e.g. a
permanently manned office that can be reached by telephone.

Personal protective equipment

(1) If in the event of a release of substances, e.g. caused by leakages in the case
of container rupture or damaged packagings, a temporarily high exposure cannot be

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excluded or if a danger arises from skin-resorptive, irritating, etching or sensitizing

hazardous substances through skin contact the suitable personal protection
equipment must be provided. Depending on the stored substances and the local
situation, portable respiratory-protection equipment must be provided and/or carried.
(2) Where hazardous substances marked with H330 or R26 are stored in
pressurised gas containers in warehouses, persons entering the warehouse must
carry breathing apparatus. Breathing apparatus must be kept outside of the hazard
areas in a manner such that the employees can access it quickly.
(3) The employer shall provide, clean and, if necessary, replace and dispose of
protective clothing.

Hygienic measures

The resorption of hazardous substances by skin contact, orally and by inhalation

shall be prevented. Where a risk assessment comes to the conclusion that this
cannot be excluded the following measures shall be taken to protect employees:

Washing facilities shall be made available.


Private and work clothing shall be kept separately. The employer shall clean
work clothing contaminated with hazardous substances.


First-aid measures

(1) The employer shall take the measures required to provide First Aid depending
on the type of workplace and the activities as well as the number of employees. For
this purpose he shall provide First Aid supplies and facilities and shall have them
checked regularly for completeness and usability.
(2) In the framework of the risk assessment the employer shall investigate, whether
eye and body showers can be dispensed with. A dispensation shall be motivated in
the documentation.


(1) All warehouse installations must be checked prior to their first use and
subsequently at regular intervals for sufficient functionality, reliability and efficiency.
Installations to be checked include, for example:

Warehouse facilities for hazardous substances, e.g. compliance with max. loads
of racks/shelves filled with hazardous substances containers or the intactness
of rack components,


Collection facilities, e.g. tightness and coating of cups and tubs,


Disposal facilities, e.g. tight and non-corrosive containers for the disposal of


Ventilation facilities, e.g. intactness of ventilation channels and collection

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Eye baths and safety showers.

The result of the inspections shall be documented in a suitable manner. Checks

pursuant to other legal provisions as e.g. construction regulations by the federal
states, the Workplaces Ordinance or the Industrial Safety Ordinance shall continue to
apply. Inspections can be based on the results of these checks, if appropriate.
(2) The following checks and/or procedures may be used as a supplementary

Functional checks on every working day through, among others,


visual controls, e.g. of the undamaged openings for ventilation, personal

protective equipment etc.


audio controls, e.g. regarding the familiar noise sources of technical work
equipment and machinery as to their faultfree functionality.


Definitions in the area of work organisation concerning the implementation of

functionality checks at regular intervals.


Checklists concerning the complete (e.g.) daily, weekly or monthly visual control
of protective measures.

Additional measures for special hazardous substances


Scope of application

(1) The following rules shall apply to the storage of hazardous substances with the
following properties that are stored in quantities of more than 200 kg each:

acutely toxic properties (marked with H300, H301, H310, H311, H330 or H331)
and/or very toxic or toxic substances (marked with one of the R(isk)-phrases
R23 to R28, including the corresponding combined R-phrases),


specific toxic properties (marked with H370, H372 with the exception of noncombustible solids that only cause damage in the case of inhalative exposure,
or R39 and/or R48),


carcinogenic properties (marked with H350, H350i, R45 or R49),


mutagenic properties (marked with H340 or R46),


oxidising liquids or solids (marked with H271 or H272) and/or oxidising

properties (marked with R8 or R9),


flammable gases (marked H220 or H221 and/or R12) or oxidising gases

(marked H270 and/or R8),


flammable liquids (marked with H224, H225 or H2261)) and/or flammable

properties (marked with R12, R11 or R10); contrary to this, a threshold quantity
of 1,000 kg shall apply to liquids marked with H2261) or R10,


pyrophoric liquids and solids (marked with H250 and/or R17).

For quantities between the quantity limit defined in 4.3.1 and 200 kg, the measures
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shall be defined as a result of the risk assessment.


Constructive requirements

(1) The warehouse must be separated from adjoining rooms in at least a fireretardant manner (fire-resistance period: at least 30 minutes).
(2) The containment room must be impermeable to the stored substance and must
be made of non-combustible materials. The material requirements with regard to the
quality and size of the containment area are regulated by the provisions of the water
management legislation.
(3) The containment room shall be adjusted to the quantities of the stored liquids
(including liquefied gases) and should be able to hold at least the volume of the
largest container without additional measures.
(4) The containment room must consist of materials which do not cause hazards
when stored liquids and/or liquefied gases are released.
(5) The warehouses must not have floor drains if these can cause a hazard to
persons or the environment. This can be the case when there is, for example, a
direct connection to the public sewers or to receiving watercourses.

Access restrictions

(1) The employer shall take organisational measures to ensure that only authorised
persons have access to the warehouse. Authorised persons shall be appointed and
instructed by the employer at regular intervals.
(2) The prohibition shall be clearly and permanently indicated by means of the
prohibition sign D-P006 "No access for unauthorized persons" pursuant to ASR A1.3.
(3) In a warehouse requiring official approval pursuant to number 9.34 (Installations
for storing 20 tonnes or more of highly toxic substances and preparations) and 9.35
(Installations for storing 200 tonnes or more of highly toxic, toxic, oxidising or
explosive substances or preparations) of the Annex to the Fourth Federal Immission
Control Ordinance, special storage security shall be provided in buildings by, for

building the storage facility in a solid manner (e.g. stones over 120 mm,
concrete over 100 mm wall thickness, suitable hazardous substances
containers) with windowless outer walls or barred windows with burglar
retardant doors secured by security locks.


building the storage facility as above, but with windows and doors monitored by
burglar alarm systems or by motion detectors behind the openings; the burglar
alarm systems must then notify a permanently manned alarm centre,


24/24 monitoring by a company security service or a security company or

security personnel,


fencing the warehouse area with a security fence with features preventing
people from climbing over the fence and a height of at least 2.5 m as well as

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sufficient lighting of the facility and permanent monitoring by a company security

service or a security company or security personnel,

fencing off the storage facility as stated under no. 4, but electronic monitoring
with notification of a permanently manned alarm centre, or


securing containers by preventing any retrieval from the container as well as

fencing of the container and/or the company premises.


Arrangements in the case of incidents involving fires and leakages


An alarm plan including information on what to do in the event of








substance emissions/leakages

shall be drawn up and displayed at several easily accessible places in the warehouse

It must contain the following minimum information:


Phone numbers to make emergency calls to the fire brigade, rescue service,
doctor, hospital, ambulance, police,


Phone numbers to call the operations manager, master craftsman and other
responsible persons,


Information on alarm signals, gathering place and attendance check for the
workforce, shutdown of energies, use of escape and emergency routes, fire

(3) Fire brigade plans shall be drawn up and kept updated in cooperation with the
relevant fire-protection authority.
(4) Substance-specific information (e.g. safety data sheets) shall be kept ready in
order to help fire fighters to take the right action in the event of a release of
substances stored in the warehouse; this shall include the following details:

name of the stored hazardous substances,


name and address of the manufacturer, importer or distributor,


references to the specific hazards,


protective measures in order to deal with the hazards,


measures to be taken in the event of breakage or other damage to the



measures to be taken and services to be provided where persons have been in

touch with the stored substance,


measures to be taken in the event of fire, in particular the resources or groups

of resources to be used or not to be used,

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measures to be taken in the event of environmental damages.

(5) The employer must ensure that drills are carried out at regular, appropriate
intervals of the procedure for moving employees to safety or rescuing employees in
the event of a release of the hazardous substances stored in the warehouse or in the
event of a fire or another emergency. The intervals of the emergency exercises and
drills shall be defined in the hazard assessment.

Special fire-protection measures


Scope of application

(1) The following provisions shall apply in the case where hazardous substances
with the following properties are stored in quantities of more than 200 kg (a larger
quantity shall be assumed, typically in the tonne range, for solids of storage
class 11):

flammable liquids (marked with H224, H225 or H2261)) and/or flammable

properties (marked with R12, R11 or R10),


flammable gases (marked with H220 or H221 and/or R12),


flammable aerosols (marked with H222 or H223),


flammable solids (marked with H228),


pyrophoric liquids and solids (marked with H250 and or R17),


self-heating substances and mixtures (marked with H251 or H252),


self-reactive substances and mixtures (marked with H242),


substances and mixtures that release flammable gases on contact with water
(marked with H260 or H261 and/or R15),


other hazardous substances and/or materials that have been shown to be


For liquids marked with H226 and/or R10, as well as other hazardous substances or
materials that have been shown to be combustible, a threshold quantity of 1,000 kg
shall apply by way of derogation.

Materials that have been shown to be combustible can be:


liquids of storage class 10 (up to a flashpoint of max. 370 C),


solids of storage class 11 that are not covered by the above criteria, but have
been shown to be combustible (including paper, wood, polyethylene,

The measures set out in number 6 shall also be taken in the case of storage that falls
within the scope of number 5.1 when, although no combustible hazardous
substances are stored, a fire hazard is present due to packaging or the encroachment
of fire from outside.
(3) Further fire-protection measures are listed in number 8.3 for acutely toxic liquids
and solids, number 9.3 for oxidising liquids and solids, number 10.3 for gases under

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pressure, number 11.2 for aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges, and
number 12 for flammable liquids.


(1) The constructive fire protection shall according to its type and extent be
determined on the basis of the local and operating conditions where hazardous
substances according to number 6.1 are stored.
(2) Roofing shall be made resistant for a sufficient period against fires encroaching
on the roof from the outside by way of flying sparks and radiant heat (hard roofing).
(3) The following shall be determined depending on the type and size of the
warehouse and in agreement with the responsible authorities, in particular the fire
protection authority:

fire brigade access and alternative access routes as well as fire brigade areas,


smoke and heat flues.


Escape and emergency routes must meet the following requirements:


From every place in the warehouse it must be possible to reach at least one exit
at a distance of no more than 35 m which either leads outdoors, into a
necessary stairwell and landing, or another fire compartment. Depending on the
result of the hazard assessment pursuant to No. 3 escape/emergency routes
may have to be shortened, see also ASR A 2.3. They can be extended provided
the conditions of IndBauRL [Regulation on industrial construction] No. 5.5.5 are


Every storage room with an area of more than 200 square metres shall have at
least two exits facing each other, if possible.


Storage rooms above the ground level with an area of over 1,600 square
metres must have on every floor level at least two escape and emergency
routes, opposite one another if possible. One of these emergency routes may
lead via external stairs without stairwells and landings and via rescue balconies,
terraces etc. to the premises as an emergency exit provided this route would
not be too dangerous on account of fire and smoke in the event of the outbreak
of a fire.

(5) Doors and gates must fulfil the requirements pursuant to ASR A2.3 Escape
routes and emergency exits, escape and rescue plan and ASR A1.7 Doors and
(6) Warehouses shall be equipped with sufficient and suitable fire fighting
installations (e.g. fire extinguishers, wall-mounted hydrants, fire extinguishing
systems etc.) (see ASR A 2.2 Fire protection measures). Fire extinguishing systems
shall unless they work automatically be marked, easily accessible and easy to
handle. Fire fighting routes must be constructed and marked to make access for
extinguishing and operating equipment speedy and free from obstacles.
(7) A sufficient quantity of extinguishing water must be available in order to fight
fires with water. The quantity of extinguishing water required shall be determined by
the authority responsible for fire protection while taking into account the areas of the
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fire compartments or fire-fighting compartments and the quantity and type of fire
loads. For this purpose the DVGW work sheet W405 may be used.
(8) Where the stored hazardous substances require the use of other extinguishing
agents than water or where for operational reasons and with the consent of the
competent authority (fire brigade) other extinguishing agents than water are to be
used, these agents shall be provided in sufficient quantity. Areas where water must
not be used for fire extinguishing purposes shall be marked by the prohibition sign
P011 "Do not extinguish with water" pursuant to ASR A1.3.
(9) In warehouses and buildings with storage areas, automatic extinguishing
systems shall be installed for stored substances whose height exceeds 7.5 m (upper
edge of stored object).
(10) Where warehouses are equipped with automatic extinguishing systems (e.g. fire
sprinkler or water spray extinguishing systems) it must be guaranteed that the stored
substances can be directly reached by the extinguishing agent.
(11) Instead of automatic fire extinguishing systems, partly mobile (semi-stationary)
fire extinguishing systems, where the extinguishing agent generally has to be
provided by the fire brigade, are permissible if a certified plant fire brigade exists that
can be on the spot within 5 min of the alarm being raised and if early fire detection
and immediate alerting of the plant fire brigade are ensured.
(12) Extinguishing water pipes, sprinkler nozzles or smoke detectors must be fixed in
such a manner that they are not damaged when substances are brought into or are
removed from the warehouse.
(13) Mobile fire extinguishing vehicles and/or devices can with the consent of the
authority responsible for fire protection be equivalent to partly mobile fireextinguishing systems, provided they are similar to them with respect to the rate of
their extinguishing agent and provisioning as well as their alarm concept and
intervention period.
(14) Whether an extinguishing water retention installation is necessary and how it
has to be designed and dimensioned is governed by the "Guideline governing the
dimensions of extinguishing water retention installations in the framework of the
storage of water-hazardous substances (LRRL)" of the Laender (federal states).
Where extinguishing water retention devices are installed, measures must be defined
with regard to explosion protection based on the risk assessment and taking account
of TRGS 720/TRBS 2152 Hazardous explosive atmosphere General .
(15) Ignition sources that may lead to the starting of fires shall be avoided. Auxiliary
or waste material (e.g. oil-soaked cleaning cloths) can act as ignition sources.
(16) In the event of activities that can cause hazards through interaction (e.g.
welding), a work clearance system shall be applied including special written
instructions by the employer. Work clearance shall be provided by the responsible
person before the beginning of the activities.
(17) Buildings should have a suitable lightning protection system.
(18) Areas in which more than 200 kg of extremely flammable, highly flammable or
flammable hazardous substances (R 12, R 11, R 10) are stored must be marked with
the warning sign W021 Warning; Flammable material.

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Joint storage


Basic rules

(1) Hazardous substances may only be stored jointly if this does not increase the
(2) In order to define the possibilities for joint storage, hazardous substances are
assigned to storage classes in these technical rules. Their only purpose is to control
the joint storage of substances. Storage classes must be defined according to the
procedures stipulated in Annex 4.
(3) Separate storage means separating different stored substances in different
warehouse areas of the same warehouse sector by sufficient distances or using
barriers (e.g. walls, cabinets made of non-combustible materials, products made of
non-combustible substances of storage class 12 or 13) or by storing them separately
in structurally separate containment areas.
(4) Separate storage within one warehouse sector may be necessary in order to
reduce hazards related to specific stored substances of the same storage class or
substances of different storage classes. This can be achieved by sufficient distances
or by barriers (e.g. walls, cabinets made of non-combustible materials, products
made of non-combustible substances of storage class 12 or 13) or by storing them
separately in separate containment areas. Indications for the need to store
substances separately may result from, for example:

danger features and safety indicators that supplement the risk indicators (Rand S-phrases and/or H-, EUH- and P-sentences) of the marking (this applies in
particular to R29, R31, R32, S14, S17, S50, EUH014, EUH029, EUH031,
EUH032, P220, P223 and P420) and


product-related safety information, such as:


safety data sheets (No. 5 Fire fighting measures and No. 7 Handling and
Storage; less detailed are data in Safety Data Sheet No. 10 Stability and
Reactivity) as experience has shown, or


information leaflets issued by the accident insurance funds (example:

cyanides shall not be stored jointly with substances e.g. acids with
which they may produce hydrogen cyanide).

(5) Separate storage means storing substances separately in different warehouse

sectors with a fire resistance rating or capability of at least 90 minutes.

Derogations from joint storage rules are allowed, provided that:


no more than 400 kg of hazardous substances are stored of which max. 200 kg
may belong to one storage class,


hazardous substances of up to 200 kg are additionally stored in a warehouse

for storage classes 6.1 C, 6.1 D, 8A, 8B and 10 to 13, and


there is no need to fear an increase in the risks encountered.

(7) Stored substances of different storage classes must not be stored in the same
warehouse sector if the joint storage table pursuant to No. 7.2 prescribes separate

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storage in different warehouse sectors with a fire resistance rating or capability of at

least 90 minutes (separate storage).
(8) Stored substances from the same storage class or stored substances from
different storage classes for which no separate storage is prescribed, must also not
be stored jointly if this can cause a substantial increase in risk. This is the case if
they, for example:

require different extinguishing agents,


require different temperature conditions,


react with each other while producing flammable or toxic gases or


react with each other while causing a fire.

(9) In individual cases it is possible to deviate from the rules in the joint storage
table on account of suitable fire protection concepts or risk assessment results.
(10) Exemptions from the rules for joint storage are permissible regarding the
storage of hazardous substances in railway tank wagons certified according to
dangerous goods rules or tanks on closed company premises if

this does not increase the risks,


the storage period does not exceed three months,


the transport containers are not opened during this time (they may be opened
briefly solely for sampling purposes, taking account of the protective measures
required for this activity), and


the transport containers are regularly, at least daily, inspected to see whether
they are kept in good condition.

(11) Joint storage prohibitions shall not apply if packed hazardous substances are
kept ready for transport in closed freight containers, e.g. in container berths and in
container terminals, and if the closed freight containers are not stacked vertically or
placed directly next to each other, and provided the rules for joint storage in the
Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road, Railway and Inland Waterways are observed.
This requirement shall be deemed to have been complied with if the minimum
distance is 0.5 m in all directions.

Joint storage table

(1) The Joint Storage Table (Table 2) indicates for each storage class: whether
joint storage with any of the other storage classes is allowed in principle; whether
separate storage in different warehouse sectors with a fire resistance rating or
capability of at least 90 minutes is present; or whether a restriction for joint storage
must be observed (e.g. separate storage required in the event of storage in different
warehouse areas in the same warehouse sector). (The Joint Storage Table also
includes stored substances that do not come under the scope of application of these
technical rules.)
(2) For the purpose of this joint-storage concept, combustible materials shall be
stored substances to which no physical hazard is assigned pursuant to the CLP
Regulation but that are known from experience to be combustible.
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Table 2: Joint storage table according to storage class, explanations see subsequent pages

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Explanations with regard to Table 2


Specific statutory storage rules must be observed.

Storage class 1 and storage class 4.1.A

2. Explosion Ordinance (SprengV);

Storage class 5.1 C:

Dangerous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV) Annex III

No. 5 Ammonium nitrate and TRGS 511;

Storage class 5.2

BGV B 4 Organic peroxides; attention: the joint storage

rules quoted here shall also be applied by analogy to selfreactive hazardous substances;

Storage class 7

Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and DIN 25422.

Joint storage in rooms is only allowed if:


max. 50 filled pressurised gas containers are stored, of which no more

than 25 contain gases that are flammable, oxidising, acutely toxic, marked
with H331 or toxic, and if these


are separated by a wall that is at least 2 m high and made of noncombustible materials and if


a distance of at least 5 m is observed between the wall and the

combustible substances.

Pressurised gas cylinders filled with different gases may only be jointly stored in
the same warehouse room under the following conditions.

Pressurised gas containers containing gases that are flammable,

oxidising, acutely toxic, marked with H331 or toxic, provided the total
number of 150 pressurised gas containers or 15 pressure barrels is not
exceeded. In addition, pressurised gas containers filled with inert gases
may be stored in any quantity.


Pressurised gas containers with flammable and pressurised gas

containers with inert gases may be stored in any quantity.


Pressurised gas containers with oxidising gases and pressurised gas

containers with inert gases may be stored in any quantity.


Pressurised gas containers with acutely toxic hazardous substances of

categories 1, 2 or 3/very toxic, toxic and pressurised gas containers with
inert gases may be stored in any quantity.


In the cases 1 to 3, an additional 15 pressurised gas containers or a

pressure barrel containing gases that are acutely toxic, marked with H330,
and/or very toxic may be stored. Larger quantities of pressurised gas
containers with acutely toxic gases must be stored in a special storage


There must be a distance of at least 2 m between pressurised gas

containers containing flammable gases and pressurised gas containers
containing oxidising gases. .


There are no restrictions as to outdoor storage.

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Joint storage shall be permitted if the restrictions of:


Table 3 are observed for storage classes 3, 5.1B, 6.1A and 6.1B,


Table 4 are observed for storage class 4.1B with storage class 6.1A.

Table 3: Preconditions for joint storage of storage classes 3, 5.1B, 6.1A and 6.1B


up to 1 t

without restrictions

up to 20 t

in buildings if:
- an automatic fire extinguishing installation exists or
- an automatic fire detection system exists in combination with a non-automatic
fire extinguishing installation and a certified plant fire brigade.

Table 4: Preconditions for joint storage of storage class 4.1B with 6.1A


up to 10 t

without restrictions,

up to 20 t

- in buildings: an automatic fire detection system exists,
- outdoors: fire detection and fire alarm are guaranteed by
- hourly controls with alert possibilities (e.g. via telephone, fire alarm, radio
equipment, etc.) or if
- there is evidence that an appropriate automatic fire alarm/detection system

up to 50 t

- an automatic fire detection system exists and
- the fire brigade can reach the scene of the fire within 10 minutes of the alarm
being raised.

up to 100 t

- an automatic fire extinguishing installation exists or
- an automatic fire detection system exists in combination with a non-automatic
fire extinguishing installation and a certified plant fire brigade.

Materials that may contribute to the outbreak or rapid expansion of a fire due to
their nature and quantity, as e.g. paper, textiles, wood, wood wool, hay, straw,
packagings, combustible packaging filling materials, must not be stored in the
warehouse sector unless they form a unit with the non-stationary containers for
storage or transport.

Different stored substances may only be stored together or jointly with other
materials provided that this will not lead to a substantial increase in risk. A
substantial increase in risk can be prevented through separate storage.

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Oxidising hazardous materials may be stored jointly with combustible materials:


in quantities of up to a total of 1 tonne without restrictions,


in quantities of more than 1 tonne according to the restrictions under

explanation no. 1.

The requirements under explanation 5 must also be observed.


Storage of fluids and solids of acute toxicity


Scope of application

(1) The following provisions shall apply to liquids and solids of acute toxicity
(marked with H300, H301, H310, H311, H330 or H331) and/or toxic or very toxic
liquids and solids stored in quantities in excess of 200 kg. Within the framework of
the risk assessment, the employer can disregard those substances and mixtures that
are not classifiable as toxic or highly toxic pursuant to Directive 67548/EEC when
defining protective measures for acutely toxic substances.
(2) For quantities of more than 50 kg and up to and including 200 kg, the measures
shall be defined based on the results of the risk assessment.

Organisational measures

(1) Hazardous substances pursuant to number 8.1 shall be kept under seal or must
be stored in such a manner that only experts and reliable persons have access to
them. This can be fulfilled through, among other measures:

storage in a suitable, lockable cabinet,


storage in a lockable building or lockable room if the building is used by different

groups, or


storage on fenced-off company premises with access control, including

industrial parks.

(2) For warehouses with a floor space of 800 m2 and more, fire alarm systems
e.g. loudspeakers shall be provided in order to warn persons who might be in the
warehouse or in its direct vicinity.
(3) Outdoor storage areas shall be organised in such a manner that they are
located at least 5 m from openings in the building.
(4) Access to specified processing areas in which highly toxic or toxic substances
are readied for transport may also only be granted to persons that are required for
loading the packages and for transport. Such persons shall be instructed and

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Structural requirements and fire protection

(1) Where substances are stored in buildings, the warehouse sectors shall be
separated from other warehouse sectors and other rooms or buildings by fire
resistant components made of non-combustible building materials (fire resistance
rating: at least 90 minutes); where the storage sectors cover more than 1,600 m2,
they shall be separated by fire walls.
(2) Storage rooms in buildings with a storage quantity of more than 10 tonnes but
no more than 20 tonnes per warehouse sector, shall be equipped with automatic fire
alarm systems if specific non-stationary or operational conditions (e.g. neighbouring
residential buildings) require this.
(3) Storage rooms in buildings with a storage quantity of more than 20 tonnes per
warehouse sector shall be equipped with automatic fire alarm systems.
(4) In the event of outdoor storage of substances, the storage sectors shall be
separated from other storage sectors or buildings by fire-resistant components made
of non-flammable building materials (fire resistance rating: at least 90 minutes) or by
sufficiently large distances according to paragraph 6.
(5) The walls pursuant to paragraph 4 must be at least 1 m higher than the stored
substances themselves and shall exceed the width of the stored substances at the
open side by at least 0.5 m.
(6) Where outdoor storage sectors are not separated by walls they shall generally
comply with the following minimum distances insofar as no other requirements can
be derived from other laws:

five metres between warehouse sectors including combustible or noncombustible containers with a volume of more than 200 l and a maximum
storage height of four metres,


five metres if an automatic fire alarm system and a plant fire brigade exist,


five metres where an automatic fire extinguishing system exists,


ten metres in all other cases.

(7) In the event of outdoor storage with a storage capacity of more than 20 tonnes
per storage sector, fire detection and fire alerting shall be guaranteed by hourly
controls, including the possibility to set off an alarm, or by suitable technical
measures, unless there is evidence that an appropriate automatic fire alarm system
has been installed.
(8) In warehouses requiring certification pursuant to number 9.34 or 9.35 of the
Annex to the 4th Federal Immission Control Ordinance), automatic fire alarm systems
and fire extinguishing installations are required if it is to be expected that the stored
hazardous substances will release toxic fire gases in the event of a fire whose
consequences present a serious hazard within the meaning of the Major Accidents
(9) Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 shall not apply provided only non-combustible
substances and materials are stored in this warehouse sector.

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Storage of oxidising liquids and solids


Scope of application

(1) The following provisions shall apply in the case of storage of oxidising liquids
and solids (marked with H271 or H272, category 1, 2 or 3) and/or oxidising liquids
and solids (marked with R8 or R9) and where substances with flammable (oxidising)
effects of class 5.1 pursuant to the dangerous goods legislation are stored in
quantities of more than 200 kg. By way of derogation from the first sentence, they
shall be applied in the case of storage of highly oxidising hazardous substances of
category 1 pursuant to the CLP Regulation or of packing group 1 pursuant to the
dangerous goods legislation, as well as other highly reactive oxidising hazardous
substances pursuant to Annex 6 for quantities of 5 kg or more.
(2) In the case of quantities of more than 1 kg or 50 kg, up to and including 200 kg,
the measures shall be defined based on the results of the risk assessment.

Organisational measures

(1) Leaked or spilt hazardous substances must not be wiped up with combustible
materials. They have to be removed immediately and safely.
(2) A safe removal is as a rule possible by dissolving the substance in lots of water
or by wiping it up with suitable binders, as e.g. diatomaceous earth, sand, cement.
Contaminated water has to be properly removed.
(3) No equipment or vehicle operated with a combustion engine may be placed in
the warehouse. Leaked fuels or lubricants must be removed immediately.
(4) Flammable materials that are being kept in a warehouse and whose type and
quantity can contribute to an outbreak or rapid expansion of fires, such as
packagings, filling materials, pallets and sawdust, must not be stored in the

Structural requirements and fire protection

(1) Where substances are stored in buildings, the warehouse sectors shall be
separated from other warehouse sectors and other rooms or buildings by fire
resistant components made of non-combustible building materials (fire resistance
rating of at least 90 minutes); where the storage sectors cover more than 1,600 m2,
they shall be separated by fire walls.
(2) Strongly oxidising hazardous substances of category 1 pursuant to the CLP
Regulation or of packing group I pursuant to the dangerous goods legislation, as well
as other highly reactive oxidising hazardous substances pursuant to Annex 6, may
be stored in multi-storey buildings, provided that this does not give rise to an
increased risk to employees and other persons in comparison to storage in singlestorey buildings. This can be achieved, for example, with an automatic fire detection
system, an automatic or partly mobile fire extinguishing system or special emergency
routes or doors and must be documented within the framework of the risk

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assessment pursuant to number 3. Otherwise, these substances must be stored in

single-storey buildings.
(3) In derogation of paragraph 1, warehouses which are exclusively used to store
oxidising substances of category 1, marked with H217, and which are at a distance of
least at 10 m from other buildings, may also be built by using building materials that
do not have a defined fire resistance rating but are non-combustible, such as
(prefabricated) garages (provided that the modified use adheres to building laws).
The distance may be reduced in agreement with the authority responsible for fire
protection, taking account of the local and operating conditions. The substances may
also be stored in containers if they are located at least 10 m from any building.
(4) When hazardous substances are stored outdoors, the storage sectors shall be
separated from other storage sectors or buildings by fire-resistant walls made of noncombustible building materials (fire resistance rating at least 90 minutes) or by a
distance of at least 5 m.
(5) The walls pursuant to paragraph 4 must be at least 1 m higher than the storage
itself and shall exceed the width of the stored substances at its open side by at least
0.5 m.

Storage of pressurised gases


Scope of application

The following rules shall apply to the storage of gases (marked with H220, H221,
H270, H280 or H281) in quantities of more than 2.5 l.

Organisational measures

(1) Pressurised gas containers must be secured against toppling over or falling
down. Valves shall be protected with a suitable protective device, e.g. with a
protective cap or a protective cage/collar. Special protection against toppling over or
falling down is not necessary if e.g. due to the design of the pressurised gas
containers, the placement in large groups or the type of storage a sufficient degree of
protection is achieved.
(2) In the warehouse, gases must not be refilled and repair work on pressurised
gas containers must not be carried out either. For this purpose special rooms have to
be provided.
(3) Acutely toxic gases of categories 1 to 3 or very toxic/toxic gases (marked with
H330 or H331 and/or R23 or R26) shall be kept locked away or kept or stored in such
a manner that only competent and reliable persons have access to them.
(4) Gases marked with H330 or R26 must only be stored in rooms that have a gas
detection system that triggers an acoustic and optical alarm when permissible
workplace limit values are exceeded. Necessary safety measures, e.g. the carrying of
breathing apparatus, must be defined in the operating instructions. Breathing
apparatus must be kept outside of the hazard areas in a manner such that the

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employees can access it quickly.

(5) Storage rooms for non-stationary pressurised gas containers containing
flammable gases (marked with H220 or H221 and/or R12) or acutely toxic gases of
category 1 or 2 that are marked with H330 or R26 and that are adjacent to a public
right of way must be designed with a wall with no doors and with no openable
windows or other openings up to a height of 2 m on the side that is directly adjacent
to the public right of way. This shall not apply to doors that are self-closing and that
are at least fire-retardant (fire resistance rating: at least 90 minutes). It must be
possible to exit these storage rooms quickly.

Structural requirements and fire protection


In the case of storage in storage rooms:


the storage rooms must be separated from adjoining rooms by fire-retardant

components (fire resistance rating: at least 30 minutes),


components must be fire-resistant (fire resistance rating: at least 90 minutes) if

there is the risk of fire or explosion in adjoining rooms not used for the storage
of gases,


the outer walls of warehouses must be at least fire-retardant (fire resistance

rating: at least 30 minutes); where the distance to adjoining installations and
facilities that could present a hazard is at least 5 m, the outer wall may consist
of non-combustible materials,


the roof covering must be sufficiently resistant to spreading fire and radiated


floor coverings in storage rooms for non-stationary pressurised gas containers

must be at least flame-resistant.

(2) Outdoor storage areas must observe a distance of at least 5 m from the
pressurised gas containers to adjoining installations and facilities that can present a
fire hazard. The safety distance may be replaced by a protection wall of at least 2 m
in height and sufficient width and made of non-combustible building materials.
(3) Pressurised gas containers may only be stored in working areas in suitable
safety cabinets with a fire resistance rating of at least 30 minutes. In particular safety
cabinets that meet the requirements of EN 14470-2 shall be deemed to be suitable.
Here, acutely toxic gases of categories 1 to 3 and/or highly toxic or toxic gases
(marked with H330 or H331 and/or R23 or R26) may only be stored in safety
cabinets with ventilation systems achieving an air-change rate of 120 per hour.
Oxidising gases (marked with H270 and/or R8) or flammable gases (marked with
H220 or H221 and/or R12) may only be stored in safety cabinets with ventilation
systems achieving an air-change rate of 10 per hour.
(4) For the purpose of avoiding a hazardous accumulation or spread of gases, no
pits, channels or drains to channels without a liquid seal, or cellar entrances or other
open connections to cellar rooms, may be present in the warehouse; likewise, no
openings to other rooms may be present in walls and ceilings. Furthermore, no
cleaning holes or other holes in flues may be present at this location. In the case of
outdoor storage, the first sentence shall only apply to the area of possible hazards

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due to non-stationary pressurised gas containers containing gases that are heavier
than air and liquefied gases.
(5) A maximum of 50 filled pressurised gas containers may be stored in rooms
below ground level if:

in the case of a ventilation system: an air-change rate of 2 per hour is ensured.

This must either be constantly active or be switched on automatically by a gas
detection system when a defined limit value is exceeded. An alarm must be
triggered in the event of a failure in the ventilation system;


in the case of natural ventilation: the ventilation openings have a total cross
sectional area of at least 10% of the floor area of this room, they achieve proper
ventilation, and the floor is no more than 1.5 m below ground level; or


they are stored in safety cabinets that meet the requirements of EN 14470-2.

By way of derogation from sentence 1, pressurised gas containers containing oxygen

or compressed air may be stored without meeting the requirements stated therein.
Emptied, uncleaned non-stationary pressurised gas containers may be present in
twice this number.
(6) Rooms in which pressurised gas containers are stored must be sufficiently
ventilated and vented. Natural ventilation shall be deemed to be sufficient if there are
ventilation openings leading directly to the outdoors with a total cross-sectional area
of at least 1/100 of the floor area of the storage room. The arrangement of the
ventilation openings must take account of the density of the gases. If sufficient
natural ventilation cannot be ensured, protective measures pursuant to paragraph
5 (1) must be provided. The size of the ventilation opening required in sentence 2
can be based on the floor area provided for the storage of non-stationary pressurised
gas containers, provided that the ventilation opening is located directly at the storage
(7) When more than five pressurised gas containers containing oxidising gases
(marked with H270 and/or R8) or flammable gases (marked with H220 or H221
and/or R12) are stored, the floor must be made of non-combustible materials.
(8) Storage rooms used to store more than 25 pressurised gas cylinders or two
filled pressurised gas barrels containing flammable gases or more than five filled
pressurised gas cylinders or even just one pressurised gas barrel containing acutely
toxic gases of category 1 or 2/highly toxic gases must not be below or above rooms
that are used for permanent occupation by persons. Connections to adjoining rooms
shall only be permitted if these rooms have their own emergency routes. Emptied,
uncleaned non-stationary pressurised gas containers may be present in twice this

Special protective measures

(1) In the case of acutely toxic gases (marked with H330 and/or R26) or flammable
gases (marked with H220, H221 and/or R12), safety areas must be set up around
pressurised gas containers; the size of these areas shall depend on the density of
the gas(es). Particular account must be taken of these areas in the risk assessment;
e.g. explosion-protection measures might be necessary.

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(2) The safety area defined in number 10 is a three-dimensional space around

pressurised gas containers containing combustible or acutely toxic gases in which
the occurrence of gas or gasair mixtures cannot be ruled out due to leaks in
connections and valves or the connection or removal of pipe connections during the
course of operation or as a result of mishandling.
(3) Explosion protection measures (see TRGS 720 ff.) must be taken for flammable
gases in these safety areas; in the case of acutely toxic gases, these safety areas
must not extend into emergency/escape routes. In addition to valve protection, the
valves must be fitted with a lock nut for acutely toxic gases of category 1 or 2 and
pyrophoric gases.
(4) The dimensions of the safety areas for non-stationary pressurised gas
containers shall be 2 m in each direction in the event of storage in storage rooms.
For gases that are heavier than air, the safety area can be reduced to 1 m in the
upward direction. Outdoors, the dimensions of the safety areas can be halved. In the
event of storage rooms with a floor area 20 m2, the entire room must be designated
as a safety area.

Storage of aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges


Scope of application

(1) The following rules shall apply to the storage of aerosols in aerosol dispensers,
(marked with H222 or H223) and of gases in pressurised gas cartridges (marked with
H220 or H221) in a net mass of more than 20 kg.
(2) These rules shall apply equally to aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas
cartridges that are not marked as dangerous and that have a mass of 200 kg or
more, unless these are stored in closed wire-mesh boxes that prevent release in the
event of rupturing.
(3) The storage of aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges in sales
rooms and the associated storerooms shall be subject to the provisions set out in
Annex 2.

Structural requirements and fire protection

(1) Where aerosol dispensers or pressurised gas cartridges are stored in storage
rooms for non-stationary containers, the stored quantity of combustible liquids and
the net volume of the content indicated on the aerosol dispensers or pressurised gas
cartridges must, together, not exceed the maximum permissible storage quantity of
100 t per storage room.

Storage rooms must:


not be in residential buildings;


be separated from other rooms by fire-resistant components (fire resistance

rating: at least 90 minutes),


have floors made of non-combustible materials, and

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have sufficient ventilation and satisfy the explosion-protection requirements set

out in Annex 5.

(3) Areas greater than 500 m2 are only permitted if a fire protection concept is in
place that has been agreed with the competent authority.
(4) Storage rooms with an area of more than 1,600 m must be separated from one
another by fire walls.
(5) Especially within workrooms, pressurised gas cartridges that have been opened
must only be stored in safety cabinets.

Storage of flammable liquids


Scope of application

(1) The following rules shall apply when flammable liquids (marked with H224,
H225 or H2261)) or flammable liquids (marked with R12, R11 or R10) liquids are
stored in quantities of more than 200 kg (1,000 kg for hazardous substances marked
with H2261) or R10).
(2) In the case of quantities of more than 10 or 20 kg, respectively, up to and
including 200 kg (1,000 kg if marked with H2261) and/or R10), the measures shall be
defined according to the results of the risk assessment with special consideration of
the substance properties, the packaging materials and the local conditions.
(3) Where flammable liquids are stored in safety cabinets according to Annex 3, the
requirements of number 12 shall be deemed to have been met.
(4) Protective measures with regard to ventilation and explosion protection can be
found in Annex 5.
(5) Emptied, uncleaned containers shall be regarded as filled containers with
regard to the protective measures.
(6) The storage of flammable liquids in sales rooms and the associated storerooms
shall be subject to the provisions set out in Annex 2.

Permissible storage quantities

(1) Non-stationary containers without protective measures in excess of those set

out in number 12 and with a total storage quantity of max. 100 t may be placed in one
storage room.
(2) Where non-stationary containers or tank containers are stored together with
stationary tanks in a storage room, the total storage quantity of 150 t must not be
(3) Where combustible liquids with flashpoints between 60 C and 100 C are
stored together with flammable liquids, these quantities shall be included in the risk
assessment. Here, 5 kg of combustible liquids shall be regarded as corresponding to
1 kg of flammable liquids.

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(4) In the determination of the storage quantity for emptied containers, it is

assumed that the residual contents of these containers amount to less than 0.5% of
their capacities; 0.5% of the containers capacity is then used as an estimate for the
determination of the storage quantity.

Structural requirements and fire protection

(1) Walls, ceilings and doors of warehouses must be made of non-flammable

building materials.
(2) Warehouse rooms with a storage quantity of up to 1,000 kg must be separated
from adjoining rooms by fire-retardant materials (fire resistance rating: at least 30
minutes); beyond this quantity, the separation must be effected by fire-resistant
materials (fire resistance rating: at least 90 minutes).
(3) Wall and ceiling breaches leading to adjoining rooms must be secured by fire
resistance partitions in the wall and/or ceiling breached to protect them against fire
transmission. In derogation of this provision doors in fire resistant walls need not be
fire-resistant (e.g. fire resistance period of at least 30 minutes) provided the adjoining
rooms are included in a fire protection concept.
(4) Containment tubs must consist of a material which is impermeable for the
stored liquids and must be made of non-combustible building materials.
(5) Drains, openings and ducts to rooms at a lower level, cellars, pits, shafts and
channels, e.g. for cables or pipelines, must be protected against penetration by the
liquids and their vapours.
(6) Chimneys must not have any openings inside the warehouse even if they can
be locked by sliders, flaps or in any other way.

Warehouses must not be used for other purposes.

(8) Warehouses must neither be located next to living rooms or bedrooms or any
other type of sleeping room.
(9) Warehouses for the storage of more than 10 t must not be located next to
rooms used for anything but temporary stays of persons, with the exception of
warehouse staff. Any person involved in the storing and filling of liquids shall be
deemed warehouse staff.
(10) In derogation of para. 9, warehouses may be located next to staff or working
rooms which are not only used by warehouse staff, provided that:

these rooms are separated from each other by a wall without any opening and,
if necessary, by fire-resistant ceilings (fire resistance rating: at least 90 minutes)


the outer warehouse wall including windows, doors and other openings is at
least built in such a way that it is at least fire resistant, if staff and working
rooms with window openings are located above the warehouse.

By way of derogation, the permitted storage quantity can be increased to 10 t for flammable liquids
(marked with H226 and/or R10).

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(11) Deviations from paragraphs 7 to 9 are permissible based on the results of the
risk assessment and in cooperation with the authority responsible for fire protection if
it can be guaranteed that persons in these rooms will be alerted in the case of
product leakages or fire by automatic fire alarm systems.
(12) Storage rooms with a storage quantity of more than 20 t of flammable liquids
must be equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system; number 6.2 (11) shall
apply accordingly. Rooms for storage of less than 20 t must be equipped with
automatic fire alarm systems if the risk assessment so requires.

Containment spaces

(1) Storage containers must be installed in containment spaces. The containment

spaces must be able to sufficiently resist the liquids stored and must also be
impermeable for the duration of the storage of escaped substances to be expected in
the event of fire. This requirement shall be deemed to have been fulfilled if the
materials and components used correspond to the respective building authority
certificate of suitability, which must also consider use in the case of fire. The duration
of exposure to fire on which this shall be based must at least meet the requirements
of the structural components that enclose the space. The following minimum
requirements must be observed:

the load-bearing components of containment spaces must be made of noncombustible materials,


the suitability of the joint-sealing construction in the case of fire must be taken
into consideration,


the coatings used to achieve the containment spaces resistant properties must
exhibit at most normal flammability.

They can be formed by indentations, thresholds, walls or earth banks. Walls and
floors may also be part of the warehouse. Proof of stability of the containment areas
must be furnished.
(2) Containment areas in warehouses must always be open at the top (no
insulation, sufficient ventilation) and must not have any drainage. If a containment
space is sealed at the top, the process of zoning the space must take account of the
ventilation, which might no longer be sufficient for the removal of potentially explosive
atmospheres, as well as taking account of possible insulation. Outdoors, the natural
ventilation is generally sufficient.
(3) In derogation of paragraphs 1 and 2, a containment area is not necessary for
transport containers with a volume of up to 1,000 litres that do not have any openings
below the level of the liquid or if the transport container has a containment tub which
must not be farther than 1 cm from the container walls at any point.
(4) The capacity of containment areas has to be dimensioned in such a way that
the substances stored cannot expand beyond the containment area in a hazard
situation. A containment area must at least be able to hold the quantity of

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the volume of the biggest container located inside the containment area (here,
the volume of the respective container up to the upper edge of the containment
space may be included), or


depending on the total capacity


up to 100 m3:

10 per cent of the volume


from 100 m3 to 1,000 m3:

3 per cent of the volume, but at least 10 m3,


over 1,000 m3:

2 per cent of the volume, but at least 30 m3

of all containers stored in the containment area.

(5) When storing carbon disulphide, the capacity of the containment area must
equal the volume of all containers placed inside this area.
(6) Containment areas and draining surfaces not made of fire-retardant or fireresistant components must be located below the lowest storage level.
(7) Walls of the building limiting the containment area must be fire-resistant (fire
resistance rating: at least 90 minutes) at all levels in warehouses; the same applies
outdoors for the enclosing walls of the building.
(8) Walls of containment areas may have breaches for pipelines if this does not
affect the leak-tightness of the containment area in the event of fire.
(9) The design of drainage surfaces must be such that leaking liquids are drained
off to the associated containment area. They must be sufficiently resistant against
short-term impacts caused by the stored substance, but this resistance does not
have to last for hours or days.
(10) Outdoor containment areas must have installations that can be locked or
switched off in order to remove water and must be used for this purpose only.
Drainages are generally not permissible. Polluted water shall be treated according to
water law provisions.

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Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV, Ordinance on protection against
hazardous substances)
Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances
TRGS 201

Classification and labelling for activities involving hazardous


TRGS 400

Risk assessment for activities involving hazardous substances

TRGS 511

Ammonium nitrate

TRGS 555

Working instruction and information for workers

TRGS 720/TRBS 2152

TRGS 800

Hazardous, potentially explosive

Assessment of the explosion hazard


Fire protection measures

CLP Regulation (CLP-Reg, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 on classification,

labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures)
Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative
provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous
Directive 1999/45/EC concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and
administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification,
packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations
Industrial Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV, Ordinance on safety and health protection in
the provision of work equipment and its use at work, on safety in the operation of
plants subject to mandatory inspection and on the organisation of corporate
occupational safety and health)
Technical Rules for Workplaces
ASR A1.7 Doors and gates
ASR A2.2 Fire protection measures
ASR A2.3 Escape routes and emergency exits, escape and rescue plan
Second Ordinance on the Explosives Act (2. SprengV)
Industrial Buildings Directive (IndBauRL, Directive on structural fire protection in
industrial construction)
Ordinance on installations for the handling of substances hazardous to water and on
specialist companies (VAwS)
Transportable Pressure Equipment Ordinance (ODV)
Directive 2010/35/EU on transportable pressure equipment (TPED)
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by
Road ADR
Fourth Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (4.
BImSchV Ordinance on installations requiring a permit)

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Ordinance on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland

Waterways (GGVSEB, Ordinance on the domestic and international transport of
dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterways)
BGV B4 Organic peroxides
BGR 234 Storage facilities and equipment

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Annex 1 to TRGS 510:

Additional information on risk assessment
(1) When substances are stored in unsuitable packagings, leakages may occur for
instance through corrosion, embrittlement or rupture of the packaging. Moreover, the
properties or the chemical composition of the stored substances may change, e.g.
when they are exposed to light, heat or humidity as a result of unsuitable packing.
(2) The storage of larger quantities of substances may entail additional risks as
compared to the storage of smaller quantities. In case of fire or leakage, for instance,
it may happen that the risks associated with the storage of toxic substances or
flammable/inflammable liquids cannot be kept within the storage area, but may
spread and substantially affect the neighbourhood and the environment (as a result
of noxious gases for example).
(3) Additional risks arise for humans when substances stored at elevated
temperatures are released, come into contact with the skin and release heat while
solidifying. A release of the substances into the insulation material produces a larger
surface with the risk of lowering the ignition temperature.
(4) When substances with different hazardous properties are stored together,
substances, when released, may mix and thus produce dangerous reactions. By
reacting with each other the substances may, for instance, release poisonous gases
(e.g. action between acids and cyanide); combustible and oxidizing substances may
cause fire and even explosions.
(5) Releases may entail hazardous reactions between the substance released and
the packaging material or the material-handling equipment. For instance, reactions
between packaging consisting of combustible material and oxidising substances may
cause fires, and a release of corrosive substances may damage other containers,
warehouse equipment and even the building.
(6) Using the wrong fire extinguishing agent when fighting a fire may produce
hazardous reactions between the extinguishing agent and the substance itself.
Problems may arise when several substances requiring different extinguishing
agents are stored together and no extinguishing agent suitable for all these
substances is available.
(7) Special attention should be given to the hazards arising from a possible reaction
between the stored substances since possible reactions are not apparent from the
(8) Numerous substances are unstable so that the eventual decomposition and
decay processes produce reaction products. For other substances there is the risk of
decomposition or other chemical reactions when exposed to air, humidity and other
foreign matter or excessive storage temperatures. This may release considerable
amounts of heat, it may lead to a rise of pressure and produce dangerous
substances. Stabilising additives may prevent decomposition and decay reactions of
substances. There is no labelling under the Hazardous Substances Ordinance that
would indicate a substance's ability to react in the course of decomposition or decay.
Such indications are given in the safety data sheet. Under transport law some of
these substances or groups of substances have to be marked as being selfreactive/spontaneously combustible.

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Annex 2 to TRGS 510:

Storage of certain hazardous substances in sales areas and residential
This Annex shall apply to the storage of flammable liquids as defined in
item 5.1 (1)(7) and of aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges as defined
in item 11 of TRGS 510 in sales areas and residential premises.

Storage of flammable liquids

(1) Flammable liquids may be stored in quantities not exceeding the limits specified
in Table 1 of this annex. The specified quantities refer to the overall quantities of
liquids with the respective classification and not to the individual hazardous
(2) Containers are considered fragile if they are made of glass, porcelain,
stoneware or similar materials. Under the provisions for the carriage of dangerous
goods they may only be transported as inner containers of combination packagings
or composite packagings.
(3) Other containers are made of metallic materials, plastics or other materials that
are type tested, approved and marked or are permissible under the dangerous goods
regulations for small quantities. The remaining containers count as fragile containers.
Table 1: Storage quantities for flammable liquids in kg


Basements of residential
buildings (overall



fragile containers



other containers



fragile containers



other containers



fragile containers



other containers



Retail sales rooms and storerooms with a floor

space of

up to 200 m2
200 m2 to 500 m2

other containers

flammable (R11)

over 500 m2

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(4) The storage quantities allowed for extremely/highly flammable liquids and
flammable liquids can be used cumulatively. Allowed quantities for extremely/highly
flammable liquids that are not used may be added on to the quantities allowable for
flammable liquids, but not vice versa.
(5) When flammable liquids in fragile containers are stored together with flammable
liquids in other containers, the maximum storage quantities permitted are those
relevant for other containers. However, the quantities stored in fragile containers
must not exceed the maximum quantities prescribed for containers of this kind.

It is not allowed to store flammable liquids in




rooms which are directly connected to dwellings and which cannot be closed off
in a fire resistant way, and


in fragile containers in the basements of residential buildings.

(7) Containers with flammable liquids must not be displayed for sale near the exits
of the sales areas.
(8) Higher quantities may be stored in storage and sales areas provided these
areas are divided into fire compartments and have an automatic fire extinguishing
system in place.
(9) When kept in safety storage cabinets as defined in Annex 3, higher quantities
may be stored in sales areas.

Storage of aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges

(1) In sales areas not more than the quantities of aerosol dispensers and
pressurised gas cartridges that are required on one day or needed for displaying the
range of products should be present. In storage areas they may not cover more than
20 square metres. In agreement with the authority responsible for fire protection,
ground-floor, single-storey supermarkets may store higher quantities of aerosol
dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges than those specified in the first sentence.
(2) Aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges must not be displayed for
sale near the exits of the sales areas.
(3) Sales areas must have fire extinguishers for Class A, B and C fires with a
minimum capacity of 6 kg in the vicinity of each display case for aerosol dispensers
and pressurised gas cartridges. The same applies to storage areas.
(4) Substances that may readily catch fire, such as pyrotechnical items, may not be
kept in storage areas and display cases for aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas
(5) Practical demonstrations of open flame devices must not take place in the
vicinity of aerosol dispensers or pressurised gas cartridges.
(6) Filled aerosol dispensers and pressurised gas cartridges must not be placed in
shop windows.

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TRGS 510 Page 43 of 58

Annex 3 to TRGS 510:

Storage of flammable liquids in safety cabinets

General remarks

(1) This Annex details the safety requirements of items 4 and 12, as well as Annex
5, for the storage of flammable liquids in safety cabinets.
(2) Safety cabinets must be designed, installed, operated and maintained in such a
way as to guarantee the protection of employees and third persons, particularly
against hazards due to a fire or explosion.
(3) The safety requirements for the design of safety cabinets shall be deemed to
have been met if the cabinets at least satisfy the requirements under DIN EN 144701 and have a fire resistance rating of at least 90 minutes.
(4) The fire resistance may be less than 90 minutes, but must be at least 30
minutes, if:

only one cabinet is installed per separate building unit/fire(-fighting)

compartment; if the area of the separate building unit/fire(-fighting) compartment
is greater than 100 m2, one cabinet may be installed per 100 m2; or


the separate building unit/fire(-fighting) compartment is protected by an

automatic fire detection system and a plant fire brigade with a response time of
at most 5 minutes from the alarm being raised, or an automatic extinguishing
system is in place.

(5) Alternatively, any existing safety cabinets that meet DIN 12925-1 with a fire
resistance of 20 minutes may continue to be operated (according to the principle of
Bestandsschutz, or existing protection).
(6) Operating instructions for storage in the safety cabinet shall be prepared using
the details contained in the manufacturers information; the employees shall be
trained using these instructions. The operating instructions shall also specify the

that no other activities, e.g. decanting, may be carried out in the cabinet,

that no contamination may be present on the outside of packaging to be placed
in the cabinet,
the protective measures to be taken if potentially explosive atmospheres can be
formed in the safety cabinet, in its surroundings or, if applicable, in the ventilation
line, and
the measures to be taken after a fire to ensure that, on opening the cabinet, for
example, no further danger is present inside.
(7) Flammable liquids must not be stored in safety cabinets together with
hazardous substances that can cause fires to start. This applies, for example, to selfreactive or pyrophoric substances.

Hazardous substances with ignition temperatures of less than 200 C (e.g.

Please refer to Example 2.2.8 in the collection of examples in BGR104 Part 2 for further details.

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TRGS 510 Page 44 of 58

carbon disulphide) and hazardous substances classified as R12 or H224 may only be
stored in ventilated safety cabinets with a fire resistance of at least 90 minutes; in this
case, early fire detection and firefighting must be ensured.

Ventilation of safety cabinets


Safety cabinets with technical ventilation systems

(1) The technical ventilation of safety cabinets prevents the development of

dangerous explosive atmospheres inside the cabinet during normal operation.
(2) The exhaust air must be carried to a safe place. This is usually achieved by
connecting it to an exhaust system that leads to the outdoors.
2.2 Safety cabinets without technical ventilation
(1) Safety cabinets without technical ventilation are supposed to protect the stored
substances from inadmissible heating in case of fire and to prevent ignition, if
necessary, of any potentially explosive mixtures that occur.
(2) No sources of ignition may be present inside the safety cabinet. If this cannot be
ruled out, measures must be taken to avoid sources of ignition based on the risk
assessment; these shall at least correspond to Zone 2 as defined in TRBS 2152,
Part 3.
(3) The safety cabinets without technical ventilation shall be earthed via
equipotential bonding.

In accordance with TRGS 720 ff. and BGR 104

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TRGS 510 Page 45 of 58

Annex 4 to TRGS 510:

Methodology for classification of storage classes (classification guidance)

The hazardous substances can be divided into storage classes to allow the
possibilities for joint storage to be determined. They are used exclusively for the
management of joint storage.


The definition of storage classes is primarily based on the classification

according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation), the Hazardous
Substances Ordinance, EC Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and the
regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods. Further differentiations based
on other legal provisions, the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances
(TRGS) and the general product properties are also taken into account.


A hazardous substance is assigned to a storage class using the available

information. Such information is derived, in particular, from details in the safety
data sheet, the markings specific to the hazardous substance or the markings
according to dangerous goods legislation. In the case of hazardous substances
that are not marked as dangerous, information from the supplier or knowledge
obtained from practical experience can be used.


The classification guidance lists the hazard indicators from the marking that
govern the classification of the storage class.


Hazardous substances are grouped into a storage class if their hazard

indicators are deemed to be similar and therefore necessitate similar protective


Each hazardous substance shall be classified into one storage class only.


The storage class is determined by the first applicable hazard in the flow chart.


During the transition period of the CLP Regulation, it is up to the warehouse

keeper to decide whether to take account of the present labelling (hazard
symbol and R-phrases) or the GHS labelling (pictogram and H-statements)
when assigning the storage class.


In cases of labelling under the dangerous goods legislation, both the primary
hazard and the subsidiary hazards must be taken into account.

10. For the purposes of joint storage, combustible substances are substances to
which no physical danger is assigned under the CLP Regulation, but which
experience has shown to be combustible or which have a flashpoint or an
ignition temperature.
11. Where fire barriers are formed with non-combustible substances/products
during joint storage, these substances must be assigned to storage classes 12
or 13.

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TRGS 510 Page 46 of 58

Description of the storage classes:

Storage class 1:

Explosive hazardous substances

Storage class 2A:

Gases (except aerosol dispensers and lighters)

Storage class 2B:

Aerosol dispensers and lighters

Storage class 3:

Flammable liquids

Storage class 4.1A:

Other potentially explosive hazardous substances

Storage class 4.1B:

Flammable solids

Storage class 4.2A:

Pyrophoric or self-heating substances

Storage class 4.3:

Hazardous substances that release flammable gases when in

contact with water

Storage class 5.1A:

Highly oxidising substances

Storage class 5.1B:

Oxidising substances

Storage class 5.1C:

Ammonium nitrate and preparations containing ammonium


Storage class 5.2:

Organic peroxides and self-reactive substances

Storage class 6.1A:

Combustible substances of acute toxicity, categories 1 and

2/very toxic substances

Storage class 6.1B:

Non-combustible substances of acute toxicity, categories 1

and 2/very toxic substances

Storage class 6.1C:

category 3/hazardous substances that are toxic or produce
chronic effects

Storage class 6.1D:

category 3/hazardous substances that are toxic or produce
chronic effects

Storage class 6.2:

Infectious substances

Storage class 7:

Radioactive substances

Storage class 8A:

Combustible corrosive substances

Storage class 8B:

Non-combustible corrosive substances

Storage class 9:

no classification

Storage class 10:

Combustible liquids that cannot be assigned to any of the

above storage classes

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TRGS 510 Page 47 of 58

Storage class 11:

Combustible solids that cannot be assigned to any of the

above storage classes

Storage class 12:

Non-combustible liquids that cannot be assigned to any of the

above storage classes

Storage class 13:

Non-combustible solids that cannot be assigned to any of the

above storage classes

- Committee on Hazardous Substances - AGS management - BAuA - -

TRGS 510 Page 48 of 58

Procedure for assigning storage classes:

Substance/Mixture for
Classification of the Storage
2nd Explosives Ordinance
Storage groups 1.1 to 1.4
H200 to H205
Hazard Labels - Class 1


Hazard Labels - Class 6.2



Storage class 1



Stor. class 6.2


Storage class 7


Stor. class 2 B


Stor. class 2 A


Hazard Labels - Class 7



H222 or H223
UN 1950 or UN 1057

H220 or H221 or H270 and/or

H280 or H281
Hazard Labels - Class 2
UN 1051 or UN 1052

Aerosol packages?




on page 2

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TRGS 510 Page 49 of 58

2nd Explosives Ordinance

Storage groups I to III
H240 or H241

Potentially explosive?


Stor. class 4.1 A


Risk group OP I to OP 4
Hazard Label - Class 5.2

Organic peroxide or self-reactive?

H250, H251 or H252

Hazard Label - Class 4.2

Pyrophoric or self-heating?


Stor. class 5.2


Stor. class 4.2


Stor. class 4.3


Stor. class 4.1 B



H260 or H261
Hazard Label - Class 4.3

Emitting flammable
gases when wet?

Solids with R 11
Hazard Label - Class 4.1

Flammable solid or
solid desensitised explosive

on page 3

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TRGS 510 Page 50 of 58

TRGS 511
Groups A to C
UN 1942, UN 2067, UN 2071
or UN 3375

Ammonium nitrate
or mixtures containing ammonium


Stor. class 5.1 C


Hazard Label - Class 5.1
of packing group I
Listed in annex 6

Strongly oxidising?


Stor. class 5.1 A


Stor. class 5.1 B


Storage class 3


Hazard Label - Class 5.1 of
packing group II or III



H224, H225 or H226

R12, R11 or R10
Hazard Label - Class 3

Flammable liquid?


H300, H310 or H330

R26, R27 or R28
Hazard Label - Class 6.1 of
packing group I or II

Acutely toxic?




Stor. class 6.1 A

on page 4

Stor. class 6.1 B

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TRGS 510 Page 51 of 58

H301, H311, H331 H340,

H350, H360, H370 or
R23, R24, R25, R45, R49,
R60 oder R61
Hazard Label - Class 6.1
of packing group III

Acutely toxic
or chronic effects?




Stor. group 6.1 C


Stor. group 6.1 D

R34 or R35
Hazard Label - Class 8 exept
for only corrosive to metals




Stor. group 8 A

Stor. group 8 B

The classification to the

storage classes 10 to 13
is optional

Stor. groups
10 to 13






Storage group 10


Storage 11

Storage group 12

Storage group 13

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TRGS 510 Page 52 of 58

Additional information:
(1) Self-reactive substances of hazard class 4.1 have properties comparable to
those of the organic peroxides in storage class 4.1A or storage class 5.2 and must
therefore likewise be assigned to these classes rather than to storage class 4.1B.
Hazardous Substances of class 4.1 according to the dangerous goods legislation and
which are not, for example, classified with R11 or H228 require a case-by-case
analysis (for example sulphur, naphthalene, paraformaldehyde).

Storage class 9 is empty.

(3) All liquids that are not assigned to one of the storage classes 1 to 8 are
assigned to storage class 10 (flammable liquids).
(4) Storage class 11 (flammable solids) covers solids that experience has shown to
be combustible. Combustibility may also be determined by the assignment of a
combustion class of 2, 3, 4 or 5 (at room temperature) as defined in VDI 2263 Part 1.
Combustion class 2:
Combustion class 3:
Combustion class 4:
Combustion class 5:

Tartaric acid


Storage class 12 (non-combustible liquids) includes:


liquid preparations containing ammonium nitrate in subgroups D I and D II of

Annex I (5) to the Hazardous Goods Ordinance,


liquids that are not combustible or with a low ignition tendency.

(6) Storage class 13 (non-combustible solids) includes solids that experience has
shown not to be combustible and that do not meet the criteria of storage class 11.
Combustion class 1 is assigned to substances such as table salt that do not burn in
the determination according to VDI 2263 Part 1.
(7) Storage classes 10 to 13 primarily relate to liquids and solids that do not require
labelling under the dangerous goods legislation. They may also cover hazardous
substances that are marked with the hazard symbols Xn, harmful; Xi, irritant; or N,
dangerous to the environment, as well as solids or liquids classified as class 9
according to the dangerous goods legislation.
(8) The storage classes 10 to 13 can be summarised and then treated according to
the joint-storage rules for storage class 11.

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TRGS 510 Page 53 of 58

Annex 5 to TRGS 510:

Special fire- and explosion-protection measures for the storage of flammable


(1) Measures shall be taken to largely rule out the occurrence of hazardous,
potentially explosive atmospheres. If local or operating conditions mean that the
occurrence of such atmospheres cannot be prevented, areas subject to an explosion
hazard must be defined and divided into zones; corresponding measures must then
be taken to prevent the ignition of potentially explosive atmospheres pursuant to
TRBS 2152 Part 3 and to limit the effects of an explosion pursuant to TRBS 2152
Part 4.
(2) Warehouses according to number 12.3 (1) that do not otherwise satisfy any fireprotection requirements (e.g. fire resistance rating of at least 30 minutes) and that
simply act as weatherproofing (profiled sheet metal) shall be equivalent to outdoor
storage with regard to protection against reciprocal exposure to fire. Ventilation and
explosion-protection measures shall be defined and implemented for such storage
areas in accordance with number 2 of this annex, unless the requirements for
outdoor storage areas under number 2 (5) of TRGS 510 are met.

Storage rooms

(1) Storage rooms must have adequate ventilation to prevent the formation of
hazardous explosive atmospheres. Ventilation must be effective near the floor level.
(2) In storage rooms for flammable liquids in containers with a volume of up to
1,000 litres:

at least 0.4 air changes per hour are required when the room volume is 100 m
or less; the entire room is classified as Zone 2 10 ,


at least 0.4 air changes per hour are required when the room volume is above
100 m; Zone 2 applies up to a height of 1.5 metres above the floor,


no potentially explosive atmosphere needs to be identified if the storage room

has a fixed gas detection system as provided for in paragraph 9 which
immediately increases the ventilation rate to 2 air changes per hour in a hazard


when the room volume is above 100 m, at least 2 air changes per hour are
required when no potentially explosive atmosphere was identified.

In storage rooms according to items 3 and 4, any fixed apparatus up to a height of

0.8 m above ground level must, moreover, conform to equipment category 3 G as
defined in Directive 94/9/EC11. In derogation of subparagraphs 3 and 4, storage

Please refer to the collection of examples in BGR 104 for further details.
Please refer to TRGS 722/TRBS 2152 Part 2 No. 2.4.4 for further details on ventilation measures.
Please refer to TRBS 2152 for the definition and zoning of potentially explosive atmospheres.
TRBS 2152, Part 3, item 5.1 (3) applies to the selection of equipment for use in potentially explosive

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TRGS 510 Page 54 of 58

rooms shall be zone 2 up to a height of 1.5 m when storing flammable liquids of

temperature classes T5 and T6 and diethyl ether; the requirement according to
sentence 2 shall apply to these storage rooms accordingly.
(3) Storage rooms shall be classified as Zone 2 if no dispensing or decanting
activities take place there.
(4) If activities pursuant to number 1 (4)(2) are also carried out in warehouses, an
air exchange rate of at least 5 per hour or an equivalent measure must be ensured at
all times in storage rooms.
(5) Storage rooms for the storage of flammable liquids in containers with a capacity
of up to 1,000 litres, in which

pure liquids with a flash point above 35 C or


mixtures with a flash point above 45 C

are stored are, by derogation from paragraphs 2 and 3, not considered to be a

potentially explosive atmosphere unless the liquids can heat to temperatures above
30 C during storage. In derogation from paragraphs 2 and 3 such storage rooms do
not require ventilation for explosion protection purposes.
(6) Ventilation provided for in paragraph 2 can take the form of natural or technical
ventilation. Storage rooms requiring at least 5 air changes per hour have to be
equipped with technical ventilation. In storage rooms with at least 2 air changes per
hour according to paragraphs 2 or 3, the effectiveness of the ventilation has to be
monitored (e.g. by means of a flow rate indicator).
(7) In storage rooms as defined in paragraph 2 (1) or (2) the use of equipment of
category 3 is not imperative in derogation from paragraph 12, provided that any
inappropriate equipment is shut down and any sources of ignition are eliminated as
soon as the fixed gas detection system reports a hazardous condition.
Notwithstanding sentence 1, any fixed equipment within a height of 0.8 m above
ground level must conform to at least equipment category 3.
(8) Notwithstanding paragraph 2 (1) and (2), storage rooms are not considered to
be a potentially explosive atmosphere when the containers are stored in such a way

the test drop height is not exceeded, and


it is not possible for industrial trucks used for stacking to damage containers
(e.g. by walk behind trucks, special track attachments such as drum grabs) and
that no unintended releases are to be expected.

(9) Potentially explosive areas have to be identified in adjoining rooms or units with
openings that connect or may connect them to areas with potentially explosive
(10) It must be verified that the gas detection systems according to paragraph 2 (3)
and paragraph 6 detect the formation of explosive atmospheres early and reliably.

atmospheres. As provided for in Directive 94/9/EC, the instructions supplied by the manufacturers
of the equipment, the safety, controlling and regulating devices have to be taken particularly into
account in this context.

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TRGS 510 Page 55 of 58

Gas detection systems 12 must conform to TRGS 722/TRBS 2152, Part 2, item 2.5 13.
(11) Where areas that might have explosive atmospheres are identified even outside
of the storage rooms, premises must be available for implementing the required
protection measures.
(12) The provisions of TRBS 2152, Part 3, item 5.1 (3) must be respected in the
selection of equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Particularly the
instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment and the safety, controlling
and regulating devices according to Directive 94/9/EC must be taken into account in
this context. Reference is made to paragraphs 3 and 7.

Outdoor storage

(1) When storing flammable liquids outdoors in containers allowable under the
dangerous goods legislation, the containment areas and the pertinent discharge
areas are considered to be Zone 2 up to a height of 0.2 metre above their upper
(2) The area outside an outdoor containment area is considered to be Zone 2 up to
a height of 0.2 metre above ground level and up to a distance of 2 metres from the
containment area.
(3) If no outdoor containment area is required, the area within a distance of 2
metres from non-stationary containers and up to a height of 0.2 metre above ground
level is considered to be Zone 2.
(4) When selecting equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres the
provisions of TRBS 2152, Part 3, item 5.1 (3) have to be respected.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), outdoor storage areas are not
considered to be potentially explosive atmospheres when the containers are stored in
such a way that

the test drop height is not exceeded, and


it is not possible for industrial trucks used for stacking to damage containers
(e.g. by using walk behind trucks with special track attachments such as drum

(6) Where areas that might have explosive atmospheres are identified even outside
of the storage rooms, premises must be available for implementing the required
protection measures.


Reference is made to EN 50073

Gas detection systems that comply with the safety requirements and show the "properties required
for fixed gas detection systems to protect against explosions" while satisfying the principles for
testing the functioning of fixed gas detection systems to protect against explosions" are suitable
for these purposes.

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TRGS 510 Page 56 of 58

Special fire-protection measures for outdoor storage

(1) To prevent fire interaction between non-stationary containers stored outdoors

and plants and buildings in the vicinity, containers must be located at a safe distance
beyond a separation strip defined on the basis of the type of containers and the
quantity and class of the liquids stored. Separation strips are areas that are intended
to protect the storage area from external ignition hazards.
(2) Non-stationary containers must be located at least 10 metres away from
buildings. When the storage quantity does not exceed 200 kg in total, a distance of
3 m is sufficient; when the total storage quantity is more than 200 kg and less than
1,000 kg, a distance of 5 m to the next building is sufficient.

Safety distances provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 are not required if:


the external walls of the buildings facing the containers, including any openings,
are fire-resistant up to a height of 10 metres above the upper edge of the pile of
containers and up to a distance of 5 metres from both sides of the containment
area (e.g. fire-resistance rating of at least 90 min), or


when there are fire separation elements of sufficient height and width between
the building and the pile of containers rather than fire-resistant external walls, or


when adjacent plants or buildings are included in a common fire control concept
developed in coordination with the fire authorities that permits reduced safety

(4) Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply accordingly to the storage of empty, uncleaned
transport containers; here, it is assumed that the residual material/contents in the
container amount to less than 0.5 % of its volume, and 0.5 % of the container's
volume is taken as the basis for determining the storage quantity.
(5) Pursuant to item 12 (3) of these technical rules, the determination of the
necessity of a separation strip is based on the contents of the containers that might
be present in a containment area. For the purposes of determining whether
separation strips are required, directly adjacent containment areas for non-stationary
containers are considered as one containment area unless structural fire protection
measures prevent an interaction of containment areas in case of fire. This is for
instance the case when the distance between adjacent containment areas is less
than 10 metres.
(6) Adjacent containment areas must be surrounded by one common separation
strip whenever the separation strip for one of the containment areas would stretch to
an adjacent containment area for non-stationary containers which in itself would not
need to have a separation strip.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6 a common separation strip is not
required in those cases where adjacent containment areas are separated by a fireresistant wall of adequate dimensions.
(8) Enough land must be available to comply with the requirements for separation
strips. Unless the operator of the facility has enough company-owned land to
accommodate the separation strips, he or she must make contractual arrangements
to ensure that the applicable requirements are met. Separation strips may cover
lakes, rivers and canals as well as non-public railway tracks and roads.

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TRGS 510 Page 57 of 58

Width of the separation strip in m

(9) The dimensions of the separation strip are based on the overall volume that
may be present in a containment area. The following chart shows the relevant data.
For the determination of the storage quantity for emptied containers, it is assumed
that the residual material/contents of these containers amount to less than 0.5 % of
the containers volume; 0.5 % of the containers volume is therefore taken as the
basis for determining the storage quantity.

Stored quantities in m3
Chart showing the required dimensions of separation strips

(10) In derogation from paragraph 8, the separation strip may end at fire-resistant
walls (e.g. with a fire-resistance rating of at least 90 minutes) or embankments of
sufficient height and length. These walls or embankments may, in part or in full, be
identical with the walls or embankments of the containment area.
(11) The separation strips must be kept free of any substances which, due to their
nature or quantity, could enhance the risk or spread of fire. The substances
mentioned in the first sentence do not include flammable liquids in non-stationary
containers including their packaging and/or material handling and transportation
equipment (such as pallets, shrink wrap, secondary packaging).

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TRGS 510 Page 58 of 58

Annex 6 to TRGS 510:

Other strongly oxidising or highly reactive substances
Annex 6 lists strongly oxidising or highly reactive substances that are not classified
as oxidising liquids or solids of category 1, marked with H271, or in packing group I of
class 5.1 under the dangerous goods legislation.
The substances to be listed are defined according to property criteria that are yet to
be defined. Until this definition is in place, Annex 6 shall contain no substances.

- Committee on Hazardous Substances - AGS management - BAuA - -

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