Research Paper On Indian Aviation Laws

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Research paper on Indian aviation laws

By Vinay Nair

(as on may 2016)



The Indian civil aviation industry proves to be promising due to increased demand from growing
middle class population, favorable demographics, rapid economic growth, and higher disposable
incomes. It holds glowing prospects of becoming the third largest aviation market by 2020 and
reaching the zenith by 2030. The industry is traversing on a progressive trajectory and has paved
way for a new wave of growth and expansion with the focus on Low Cost Carriers (LCC),
modern airports, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in domestic airlines, Information Technology
(IT) developments and regional connectivity. The Indian civil aviation industry is amongst the
top ten in the world with a size of around 1600 crore (USD 16 billion). This is only a fragment of
the potential and capabilities of the industry. With the draft National Civil Aviation Policy on the
table, it is significant to explicate the current framework of aviation sector. The Ministry of Civil
Aviation (MoCA) is responsible for administration of aviation industry in India. The MoCA is
responsible for formulation of national policies and programs for development and regulation of
civilian aviation, and for devising and implementing schemes for the orderly growth and
expansion of civilian air transport. The Ministry also ensures the implementation of the Aircraft
Act, 1934.
The following are the principal regulatory authorities of the civil aviation industry functioning
under the authority of Ministry of Civil Aviation in India:
1. Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
2. Airports Authority of India (AAI)
3. Airport Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA)
The DGCA is the governmental body entrusted with the regulation of civil aviation in India. It is
responsible for the regulation of air transport services and enforcement of civil air regulations,
air safety and airworthiness standards. It also co-ordinates all regulatory functions with
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The AAI is a nodal organization entrusted
with the responsibility of creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation
infrastructure, both on ground and air space in the country. Its activities include passenger
services, air navigation services, security services and managing aerodrome facilities. AERA

was established in 2008 to regulate tariff for aeronautical services rendered at major airports in
India. The authority also monitors the Performance Standards of the established airports as set
out by the Central Government or any other body authorized by it. Its primary activity is to set
aeronautical charges on a five year cycle, taking into account the economic viability of an
airport, in line with ICAO principles of transparency, cost-relatedness, non-discrimination and
user consultation. Some of the prominent features of civil aviation sector in India include a large
number of consumers (passengers and cargo), a relatively small number of airlines with
significant market share, significant cost barriers to market entry, differentiated services, and
competitive firms affecting each others business decisions. These market characteristics indicate
that India's civil aviation sector has an inherent oligopolistic market structure.4 The Carriage by
Air Act, 1972 explicates the rights and liabilities of aircraft carriers in India. Additionally,
Aircraft (Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Rules, 2012 is in place to govern the
liabilities of the aircraft carriers and damages to be paid in cases of accidents or incidents when
the liability is imputed to the carriers. The Act also provides for the mechanism of mandatory and
voluntary reporting of such accidents or incidents.



The rights and liabilities of air carriers are governed by the Carriage by Air Act, 1972. Since the
Act extends to the entire territory of India, it is applicable to Indian citizens involved in domestic
carriage by air and in international carriage by air, irrespective of the nationality of the aircraft
performing the carriage. The Carriage by Air Act, 1972 embodies the provisions of Warsaw
Convention 1929 and Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol 1955. While a
large number of countries incorporated suitable amendments to Conventions to remedy the
nuisances, India continued to abide by the archaic Conventions to establish the liability of the
carrier. It was finally realized that the obsolete protocols would not address the problems
pertaining to liabilities and consequently, India became the 91st country to have ratified the
Montreal Convention, 1999(MC99), which is a watershed in the history of aviation industry The
application of MC99 is elucidated in Article 1(2).
Further, it is pertinent to note that the Montreal Convention does not provide for damages in the
events of mental anguish or psychiatric injury unless such injury has a close nexus to physical
injury. In the contemporary world where the use of air transport is a part of modern life, the
safety of people is the primary concern for any industry. Consequently, a two-tier compensation
system under the Act is established where the carrier is strictly liable up to the first 100,000
Special Drawing Rights (SDR) or 94 lakh (USD 141,733). However, nothing prevents the carrier
and the passenger to enter into an agreement to fix a higher limit of damages. Additionally, any
provision to absolve the carrier from liability or fix a lower limit than that which laid down in
these rules shall be null and void. Further, if the carrier proves that the damage was caused by or

contributed to by the negligence of the injured person, the Court may exonerate the carrier
wholly or partly from his liability.



The global aviation safety and security standards for aviation sector are provided by Standards
and Recommended practices laid down by the ICAO. The ICAO puts the onus on the contracting
states to devise and formulate a State Safety Program (SSP). The program is an integrated set of
regulations and activities with the objective of improving safety. The Directorate DGCA has
responsibility for regulating the aviation safety. A State Safety Program and Safety Management
Systems (SSP/SMS) Division has been established to ensure the management of the SSP and
implementation of requirements of Safety Management Systems (SMS) by stakeholders. The
following are the obligations of authorities engaged in aviation to ensure proper implementation
of safety program. a. Accident Investigation and Incident Reporting All events of accident and
incident investigation are governed by Aircraft (Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Rules,
2012. Under these rules, the Central Government is under an obligation to institute an
investigation into events of accidents with respect to aircrafts weighing maximum 2250kgs or
turbo jet plane; in all other events, it is the DGCA who is responsible for initiating an enquiry
into such events. The rules provide for setting up of Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau of
India to enquire into the occurrence of accident or incidents. Further, where it appears to the
Central Government that any new and material evidence has become available after completion
of the investigation, it may, by order, direct the reopening of the same. It also has the
responsibility to apprise the Bureau of any accident or incident within twenty four hours from
occurrence of such accident or incident. b. SSP responsibilities and accountabilities India has
recognized the responsibilities and accountabilities pertaining to the establishment and
maintenance of the SSP. This comprises of the directives to plan, develop, maintain, control and
constantly improve the SSP. The DGCA is the central authority entrusted with the responsibility
for overseeing the implementation of SSP and carrying out various activities of the aviation
organizations covered under SSP safety oversight. c. Airworthiness is the assessment of an
aircraft's suitability for safe flight. Rule 50 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 stipulates that there shall
be a certificate of airworthiness for operation of aircraft in India. Such certification of
airworthiness is initially conferred by a national aviation authority and maintained by performing
the required maintenance actions. The application of airworthiness defines the condition of an
aircraft and supplies the basis for evaluation of the suitability for flight of that aircraft, namely,
that it has been designed with engineering rigor, constructed, maintained and expected to be
operated in accordance with the approved standards and limitations, by competent and approved
individuals. When an airworthiness directive is issued by DGCA to correct the unsafe condition,
the holder of the type-certificate, restricted type-certificate, supplemental type-certificate, major

repair design approval, ITSO authorization or any other relevant approval deemed to have been
issued under this Regulation, shall:
1. Propose the appropriate corrective action or required inspections, or both, and submit details
of these proposals to DGCA for approval,
2. Following the approval by DGCA of the proposals, make available to all known operators or
owners of the product, part or appliance and, on request, to any person required to comply with
the airworthiness directive, appropriate descriptive data and accomplishment instructions.



The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is the premier body of the Government of India
responsible for enforcing the Competition Act 2002, throughout the territory of India and to
prevent activities that have an appreciable adverse effect (AAEC) on competition in India. The
purpose of the commission is to establish a competitive culture in order to promote fair,
competitive and innovative business practices and eliminating all impediments to such
establishment. Cartelization is one such impediment to competitive culture and presumed to have
an AAEC on competition under Sec. 3 of the Act. Cartel behavior in the aviation industry is not
unusual in India. A significant level of investments and liquidity to cover start-up and high
operational costs are certain prerequisites that impose barriers to entry owing to that limit entry
and thereby, protect the functioning of a cartel. Further, regulations pertaining to fleet and
financial requirements, and slot allocations preclude entry and may escalate the likelihood of
cartel behavior. Recently, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has penalized three
carriers Jet Airways, InterGlobe Aviation Ltd and Spice Jet for concerted action in fixing
and revising Fuel Surcharge (FSC) for transporting cargo. The Competition Commission of
India (CCI) imposed a penalty of Rs.151.69 crore (USD 22.801million) on Jet Airways, Rs.63.74
crore (USD 9.581 million) on IndiGo and Rs.42.48 crore (USD 6.385million) on Spice Jet for
cartelization. The CCI said that it had looked into allegations of connivance by airline
companies to introduce a fuel surcharge (FSC) without any legal basis and had concluded that
the penalties were warranted. In the case of Uniglobe Mod Travels Ltd39 relating to ticket
booking segment, the Commission found the cartelization of travel agents and penalized them for
breach of section 3 of the Act. The case pertains to a boycott call made by trade associations of
the travel agents in India against a few international airlines, as a consequence of the shift from
'commission basis' fee structure to 'transaction fee' structure, and the demand to restore the
former business model. One of the members did not submit to the boycott call, which resulted in
its expulsion from the association. The matter was brought before a court of law, which
dismissed the civil suit filed by the informant. The CCI held that the travel agents, through their
tacit agreement, were involved in the boycott and thus they violated Section 3 of the Competition



The outlook for 2016 for the aviation industry in India is constructive. Last year in 2015, India
was bequeathed with the fastest growing aviation industry in the world when it overtook China.
It is widely perceived that the nation will record 7.3 to 7.9 per capita growth in 2016. As a further
matter, the proposal of the Government to make large scale investments in the sector for
development of regional airports is expected to prove propitious for the industry. However,
considering that the costs of choosing air transport still proves to be exorbitant for a majority of
the population, it is only proper to say that the sector is yet to be properly explored. Specific
attention should be directed to the following events:
1. The draft civil aviation policy, announced in October 2015, aims to fortify the aviation sector
which has prospective of growth in the future. It has proposed tax incentives for airlines, setting
up of no-frills airports, maintenance and repair works of aircrafts, increasing FDI 1 limit for
foreign airlines, and providing viability gap funding for carriers to strengthen the regional air
2. The long established 5/20 rule which tends to favor the established airlines and creates an
entry barrier for new players needs reconsideration for the reason that such rule obliterates
competition in the industry. It is an encumbrance on the new business entrants willing to make an
investment in the sector. 20
3. The fixing of fare price on the basis of travel time as provided in the Draft Civil Aviation
policy is a welcome proposal. The Government should take further initiatives towards this end to
extend the reach of the airlines to the common masses.
4. The Route Dispersal Guidelines which mandate all airlines to direct the loss making flights to
remote parts of India also need revaluation since they create a stringent environment for carrying
out business in India.
5. Furthermore, the current brooding presence of the governmental control in the aviation sector
tends to impede the growth and exploration of the sector. Therefore, the Government should
consider restricting its presence in the field of aviation and yield to the organizations holding
expertise in the field. An overall participation and collaboration of the stakeholders with the
policy makers to implement efficient and rational decisions is imperative to boost Indias civil
aviation industry. With appropriate policies and persistent focus on quality, cost and passenger
interest, the well formed vision of India to become the third largest market by 2020 and the
largest by 2030 will be successfully realized.

1 In the latest case the FDI limit has been increased

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