Impact of Student Engagement On Academic Performance and Quality of Relationships of Traditional and Nontraditional Students

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International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

Impact of Student Engagement on Academic

Performance and Quality of Relationships of Traditional
and Nontraditional Students
Andrew Courtner 1,*

School of Education, Union University, 1050 Union University Drive, Jackson, Tennessee
38305, United States
*Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]
Received: March 18, 2014

Accepted: March 28, 2014

Published: May 12, 2014


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the level of student engagement on
academic performance and the quality of relationships with students, faculty, and
administrative personnel of traditional and nontraditional students. This study sought to
determine if there was a significant difference in academic performance of traditional and
nontraditional college students based on the level of student engagement. The researcher
examined data from both traditional and nontraditional students to consider the impact the
level of student engagement had upon the quality of relationships with other students, faculty,
and administrative personnel. Furthermore, the study sought to determine if there was a
significant difference in the quality of relationships with other students, faculty, and
administrative personnel between traditional and nontraditional college students. There was a
significant difference between traditional and nontraditional students based on academic
performance and level of student engagement. Traditional students had higher levels of
student engagement; however, nontraditional students had higher levels of academic
performance. Level of student engagement had a significant impact on the quality of
relationships with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel for both traditional
and nontraditional students. Specifically, level of student engagement had the greatest impact
upon quality of relationships with faculty for both traditional and nontraditional students.
Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the quality of relationships with other
students, faculty, and administrative personnel. Nontraditional students had the highest
quality of relationships with faculty and administrative personnel, and traditional students had
the highest quality of relationships with other students.
Keywords: student engagement, traditional student, nontraditional student, academic
performance, quality of relationships


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

1. Introduction
The study of student engagement of college students during their educational and academic
career has been a strong topic trending higher education. Extensive studies and research have
been conducted on student engagement and the impact it may have upon the educational
experience of the student (Astin, 1999; Kuh, 2005; Kuh, Kinzie, Buckley, Bridges, & Hayek,
2007). The term and theory of student engagement is first introduced as the theory of student
involvement by Alexander Astin (1984). When first introduced, Astin provides the reasoning
for five main purposes and key components of the student engagement/involvement
phenomena. Astin (1984) defines student engagement as the amount of physical and
psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience (p. 518). This
definition is used in the current study to define the theory of student engagement.
Within recent years, researchers have analyzed the impact student engagement has upon the
educational and academic experience of college students, specifically academic performance.
There are numerous studies that analyze the impact of student engagement upon academic
performance and quality of relationships for traditional college students. However, there is
very limited research that looks at the student engagement process and its impact on
academic achievement for nontraditional students. Previous research also has looked at the
relationships between students and faculty; however, there is limited research on the quality
of relationships with other students, the quality of relationships with faculty, and the quality
of relationships with administrative personnel. This study was designed to fill in these
missing portions of research and add to the body of knowledge in this area.

2. Literature Review
The age of todays undergraduate population is becoming extremely more and more diverse.
Adults are attending for the first time or returning to college in record numbers as the
undergraduate landscape is expanding beyond the traditional 18- to 22-year old students
(Bauman et al., 2004; Choy, 2002; Graham & Gisi, 2000; Hernandez et al., 1999; Johnson &
Nussbaum, 2012; Keith, 2007; Kinsella, 1998; Lundberg, 2003a). This change has caused
institutions, academic leaders, and scholars to examine the perception of traditional and
nontraditional students and the operations and offerings of higher education institutions.
Nontraditional students and traditional students have many differences and similarities in the
levels of student engagement throughout their academic and educational experiences. There
can also be specific benefits and effects depending on the level of student engagement.
Therefore, within this review, the specific factors of the student engagement process of
traditional and nontraditional students are analyzed and its impact upon academic
performance and quality of relationships with other students, faculty, and administrative
2.1 Defining Nontraditional Students
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) defines a nontraditional student as
having any of the following characteristics: 24 years of age or older; does not enter

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

postsecondary education immediately after high school graduation; attends a college or

university as part-time (or full-time) for at least part of the academic year; works 35 hours or
more per week while enrolled; is considered financially independent by financial aid
eligibility standards; has dependents other than spouse; is a single parent; or is recipient of
General Educational Development (GED), other high school completion certificate, or did
not complete high school (Choy, 2002; Macari, Maples, & DAndrea, 2005). Since age is the
common variable throughout each definition, nontraditional students were defined as 24 years
of age or older for the purposes of this study. This age range is used from the National Center
for Education Statistics (Choy, 2002).
2.2 Defining Traditional Students
The definition of traditional students is not as varied or complex as the definition of
nontraditional students. Traditional students are considered to be between the ages of 18 to 22
years old, live within college residences, and attend class full-time (Bean & Metzner, 1985;
Kim et al., 2010). The age of 23 was excluded from this study to allow for a distinct
difference between 22 years of age and 24 years of age. This has been supported by previous
research (Bean & Metzner, 1985; Chao & Good, 2004; Choy, 2002).
2.3 Theoretical Framework of Student Engagement
The use of the term student engagement did not emerge until the late 1990s/early 2000s.
However, the ideas and premises of student engagement have existed in literature and in
research for over 80 years (Astin, 1999; Kuh, 2005, 2009). Educational psychologist Ralph
Tylers (1969) work of time on task has been identified as a starting point of student
engagement. Tyler first began his research at Ohio State University and continued it later at
the University of Chicago. In his research, Tyler studied how much time students spent on
their work and if there were any effects on learning. The research, indeed, showed there was a
positive effect of time on task on student learning. Tylers notion of time on task remains a
component of todays definition of student engagement (Merwin, 1984; Tyler, 1969).
C. Robert Pace (1984) continued the research through his focus on quality of effort in the
1970s. Through his research, Pace found the need to be able to assess and evaluate higher
education and the need to be able to measure the quality of experiences, not just the
quantitative outcomes of increased knowledge and learning. Time spent was the quantitative
measure, and effort was the qualitative measure of student experience. Pace stated the
greatest measure of education is through effort. Therefore, in order to be able to measure
effort, Pace created the College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ) in 1979. The
CSEQ measures student development and learning by focusing on campus activities that are
most common at higher education institutions. The questions only focus on activities and
behaviors that contribute to learning, not on behaviors that take away from the educational
environment. The CSEQ has a 4-point scale designed for the 14 content areas that are
organized in a one-dimensional hierarchy. Therefore, the higher-order processes on the scale
include the lower processes. Including the quality of student efforts, the questionnaire attains
pertinent information such as demographics, educational goals, financial support, and overall
approval of the college experience (Pace, 1984).

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

In 1984, Alexander Astin studied the impact of college attendance on students. Within his
research, he focused on the idea of student involvement (Axelson & Flick, 2011). Astin (1984)
defined the term student involvement as the amount of physical and psychological energy
that the student devotes to the academic experience (p. 518). A highly involved student
generally devoted a large amount of time and energy towards studying, was active in student
organizations, spent a large amount of time on campus, and frequently engaged and interacted
with faculty members and other students. A highly uninvolved student displayed the opposite
characteristics of a highly involved student. However, there were other forms of involvement
than the simple examples given (Astin, 1984; Axelson & Flick, 2011). Involvement
encompassed both the behavioral components of a student as well as the internal components.
However, the behavioral components were viewed as more critical because internal
components (e.g., motivation, stress, etc.) can influence how an individual behaves, which
can define and identify their involvement (Astin, 1984). The theory of student involvement
had five basic purposes:
1. Involvement referred to the investment made by the students of physical and
psychological energy in various purposes. The purposes can be very broad (i.e., the
entire educational experience) or highly specific (i.e., studying for a history
2. Student engagement occurred along a continuum, no matter what the purpose is.
Different students manifest different degrees of involvement in a given [purpose],
and the same student manifests different degrees of involvement in different [purposes]
at different times (Astin, 1984, p. 519).
3. Student involvement contained features that are both quantitative and qualitative. For
example, the amount of time spent studying can be measured to infer the extent of
student involvement, which is quantitative. The extent of student involvement can
also measure qualitatively (i.e., whether a student comprehends a reading assignment
or simply day dreams).
4. The quality and quantity of student involvement within any educational program was
positively correlated to the amount of development and learning of the student.
5. The effectiveness of any program, policy, or practice of an institution was directly
related to the ability to increase student involvement and engagement (Astin, 1984).
The theory of student involvement and its five basic principles were developed out of Astins
(1977) research in his book titled Four Critical Years: Effects of college on Attitudes, Beliefs,
and Knowledge. Among the factors discussed, he placed large emphasis upon academic
involvement and student-faculty interaction. The work focused mainly on 4-year institutions
but has implications for all higher education institutions. Astin (1977) determined the
strongest predictor of academic involvement was the inverse relationship with the doctrine of
hedonism, which is the thought that happiness and pleasure are the sole good in life. Students
who scored low on hedonism were more skillful at self-discipline and ignoring the desire for
gratification, which led to increased persistence and success. He also determined the strongest

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

predictor of student-faculty interaction was student interpersonal self-esteem. The degree to

which students interacted with faculty was positively correlated to student self-esteem.
Students living in campus housing also had a higher level of student-faculty interaction.
Other student involvement variables had a positive association on grade point average. The
variables included the number of hours spent on homework and studying, number of hours
spent interacting with faculty outside of the classroom, and giving class presentations (Astin,

3. Research Hypotheses
To be discussed later, the data for this study were obtained from the 2010 National Survey
Student Engagement. This data was used to investigate the following hypotheses:
1. There is a significant difference in academic performance of traditional and
nontraditional college students based on the level of student engagement.
2. A traditional college students level of student engagement has a significant
impact on the quality of relationships that they have with other students, faculty,
and administrative personnel.
3. A nontraditional college students level of student engagement has a significant
impact on the quality of relationships that they have with other students, faculty,
and administrative personnel.
4. There is a significant difference in the quality of relationships that traditional
college students have with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel
compared to that of nontraditional college students.

4. Research Methods
4.1 Variables
The variables that were used were the level of student engagement, academic performance,
quality of relationships with other students, quality of relationships with faculty, and quality
of relationships with administrative personnel, as well as whether the subject was considered
a traditional student or a nontraditional student. For the purposes of this study, the level of
student engagement was identified by using the five benchmarks of effective educational
practice that have been established by the NSSE survey. The five benchmarks are: (1) Level
of Academic Challenge; (2) Active and Collaborative Learning; (3) Student-Faculty
Interaction; (4) Supportive Campus Environment; and (5) Enriching Education Experiences.
These five benchmarks are based on 42 key questions that capture many vital aspects and
components of the student engagement process. . Each benchmark was represented by a score
of 0 to 100. Researchers at NSSE used the responses to the specific questions for each
benchmark to calculate the score (Kuh, 2003, 2009).


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

Quality of Relationships was also another aspect of this study that is from the NSSE survey.
This was based on the score of each students responses to NSSE Question 8, Responses a, b,
and c. NSSE Question 8 states, Mark the box that best represents the quality of your
relationships with people at your institution. Question 8 responses are rated using a 7-point
Likert scale of Unfriendly, Unsupportive, Sense of alienation = 1 to Friendly, Supportive,
Sense of belonging = 7.
The self-reported grade on The College Student Report, the survey used by NSSE, was used
to determine the students academic performance. Question 25 of The Report asks, What
have most of your grades been up to now at this institution? The grade options are: A, A-,
B+, B, B-, C+, C, C- or lower. For coding of analyzing data, the following codes were used:
A = 8; A- = 7; B+ = 6; B = 5; B- = 4; C+ = 3; C = 2; and C- or lower = 1. These codes are
used by NSSE and were coded in this manner in the data set obtained from NSSE.
In order to determine whether the participant was traditional or nontraditional, their age
needed to be considered. As discussed earlier, traditional students were defined as 18 to 22
years of age, and nontraditional students were considered 24 years of age or older. Question
15 of the survey asks participants to write in their birth year. By having this question, the age
of the participant was determined, which categorized whether they were a traditional or
nontraditional student.
4.2 Sample Selection
For this study, the existing, secondary data was obtained from the 2010 National Survey of
Student Engagement. The National Survey of Student Engagement used The College Student
Report as their survey instrument to collect data. In 2010, 572 institutions within the United
States participated in the NSSE survey. Since its development in 2000, over 1,500 institutions
have participated (NSSE, 2010). The Report is administered to all 1st-year and senior year
baccalaureate-seeking students, not just full-time students in the traditional 18- to 22-year old
age range. Adult learners, full-time and part-time, commuters and residents, and distance
education students are all included if seeking a baccalaureate and defined by credit hours.
There were 393,630 total respondents for the 2010 survey. A sample size of 5% of the
population was used; thus, 18,250 traditional and nontraditional students were represented in
the sample. The random sampling design ensured the specific characteristics of the entire
population were represented in the sample (e.g., percentage of males/females, specific
ethnicity and racial percentages, percentages of traditional and nontraditional students, etc.).
4.3 Survey Instrument
In the fall of 1998, the Pew Charitable Trusts met with higher education leaders and
researchers to develop a better plan to assess and rank the quality of postsecondary
institutions. It was determined that an undergraduate survey, if created and available, would
provide a great opportunity for colleges and universities to improve quality and also enlighten
the public as to what is important when evaluating institutions. After this initial meeting,
scholars on college student development from across the nation convened and were given the
challenge to develop a short survey instrument that would focus on the extent to which

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

students engage in good educational habits and activities. By late 1998, a survey instrument
had been developed and was ready for field-testing and two pilot cycles before it would go
national in 2000. The national initiative was labeled as the National Survey of Student
Engagement. In the first year of the national initiative, over 75,000 students from 276
different institutions participated within the survey (Kuh, 2001). After the first year of
surveys in 2000, the five national benchmarks were developed: Level of Academic Challenge,
Active and Collaborative Learning, Student-Faculty Interaction, Supportive Campus
Environment, and Enriching Educational Experiences (Kuh, 2004).
The intended purpose of NSSErestoring the ratings of college qualityhas evolved into
many other advantages. With so many institutions and students participating within the
survey, it provided a comprehensive gathering tool to restart and reframe conservations about
collegiate quality. One of the first advantages of NSSE data was for institutions in improving
undergraduate education. The results that were gathered from The Report were also very
valuable to external stakeholders such as accrediting bodies and government agencies. Finally,
the data and information that was provided to the public can change the perception about
media outlets ratings of colleges (Kuh, 2003).
To be considered valid, self-reports must meet five conditions: when respondents know the
information requested; if the questions are phrased clear and understandable; if respondents
think the questions merit a serious and thoughtful response; the questions refer to activities
that are recent; and answering the questions will not threaten, embarrass, or violate the
privacy of respondents or encourage them to respond in socially desirable ways (Koljatic &
Kuh, 2001). Researchers intentionally designed The Report to meet these conditions (Kuh,
The survey instrument that is used to gather the data for NSSE is The College Student Report
(hereafter referred to as The Report). The Report consists of 70 items that attempt to assess
the extent to which students devote their time and energy towards educationally purposeful
activities. The instrument deals with behaviors and actions that have been liked empirically to
favorable outcomes in college. The Report was originally designed to provide process
indicators or measures that could help institutions identify areas of improvement within
student performance and institutional practices that would enhance the overall student
experience. However, the results from The Report have been used by some institutions as a
substitute for student learning (Carini et al., 2006). The Report is offered and available to 1stand senior-year students at all participating institutions through the traditional paper and
pencil and also a Web-based version (Kuh, 2001).
4.4 Statistical Design
This descriptive cross-sectional survey design study used the 19th version of the Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the data. After the scores from the National
Survey of Student Engagement and codes of independent variables were entered into the
statistical software program, the researcher ran several different statistical designs and
methods in order to test the research hypotheses.


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

For Research Hypothesis 1, two-way chi-square and Two-Group MANOVA were used to
help determine if there is a significant difference in the academic performance (dependent
variable) of traditional and nontraditional college students based on their level of student
engagement (independent variable).
For Research Hypothesis 2, the nonparametric test Kendalls tau-b was used to help
determine if the level of student engagement (independent variable) of traditional students
had a significant impact on the quality of relationships with other students, quality of
relationships with faculty, and quality of relationships with other students (dependent
variables). Three separate Kendalls tau-b analyses were conducted for each relationship
being studied.
For Research Hypothesis 3, the nonparametric test Kendalls tau-b was used to help
determine if the level of student engagement (independent variable) of nontraditional students
had a significant impact on the quality of relationships with other students, quality of
relationships with faculty, and quality of relationships with other students (dependent
variables). Three separate Kendalls tau-b analyses were conducted for each relationship
being studied.
For Research Hypothesis 4, two-group MANOVA and the nonparametric test Mann-Whitney
were used to help determine if there is a significant difference in the quality of relationships
with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel (dependent variable) of traditional
college students compared to that of nontraditional college students (independent variable).
Two-group MANOVA was used because continuity and continuum of data was assumed
since the Likert scale used to measure quality of relationships was 1 through 7, instead of
smaller ranges. However, to test the assumption of continuity and continuum, three separate
Mann-Whitney tests were conducted to determine if there was a significant difference in the
quality of relationships between traditional and nontraditional students.

5. Findings
5.1 Participant Demographics
The study was conducted with existing, secondary data obtained from the 2010 National
Survey of Student Engagement from 572 institutions in the United States. A sample of 5%
was requested from the population of the 2010 NSSE database. Therefore, a sample size of
18,250 students was obtained. The sample was selected from the national group using
random sampling, and the proportions of the sample were representative of the total
population that participated in the survey. The sample consisted of the following ethnicities:
150 or 0.8% American Indian or other Native American; 1,084 or 5.8% Asian, Asian
American, or Pacific Islander; 1,629 or 8.9% Black or African American; 12,200 or 66.8%
White (non-Hispanic); and 601 or 3.3% Mexican or Mexican American. Two hundred five or
1.1% Puerto Rican; 588 or 3.2% Other Hispanic or Latino; 472 or 2.6% Multiracial; 253 or
1.4% Other; 1,007 or 5.5% responded I prefer not to respond; 61 or 0.3% did not respond
to the question of ethnicity. Male students totaled 6,545 or 35.9%, and female students totaled

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

11,666 or 63.9%, with 39 or 0.2% not responding to the question of gender. Additionally,
8,204 or 45% were 1st-year students, and 10,046 or 55% were senior students. Finally, the
sample consisted of 14,159 or 77.5% of traditional students (18-22 years of age), and 4,091
or 22.5% nontraditional students (24 years of age or older). Table 1 identifies the
demographic details of the participants based on gender, race or ethnicity, classification, and
student group.
5.2 Research Hypothesis 1
There is a significant difference in academic performance of traditional and nontraditional
students based on the level of student engagement. For this research hypothesis, there were
two statistical tests that were run to test this hypothesis. Alpha level of 0.05 was used for both
of the statistical tests. In order to determine if there was a significant relationship between
academic performance and student type of traditional and nontraditional students, a
chi-square test of independence or a two-way chi-square was utilized. The dependent variable
for this statistical test was academic performance (defined by grades as discussed in previous
chapter), and the independent variable was student type (traditional or nontraditional). For
this test, the minimum expected count was 52.52; thus, this assumption was not violated. In
Chi-Square Tests box, the Pearson Chi-Square coefficient was 1,252.466, and the degrees of
freedom was reported at 7 (df = 7). The significance for this test was reported at .000 (p
< .05). Therefore, there was a significant association between academic performance and
student type. Academic performance was not independent of student type; it was dependent
upon the student type. In the Crosstabulation Table, the observed count and its percentage for
student type (traditional and nontraditional) were analyzed to determine the association. Of
traditional students, 53.7% reported an A or A-; 42.7% reported a grade of B+, B, or B-; and
3.4% reported a grade of C+, C, or C- or lower. For nontraditional students, 61.2% reported a
grade of A or A-; 35.7% reported grades of B+, B, or B-; and 3.1% reported grades of C+, C,
or C- or lower. Table 2 reports the observed count and percentages of each student type for
each grade.
In order to understand if there is a significant difference between traditional and
nontraditional students based on their level of student engagement, a multivariate analysis of
variance or Two-group MANOVA was utilized. The dependent variable of student
engagement was defined by the five benchmarks of effective educational experience (Level
of Academic Challenge, Active and Collaborative Learning, Student-Faculty Interaction,
Supportive Campus Environment, and Enriching Educational Experiences), and the student
type (traditional or nontraditional) was the independent variable. Boxs Test of Equality of
Covariance Matrices was violated at a significance of .000; therefore, since Boxs Test of
Equality of Covariance Matrices was violated, Pillais Trace was used. The multivariate tests
reported significance at .000 for each main effect and with interaction under Pillais Trace. A
significance of .000 was reported for all independent variables (traditional or nontraditional)
on the collection of the dependent variables (level of academic challenge, active and
collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, supportive campus environment, and
enriching educational experiences).


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

Levenes Test of Equality of Error Variances was accessed to determine if the variance of the
levels or groups of the independent variable were the same. Significance was reported for
level of academic challenge (.000), active and collaborative learning (.000), student-faculty
interaction (.002), and supportive campus environment (.000), which violated Levenes.
Enriching Educational Experiences (.064) did not violate Levenes. As a result, the
significance category for each dependent variable was reviewed. In the tests of
between-subject effects, significance was reported for student type (traditional or
nontraditional) on the collection of dependent variables for four of the dependent variables:
level of academic challenge at .000, student-faculty interaction at .000, supportive campus
environment at .000, and enriching educational experiences at .000. Active and collaborative
learning did not cause a difference between the group since it had a significance level of .204.
Furthermore, in descriptive statistics, the means were analyzed further to see where the
difference lay between traditional and nontraditional students based on level of academic
challenge, student-faculty interaction, supportive campus environment, and enriching
educational experiences. Based on the means, nontraditional students had higher levels of
level of academic challenge (M = 57.446) compared to traditional students (M = 56.474).
Regarding student-faculty interaction, traditional students had higher levels of interaction (M
= 40.014) compared to nontraditional students (M = 38.021). Traditional students also
reported higher levels of support campus environment (M = 62.134) compared to
nontraditional students (M = 59.674). Traditional students also had higher levels of enriching
educational experiences (M = 36.461) compared to nontraditional students (M = 32.763).
When looking at the total mean for both groups, the supportive campus environment
benchmark had the highest reported mean at 61.583.
5.3 Research Hypothesis 2
A traditional college students level of student engagement has a significant impact on the
quality of relationships that they have with other students, faculty, and administrative
personnel. To be able to test this research hypothesis, the nonparametric test of Kendalls
tau-b was utilized. Three different Kendalls tau-b tests were run to determine the impact a
traditional college students level of student engagement had upon quality of relationships
with other students, quality of relationships with faculty, and quality of relationships with
administrative personnel. Alpha level of 0.05 was used for each statistical test. Within the
first statistical test, the independent variable was the level of student engagement, and the
dependent variable was the quality of relationships with other students. In Symmetric
Measures, significance was reported at .000. Therefore, since significance was reported, the
Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was analyzed. The Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was
reported at .327. The coefficient of .327 signified a weak correlation between level of student
engagement and quality of relationships with other students. In the second Kendalls tau-b
test, the independent variable was the level of student engagement, and the dependent
variable was the quality of relationships with faculty. In Symmetric Measures, significance
was reported at .000. Therefore, since significance was reported, the Kendalls tau-b rank
coefficient was analyzed. The Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was reported at .398. The
coefficient of .398 signified a weak correlation between level of student engagement and

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

quality of relationships with faculty.

In the third Kendalls tau-b test, the independent variable was the level of student engagement,
and the dependent variable was the quality of relationships with administrative personnel. In
Symmetric Measures, significance was reported at .000. Therefore, since significance was
reported, the Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was analyzed. The Kendalls tau-b rank
coefficient was reported at .284. The coefficient of .284 signified a weak correlation between
level of student engagement and quality of relationships administrative personnel. The
positive correlation between the dependent and independent variable identified that the ranks
of both variables were increasing. Thus, if the level of student engagement increases, the
quality of relationships will increase as well. By examining each of the Kendalls tau-b rank
coefficients, it could be determined the correlation between level of student engagement of
traditional college students and quality of relationships with faculty was the greatest, with a
reported coefficient of .398. Level of student engagement of traditional college students had
the second largest impact on quality of relationships with other students with a reported
coefficient of .327, and quality of relationships with administrative personnel was third with a
reported coefficient of .284. Though the strongest relationships were represented by
coefficients closest to 1.0, it is important to note that the large sample size was a factor in
having smaller Kendalls tau-b rank coefficients. If the sample were smaller, the coefficients
would be larger. Table 3 reports the Kendall tau-b coefficients and significance levels for
each statistical test.
5.4 Research Hypothesis 3
A nontraditional college students level of student engagement has a significant impact on the
quality of relationships that they have with other students, faculty, and administrative
personnel. To be able to test this research hypothesis, the nonparametric test of Kendalls
tau-b was utilized. Three different Kendalls tau-b tests were run to determine the impact a
nontraditional college students level of student engagement had upon quality of relationships
with other students, quality of relationships with faculty, and quality of relationships with
administrative personnel. Alpha level of 0.05 was used for each statistical test. Within the
first statistical test, the independent variable was the level of student engagement, and the
dependent variable was the quality of relationships with other students. In Symmetric
Measures, significance was reported at .000. Therefore, since significance was reported, the
Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was analyzed. The Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was
reported at .360. The coefficient of .360 signified a weak correlation between level of student
engagement and quality of relationships with other students. In the second Kendalls tau-b
test, the independent variable was the level of student engagement, and the dependent
variable was the quality of relationships with faculty. In Symmetric Measures, significance
was reported at .000. Therefore, since significance was reported, the Kendalls tau-b rank
coefficient was analyzed. The Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was reported at .395. The
coefficient of .395 signified a weak correlation between level of student engagement and
quality of relationships with faculty. In the third Kendalls tau-b test, the independent variable
was the level of student engagement, and the dependent variable was the quality of
relationships with administrative personnel. In Symmetric Measures, significance was

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

reported at .000. Therefore, since significance was reported, the Kendalls tau-b rank
coefficient was analyzed. The Kendalls tau-b rank coefficient was reported at .298. The
coefficient of .298 signifies a weak correlation between level of student engagement and
quality of relationships with administrative personnel. The positive correlation between the
dependent and independent variable identified that the ranks of both variables were
increasing. Thus, if the level of student engagement increases, the quality of relationships will
increase as well. By examining each of the Kendalls tau-b rank coefficients, it could be
determined the correlation between level of student engagement of nontraditional college
students and quality of relationship with faculty was the greatest with a reported coefficient
of .395. Level of student engagement of nontraditional students had the second largest impact
on quality of relationships with other students, with a reported coefficient of .360, and quality
of relationships with administrative personnel was third, with a reported coefficient of .298.
Though strongest relationships were represented by coefficients closest to 1.0, it is important
to note that the large sample size was a factor in having smaller Kendalls tau-b rank
coefficients. If the sample were smaller, the coefficients would be larger. Table 4 reports the
Kendall tau-b coefficients and significance levels for each statistical test.
5.5 Research Hypothesis 4
There is a significant difference in the quality of relationships that traditional students have
with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel compared to that of nontraditional
college students. To measure the quality of relationship, a Likert scale of 1 to 7 was used for
the responses of the participants. Since the scale is more than 1 to 3 or 1 to 5, the researcher
was able to assume the continuity and continuum of data. Therefore, to be able to test the
research hypothesis, the multivariate analysis of variance or Two-group MANOVA was
utilized. The dependent variables were the quality of relationships with other students, quality
of relationships with faculty, and quality of relationships with administrative personnel.
Alpha level of 0.05 was used for each statistical test. Boxs Test of Equality of Covariance
Matrices was violated at a significance of .000; therefore, since Boxs Test of Equality of
Covariance Matrices was violated, Pillais Trace was used. The multivariate tests reported
significance at .000 for each main effect and with interaction under Pillais Trace. A
significance of .000 was reported for all independent variables (traditional or nontraditional)
on the collection of the dependent variables (quality of relationships with other students,
quality of relationships with faculty, and quality of relationships with administrative
Levenes Test of Equality of Error Variances was consulted to determine if the variance of
each dependent variable was the same as the variance of all other dependent variables
included in the analysis. Significance was reported for all dependent variables at .000, thus
violating Levenes. As a result, the significance category for each dependent variable was
reviewed. In the tests of between-subject effects, significance was reported for student type
on the collect of dependent variables: quality of relationships with other students at .000,
quality of relationships with faculty at .000, and quality of relationships with administrative
personnel at .000.


International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

Furthermore, in descriptive statistics, the means were analyzed further to see where the
difference lay between traditional and nontraditional students based on quality of
relationships with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel. Based on the means,
traditional students had higher levels of quality of relationships with other students (M = 5.64)
compared to nontraditional students (M = 5.54). Nontraditional students had higher quality of
relationships with faculty (M = 5.57) compared to traditional students (M = 5.41).
Nontraditional students also reported higher quality of relationships with administrative
personnel, with a reported mean of 4.99. Traditional college students reported a mean of 4.71.
When looking at the total mean for both groups, quality of relationships with other students
had the highest reported mean at 5.62.
The researcher also conducted three nonparametric Mann-Whitney tests to test the research
hypothesis to see if there was any difference in the results between the parametric and
nonparametric test. In the first Mann-Whitney test, the independent variable was student type
(traditional or nontraditional), and the dependent variable was the quality of relationships
with other students. In the Test Statistics, significance was reported at .001 for the quality of
relationships with other students. Since there was a significant difference, the Rank table was
utilized to analyze the mean ranks. Traditional students reported a mean rank of 9,195.77, and
nontraditional students reported a mean rank at 8,882.29. In the second Mann-Whitney test,
the independent variable was student type (traditional or nontraditional), and the dependent
variable was the quality of relationships with faculty. In the Test Statistics, significance was
reported at .000 for the quality of relationships with faculty. Since there was a significant
difference, the Rank table was utilized to analyze the mean ranks. Traditional students
reported a mean rank of 8,919.43, and nontraditional students reported a mean rank at
9,838.70. In the third Mann-Whitney test, the independent variable was student type
(traditional or nontraditional), and the dependent variable was the quality of relationships
with administrative personnel. In the Test Statistics, significance was .000 for the quality of
relationships with administrative personnel. Since there was a significant difference, the Rank
table was utilized to analyze the mean ranks. Traditional students reported a mean rank of
8,889.38, and nontraditional students reported a mean rank at 9,942.73. Table 5 reports the
mean ranks and significance levels of traditional and nontraditional students for quality of
relationships with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel.

6. Discussions
6.1 Research Hypothesis 1
There is a significant difference in academic performance of traditional and nontraditional
college students based on the level of student engagement. To be able to test this research
hypothesis, two-way chi-square was used to determine if there was a significant difference
between student type (traditional or nontraditional) and academic performance, and
Two-group MANOVA was used to determine if there was significant difference between the
student type (traditional or nontraditional) and the level of student engagement based on the
five benchmarks of effective education practice. Based on the data from the two-way

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

chi-square, there was a significant difference in the association and relationship between
student type (traditional and nontraditional) and academic performance. The observed count
percentages indicated nontraditional college students reported more grades of A and A- than
traditional college students. More traditional students reported grades of B+, B, B-, C+, C,
and C-lower; however, it was only by a small margin. Nevertheless, since A and A- are the
ideal grades of academic performance, nontraditional college students had a higher academic
performance than traditional college students. The results from this study were in line with
the outcomes of previous studies. Fairchild (2003), Kasworm (2003), Kasworm and Pike
(1994), and Svanum and Bigatti (2009) reported nontraditional students has higher grades
and grade point averages than traditional students. However, Justice and Dornan (2001)
revealed there was no significant difference in grades between traditional and nontraditional
students. Though previous studies showed some differences, the current study added to the
body of knowledge regarding a difference between grades of traditional and nontraditional
college students. It supported the evidence of nontraditional students having higher grades
than traditional students.
Secondly, the two-group MANOVA was utilized to determine if there was a significant
difference between student type (traditional and nontraditional) and level of student
engagement based on the five benchmarks of effective educational practice. Based on the
data, it was reported there was a significant difference between student type and level of
student engagement based on the collection of the dependent variables. Level of academic
challenge, student-faculty interaction, supportive campus environment, and enriching
educational experiences all contributed to the statistically significant difference. After
analyzing the means, nontraditional college students had higher levels of academic challenge
(M = 57.446) compared to traditional students (M = 56.474). Traditional college students, on
the other hand, reported higher levels of student engagement in the benchmarks of
student-faculty interaction (M = 40.014), supportive campus environment (M = 62.135), and
enriching educational experiences (M = 36.462) compared to nontraditional students.
Therefore, traditional college students had statistically higher levels of student engagement
based on the five benchmarks compared to nontraditional college students. The total means
was also used to determine that supportive campus environment was the highest benchmark
in the student engagement process with a reported total mean of 61.583. These results were
similar to that of previous research. Numerous studies have validated the results of traditional
college students having higher levels of student engagement compared to nontraditional
students (Bradley & Graham, 2000; Choy, 2002; DiMaria, 2006; Gibson & Slate, 2010;
Gilardi & Guglielmetti, 2011; Lerer & Talley, 2010; Morgan, 2001; Spitzer, 2000; Strage,
2008). Furthermore, there are also several aspects that are different and contribute to
scholarly research. Fuller et al. (2011) noted level of academic challenge and active and
collaborative learning had the largest significant difference for traditional students. However,
based on the results of the current study, student-faculty interaction, supportive campus
environment, and enriching educational experiences was the highest benchmarks of the
student engagement process for traditional students. Thus, future research could be conducted
to determine the highest benchmarks of the level of student engagement for traditional
college students. Finally, there was a gap in literature in examining the five benchmarks of

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

the student engagement process of nontraditional students. Therefore, this study was able to
add to this gap regarding the level of student engagement based on the five benchmarks for
nontraditional students.
6.2 Research Hypothesis 2
A traditional college students level of student engagement has a significant impact on the
quality of relationships that they have with other students, faculty, and administrative
personnel. Three separate Kendalls tau-b statistical tests were utilized to test this hypothesis.
Based on the data, the level of student engagement for traditional students had a significant
impact upon the quality of relationships other students, faculty, and administrative personnel.
The level of student engagement had the most significant impact on quality of relationships
with faculty (.398). It had the second largest significant impact on quality of relationships
with other students (.327), and the third largest impact on quality of relationships with
administrative personnel (.284) for traditional college students. Graunke and Woosley (2005)
and Rugutt and Chemosit (2009) reported the level of student engagement had a significant
impact on the quality of relationships with other students, quality of relationships with faculty,
and quality of relationships with administrative personnel. However, Ullah and Wilson (2007)
noted the level of student engagement had the largest impact on quality of relationships with
peers and the second largest impact on quality of relationships with faculty. The current study
differed as the level of student engagement had the largest impact on the quality of
relationships with faculty. The results of the current study continued to add to the body of
knowledge regarding the student engagement process of traditional students and its impact on
the quality of relationships.
6.3 Research Hypothesis 3
A nontraditional college students level of student engagement has a significant impact on the
quality of relationships that they have with other students, faculty, and administrative
personnel. Three separate Kendalls tau-b statistical tests were utilized to test this hypothesis.
Based on the data, the level of student engagement of nontraditional college students had a
significant impact on the quality of relationships with other students, faculty, and
administrative personnel. The level of student engagement has the most significant impact on
quality of relationships with faculty (.395). It has the second largest impact upon quality of
relationships with other students (.360), and the third largest impact on quality of
relationships with administrative personnel (.298). To compare the results with those in
Research Hypothesis 2, level of student engagement of traditional college students had a
more significant impact on quality of relationships with faculty compared to nontraditional
students. The level of student engagement of nontraditional students, on the other hand, had a
more significant impact on quality of relationships with other students and administrative
personnel compared to traditional college students. However, the level of student engagement
had a more significant impact on quality of relationships with other students and with faculty
compared to the quality of relationships with administrative personnel for both student types,
traditional and nontraditional students. Rosenthal et al. (2000) and Wyatt (2011) reported
similar findings regarding the impact of the level of student engagement had upon the quality

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

of relationships with other students and faculty. Nevertheless, there was a gap in the literature
regarding the impact the level of student engagement had upon the quality of relationships
with administrative personnel. The current study added to the gap within the literature.
Delaney (2008) revealed the level of student engagement had the largest impact on the
quality of relationships with faculty for both traditional and nontraditional students as well,
which is similar to the findings of the current study. The findings of the current study
continued to add to the body of knowledge regarding the impact student engagement can has
upon the educational and academic activities of traditional and nontraditional students.
6.4 Research Hypothesis 4
There is a significant difference in the quality of relationships that traditional college students
have with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel compared to that of
nontraditional college students. A two-group MANOVA was utilized to test this research
hypothesis. As stated previously, the two-group MANOVA was selected based on the
continuity and continuum of data because the Likert scale used to measure quality of
relationships was 1 through 7, instead of smaller ranges. Based on the data of the two-group
MANOVA, there was a significant difference in the quality of relationships that traditional
college students have with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel compared to
nontraditional college students. It was reported there was a significant difference between
student type (traditional and nontraditional) and quality of relationships with other students,
faculty, and administrative personnel based on the collection of the dependent variables. The
quality of relationships with other students, quality of relationships with faculty, and quality
of relationships with administrative personnel all differed between traditional and
nontraditional students. By looking at the means, traditional college students had higher
quality of relationships with other students (M = 5.64) compared to nontraditional students
(M = 5.54). Nontraditional college students, on the other hand, had higher quality of
relationships with faculty (M = 5.57) compared to traditional students (M = 5.41).
Additionally, nontraditional college students had higher quality of relationships with
administrative personnel (M = 4.99) compared to traditional students (M = 4.71).
Furthermore, to also test this research hypothesis, nonparametric Mann-Whitney tests were
used to determine if any different results would be generated by using a parametric and
nonparametric statistical analysis. Three separate Mann-Whitney analyses were conducted to
test the quality of relationships with other students, faculty, and administrative personnel
between traditional and nontraditional college students. Based on the data, there was a
significant difference in the quality of relationships that traditional college students have with
other students, faculty, and administrative personnel compared to nontraditional college
students. Traditional college students had higher quality of relationships with other students
(9,195.77) compared to nontraditional students (8,882.29). However, nontraditional college
students had higher quality of relationships with faculty (9,838.70) compared to traditional
college students (8,919.43). Additionally, nontraditional college students had higher quality
of relationships with administrative personnel (9,942.73) compared to traditional college
students (8,889.38). Therefore, the same results and outcomes were reported from both the
two-group MANOVA and three Mann-Whitney tests. Lundberg (2003a) found nontraditional

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

students had higher quality of relationships with faculty based on the level of student
engagement compared to traditional students. Results also revealed traditional students had
higher quality of relationships with other students based on the level of student engagement
compared to nontraditional students. These finds were comparable to the findings of the
current study. Between all of the relationships, the quality of relationships with administrative
personnel for both traditional and nontraditional students was the lowest. Additional research
on this could be warranted.
6.5 Implications
The results of this study provide numerous implications for the educational community.
Because traditional college students and nontraditional students were analyzed, a better
insight and understanding of student engagement model for each student type is provided.
Institutions and administrators are able to create, modify, or adjust programs and services for
traditional and nontraditional students. By providing specific programs and services built on
research, institutions are able to be more effective in achieving the goals and objectives set
forth in targeting traditional and nontraditional college students, which can help enhance
recruitment, retention, academic performance, and graduation rates (Karemera et al., 2003).
As discussed, the level of student engagement was determined by the scores of the five
benchmarks of effective educational practice. Because of this, this study is able to be
compared to similar studies and institutional reports that use the five benchmarks of effective
educational practice for measurement purposes. This will allow higher education
administrators to be able to survey and measure smaller samples and compare the results to
those of a national sample. Moreover, since this study contained a national sample, it was not
limited to one specific institution or region of the country. Therefore, the results of this study
may be more generalized.
Additionally, because the quality of relationships with faculty was the highest quality of
relationship for both traditional and nontraditional students, it is important for institutions to
continue to create opportunities for engagement with faculty inside and outside of the
classroom for the quality of relationships to continue to grow (Graham & Gisi, 2000). The
results of this study indicate the engagement levels of nontraditional students are lower
compared to traditional college students. Therefore, administrators should design specific
initiatives tailored particularly to the needs, schedules, and lives of nontraditional college
students in order to increase the levels of student engagement. Finally, the results of this
study can help collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs offices achieve the
same results as student engagement and academic performance concerns both parties.
6.6 Limitations
The participants within the study were students who participated in the NSSE survey from all
participating institutions from across the United States. This can provide insight into the two
student groups: traditional and nontraditional. However, the results from this study may not
be specific or applicable at every institution within the country. The researcher had to use the
self-reported grades from The Report as the academic performance of the students. There
may be discrepancy or skewedness because it is dependent upon the honesty of the students

International Journal of Education

ISSN 1948-5476
2014, Vol. 6, No. 2

This study also did not take into account the institution types of the participants. There are
many types of different institutions: Carnegie, 4-year, 2-year, private, and public. The type of
institution could have an effect on the results of this study. The demographics and
background information of students were not considered in this study either. Race, gender,
economic status, parent education, and social class could have an effect upon a students
engagement and academic performance. However, this was not taken into consideration for
this study.
The sample for this study was also a limitation. The sample was representative of the
population of the data set from 2010 National Survey of Student Engagement; however, the
sample was not representative of the United States college student population and landscape.
Finally, age was the main factor used in this study to determine whether a student was
classified as traditional or nontraditional. Though research has shown age is a common
variable and strong predictor, this study did not include other variables such as living
situation, work status, or enrollment status.

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