Reservoirs in North Texas supply over 99 percent of the water to the Dallas Fort
Worth Metroplex or to over 5.8 million people. The rate of sedimentation to these reservoirs
has been estimated to be in the range of 2 cm a year. This is equivalent to an annual loss of
future water supply for up to 3000 people per reservoir (lost storage capacity). The costs of
new reservoirs as well as the cost of dredging makes options other than watershed
management (BMPs) unrealistic. In order to best manage sedimentation into the reservoir,
the source of sediment into the reservoir must be quantified. This study represents the
approach used by the Tarrant Regional Water District to study reservoir sedimentation. It
consists of three integrated steps: (1) rapid geomorphic assessment by sub-watershed and
physiographic province to ascertain the magnitude of active processes; sheet/rill; gully;
stream erosion supplemented with historic air photographic inventory (2) profiling the
reservoir with differential GPS and a 5 transducer sub-bottom acoustical system which gives
sediment thickness within the reservoir which is verified with vibracore and Cesium 137
analysis, and (3) modeling the watershed with the SWAT model calibrated to the total
volume of sediment as detailed in the survey, watershed erosion processes, any gaged data,
climate and land use. Failure to follow each step is shown to produce large errors in the
model and potential effectiveness of BMPs.
A sediment budget is an accounting of the sources and disposition of sediment from
its point of origin to its eventual exit from a watershed. Although erosion from upland
sources is most often cited as a major source of sediment load; channel/streambank erosion
can also be a major source in some watersheds contributing from 17% to 93% of the total
sediment load (Trimble 1997 and Sekely et al. 2002). Watershed scale models such as
SWAT, HSPF and GWLF are widely used to assess sediment and nutrient budgets within the
watersheds. According to the EPAs recent National Water Quality Inventory report (USEPA
2002), 31% of the river and stream miles are impaired due to sediment; sediment/siltation is
the second leading cause of water quality impairment, next only to pathogens. In this
research, watershed scale model SWAT is used to quantify the sediment budget of the Cedar
Creek reservoir watershed, located in North-Central Texas.
More specifically, the objectives of this study are:
To test SWAT channel sediment routing routine against field geomorphic data, and
To illustrate the use of rapid geomorphic assessment of watersheds for use in SWAT
SWAT sediment and water routing routines
Delft, The Netherlands
where seddeg is the amount of sediment degraded/reentrained from the reach segment
(metric tons), concsed,ch is the initial sediment concentration in the reach (ton/m3), Vch is the
volume of water in the reach sediment (m3), Kch is the channel erodibility factor and Cch is the
channel cover factor.
As can be seen from the above equations, flow velocity (vch) in Eq.1 is an important
variable in determining the streambank erosion or deposition from a reach segment. In
SWAT water can be routed from upstream to downstream using either the variable storage or
Muskingum routing methods. In both these methods a bucket type approach is used for
calculating the amount of water entering the reach, i.e. the water is moved from one reach to
another by volume basis. In the bucket type approach the flow rate in each segment is also a
function of stream length (Narasimhan et al. 2007). Hence, the flow velocity predicted is
artificially higher at a smaller reach downstream of two big reaches (due to the nature of
watershed delineation). Hence, an iterative approach developed by (Narasimhan et al. 2007)
was used (Figure 1).
q ch =
(24 60 60)
1 2 / 3 1/ 2
Rch S ch
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Study Area
Water quality is a growing concern in the Cedar Creek reservoir (Figure 2). In
addition to nutrient enrichment and reservoir siltation from upland and streambank erosion
affects the quality of drinking water and the life of this reservoir. On an average 1032 ac-ft
of reservoir volume (679,200 ac-ft) is lost every year due to siltation. Cedar Creek is one
among the five major reservoirs managed by Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) in the
Trinity River Basin. Currently TRWD supplies water to about 1.6 million people across 11
counties from its network of five reservoirs and are expected to serve 2.66 million by 2050.
Due to this projected population increase in North Central Texas over the next 50 years,
TRWD is collaborating with the Texas Water Resources Institute and Texas A&M University
to assess the watershed condition and develop watershed protection plans for these five major
reservoir catchment. Cedar creek reservoir has a contributing drainage area of about 2611 sq.
km. The average annual rainfall is about 991 mm. The western half of the watershed is
underlain by shale and residual clay soils; the eastern half of the watershed is underlain by
interbbedded sands and shales and mostly loam to sandy soils. The land cover is
predominantly pasture (62%), followed by forest (16%), Urban (7%), cropland (6%) and rest
occupied by water (6%) and wetlands (3%) types.
Figure 2. Land cover classes, sub-basin and stream network of Cedar Creek watershed.
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Rapid Method
Point Monitoring with
erosion pins/scour
gages; sediment
Volumetric Monitoring
of Downstream
Time Frame
Individual storm- Costly for large watersheds; gage sites
very costly to install and maintain;
cheaper duratrac (Figure 10.) can give
quantitative cumulative data
Volumetric not real good for
sedimentation amounts; acoustic methods
are superior and sediment flux possible
(decades) or
with Cesium-137 (for reservoirs older
than 1964)
Problems for small streams which make
up to 70% of watersheds owing to riparian
vegetative cover.
Not applicable.
Due to wide scatter of data, empirical
equations require a lot skill to interpret
results; land use impacts hard to
discriminate; typically short term data.
Individual storm Gives qualitative estimate of recent trends
or trend
and rates
Delft, The Netherlands
Delft, The Netherlands
and gully erosion, a comprehensive field survey was done at 56 sites across the watershed to
identify eroding stream segments in the watershed. At each site a survey form was used to
categorize the level of channel incision as well as degree of erosion in addition to several
other parameters, Figure 5.
Streambank erosion from the watershed is estimated to be 152,572 Metric Tons per
year. This is based on five different methods of channel erosion assessment: (1) erosion
assessment made for the basin based on NRCS field evidence (Griener, 1982), (2) field
assessment of channel erosion and SWAT generated channel lengths and dimensions using
theRapid Assessment Point Method (RAP-M) used by NRCS (Windhorn, 2001), (3) using
power functions utilized in SEDNET (Wilkinson, et. al. 2004), (4) comparison of erosion
rates to gage data by Ecoregion after Simon, et. al. (2004) and (5) literature review of channel
erosion rates. Based on these methods, channel erosion could be assigned an average annual
loss rate. Volumetric loss was calculated by the product of channel length times the erosion
rate and the soil density and eroded channel height. In addition to the field survey, historical
aerial photographs were also analyzed to identify historical trends in erosion across the
watershed. Based on land use, stream condition at surveyed locations, and using historical air
photographs, the streambank erosion categories were extended between field locations to the
entire watershed area (Figure 6). The streambank erosion estimate along with the streambank
erosion category mapped from site visits and field photographs were used for both assessing
original SWAT model output, and then in calibrating the SWAT Streambank erosion
parameters erodibility factor (Kch) and channel cover factor (Cch).
Based on this reservoir sedimentation rate (446,558 Metric Tons/year) and the
Streambank erosion rate (152,572 Metric Tons/year) from the field survey, the overland
erosion rate was inferred as 293,986 Metric Tons/year. These erosion rates were used as
target numbers for calibrating the SWAT model parameters.
Flow calibration and validation
SWAT was calibrated for flow by adjusting appropriate inputs that affect surface
runoff and base flow. Adjustments were made to runoff curve number, soil evaporation
compensation factor, shallow aquifer storage, shallow aquifer re-evaporation, and channel
transmission loss until the simulated total flow and fraction of base flow were approximately
equal to the measured total flow and base flow, respectively. Flow calibration was performed
from 1963 through 1987. For this period predicted flow matched measured flow very well at
the two USGS stream gages in the watershed. With the same calibration inputs, flow was
validated from 1980 through 2002 using the measured mass balance of Cedar Creek
Reservoir for comparison to predicted inflow values (Figure 7). The predicted inflow match
measured inflow very well (r2 = 0.76 and Nash-Sutcliffe COE of 0.80).
Delft, The Netherlands
Discharge (m /s)
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Sediment Calibration
Annual overland and Streambank erosion rates determined from watershed survey and
lake survey were used as target rates for adjusting model parameters. Streambank erosion,
power function parameters, spcon (0.01) and spexp (1.5) in Eq.1 were adjusted based on
limited storm flow total suspended solids (TSS) data available at various stream segments.
The coefficients were chosen in such a way that the average simulated suspended sediment
concentration is two to three times higher than the measured TSS. This was done so because
SWAT does not simulate bed load transport and all the sediments are assumed to be in
suspension. If these (spcon and spexp) coefficients were tightly calibrated with measured
TSS without accounting for bed load transport, the model will considerably underestimate the
sediment transport power of the water.
Channel physical properties such as channel vegetation cover factor (Cch) (0.1 to 1.0)
and channel erodibility factor (Kch) (0.3 to 0.8) were adjusted for individual stream segments
based on field assessment and geological data. The higher these values are, greater is the
vulnerability of the channel for streambank erosion and vice versa (Eq.2).
Annual sediment contribution simulated from various sources is shown in Figure 8. Channel
degradation is the second major contributor of sediment (33%) next to cropland (44%). It is
important to note that SWAT predicted overland erosion was very close to the field
estimation; hence no adjustments were made to the SWAT overland erosion parameters. The
spatial distribution of Streambank erosion rates is shown in Figure 9. Overall there is a good
agreement between the field assessment (Figure 6) and the model estimates (Figure 9).
However, when comparing these maps it should be kept in mind that the field assessment
technique is only a qualitative measure of erosion based on visual analysis.
Cedar Creek (Sediment)
SWAT Predictions:
Total Sediment load : 467,730 Metric Tons/yr
Channel Erosion
: 162,528 Metric Tons/yr
Overland Erosion
: 305,046 Metric Tons/yr
Total sediment reaching the reservoir : 451,600 Metric Tons/yr
(Trapping by upstream dams/PL655 structures: 16,130 Metric
Delft, The Netherlands
Figure 9. Streambank erosion rate predicted by SWAT in terms of Metric Tons per unit crosssection area and per unit length of the channel.
In terms of streambank and gully erosion, a new method was created for longer term
assessment of erosion rates. In conjunction with erosion pins, a devise called the duratrac was
formulated (Figure 10). Basically, the device is a tachometer which records with a quartz clock
the water level at or above a selected height. In this way, the cumulative tractive force of a set of
erosion pins can be known and the SWAT model erosion coefficients adjusted accordingly. The
device costs about 35-50 US dollars and will run about six months or more under normal
conditions. The device could also be used to assess the length of time the water was over bankfull
stage. By placing these simple devices over the watershed, cheap accurate data can be collected
for any chosen time interval; the only cost after installation is associated with a trip to the field to
measure the erosion pins and visually download the cumulative time.
Delft, The Netherlands
of surrounding terrain for evidence of landuse and erosion processes. A modification to the
velocity subroutine is proposed. Finally a simple device to be employed to assess cumulative
tractive force for stream or gully erosion assessment is introduced.
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