ENG For Tourist Guides

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English Vocabulary for Tour Guides

This page covers vocabulary needed by people working as tour guides in an English-speaking




things to do


design of a building

art gallery

place to look at professional paintings

and drawings


places for tourists to see


feeling for understanding one's

location/ surroundings in an unknown

business district area in a city that has many offices


a building for royalty


a place to worship God


things that make life easier


something people of a region do often

en route

on the way


a place where there are theatres and

concert halls


something/ someone that does not

follow the usual rules or expectations
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example sentence
There are lots of activities that the
whole family will enjoy.
The architecture of this building is
typical of the Renaissance age.
We are going to visit the art gallery
where local painters exhibit their art.
The water park is our most recent
attraction .
If you're having trouble getting your
bearings just remember that the
mountains are west.
Keep in mind that this is the business
district so that grocery store may be
No one has lived in this castle since
the last king died twenty years ago.
The church is the central meeting
place in this town.
There you will find all of your
conveniences, from suntan lotion to
It's a custom to hang beads in the
windows at this time of year.
While we are en route to the hotel I
will point out the beach and the golf
If you want to catch a movie while
you're here, the entertainment
district is off to your left.
With the exception of Johnson
Street, it is safe to walk around here

grocery store/
original state

questions or

at night.
objects (i.e. art) displayed for a short It may be tough to find parking with
time for the public to view
the car exhibition on this week.
Since you have a kitchenette at your
place to buy food to take home
hotel you will need to know where
the grocery store is.
People often say that the highlight of
the best part
their trip is the botanical gardens.
a person or story known for a long
According to an old legend, a sea
monster lives in this lake.
We will meet in the lobby at 8 am
front entrance
The locals are usually happy to show
people who live in an area
tourists around.
This location is the best because you
place where something can be found
don't need to bother renting a car.
I'll give you each a map so you can
shows roads and directions to places
follow along as we walk.
place to buy fresh food and homemade Every Sunday there is a farmer's
market on Wade Street.
a statue/ structure that honours an
This monument honours the men and
event or person
women who died during the war.
a place where historical items are
The museum charges a small fee for
adults, but children are free.
We recommend that you only carry
things that people need for every day
necessities in your purse and leave
everything else at the hotel.
the way something appeared from the Except for the roof, this home has
been left in its original state.
You may not take photographs here,
picture taken with a camera
but you can purchase a postcard.
a card with a picture on one
The gift shop has many great
side(usually an object or place that
souvenirs, such as postcards of the
tourists see) that can be mailed without
beautiful waterfalls.
an envelope
things that tourists may want to say or The plane almost missed the runway
because it was such a bad storm.
The driver has made a request that
something that has been asked for
you throw all of your garbage in the
bin at the front on your way out.
You will see there are many more
part of a town/ city with many places
eateries to choose from when we head
to eat
to the restaurant district.
tradition, custom, action (religious or It is an old native ritual to dance
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cultural) that people do often

during the sunrise.

It is impossible to capture the beauty
natural beauty to look at
of this scenery in pictures.
people who first made a home in an
The original settlers relied on oxen to
carry their wares.
You may want to save some spending
area of town where there are many
shopping district
money because we'll be visiting the
shopping district this afternoon.
This is the site of a very famous
The stairwell is very steep, so please
steps going up or down
watch your step.
people who live on the street, often
You may be surprised how many
street people
begging for money
street people ask you for money.
I hope you enjoy the castle and its
things that you see around you
surroundings, including the secret
I apologize for my voice today as I
the sound you make when speaking
have a bit of a cold.
a piece of paper that shows you have Don't forget to bring your voucher
for a free coffee in the hotel lobby.
There will be plenty of live
piece of land next to an ocean, lake, or
entertainment down at the
We can peer in the window but I
glass that you look out
think they are probably closed for the


reach a destination


to finish

continue on

keep going




have a good experience

think that something will be/
happen a certain way



example sentence
I am glad to see you all arrived safely.
We will close the tour with a view of the city
at sunset.
If you're all finished looking here, we will
continue on with the tour.
The last ferry departs at 4pm, so make sure
you don't miss it.
I have enjoyed meeting all of you today.
You probably weren't expecting to see snow.
You are permitted to have a beverage on the
bus, but please do not eat any food.

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go forward

raise (a hand)







sit back and enjoy time in


show someone
sit back
speak up

take people to see an area

relax in a seated position
talk louder

Please proceed all the way to the back of the

If you have any questions during the tour,
please raise your hand.
We recommend that you only keep a small
amount of cash in your wallet.
I will gladly refer you to my favourite
restaurants, if you are interested.
Tomorrow you will have a day to just relax on
the beach.
When we get to the museum someone else
will show us around.
Please sit back and enjoy the bus tour.
If you need me to speak up or slow down,
please let me know.


very old
very nice looking


when a view is very





not safe
very sad, unfortunate


attractive, yet simple


very large


example sentence
The ancient village has been left untouched.
You will find beautiful homemade jewellery in
that shop.
Under the starlight the waterfall is simply
It is customary to shake hands and bow as you
It is dangerous to accept a ride from a local.
The tsunami was devastating for local hotels.
There is an elegant dining room for guests to eat
This enormous sculpture stands one-hundred feet

makes one feel very happy/

It's so exciting to see new places, isn't it?
This house has an extensive history, and you can
covers a lot
read more in the brochures.
very interesting to learn
It is fascinating to know how people lived back
about/ see
believed to have ghosts
The house is said to be haunted and no one has
living there
lived in it for fifty years or more.
The government named this school as a heritage
of historical importance
site last year.
around the world
Every year it is an international celebration, with
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people coming from as far away as Africa.

very nice (appearance or
This is a lovely place to sit and watch the local
This part of town is known for its magnificent
wall murals.
June is the most popular time for tourists to come
liked by many
very noticeable
Crime is prevalent in the old parts of town.
The village was reconstructed after the major fire
built again
in 1910.
All of the antique furniture has been
returned to its original state
professionally restored.
not dangerous
The water is safe to drink here.
We will go up to the balcony for a scenic view of
nice to look at (nature)
the grounds.
very good (i.e. service,
The children put on a superb concert at Christmas
food, entertainment)
Cliff jumping is a thrilling experience for those
of you who aren't afraid of heights.
too amazing/ strange to
It is unbelievable what some of these street
seem true
entertainers can do.
The top of the tower may not be visible because
able to be seen
of the fog.

Answering Questions - English for Tour Guides

As a tour guide you will face new challenges every day. One of the hardest parts of your job may
be answering questions. Unlike a speech that you can memorize, you won't always know what
questions people will ask. However, you can anticipate certain types of questions and certain
ways that questions will be asked. You should also learn how to use variety when you answer
questions or respond to comments. You may lose interest in your job if you say the same thing
each time. Finally, it is important to know how to politely explain that you don't understand a
Tour Guide

Do you have a question, Sir?

Yes? (if you see a hand raised)

Is there something I can help you with?

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I'll try my best to answer your questions.

I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that. (Sorry I don't know.)

That's an interesting question.

I wish I knew the answer. (Sorry, I don't know.)

Hmm.That's a tough (difficult) question.

I'll have to look into that further.

I'll have to ask someone about that.

Hmm. I've never been asked that before.

Pardon my English; I don't quite understand your question.

I'm not sure, but I can find out for you.


Where is the ______ from here?

How long has _______ been here?

Where are we headed (going)now?

What time does _______ stay open until?

What else is there to do here?

Which _________ do you recommend?

Are we allowed to take pictures?

What's that over there? (tourist points)

Where's the best place to buy _______?

My son wants to know if _________? (parent asking a question for shy child)

Do you know where the nearest washroom is?

Could you tell us where the nearest bank is?

You don't happen to have a first-aid kit, do you?

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Sample Conversation

Guide: If you have any questions while we're going along, please don't hesitate to ask.
Man: I have a question actually.
Guide: Sure, what's that?
Man: Where's the best place to have dinner around here?
Guide: Well, that's a tough question. There are so many good restaurants. My personal favourite
is Spaghetti Alley.
Man: How do we get there?
Guide: I'll point it out when we pass it. It's going to come up on your right in a few minutes.
Woman: My daughter wants to know if we're going to be be passing any castles today?
Guide: Castles. No I'm afraid all of the castles are further into the city. We're going to be staying
near the coast today. I can give you a map of the city, though. It shows where all of the castles
Man: Sorry, I have another question.
Guide: No problem. That's what I'm here for.
Man: Are we allowed to take pictures once we get inside the museum?
Guide: Oh, I'm glad you asked that. I forgot to mention that taking photographs inside the art
gallery and the museum is prohibited. However, you can take pictures of the grounds and the
outside of the buildings. The architecture is beautiful.
Woman: Oh, and what time will we be stopping for lunch?
Guide: We'll break around noon and meet back at the bus at 12:45 sharp.
Check your understanding

1. What does the tour guide recommend?

2. What will this tour not be doing?

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3. What does the tour guide say tourists are prohibited from doing?
Explaining Safety, Rules and Etiquette - English for Tour Guides

When giving a tour there may be rules and safety precautions that you need to explain. It is best
if you memorize a speech rather than read from a card. People will pay more attention to you and
understand you more clearly if you look into their eyes as you speak. After you have explained
the rules and safety precautions make sure that guests have understood you, by asking, "Are
there any questions about this?" or "Is everyone clear on the rules?". Also, tourists will
appreciate any helpful advice you can give them, such as where to exchange their money, what
types of transportation to use, and how to obey the traffic rules. Finally, if there are any customs
or matters of etiquette that you think tourists should be aware of, this is a good time to let them
Explaining rules
Tour Guide

You are strictly forbidden from taking photographs inside the museum.

Please stay on the marked path.

I'm sure this goes unsaid, but remember to place all trash in the garbage

Please pay attention to the time. We don't want to keep the driver waiting.

Classes are in session, so we need to keep our voices down.

The bus will be leaving at 5:00 pm sharp.

You'll have some free time to look around after lunch.

Please meet back here in one hour.

Explaining safety
Tour Guide

Please keep your seltbelts fastened at all times.

I ask that you keep your hands inside the train.

As a safety precaution, please stand behind the yellow line.

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For your own safety, we ask that you refrain from putting your arms out the

Please do not feed the animals.

Please remain seated until we come to a full stop.

Please stay with your group at all times.

Please keep to the sidewalk.

I do not recommend swimming here. The water is very rough.

We suggest only carrying small amounts of cash.

These rules are for your own comfort and safety.

Explaining etiquette and customs

Tour Guide

It is customary in our country to tip the friendly bus driver.

In this region we bow rather than shake hands during a first meeting.

Though the all-inclusive includes tips for the servers, it does not include tips
for the bellboy.

To indicate that you want to get on or off the bus simply wave your hand at
the driver.

Check your understanding.

Choose the word that makes each sentence grammatically correct.

1. The tour will begin at 4:00
2. I do not using the public transit system.
3. It is to leave a gift for the hotel staff on your bed.
Showing Places of Interest - English for Tour Guides
This page covers vocabulary needed by people working as tour guides in an Englishspeaking context.
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Silence can be uncomfortable during a

tour. While you can't talk the whole time, you should try to know as much about the history,
scenery, and culture (in English) for the places where you are giving tours so that you can keep
the tourists interested. If you ever run out of something to say, you can always point out
something such as a landmark or a type of tree or flower. Here are some different ways you can
point out interest points during the tour.
Tour Guide

In front of you is...

On your right/left you will see...

Up ahead...

On your left you will see...

As we turn the corner here, you will see...

In the distance...

If you look up you will notice...

Off to the north...

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Look to the east...

To your west...

In a few minutes we'll be passing...

We are now coming up to...

As you will see...

You may have noticed...

Take a good look at...

I'd like to point out...

Keep your eyes open for...

Tourist Questions

Is that the...you were talking about?

Are we going to pass the...?

Are we going to see any...?

Is it on the right or the left?

I don't see it. Can you point it out again?

Did I miss it?

Will we see it on the way back?

Sample Conversation

Guide: It's about a three minute ride up to the top of the mountain. As we pass the two towers the
gondolla may sway a little.
Man: This thing is safe, right?
Guide: Yes, you don't have anything to worry about. We do about 100 trips a day up the
mountain, and these tours have been going on for over ten years without any accidents. Keep
your eyes open for wildlife as we ascend. It isn't uncommon to see deer and even bears.
Woman: What's that mountain to the left called?
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Guide: That's Mount Karen. And to the right of that with the three small points is Mount Brown.
Now, if you look up straight ahead, you should be able to see a large eagle's nest. Does everyone
see it there?
Man: Are there any baby birds?
Guide: That's a good question. I haven't seen any yet, but we usually see them around this time
of year.
Woman: What's that lake down there, to the right of the green meadow?
Guide: I'm glad you asked. That's John Lake. It's actually a man made pond that was built as part
of a conservation effort over twenty years ago. During the 70's there was a lot of clearcutting of
forests in the area, and much of the wildlife was lost. Since John Lake was built, ducks, swans,
and geese have returned to the area.
Man: Is this the highest mountain in this region?
Guide: No, actually, Mount Heather, which you we will be able to see in just a minute or so has
the highest peak. But, this is the highest mountain for recreational purposes like skiing and
guided tours.
Woman: Can you ski throughout the year?
Guide: No, it warms up enough to actually suntan up there in the summer. Oh, look everyone.
There are two deer feeding in the clearing right below us.
Man: Thanks, that should be a great photo. So... what is there to do besides ski at the top of the
hill at this time of year?
Guide: Oh, there's plenty to do. We have horseback riding, snowmobile tours, and a petting zoo
for children. If you look to your left you'll see the snowmobile trail going through the mountain.
Check your understanding

1. Where is this tour taking place?

2. Which of the following does the tour guide NOT point out during the tour?

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3. What does the tour guide do after he points out John Lake?
Sample Tour Guide Speech in English

This page covers vocabulary needed by people working as tour guides in an English-speaking
Listen to a tour guide on a shuttle bus from the airport to the resort. You can listen first, and then
read. After that, test your understanding with the quick check.

[Welcoming tourists]
Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On behalf of Suntan Tours I'd like to welcome you all to Los
Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. Right now I'd like to take a
minute to familiarize you with the area and discuss some brief safety precautions. Firstly, I ask
that you remain seated until we reach our destination and that you not eat or drink while on the
bus. Secondly, please realize that it is against the law to get drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation,
but do drink responsibly and do not drink and drive.
[Describing the location]
I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in San Jose, Los Cabos. This is a beautiful, quiet
city where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk
into town and enjoy the fountains or take a moonlit walk along the water. Please do not swim
here. This is not a safe place to swim because there is a strong undertow. Cabos San Lucas is the
place to go if you want to enjoy swimming in the ocean. You can take a short bus ride from your
hotel. There you will also enjoy entertainment and dancing.
[Introducing special events and offers]
Suntan tours offers a variety of special discounts depending on your travel plans. We have golf
packages, as well as guided whale boat tours, and fishing charters. There will be a short
information session at 1pm in the lobby of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about
these offers. We recommend that you do not purchase packages from street vendors as they are
not always 100 percent reliable. They also may charge you more than what they say. Please take
my advice and allow Suntan tours to book all of your day trips and activities while you are here.
[Offering advice]
If you need to exchange your dollars into pesos, please use a bank or money exchange. We don't
recommend exchanging your money at the hotel because you won't get a fair rate. Some
restaurants will accept American or Canadian money, but you are better off to exchange your
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money and pay with pesos. Or, if you prefer, you can always use your credit cards. Also, if you
want to get around the city, or travel to Cabos San Lucas, we recommend that you take the local
bus rather than a taxi. The bus costs about one American dollar, and the driver can give you
change if you don't have the exact amount. If you do decide to take a taxi make sure that you
negotiate a price before you go.
[Closing remarks]
We're going to be pulling up to the hotel in just a few minutes. Please sit back and enjoy the view
of the ocean on the left hand side of the bus as we enter the city. I ask that you remain in your
seats until we have come to a complete stop. Javier will be meeting us at the bus to help you with
your bags. Please double check to make sure your bag has been taken off the bus. On behalf of
Suntan Tours, have a wonderful vacation in San Jose and I hope to see you tomorrow at the
information session.

1. What does the tour guide say is illegal in Los Cabos?

2. What advice does the tour guide give about transportation?

3. Where are tourists recommended to exchange their money?

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